The Monterey Ecological Staircase: the I Nature of Vegetation and Soils on Different Geomorphic Surfaces of the Monterey

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The Monterey Ecological Staircase: the I Nature of Vegetation and Soils on Different Geomorphic Surfaces of the Monterey I I I I i I Final i ThTeheNatureMontereyof VegetationEcological, andStaircase:Soils on Different Geomorphic Surfaces of the I Monterey Peninsula with an Emphasis on Monterey Pine Forest ! Submitted by: l Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. 2600 V Street, Suite 100 I Contact:SacramentoPaul, D.CACylinder,95818-1914Ph.D. i 916/737-3000 • Submitted to: I Deborah Hillyard and Diane Steeck California Department of Fish and Game i Natural1416HeNinthritageStreetDivision •1 Sacramento, CA 95814-2090 Funded by: i Emergency Drought Relief Project Contract No. CA HER 112093 and i California Department of Fish and Game Contract No. FG3591R3 I September 12, 1994 I I I I I I i Final i TheTheNatureMonterofey VegetationEcological andStaircase:Soils on Different Geomorphic Surfaces of the I MontereyMontPeninsulaerey PinewithForestan Emphasis on I Submitted by: 1 Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. 2600 V Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95818-1914 I Contact: Paul D. Cylinder, Ph.D. 916/737-3000 I Submitted to: I Deborah Hillyard and Diane Steeck California Department of Fish and Game I Natural1416HeritageNinth StDreetivision Sacramento, CA 95814-2090 I Funded by: I Emergency Drought Relief Project Contract No. CA HER 112093 and I CaliforniaContractDepartmentNo. FG3591R3of Fish and Game I September 12, 1994 ! ! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I This project was funded by California Department of Fish and Game, The Nature I Conservancy/California Department of Fish and Game Emergency Drought Relief Project, McMahan Foundation, Sempervirens Fund, and California Native Plant Society. I I i ! I I I I I I ! I This document should be cited as: I Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. 1994. Final. The Monterey ecological staircase: the I nature of vegetation and soils on different geomorphic surfaces of the Monterey peninSacramento,sula witCA.h an Preparedemphasis foron CaliforniaMonterey Departmentpine forest. ofSeptemberFish and Game,12. (JSacramento,SA 94-083.) I CA. i I ! i Table of Contents ,',. INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1 I Geomorphic Surfaces ........................................ 1 Marine Terraces ...................................... 6 Intervening Slopes between Marine Terraces ................. 6 ,,. lelo,,.o Do.l,o,lj,l.,le.,,..i, i.,Q.e o • • o . i o 1 Dunes 6 Inland Geologic Formations ............................. 6 4 Drainages 7 ii MATERIALS AND METHODS° ° " " " ° e .......................................° " I * ° ' I ° u " " " ° I " t ' ° ° ° g " ° ° ° ' I _ " i • • • • i • 7 I SVoilsegetation.......................................................................................................... "- Successional Patterns ........................................... 8 RESULTS• o ° • • • I • • • • t • • ° • o m • • • o o ° • I _ o • ° _ ° ° • i o , ° • • • • • • • • i • • • • • I ° 9 Marine Terraces ............................................ 9 MaMarinerine TTerraceerrace 2:1: LOceanighthouseViewCCoastaloastal TTerraceerrace ............................ 109 Marine Terrace 3: Peninsula College Coastal Terrace ......... 12 I MMarinearine TTerraerrace 5:4: SilvMontean CVoasistataCl TeoastalrraceTerrace............................... 1197 Marine Terrace 6: Huckleberry Coastal Terrace ............. 21 I InterveningGranitiSlopesc SlopebestwebeentweMarien TneerraTecersraces1 and....................2 ............... 2233 Granitic Slopes between Terraces 2 and 3 ............... 23 GranitiGraniticc SlopesSlopes betwbetweeneen TTerraceserraces 43 andand 54 .............................. 2243 Granitic Slopes between Terraces 5 and 6 ............... 24 I Dunes Youngest.............................................Dunes ................................. 27 Middle-AgedDunes .............................. 29 I Inland OldestGeomorphDunesic Surfa...................................ces ............................. 3291 ShaleBedrock................................... 32 Granitic Bedrock 32 Drainages ........................................... 34 Drainages through Coastal Terraces and Dunes .............. 34 i' Drainages through Inland Geologic Formations 35 I ! DISCUMontereySSION OFPineFINForestDINGSSubt........................................ypes .................................. 3735 i Successional Patterns .......................................... 38 CompariSOnstairthecasesOfMendocino and Monterey Ecological 39 'i Staircaseon Shale Bedrock ..................................... 41 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONSERVATION ......................... 42 _' LIST OF PREPARERS ............................................. 42 I CITATIONS ..................................................... 44 PersonalPrinted RCommunicationseferences ................................................................................. 4644 I ! I I 1 ! I ! I ! I ! ii | I List of Tables and Figures Table Page 1 Understory and Overstory Characteristics of Monterey Pine Forest Subtypes on Marine Terraces ..................... 13 2 Understory and Overstory Characteristics of Monterey Pine Forest Subtypes on Granite Slopes between Terraces .............................................. 25 3 Understory and Overstory Characteristics of Monterey Pine Forest Subtypes on Pleistocene Dunes .................... 30 4 Understory and Overstory Characieristics of Monterey Pine Forest Subtypes on Inland Bedrocks and Drainages .......... 33 5 Comparison of Terrace Elevation between the Monterey and Mendocino Staircases ................................. 40 Figure 1 Locator Map for Monterey Peninsula and Vicinity ................ 2 2 Locator Map for Monterey Peninsula .......................... 3 3 Locator Map for Inland Portion of Study Area ................... 4 4 Geomorphic Surfaces of the Monterey Peninsula ................. 5 5 Distribution of Selected Trees and Shrubs in Mature Vegetation on Marine Terraces ............................. 15 6 General Vegetation Trends on Terrace 5 Soils .................. 22 7 Distribution of Selected Trees and Shrubs in Mature Vegetation on Dunes ............................... 28 8 The Monterey Ecological Staircase .......................... 36 iii ! I INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT OBJECTIVES I 1964, 1973;The floHowittra of 1972;the MMatthewsonterey Peninsul1992).a Soilshas beenof thewellpeninsuladocumenhaveted been(Howimappedtt and Hbyowellthe U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) (Cook 1978). Monterey pine and Monterey pine forest well studied Scott et al. The unusual i pygmyare forests on Huckleberry(Coleman 1905,Hill and near1960,GibsonRoy 1966,CreekVogland the marine1988).terrace deposits i , onStebbinswhich 1993).they ocRcuecrently,havethebeegneologydescribedof the(Griffinpeninsula1972,has Hollandbeen described1986, Vogland theet ageologicl. 1988, relationships between geomorphic surfaces elucidated (Dupr6 1990). However, the relationshipsexplained for btheetweeMontereyn geomorphiPeninsula.c surfaces,Tinis studysoils,wasandconduvegetatctediontohavedescribenot bethe previouslyecological • and historical relationships between geomorphic surfaces, soils, and vegetation of the ,I , Monterey Peninsulawas foundandto surroundingbe remarkablyareassimilar(Figuresto 1,the2, and"ecological3). Thestaircase"ecologicalofsystemcoastalat Mendocino County described 25 years ago by Jenny et al. (1969). I This study was conducted as part of a larger project to prepare an ecological assessment of and conservation strategy for Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) and the Monterey '1/I pine forest community. The focus of this study was to develop a classification of Monterey II pine forest into forest subtypes as the canopy and understory vegetation vary with the different soils found on different geomorphic surfaces. A second objective was to generate I anda mapestimateof the historicalthe historiextentcal extentof theofMontereydifferent pinesubtypesforestofthatMontereycould differentiatepine forest.betweenThese endeavors were conducted with great reliance on the excellent geology map produced by I. reDucognpr6it(1ion990of) (theFigurrelae ti4).onshThipes clbetweeassifican ttheion fooref subtypest subtypes ofs Manodntereygeompineorphicforseustrfaandces arethe key components in the development of a meaningful forest conservation plan. This I theinformationfull rangewillof allowvariationconseinrvthisationrareplanningnaturaleffortscommunity,to takebasedinto accounton accuratethe protectionestimates of the historical and present extent of forest subtypes. ! I, Geomorphic Surfaces The study was organized by geomorphic surfaces that support Monterey pine forest that the limits the distribution of forest. I or are important to understanding to Monterey pine Vegetation and soils on 17 geomorphic surfaces were described (Figure 4). Geomorphic II,i[ surfaces were divided into five major types: • marine terraces, • intervening slopes between marine terraces, !_ • dunes, ! Monterey Pine ForestEcological Assessment Monterey Ecological Staircase I, 94-0831STAIRCAS 1 September 12, 1994 ASILOMAR STATE I Monterey • , Grove Pebble Beach ' Monterey • | Carmel Bay • Seaside • Carmel ,I POINTLOBOS Del Rey Oaks STATE RESERVE I JACKS PEAK ":_,_ :" REGIONAL PARK I : I •, i_% ( ,. ......c_,'te\q "X /9 " 1 ! I Figure I I Jones&StokesAssocLatInce.s, Locator Map for Monterey Peninsula and Vicinity ! LEGEND I r • SamplingVegetationSitesand Soil Monterey Bay • ,T.,.,_. P a c I f I c 1" _)_/0kj_v A$&OILMR G r o v e COVRERE_CE - |, ;| -.. / CLM8_J_$ o_ _ l _'04.4.S$ _al.L 4U'JL t4_SE QQ.a CI_R!_ 1, i 0 2,000 4000 CarmelBay C a r m • I • i 1 I _ Jones& StokesAssociates,Inc. Locator Map for Monterey PeninsulaFigure
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