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Inside: Conference… Ecumenism… Alcoholism… Cardinal Pell… … Soho Masses

frustrating and, unfortunately, an unsuccessful endeavour. But Francis Should Blogs Be Banned? de Sales did not consider giving up. After his father had learned of an Editor TV, radio and internet are not evil per attempt on his life, he wanted to bring se. They are instruments to be used I’m frequently told his son back to Annecy immediately. and I find it odd that Catholics who Francis refused. Completely alone, he that the internet is lament the evil use to which these evil, that television suffered a bitter winter in the French instruments are so often put, Alps. Daily he left his shelter in the is evil, that it’s much nevertheless discourage employing better to spend time castle of Allinges to talk with the them for a good end. Doesn’t make people of Thonon and to convince praying than to listen to sense. Blogging, in particular, is often the radio. God, this school of thought them of the truth of the Catholic Faith. singled out to be denounced. Despite Yet all his efforts met with no success, rightly holds, requires silence in order the spread of blasphemies and to fill the soul. since the majority of the people heresies across the internet, too many hesitated to listen to him speak, let Now, it goes without saying that we Catholics do not see the need to alone listen to him preach. must pray and spend time in silent combat these “principalities and o the idea came to him to use the meditation/reflection on the life of Our powers” by fighting fire with fire, so to S Lord, the examples of Our Lady and speak. newly invented printing press and the popular medium of pamphlets to his the , the virtues and how to akes me wonder what St Francis de M own purposes. If people will not come cultivate them, etc. The reason for our Sales, patron of journalists and prayer and silence, however, is not to to my sermons, thought Francis, then writers would think of it all. Would he I have to bring my sermons to the help us to avoid the world, but it is - on blog, were he alive today? Well, let’s the contrary - to help us to prepare for people. The pamphlets helped him do see. He lived at the height of the that. spiritual combat with the world. Reformation. A 27 year old priest, he Monks and nuns in contemplative found himself “banned” by the local Well? Alive today, at a time of monasteries are not hiding from the politicians who warned that any widespread apostasy from the Faith, outside world, locked in private prayer citizens who listened to his preaching would St participate for the good of their own souls: they in the cathedral at Geneva would be in blogs, where contributors write their are praying and working to win grace sternly punished. This method of comments about various topics and not only for themselves, but for those intimidation achieved its goal, for only seek to enlighten, enrich or correct of us in the world, engaged in the a handful attended the sermons of one another’s comments? spiritual warfare for which St Paul Francis de Sales. Continued on p.2 seeks to prepare us when he advises: Having only recently been ordained a “Put you on the armour of God, that priest, Francis de Sales had declared Mere silence is you may be able to stand against the quite openly in the summer of 1594 his not wisdom, for deceits of the devil. For our wrestling preparedness to go into any part of the wisdom consists is not against flesh and blood; but diocese of Geneva-Annecy, which was against principalities and powers, in knowing when controlled at the time by the Calvinists. and how to against the rulers of the world of this His mission was to win back to the darkness, against the spirits of Catholic faith the people living there. speak and when wickedness in the high places. Not only was it a dangerous mission, and where to Therefore, take unto you, the armour during which on at least four occasions keep silent. of God that you may be able to resist he would barely escape an attempt on in the evil day and to stand in all things his life, but it was also the beginning of (The Spirit of St. François de Sales, XX 2) perfect.” (Ephesians 6:12-14) what turned out to be an extremely

1 That is what St Francis Contents include… Page de Sales did in the 16th century and it’s what I believe he would do From Alcoholic To Sainthood - The Story of Matt Talbot now, in the 21st Internet 4 century. One of our younger Archbishop Müller Chose Wrong Target… Baker 6 readers recently warmly praised our blog: in particular, she said, the St Andrew: An Ecumenical Saint practice of using pseudonyms, an Peter Mackin 7 accepted convention of blogging, encourages those who haven’t been Letters 8 adequately taught the Faith to ask questions anonymously. She added A Fly On The Westminster Wall 9 that she also finds visits to our blog Thinking Through Catholic Truth 10 edifying because she has witnessed virtue at work: bloggers apologise for Religious Liberty - Demoting Christ… having used harsh words about Paul Kokoski 12 another. Others say “thanks” when a theological error is corrected, glad that From Vatican II To The New Evangelization the teaching of the Church is being Cardinal George Pell 15 accurately reported. It is the evidence of virtues like humility and , this Dumb & Dumber 19 young visitor to our site remarked, that Editorial 20 singles our blog out from others, and makes it a truly Catholic blog. Warm praise indeed. But nothing’s perfect, and I’m well aware, as Should Blogs Be Banned? Continued from p.1 o administrator, that I could do more to secure our blog’s good reputation by speedily deleting unpleasant personal So, what do you reckon: would St Pilgrimages can be a mixture of sin remarks about individuals. I’ve been a Francis de Sales have blogged or not? and sanctity, with even marital bit careless on this score, sometimes The clue is perhaps found in his ready betrayals sparked, for example during missing unkind remarks on busy embrace of the new technology of his pilgrimages to Lourdes. Yet we don’t threads, so more vigilance ranks at the time: printing presses. He wouldn’t hear anyone calling for a ban on top of my new year resolutions in 2013. know, I presume, that printing presses pilgrimages. The blame for bad Our basic rule is that we may discuss would one day be used to spread bad literature has to be laid firmly at the issues robustly, but without making literature, just as the internet is used feet of the authors of bad books. personal remarks about individuals. to spread porn: but does anyone Responsibility for marital infidelity rests Those in public office must expect seriously think that, aware of the evil with the unfaithful spouses and their necessary public criticism, but that is to which printing presses might partners in sin. Likewise, the blame for different from being on the receiving ultimately lead, St Francis would have uncharitable comments, whether in end of uncharitable personal remarks. thus refused to put them to good use? human speech or internet speech As for St Francis de Sales: of course The problem with blogging is akin to (blogging) must be placed on the he’d blog and that on the Catholic the problem with any other shoulders (or tongues!) of the Truth site - where else? conversation: the danger of lack of individuals concerned. “Blogging” is charity. Just as a thoughtless spoken not an evil per se. It can be evil. It can Blogging, then, should not be banned. word can be hurtful to another, so a also be a great good. Instead of It can be an excellent way to grow blog post written in anger can be wasting time and energy attacking more knowledgeable in the Faith and uncharitable. But, that’s not the fault of straw men, we ought to concentrate to help spread it. Sign up today! the blog, any more than printing our efforts on turning everything in our possession to the greater glory to God. presses can be blamed for bad books. I would very much like to contribute to this blog. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate finding such authentic Catholic views expounded so eloquently. I recognise one name – “Athanasius” who is a The Holy Father can’t speak to you right now, contributor here. I don’t know him personally, but Mr Salmond. he’s doing an online search to have always been impressed by his knowledge and answer a question on the Catholic Truth blog. ability to express the truths of the Faith in such an He doesn’t think independence will work but authoritative and humane manner. It’s a pleasure if you list your reasons on the CT blog he’ll to discover here that this is not such a singular answer you there, later. Cool, eh? quality. After so many years, during the latter of which I have lost heart, you have enthused me; it is so very easy to become cynical. God bless you… Therese, Nothing to say? Why not blog about it? (Sack Tablet Correspondent - Now! 29/11/12)

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 2 Catholic Truth Conference

Keeping the Faith A Guide For A New Generation… Gerald Warner Leading Scots Journalist

Plus Supporting speakers drawn from Catholic Truth columnists and bloggers, at home and abroad… Celtic Park Kerrydale Suite (own entrance and car park)

On Saturday, 8th June, 2013

Registration/Coffee 9 - 9.45. Kick-off: 10.a.m. Tickets £10 * (soup & sandwiches lunch available to purchase for an additional £6 on the day) * £25 if you wish to include booking for dinner after the conference note: dinner booking must be made prior to the conference

Please make cheques payable to Catholic Truth 10 Sandyford Place, Glasgow, G3 7NB

Tickets & directions, (plus information about inexpensive hotel accommodation for those travelling a distance to Glasgow) will be sent on receipt of booking.

We hope to have Holy at end of Conference, prior to dinner

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 3 From Alcoholic to Sainthood - The Story of Matt Talbot Taken from one of many parish internet accounts, official website currently under construction

Much is made of the New Year seminary where the priest persuaded holiday in Scotland, with many, if not him that he should take the pledge for most families affected in some way ninety days only. by the attendant drink problems. Those three months were sheer hell. Alcohol-related health issues and We understand today the withdrawal crimes, notably domestic abuse and symptoms of addiction, but in 1884 other violence, are a growing cause Matt Talbot had no one to share his for concern in Scotland. We cross the suffering - the hallucination, the de- Irish Sea, therefore, to draw hope and pression and nausea. But he had an inspiration from the example of Matt iron will, a rock-like stubbornness that Talbot who used his Catholic Faith stood him well down through the to conquer his alcohol addiction… years. "I know that I will drink again when the three months are up." he Matt Talbot was born May 1856 in would remark to his mother. Ireland. He was one of twelve To fill in the time he used to spend in children, six of whom lived to adult- O'Meara's, Matt went for a walk every hood. His father was a heavy drinker evening after work. During one of and, as a result, the family grew up in those walks his resolution almost poverty. Typical of his era, Matt spent broke. He passed Bushe's Public just one year at school. There was no 1856-1925 House about a mile from his home just compulsory education and he was un- as it opened. He caught the strong able to read or write. He entered the smell of beer and saw the crowded workforce at age twelve, employed by bies: swimming, playing cards, and bar. The barman was busy serving the E & J Burke, a firm which bottled beer. girl friends. Matt had only one - alco- local men, and he paid little attention His drinking be- holic drink. to this stranger waiting at the counter. gan with taking By the time he was twenty-eight, he Matt felt humiliated for the second the dregs from the was well on the road to self-destruc- time within a few weeks. Deeply hurt, bottom of bottles, tion, when a traumatic incident he stormed out of the bar down the which had been changed his life. On a Saturday morn- street and into a Jesuit Church. That returned. Within ing in 1884, he waited outside evening he made another resolution, two years, he O'Meara's without a penny in his never to carry money with him. He graduated to whis- pocket. He had been unemployed that kept that resolution for the rest of his key and by the week. His problem, he told himself, life. time he was six- would be quickly solved. When he had teen, he came home drunk regularly. Dropping into a Church to rest during money, he shared it generously with his walks became By the time he was in his twenties, he his drinking friends. Therefore, he rea- a habit. Matt was spent all his wages and spare time in soned, they would not reject him in his neither fit nor reli- O'Meara's Pub. As far as the neigh- misfortune. gious-minded. He bours in that area of Dublin were con- But they did. One by one, they passed grew tired quickly cerned, Matt Talbot was an habitual him. Some greeted him; others ig- and since he could drunk. Today with our understanding nored him. Perhaps he had scrounged not rest in a Tavern of the illness of alcoholism there is money from them too often, but they or sit down on a little doubt that he was already a left him standing on the corner. Matt public street, a chronic alcoholic. Talbot was stunned and shocked. church provided Drink had become Matt's only interest Years later, he said that he was "cut to the haven he in life. When his wages were spent, he the heart." But, it was a moment of sought. Gradually he began to pray, to borrowed and scrounged for money. grace. After some time thinking about ask God to help him. He pawned his clothes and boots. He his problem, he realized that he was To find the strength to remain sober supplemented his wages by doing ex- totally enslaved to drink. He made his he decided to attend Mass every tra work after hours. Among other way home slowly. His mother was morning before work and to receive things he minded horses outside a preparing the mid-day meal when he Holy Communion. This was very unu- tavern, while the owners enjoyed arrived. sual in the 1880's when the average themselves inside. The tips he re- In nineteenth century Ireland it was good layman went to Mass just on ceived bought him more drink. common for someone who wished to Sunday and may have received Holy He became a thief, once stealing a stop drinking to take a solemn pledge Communion only at Easter and Christ- fiddle from a blind man. On Saturday before a priest to abstain for a period mas. At the end of three months, Matt he would come home with just a shil- of time. Mrs. Talbot could not believe took the pledge to abstain from alco- ling from his wages for his mother. His her eyes when Matt came home sober hol for six months and finally took it for life had become unmanageable. His on that fateful Saturday morning. "Ma, life. drinking companions had several hob- I'm going to take the pledge for life." he said. He headed off to a nearby Continued on p.5

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 4 From Alcoholic to Sainthood - The Story of Matt Talbot, continued from p.4 Matt Talbot now turned all his effort to The story of his life came to light be- increasing his union with God and cause when his body was undressed, developing his life of prayer. The strict three chains were discovered ascetical life of the early Irish monks wrapped around it. Enquiries dis- The setting up of the Apostolate of attracted him. Their love of prayer with closed that he practiced a devotion Matt Talbot was announced at Knock the emphasis on and humili- known as the slavery to Mary. The st ty, and manual labour dedicated to underlying idea is that a person who Shrine on 21 July 1996. Its object God, appealed to him. He turned to a considers himself a spiritual slave to is to promote the prayers for the Jesuit priest, Father James Welshe to the Mother of God would remain close of Venerable Matt help him. to her and to Jesus, her son. The Talbot and for its members’ own intentions. The obligation of His austere daily program may shock devotion included wearing one fine, us today in an affluent society that loose chain. It was typical of Matt Tal- membership is a simple one: to recite demands comfort. He allowed himself bot to wear three. daily the prayer for his Cause. just four or five hours sleep at night In 1975 the Holy See conferred the and arose about 5 a.m. to prepare for title "Venerable" on him, which means Prayer for the early Mass. Then he would return that from a purely human point of Canonisation of Matt Talbot home for breakfast. Afterwards he view, Matt Talbot has the qualifica- (to be said daily) would set off for work in the lumber- tions of a Saint. If this Opinion is con- yard of T. & C. Martin. He was a con- firmed by the Miracle(s) required by Lord, in your servant, scientious worker. Many years later, Canon Law, he will be canonised. one of his former foremen described Matt Talbot him as "the best worker in Dublin" who you have given us “The Most Holy , in these last was often chosen to set the pace for a wonderful example times in which we live, has given a new others. But at a time when Dublin efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary of triumph over addiction, labourers were often exploited, he to such an extent that there is no of devotion to duty, was not a "bosses" man. He had problem, no matter how difficult it is, learned to read and write and was and of lifelong reverence temporal or especially spiritual, in the quite ready to discuss the rights of for the Most Holy Sacrament. personal life of each one of us, of our workers. May his life of prayer and families, of the families of the world or Since he was a member of many reli- of the religious communities, or even penance give us courage to gious associations, he attended a of the life of peoples and nations that take up our crosses meeting almost every evening. When cannot be solved by the Rosary. and follow in the footsteps he came home about 9 or 10 p.m., it of Our Lord and Saviour, was time for his spiritual reading. His spiritual reading ended about I a.m., Jesus Christ. and he retired for four hours rest be- Father, if it be your will fore beginning his daily routine again. that your beloved servant He did not go to work on Sunday but should be glorified went to one of the city churches and by your Church, would kneel in an obscure corner from the first Mass at 6 a.m. until mid-day. make known by your heavenly favours the power he enjoys Despite his austerities, Matt was a small tough man — "as strong as a in your sight. little horse" according to a fellow work- We ask this through the same er. He had an iron will and a constitu- Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. tion to match. Neither the other workers in T. & C. Martin's, nor the fellow dockers on Dublin's waterfront had an idea that he was leading a life Favours received through the modelled on the early Irish monks. He There is no problem, I tell you, no intercession of Matt was a happy little man, although more matter how difficult it is, that we cannot Talbot should be notified as soon as silent than others. "Matt smiled at eve- resolve by the prayer of the Holy possible to the Vice Postulator: rything except a dirty joke" a friend Rosary. With the Holy Rosary, we will remarked. But many workers knew save ourselves. We will sanctify Very Rev.Fr. John Flaherty, Adm., about his generosity. Matt lent them ourselves. We will console Our Lord St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, money to buy clothes or shoes for and obtain the salvation of many 83, Marlborough Street, their children or to pay overdue rent. souls.” Dublin 1. Matt Talbot died suddenly from a Phone: 01 - 8745441 Email;[email protected] heart attack in Granby Lane on the Sr Lucia during interview way to Mass on Sunday, June 7th, on 26 December,1957 with 1925. He was buried in what was Fr Augustin Fuentes, virtually a pauper's grave in Glasnevin postulator for the causes of Fatima seers, Jacinta Cemetery a few days later. and Francisco.

Catholic Truth: Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 5 Archbishop Müller Chose Wrong Target…

Letter to Liz Leydon, Editor, Scottish Catholic Observer, dated 13 October, 2012 - Unpublished…

Dear Madam, Syllabus of Pius IX, a sort of counter- Yet, Archbishop Müller chooses to syllabus.” target the SSPX as a threat to the According to your report (12/10/12) “fundamentals” of the “Catholic Faith”. Archbishop Gerhard Müller, the newly In January, 1966, Paul VI appointed head of the Congregation declared: “In view of the pastoral We seem to be, in the words of Sister for the Doctrine of the Faith, has character of the Council, it has avoided Lucia, the silenced seer of Fatima, in recently stated that “the Church could pronouncing, in an extraordinary way, a time of “diabolical disorientation” in not negotiate away the fundamentals dogmas carrying the note of infallibility.” which people are “blinded to the point of the Catholic Faith.” of being incapable of seeing error.” Consequently, there were no “We cannot give away the Catholic anathemas. Incredible as it may seem, She added that “it is painful to see such Faith in negotiations. There will be no the Church had embarked on a great confusion in so many persons compromise here.” Good fighting talk revolutionary journey into uncharted who occupy positions of and very reassuring. Until we realize territory without issuing a guarantee responsibility… the fact is that the devil that he is defending the “fundamentals” that the Spirit of Truth had sanctioned has succeeded in bringing in evil under against the Society of St Pius X. the enterprise (i.e. the ‘note of the appearance of good…” infallibility’ mentioned by Paul VI.) Has the SSPX ever attacked any Archbishop Müller now occupies a infallibly defined article of the Catholic Seen in this light, the position of the “position of great responsibility”. He is Faith? Does it deny any of the great SSPX becomes understandable. the guardian of the “Faith”. doctrinal statements of the past? I think Rather than focusing on them, the new Unfortunately, we cannot sure exactly that in both cases the answer would head of the Congregation for the what “Faith” if any, he is guarding. have to be “no”. Doctrine of the Faith should Yours etc. Michael Baker, Glasgow concentrate on dealing with the real The archbishop seems to be equating threats to the Faith. Ed: if you can work out why the editor of the “Catholic Faith” solely with the Scotland’s only national Catholic “reforms” of Vatican II. Yet many of For several decades the Church has newspaper decided not to publish the above these “reforms” overturned earlier been inundated with predatory excellent letter, please let us know. doctrinal statements. homosexual prelates and priests, yet Catholic corner no disciplinary action has ever been In his book The Principles of Catholic taken against them. Countless Theology, Cardinal Ratzinger (now thousands have never heard the Modernist corner Pope Benedict XVI) stated: “If one “fundamentals” of the Faith thanks to seeks an overall diagnosis of the text deliberately defective catechesis. Here (Gaudium et Spes), one could say that, again there was no effective episcopal taken together with the texts on corrective action. And there are the religious liberty and non-Christian masonic incursions (highlighted in the religions, it constitutes a revision of the recent SCO article by Gerald Warner).

Ireland: Fr Thaddeus Doyle Defeated 4 - 0 … Editor Another jewel in the series, “When Irish Eyes Are NOT Smiling…”

Fr Thaddeus Doyle, Editor of The Curate’s in support: “Christ is raised with his own Philip) Diary, responded briefly in his January body: ‘See my hands and my feet, that it is What Fr Doyle didn’t even attempt to do, 2013 edition to Philip Drake’s Review (in I myself’; but he did not return to an earthly however, was to answer Philip Drake’s Catholic Truth) of his book “I Want To Go life. So, in him, ‘all of them will rise again criticism of his heretical claim that “we To Heaven The Moment I Die” (Philip Drake: with their own bodies which they now bear’ bring our belief system with us when we Fr Doyle & Heaven, Catholic Truth, Issue No. 64, but Christ ‘will change our lowly body to December, 2010, p.5). die. Our belief system will be the starting be like his glorious body’, into a point for how we interpret what we One of Fr Doyle’s readers had accused ‘spiritual body’. (Emphasis added by Fr Doyle) experience on the other side…” him of “not even trying to reply” to Philip’s Certainly, preachers could do a bit more to Which means Philip wins Round Three! exposé so, apparently stung, he did try. clarify the nature of the bodily resurrection, He acknowledged that he’d got the Nor did Fr Doyle deny Philip’s assertion as it’s not helpful just to keep repeating that definition of Purgatory wrong (so Round that his view of human beings composed it is “material” when we die but then One to Philip) but insisted that it was of three entities, eternal spirit, soul and “spiritual” - this is not, in fact, accurate, so Philip, not he, who’d got it wrong on the body contradicts Catholic doctrine that our current Education page (p.10) is Resurrection of the Body. He writes: “In humans are made up of only two entities dedicated to this topic and contains one of fact, the Church clearly teaches that in - body and soul. Round Four to Philip! the clearest explanations available on the heaven our bodies will not be “material” Resurrection of the Body, proving Philip, but spiritual. Fr Doyle quotes the Final score, then = 4-0 and the winner: not Fr Doyle, got it right. (Round Two to Catechism of the # 999 Philip Drake in the Catholic corner.

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 6 St Andrew: An Ecumenical Saint…

On Thursday 29th November 2012, I a captive audience and this was the attended the "Ecumenical Vespers" of perfect opportunity to point out this the Feast of Saint Andrew, truth of the Church, in a spirit of charity. of Scotland, in Saint Andrew's Archbishop Tartaglia neglected his Cathedral, Glasgow. This event was episcopal duty by misleading the organised by Glasgow Churches faithful AND misleading the lost souls Together and presided over by the new in the congregation. Archbishop of Glasgow, Most Rev. Philip Tartaglia (pictured below). The sermon was given by the Church of Scotland Moderator of the Presbytery of Glasgow, Rev Howard Peter Mackin Hudson. During this sermon, Mr Hudson spoke of the need to "bring 4. Is it not right, it is often repeated, others to Jesus". He recounted the indeed, even consonant with duty, that all story in the Gospel of John when the who invoke the name of Christ should abstain from mutual reproaches and at Greeks came to Philip and asked him long last be united in mutual charity? Who to take them to Jesus. Well, in Saint would dare to say that he loved Christ, Andrew's Cathedral that night, the unless he worked with all his might to people came to another Philip, the carry out the desires of Him, Who asked Archbishop of Glasgow, looking for His Father that His disciples might be Jesus. Jesus' Real Presence could be "one."[1] And did not the same Christ will found in the tabernacle of the Cathedral that His disciples should be marked out Representatives from the Church of and not once did Philip acknowledge and distinguished from others by this Scotland, Methodist Church and the this Real Presence. No one did. This characteristic, namely that they loved one Salvation Army also took part. another: "By this shall all men know that incredibly sad scene brought the words you are my disciples, if you have love one The cathedral was less than half full of the great Blessed Sacrament hymn for another"?[2] All Christians, they add, for this event. Music was provided by "I Rise From Dreams of Time" into my should be as "one": for then they would Monsignor Gerry Fitzpatrick and the mind: be much more powerful in driving out the St. Mungo Singers. Browsing through pest of irreligion, which like a serpent daily the "Order of Service" I noticed "Long, long I’ve waited here creeps further and becomes more widely immediately that whilst the general And though thou heeds not Me spread, and prepares to rob the Gospel format of vespers had been used, the The heart of God’s own Son of its strength. These things and others organisers had gone out of their way Beats ever on for thee" that class of men who are known as pan-Christians continually repeat and to appease the Protestant contingent. amplify; and these men, so far from being The majority of the music used was The vespers were brought to an end by quite few and scattered, have increased written by Monsignor Fitzpatrick a "blessing" from the clergy. to the dimensions of an entire class, and himself and has a definite Presbyterian Archbishop Tartaglia and the have grouped themselves into widely feel to it. Most notably, an ecumenical Protestant participants, gathered in the spread societies, most of which are version of the "Our Father" was used, centre of the sanctuary, raised their directed by non-Catholics, although they which is based on the Protestant hands and pronounced a joint are imbued with varying doctrines version including "For the kingdom, the blessing. This scandalous act in a concerning the things of faith. This power and the glory...". Needless to Catholic cathedral has become so undertaking is so actively promoted as in many places to win for itself the adhesion say there was no Latin or Gregorian common place that no one batted an of a number of citizens, and it even takes chant - the Protestants wouldn't like eye lid. The participants left the possession of the minds of very many that! sanctuary in procession to another Catholics and allures them with the hope The vespers began with a procession Protestant hymn. The great hymn to of bringing about such a union as would from the sacristy to the sanctuary. Saint Andrew, "When Christ Our Lord be agreeable to the desires of Holy Mother Church, who has indeed nothing Archbishop Tartaglia sat in the To Andrew Cried" was, of course, too Catholic to be included. That great more at heart than to recall her erring sons "cathedra", surrounded by Father and to lead them back to her bosom. But Nicholas Monaghan and Cathedral hymn contains the line, "Saint Andrew now in bliss above our fervent prayer in reality beneath these enticing words Administrator Monsignor Christopher and blandishments lies hid a most McElroy. The Protestant participants renew, that Scotland yet again may grave error, by which the foundations also sat in the sanctuary. love the faith, entire and true". of the Catholic faith are completely destroyed. (Emphasis added) … Prayers were said by all participants Sadly, Archbishop Tartaglia did not and several lay women. Archbishop present "the faith, entire and true". 8. (Thus) it is clear that the Apostolic See Tartaglia proclaimed, "We gather as Once again, he presented a watered cannot on any terms take part in their assemblies, nor is it anyway lawful for one in faith in Christ." Now, His Grace down, counterfeit version of the faith. May God have mercy on him. Catholics either to support or to work for is clearly misleading the faithful. such enterprises; for if they do so they will Catholics are not of "one faith" with be giving countenance to a false Protestants. They have abandoned Christianity, quite alien to the one Church the one, true faith and must return to it of Christ. in order to be saved. Of course, there Mortalium Animos, Encyclical of Pope Pius was no mention of this. His Grace had XI on Religious Unity 6 January, 1928

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 7 Monsignor Loftus continues to be a Your Letters pain in the xxxxxx doesn’t he? He still does not realise that his poor old Once again, thanks for Catholic Truth. reporting that five priests refused to read out donkey, born in 1962, is tired out after the Cardinal’s letter on same-sex marriage - I do appreciate every copy and always 50 years of overwork and well past the for more commentary on this, see editorial, normal retiring age for beasts of pass them on. p.20) burden. Yours from the catacombs. The Fatima Conference in Cork The second article (Ed: They gave our Jim Allen, Torquay sounded wonderful (Issue No. 74). I grandchildren to a gay couple… we haven’t was with you in prayer. As Ireland will been allowed to see them in three years - couple’s torment after adoption, Daily Mail, be on everyone’s mind after such a Hope the year ahead will yield a lot 6/9/12) is something I was involved with grace-filled event, could you consider more support for your publication, in writing letters to the Edinburgh City that wonderful Irishman, Matt Talbot’s which is one of the very best. Council and to the Edinburgh Evening cause. Maybe you could give him Francis Reilly, Orpington, Kent News where all my letters were some space in the next issue (Ed: see published. It is a tragedy and is typical p. 4). With England and Ireland awash of how iniquitous the State is, that has with cheap alcohol we really do need To all the wonderful people who make rejected God. At one time, the Council his support. Catholic Truth possible “ad multos had a motto which was removed when annos!”. With much admiration and Please excuse writing and mistakes Labour took over a number of years prayers. Kate Dillon, Wirral (Ed: writing perfectly legible, and there ago, it was Nisi Dominus Frustira. weren’t any mistakes) as I have had drops “Except the Lord build the house, their in my eyes and can’t see very well at labour is but lost that build it” (Psalm Your newsletter is a treasure. the moment (Ed: would those who have 127:1). They still have it, in English, in I have just about emerged from the nothing wrong with their eyes but never write a stain glass window at the City to us, take note). shock of the election, but how Chambers at the High Street in unspeakably sad that half our May God bless all at Catholic Truth. Edinburgh, so they have to walk past electorate would vote for the Sincerely, in the Holy Family… it every time they go to meetings. Mary Birkett (Mrs) Blundellsand continuance of a regime that is truly I hope these things will be of interest Satanic. to your readers. John Smart, HMP, Thank you for all you do for the real, Please pray for us and for our bishops. Glenochil, Tullibody Catholic, Church. Veronica Moreland, Virginia USA Mr V.V. Howard, Lancs Ed: all very interesting, John. Thank you! Catholic Truth (Issue No. 74) - Dear Editor & all who sail with her, brilliant as ever! N O T I C E Mary Burke, Birmingham As you see, my cheque book has not lost its affection for you all! Apart from Our sincere gratitude to everyone who donated to our funds following the Thank you for the November 12 issue money, it insists on offering the November, 2012 edition. of the Catholic Truth magazine, as following theological reflections to ever very good to know what is going strengthen your cause. To save postage, we no on out there. longer write letters to When aviators first flew over flocks of acknowledge individual What I found especially interesting penguins in the Antarctic, the birds all donations although if was the article on Freemasonry. They turned to face the approaching aircraft, you include an email get everywhere with their grotesque followed it over their heads, and then address, Editor will lodges and things that go on there. A all fell flat on their backs. thank you personally. Email addresses mixture of witchcraft, paganism and are included with all PayPal donations. A certain Grand Vizier in ancient A special word of thanks to our regular various other things. I remember when Persia was fanatical about his library, Standing Order donors: these regular I was going for my second interview and when on one of his peregrinations donations help our planning immensely. for a as a Prison Officer (!) I had to around the country had the books God bless you, each one. go to Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow. loaded on to camels which then had to Miss McMoneypenny. Right outside of the prison is a march in alphabetical order in case he Masonic Temple. It is claimed that needed to consult a volume. (From the Freemasonry is not a religion. If it is archives of the society for the Preservation not a religion, why would they need a of Useless Knowledge, Membership open temple? to men only.) The Editor Catholic Truth, I have enclosed a couple of We can afford to laugh because we 10 Sandyford Place newspaper articles, one from the Sun must win in the end whereas the Glasgow, G3 7NB (I was given this). It speaks for itself modernists need all their energies to and is typical of the liberals. (Ed: report: justify their useless doctrines and thus Tel: 0797 90 53666 Catholics’ Civil War Over Gays - Priests in do not wish to know about mad visiers Email: revolt at ‘homophobic’ Cardinal, Sun, 1/9/12, and unstable penguins. [email protected]

The UK & Irish Bishops plus the Pope and Prefects of every Vatican Congregation, receive this newsletter. If it contradicts Catholic teaching, we invite the Hierarchy to correct us in accordance with their duty under Canon Law # 823

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 8 From the Blog… A Fly On The Torkay on humiliation (in context Westminster Wall … of death of “royal” nurse caught up in prank telephone call)… on the death of dissent… Special Correspondent The predominant thrust and tone of The Protestant revolt saw the aggressive on the ending of the modern atheistic, paganistic society is that expansion of that error until the reigning “gay” Masses in Soho. (a) suffering is to be avoided at all costs, crop of prelates passed on. It was the next and (b) the secular society, esp. including generation that set about cleaning up the I was reliably informed before the medical and pharmaceutical sciences, mess in earnest. I suspect we’ll see the has all the cures necessary to, if not cure, parallel in the modern crisis: as the liberal Christmas that Archbishop Nichols then permanently alleviate suffering. radicals pass on, those who were raised on was called to the Congregation for the Indeed, this refusal to accept suffering has — and disenfranchised and disillusioned Doctrine of the faith (CDF) about the come close to being a “right.” by — the radicalism will clean house. Soho Masses among other things, The Church, on the other hand, when in About three years ago The Wall Street and so presume that this is all a result her right mind, teaches in obedience to Our Journal published a Charlotte Allen op-ed of being forced by the CDF - who Lord the science of suffering. The today titled “As the Flame of Catholic Dis- certainly had more than enough Immaculate Heart of His Mother, in fact, is sent Dies Out” — see evidence of the dissent at Soho. pierced with seven swords of suffering. 8704586504574654282563939764.html Public humiliation is a most grievous form What annoys me is that everyone is of suffering. I am frankly not certain if I The key point of the column is that as the praising Archbishop Nichols on the dissidents who inflicted fratricidal revolu- myself could accept such an affliction, let internet, but if he was forced to do it, alone welcome it, but I wonder if a well- tion on the Catholic Church starting in the formed faith would have done much to 1960s die out, no new iconoclasts are step- there is little merit in that. strengthen Jacintha’s resolve to bear it with ping in to fill their shoes. patience, rather than view it with such Perhaps when enough of those who are Also, he has said "I am, therefore, horror and dread as to want to terminate committed to the “reform” visited on us by asking the group which has, in recent her life because of it, as if she were no individuals who indulged in unmitigated years, helped to organise the longer fit to exist in the world. hubris, willful deceit, and/or unthinking celebration of Mass on two Sundays rage are out of the picture, the business of Here is St. Francis de Sales on humility of each month at Warwick cleaning up the awful mess they caused Street now to focus their (and obedience): can be properly carried out. effort on the provision of t-francis-de-sales-on-humility-and.html ======pastoral care." Bp. Bernard Fellay: “When we ask priests who approach the Society what they ex- The group openly dissents pew catholic on Pope’s Christmas pect from us, they tell us initially that they from Catholic teaching, so why is he expect doctrine.” With respect to the young pardon for jailed butler… allowing them to offer pastoral care in generation devoted to Tradition, His Excel- the diocese? This goes against the I saw that the Pope had pardoned his lency said, “it is waiting, ready for the ad- venture of Tradition, sensing very well that 1986 CDF document on pastoral care butler on the BBC website’s ticker-tape for homosexuals. ‘Latest news’ headline a day or two ago, what is being offered to it apart from Tradi- and was very heartened by this Jesus-like tion is nothing but imitation goods.” We need to keep making that point on action. The very next ticker-tape headline ======was about Islamists in Pakistan breaking all these blogs that are praising him. into a police station and killing a prisoner “The act of defending any of the cardinal And we need to be very vigilant to see accused of blasphemy. virtues has today all the exhilaration of a how things develop at Farm St. vice.” – G.K Chesterton in A Defense of Moments like this make me pleased to be Humilities, The Defendant, 1901 Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP is one of the a Catholic. priests involved in the provision of the Soho Masses. He insists: Southwell on the USA Bishops wish to canonise Dorothy Day… “The Mass isn’t being closed, it is being moved to the I was not aware of Dorothy Day’s neglect of her daughter, but this in itself should Jesuit Farm Street Church ... The indeed disqualify her from any project of . Archbishop has always been very It’s true that we do see many good people falling into the trap of idealism. Good supportive of this group ..." (Archbishop is not anti-gay, says Soho Catholics with the best of intentions become zealous for good causes. But in Masses Priest, London Evening Standard, doing so, they fall into the devil’s clever snare by neglecting the essentials and 4/1/13) losing all sense of proportion. not-antigay-says-soho-masses-priest-8438699.html An example of this is indeed those over-zealous promoters of distributism who It seems very likely that, far from being decide to up sticks and move into the countryside and try to live in complete ended, the “gay” Masses - which self-sufficiency, having no experience or skill in farming, and thus bring feature open dissent from Catholic unnecessary hardship and misery on their families. teaching on homosexuality - will continue and expand at their new Farm Street venue.

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 9 Thinking Through Catholic Truth “I have come to Scotland to unteach heresy and to save souls”

Resurrection of the Body St John Ogilvie SJ what does it actually mean? Feast: 10 March

But such is the disposition of a glorified body that it is spiritual, i.e. subject to the spirit, as the Apostle The empty tomb says (1 Cor. 15:44). Now in order for the body to be entirely subject to the spirit, it is necessary for the body's Question: every action to be subject to the will Someone has recently told me that of the spirit. Again, that an object be St. Thomas thought that the seen is due to the action of the visible resurrected body that awaits those object upon the sight, as the who are saved, like Jesus' Philosopher shows (De Anima ii). resurrected body, is not composed Consequently, whoever has a glorified of the very same material as the body has it in his power to be seen mortal body. This person said that when he so wishes, and not to be the resurrected body would be like seen when he does not wish it. the angels' bodies and be mostly (Summa Theologiae III, 54, 1 ad 2) invisible and intangible, but can at For certain heretics, as Augustine times be made visible and tangible relates (De Civ. Dei xiii, 22), ascribed in some way. Such bodies are in to [glorified bodies] the subtlety some sense spiritual but can be whereby spiritual substances are said given a physical aspect under to be subtle: and they said that at the certain conditions. resurrection the body will be Answer: transformed into a spirit, and that for this reason the Apostle describes as Saint does not being "spiritual" the bodies of those believe any of the things which you who rise again (1 Cor. 15:44). But this say were ascribed to "St. Thomas." cannot be maintained. First, because First, the resurrected body of both a body cannot be changed into a Christ and the Blessed are the very spirit, since there is no community of same material bodies they had before matter between them. ... Hence others they died. say that the aforesaid completeness Christ's body fell by death; namely, by reason of which human bodies are inasmuch as the soul which was its said to be subtle will result from the formal perfection was separated from dominion of the glorified soul (which it. Hence, in order for it to be a true is the form of the body) over the body, resurrection, it was necessary for the by reason of which dominion the same body of Christ to be once more glorified body is said to be "spiritual," united with the same soul. And since as being wholly subject to the spirit." the truth of the body's nature is from (Summa Theologiae Supplement, 83, 1) its form it follows that Christ's body In response to the most outrageous after His Resurrection was a true claim, the Angelic Doctor (Aquinas) body, and of the same nature as it was would never have thought that angels The Resurrection of Christ Carl Heinrich Bloch before. (Summa Theologiae III, 54, 1) have bodies! On the manner in which But Christ's body after the angels make use of material bodies, Resurrection was truly made up of see the essay "Angels”: …even elements, and had tangible qualities though angels are completely such as the nature of a human body immaterial creatures, Thomas requires, and therefore it could believes, given what is said about naturally be handled. (Summa Theologiae them in Scripture, that they sometimes III, 54, 2 ad 2) assumed bodies. The resurrected body is not spiritual by being made out of, or turned into, Taken from a spiritual substance. It is spiritual by and being completely subject to the spirit (soul) of its possessor.

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 10 Resurrection of the Body

The Catechism of Pope St Pius X

The Eleventh Article of the Creed

I believe in the resurrection of the body…

"After the resurrection, when our bodies will be reunited to our souls, they will be incorruptible; and the carnal passions which disturb us now will not be present in those bodies; we shall enjoy a peaceful equilibrium in 1 Q: What are we taught by the 6 Q: What are the endowments which the prudence of the flesh will Eleventh Article: The Resurrec- that are to adorn the bodies of not make war upon the soul; and there tion of the body? the elect? will no longer be that internal warfare A: The Eleventh Article of the A: The endowments that shall adorn wherein sinful passions fight against the law of the mind, conquering the the bodies of the elect are: (1) Creed teaches us that all men will soul and taking it captive by sin. Our rise again, every soul resuming the Impassability, by which they can nature then will be purified of all body it had in this life. never again be subject to evil, nor these tendencies, and one spirit will 2 Q: How will the resurrection to any kind of pain, nor to need of be in both, I mean in the flesh and in of the dead be accomplished? food, of rest or the like; (2) the spirit, and every corporeal Brightness, by which they shall affection will be banished from our A: The resurrection of the dead will shine as the sun and as so many nature." be accomplished by the virtue of the stars; (3) Agility, by which they ~ St. Omnipotent God, to whom nothing shall be able to pass in a moment (4th century Bishop) is impossible. and without fatigue from one place 3 Q: When will the resurrection to another and from earth to heaven; of the dead take place? (4) Subtlety, by which without hindrance they shall be able to A: The resurrection of the dead shall penetrate any body, as did Jesus take place at the end of the world, Christ when risen from the dead. and shall be followed by the General Judgment. 7 Q: And the bodies of the damned, what of them? 4 Q: Why does God will the res- urrection of the body? A: The bodies of the damned shall be destitute of all the endowments A: God wills the resurrection of the of the glorified bodies of the body, in order that the soul, having blessed, and shall bear upon them done good or evil while united with the appalling mark of eternal the body, may also be rewarded or reprobation. punished along with it. Resurrection of Christ 5 Q: Will all rise in the same Noel Coypel way? A: No, there will be a vast If the dead rise not again,then neither difference between the bodies of the is Christ risen again. And if Christ be not risen again your faith is in vain: elect and the bodies of the damned; for you are yet in your sins. If for this because only the bodies of the elect life only we have hoped in Christ, we shall have, like the risen Christ, the are the most pitiable people of all.... endowments of glorified bodies. If the dead are not raised: ''Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die'' (St Paul: 1 Cor 15: 16 -19, 32).

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 11 Religious Liberty - Demoting Christ…

Since Vatican II, the Catholic Church Paul Kokoski - American spellings prevail. has been turned upside down in the name of an ecumenical council whose true interpretation continues to be contradicts the 1985 statement by the in 1965 was not a modus vivendi debated more than half a century after Synod of bishops that it is not licit to between herself and states with a it closed. separate the pastoral character from Catholic past, but a basic lowest the doctrinal vigour of documents. common denominator across the What Topping is doing here is planet." separating the pastoral from the doctrinal in order to then make the This rationale is faulty on several doctrinal subject to the pastoral. levels. First, Dignitatis Humanae does Modernists do essentially the same not mention the word "tolerance" as thing when, for example, they separate was the mind-set of the Church prior faith from science in order to make faith to Vatican II, but rather speaks of subject to science. It is a case of religious liberty in terms of being a pastoral-minded opponents of dogma "right". The distinction was deliberate. Unlike the mere "tolerance" of error, a Paul Kokoski wanting Catholic doctrine to "witness" to the "pastoral" signs of the times. "right" implies the legitimate and Traditionally, and in every previous uncensored ability to persist in one’s One point of contention is the Council’s Council, there were only doctrinal error - even if it is only at the level of teaching on religious liberty. statements and declarations and the idea. Vatican II ought to have definitions. But precisely because considered, and was indeed prepared In his 1864 encyclical "Quanta Cura", these clear statements gave guidance to consider religious tolerance, which Pope Pius IX labelled as "erroneous" to souls, it followed that they were truly is something entirely different from the opinion that the "liberty of pastoral. The whole concept of a religious liberty. The preparatory conscience and of worship is the pastoral document that is not doctrinal document that was prepared for the proper right of every man...[and that he is radically new. This manoeuver Council on religious tolerance is a gem is] not to be restrained by either conveniently allows Topping to claim of Catholic teaching, explaining how to ecclesiastical or civil authority". Vatican in his article that "Vatican II provided adapt Catholic teaching to the times in II’s "Dignitatis Humanae" # 2 rejects no obvious key to its own which we are living, in which Catholic this teaching as it regards a person’s interpretation". In turn, this new "basis nations have been all but eliminated. relation to the state: "All men are to be for a range of readings" of the Council The answer is tolerance of religious immune from coercion on the part of allows Topping, Fr. de Valk, and others error and of the sects, for it is the lesser individuals or of social groups and of the freedom to interpret Vatican II in evil. Secondly, While the political any human power, in such wise that in whatever "pastoral" vein they like situation in 19th Century Europe may matters religious no one is to be forced under the pretense that they are still in have provided Pope Pius IX with the to act in a manner contrary to his own continuity with Church Tradition. Thus, motive for issuing "Quanta Cura", it is beliefs. Nor is anyone to be restrained where the Church previously simply a leap in logic to conclude that from acting in accordance with his own condemned - doctrinally - the "right" to the document’s condemnation of beliefs, whether private or public, religious liberty ("Quanta Cura", Pope religious liberty was meant to apply whether alone or in association with Pius IX) she can now - pastorally - only, and in a temporary way, to the others, within due limits...This right of approve it. Where the pre-conciliar 19th Century Church in Europe. If this the human person to religious freedom magisterium rejected any separation were true there would be little reason is...based on the very dignity of the of Church and State (cf "Libertas", today to place any faith at all in the human person...and is to be Pope Leo XIII) it can now determine it infallible objectivity of any papal recognized in the constitutional law lawful. document. In fact Pius IX does include whereby society is governed. This is to "America" and "the whole world" in his become a civil right." Topping justifies his reversal of "syllabus of errors". Thirdly, respected doctrine by attempting to de-myth the author Michael Davies has stated that Those who justify this reversal, such past. He states: "by calling ‘erroneous’ after Vatican II "Pope Paul VI induced as Fr. Alphonse de Valk and Ryan the view that liberty was a right, Pope Catholic countries such as Spain, Topping (Catholic Insight, April, May Pius IX was defending Catholics Columbia and Italy to change their 2012) often do so on the common against secularists who wished to constitutions by deleting any and all grounds that Dignitatis Humanae is dismantle the ad hoc legal provisions privileges given to the Church." This only a "pastoral document". Mr. granted to the Church through the begs the question: Why then did not Topping states: "instead of defeating concordat system... After two world Pope Pius IX do the same thing - in fact heresies, of deepening matters of wars Vatican II the question was he did the very opposite - in Europe fundamental theology, good Pope John not only how to preserve whatever when he was confronted with the same wished his council to be pastoral". This customary ecclesiastical rights yet underlying problem regarding religious incorrectly implies that the pre-Vatican remained within an apostate European liberty? II Church - the Church that condemned nation; the question became, what heresy and engaged the world in moral standard of tolerance for religion ought Also, appealing to the "basic lowest exhortations - was not pastoral. It also to be expected by any government, common denominator" to determine anywhere. What the Church defended truth is a consequential - utilitarian Continued on p.13 Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 12 Religious Liberty - Demoting Christ… Continued from p. 12 argument which the Church different things, and playing on this schools, or in the affairs of our condemns. Indeed, if this is how the double meaning is essential to the governments. Catholicism, in fact, is Church formulates its teachings we modernist argument. largely viewed as the last acceptable would all have to kowtow to Fr. prejudice. Rahner’s dubious "anonymous Indeed, the whole idea of separating Continuing to justify his Hegelian Christian" concept which Pope the pastoral from the doctrinal is an hermeneutic, Topping makes further Benedict XVI has condemned in his evolutionary concept, and quite appeal to the Vatican II term "dialogue" "Principles of Catholic Theology". Is Hegelian. In Hegelian philosophy, the in a way to suggest that the Church this really how we should understand two are in interplay with one another, had never "initiated a dialogue with the the passages in Gaudium et spes #22 as are continuity and rupture. This modern world" prior to Vatican II. This which tells us "By his Incarnation the interplay is, in Hegelian terms, an is to give dialogue, and ultimately Son of God has ‘in a certain way’ opposition between thesis and ecumenism, a meaning altogether united Himself with each man" and "It antithesis, creating a new synthesis. foreign to Catholic teaching. In fact the is only in the mystery of the Word made To say that there must be both Church itself penetrates the world from flesh that the mystery of man truly continuity and rupture is for Catholics its very nature as its leaven and it can becomes clear"? (Emphasis added) a contradiction, but for the modernist be seen historically to have influenced self-evident, a new order being every facet of the world's life - much Philosopher Fr. Martin Rhonheimer, in constantly created by the interplay more so before Vatican II than his essay The Hermeneutic of Reform between continuity and rupture. Since, afterwards where the exact reverse and Religious Freedom, attempts - in for the modernist, there is no objective has taken place. Officials in the a similar manner to Topping - to justify truth or right - there is no contradiction. Church have always communicated this idea of separating the pastoral with people in the world, such as from the doctrinal in order to make the Catholicism non-Catholic governments. For the doctrinal subject to the pastoral. He past several centuries it has been claims, for example, there is "no is the last permissible to maintain open civil opposition" between what Pope communication with heretics. The Benedict XVI coined in 2005 the acceptable difference is that dialogue the term "hermeneutic of discontinuity" and the was never used but nonetheless "hermeneutic of continuity". True prejudice. exercised before Vatican II has sadly "reform", he says , lies "in the interplay, come to mark, in Topping and de on different levels, between continuity If, as Pope Benedict XVI also recently Valk’s view, a movement from the and discontinuity. While admitting stated, Vatican II’s teaching on certain to the uncertain, the positive to there is a certain and present religious liberty does put itself back "in the problematic; it essentially reduces discontinuity in regards to religious full harmony" not only with the teaching evangelization from that of an freedom, he claims that this merely of Jesus on the distinction between authoritative proclamation to a dispute serves to "bring into view a deeper and God and Caesar, but also "with the or conversation. This is nowhere more more essential continuity" that being Church of the martyrs of all time," why evident than in what many have called that the first Christians "did not did not Pope Pius IX respect this truth the Protestantization of the Liturgy demand that the State support in his condemnation of religious which Pope Paul VI authenticated and religious truth". According to Fr. liberty? Was Pope Pius IX a heretic or which Pope Benedict XVI has highly Rhonheimer, Fr. de Valk, and was he also just being "legitimately" criticized on several occasions eg. The Topping’s logic, it is ultimately the pastoral in an attempt to bypass Spirit of the Liturgy and is in the State, and not the Church, that previous teaching on religious liberty? process of correcting: the original decides, by its own inner mechanisms, translation of the Novus Ordo from what constitutes for the Church a Topping further tries to justify his Latin to English contained not only human "right" where religious liberty is contradictory "back-and-forth" with poor translations but literally and concerned - religious liberty being Church teaching by way of a causal theologically false translations - pro essentially a fluctuating function of how argument. He states: "the post Vatican multis for example. severely the church is being II Church in the contemporary world persecuted at any point in history. For had become more effective [than the Dignitatis Humanae states: "The truth the complete historicist, everything is pre-Vatican II Church] at making her must be sought… by means... of true in its own time and place but that's claims stick. Pope John Paul II’’s exchange and dialogue, by which all. interventions toward the collapse of some set forth to others the truth that Communism in 1989 are a dramatic they have found or think that they have For Fr. Rhonheimer to conclude that case in point". In fact, the reality is found, in order to help each other Vatican II teaching is a return to the quite the opposite. Not only has reciprocally in the search of truth.(# 3). religious liberty of the early centuries Communism not collapsed in Russia, This, of course, can have a benign of the Church in the way he does is to Russia has succeeded in spreading interpretation, namely that dialogue is play on the ambiguity of the term her errors to China, Cuba and simply an exchange on human value, "religious liberty." It can mean, for throughout the world in the guise of but not on doctrine. However, this example, the freedom of Catholics to Socialism as foretold at Fatima. Today, does not seem to be the meaning of practice the true Faith, as in the early the greater world is under total siege the text as Topping and Fr. deValk centuries of the Church, or it can mean by militant atheism and soft totalitarian understand it and as it is understood the freedom of all religions, true and governments. Our Lord no longer in greater Catholic circles, which false, and of all people to follow all reigns in our parliaments, in our requires both Catholics and non- these religions. These are two entirely constitutions, in our courts, in our Catholics to exchange with one Continued on p.14 Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 13 Religious Liberty - Demoting Christ… Continued from p. 13 another and to help each other allow divorce, some Anglican document in the form of an appendix reciprocally in the search of truth, as if denominations accept homosexuality or syllabus stating in practical terms, dialogue were a means to discover the and the Episcopal Church supports what aspects or beliefs of non-Catholic truth, and not the teaching of the abortion on demand. religions have a "right" to exist and why Church. On this score Pope Benedict i.e. the syllabus should specifically XVI, himself, has explicitly rejected the The unfortunate vagueness detail the ways in which those beliefs "ecumenism of the return" whereby surrounding "due limits" makes one and ideas do not - especially through non-Catholics are converted to the wonder exactly what aspects of their dissemination via the media, TV, Catholic Faith (cf speech to religious freedom are permitted and movies, internet etc. - harm public Protestants at World Youth Day, why these things are harmless to order or the common good. More than August 19, 2005). Does this not mean public order and - as the Catholic helpful, this would seem a necessity, that in religious matters Catholics have Catechism # 1738 later added - "the especially for the weak and least things to learn from schismatics, common good"? educated who are trying to build an heretics and pagans? Is not this the informed conscience. Though this relativisation of all truth? Hence the Might they be, for example, the right of would no doubt be a daunting task at expression that praises the "salvific Buddhists to worship a non-personal best, it is the duty of the Magisterium value of other religions", and the death God or the right of New Age followers to enlighten consciences not confuse of the missionary spirit, which strives to worship the earth? Might it include them with theories and principles that to convert to the Truth of the Catholic the right of atheist, agnostic, and are difficult, if not impossible, to prove Church. secular humanist groups to call their or disprove in their practical organizations religions as is happening applications. The Hegelian methods of in the U.S. with the advancement of reinterpreting, de-mything, and/or of atheist, agnostic, and secular humanist Mr. Paul Kokoski is a freelance writer selectively eliminating Tradition which military "chaplaincies" for soldiers who holds a BA in philosophy from - contrary to Fr. Rhonheimer, Mr. (CNA April 29, 2011). Can we be sure McMaster University in Hamilton, Topping and Fr. De Valk - are not that such "non-essentials" do not Ontario, Canada. His articles have been supported in Gaudium et spes # 22, is adversely affect public order and the published in several journals including, essentially no different than when common good? Homiletic and Pastoral Review, New Catholic Modernists who favor Oxford Review, and Challenge abortion, contraception, homosexuality If limits to religious freedom must refer Magazine. etc. reach behind the words of the to the objective moral order and to the Vatican II texts to carve out their own safeguarding of public order and the [T]he Faith teaches that our most self-serving meanings. There is a false common good one should think they cherished liberty is our liberation from spirit - or "hermeneutic of discontinuity" should more importantly have to refer Original Sin and the consequences that - at play in both instances. Both to the root cause of their violation i.e. follow (eternal death), which Our Savior represent rupture not reform. This kind to ideas as they are joined to the will. and Lord Jesus Christ has obtained for us of intellectual dishonesty in the guise Weakened human nature can and through His Passion, Death, and of orthodoxy is what is preventing the does lead people to think and believe Resurrection. Church from moving forward. It is the all kinds of false things about God. But reason why the true spirit of Vatican II can we truly say that one has, beyond As for man’s “liberty”, mankind has been has yet to emerge - except in extremely tolerance, a "natural right" to think and endowed with free will, but only to use for minute quarters. believe what they want to about God good – that which corresponds with Truth and his moral law - especially when (i.e., Christ and His Church) – but not to Did Vatican II contradict infallible God’s law - a law that truly sets man do evil. Or as the Catechism asks: “Why Church teaching with regard to free - is written on every human heart did God create you?” Thus error never has Religious liberty? and can be known by reason alone? any rights. However, the secularistic and anti-Catholic principle of religious liberty "Dignitatis Humanae" does mention And what about people of various denies this reality and instead, makes error "due limits" circumscribing religious religions who, with hardened equal to Truth. liberty. The problem is that the nature consciences, cannot be swayed to the Certainly we must fight for the liberty of of those limits are not clearly stated. In truth of Christ? Do these people also the Catholic Church – that is, the ability Paragraph 2 "due limits" involve have a "right" to mentally persist in their for her to fulfill her divine mission to save "safeguarding public order". This would errors? If so, in what way can they souls, promote the faith (particularly in seem to mean that as long as a ultimately be condemned or held society) and enact the corporal acts of religious group is not a cover for culpable for any sins they may commit mercy. However, this is a much different terrorism, criminal networks, or some against objective morality? thing than defending religious liberty, a other infringement of the "rights of false notion that originated with the man", everything must be authorized. Topping outright dismisses any Protestants and condemned as an error Paragraph 7 goes somewhat further investigation into these underlying under the generic title of “Liberalism”. [1] speaking of "due limits" in terms of problems - which have been the root of mass confusion in the Church since “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty”: A problematic those legal principles which are in document. conformity with the "the objective moral Vatican II –– stating quite definitively, Read the complete text of this article at order". In this case only the Catholic and in a rather self-defeating tone, that Church could enjoy unrestricted these "silences need to be respected". freedom of religion because she alone 1. See Pope Gregory XVI’s encyclical, Mirari Vos, Pius IX’s Quanta Cura and Syllabus of Errors. conserves, in full, the natural law - To alleviate some of the confusion it Islam accepts polygamy, Protestants has caused it might be helpful for the Church to add a qualifier to the pastoral

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 14 FROM VATICAN II TO THE NEW EVANGELIZATION Extracts from talk by Cardinal George Pell, Glasgow, 1st December, 2012 Editorial comment added

“I was one of the lucky Catholics who was able to attend the St Andrew’s Conference at Glasgow City Chambers and I am still telling everyone I meet about this amazing event” (Letter, Scottish Catholic Observer, 14 December, 2012.) This enthusiastic correspondent goes on to describe her favourite speaker, Professor George Weigal who introduced her to the term “Evangelical Catholic” which he used repeatedly throughout his talk and so, she concludes, although she’d never before thought of herself in that way, perhaps she “could be”. Cardinal Pell’s talk, she opined, was “inspiring”. This is one lady who should definitely attend our upcoming conference on how to keep the Catholic Faith. We don’t have space to reproduce the Cardinal’s entire talk, but it is worth, we believe, examining some key extracts… (Editorial comment added in bold)

During the 2000 year history of the spectacular attempt at re- the extent that they think about it at all, Catholic Church we find a number of evangelization since the time of the they presume things were then as they dramatically successful examples of Reformation and the most recent are now. reform and renewal. foundation stone on which our present Ed: this is an admission of the failure efforts are based. of Catholic education to teach pupils Ed: once again, we see the Reformation about their heritage. They deserve to presented as a positive landmark - know that the Church was - in recent Vatican II, the Cardinal suggests, is “the times - strong and fruitful, highly most spectacular attempt at re- regarded in wider society: that it is the evangelisation SINCE the Reformation”. post-Vatican II watering down of the Outrageous! Leaving aside, for the Faith - not to mention the attendant moment, the fact that Vatican II was scandals - that has given the spectacular only in that it marked the cartoonists scope for lampooning and most serious decline in the Catholic mockery. religion since the introduction of sliced bread, the Cardinal seems to hold the Occasionally I have encountered small view that the rejection of papal authority groups of fervent young Catholics, and Catholic dogma by dissident priests who covertly lament the Council and in the 16th century was the work of the gaze nostalgically at a pre-Conciliar At its best the sixteenth century Holy Spirit. Is that what he believes? Golden Age. I have disappointed them Protestant Reformation was an attempt The SCO correspondent (let’s call her by pointing out that we would all be to return to the Scriptures (Henry VIII’s ‘Marie’) clearly didn’t notice anything discomfited in such a return, by the amiss as she listened to these highly constraints then taken for granted e.g. problems have a quite different questionable statements about the motivation). I have heard it argued that Reformation. On the contrary, she found no ecumenical cooperation, “mixed the Reformation helped to save the them “inspiring”! marriages” celebrated in a sacristy Catholic Church by forcing the outside the Church and the absence Catholics to take their religious claims The Second Vatican Council was also of, e.g., parish councils and school seriously. The Council of Trent (1545- the most important event in Catholic boards. Catholic life then was much 63) began too late and dragged on too life since the sixteenth century Council more “clericalised” with all leadership long but eventually produced of Trent. Its teachings and the positions in Catholic schools and wonderful fruit especially through the unexpected aftermaths have changed hospitals held by nuns, brothers and creation of the Tridentine seminary (an the Church, especially in the First a few priests... adapted model is still used today by World of Western Europe, North Ed: most dioceses) and the publication of America and smaller countries like (1) “ecumenical co-operation” is a euphemism for “no evangelisation”. the Catechism of the Council of Trent. and New Zealand. The Society of Jesus, founded by St. Converts poured into the Church pre- Ed: now, if anything should have given Vatican II. Ignatius of Loyola, was the leader in Marie pause for thought it is this (2) mixed marriages celebrated in a the so-called Counter Reformation. astonishing claim that the teachings of sacristy… Well for those of us who are Ed: the Protestant Reformation was a Vatican II and the unexpected now related to Protestant nephews and disaster for the Church. There was no aftermaths have changed the Church nieces because their parents were “at its best”. Yet again, we see a because the signs are everywhere that permitted the full nuptial works without churchman attacking the Catholic the Church is in grave decline. So, the accompanying commitment to Church in the false belief that the whatever these changes are, they’re bringing up baby in the Faith, that Scriptures had been suppressed prior obviously not for the better. doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all. to the Protestant Reformation. (3) the absence of e.g. Parish Councils Nonsense. Did the author of the SCO Yet for most youngsters and many of and School Boards because the Church letter cited in the introduction above, the middle aged, this Council is about was too “clericalised” and all not realise that this was nonsense? If as well known as the Council of leadership positions in Catholic not, why not? Chalcedon. Only those sixty years and schools and hospitals were held by older can remember much about the nuns, brothers and a few priests... We should also see the Second days of the Latin Mass, high rates of Well, two key points: maybe the Vatican Council (1962-65) as the most Cardinal has forgotten that before the Mass-going and plentiful vocations. To Continued on p.16 Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 15 From Vatican II To The New Evangelization - Cardinal Pell… Continued from p.15 disastrous feminist movement got to Evangelization. From Lumen Gentium 25… work to undermine motherhood so Ed: this is all very misleading. It is, in successfully, most lay women were too fact, carefully couched in typical Bishops, teaching in communion with the busy raising their children and running Modernist-speak, ambiguous, to say the Roman Pontiff, are to be respected by all as their homes to “get involved” in least. For clarity, see column three witnesses to divine and Catholic truth. In monitoring the parish accounts and opposite where the Church’s traditional matters of faith and morals, the bishops speak bossing the PP around. And who knows, teaching on the relationship between in the name of Christ and the faithful are to it just may have helped the clergy and Pope and Bishops is repeated. Taken, accept their teaching and adhere to it with a religious to stay put in their vocations, please note, from the same Vatican II religious assent. This religious submission of knowing that they were needed to er, document that Cardinal Pell cites to mind and will must be shown in a special way run the parishes, schools and support his “Bishops in the Boardroom” to the authentic magisterium of the Roman hospitals… Just a thought. Makes more theory. But, again, did Marie wonder, Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex sense, in my view, than having the when she listened to this description of cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a high-powered mum-of-all-trades paying “Bishops in the Boardroom”; did she way that his supreme magisterium is child minders and divorce lawyers so think, however fleetingly, something acknowledged with reverence, the judgments that she can be “fulfilled” in both along the lines: “whatever happened to made by him are sincerely adhered to, workplace and church. Didn’t “gimme papal supremacy?” according to his manifest mind and will. His strength” spring to Marie’s mind as she Roll on the Catholic Truth June mind and will in the matter may be known listened to this “don’t you just love our Conference on the (authentic) Catholic either from the character of the documents, clericalised and our laicised Faith - and how to keep it. from his frequent repetition of the same clergy” baloney? Oh and by the way, let doctrine, or from his manner of speaking. it be noted, for the record, that before While I will mention later some of the (as after) Vatican II, it was not easy to misapplications of the Pastoral Although the individual bishops do not enjoy get Catholic lay people into the Constitution of the Church in the World the prerogative of infallibility, they apostolic organisations such as the (Gaudium et Spes), the basic doctrine nevertheless proclaim Christ's doctrine Legion of Mary and the St Vincent de that we engage with all those of good infallibly whenever, even though dispersed Paul Society. They were (and are) busy will, seek to cooperate rather than through the world, but still maintaining the buying oxen and marrying wives, so it condemn, and participate regularly in bond of communion among themselves and with the successor of Peter, and authentically is a blatant falsehood to claim that the discussions of the Public Square Vatican II brought a more “involved” teaching matters of faith and morals, they are laity. There’s more of them in the are foundational attitudes for nearly in agreement on one position as definitively sanctuary than in the pews now, that’s every Catholic today. to be held.(40*) This is even more clearly all. Ed: here’s another disingenuous verified when, gathered together in an ecumenical sideswipe at the Catholic ecumenical council, they are teachers and The most important document of the Church which traditionally called to judges of faith and morals for the universal Council was the Dogmatic Constitution repentance all those who have fallen Church, whose definitions must be adhered away from the True Faith. And yet, wait! to with the submission of faith.(41*) on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, Lumen Gentium, # 14 repeats and where a Copernican revolution saw the affirms this ancient tradition: This And this infallibility with which the Divine People of God (Chapter 2) treated Sacred Council wishes to turn its Redeemer willed His Church to be endowed before the hierarchy and episcopate attention firstly to the Catholic faithful. in defining doctrine of faith and morals, (Chapter 3). The recognition of the Basing itself upon Sacred Scripture and extends as far as the deposit of Revelation baptismal dignity of the lay faithful was Tradition, it teaches that the Church, extends, which must be religiously guarded and faithfully expounded. And this is the deeply in accord with the New now sojourning on earth as an exile, is necessary for salvation. Christ, present infallibility which the Roman Pontiff, the Testament. It was also providential for head of the college of bishops, enjoys in the society which has emerged where to us in His Body, which is the Church, is the one Mediator and the unique way virtue of his office, when, as the supreme hostile pressures have increased so of salvation. In explicit terms He Himself shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, who much and are quite beyond the affirmed the necessity of faith and confirms his brethren in their faith,(166) by capacity of the reduced number of baptism(124) and thereby affirmed also a definitive act he proclaims a doctrine of clergy and religious for effective the necessity of the Church, for through faith or morals.(42*) And therefore his resistance. The Second Vatican baptism as through a door men enter the definitions, of themselves, and not from the Council recognized the proper dignity Church. Whosoever, therefore, knowing consent of the Church, are justly styled irreformable, since they are pronounced with of the baptized. that the Catholic Church was made the assistance of the Holy Spirit, promised to Ed: here, at least, the Cardinal is honest necessary by Christ, would refuse to him in blessed Peter, and therefore they need enough to describe Vatican II as a enter or to remain in it, could not be no approval of others, nor do they allow an “revolution” - did Marie notice? Doesn’t saved. appeal to any other judgment. For then the she know that we don’t DO revolutions Some members of non-Christian and Roman Pontiff is not pronouncing judgment in the Catholic Church? Didn’t anyone non-Catholic religions might find that a as a private person, but as the supreme teacher else in the audience know that? tad “condemnatory” - not so the sincere of the universal Church, in whom the charism Archbishop Tartaglia, for example? seekers after Truth who, in my experience, prefer not to be dialogued of infallibility of the Church itself is individually present, he is expounding or Lumen Gentium also took up the to death by fork-tongued Catholics terrified of being cast out of the defending a doctrine of Catholic faith.(43*) interrupted work of the First Vatican ecumenical fold. The infallibility promised to the Church Council and spelt out the role of all the resides also in the body of Bishops, when that bishops as successors of the apostles, The most obvious day-to-day change body exercises the supreme magisterium with the successor of Peter. rather than delegates of the Pope, in took place in the liturgy, where the the doctrine of collegiality (the bishops transition into the vernacular for the *All footnotes in original document: ruling with and under Peter), which is celebration of the sacraments was not classically exemplified in an Lumen Gentium: Dogmatic Constitution explicitly mandated by the Council on the Church, # 25. Ecumenical Council and reflected in itself. I suspect that not many of the the regular Synods of Bishops, the last Council Fathers anticipated that our of which dealt with our topic of the New Continued on p.17 Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 16 From Vatican II To The New Evangelization - Cardinal Pell… Continued from p.16 liturgies would so quickly resemble, at we usefully try to do? Let me suggest My third point was well made at a least on the surface, Protestant some simple measures and the best recent meeting of Bishops, when a eucharists rather than the Tridentine way to resist hostile pressures. To young bishop pointed out that our Mass. Pope John XXIII had only reverse decline – whether it be in sport views on salvation, on its nature, expected that a portion of the Mass or religion – is to insist that the universality or limits, on the criteria would be celebrated in the vernacular. fundamentals are in place. Christ uses in judgement – this ensemble of views colours our whole On that point, it has been pleasing to First, we must emphasise the approach to Catholic life. see, some 40 years later, how the new importance of faith in the one true God If the fires of hell are never populated translation has improved the quality who loves us. We need to combat (in our view), then our life is likely to and fidelity of the English text of the intellectually the forces of the new lack a sense of urgency. If purgatory liturgy to the Latin original. More atheism and be confident about what has lapsed into limbo also, so that we importantly, this more sacral language we have to offer in the pursuit of Truth. are unconcerned about the necessity has helped turn us more towards This implies a knowledge of philosophy of purification before entering into Transcendence, the worship of the one and science, a defence from reason God’s presence, then we might be true God. Christ should always be at before any appeal to Revelation. drifting towards supporting an Ed: that appears to contradict Our the centre of the Mass, rather than the unreflective attitude that heaven is a Lord’s command to his first apostles, to priest. As a consequence, I strongly universal human right. This could be support placing a crucifix between the go out into the whole world, baptising them…. It also suggests that only clever quite close to a radical agnosticism people and the officiating priest and people (like me) can spread the faith. about life after death, and especially would support a return to the practice Not true. You can do so as well, and - about reward or punishment after of the celebrant facing east, with his indeed - you are under your Baptismal death. back to the people. This would make and Confirmation obligation so to do. Of it abundantly clear that whoever is at course we can appeal to reason as a Dangerously, we can start to act as the centre of the celebration, it is not first stop in seeking converts (which is though we are a purely this-world the priest. our Baptismal duty: seeking ecumenical organization, where considerations Ed: notice how the liturgical travesty of partners is a post-Vatican II novelty) but about God count for little. The closer the Protestantized Mass, admitted by nobody should feel that their lack of we come to this extreme the less we the Cardinal here, is nevertheless knowledge of science and/or should be surprised when people are glossed over as he races to mention the philosophy prevents them from unconcerned about the call to New Translation. He didn’t mention, spreading the Faith. Grab the nearest conversion. note, the rebellion of priests the world copy of the Lives of the Saints if you over to this same “more faithful to the don’t believe me. We certainly understand today that the original Latin” text, rebellion we can God who judges us is loving and read in the pages of the Catholic press, Second, the crucified Christ and his sympathetic as well as just, but Jesus as these Protestantized priests lament teachings have to be at the centre of also said that “narrow is the way that these same “improvements” welcomed all our catechetical and religious leads to salvation” (Mt 7:14). by the Cardinal. As for the rest: the formation work with the young. Ed: we’re with you all the way on your Cardinal’s desire to see a crucifix on the Crucifixion Christianity is essential if third point.) altar (a bit like expecting to see a we are to speak to those who are prescription pad on your doctor’s desk) My fourth point is that today even in and a return to the priest facing east so suffering and those who acutely feel regular Christian formation Christ is too that the celebrant is not at the centre of the need for redemption. The fruits of the Mass. Kidding, right? The Showman- the resurrection are many times not felt often displaced from the centre, His Priest is here for a while longer, or not observed in day-to-day life. At hard teachings obscured or neglected. methinks. Great ideas, Cardinal, but, the time of the Reformation it was While disinterest is usually the greater guess what - they were around well unnecessary to state this, because problem, we have a whole range of before Vatican II, so you can’t go about Christ was central for all the alternatives, e.g. the charism of the the place suggesting bringing back contending parties. This is not our founder, global warming, the practices from pre-Vatican II. Where on situation within or outside the Church. sustainability of the planet, theorizing EARTH might it lead? Heavens above. about social justice, even the struggle Yes, exactly. Therefore as an archbishop I began by reforming religious education and the for life rather than stressing the call to repent and believe, to follow our Mixed fruit followed the efforts of the seminary. It was essential to brother the redeemer Jesus Christ the Second Vatican Council at New sequentially and comprehensively only Son of the God of , Isaac Evangelization, many of them not explain and promote the importance of and ; so too misdirected zeal intended by the Council and not direct core beliefs to audiences which often worked to turn our eucharists too often consequences of the Council had little prior formation and no idea of into community celebrations rather teachings. their own basic story. than solemn traditional acts of worship. Ed: well, somebody messed up, then, Ed: of course Christ must be at the Ed: shouldn’t that be “rather than the but it seems to me that if you write in centre of everything. But why “story”? Sacrifice of Calvary”? ambiguities to the documents of a I heard this word used (interchangeably Vatican Council, you must be prepared with “narrative”) throughout my student to reap what you wrote… teacher days and it struck me then, as Proper worship of God our Father, it strikes me now, that it’s the wrong through Christ His Son, combined with Where are we now? What can we do? word to use. “Story” has various layers accurate Christian formation, could be of meaning, of course, but “fiction” is described as putting into place the so closely connected to it, that I’d never required sociological frameworks for Because we cannot command or call dream of describing my Catholic Faith up conversions to Christ, what might as a “story”. the unpredictable work of the Spirit Continued on p.18 Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 17 From Vatican II To The New Evangelization - Cardinal Pell… Continued from p.17 within our believing families and acknowledge that Catholicism is not lines of restoring the Friday fast from communities. only for saints because sinners of meat (where modern Catholics Ed: it would have been useful to have every type and quality have always abandoned the practice) and other small ways of giving public witness to our this “unpredictability” of the Holy Spirit been part of Catholic history, to our Catholic Faith. No arguments there. spelt out for us, maybe an example or shame. We need to be doing what we two, to allay suspicions that He may be can sociologically for those on the Conclusion (very unpredictably) leading us away from the Catholic Church; and ditto “our outer edge of the concentric or We need allies. Firstly, religious allies believing families and communities” - overlapping circles which make up the – we should seek to build upon our not sure if these are Catholics or Christian community. natural common ground with our relatives by ecumenism. Ed: “sociologically”? What does that brothers in faith in areas such as the mean? Should we not be doing what we defence of marriage and the family. Liturgy which uplifts us and can to win lapsed Catholics back to The Jewish and Muslim communities Confession and Holy Mass? encourages a contemplation of the are also deeply concerned by the rise Divine is essential. All Catholics must How many of us know what on EARTH to do “sociologically” for sinners? Isn’t of aggressive secularism; in particular, be helped to understand the that word (“sinners”) the theological its attempts to redefine marriage and importance of reverence for the term for those “on the outer edge of the impose a new orthodoxy on the Eucharist and for that important concentric or overlapping circles which culture, the aim of which is to silence moment when God unites himself to make up the Christian community” traditional believers and force them to us through his own self-gift. It is whatever the dickens that means? We depart from the Public Square. through this self-gift that we are more are, are we not, speaking of those who We need secular allies also, especially fully able to become People of God are not in a state of grace? The lapsed civil and political leaders. Even in these who can truly live out the New and those who persist in receiving Holy troubled times, there remains an Evangelization. Communion despite living in a state of public sin? Well, why not blankety blank Ed: now to be fair, I’ve had to cut out enduring respect and admiration for just say so? “Concentric, overlapping lots of this talk, due to lack of space, and the Church because of its commitment circles”? Gerragrip. there were mentions in the original talk to serving the poor and its contribution of praying to Our Lady, the Rosary and to education, health care and human even Benediction. Still, it’s difficult to In the English speaking world, where dignity. This compassion is the see precisely what it is that Cardinal Pell Catholicism is nearly everywhere a practical and public expression of a thinks this new People of God need to minority, after the Second Vatican Catholicism that is free to practise, to actually DO to “live out the New Council, and especially after Gaudium grow, to teach and to evangelise. Evangelisation.” I can’t find any mention et Spes, we were properly urged to anywhere of seeking converts to come out of the ghetto and dialogue The great Scottish novelist Dame Catholicism which is, by definition, the with the world. There is no alternative Muriel Spark once explained her raison d'être of evangelisation. to this but we overestimated our conversion by saying, “If you're going strength and under-estimated the to do a thing, you should do it A fifth fundamental. I repeat that strength of the enemy, which has thoroughly. If you're going to be a youngsters and their parents from exponentially increased because of Christian, you may as well be a every type of Catholic family, good, television, the worlds of entertainment Catholic.” In these times when the bad or indifferent, need to be informed and fashion, and now the internet and secular vision of human life is that the Ten Commandments are the the ever-expanding range of instant becoming more and more indispensable moral framework for all communications. impoverished and unfulfilling, only a Christians, not just for a few old Ed: there most certainly is an alternative religious vision which thoroughly and churchgoers. The primacy of to the kind of shallow, meaningless intelligently contrasts with this poverty conscience (a damaging notion when “dialogue with the world” in vogue will attract those seeking God, identity applied to the Word of God) cannot today. It’s the tried and tested tradition and belonging. dispense anyone from any of the Ten of spreading the Faith - maybe by new As other Christian Churches and Commandments. methods; sure thing, but empty Communities sadly are struggling to The Ten Commandments are not like “dialogue” with a view to somehow hold on to a coherent apostolic a final examination of ten questions converging (you drop this belief and tradition, the depth and fidelity of where only six need be attempted. we’ll drop that belief) is doomed to failure. Ed: agree - one hundred percent. Catholicism to the roots of Christianity has become heightened. The beauty Instead of lamenting the helps Most young Australian Catholics talk and richness of its witness to the traditional Catholic life gave across the person of Jesus Christ in all aspects of like relativists, even when their moral centuries in cities, towns and villages views are correct. No longer is there human life and society is a compelling and somehow rejoicing in small answer to the void of secularism. any instinctive acceptance of moral numbers in our hostile world, we need truths, except perhaps in ecology or Ed: “sadly”? Is Cardinal Pell saying to be working to rebuild our defences, he’d like it better if the Protestant social justice. to shore up Catholic identity and communities were growing and Ed: then the priests and teachers are at practice sociologically rather than thriving? Communities instituted by fault. Parents, remember, are also dissident Catholic priests? victims of the poor quality religious insisting on the removal of those teaching which has prevailed - post surviving props. Read Cardinal Pell’s talk in its entirety at Vatican II - in Catholic schools. Ed: this might be read as suggesting a restoration of the so-called Catholic oad=page&page=216 Moving beyond these fundamentals to ghetto - another liberal myth - surely grapple with the Catholic forms of the not! More likely this refers to what the Cardinal said elsewhere, which I’ve not new evangelization, we should included due to lack of space, along the

Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 18 Dumb and Dumber

Well, I think I’ve made a good start in the archdiocese. I’ve had a Protestant preach in the Cathedral right off, which takes care of of the “outside the Catholic Church there’s no salvation” brigade, and a cardinal from the other end of the world to speak to a catholic audience to show that we share exactly the same brand new tradition of condemning everything before Vatican II and loving - to death - everything after Vatican II. I even managed to tone down my comments about the damaging health effects of “gay”sexual

behaviour without it getting mentioned in Catholic Truth - Philip Tartaglia, not even in this edition... Not a bad start, at all. Archbishop of Glasgow

They got me on the gay masses, in the end I had to close them down …But that was a smart move, was it not, to have Jesuits at Farm Street pick up the “pastoral care”? I think we can trust them - You don’t know what I mean? Really? Well, let me remind you about the woman who asked her priest to help her when her son said he wanted to be a priest. Her PP explained : “If he wants to become a diocesan priest, he’ll have to study for eight years. If he wants to become a Franciscan, he’ll have to study for ten years, if he wants to be a Jesuit, he’ll have to study for fourteen years. The woman looked relieved: “Sign him up for that last one, Father. He’s a little slow!” Oh, yes, we’ll be fine with the Jesuits. But remember - you didn’t hear it Archbishop Vincent from me… Nichols, Westminster

Go on, write a bit about how the saints made sacrifices to help others, and how the great missionaries travelled to the ends of the earth to teach the poor pagans all about how Jesus died to save them from Hell. Go on, and then tell that man, cos he means well really, that unless he becomes a Catholic, he is at risk of losing his soul. Go on, you know we’re supposed to spread the faith and this Catholic Truth blog is a great way to do that. Write more. Say you want to recommend Butler’s Lives of the Saints…But then again, I read somewhere that blogging is bad, sinful even. Oh dear. What shall we do? Scrub all that, dear. We shouldn’t be blogging. God will inspire the man about the Church, it’s not for us to tell him. let’s switch off the computer and pray, instead.

You Catholic Truth people Catholic corner Sure. But right now you mustn’t be allowed to win…If definitely DO have a Fr Doyle says there’s no material body, so get THIS! material body at the Modernist corner Resurrection, then there’s no material body! Get it?


Catholic Truth… Keeping the Faith, Telling the Truth - a bi-monthly newsletter for informed Catholics 19 From the editor... marry just about anyone else - or proposed legislation to allow same-sex anything they choose. marriage. Thousands did respond by Dear Reader ... However, before we jump to the sending in the postcards provided by conclusion that it’s a case of “them” the Church authorities. And that’s (the sexual deviants) and “us” (those really good. “Right Reverend Mark Davies will use who seek to uphold God’s natural his midnight Mass to say marriage can However, there is the ongoing problem moral law) think again: there are at only be between a man and a woman.” of double-speak, with mixed messages least five priests in Scotland that we coming from the hierarchy. Joe This is a sub-headline in a newspaper know of, who “disagree” with God on MacBloggs in the pew might not notice, report highlighting key points from the this matter, and probably many more: but the politicians do - and they know Bishop of Shrewsbury’s homily for A Catholic priest (told a Scottish tabloid they have nothing whatsoever to fear Midnight Mass, December, 2012. (Mail newspaper that he had) refused to from the Catholic hierarchy of the UK. Online, 24/12/12) read out a letter from Cardinal O’Brien Sound-bite condemnations of same- opposing same-sex marriage because It really should shock us all to the core sex relationships, after all, contrast it did not reflect his views nor those of that young people attending Mass sharply with the tacit approval of such his parishioners. should have to listen to what the partnerships evident, for example, at The priest, who did not want to be Cockneys call the “bleedin’ obvious” the funeral of Paul McBride, the well named (Ed: a tad cowardly) was one of at but it’s very much a sign of the times known Glasgow lawyer who died on least five churchmen who defied in which we live that people claim not 4/3/12, and whose “gay” partner was Cardinal Keith O’Brien by not reading only the “right” to marry someone of mentioned sympathetically by the the letter in church on (the designated) the same gender but the right to marry priest every time he mentioned the Sunday. the nearest building: parents of the deceased during the He said members of his “down-to- funeral Mass. First Minister of “…an Occupy Seattle protester earth, working class” parish were Scotland, Alex Salmond, listened as decided to take the metaphor a step unhappy that the cardinal and the Mr McBride, who had lived in a Civil further over the weekend when she Church came across as homophobic. Partnership with another homosexual married the abandoned building at Daily Record, 1/9/12 man, was warmly praised, and the 10th and Union (Jan. 29, 2012.) irony - if not the hypocrisy - would not have been lost on him. Then, too, we The old warehouse, occupied not long "First tell the must never forget that publications ago by anti-corporate protesters in an which actually promote “gay attempt to reclaim it as a community devil to rest, and relationships” (such as Open House center, is slated for demolition to make and The Tablet) are openly on sale in way for a new apartment complex. then I'll rest too" Catholic churches and shops. The Bishops need to make up their minds: "If corporations can have the [same] Don Bosco are they convinced of the dangers of rights as people, so can buildings," same-sex relationships - or not? Baylonia Aivaz told Seattle's And I think we can safely assume that KOMO-TV in a reference to the U.S. And so to the rest of us. We can’t Bishop Mark Davies down there in Supreme Court decision that opened continue to condemn the dire state of Shrewsbury Diocese, will also face the door to nearly unlimited corporate the church while doing sweet nothing opposition from his own clergy and less contributions to political campaigns. to improve things. At the moment, any than faithful congregations. Fatima Scots clergyman will tell you that there "I'm doing this to show the seer, Sr Lucia RIP warned of a is only a handful of Catholics who don’t building how much I love “diabolical disorientation” to come in like the new modern ecumenical it, how much I love the Church and the world, and it is our Church. You can show them they are community space and misfortune (or privilege, depending on wrong simply by attending our June how much I love this the extent of one’s supernatural Conference on Keeping the Faith - the neighborhood. And I perspective) to live through it. authentic Catholic Faith. (See p.3) want to stop it from Yet Catholic passivity remains the "First tell the devil to rest, and then I'll gentrification," said Aivaz, order of the day. How many Catholics rest too," Don Bosco used to say to clad in a long white reading the above Daily Record report those who urged him to be less active. wedding dress and standing near a gave it as much as a second thought? Rarely has the Church seen such a bulldozer as a ukulele player The sanctuaries in diocesan churches tireless apostle. As evident from this strummed "Lean on Me." are buzzing with lay people playing at edition alone, the devil is certainly not marriage-warehouse-seattle-babylonia.html being priests, of course, giving the resting in our times. Yet what can we illusion of action, while those who do? “Just pray”? Let’s test ourselves. I included the above example in my populate the “traditional” chapels boast Why don’t we all resolve, in this new response to the Scottish Government’s about keeping their heads down until year, to re-read the lives of the great (sham) consultation on the introduction the storm passes on the grounds that saints. Let’s see if it’s possible to read of same-sex marriage, not that it made it’s better just to pray. Bet the martyrs Don Bosco, St , or any difference: same-sex marriage is wish they’d thought of that. St Francis de Sales and then think: “I’ll on the cards, no matter what. The We must, of course, give those Scots just pray”. Whatdyesay - Deal? Governments, north and south of the and English bishops due credit, who But first, send for that Conference Scots border, are determined to re- have urged the faithful to protest to ticket! Now! define marriage to allow everyone to their Members of Parliament about the

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