Critical Works on James Leslie Mitchell/ Lewis Grassic Gibbon
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Critical Works on James Leslie Mitchell/ Lewis Grassic Gibbon A Bibliography by William K Malcolm The Grassic Gibbon Centre regularly updates the following bibliography of writings about James Leslie Mitchell/ Lewis Grassic Gibbon. The Centre is keen to learn of additions or alterations to be made to the database, and would greatly appreciate further details of sources of significant references. The Centre also aims to build up an archive of criticism; photocopies of new or missing items would again be greatly appreciated. The database was originally created in August, 2000 and remains the copyright of The Grassic Gibbon Centre. The foundations for the bibliography were laid by a series of articles published in The Bibliotheck, particularly the ground-breaking inventory published by Geoffrey Wagner in 1956. The articles concerned are : Wagner, Geoffrey, ‘James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, in The Bibliotheck, 1, no.1, 1956, pp.3-21 Aitken, W R, ‘Further Notes on the Bibliography of James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, in The Bibliotheck, 1, no.2, 1957, pp.34-35 Young, Douglas F, ‘James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Chronological Checklist: Additions I’, in The Bibliotheck, 5, no.5, 1969, pp.169-173 Kidd, James, ‘James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Chronological Checklist: Additions II’, in The Bibliotheck, 5, no.5, 1969, pp.174-7 Malcolm, William K, ‘James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon Checklist: Additions III’, in The Bibliotheck, 11, no.6, 1983, pp.149-156 An up to date collation of primary and secondary references is to be found in : Whyte, Hamish, 'Lewis Grassic Gibbon : A Bibliographical Checklist', in A Flame in the Mearns - Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Centenary Celebration, edited by Margery Palmer McCulloch and Sarah M Dunnigan, Association for Scottish Literary Studies Occasional Papers: Number 13, ASLS, Glasgow, 2003, pp.157-75 A Books on Mitchell/Gibbon Campbell, Ian, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1985 Ehland, Christoph, Picaresque Perspectives – Exiled Identities: A Structural and Methodological Analysis of the Picaresque as a Literary Archetype in the Works of James Leslie Mitchell, Universitatsverlag Winter Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2003 Geddes, Clarke, Nemesis in the Mearns, Scottish Cultural Press, Edinburgh, 1996 (fictionalisation) Gifford, Douglas, Neil M Gunn & Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1983 Lyall, Scott, editor, The International Companion to Lewis Grassic Gibbon (Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2015). McCulloch, Margery Palmer, and Dunnigan, Sarah M, editors, A Flame in the Mearns Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Centenary Celebration, Association for Scottish Literary Studies Occasional Papers: Number 13, ASLS, Glasgow, 2003 Malcolm, William K, A Blasphemer & Reformer: A Study of James Leslie Mitchell/ Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1984 Malcolm, William K, Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Revolutionary Writer, Capercaillie Books, Edinburgh, 2016 Munro, Ian S, Leslie Mitchell: Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1966 Whitfield, Peter, Grassic Gibbon and his World, Aberdeen Journals, Aberdeen, 1994 Young, Douglas F, Beyond the Sunset: A Study of James Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon), Impulse Publications, Aberdeen, 1973 Zagratzki, Uwe, Libertare und Utopische Tendenzen im Erzahlwerk James Leslie Mitchells (Lewis Grassic Gibbons), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 1991 B University Theses Abrahamsson, June, ‘The Two Chrisses in Sunset Song by Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, Goteborg, 2001 Dixon, Keith, ‘Crise et Ideologies dans l’Oeuvre de James Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon) 1901-1935’, Grenoble, 1983 Ehland, Christoph, ‘A Structural and Methodological Analysis of the Picaresque as an Archetype in Literature: An Enquiry into the Picaresque Element in the Writing of James Leslie Mitchell’, Wuerzburg, 2001 Figueroa, Ricardo A, ‘The Model of Society in Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Writings’, Glasgow, 1984 Fothergill, Gillian, ‘The Major Novels of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, Durham, 1980 Glowsky, Marius, ‘Narratives of Twentieth-Century Scotland: Trauma, Change and Reconstruction in Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s A Scots Quair and James Robertson’s And the Land Lay Still’, Göettingen, 2018 Grader, Daniel, ‘James Leslie Mitchell’s Spartacus as a Historical Novel’, Edinburgh, 2004 Hunter, Sandra F M, ‘The Role and Status of Women in the Fiction of James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1995 Idle, Jeremy, ‘Race and Nationality in the Work of James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, Edinburgh, 1994 Kerr, Christine, ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon/ James Leslie Mitchell: Gender, Sex and Sexualities’, Sussex, 2002 Knoop, Andreas, ‘Die Beziehung Zwischen Mensch und Natur in den Werken von Lewis Grassic Gibbon (James Leslie Mitchell) und R.S. Thomas’, Tubingen, 2001 Li, Bing, ‘The languages of a working-class novel: a study of Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Grey Granite and M.M. Bakhtin’s genre theory of the novel’, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, 1990 McGrath, Michael J, ‘James Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon): A Study in Politics and Ideas in Relation to his Life and Work’, Edinburgh, 1983 Malcolm, William K, ‘The Novels and Stories of James Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon) in the Light of his Political and Philosophical Thinking’, Aberdeen, 1982 Mewald, Katharina, ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s A Scots Quair: Elements of the Regional, the National, and the Universal’, Vienna, 2010 Michael, Olivia, ‘Towards a Theory of Working Class Literature: Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s “A Scots Quair” in the context of earlier working class writing’, Leeds, 1992 Roskies, David M E, ‘The Proletarian Novel : A Study in the Application of a Literary Concept, with General Reference to 20th Century English Working-Class Fiction ; and Special Reference to Robert Tressell, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, and Alan Sillitoe’, Sussex, 1977 Tange, Hanne, ‘Dichotomy As Principle: The Two Worlds of James Leslie Mitchell/ Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, Odense, 1996 Watt, Gordon A J, ‘Paths to Utopia – A Study of the Fiction of James Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon)’, Exeter, 1977 Young, Douglas F, ‘The Relevance of the Non-Fiction Works to the Novels of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, Aberdeen, 1969 C Secondary References Aitken, W R, Sixty Books on Scotland, School Library Association, London, 1951, pp.6-7 - ‘The Inscriptions in Sunset Song’, in The Bibliotheck, 8, 1976, pp.1-6 Allan, John R, North-East Lowlands of Scotland, Hale, London, 1952, pp.182-4 Allen, Walter, Tradition and Dream, Phoenix House, London, 1964, pp.249-252 Angus, David, ‘Gibbon’s Quair’, in Jabberwock: Edinburgh University Review, 3, no.3, March, 1951, pp.25-28 D’Arcy, Julian Meldon, ‘Chris Guthrie, Ellen Johns and the Two Ewan Tavendales: Significant Parallels in A Scots Quair’, in Scottish Literary Review, 23, no.1, May, 1996, pp.42-49 Baker, Timothy C, ‘The Romantic and the Real: James Leslie Mitchell and the Search for a Middle Way’, in Journal of Modern Literature, 36, no.4, Summer, 2013, pp. 44-61 - ‘A Scots Quair and History’, in The International Companion to Lewis Grassic Gibbon, edited by Scott Lyall, Scottish Literature International, Glasgow, 2015, pp.47-59 Barke, James, ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, in Left Review,2, no.5, February, 1936, pp.220-5 Bell, Ian, ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Revolutionary Romanticism’, in Scottish Studies, 10, 1990, pp.257-69 Bell, Ian A, ‘ “Work as if you Live in the Early Days of a Better Nation”: Scottish Fiction and the Experience of Industry’, in British Industrial Fictions, edited by H Gustav Klaus and Stephen Knight, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2000, pp.185-9 Bergonzi, Bernard, Reading the Thirties, Macmillan, London, 1978, pp.9, 124 Bing, Christy, The Lairds of Arbuthnott, (revised edition), Agnate Press, Edzell, p.105 Bold, Alan, Modern Scottish Literature, Longman, London, 1983, pp.111, 123, 123-39, 140, 180, 199, 212, 213, 258 - (edits) The Letters of Hugh MacDiarmid, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1984, pp.536-9, 552, 557, 558, 559-60, 562, 660, 784, 869 - MacDiarmid: A Critical Biography, John Murray, London, 1988, pp.313-15, 329, 330, 331, 415 - Scotland: A Literary Guide, Routledge, London, 1989, pp.22-23, 70, 84, 219 Bold, Valentina, ‘From Exile: The Poetry of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, in A Flame in the Mearns Lewis Grassic Gibbon : A Centenary Celebration, op.cit., pp.115-123 Boos, Florence S, ‘William Morris’s Later Writings and the Socialist Modernism of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, in Worldwide Pre-Raphaelitism, edited by Thomas J Tobin, State University of New York Press, 2005, pp.145-70 Borthwick, David, ‘From Grey Granite to Urban Grit: A Revolution in Perspectives’, in A Flame in the Mearns Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Centenary Celebration, op.cit., pp.64- 75 Branson, Noreen, and Heinemann, Margot, Britain in the Nineteen Thirties, Panther, St Albans, 1973, p.293 Bridie, James, The Scottish Character As It Was Viewed By Scottish Authors From Galt To Barrie, in Papers of the Greenock Philosophical Society, 1937, p.15 Brown, Ivor, ‘Caledonia Stern and Mild’, in The Observer, 1 August, 1943, p.3 - ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon’, in Lewis Grassic Gibbon, A Scots Quair, Jarrolds, London, 1946, pp.5-8 - ‘Lewis Grassic Gibbon: Tragic Loss to Literature’, in The Observer,10 February 1935, p.13 - Summer in Scotland, Collins, London, 1952, pp.130, 132, 147-153 - ‘Man of the Mearns’, in The Observer, 26 June, 1966 Brown, Oliver, ‘Sunset Song, sunset echo’, in New Saltire, December, 1962, pp.26-32 Burns, John, ‘Lewis