Sussex. Uckfield
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DIRECTORY.) SUSSEX. UCKFIELD. 5~9 Oorbett Ch8rle!l J. Henry esq. M.A. Woodgate, Dane hill, Siggs, Framfield ; Agnes Mary :Markwick, for Isfield Uckfield (Uckfield); Frank George Curtis, Little Horsted; Freeman George Mallows esq. K.C. Heron~dale, Waldron, Charles Rintoul, jun. Maresfield; Owen George Whap Tun bridge Wells ham, Mayfield; Luther Fenner, Rotherfield & Crow Hope Jas. Fitzalan esq. :M.P.Heron's Ghyll,Buxted,Uckfld borough; George OliveiT, Waldron Hnggim Charles Lang esq. Hadlow Grange, Hadlow Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. I district, George Down, Buxted Randolph Wickens, Rotherfield; No. 2 district, Edwa.rd Maryon-Wilson George Maryon esq. Searles, Fletching, Kenward, Maresfield ; No. 3 district, Charles Brooker, Uckfield Fra.mfield Portman The Hon. Henry Berkeley, Buxted: park, Buxted Relieving Officer for Vagrants, Miss Agnes Mary Mark Bamsbatham Edward Geoffrey e·sq. Homelea, Cross-in- wick, Church street, Uckfield Hand, Tunbridge W~lls Medical Officers & Public Va~cinawrs, Buxted district, Streatfeild Richard James esq. The Rocks. Uckfit>ld George Lucas M.R.C.S.Eng. High street, Uckfield; Thornton Robert Lawrence esq.High Cross, Framfield S.O Framfield district, Thomas Holman M.R.C.S.Eng. East Th()mpson Lient.-Col. Lawren~e C. F. Hesmonds, East Hoathly ; Isfield district, Henry Marmaduke Langdale Hoathly 8.0 M.R.C.S.Eng. Ulverstone house, New Town, Uckfield, Todd Col. F. J. Westmoreland house, New town, Uckfield Maresfield district, Harry Gravely M.R.C.S.Eng. The Chairmen, for the time being, of the Uckfield Urban Fletching; Mayfield dist·rict, John Noakes Hall, May & Rural District Councils, are ex-officio magistrates. field; Rotherfield district, Albert Watson Griffin Clerk tJo .tJhe Magistrates, Charles DawSIOn, Town Hall L.R.C.P.Edin. Beacon Court, Crowborough chambera Superintendent Registra.r, John Miles, I73 Hi~rb street. Lewes ; deputy, William Rollison, Brunswick house, Petty Sesswns are held a:t the Public Hall, High street, Framfi eld road, U ckfield tVt:ry alternate thursday at I I a.m Registrars of Births & Deaths, Framfield mh-district., The following places al'il in the Uckfield Petty Sessionul Charles Brooker, Framfield; deputy, Thomas Siggs, Division :-Buxted, Danehill, East Hoathly-, Fletching, F.ramfield; Isfield sub-district, Miss Ag" Mary Mark :Framfield, Hadlow Down, Isfield, LittJ.e Horsted, wick, Church street, Uckfield; deputy, Olanmorri1 Maresfield. Uck:field & Wald-ron Thompson, Glencoe, Uckfield; Maresfield sub-district. Edward Kenward, Maresfield; deputy, John Joseph URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Wright, Maresfield; Rotherfield sub-district, George Council chamber, Public Hall. Randolph Wickens; deputy, Horace R. Butcher, Rotherfield Council meetin~. first friday in the month at 10.30 a.m. Registrars of Marriages, George St. John Smith, Ivy in winter & 6.30 p.m. in summer. house, High street, Uckfield; deputy, Clanmorris MEMBERS. Thompson, Glencoe, Uckfield; George Randolph Chairman, Richard James Streatfeild J.P. Wickens; deputy, Horace R. Butcher, Rotherfield Vice-Chairman, Samuel Stapleyhurst Avis. The Union Workhouse, pleasantly situated on an emi nence at RidgewQod, is a plain s·tructure of brick, Retire in April, Igo6. erected in 1839, cruciform in s'hape & consisting of a Samuel Sta.pleyhurst Avis I Ja.mes William Gould centrall block with four large wings & available for 418 W:illiam Bea;ty I Ric'hard J ames Strootfeild inmates; Reginald V. Burden, master; Rev. H. Har Alfred William Bright J.P boi"d M.A. chaplain; Henry Marmaduke Langdale Retire in April, I90J'· M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer; Mr8. Mary J. L. Bliss, Edward Henry Dadswell Edward Henry Fan matron Willia.m Demdy Henry Gardener Retire in April, IgoB. PUBLIC ESTABLISHME'NTS. Thomas Albert Bannister David Ho1'Scroft Cemetery, Snatt's road, Ringle's Cross, Charles Dawson, Asher Clarke Henry Rice clerk to the Urban Distirict Council; Clanmorrii! William Haze1den '11homp&an, superintendent County Police Station (Eastern Division), James Criddle, OFFICERS. superintendent; 3 sergeants & 24 constables Clerk, Charles Da.":Vson F.G.S., F.S.A. Town Hall chmbrs Cottage Hospital, High street, George Lucas M.R.C.S. T.reasurer, Francis Barrv Wbitfielrl. Lewes Eng., H. M. Langdale M.R.C.S.Eng. & Edward H.' ~edical Officer of Health, Hugh Stott L.R.C.P.Lond. &-; Sweet B.A., M.R.C.-S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. medi D.P.H. The Hermitage, Lewes cal officers; R. J. Streatfeild esq. J.P. hon. !!ec Sanitary Inspt>ctor, Surveyor & Oollector, Clanmo:l'ris Public Hall, High street, G. E. Hart, sec Thompson, Glencoe, Uckfield :Foresters' Hall, Harcourt road, F. W. Phillips, sec Volunteer Fire Brigade Station, New town, Luther Mar- UOKFIELD RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. tin, captam & I 6 men Meets at the Board Room. Workhouse, every fortnight at :l p.m. VOLUNTEERS. L"'hairmf.n, Fnmcis ·Barehard esq .•T.P. Duddleswell, :Fair- xst Cinque Ports (Cinque Ports & Sussex) Rifi.SJ (L Co.). warp Capt. J. Egginton; Color-SBII'gt. H. White, drill in <Jlerk, Frederick Holman, 86 High street, Lewes structor; head qua·rtwa, Framfield road 'IU-ea.surer, Harold Parminter Molineux, Old Bank, Leweto Medical Officer of Health, Hugh Stott L.R.C.P.Lond., PUBLIC OFFICER. D.P.H. The Hermitage, Lewes Collector of Income & Assessed Taxes & Poor Rates, Sanitary Inspector & Inspector of Petroleum, Thomas Miss Agnes Mary Markwick, Church street Brice Phillips, .Aylesford terrace, Uckfield Highway Surveyor, Henry Vater, Buxted O!F WORSIDP, with times of services. Sanitary Surveyor &c. John Taylor, Henley ho. Uck.field PLACES Holy Cross Church, Rev. Preb. Edward Sanfierson :M.A. UGKFIEiLD U1'1HO'N. roctor; Rev. Ja.rnes Waterhouse Brown M . .A. cumte; 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. & h,{)ly days, II Board day, alternate mondays at I~ noon at the Board l'N_•m. W orkhonse. a.m. ;'s .service ISt sun. in the month at 3 p.m ThP. Union cllibracee the following parishes, viz.: Christ Church, Ridgewood; 3.30 p.m. & once a quarter, ~tuted, C.rowborough, Danehill, East Hoathly, Fliltc'h at II a.m. & once a month, a.t 8 a.m ing, Framfield. Isfield, Little Horste-d, 'Maresfielld, Mmy St. Saviour'11, Framfield road; I I. 15 a.m. & 6.30 p.m deld, Rotherfield, Uckfield & Waldron. The population St. Philip's Catholic, Rev. George Fanning; sun. & holi of the union in IQOI was 23,6o6; area, 75,589 acres; day•, mass, 8.30 & 10.30 m.m.; rosary & beneciction, 6 ~teable V&!ue in I905 was £125,331 p.m. ; man on week days, 8 a.m. ; fri. devotions & Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Francis Barchard benediction, 5.30 p.m esq. J.P. Duddleswell, Fairwat"p Baptist, Rev. F. Fisher; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. Clerk to the Guardian~ & _o\.ssessment Committee, Fredk. 7·30 p.m Holman, 86 High street, Lewes Congregational, New town, Rev. Thomas Scott; II a. m. Treasurer, Harold Parminter Molineux, Old Bank, Lewes I; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Lsi.stant Overseers, Miss A.gnea Mary Markwick, Church Wesleyan, Ridgewood (Ridgewood circuit); 10.45 a.m. & dreet, Ucklield; George B. Igglesden, Buxted; Alfred 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m Tidy, for Danehill (Newick); George Henry Trill, Ea~t _Mi11sion Hall, F,mmfield road; II & 6.30 snnday Hoathlr: Alfred Tidy, for Fletching (Newick); Thos. Grange Mission Hall; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; l!a.t. 7.30 p.m .