Abhidhamma Studiesstudies Researresearchesches Inin Buddhistbuddhist Psychologypsychology Nyanaponika Thera
AbhidhammaAbhidhamma StudiesStudies ResearResearchesches inin BuddhistBuddhist PsychologyPsychology Nyanaponika Thera HAN DD ET U 'S B B O RY eOK LIBRA E-mail: bdea@buddhanet.net Web site: www.buddhanet.net Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Abhidhamma Studies Researches in Buddhist Psychology by Nyanaponika Thera Buddhist Publication Society Kandy 1976 Ceylon First Edition, 1949 (Frewin & Co., Colombo) Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy: Second Revised and Enlarged Edition, 1965 Third Edition, 1976 Introduction These studies originated when the author was engaged in translating into German the Dhamma- sangaõã (“Compendium of Phenomena”) and its commentary, the Aññhasàliõã. These two books are the starting point and the main subject of the fol- lowing pages which, in part, may serve as a kind of fragmentary sub-commentary to sections of those two works. The content of these studies is rather varied: they include philosophical and psychological inves- tigations, references to the practical application of the teachings concerned, pointers to neglected or unnoticed aspects of the Abhidhamma, textual research etc. This variety of contents serves to show that wherever we dig deep enough into that inex- haustible mine, the Abhidhamma literature, we shall meet with valuable contributions to the theo- retical understanding and practical realization of Buddhist doctrine. So the main purpose of these pages is to stimulate further research in the field of Abhidhamma, much wider and deeper than it was possible in this modest attempt. There is no reason why the Abhidhamma phi- losophy of the Southern or Theravàda tradition should stagnate today or why its further develop- ment should not be resumed. In fact, through many centuries there has been a living growth of Abhi- dhammic thought, and even in our own days there iii are original contributions to it from Burma, for example, by that remarkable monk-philosopher, the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw.
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