PARSHAT CHAYE SARA Ms. Sara Ain for her sister The Shiurei HaShanah for 5778 are sponsored by Mr. Allen Bodner for his grandmother Mrs. Daisy Maryles for her husband Dr. Beverly Lipschitz Mr. Matthew Maryles for his brother In Memory of her Parents Sylvia Lipschitz a”h Mr. Norman Maryles for his brother November 10 -11 , 2017 22 Cheshvan , 5778 (Shulamis bat Harav Yehoshua Hessel) Mrs. Beatrice Roth for her mother-in-law RA and S In recognition I EREV SHABBAT WEEKDAY Jack Lipschitz a”h Hadassah and Charles Sprung in honor of Shabbat Candle Lighting 4:24 PM (Yaakov Yitzchak ben Harav Meyer) Sunday 6:45 & 8:00 AM And her brother Mincha 4:29 PM Monday 6:35 & 8:00 AM Herbert A. Lipschitz a”h SHABBAT ISRAEL OF YOUNG FLATBUSH Tuesday 6:45 & 8:00 AM (Tzvi Aba ben Yaakov Yitzchak) Wednesday 6:45 & 8:00 AM ALL OCCASION CARDS ARE AVAILABLE THRU YI F Shacharit 7:45 AM, 8:45 AM Thursday 6:35 & 8:00 AM Great Controversies in Jewish History Friday 6:45 & 8:00 AM For purchases or more information please contact: Latest Kriat Shema 9:08 AM

Sylvia Hoffman at 718-252-6270. Each week we will study a different event Candle Lighting next Friday 4:18 PM or issue that created a major division in Torah: Bereshith 23:1 Artscroll Page 106

the Jewish Nation. Sponsor a Mincha Next Friday 4:23 PM Join us prior to Shacharit at 8:35 AM in the Main Shul Shiur in Shabbat morning for a short shiur on the Haftorah of The classes will meet at 10:00 AM in the Haftorah: for Chaye Sara Artscroll Page 1136 honor of a Mishnayot Class: 15 minutes before lst Beth Hamedrash the week loved one . Afternoon Rabbi’s Talmud Class 3:20 PM Minyan Monday – Friday Open to both men and women.

Mincha 4:20 PM Daf Yomi 7:20 am Sunday – Friday Monday, November 13, 2017 Anyone who wishes to speak at Shalosh Seudot The Chanuka Controversy – The Divisive Shalosh Seudot Speaker: Rabbi Doniel Kramer please contact Arye Stein, 917-873-1943, or Daily Mincha this week: 4:25 PM 718-435-2145, or call the office. effect of Greek Culture Maariv 5:24 PM Maariv following immediately Shiurei Hayom, November 15, 2017, Shabbat ends: 5:29 PM UPDATED WEBSITE 26 Cheshvan, are being sponsored by Please visit our newly designed website Dorothy Schick in memory of her mother, or Sara bas Mordechai Nosson A”H YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN US FOR

Shiurei Hayom, November 13, 2017, ERIC STERN AND CHOIR 24 Cheshvan, are being sponsored by Appeals Committee Announcement Beatrice Roth in memory of her NOVEMBER 18 8:45AM mother-in-law On November 4, we held our annual Kol SHABBAT TOLDOT MEVARCHIM CHODESH KISLEV Estelle Roth A”H Nidre appeal (our most important fundraiser Additional Dates: for general synagogue operations). Please ******************************* Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Nissan,March 17th Shabbat Mevarchim Rosh Chodesh Sivan, May 12th send your check (payable to Young Israel of Flatbush) to the shul office, marking it “Kol Kriyat HaTorah for Bereshith Nidre Appeal”. You can also donate on line Sponsored by Norman Rosenblum, President Sherine Levine, Sisterhood President by credit card – go to , Kenneth Auman,Rabbi, [email protected] click “Donate Online” and in the drop-down Ellen and Mitch Bemak Howard Stern, Gabbai, [email protected] box, click “Kol Nidre.” In memory of Loved Ones A”H Arye Stein, Weekday Gabbai ***************************** (718 377-4400) Website: , ,e mail:[email protected] Thank you. PARSHAT: PARSHAT: CHAYE SARA V”HAMELECH HAFTORAH:

. The World's Oldest Man BITS of INFO RECIPE by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Synopsis of current events from various news sources Homemade cranberry sauce is so much better than Gleaned and Edited by Sherine Levine The Theory of Conservation of Holiness canned, incredibly easy, stress free and make On 11 August 2017, the world's oldest man passed away, just a month short of his 114th birthday - making him one of the ten longest- ahead! Both of these recipes listed below are so lived men since modern record-keeping began. If you knew nothing else about him than this, you would be justified in thinking that he ] Sale of wine from the “West Bank” is being challenged in Canada’s easy to prepare and you can do this ahead of time. had led a peacefulby life, Rabbi spared Ari ofKahn fear, grief and danger.The actual truth is the opposite. The man in question was Yisrael Kristal, Federal Court. After a complaint from David Kattenburg, a university Enjoy! Remember to send your favorite recipes to Holocaust survivor. Born in Poland in 1903, he survived four years in the Lodz ghetto, and was then transported to Auschwitz. In the instructor in Winnipeg, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario sent a [email protected] ghetto, his two children died. In Auschwitz, his wife was killed. When Auschwitz was liberated, he was a walking skeleton weighing a letter to vendors asking them to discontinue selling wine from Psagot . mere 37 kilos. He was the only member of his family to survive. He was raised as a religious Jew and stayed so all his life. When the and Shiloh wineries, claiming the Canadian Food Inspection Agency war was over and his entire world destroyed, he married again, this time to another Holocaust survivor. They had children. They made (CFIA) determined labeling the wines “Product of Israel” was Pineapple Cranberry Sauce ( aliyah to Haifa. There he began again in the confectionary business, as he had done in Poland before the war. He made sweets and unacceptable because they were made in the West Bank which Canada chocolate. He becameAs the an Book innovator. of Bamidbar If you havebegins, ever the had Israelites Israeli orange have peel covered in chocolate, or liqueur chocolates shaped like considers occupied territory and not part of Israel. Following an outcry 1 12 oz. bag fresh cranberries been encamped at the foot of Sinai for over a year, and little bottles and covered with silver foil, you are enjoying one of the products he originated. Those who knew him said he was a man from Jewish organizations, the CFIA reversed the directive saying it 1 cup sugar we begin to sense a stirring that will soon become with no bitterness in his soul. He wanted people to taste sweetness. red years earlier, this had proved impossible. By then, his mother contravened the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement. Kattenburg forward movement: First, instructions are given for 1/4 cup orange juice was dead and his father was fighting in the First World War. With an almost poetic sense of fittingness, Yisrael died on erev Shabbat conducting a census, followed by demarcation of appealed the reversal, but the CFLA stood by its decision to allow 1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple in juice, divided Ekev, the parsha that includes the second paragraph of the Shema with its commands to wear tefillin and teach Torah to your children, marching formations and tribal flags. The mass of wines from Jewish settlements to be sold in Canada. Avi Benlolo, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (to taste)dash "so that you and yourpeople children who took may leavelive long of Egypt in the island organized that the accordiLord sworeng to your ancestors." president of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center said the case is of cloves to tribal affiliation, and the tribes are grouped into “one more attempt to promote the BDS movement against Israel, Yisrael Kristal faithfully did both. On his bar mitzvah he joked that he was the world's oldest tefillin-wearer. He gathered his children, which has been recognized by provincial and federal governments as mahanot (camps) as they begin preparations for the Drain crushed pineapple, reserving pineapple grandchildren andsecond great-grandchildren part of their march,under his from tallit Sinai and tosaid, the "Here's Promi sedone person, and look how many people he brought to life. As anti-Semitic.” [Canadian Jewish News] we're all standingLand. here underOne tribe, my tallit, however, I'm thinki is notng: includedsix million in people.any of Imagine the world they could have built." This was an juice . extraordinary man.these His preparatorylife sheds light steps: on one the of Levites the most are tantalising neither verses in the Torah. Describing the death of Abraham, our parsha ] In a newly revealed recording, former US Secretary of State John says that he "breathedcounted his lastin the and census died in nor good included old age, in old the and marching satisfied" (Gen. 25:8). His is the most serene death in the Torah. Yet Kerry blames Israel for stalled peace talks, saying that the majority of Add 3/4 cup pineapple juice, orange juice and consider his life, formation.fraught as it The was Levites, with trial unique after trial. among To pursuethe tribes, the call have of God, he had to say goodbye to his land, his birthplace and the Israeli cabinet opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state. sugars to a medium saucepan. Cook over medium his father's houseno and flag travel or standardto an unknown around destina whichtion. they Twice, gather. famine They forced are him into exile, where his life was in danger. Promised Israel’s Channel 10 published a recording, purportedly made at a high heat, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves, countless childrena -tribe as many with as a thesingular dust ofmandate, the earth designatedand the stars to of serv thee sky in - he remained childless until old age. Then God told him conference in Dubai this past year in which Kerry is heard praising the 1-2 minutes. to send away his theson Mishkan;by Sarah's they handmaid belong Hagar. to God. And if that trial were not heartbreaking enough, God then told him to sacrifice his Palestinian Authority for its commitment to nonviolence. The only son with Sarah, Isaac, the one whom God had told him would be his spiritual heir and bearer of the covenant into the future. statement was made amid the wave of Palestinian stabbing, shooting Stir in cranberries and bring to a boil. Reduce to a Seven times promised a land, when Sarah died, he owned not a single square inch of territory in which to bury her, and had to entreat and car-ramming terror attacks that began in 2015. Kerry stated: “The simmer over medium low heat until cranberries the Hittites to let Thishim buyhad anot field always and burial been cavethe .case; This untilwas a a life certain of disappointed point hopes and delayed fulfillments. What kind of man in time, the tribe of Levi had been like any of the other Palestinians have done an extraordinary job of remaining committed to burst and sauce reduces, about 10-12 minutes. was this that the Torah can say that he died "in good old age, old and satisfied"? I learned the answer to this question through a series tribes, equal in every way to the other eleven. nonviolence. When the intifada took place, they delivered nonviolence Sauce will thicken more upon standing. of life-changing encountersMoreover, withthe unique Holocaust designation survivors. of They dedicated were among service the strongest, most life-affirming people I have ever met. For in the West Bank. This is overlooked by the general Israeli population years I wondered how they were able to survive at all, having seen what they saw and known what they knew. They had lived through to God had not previously been the purview of any one because it is not a topic of discussion. Why? Because the majority of Mash berries to desired consistency (optional) then the deepest darknesstribe. ever Originally, to have descended the firstborn on a ofci vilisation.each and Eventuallyevery I realised what they had done. Almost without exception, the cabinet has declared they are not ever for a Palestinian state.” stir in all of the crushed pineapple, cinnamon and when the war wasIsraelite over, they family focused was withdedicated single-min to Divineded intensity service. on W thehat future. Strangers in a strange land, they built homes and Kerry has long accused Israel of being the main obstacle to peace in cloves. Add a dash of orange juice for tangier, careers, married andhappened? had children Why andwere brought the firstborn new life displaced into the world. and the Middle East. [] replaced by the Levites? The Torah does not provide a sugar for sweeter if desired. Serve chilled or room Often they did notclear talk answer:about their Godexperiences spoke to dur Moshe,ing the saying: Shoah, I evenhave to their spouses, their children and their closest friends. This ] Israel is sending aid to Madagascar as it copes with its worst “Black temperature. silence lasted, in separatedmany cases, the for Levites as long from as fifty the years. children Only of then, Israel, when so the future they had built was secure, did they allow Death” plague outbreak in half a century. At least 1,800 people have themselves to lookthat back they and may bear take witness the toplace what of th alley thehad firstbornsuffered andamong seen. Some of them wrote books. Many of them went around been infected with the disease and 127 have died. The assistance Cranberry Relish I ( the Israelites, and the Levites shall be Mine. This is schools, telling their story so that the Holocaust could not be denied.[1] First they built a future. Only then did they allow themselves shipment was organized by Israel’s Foreign Ministry and the Magen because every firstborn became Mine on the day I killed to remember the past. That is what Abraham did in this week's parsha. He had received three promises from God: children, a land, and David Adom. Israel’s deputy ambassador to South Africa said, “Israel 1 large orange, quartered with peel the assurance thatall he the would firstborn be the infather, Egypt. not I thenof one sanctified nation but to of My manyself nations (Gen. 17:4-5). At the age of 137, he had one every firstborn in Israel, man and beast alike, [and] has a long-standing tradition of offering humanitarian assistance and 2 pound cranberries unmarried son, no land, and had fathered no nations. He uttered not a single word of complaint. It seems that he realised that God coordinating relief to alleviate disease, hunger and poverty.” 1 ½ cups white sugar wanted him to act,they not shallto wait remain for God Mine. to do I am the (Bamidbarfor him. So, 3:11-13 when Sarah) died, he bought the first plot in what would become the [Algemeiner] 2/3 cup apricot preserves Holy Land, the field and cave of Machpelah. Then he instructed his servant to find a wife for Isaac, his son, so that he might live to see the first Jewish grandchildren. Lastly, in his old age, he married again and had six sons, who would eventually become progenitors 1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained This passage explains how and why the firstborn were ] David Mazouz plays a young in the Fox series . 2 tbsp lemon juice of many nations. initiallyHe did not, sanctified except briefly,with a specialsit and mournholiness: the Onpast. th Insteade night he took the first steps toward building the future. The 16-year-old actor was honored, among others, for his That, in his own way, is what Yisrael Kristal did - and that is how a survivor of Auschwitz lived to become the world's oldest man. He all the firstborn were killed in Egypt, the firstborn of accomplishments as an Orthodox Jew. He received the award at the too died "in good old age, old and satisfied." Finely chop the orange in a food processor. the Israelites were spared. Apparently, this was neither annual Jew In the City All Stars Awards Show which celebrates the Combine cranberries and sugar in a heavy arbitrary nor without repercussions: The Israelite success of observant Jews. In his acceptance speech, Mazouz thanked That is what the Jewish people did collectively when, a mere three years after standing eyeball-to-eyeball with the angel of death at saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat, until firstborn were saved for a purpose, to serve God in the his rabbis for teaching him “what a moral compass should look like.” Auschwitz, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the Jewish State in our people's ancient homeland, the land of Israel. Had world Jewry sat cranberries just begin to pop, about 10 minutes. Temple, and because they were saved they were He also thanked his parents for instilling in him important values, and passively and weptgranted from then a higher till now status for theof holiness. murdered Why generations was this of European Jewry, it would have been an understandable “Hashem for bringing all of this into my life.” [Algemeiner] reaction. But it didholiness not. It wasforfeited? as if the When Jewish were people the hadfirstborn said collectively, replaced by in the words of King David, "I will not die but live" (Ps. Transfer cranberries to a bowl, add apricot 118:17), thereby thegiving Levites?On testimony two to thedifferent God of occasions,life. That is the why firstbo the West'srn oldest nation is still young, a world leader in life- preserves and mix till melted. Stir in chopped saving medicine,sons disaster were given relief, the and opportunity life-enhancin to carryg technology. out their orange, drained crushed pineapple and lemon unique role. These two occasions were An juice. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled. This is a transformative idea. To survive tragedy and trauma, first build the future. Only then, remember the past.