Denis Stukal, Sergey Sanovich, Richard Bonneau, Joshua A. Tucker

Bots for Autocrats:

How Pro-Government Bots Fight Opposition in


Abundant anecdotal evidence suggests that non-democracies employ new digital technolo- gies known as social media bots to facilitate policy goals both domestically and abroad. However, few previous attempts have been made to systematically analyze the strategies behind the political use of bots. This paper seeks to fill this gap by developing two al- ternative frameworks – referred to as the offline demobilization and online agenda control frameworks – for theorizing about the role of bots in non-democratic regimes. We test various empirical implications of these two frameworks using a large collection of Twitter data generated by Russian pro-government bots in response to offline and online Rus- sian domestic opposition activities. We show that although predictions generated from both frameworks receive empirical support, there is more evidence consistent with the online agenda control framework. These results have implications for the theories of state and employed by modern non-democratic regimes.

1 Introduction

The proliferation of social media  counter to the initial projection that it would usher in

democratization across the globe (Diamond 2010; Tufekci and Wilson 2012)  has recently

become a key ingredient in technological innovations that expand autocrats’ toolkits. Social

media can be used to facilitate domestic and international goals alike by providing autocrats

with platforms to monitor popular attitudes towards a plethora of issues, interfere in public

discussions at scale, reach out to diverse groups of the population with promises, perks, or

1 threats, collect information about dissidents, or sow discord and uncertainty among opponents inside and outside the country (Lorentzen 2014; Gunitsky 2015; Tucker et al. 2017; Deibert

2019; Feldstein 2019). Here we investigate another way modern non-democracies employ social media to secure regime survival by analyzing how one competitive authoritarian regime,

Russia, uses new artificial intelligence technologies (social media bots) to respond to both offline and online opposition activities.

Although social media trolls and bots are a new phenomena in politics, they have recently gained increasing scholarly attention (Bolsover and Howard 2017; King, Pan, and Roberts

2017; Stukal et al. 2017; Tucker et al. 2017; Sanovich, Stukal, and Tucker 2018; Wooley

2019), especially due to mounting evidence suggesting that the Russian government has em- ployed them in pursuit of foreign policy goals (Leonnig, Hamburger, and Helderman 2017;

Shane 2017). Previous research has also shown that human trolls can be employed to spread discord (Phillips 2015; Linvill et al. 2019), cause distrust in the political system of auto- crats’ international opponents (Badawi, Lerman, and Ferrara 2018), spread deceptive content

(Lou, Flammini, and Menczer 2019), or disseminate disinformation of various kinds (Starbird

2019; Shao et al. 2018). Paid human trolls can also be used for domestic purposes in non- democratic regimes, for example for spreading positive sentiment towards the regime (King,

Pan, and Roberts 2017) or diverting critical online discussions away from politically charged issues (Sobolev 2018).

However, academic research on the ways authoritarian regimes use social media bots, de-

fined as algorithmically controlled social media accounts, in the context of domestic politics is scarce. This is perhaps due to a lack of data about bots, which is in turn due to numerous challenges that arise when identifying bots, quantifying their behavior, and collecting very large relevant social media datasets. To mitigate this problem, previous research has mostly relied on publicly available general-purpose algorithms for detecting bots. This research has shown that bots can be used to promote human-generated political content (Stella, Ferrara, and Domenico 2018) and are even capable of occupying a central role in online political dis- cussions (Schuchard et al. 2019). Anecdotal evidence suggests that bots are employed to

2 instill doubts about mainstream interpretations of political events or spread conspiracy the- ories (Kitzie, Karami, and Mohammadi 2018). Other scholarship has focused on evaluating the effect of bots on online network characteristics (Ghosh et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2016) or revealing specific strategies employed to manipulate social media algorithms (Benigni, Joseph, and Carley 2019). An alternative strategy of detecting bots has been to develop technolo- gies based on new machine learning algorithms (Chavoshi, Hamooni, and Mueen 2016; Davis et al. 2016; Stukal et al. 2017), although this body of research has been published outside of political science and has been largely disconnected from political science theories.

Here, we take the research on the political use of social media bots in authoritarian regimes a step further. We build on diverse strands of research about movements and au- thoritarian politics and theorize about the different ways in which political actors in a non- democratic regime can use social media bots to prevent, suppress, or react to offline and online opposition activities. We choose to focus on the political strategies behind the use of bots in non-democratic regimes due to the complex and non-linear effects that social media can have on mass political and other types of political instability in authoritarian regimes.

Periods of instability, or those leading to instability, are arguably the times when social me- dia platforms can either facilitate activists’ access to broadcasting technologies (Rohlinger and Corrigall-Brown 2019) or enable the government to manipulate public perception of the factors that are known to matter for protest mobilization, including grievances (Walsh 1981;

Gurney and Tierney 1982; Opp 1988; Klandermans 1997; Van Stekelenburg, Klandermans, and Walgrave 2019), group (Bandura 1997) political efficacy (Finkel 1985; Wallace, Zepeda-

Millan, and Jones-Correa 2014), emotions (Jasper and Poulsen 1995; Halfmann and Young

2010), social esteem (McClendon 2014), or an individual’s cost-benefit calculus (Olson 1965;

Hardin 1982; Oliver 1993). When this type of manipulation happens during or on the eve of protest rallies, it can be aimed at managing the information environment and preventing rallies from growing. Alternatively, manipulation can seek to exercise online agenda control

(McCombs 2014) in order to prevent the opposition from taking the initiative and dominating online political communications. What these two strategies have in common is that today

3 governments can pursue both of them through the use of automated bots, which remains an understudied topic in political science.

To close this gap in the literature, we develop theory-based predictions about the political strategies behind the use of bots to counter domestic opposition in Russia and empirically test these predictions with a large collection of data on the activity of Russian Twitter bots from

2014 – 2018. We argue that not only government agencies, but also non-government actors, can deploy pro-government bots for policy and agency reasons. In both cases, the deployed bots can be focused on either demobilizing opposition supporters offline or exercising online agenda control. We develop observable implications of these two alternatives and empirically show that even though pro-government bots are involved in both types of activities, the ones we are able to identify are primarily employed as an online agenda control tool.

We make two novel contributions to research on non-democratic regimes. First, we bridge the gap between scholarship from the field of computer science on bot detection and research in political science on authoritarian politics by developing substantive theoretical predictions about the activity of social media bots in Russia and empirically testing these predictions by applying modern machine learning and statistical methodologies. Second, we reverse-engineer the use of social media bots in a comparative authoritarian setting and identify specific political strategies that can be pursued with the use of bots, thereby shedding new light on the political use of social media for strengthening non-democratic regimes.

In Section2, we provide some background information about Russian Twitter bots and give examples of their use. We then present a theoretical framework for analyzing the use of bots in times of increased opposition activity in non-democratic settings in Section3. We describe data collection and our methodology in Section4, and present empirical results in the following section. Finally, we conclude in Section6 by linking our findings to a broader body of literature on disinformation and outlining areas for further research.

4 2 Russian Twitter Bots

In this section, we provide some background information about the activity of Twitter bots in Russia by focusing on two questions: What is a Twitter bot? And who could be interested in deploying Twitter bots in contemporary Russia? Readers who are interested in a deeper understanding of the technological details of bot activity or illustrative examples of tweets posted by pro-government bots are referred to AppendicesB andC.

2.1 What is a Twitter bot?

We define Twitter bots as algorithmically controlled accounts that can automatically perform a variety of actions including posting, retweeting, liking, responding, etc. In spite of this simple definition, bots represent a very diverse type of social media accounts. In some trivial cases, a bot can be as simple as a small script that redirects updates from a website to someone’s

Twitter page. In more sophisticated cases, bots can fully control a Twitter account and even communicate with other social media users (Freitas et al. 2015), thus resembling chatbots or recomender systems one could encounter when interacting with a large company online. Here, we focus on the latter case of the more sophisticated computer programs that are capable of maintaining Twitter activity without a continuing intervention by a human operator. Figure

1 shows an example of such a Twitter bot that adopted the old Russian male name Yermolay as its screen name.

Yermolay, for example, is a bot that is not hard to identify for a number of reasons. First, this account has posted over 12, 000 tweets, but there are only six other Twitter users who follow its tweets. Second, this account does not have a user picture and employs the default silhouette image instead, which is a common sign of a bot (Nimmo 2017). Additionally, the bio section for this account does not contain any meaningful information and is merely a code snippet. Finally, the tweets posted by this account resemble news headlines, another behavior typical of bots (Sanovich, Stukal, and Tucker 2018).

5 Figure 1: Russian Twitter Bot “Yermolay”

2.2 Why deploy bots in Russia?

In recent years, fake social media accounts similar to Yermolay have gained growing popularity in Russia. Bots stand out in the repertoire of digital information manipulation tools for a number of reasons. They are hard to trace, as – unlike humans (who need to work from a specific location, which facilitates tracking their IP addresses and linking them to certain organizations like the Internet Research Agency) – bots can be deployed anywhere, including cloud computing environments, IP cameras or digital video recorders (Boulton 2015; Kumar and Lim 2020). This feature makes bots specifically suitable for covert online operations aimed at affecting public opinion. Bots are also automated tools that can be deployed at scale

(Hegelich and Janetzko 2016), which makes them particularly useful for specific tasks including imitating regime support by ordinary citizens or manipulating social media and search engine algorithms in order to promote specific content online. Lastly, bots are relatively cheap to employ. Unlike paid human trolls – another novel tool available to autocrats in the digital era – bots typically involve minimal human intervention and do not require salary or overtime payments. Bots are pieces of software that can run online for indefinite periods of time (until

6 they are detected and shut down by the platforms on which they operate, or by their creators) without requiring additional resources besides the initial production costs (Agarwal 2017;

Pickell 2018).

The ease of bot deployment partially explains the utility of bots and their observed wide use in autocratic regimes. Although our knowledge of government-sponsored bot deployment initiatives is generally scarce, previous research was relatively successful in identifying the use of bots by Russian authorities at the regional level. In particular, it has been revealed that most regional governors in Russia have official Instagram accounts followed by large numbers of bots, accounting for anywhere from 13% to 63% of governors’ followers (Current Policy 2019).

The underlying motivation for making bots follow governors’ accounts remains unknown, but anecdotal evidence suggests two potential explanations.

First, the deployment of bots can be motivated by policy-related concerns. A recent exam- ple comes from , where the regional government employed fake social media accounts supporting a controversial housing reconstruction program on the eve of the 2018 Moscow mayoral election (Chizhova 2017). Abundant evidence also suggests that pro-government bots were employed during the 2019 regional governor elections to promote positive sentiment to- wards incumbent candidates in a number of Russian regions (Davidov 2019).

There are also multiple agency-related reasons for deploying pro-government bots. On the one hand, the Kremlin has required regional governors to pay more attention to their social media activity and has advised them to create regional government departments focused on managing political communication in social media (Antonova 2018). On the other, public employees at these departments often lack the necessary skills for effective social media com- munication and rely on bots to artificially inflate relevant activity indicators. Agency-related considerations are arguably also involved in the use of bots in the interests of other levels of the Russian government. Politicians and businessmen can deploy pro-regime bots in an effort to signal loyalty or develop stronger ties to the regime, which can result in extra perks and easier access to public resources (Pertsev 2019).

Our analysis in this article remains largely agnostic about specific actors coordinating or

7 funding the bots and bot-nets we analyze, the only assumption being that those actors are interested in maximizing the intended effects of bots on other Twitter users, either for policy- related reasons or due to agency considerations. In the next section, we develop two different but related theoretical frameworks for conceptualizing the political logic behind the use of pro-government Twitter bots by autocratic regimes in their own country’s domestic politics.

We focus on bots’ response to increases in offline or online opposition activity, because these periods provide bot managers with a good opportunity to signal loyalty to the regime or justify potential funding requests. Additionally, this focus allows us to link different strands of literature from the fields of comparative politics and political communication to explain a novel phenomenon in the modern politics of authoritarian regimes.

3 Theory and Hypotheses

Tension between incumbents and the opposition is a – if not the – key component of domestic politics in competitive authoritarian regimes, whose survival largely depends on the regime’s ability to manage the informational environment (Guriev and Treisman 2019) and maintain the widespread belief in low numbers of opposition supporters (Kuran 1991; Lohmann 1994), their lack of coordination (Kuran and Romero 2019), and the high expected costs of engagement in rebel activities (Rubin 2014). These goals are often achieved by silencing adverse information and emphasizing positive agendas (Roberts 2018), or selectively attributing good and bad news to the government and other actors, respectively (Rozenas and Stukal 2019). The effectiveness of these techniques, however, is questionable in times of large-scale collective actions that not only can pose an immediate threat to political elites, but also send broad communities strong anti-regime signals, thereby creating and popularizing alternative public agendas. Collective actions or their preparations organized by opposition leaders can therefore motivate non- democratic regimes to mobilize extra resources and demonstrate the full potential of their propaganda tools in mass and social media.

In addition, these are also the times that can provide the managers of social media bots, who are not necessarily affiliated with the government, with a good opportunity to signal

8 their loyalty to the regime. They could also use this opportunity to justify the need for further funding and access to government resources by deploying their networks of social media bots at full scale. Given these considerations and the growing political science literature on the online aspects of offline political mobilization (Sullivan 2016; Steinert-Threlkeld 2017; Ayta¸c,

Schiumerini, and Stokes 2018), we focus on analyzing the political strategies behind the use of pro-government bots in times of both offline and online opposition mobilization in order to study the differential response of bots to these two types of events.

Theoretically, bot responses can be conceptualized in terms of their attempts to change the cost-benefit analysis of a potential opposition supporter weighing the costs and benefits of taking actions in support of the opposition in a competitive authoritarian environment

(Kuran 1991; Oliver 1993). One way to push citizens away from getting involved in opposition initiatives is to increase the actual costs of staying informed about opposition activities and plans for collective action. In some countries, including China, this is achieved by large- scale that makes it harder for ordinary people to get actual access to off-limits information (King, Pan, and Roberts 2017). However, censorship is not the only tool available to non-democratic regimes. An alternative technique is to increase – rather than decrease via censorship – the volume of available information (Roberts 2018). Swamping news consumers with massive flows of irrelevant information can make it harder and more time-consuming to

find anti-regime news.

Alternatively, bots might seek to change the public perception of regime popularity. Under an unpopular government, even a small disorganized rally can stir up popular grievances and spark a cascade of large-scale protests capable of overthrowing the regime. However, these expectations can be very different when there is a widespread belief that the regime enjoys high levels of popular support. Attempting to make the regime and its leaders look stronger and more popular is therefore one way bots could impact the expected costs and benefits of supporting the opposition.

Another way for bots to affect the perceived costs of joining opposition activities online or offline is to act as automated trolls that publicly harass and threaten opposition activists,

9 thereby raising additional concerns about the physical security and potential future persecution of opposition supporters. Even though one could argue that actual human trolls might be more effective in arguing with activists and emphasizing weaknesses in their agenda, automated bot accounts could be better at inducing fear via posting a slew of threats to opposition leaders or slandering them at scale (for example, by publicizing comprising information hacked from their email accounts (Sanovich 2018)).

Taken together, the goals of decreasing the expected benefits and increasing the expected costs of getting involved in offline or online opposition activities shape the space of possible political strategies available to pro-government bots.

3.1 Observable implications and hypotheses

In this paper, we focus on four observable implications for bot behavior during offline protests and increased online opposition activity that we derive from our theoretical cost-benefit anal- ysis framework.

One potential strategy that bots can employ is to de-emphasize the protest-related agenda by distracting social media users and augmenting informational noise in their social media feeds. As a result of this strategy, if bots are activated – for whatever reason – in times of street protests or online opposition mobilization, then the volume of content posted by pro- government bots should go up in these periods of time. We refer to this generic observable implication as the volume implication.

Another observable implication of the same strategy is to amplify a more diverse set of news. Some of the news might be positive for the regime, others could be neutral or negative but unrelated to the cause of the protest. The goal is to distract social media users, expose them to an information environment that is rich in events, and make it harder for them to focus on the protest-related agenda (Munger et al. 2018). We thereby expect bots to increase in the diversity of the accounts they retweet as a response to offline or online opposition mobilization, which we refer to as retweet diversity.

Another possible strategy to decrease opposition supporters’ expected benefits is to pro-

10 gram bots to adopt the tactics similar to what paid human trolls do in China. As King, Pan, and Roberts (2017) show, Chinese trolls act as cheerleaders that express positive sentiment about government activities. In the case of bots, which are not human beings, but can post pre-programmed content automatically and on a large scale, we expect another type of cheer- leading. More specifically, we expect bots to engage in information dissemination campaigns for spreading positive information about the autocrat. We refer to this response as cheerlead- ing and measure it with the number of tweets that pro-government bots post about Vladimir

Putin on a given day.

Finally, the automated trolling and harassment of opposition leaders constitutes an alterna- tive strategy aimed at increasing the expected costs of supporting opposition. We measure the use of this strategy, referred to as negative campaigning, with the number of pro-government bot-produced tweets that mention Alexey Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader, who is also known for his charisma and ability to bring large numbers of protesters to the streets (Nechepurenko 2018).

These four observable implications provide us a set of hypotheses that can be tested em- pirically to both shed light on the logic behind the use of bots in domestic politics in modern non-democratic regimes and contrast the use of bots during mass street protests and their deployment as a response to opposition mobilization online. Are bots primarily used as yet another tool to demobilize citizens in times when opposition is trying to bring people onto the streets, or are they mainly employed as an online agenda control, or gatekeeping, mechanism

(McCombs and Shaw 1972) tailored to regulating information flows on social media?

In Table1, we concisely summarize our hypotheses that are drawn from the two different

– but not necessarily exclusive – theoretical frameworks for explaining the use of pro-regime political bots in comparative authoritarian regimes. The first is that bots are used in the interest of offline demobilization, that is to reduce participation in offline protests. The second is that bots are used to control the online agenda, which we refer to as the online agenda control framework, and therefore will be mobilized in response to opposition online activity.1 These

1Theoretically, there is no reason these two activities – increases in opposition online activity and offline protests – could not happen simultaneously, but, as we will illustrate in section5, in most cases they do not

11 two theoretical perspectives do not differ in the hypothesized tactics that will be used by pro- government bots, but only in the events (offline protest vs. online activity) that will trigger the use of these bots. Thus, in Table1, the four observable implications that start with H1

(H1a, H1b, H1c, and H1d) are derived from the offline demobilization theoretical framework, while the four implications that start with H2 (H2a, H2b, H2c, and H2d) are the predicted empirical observations from the online agenda control framework.

4 Data and Methods

To conduct our analysis, we rely on approximately 32 million tweets about Russian politics in

Russian that we collected via the Twitter Streaming API using a list of keywords related to different aspects of Russian politics (see AppendixA for further details on data collection).

These tweets were posted in 2015 – 2018 by about 1.4 million Twitter users utilizing the

Russian-language Twitter account interface. As Twitter does not automatically label users as humans or bots, our first task was to identify bots in our collection.

4.1 Detecting bots

As social media bots are gaining a growing attention in the social sciences, tools for detecting them are continually developing.2 Most existing research relies on publicly available general- purpose software like Botometer (Stieglitz et al. 2017; Heredia, Prusa, and Khoshgoftaar

2018; Vosoughi, Roy, and Aral 2018) or DeBot (Bello, Heckel, and Minku 2018; Schuchard et al. 2019) that are not tailored to the specific contexts under study here. This is particularly problematic, as bots can exhibit dramatic differences in patterns across national borders, time periods, and campaigns (Uyheng and Carley 2019). Additionally, the use of general strategies like Botometer or DeBot does not allow researchers to retrospectively analyze historical data as implemented – both approaches rely on a real time call to the Twitter API, which attempts to assess the bot vs. human status of the account at the time of the study. For many studies coincide. 2It is interesting to note that, given that bots (and broader strategies involving unauthorized bots) need to evade detection, these tools may necessarily perpetually remain in development.

12 Table 1: Summary of hypotheses.

Observable implications Hypotheses H1a: Prior to and during offline political protests, pro-government bots will post more tweets as com- a) Volume pared to days with no protests.

H2a: Following spikes in online opposition activity, pro-government bots will post more tweets as com- pared to days with no opposition spikes. H1b: Prior to and during offline political protests, pro-government bots will retweet a wider range of ac- b) Retweet diversity counts as compared to days with no protests.

H2b: Following spikes in online opposition activity, pro-government bots will retweet a wider range of ac- counts as compared to days with no opposition spikes. H1c: Prior to and during offline political protests, pro-government bots will post more tweets about the c) Cheerleading autocrat as compared to days with no protests.

H2c: Following spikes in online opposition activ- ity, pro-government bots will post more tweets about the autocrat as compared to days with no opposition spikes. H1d: Prior to and during offline political protests, pro-government bots will more often mention the op- d) Negative campaigning position leader as compared to days with no protests.

H2d: Following spikes in online opposition activity, pro-government bots will more often mention the op- position leader as compared to days with no opposition spikes. Note: The observable implications that start with H1 (H1a, H1b, H1c, and H1d) together make up the tests of the offline demobilization theoretical framework, whereas the implications that start with H2 (H2a, H2b, H2c, and H2d) make up the tests of the online agenda control framework. we need to classify bots at the time of the account activity in question – which is of course crucial for many research tasks in the social sciences.3

Another approach involves researchers using leaked lists of bots, as previously done when

3To give an example, for this particular study, were we to use one of these programs in our analysis in the summer of 2019, we would get an estimate of the bot’s status as of the summer of 2019. Here, for example, the activity we need to measure took place years ago; and across many studies it is the case that relevant accounts may have in the interim been deleted, banned by Twitter, or repurposed in the intervening years.

13 studying paid human trolls (Sobolev 2018). However, this technique requires both the existence of such a leak, as well as for the researcher to be sufficiently confident in the veracity of the leaked list.

In order to avoid the concerns with the aforementioned approaches and to enable better quantification of error, we make use of a tool that is designed specifically for detecting bots on the Russian political Twitter and shows high out-of-sample performance (Stukal et al. 2017).

This approach to bot detection relies on a machine learning algorithm that is trained on human-labeled data of Russian Twitter accounts and enables researchers to scale up human coding of Russian bots through training an ensemble of supervised classifiers. This method can also be trained and implemented for distinct time periods as needed, and if retrospective training data is available.

More specifically, this bot detection algorithm involves 3 main steps. First, it takes 10 random samples of the accounts that were annotated by a group of trained human coders who labeled the accounts as bots or humans. Then, for each of the sampled subsets of the data, it uses a variety of features measured at the account level to predict the assigned labels via training four different supervised classifiers (a ridge-penalized logistic regression, a support vector machine, an extreme gradient boosted tree, and an adaptive boosting binary classifier).

Second, it uses the unanimous voting rule to aggregate the results of the four classifiers for each subset of the data. And third, it aggregates the results across all the subsets by applying the majority voting rule. As discussed in much more detail in Stukal et al. (2017), the architecture of this bot detection tool is specifically designed to maximize precision over recall, i.e. to minimize the probability that a human account would be predicted to be a bot (for more details, please refer to AppendixD). From a substantive perspective, this implies that we might miss some of the most sophisticated bots in this study, especially the ones that could deceive human coders. On the other hand, this conservative approach ensures that the activity we analyze in this article is in fact automated and our findings properly characterize the usage of a large set of bots in Russia and thereby shed new light on the information manipulation strategies available to modern non-democratic regimes.

14 4.2 Measuring the political orientation of bots

Identifying Russian Twitter bots is not sufficient for studying the strategies of their deployment in the interests of the government, in that previous research has shown that pro-government bots are not the only type of Twitter bots that are active in Russia. In fact, according to

Stukal et al. (2019b), only 27% of bots operating in Russian political Twitter during this time period were pro-government; the remaining 73% were either neutral (49%), or appeared to be friendly to regime opponents (24%).

For this reason, we moved beyond mere bot detection and employed another tool specif- ically designed to measure Russian bots’ political orientation via a multi-layer feed forward neural network (for details on this classifier, please refer to AppendixE). This orientation clas- sifier reportedly shows high performance in separating pro-government and anti-government bots (Stukal et al. 2019a). As our primary interest lies in understanding how Russian pro- government actors use bots during periods of increased opposition activity (either offline or online), we focus on 1, 516 pro-government Twitter bots (with over one million tweets in our collection in total) detected with high confidence in Stukal et al. (2019a). Although this is only a subset of all the detected pro-government bots in Russia, we focus on these accounts, as we are confident that they are bots tweeting pro-Kremlin messages on the one hand, and believe that this set is large enough to inform us about patters of bot activity on the other.

4.3 Identifying offline protests

Since 2011, when the largest political protests in Russia under Putin started, there have been a number of important and prolific academic efforts to track and describe Russian protests

(Robertson 2011; Greene 2014; Lankina and Voznaya 2015; Volkov 2015; Gabowitsch 2016;

Lankina and Tertytchnaya 2019). However, studying protest in almost real time is still a challenging research task that requires real-time data analytics and automated event detection technologies that are still open areas of research in computer science (Hasan, Orgun, and

Schwitter 2018). We make use of the database of the Integrated Crisis Early Warning System

(ICEWS) project that automatically extracts information about events from news articles

15 based on the pattern “who did what to whom, when, and where” (Boschee et al. 2015). Different types of events have different codes in the database, including a variety of codes for subtypes of protests, which allows researchers to extract potential protest-related data for different countries without substantial time gaps. We extract information on all protests in Russia in

2015–2018 from the ICEWS database and manually validate the results by searching for any mentions of protest events on a given date in Russian and English-language . We also augment the ICEWS database with additional protest events that it happened to miss.

Finally, we restrict our attention to protests with at least 1, 000 participants, as we believe these are large enough events for which the Russian government would be motivated to take online action against. The full list of protest rallies in Russia we use in this paper is reported in AppendixH.

A potential limitation of the ICEWS data is its reliance on media reports. This might be problematic for studying protest in government-controlled media systems like Russia, as media might be required to under-report political protests. In order to address this concern, we conduct a set of robustness checks using an augmented data set that includes both the

ICEWS data and data from Lankina and Tertytchnaya (2019) and find substantively similar results (see AppendixI).

4.4 Identifying spikes in online opposition activity

To identify periods of increased online opposition activity, we count the total number of tweets that prominent opposition leaders or related organizations posted on their Twitter accounts.

Specifically, we collected data on 15 Twitter accounts that belong to activists, independent journalists, or mass media with extensive and benevolent coverage of the Russian opposition


To identify spikes, we use a robust measure that compares daily numbers of tweets from these 15 accounts to the respective median over a two-month period. More specifically, we define a spike as a day with at least five times as many tweets from opposition accounts as they posted on a median day a month before and after that day. This measurement instrument

16 identifies 24 days with peaks in the opposition tweeting activity. As shown in Figure 12 in

AppendixG, only two of these peaks coincide with days of offline protests.

Table 2: Opposition and independent journalists

Name Comment Yevgenia Chirikova Opposition activist Mikhail Khodorkovsky Opposition activist Maxim Katz Opposition activist Alexey Navalny Opposition activist Boris Nemtsov Opposition activist (killed on Nov 27, 2015) Lyubov Sobol Opposition activist Sergei Udaltsov Opposition activist Opposition activist Rustem Adagamov Independent blogger Aleksandr Plyushchev Independent journalist Ilya Varlamov Independent journalist/blogger Alexey Venediktov Independent journalist Dozhd (TV Rain) Independent mass media MBKh Media Mass media (2 Twitter accounts)

4.5 Measuring effects

To measure the effect of protest rallies and spikes in opposition activity on bot strategies, we use maximum likelihood to estimate a hierarchical varying-intercept varying-slope nega- tive binomial regression model with the following parameterization of the conditional mean function:

E(Yit|Dt, γm[t]) = exp(β0i + β1i × Dt + γm[t]), where Yit is a count variable for the number of tweets pro-government bot i posted on day t;

Dt is a binary independent variable that equals 1 if there is a street protest or a spike in the online opposition activity on day t; γm[t] are month-year fixed effects. For the ease of interpretation, we focus on SAPD, simulated average predictive differences

(Gelman and Hill 2007, Chapter 5.7), defined as follows.

17 S M I 1 X 1 X X  (s) (s)  SAP D = (Yit|Dt = 1, γ , βb ) − (Yit|Dt = 0, γ , βb ) , (1) S M × I E m[t] E m[t] s=1 m=1 i=1 where I is the total number of pro-government bots, M is the total number of year-months, s is the index for a simulated coefficient vector and S is the total number of simulations.

SAPD is a discrete analogue of the simulated average marginal effects that shows the average change in the expected value of the dependent variable as the value of a binary inde- pendent variable shifts from zero to one. We make 1,000 draws from the sampling distribution of coefficient estimators (S = 1000). Then, for each simulated coefficient vector, each pro- government bot, and each year-month, we compute the difference in the expected values of the dependent variable if there is a protest or online spike on a given day or if there is none; and we average these differences across bots and month-years. Finally, we average the computed average differences over all simulated coefficients.

4.6 Causality

The causal attribution of the observed SAPD to protest rallies or spikes in online opposition activity requires making certain assumptions. First, it requires that bots could change their behavior as a result of an intervention (e.g. via an intervention of a bot manager). We call this the manipulability assumption. This assumption would be violated if bots were pre- programmed to exhibit no temporal volatility. In that case, their tweeting activity would be constant over time. Our tweet volume dimension provides a simple test for this assumption, as it shows whether bots change the intensity of their tweeting during specific events.

Another assumption needed to causally interpret SAPD requires that the effect of protest rallies or peaks in online activity would be separable from the effects of other events on the ground. We refer to this as the identifiability assumption. Although it is challenging to fully verify this assumption, we address the issue in AppendixG by applying a structural topic model to the texts of the tweets and identifying topics that stand out as prevalent on days of offline protests and show that all these topics are related to protests or protest causes. This

18 finding supports the validity of the identifiability assumption.

In addition, we show on Figure 12 in AppendixG that the effects of street protests are separable from the effects of spikes in the online activity of the Russian opposition, as only two of these spikes overlap with street protests.

5 Results

We report the results for the offline demobilization and online agenda control hypotheses on each dimension separately. First, these dimensions refer to different strategies that could be employed for different purposes. Hence, juxtaposing empirical evidence for each hypothesis dimension-wise can provide additional insights about the potential motivation driving bot managers.

Since the offline demobilization hypothesis implies bot activation either during or before protests without providing any further guidance about proper lag size, we address the lag issue empirically and consider cumulative lags from 0 to 3. Lag 0 means that the protest dummy equals one only for protest days, whereas for lag k (0 < k ≤ 3), the protest dummy equals one both for the day of the protest and for k previous days.

Unlike scheduled protests, the spikes in the online activity of the Russian opposition leaders are hard to anticipate. Hence, there are few theoretical grounds to expect this type of antici- pation from pro-government bots, which is why we choose not to report any lagged effects for the online hypothesis.

Finally, in order to provide a benchmark to which we can compare our findings, we also report the results for 10 placebo days randomly selected from outside of the 6-day periods around the actually observed protest days.

5.1 Volume dimension

We start assessing the empirical support for the offline demobilization and online agenda control hypotheses by testing them along the volume dimension (H1a and H2a in Table1).

Figure2 summarizes the results for the volume dimension with the 95% confidence intervals

19 for SAPD. Figure 2: Volume of tweets: Effect size

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

online spikes ●

10 placebo days ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Number of tweets

As one can see from Figure2, both hypotheses receive empirical support, as pro-government bots increase their tweeting activity before or during street protests and on days of increased online opposition activity. However, the latter effect is twice as strong as the former.

Interestingly, the offline demobilization hypothesis effect on the volume dimension drops significantly two days before protests. To put it differently, pro-government bots post more tweets not only on protest days, but also prior to scheduled protests, and this effect starts to be especially pronounced one day before a scheduled protest.

5.2 Retweet diversity dimension

On the retweet diversity dimension (H1b and H2b in Table1), both the offline demobilization and online agenda control hypotheses predict that pro-government bots will retweet a wider range of accounts during specific days, which corresponds to what Roberts (2018) refers to as the “flooding” strategy. Figure3 presents the findings with a 95% simulated confidence interval for SAPD.

As one can see from Figure3, pro-government bots do indeed employ the flooding strategy and increase the diversity of the retweeted sources on protest days and days with high online

20 Figure 3: Retweet diversity: Effect size

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

online spikes ●

10 placebo days ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Number of retweeted sources opposition activity. Again though, the effect is more pronounced for the online agenda control hypothesis and is almost twice as large as the offline demobilization effect.

5.3 Cheerleading dimension

Figure4 reports the results for the cheerleading dimension (H1c and H2c in Table1). Contrary to our expectations, pro-government bots do not systematically increase their tweeting about the Russian president during mass political protests. Instead, the expected number of tweets that mention is smaller on protest days than on days without a protest.

As for days of high online activity of opposition leaders, we find a statistically significant effect in the predicted direction. In other words, pro-government bots indeed tweet more about

President Putin of Russia on these days.

5.4 Negative campaigning dimension

Finally, we model the dependent variable that equals the number of tweets posted by pro- government bots mentioning Alexey Navalny (H1d and H2d in Table1). Since the pro- government bots studied in this article include the most explicitly partisan automated ac- counts, we assume that all of their mentions of Navalny are critical. We focus on Alexey

21 Figure 4: Cheerleading: Effect size

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

online spikes ●

10 placebo days ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Mentions of Putin

Navalny, as he is not only a prominent Russian opposition leader, but is also known for his charisma and ability to bring large numbers of protesters to the streets (Nechepurenko 2018).

Figure 5: Negative campaigning: Effect size

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

online spikes ●

10 placebo days ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Mentions of opposition leader

As Figure5 shows, the negative campaigning dimension is the only aspect of bot activity considered here that shows strong empirical support for the offline demobilization hypothesis and little support for online agenda control. The effect decays in the size of the lags, thereby

22 suggesting that pro-government bots might follow the example set by pro-government media and avoid mentioning the opposition leader outside of a protest context.

Although our empirical finding on the negative campaigning dimension is in line with the prediction we made in Table1, the small effect size suggests that remaining silent about a key opposition leader might be a better agenda control strategy than launching negative campaigns against him. Priming Twitter users about Alexey Navalny could stir up their interest in him, which is exactly what pro-government actors would want to avoid.

6 Conclusion

Although there has been growing anecdotal evidence that non-democracies use social media bots for a variety of different purposes, no previous attempts have been made to systematically analyze the strategies behind the political use of bots on a large scale. In this article, we seek to fill this gap by building on two distinct strands of literature in the areas of political behavior and political communication to develop and empirically test hypotheses about the strategic deployment of Twitter bots for fighting Russian domestic opposition. One hypothesis views bots as a tool to respond to opposition activity on the ground and demobilize Twitter users from joining street protests, whereas the other conceptualizes the role of bots in the Russian domestic politics as algorithms designed to react to online information flows in order to control the online public agenda.

Empirically, we make use of a large collection of Russian-language Twitter data and apply bot detection tools that were specifically designed to study Russian Twitter bots. We find support for both hypotheses, as pro-government Twitter bots increase their activity on or prior to protest days and during increased online opposition activity. However, the effect for the latter is substantially stronger than for the former on all dimensions of bot behavior, except the one related to the negative campaigning strategy. It is during offline protests when negative campaigning against Russian opposition is employed more, whereas bots would be restrained from mentioning opposition leaders on other occasions.

These results show that social media bots constitute a sort of “universal soldiers” that

23 can be activated for various purposes and in a variety of situations. They are however by no means the only digital tool non-democratic regimes can use against domestic and interna- tional rivals. Disinformation campaigns involving coordinated human activity (King, Pan, and

Roberts 2017; Sobolev 2018; Varol et al. 2017), denial-of-service (DoS) attacks (Lutscher et al. 2019), special regulations on Internet service providers in order to block or remove online content (Deibert and Rohozinski 2010; King, Pan, and Roberts 2013) – among other tech- niques employed to increase what Roberts (2018) dubbed as fear, friction, and flooding – are other tools that can complement or substitute the deployment of social media bots. Although very little is known to date about the specific factors that drive autocrats’ choice of digital tools, bots – as we argue in this paper – are an easy-to-use and cheap technology that can be deployed not only down the chain of command inside the bureaucratic hierarchy, but also in a decentralized manner by a plethora of rent-seeking agents.

Further research is required at the intersection of political and computer science to better understand the effects of bots on how people perceive and evaluate information on social media (Edwards et al. 2014). Future scholarship should also advance our knowledge of the characteristics of bots that make them more or less appealing and trustworthy for different groups of the population (Freitas et al. 2015; Savvopoulos, Vikatos, and Benevenuto 2018).

This would help us to measure the effectiveness of bots and their future role in information manipulation and disinformation campaigns.


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35 Online Appendix

Appendix A Twitter Data Collection

We collected approximately 32 million tweets about Russian politics via the Twitter Streaming

API using the list of 86 keywords and hashtags shown below. This list uses transliteration. A

Cyrillic equivalent was used for all but italicized keywords.

Keywords: medvedev, dukhovniyeskrepy, putinvor, putinakh, pzhiv, Strategiya31, trium-

falnaya, bolotnaya, oppozicia, gorozhaneprotiv, surkovskayapropaganda, navalniy, zanavalnogo,

komandanavalnogo, suvkirove, PussyRiot, PussyRiot, tolokonnikova, narodniyskhod, sdnem-

pobedi, #sochi2014, #sochi, #putinsgames, #sochi, #vitishko, #schitaemvmeste, #sochi-

fail, #sochi2014problems, golodovka, MinutaNeMolchaniya, zhalkiy, puti, spasiboputinuzaeto,

priamayaliniya, partiyazhulikovivorov, edro, 6maya, sobyaninnashmer, marshmillionov, zach-

estniyevibory, bolotnoyedelo, 6may, svobodupolitzaklyuchennym, svoboduuznikam6maya, ro-

suznik, odinzavsekh, vsezaodnogo, rasserzhennye, chestniyevybory, udaltsov, vysurkovskayapro-

paganda, 37godvernulsya, DMP, privet37god, krovaviyrezhim, kirovles, tolokno, biryulevo,

khvatitkormitkavkaz, khvatitvinitkavkaz, russkiymarsh, Sochi2014, #olimpiada, maidan, maid-

aner, #Nemtsov, #olimpiyskayazachistka, #sochiproblems, Odessa, #Nemtsov, nemtsov, maid-

anutiy, savchenko, #FreeSavchenko, #Putinkiller, #PutinUmer, #MinutaNeMolchaniya, Su24,

Su-24, Su24, #samolet, #RussianJet, #ExpelTurkeyFromNATO, #Russianplane, #Erdogan,


1 Appendix B What can bots tweet about?

Although our data and methods do not allow us to identify the specific political actors that created each political bot, we are able to measure bots’ political orientation (see details in

Section4) and separate Twitter bots that post pro-Kremlin messages from other automated fake accounts. The pro-government Twitter bots that we are able to detect can engage in a number of different online activities. Tables3 and4 use bot-generated tweets from our collection to give examples of the types of posts made by Russian pro-government bots.

Table 3: Bots’ tweets: Negative campaigning against opposition.

Date Original tweet English Translation

RT USER: Когда RT USER: This is when the несменяемая оппозиция opposition with no turnover September проводит митинг против in its leadership rallies against 20, 2015 несменяемости власти. no turnover in the govern- LINK ment. LINK

Что для американцев – What Americans would call September оппозиция, то для русских – the opposition, Russians call 20, 2015 нац.предательство, начиная traitors to the nation, starting с Горбачёва... LINK with Gorbachev... LINK

RT USER: Навальный опять RT USER: Navalny is talk- рассказывает про жуликов ing crooks, thieves, and thugs September воров и бандитов... Лично я again. Personally, I am sick 20, 2015 уже устал от этой риторики, and tired of this talk, aren’t а вы? #Марьино LINK you? #Mar’yino LINK

Note: Retweeted personal accounts are masked with USER in compliance with Twitter’s terms of service. URL links embedded in tweets are masked. On September 20, 2015, opposition rallies for rotation of power (“against nonrotating government”) took place in Moscow in the Maryino district. Alexey Navalny is a prominent Russian opposition leader who has been active in organizing mass political protests.

First, as Table3 illustrates, pro-government bots can broadcast anti-opposition and anti- protest sentiment in an effort to impact public opinion. The first tweet from Table3 uses an unfavorable comparison (no turnover in opposition vs. no turnover in government) to discredit the protest cause. The second one capitalizes on the anti-American Russian nationalist senti-

2 ment that perceives the collapse of the Soviet Union as a national tragedy (Zevelev 2008) to portray opposition members as traitors. Finally, the third example expresses disappointment with the rhetoric of the Russian opposition in order to disengage people from the cause of a protest rally. This example also illustrates how bots can hijack protest-related hashtags.

In particular, the protest-related hashtag #Maryino (the protest rally location in Moscow) is used here to increase the visibility of an anti-protest tweet.

Table 4: Bots’ tweets: Cheerleading for the regime.

Date Original tweet English Translation

RT USER: Vladimir RT USER: Владимир Vladimirovich Putin is the Владимирович Путин Best President of our Great Лучший Президент Великой May 5, 2018 Country and the World! The России и Мира! Народ people of Russia have made России сделал свой выбор и their choice, and everything всё будет хорошо will be great

RT USER: А вы RT USER: Does Putin have поддерживаете Путина?! your support?! If yes, September Да – #Ретвит Нет – избр. #Retweet. If no – add to Fa- 20, 2015 #опрос #Путин #политика vorites. #poll #Putin #poli- LINK tics LINK

RT USER: Лайк и ретвит, RT USER: Like and retweet May 5, 2018 если #Путин – наш if #Putin is our president! президент! LINK LINK

Note: Retweeted personal accounts are masked with USER in compliance with Twitter’s terms of service. URL links embedded in tweets are masked. On September 20, 2015, opposition rallies for fair elections and rotation of power took place in Moscow. On May 5, 2018, a Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny organized anti-Putin rallies across the country under the “Putin is not our tsar.”

Another strategy pro-government bots might pursue involves cheerleading and expressing pro-government sentiment, similar to what has been observed from Chinese government trolls

(King, Pan, and Roberts 2017). Table4 shows examples of retweets that fall under this category. The first tweet in Table4 is an example of a bot broadcasting excitement about

Russian leaders. Although this tweet does not pretend to be an expression of a mass political

3 sentiment, it does carry strong positive emotions that can be transmitted to other Twitter users. The other two tweets pretend to be surveys that measure regime support as expressed via some online action (retweeting, liking, or adding to Favorites), and are clearly intended to add pro-government content to the Twittersphere.

4 Appendix C How Do Bots Operate?

As people do not often follow bots on Twitter, there are limited mechanisms by which the latter can influence real human users. One of them is through influencing search on Twitter.

A Twitter user who is interested in reading tweets about a particular topic can use the Twitter search panel to get a list of tweets that contain a search keyword and thereby be exposed to tweets posted by bots.

Another mechanism is via using hashtags that are employed to label the topic of a tweet and allow users to click on them to see other tweets with the same hashtag. As shown in

Tables3 and4, bots also tweet and retweet using hashtags, which exposes Twitter users to their activity.

The third mechanism is via coordinated campaigns targeting the list of trending topics that

Twitter shows its users. Although Twitter does not reveal the exact methodology behind the detection of trending topics, the platform states that this section is controlled by an algorithm identifying topics that are currently popular (FAQs 2019).

Finally, since the numbers of retweets and followers are often used by Twitter users as a heuristic to assess the importance of a particular message and the credibility or popularity of its author, bots could strategically follow and retweet certain users to affect how these are perceived by their human audiences.

Given these four ways bots can be used, the involvement of bots in cheerleading for the government can arguably suggest that pro-government bots might be targeting either regime supporters or the general audience with weak political preferences, as it is unlikely that regime opponents could change their preferences or leanings based on happy tweets about Vladimir

Putin. The negative campaigning strategy on the other hand might target both anti-regime activists and the broader audiences, especially in times when there are higher risks of the popular engagement in the activities of the opposition (e.g. during mass political protests).

5 Appendix D Detecting Russian Twitter bots

This section provides an overview of the bot detection tool developed in Stukal et al. (2017) and employed in this paper for identifying Russian Twitter bots. As we explain in Section4, this is a supervised classifier that is trained on human-annotated data of Russian Twitter accounts.

Figure6 summarizes the idea behind the classifier in a flowchart that can be described as a sequence of steps.

Figure 6: Bot detection workflow

First, tweets are aggregated on account level, so that Twitter accounts become the unit of analysis. A Twitter account is represented by a set of tweets with associated meta-data that includes the user name, bio description, the number of followers and friends, the total number of tweets posted, date of joining Twitter, etc.

On steps 2 through 4, a relatively small subset of these collected accounts is randomly selected for annotation by human coders who assign labels “bot” or “human” to each account.

Due to the difficulty of separating humans from bots, larger groups of human coders are desirable. The bot detection tool of Stukal et al. (2017) uses labeled accounts annotated by at least five trained human coders. Individual coders’ labels are aggregated in a conservative

6 way: an account receives the final label and is added to the labeled set if at least 75% of coders agreed on the assigned category. The remaining accounts that did not pass this inter-coder reliability requirement are not included in the labeled set.

Step 5 involves supervised machine learning and is presented in more details on the lower panel of Figure6. The machine learning algorithm’s input includes the labels assigned to accounts and a set of features that describe the accounts and their tweeting activity. Then, the labeled set is split into training and test sets 10 times. Four supervised classifiers are trained on the training parts with the choice of hyper-parameters via cross-validation, and their predictions are aggregated using a voting ensemble classifier. For each of the training sets, the unanimous voting rule is applied to the predictions of the four classifiers (i.e. an account is predicted to be a bot if all four individual classifiers make this prediction). Then, these aggregated predictions are further aggregated across 10 training sets by applying the majority voting rule. Thereby, the final classifier is a majority-unanimous ensemble designed to maximise bot detection precision.

Finally, on step 6, the developed ensemble classifier is applied to the whole collection of accounts to scale up the human coding of bots.

7 Appendix E Measuring the political orientation of Russian bots

Since not every Russian-language Twitter bot is involved in spreading pro-Kremlin sentiment,

Stukal et al. (2019a) developed a tool to measure the expressed political orientation of bots.

The overall architecture of the system (Figure7) is similar to the one presented on Figure6 in AppendixD, but the machine learning component relies on a feedforward neural network instead of an ensemble classifier. Figure 7: Bot orientation measurement workflow

The labeled set includes accounts that were previously detected to be bots and were sub- ject to human annotation for coding the orientation of the content they posted. Human coders could choose between four categories: Pro-Kremlin (accounts expressing support for the rul- ing party, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, their domestic and/or international policies), pro-opposition (criticizing a variety of domestic or international policies of the Russian gov- ernment), pro- (bots criticizing the Russian involvement in the crisis in Eastern Ukraine

8 and the annexation of Crimea), and neutral (bots that either do not express any detectable political sentiment or expressing inconsistent political sentiment).

The machine learning part of this classifier takes the human-assigned labels at the predicted categorical variable and textual data (words and word pairs, mentions, hashtags, and domains of shared links) as features. These textual features are represented as binary (“dummy” or

“one-hot”) variables that are related to the outcome categorical variables through a sequence of non-linear transformations known as ReLU (rectified linear units that return the feature value for positive values and zero otherwise). The final layer of the neural network is the softmax function commonly referred to in the social sciences as the multinomial logistic regression.

The output of the model is a set of predicted probabilities that an account belongs to each of the four possible categories.

9 Appendix F Robustness checks: Lagged protests

The offline protest theory of the strategic deployment of Twitter bots predicts that pro- government bots will be activated during offline protest rallies. However, in many cases, protest rallies are not unanticipated. Instead, they are often announced in advance4 and pro- moted on social media, which informs the government ahead of time about when and where a rally will take place and enables it to deploy bots before the actual protest takes place. For this reason, under the offline demobilization hypothesis, we anticipate to see increases in bot activities not only on days of protests, but also on days preceding these protests (see Table1 in Section3). Figures2–5 in Section5 report effect sizes for up to 3 days before protests as our main results. Here, we extend this time frame include up to 7 days before protest.

Figure 8: Volume of tweets: lagged protests

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

protest: lag 4 ●

protest: lag 5 ●

protest: lag 6 ●

protest: lag 7 ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Number of tweets

As in the main text of the article, the reported lags are cumulative. To put it differently, lag 7 refers to the whole week prior to the protest including the protest day itself. As one can see from Figures8– 10, the uncovered effects monotonically decrease in the size of the lag, suggesting that the largest changes in the behavior of bots on these three dimensions happens on the day of protest. The only exception is the cheerleading dimension that does not reveal

4Russian law requires obtaining a permit from local authorities to hold a rally, which often involves lengthy negotiations about the timing, location, and the number of rally participants.

10 Figure 9: Retweet diversity: lagged protests

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

protest: lag 4 ●

protest: lag 5 ●

protest: lag 6 ●

protest: lag 7 ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Number of retweeted sources any dynamics in the behavior of bots during a week before a protest and shows that bots tend to under-produce tweets mentioning Vladimir Putin during a week prior to offline protests.

Figure 10: Negative campaigning: lagged protests

protest days ●

protest: lag 1 ●

protest: lag 2 ●

protest: lag 3 ●

protest: lag 4 ●

protest: lag 5 ●

protest: lag 6 ●

protest: lag 7 ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Mentions of opposition leader

11 Figure 11: Cheerleading: lagged protests

protest days ● protest: lag 1 ● protest: lag 2 ● protest: lag 3 ● protest: lag 4 ● protest: lag 5 ● protest: lag 6 ● protest: lag 7 ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Mentions of Putin

12 Appendix G Identifiability assumption

The identifiability assumption requires that the effect of protest rallies be separable from both the effects of online spikes and other events on the ground. This assumption may be violated if protests systematically coincide with other events that could require pro-government bots to be activated.

Here, we provide empirical evidence in support of our assumption. First, Figure 12 presents the dynamics of the total number of tweets posted by Russian opposition with squares marking days of online peaks as measured in this article and dots for protest days. As one can see, these two types of events do not systematically coincide, which implies that their effects are separable.

Figure 12: Topical distributions across protest rallies



Event types ● 50 protest spike both

Number of tweets ● ● ● ● by opposition activists by ● 25 ●

● ●● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ●● ● ●● ●● 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

In order to evaluate the separability of protest events from other events on the ground, we apply a Structural Topic Model (Roberts et al. 2014), a popular method for summarizing large collections of texts via identifying their topical structure. We fit a model with 35 topics to

13 tweets posted by pro-government bots and extract tweet-level topic distributions. For every topic separately, we take the median of topic probabilities across all tweets posted by pro- government bots on a given day. We use these median values of tweet-level topic probabilities to summarize topic prevalence on protest days.

Figure 13: Topical distributions across protest rallies

35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Topic number Topic 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Protest number

Median Pr(Topic | Document)

0.05 0.10 0.15

If there are any confounders, i.e. any events that systematically co-occur with protest rallies, we expect to see one of two patterns. One possible pattern is that most protest days will score high on topics unrelated to protest rallies. The other possibility is that protest- related topics will not stand out as highly probable on protest days.

Figure 13 shows the median topic probabilities across all protest days (for exact dates of

14 each protest and additional protest-related information, please refer to Table5 in Appendix

H). Each colored rectangle on the graph corresponds to a topic (vertical axis) on a given protest day (horizontal axis). The darker the color, the smaller the median probability of a topic over all tweets pro-government bots posted on that day. As one can see from Figure 13, only one topic (Topic 14) stands out systematically as a highly probable topic on most protest days. The second most common topic is Topic 16.

To understand what these topics are about, we employ two methods. First, we use the

FREX statistic (Bischof and Airoldi 2012) to extract the most relevant words that are both frequent and exclusive for each topic. Second, we extract the most representative tweets for a each topic. Both of these approaches reveal that Topic 14 is associated with protests. Indeed, its seven key words are “gather”, “Alexey”, “money”, “ruble”, “million”, “rally”, “Navalny.” The most representative tweet reads: “This photo clearly shows for what Lesha Navalny gets his money @USER.”

As for the second most highlighted topic (Topic 16), its key words include “Nemtsov”,

“Boris”, “killing”, “Kadyrov”, “liberal”, “Kasyanov”, “Chubays.” Most of these are the names of

Russian opposition politicians, including Boris Nemtsov, a prominent opposition leader, who was assassinated in front of the Kremlin on February 27, 2015. The most representative tweet also refers to this act of violence against opposition: “The killing of Nemtsov is investigated in Chechnya and Ingushetia.”

Thus, the textual analysis of the tweets does not provide evidence against the identifiability assumption.

15 Appendix H Protest rallies in Russia

Here we report the exact days of mass protest rallies in Russia in 2015–2018 that we used to test the offline hypothesis. We focused on large protest rallies that gathered at least 1000 people. Our choice was driven by two key considerations. First, these protests were popular enough to provoke a response from pro-government actors. Second, as our primary source of data on protest rallies in Russia is the ICEWS project that automatically extracts data from mass media, we could only collect data on rallies that were large enough for mass media to report on them.

Table 5: Offline protest rallies

No. Date Location 1 2015-03-01 Moscow 2 2015-09-20 Moscow 3 2016-02-27 Moscow 4 2016-07-26 national 5 2016-08-09 Moscow 6 2017-01-13 St. Petersburg 7 2017-02-12 St. Petersburg 8 2017-02-26 Moscow 9 2017-03-26 national 10 2017-04-29 national 11 2017-05-14 Moscow 12 2017-06-12 national 13 2017-10-07 national 14 2018-01-28 national 15 2018-02-25 Moscow 16 2018-03-27 Kemerovo 17 2018-04-01 Moscow region 18 2018-04-30 Moscow 19 2018-05-05 national 20 2018-07-18 Moscow 21 2018-07-19 Moscow 22 2018-07-28 national 23 2018-07-29 national 24 2018-09-02 Moscow 25 2018-09-09 Far East 26 2018-09-16 St. Petersburg 27 2018-09-22 national

16 Appendix I Augmented protest dataset

One of the potential explanations for the moderate evidence that we find in support of the offline demobilization hypothesis is that we missed some of the protests pro-government elite groups were especially afraid of. In order to suppress these protests, the elite groups could have simultaneously deployed social media bots and used a variety of unofficial channels and mechanisms that exist in Russia to prevent mass media from covering political events organized by the opposition (Vardanyan 2017). In this case, we could miss these protest events and underestimate the effects of street protests on bot activity.

In order to address this concern, we augment our data with extra protest events that were carefully selected by Lankina and Tertytchnaya (2019) into a new dataset on protests in

Russia. The augmented set of protests is presented in Table6.

We use this augmented dataset to re-run the analysis presented in the main text of the article and present the findings in Figures 14– 17 by juxtaposing the original simulated average predictive differences and the new ones. As these graphs show, the results remain unchanged on all dimensions except cheerleading. On the cheerleading dimension, the offline demobilization effect goes up from being negative to being mostly indistinguishable from zero, which confirms our general conclusion that pro-government bots do not post more positive tweets about Russian president before or during street protests.

17 Table 6: Augmented data on offline protest rallies

No. Date Location Source 1 2015-03-01 Moscow ICEWS 2 2015-04-14 Irkutsk LT 3 2015-04-19 Cherepovets LT 4 2015-09-20 Moscow ICEWS 5 2015-09-21 Moscow LT 6 2015-09-29 Yekaterinburg LT 7 2016-02-27 Moscow ICEWS 8 2016-03-27 Yekaterinburg LT 9 2016-07-26 national ICEWS 10 2016-08-09 Moscow ICEWS 11 2017-01-13 St. Petersburg ICEWS 12 2017-02-12 St. Petersburg ICEWS 13 2017-02-26 Moscow ICEWS 14 2017-03-26 national ICEWS 15 2017-04-29 national ICEWS 16 2017-05-14 Moscow ICEWS 17 2017-06-12 national ICEWS 18 2017-10-07 national ICEWS 19 2018-01-28 national ICEWS 20 2018-02-25 Moscow ICEWS 21 2018-03-27 Kemerovo ICEWS 22 2018-04-01 Moscow region ICEWS 23 2018-04-30 Moscow ICEWS 24 2018-05-05 national ICEWS 25 2018-07-18 Moscow ICEWS 26 2018-07-19 Moscow ICEWS 27 2018-07-28 national ICEWS 28 2018-07-29 national ICEWS 29 2018-09-02 Moscow ICEWS 30 2018-09-09 Far East ICEWS 31 2018-09-16 St. Petersburg ICEWS 32 2018-09-22 national ICEWS Note: LT stands for protests missing from ICEWS, but included in Lankina and Tertytchnaya (2019) dataset. ICEWS stands for protest rallies either mentioned in both datasets or missing from Lankina and Tertytchnaya (2019).

18 Figure 14: Simulated average predictive differences for the total volume of tweets

protest days (main) ●

protest days (augmented) ●

protest: lag 1 (main) ●

protest: lag 1 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 2 (main) ●

protest: lag 2 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 3 (main) ●

protest: lag 3 (augmented) ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Number of tweets

Figure 15: Simulated average predictive differences for retweet diversity

protest days (main) ●

protest days (augmented) ●

protest: lag 1 (main) ●

protest: lag 1 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 2 (main) ●

protest: lag 2 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 3 (main) ●

protest: lag 3 (augmented) ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Number of retweeted sources

19 Figure 16: Simulated average predictive differences for cheerleading

protest days (main) ●

protest days (augmented) ●

protest: lag 1 (main) ●

protest: lag 1 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 2 (main) ●

protest: lag 2 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 3 (main) ●

protest: lag 3 (augmented) ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Mentions of Putin

Figure 17: Simulated average predictive differences for negative campaigning

protest days (main) ●

protest days (augmented) ●

protest: lag 1 (main) ●

protest: lag 1 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 2 (main) ●

protest: lag 2 (augmented) ●

protest: lag 3 (main) ●

protest: lag 3 (augmented) ●

−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Simulated average predictive difference DV: Mentions of opposition leader