Gym Show to Be Held at High School Tonight, Fri. Ni
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HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEPHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING TO NUMBER NINE i NUMBER 17 BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR SCOUT COURT OF HONOR HERE MAY 4 Hold Banquet Gym Show To Be Held at High School Tonight, Fri. Ni in Legion Hall Clark Reports I ~- Now H ere9s 650 to Appear Milestone in Transcontinental Air Service Wins National Good Quarter■ ■ «• c-For staArk Award ‘V oi 1?1« Honors ProgKim PAWWdWww ••/.y/> y/i the . During Program Writing Award Report of Clark Equipment Company and its subsidiary, Clark An attendance of 275 is antici Proposition Follt Dances, Demonstrations Jack Marble, B. II. S. Junior, Celfor Tool Corporation, for the pated at the co-operative dinner of Games and Exercises First Boy to Attain quarter ended March 31, 1937, and court of award to be held at showed net income of $310,812 to Be Shown Scholastic the Legion Hall next Tuesday after interest, depreciation, de evening, May 4, for the members velopment expense, and federal in Again a national honor has of the three Buchanan Troops and The pupils of the hoys’ anil come tax, but before provision for Cneh. come to a student of Buchanan their families. girls’ physical education depart undistributed profits tax. This is High School in the field of crea Mrs. A. S. Root is the general Hunk ment, directed by John Miller and equal after dividends paid on 7 tive writing. Jack Marble, a junior chairman in charge of arrange- Miss Ahegra Henry, will present per cent preferred to $1.24 a share I jnents with the following assist- of the annual gym show at the high was awarded fourth place in the division of historical articles of the on 237,641 sharei of common an to: Troop 41, Mrs. R. E. Donley •school gymnasium tonight and stock. In the first 1936 quarter net thirteenth annual Scholastic con (and Mrsv A. S. R oot); Troop 80, Hills tomorrow night, April 29 amt 60, Was $54,254, or 14 cents a share, Cornm.s test. His article, “When Dad Was Mrs. Jesse Leggett and Mrs. Con beginning at 7::{0 p. m. on 233,776 common shares. a Boy,” relates some interesting Kelley; Cub Scouts, Mrs. Lester S ex: uhis event is one of the, most stories of early life in Nebraska— Lyon and Mrs. R. G. VanDeusen. jiopular of the school year and of a very hot day when his father There are 87 members in the three regularly overtaxes the seating and his uncle killed the hogs by Stage Poetic troops. ' capacity of the. gym. In the throwing pails of. cold water on It is anticipated that there will They’s exceptions, but a feller neighborhood oi 650 children will them to cool them; of the country be nineteen tables, and each will ■usually gits about ez much ti'pbbel take part in The colorful event, school where a German boy, twen 7 Pageant May 4 be presided over by a host and hostess, this arrangement elimi ez he is looking for. which includes folk dances in ty years of age, six feet tall and costume, demonstrations o f having a blond and curly beard, Drania, Of Pageantry Writteii nating the necessity of waitresses. games, rhythmic : dances by low mingled with the little six year By Mrs. Thompson at Oscar Noli, Berricn-Gass area . The following tribute to spring er grades, relay races and dem olds and read from a chart. The Pres. Church executive, will be a guest of honor. in the English cockney style has onstrations ofcalisthenics ami sunflowers grew so thick and- tall H. C. Stark will be master of cere With inauguration of 15M»-hour service from coast to coast by the United Air Lines, the evolution <*f trans N?een going the rounds of the press acrobatics by girls and boys. that you couldn’t chase a jack monies. The dinner will start at continental air service in the past decade is pictured above. 1—Pioneer, single-engined mail plane, carry fo'r. several years. The program follows: rabbit through them, and the cul A poetic pageant will be pre-, 6 p. m. ing two passengers, which stai'ted first schedule in 1027. 2—Modern air-cpndilioned mainline/, equipped with Ode To Spring And All That Rhyrnatic Animals, FlfSt' Grades. ture of that day was enriched by sen ted at the Presbyterian church i The following is the host and two 14-cylindev engines with a. lop speed of 212 miles an hour. Kr-Spring—You perfectly price Seals, Rabbits, Ducks. a lending library and literary Tuesday evening, May 4th at 8:00 hostess list: less old thing. Two Deep, Second Grades. societies with which his grand when Mrs. Jack Bishop’s division Troop 41—Mr. and Mrs. Frank I’m frightfully bucked at the signs Circle Game. , mother was connected. of the Home Service department Hahicht, Mr. and Mrs. William Donley, Mr. and Mrs. John Kobe, that one sees. “Captain, Jinks", Third and Jack Marble is the first boy to of the Presbyterian church will Mr. and Mrs. George Chain, Mr. The jolly old sap in the topping Fourth Girls. receive national recognition in sponsor the event. Mrs. Susan Fuller House, Party Burned, One Announce Camp and Mrs. William Beardsley, Mr. old trees American Folk Dance- 'oi creative writing; although in the Curtiss will be in charge of the The priceless old lilac .and that and Mrs. Allen Pierce. Obstacle Relays, Third and past years Marjorie Campbell, tickets and the pageant will he open to the public. Troop 80—Mr. and Mrs. Ciar- sort of rot. Fourth Boys. 6 Brick Mansions of Civil War Days Madron Schedule Alene Riley, Pauline Topash, It jolly well cheers up a chap, does Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Cherry; Blossom Heim, and Vir Mrs. H B. Thompson will read ence *'ulks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl . it not? . Longworth,I n n i v i i i A w l - k Mr. andn i4 Mrs.hiTv-r, T.1E. /C. ’’I Glow, Opportunity Room.’ ginia Wright have had their writ the poetic pageant, “When Clubs It’s so frightfully bright; so iunaz- Built By Local Merchant 2500 Families in Berricn-Cass Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs. Frank King, Relays, Fifth and Sixth Girls. Seniors to Stage ings published in the national high Were Trump,” written by herself ingly right , When Town Had Trade Area Get Bulletin Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Strayer, Mrs. Circle Games, Fifth and Sixth: school weekly, the Scholastic, and and Maud Stewart Beagle will tell And one feels as one feels if one From Wide Area “ Money to Burn” something of interest about each Rebecca Sands and son, Winston. boys. ■ ■ in Saplings, a book collection of got rather tight. The annual senior play is to be woman. 'Mrs. Josephine Kelley will Cubs--Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dei- Nine-Court Basketball, Seventh The first official announcement the best high school writings in There’s a tang in the air if you The fire whicn nearly destroyed presented May 14 in the high play the accompaniments. fiinger, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burlcr, Grade. Girls. Of the 12th season at Camp Mad the United States. 7500 high know what I mean the C. H. Fuller house at 116 West school : auditorium, the drama ron is made today with the mail schools and 50,000 students com Mrs. Thomas Grimes will re Air. and Mrs. sam Rouse, Mr. anj Calisthenics, H. S. Boys.1. And the grass, as it were, is so Front street Thursday afternoon selected by John Elbers, director, ing of the bulletins to the Boy, peted in the various fields of this semble the.cave woman; Mrs. Wm. Mrs. John Russell, Mr. and Mrs, “ School Days’’, H. S. Girls. ; frightfully green. marked the passing of one of Bu being "Money to Burn." Scouts and the Cubs in the Ber- year’s writing contest. C. Downey, Portia, who portrays John Elbers, Mr. and Mrs. William Tap Dance; We shall soon have the jolly old chanan’s half dozen brick man , Three weeks have been spent in rien-Cass Council. Camp Madron The award; Will be presented to wisdom and talent in playing the Nelson. Marching, H. ,S.: Boys. bee on the wing—Er-Spring.- sions built by the "merchant prin rehearsing and the actor3 have the one of the highest rated camps in the winner at the Honors Convo piano; Mrs. Helen Garmon, as Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Stark will be '; Old fruit! You’ve given old Winter "Highland Fling, H. S. Girls. ces” of the Civil War days. first and second acts well in hand, I the country will be' opened for ap cation, Mary 21. Queen Elizabeth will play and hoot and hostess for the official the boot.:. Scotch Dance. The Fuller house was built by They are now memorizing the proximately seven weeks this sing; Mrs. Wayne Smith, as Joan table. It maybe necessary to add The'voice of, the tailor is heard in "Chinese S oceeiS ev en th Grade Jacob Luther in 1866. Luther had third act. The east selected com summer. The camp staff is being of Arc will sing “Marseillaise.’’ other host names if the guest list grows. ,/■'.; fhe land, " , : !■ Boys. a “genera;” store where Glenn prises Marion' Miller, Phyllis, De- Selected will again be headed by P. T. A . President Mrs. John Miller, as an ‘ early ' (I wonder what my rotten credit Apparatus, H, S. Girls. Smith’s, store now is. The other Nardo, Jeannette Levin, Virginia the Scout Executive, Oscar Noll.