Celebrating the Liturgy Weekend Mass Times: Confessions: Sat. (Vigil) 6.30pm Saturday after 10.00am Mass St. Anne’s Parish Sunday: 10.00am & 12 Noon 5.30 - 6.15pm Pastoral Community of Derriaghy & Colin Weekday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Very Reverend Feargal McGrady, PP Monday 7.30pm Wed. & Thurs. 10.30am – 9.00pm St Anne’s Parochial House, Tel: 9061 0112 Tues - Sat. 10.00am Sat. 10.30am – 12.00 Noon Parish Sister: Sr. Mary Murray. Tel: 9061 0112 Divine Office: Marriage: Parish office: 9061 0112 Parish Centre: 07745169205 Website: www.saintannesparish.net email:
[email protected] Morning Prayer: Mon. 10.00am 6 months’ notice required (Followed by Rosary) Please contact Fr McGrady Second Sunday of Lent Thurs: 10am (followed by Mass) 21st February 2016 Year C Psalter 2 Baptism: First Reading: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 st rd 1 & 3 Sundays of the month at 1.15pm Abram, later known as Abraham, is promised a covenant relationship with and by Contact the parish office to book – One month’s notice is required. God. God promises that Abram will have biological descendants as many as the stars and land to dwell on – eventually! Abrams’ response is one of trust, faith Matt Talbot Pilgrimage and belief in the Lord. The firebrand through the sacrifice Abram has offered is a The Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Venerable Matt Talbot in Our Lady symbol of the binding of that covenant. of Lourdes Church, Sean McDermott Street, Dublin takes place on Saturday 2 April. Concelebrated Mass will take place in the Church at 12.30.