"TighMe LP' TighMe Oo*ll 'secrets Lles,--., ) (Previouiiyknown as and

White Prod Draft

iulY 9, 2004

Written bY jeff Vlamtng




Writtenby Jeff Maming

WHITE ProdDraft July 9, 2004

EXECUTI\E,PRODUCERS: RonaldD. Moore DavidEick CO-EXECPRODUCER: Toni Graphia PRODUCEDBY: HarveyFrand DIRECTOR: EdwardJames Ohnos

Copyright 2004Stanford Pictures inc & Porrt of VrewProds. This materialis the property of StanfordPictures Inc & Pointof View Prodsand is rntendedand restncted soiely for useby its personnei.Distribution or disclosureof the materialto unauthorizedpersons is prohibited.The saie.copying or reproductionof this materialin any form is alsoprohibited.


WHITE ProdDraft 719104


CommanderWilliam Adama PresidentLaura Roshn Capt Lt Col SaulTigh GaiusBaitar Chief GalenTyrol Lt SharonValerii Number Six

Helo Bill-vKeikeya Gaeta Dualla Doral


"TIGH lv1EUP, TIGH ME DOWN', Episode#9 WHITEProd Draft 719104 SE'TS

BATTLESTARGAI..ACTICA CAPRICA Adama'sQuarters Corridors Exteriors HangarDeck StormDrain Junction Baltar'sLab Obsen'ationDeck CIC CIC - CommandObservation Room (COR) Tigh'sQuarters PilotRec Room


Inner Office


Exteriorq ColonralOne Vipers Cylon Raider

Interiors Lee'sViper rAfr?^r lJA.L IIrIib fAl1 9fllrAt-^n? I ILfr

'Tigh Me Up, Tigh l'le Down'



On the upper leve1 of CIC, the COR is a command area from where the CO. the XO or the Officer of the Deck can get a brrd's eye vr-ew of the activity in CIC. Even though Adama, Tigh and the OOD typically work on the lower level, the COR is equrpped with dedlcated computer screens and a modicum of privacy that's otherwise hard to find in CIC.

At the moment, is in the COR, looking down at COMMANDERADAMA as he talks with GAETA and other officers down on the lower leveI. Laura watches him silently, intently, her gaze never wandering from Adama as he moves about the room -- Leoben's words of warninq in "Flesh a Bone" still rrnqinq rn her ears.

Adama glances up at her -- she smiles pleasantly. He indicates he'Il be up in a moment. She nods and he goes back to work. The second he 1ooks away/ her expression once again becomes one of concern and suspiclon.


Srde by srde, raci-ng through the varrous shrps of the fleet, heading RIGHT TOWARDTHE BOWof Galactica.

PrLOT (WTRELESS) F:-ve seconds. . .

PrLOT 2 (WTRELESS) Roger, I'rTr wrth you leacier...

The two Vrpers are ciosing, closing, ciosing... seeming to head right for the shtp...

PILOT (WTRELESS) Have fun in there, D. Okay, burners and. . . break-break-breakl

The two Vipers kick in their AFTERBURNERSand SPLIT away right in front of the ship, heading down the port and starboard sides. CAMERASNAPS ZOOI1Si-nto --

-- the OBSERVATIONDECK, set right into the bow of Galactica. 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 2.


The CROWDGASPS, then APPLAUDSas the Vipers (silently) roar just past the glass. One entire side of t.he room is dominated by a large floor-to-ceiling WfNDow which gives an unobstructed view of the heavens. There are chairs for abou+. 12 people, and every seat is filled. Some are sketch:.ng the vj-ew, some are praying, and of course, there are COUPLES}ike BILLY and DUALLA cuddling and enjoying the view. The mood is much like a movie theater.

BILLY They always do that?

DUAI,LA They're just showrng off 'cause they know I'm in here.


DUALLA You date a specl-a1 assistant to the president, word gets around.

BILLY So this is officiallv a date?

She snuggles up close to him, while the others in the room settle back into thelr ov.rn, prrvate pursuits.

DUALLA Jurv's still out.

She reaches up and kisses him.

BILLY You must be awfully popular with the pilots for thern to put on a show.

DUAI,LA You better beli-eve I'm popular. I'm the voice that tel}s'em when i-t's time to come home.

BILLY How do f compete with that?

He kisses her.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft j/9/04 3 CONTTNUED:

DUAI,LA You're doing okay so far.

Another kiss, then there's a LfGHT in the room as a door OPENSO.S. and there's a quiet voice from the back. vorcE(o.s. ) One minute. One minute, people.

BILLY I don't think we sot our hatf hour.

DUA],LA You could puIl rank. TeII,em you're on official business for the President of the Colonies.

BTLLY Your boss carries more weight around here than mine. TeIl'em Adama wants vou to...

nltnT T l : --:-.- ( grl-nnt-ng ) Yeah, wants me to what? What?

BILLY Lost my train of thought.

She chuckles and snuggles up next to him. DuaIIa can,t see :--', but BrIIy's expressron now changes. He seems uncomfor*uable with what he's abour to say, even though he makes an effort to keep his tone lighc and playful.

BfLLY (cont'd) How rs he these days, by the way? He doinq all riqht?

DUALLA The OId Man? Sure. He's fine. I


BILLY You guess?

DUAI,LA Yeah. He's. . . been act:-ng kinda funny lately. f don't know...


( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Dovrn' Prod Draft 7 /9/04 3 CONTINUEDz (2\

DUAILA Seems. . . di,fferent. Distracted or something. Been making these weird wireless calls from his quarters. Scrambler. Super-secret.

BILLY Probablv a securitv issue...

DUA],LA probably. (belt ) But he told me not to log the calls. No trace file. Nothinq.

BILLY Kinda weird.

DUAI,LA It's agarnst regs -- and more than that, the Ol-d Man's a f anatic about deck logs. Everv call gets logged, no matter what.

BILLY Huh. And thrs just started...?

DUALLA Yeah, just a few days ago -- and Billy Keikeya are you pumping me for information on the OId Man?

The door OPENS agar-n, retting in a frood of LrGHT and a DECK HANII qtonq i n

DECK HAND .Fima / q t ltltg u rrnuIJ ,

Peopie start to reluctantly get up anci file out the door.

BILLY No. 'Course not.

ntti Y ? n lJ U.H,J-J!f{ ( Iaughrng ) You are. You're a spy, that,s what you are.

She's joking and laughing, but there,s an element of truth rn what she's saying and Billy tries to deflect it_ as thev file out with the others.

( CoNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 1/9/04 3 CONTINUED: (3)

BILLY No really, c'mon D...

DUALLA Uh-huh. ..


Billy and DuaIIa ENTER into the Corridor, where a LONG LINE of people are waiting for their turn in the observatron deck.

DUAI,LA I don't think this counts as a date a n \ttnlf ro

BILLY I was just asking a few guestt_ons. . .

DUALLA Hope you liked the ans\^rers. Last ones you're gonna get for a while.

5 INT. CIC _ COR 5

Adama has now joined Laura in the CoR. Laura's }ooking over a file Adama has given her.

lnnf,tt Baltar's reaciy to begin widespread

tesi- i no f or Cwl onq hrrtH4v thefe'S I- One serious linitation -- he can only test one person at a time and verification takes several- hours.

LAURA Still, that's better than where we were yesterday. At least we have one now.

Anci ;ust as Dualla said, Adama seems different somehow. Drstracted, unfocused. Almost nervous. Without seeming to, Laura watches hrm closely throughout.

LAURA (cont'd) So who's qoinq to qo first?

He looks biankly at her for too long a beat.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft 1/9/04 5 CONTINUED:

ADAMA Oh. The test. Right. We should test the people in the most sensitive positions fi-rst

LAURA I completely agree. ( beat ) How about vou?

He looks at her in surprise. She smj"les.

LAURA (cont'd) ,d If you're a Cylon f like to know.

ADA]"1A ff I'm a Cylon then you,re real1y screwed.

He says it wrth a smile and they both laugh. Laura,s isn,t quite as genuine as his.

LAURA Seriously -- you should probably be the first one tested. Show everyone in the fleet that they can rrust the people at the top.

ADAMA (a beat) Maybe you should go first.

Laura's stirl smiling, but there's ;ust the srrghtest bit of tenslon rn the room.

LAURA What say we flip for it?

ADAMA Why not?

Adama purrs a corN from his uniform pocket. He praces it atop hrs thumbnail.

LAURA Heads.

And ZrNG. The coin goes up, frips a few times and Adama smacks i-t down on the back of hi-s hand. Adama stares at the corn f or a iong tl_me.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Dovrn' Prod Draft 7/9/04 7, 5 CONTINUEDT (2\

ADA,l,lA Tails . Okay. Fine. I 'lI go first.

Adama puts the coin away and Laura can't help f eehng slightly uneasy at the way he reacted -- like he was about to back out.




Billy ENTERS; his tie loose, his jacket over his shoul-der. LAURA rs waiting for him, alone in the office for once.

LAURA Have a good time?

His hand waqql-es " so-so . "

LAURA (cont'd) Second base?

BJ-IIy holds up one f inger.

LAURA (cont'd) WeII/ war is hell, better luck next time -- what'd vou find out?

BILLY D couldn't put her finger on it, hrrt \roc qho

LAURA I could see that myself. Drstracted, unfocused... almost lrke he's a different man. r swear he almost backed out when he }ost the corn fhp and had to take the Cylon test frrst.

BILLY You flipped for it?

L.|IUI(A You been drinkinq?

( CONTINUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Dovrn' Prod Draft 7/9/04 1 CONTINUED:

BTLLY It did start as a date. And I have to say, f'm not really comfortable usi-ng my relationship to--

LAURA Enough said. You were a good soldier, and I won't ask you to do it agarn. Anythrng else?

BTLLY ( reluctant ) Some... scrambled wireless calls he didn't want logged. She didn't know who he calLed or why. But none of this is damnj-ng evj-dence. Hj-s calls could be securrty- related, the odd behavior could be a result of stress, pure and simple/ or paranoia or exhaustion--

LAURA --It could be any one of those thrngs. You're right. ( beat ) But I wasn't told Commander Adama was tired or stressed, I was told he was a Cylon.

BILLY Rrz a nnnAamna.i (rtrl r.vs vJ Ivr:nn sYLrranonJ. e . A machine progralnmed to disrupt and damage our government through any mF2rtq noaoqqrr\t

LAURA Look, I don't want to believe this, :'1 I riahf ?

BILLY He's a father, he has a history, a career, frrends -- he was alrve and 'i human ono Lref ore the Cvlons were even able to look human.

LAURA What if he's been replaced?

BTLLY Can thev do that?

/ anRl,TrTl\lTllrrt \ 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 1 CONTTNUED:(2)

LAURA f don't know. Can they do that? You teIl me. What can they do? What are thev capable of?

Bi'l lv cioesn't have the anSwers and she knows it.

LAURA (cont'd) I hope to the gods you're right and this is all a bad dream.

She takes a beat, moves about the office for a moment.

LAURA (cont'd) But every trme I talk to him, every time f sit in a room with him, every time I hear hrs narne. . . a littfe voice in the back of my head whispers, "What if it's true?"

BILLY He 's taking the test. We' II f j-nd out soon enouqh.

LAURA x.l-gnr. ( beat ) Okay. See you in the mornrng.

BILLY Good-niqht.

He heads out the door uyvu-snnts aq rrri6 rnrmina nn hic -- Laura Y!!lj lvlllt rY Vll ilaD €^^^ laLg.

T,AI]RA What?

BILLY Nothing.

LAURA No -- what are you grrnning at?

BILLY No, really. ft's inappropriate. . . .

LAURA Okay, now you have to say it.

( coNTTNUED) 'Ti-gh I*{e Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7 / 9 / 04 10 . 1 CONTINUED: (3) 7

BILLY I was just... wondering... you know... you and the Commander... if he got to... (holds up one finger)

LAURA Go sober up.

rn mock shock, Billy holds up two fingers.


LAURA Good-night.

BILLY (holds up three fingers) Oh, my gods...


BiIIy retreats and once he's gone, Laura allows herself to chuckle to herself,

LAURA (cont'd) We're all losrng our minds...


END OF TEASER 'Trgh Me Up, Tie l'le Dovm' Prod Draft 7/9/04 1i.




COLONELTIGH, half-dressed/ eyes the very last drop in hrs bottle. Bare1y a thimbl-e-fu11. He pours it out into a cup. Inhales the fumes. Is about to drink it down. Suddenly, before he can change his mj-nd, he dumps it out on the floor. He looks at i-t. Smi-Ies. Feels oddlv proud of himself .

TIGH At least vou did that much.

He tosses the bottle in the trash and begins to put hrs clothes on. The room is a mess and the trash can is overflowing at this point. He takes a beat, Iooks back at the trash... then begins diggrng around in it...

Finds the PICTURE of his WIFE that he half-burned in the prlot. He looks at it for a long beat, then wads it up and t,nrows+L-^,,^ II,.i + a\,tay aga.l-n.


GAETA is bringing a cup of coffee to DuaIIa.

nnnma \rli-E l- fr \n/

DUAI,LA Lj-ke I'm gonna tell you about my date.

GAETA So it was a date.

DUAI,LA 'l'6-hn r I -a '\t

GAETA Onl v J-cr-.hni ra'l I rr?

DUALLA Why is my sex lrfe so interesting? |i^+f2 l-ro fjfr-rr Other yLvy4eoeOn'le !in thfS room. Chances one of them got laid 'last nicrht anrl nn rT s+vrrrlirln/i u d6t -- t Yee Iaid.

GANTA No, I didn't get laj-d... sir.

( CONTINUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft j/9/04 12. 9 CONTINUED: q

Dua]la throws hjm a dirty Iook, but Gaeta is already on his way back to his console and looking very pleased with himself. Suddenly there's an ALARM.

GAETA (cont'd) (off console) Dradis contactl Cylon Raider bearing 738 carom 0071

The CfC explodes in a burst of activity as alarms sound and people rush to their statj-ons.

GAETA (CONT'D) DUAI.LA (to handset) (to headset) Actron stations, action Garactica/Aporro. Cyron stations. Enemy fighter Raider bearing 739 carom 007, approachrng the fl-eet. set relative. close with the Conciition One throughout the---- enemv anri destrnw- shrp. rhis j-s no drrli: ;;il;*t;;o;:"


A PAfR of VfPERS are already FIRING at the RAIDER,

LEE (WTRELESS) Ido'ro nn ii GaIaCtlCa.


LEE in the cockpit.

LEE He Jumpeci rrght rn front of us. His mrstake...


Tigh ENTERS at a dead run.

TIGH How many?

GAETA Single Raider, sir. Looks like a recon patrol. Apollo and Chuckles already have him in their siqhts.

TlGH Where's the OId Man?

Gaeta looks to Dual-la. Duall_a feels suddenly on the spot.

( coNTTNUED) 'Ti-gh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7 /9/04 13. L2 CONTINUED: l2

DUAl,LA He's... not aboarci, sir.

TIGH Where the heII is he?

UUT\!!A He left an hour ago in a Raptor, si-r. No fliqht plan.

TIGH No flight plan?

LEE (WTRELESS) Thaf 'e. i t f,hrrnLl oc cot h i m r:n enrl I'1I knock him down.


Chuckles FIRES at the Raider, forcing it to make a hard turn rrght into Lee's line of FfRE. The Raider is DAI,IAGED.

LI;E ( Wl-l(IirJ.E;Sb ) f winqed him -- looks like I got hrs weapon systems. . .

Then the Raider JUMPS awav.

1,4 INT. LEE'S VIPER ],4

IJlf,.tr Frak !


LEE (WTRELESS) He Jumped. Repeat - he Jumped away before we could zero him out.

TIGH Damnrt. Probably giving away our nnq i t i nn ta F\/Fr\/ f-rz'l nn -*-F:qoq' -,nap !-.i r\..|lI-L+ u lIUw . (to Dualla) Order the Fleet to execule emergency Jump procedures. Every one to rendezvous at the stand-by coord:-nates as thev--

GAETA Dradis contactl Another single Rarder bearing 881 carom 247.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft '7/9/04 14. 15 CONTINUED: 15

ntttr T l UUru,|'.6 Galactica/Apollo. Cylon Raider detected at --

LEE (WTRELESS) I see him--I see hrm! Wait... it's the same Raider.

TTGH What?


LEE It's the same Raider, f can see the damaqe from before...


Clearly damaged and having trouble, it jinks and darts this way and that.

LEE (WTRELESS) It's behavinq erraticallv. . .


Everyone watching the BLIPS on the dradis screen. The Cylon blrp DISAPPEARS.

LEE (WIRELESS) He Jumped again.

Then the BLIP APPEARSagain rn a different part of the screen.

\JAI. l-A Contact. Single Raider. . . sarne telltales. Seems to be flvrnq in circles.

TIGH Wounded brrd. Can't fty home.

LEE (WIRELESS) Galactica/Apollo. We got him on rlrrrlic 1.rrrJ- i.a'q nrol-ftr frr nr;l r vqv rae u yieuu_), iqr there and we're cl-ose to bingo fuel. Shal-I we pursue?

TIGH (beat, then to Dualla) No. (MORE)

( cONTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, T:-e Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 15' 18 CONTINUED: 18 TIGH (cont'd) TeII Apollo to pull the CAP back in close. (to Gaeta) Prrt r Rantor in the air. ?eII them I want to suck in everY electronic signal that thing makes.

GAETA Yes, sir.

DUALLA CoIoneI -- Comnander Adama's Raptor rDr s !rectuesr,t-n.r eYues urrrY nermr ssion ro enler 'i:ndi i-hF -..:na paEtern. TIGH Permission granted. (heading out) Stand-down to Condition ?wo. I"1r. Gaeta, you have the deck.


BAITAR glumly staring at something o.c.

BALTAR Is suicide really a sin?

REVEAL he's staring at a long, seemingly endless line of BLOODSAMPLES arranged in neat rows across a work table. NUMBERSIX ties down on the table top, head propped on one hand, her lovely shape in stark contrast to the hard angles of scientrfic egurpment.

NUMBERSTX A mortal one, f'm afraid. But it's not that bad, is it, Garus?

BA],TAR 45,231 people rn the fleet. 45,23I blood samples. Seventeen hours to test each sample for Cvlon indi-cators.

NUYIBERSIX That'1I take awhile.

BALTAR '768 ,621 hours . 32, 025 daYs .

NUI',IBERSIX 87 .1 42 1 1 years .

( CONTINUED) 'Ti-gh Me Up, Tie I'1e Down'Prod Draft 7/9/04 15. 19 CONTINUED: 19

BALTAR Figure in a few hours sleep here and there... let's call it an even 88 years


lJf\!tAJ( f'd rather ki}I myself.

He takes the first sample from the tray.

BAI,TAR (cont'd ) Commander Adama, are you a Cylon? Tune j-n tomorro\^/...

ile sets the sample into a piece of equipment and then begins workrng various switches and dials to begin the testl_ng process, while making notations on a clipboard.

NUMBERSIX Tla rd fro i na a, genJ-us.

]J}I!'I'AK Yes.

NUMBERSIX There should be some oerks. ..

She pulls him to her on the table with a lascivious arin. He tosses hrs clipboard over his shoulder.


KARA THRACE limps through the Corrrdor, nods to the IvIARINE GUARDSoutside the l-ab, then ENTERSto find --


Bal-tar (his back to Kara) thrusting his hips at the table and moaning slightly.

KARA What's up, Doc?

Baltar srarts hurriedly tucking his shrrt back in.

BA],TAR Lieutenant Thrace... good to see you. What brings you to... the lab at thrs hour?

( CONTTNUED) 'Tigh l-,leUp, Tie t"Ie Down' Prod Draft 7 /9/04 11 . 2I CONTINUED: 2\

KARA It's the rniddle of the afternoon.

BA],TAR Really. Lost track of time. You know -- heavy workload and a1l that. What can I do for vou?

KARA You can close your flv.

Baltar zips himself and Kara holds up a sma1l container.

KARA My blood sample.

Number Six leans in and puts her arms around Ba1tar.

NUMBERSIX You're right about one thing, Gaius . There j-s something. . . very intriguing about her.

BA],TAR Voc (to Kara) Yes. Thank vou. Thank You so much.

NUMBERSIX TelI you what -- you manage to get rn her pants... f 'l-l jorn you.

BALTAR That would be spectacular -- ! (to Kara) if you would uh... put that down there at the end somewhere.

Kara nods -- what's up with this guy? -- and moves to the other end of the table.

NUMBERSIX See, it won't be such a bad 88 vears after aII. . .


Deserted, strewn with overturned garbage cans, abandoned cars. SOITNDOF A HOVERCRAFToverhead. The WIND BLAST sends trash whirlinq into the air.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down'Prod Draft 7/9/04 22 CONTINUED: 11


A SPOTLIGHTpeers like a searing white eyeball along the asphalt and sides of buildings, finds nothing, and moves on.

From the inky blackness of a recessed doorway, Sharon emerges, followed by HELO. She glances both ways and moves raprdly down the street.

.CI.LLU I don't get it. I've blown Centurions away before and they didn't come after me with an entire armv.

They round a corner onto another deserted street. Sharon knows damn weII whv this time is di-fferent.

SHARON Thev're after me.

They dart around an overturned street vendor's cart. HeIo grrmaces when he notices the surface of the cart movrng -- rt's covered with brq black COCKROACHES.

H.tr!U Why you?

She would love to teII him the real reason, relieve her burden of guilt and self-disgust, but knows he might never forgrve her. So she says...

>-NA.KUN While they were holding me.,. I overheard some thinqs.

11.L-LLJ wnat /

Ahead of them, the spotlight reappears/ racing in their drrection. They turn to flee back the way they came, but on the srde of a far building they see SHADOWSOF CYLON CENTURIONSmoving swiftly to the percussion of METAL BOOTSON CONCRETE. Sharon spots an acilornr_ng street.

Jn.{-uLuN This wayl


Sharon and Helo drscover the street dead-ends at an impossibty high brrck wall. They turn to see...

( coNTTNUED) 'Trgh Me Up, Tie l,Ie Dovrn'Prod Draft 7/9/04 23 CONTTNUED:

The SPOTLIGHT enters the street and moves toward CAI,IERA. METAL BOOTS HAI'{MERoN PAVE},IENT, growing louder. PA}l To FOLLOWTHE SPOTLIGHT as it moves down the alley to where Sharon and HeIo were just standing. They've vanished!

As the spotlight continues to\^tard the brick wa}l, it passes over a manhole cover on the si-dewaIk. TILT DOWNto a gap rn the sidewalk's curb where the gutter drops into the storm drain and we see the faces of Sharon and Helo peering cautiously out. After a beat, they duck from view.


T:-gh waits impatiently as a RAPTORcomes to a STOP. The hatch OPENSand Adama steps out.

ADAMA / q:l r:f oq \ Permrssion to come aboard?

TTGH (returns salute) Granted. Mind tellrnq me where the heII vou been?

ADAMA Colonel Tigh... a1low me to present... your wife.

Adama looks back into the shuttle, holds out a hand... and a €^--1^ L^-r qrrnnnrt IUttldIE IlaIlU LElreuL!vE!r !sq9lrL-rc:ahoq f alcoc .4IDhi e fnr -^-1tal-irrolrr ^r1t esJ:ev !v! Duvvv! L and then a blonde WOMANin her nid-thirties wi-th an inherent

sexnar ifv that Cannot be denrcd r:arefrrl lw vgvt/vstens orrt of the shuttle and back into Tiqh's life.


ELLEN TIGH smiles at her husband, tears briqht in her FrorrrtifrrJ 6rrac

ELLEN Qerr'l I -h She almost falls into his arms. Off Tiqh's shocked ovnroq q i nn


END OF ACT ONE ,Ti ah Ma rrn mi prod "E I e l,le Down, Draft 7 /g /04




Baltar's watching numbers scroll by on a MONITORwhen the PHONECHIRPS. He answers it.

BA],TAR , Department of Cylon Detection, how may I direct your caIl?



Laura on the phone.

hAU-t{fl You're in a qood mood.

BALTAR Madame President... sorry. So unexpected. We haven't spoken in ages. You don't send me flowers anymore.

Laura -- who on some basic level, stilL doesn't trust Baltar even after his exoneration in "Six Degrees" gives only the trnrest of smiles on her end of the phone.

LAURA Hm. I'd lrke you to caII me the moment Commander Adama's test is o+a $]i 'l 'l 6.6lppl j vu dO that? "4r+

BALTAR I... don't understand.

LAURA CaII me with his test results.

BA-LTAR Commander Adama cancelled his test just a short tirne ago.

Laura's blood freezes.

!AUXA Qn( wny/

( coNTTNUED) 2r. Down' Prod Draft 1/9/04 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me zo CONTINUED:

BA],TAR he said He gave me another sample had Prrorlty '

LAUl{JT Whose?

BALTAR Some... woman I believe' (check) HE "Ellen." No last name' Yes. left' iIIt' atoPP"a it off and i.h"r. a Probtr-em? LAURA to MaYbe' Doctor' I want You Adama's resume testing Commander trssue samPle immediatelY' BAITAR ( dePressed ) Of course' of paper looks at the long sheets Laura hangs up' Baltar-tip" wads them them out of the machine be j-nq printed ot't-Il ' lrp .tta-tosses them awaY' )-j - TIGH'S QUARTERS 21 INT. GA],ACTICA Tigh next to her' Ellen is on the couch' TIGH it. Can't I... just can't believe believe You're alive.

r fraI -r.tr!!DN Don't Can't believe it rnYself ' few weeks ' ' ;;;" remember the last ' it's weeks' right?

't t (rn i-ne You've been ' ' ' on Riqht.-R;;i"g *-ime? Star all- this

ELLEN I so. The last thing I guess r was iei'temret was being on Picon ' a ticket at the ar-rPorr' ' ' buYing about the ;;*;::--n..ttttg somelhins mostrY untir ;;i;;;... then dreams a couPle daYs ago' (MORE)

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down'prod Draft -l/g/04 22. 27 CONTINUED: 11 ELLEN (cont'd) They telI me f rras knocked out when the Cylons attacked the airport. Someone picked me up, put me on the l:ct f] inh+ savior''' i3::.':;31'oi5l';i.::T" r

Her voice catches and Tigh kneels down, awkward,ry puts hi-s arms around her.

TTGH It's all riqht. . .

ELLEN Then I woke up on the Rising Star a couple days ago... they told me what happened... and heard the Galactica was with us. And f knew that meant you v/ere here. . .

she tears up and T:-gh can't help but feel a iump in his throat as well.

ELLEN (cont'd) Never thought f,d see your face again...

TIGH Me neither...

ELLEN The things f said before... the things I ciid...

TTGH Shhh. In the past. That,s all in the past. part of a world that,s Iong gone now.

ELLEN Start over?

TIGH Start over.

They embrace, tenderly, then eagerry. The pHoNE cHrRps.

TIGH (cont'd) Never fails.

ELLEN Forget it.

She kisses him again. The phone keeps CHfRPING.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down'Prod Draft 7/9/04 2l CONTTNUED: (2) 11

TIGH 1-:n 'r

lJo nnac f n fho nhnno

TIGH ( annoyed) xo. ( beat ) What? (beat ) Now? ( beat ) Understood. AII right. TeLI her I'm... on my way.

Trgh looks over at Ellen, who manages a small smile.

ELLEN Girlfriend?

TIGH No. Official business.

ELLEN Feels like old times.

TIGH I'd explarn, but...

ELLEN It's classified. I remember the dril-.

TIGH I'11 be back as soon as I can.

ELLEN It's okay. Chances are, I won't Iapse into a coma while you're qone'nff hie lanlr) I'm 3okrng. Don't worry about me. I'11 make myself comfortable while you're gone. . .

She grves him a look of pure sex and Tigh feels the old famihar feelings of gurlt mrxed with desire.

TTGH Soon as f can.

( cONTTNUED) 'Tj-gh Me Up, Tie Ivle Dovrn,prod Draft j/g/04 24. 27 CONTTNUED: (3) 21

ELLEN f'11 be waitinq.


.TI|T1 T.).

28 TNT. _ CAPRICA STORMDRAIN JUNCTION _ NIGHT 28 An exhausted Hero sits alone in the concrete chamber, using a flashlrght for irlumination. He drinks from a water container as sharon climbs down a metar ladder rnto frame. He hords the canteen out to her. she drinks, but doesn,t appear thirsty.

HELO you just keep going and going and never qet tired.

SHARON ,l_l_ Adrenaline. I crash big time when we get to the woods.

HELO So what was it you heard? (off her blank stare) You said you overheard thrnqs when they were hoidrnq vou.

SHARON 1vamprng ) Oh, yeah... There,s a biq Cv1on base at De1phi. A major-hu6.

HELO Bastards. I wonder if the Oracle,s still standrnq.

SHARON Drdn,t hear anl/thrng about that. probably not. But it,s the best place to try and grab a ship and get of f thrs planer.. Ready? Helo nods, stows his bottle and follows Sharon up the ladder.

29 r!rr.Thln a.\Tr'\11T^T . ur,/.rJL./!\r.flriONE - INNER OFFfCE 29

Tigh is meeting with Laura and Bitly.

( coNTTNUED) ' Trgh Me Up, Tie t'le Down' prod Draft 7 / 9 / 04 29 CONTINUED: z>

TTGH With all due respect, this is

-r22\f LAURA I agree. The whole thing,s crazy. But you've known him longer than any of us. Don,t you find anything suspicious about his recent behavior? The scrambled calls he doesn't want loqqed.. . ?

TTGH He makes the rules. If he wants to break'em, that,s up to him.

LAURA What about the fact that he left the ship on his own, told no one where he was going, and then a Cylon Raider happens to Jump into view at that moment and start behavrng strangely?

TIGH f know exactly where he was. He was pi-ckrng up my wj_fe.

LAURA Your wife?

TIGH Turns out she,s been unconscious aboard the Rising Star ever srnce +L'a UIIg A-++ L LO.UJ\.- ^l-

LAURA That's fantasticl Oh mv qods that's amazinql

TIGH yes.

LAURA What're the odds?

TTGH UnbelrevabIe.

Laura takes a beat -- has to compretely re-evaruate her posl-tron and her attrtude. Decides to acknowredqe the mrstake and move on.

( coNTTNUED) 'Ti-qh Me Up, Tie Me Dovm'Prod Draft'7/9/0A 29 CoNTINUED: (2)

LAURA WelI. I'm glad to be proven wrong and to find that my fears are absurd. I'n guilty of taking cnrrnqs] of mv fears and that is no way to run a government. T apologize for bringing you over here.

TTGH It's all rrght. Been a helluva day so far...

LAURA I'm sure.

TIGH We had our problems -- some big problems -- but when Ellen stepped off that shuttle, f thought I was ;--,..j:nn) nr to pass out.

LAURA Ellen? Her name is Ellen?

TIGH That's rrqht.

LAURA I think I'd like to meet your wife, ColoneI.

TtTm t^T AFmf iA taa 30 ltrI. urunLIlun - vJv 30

Adama, TYROL and Kara lean down to view the monitor of SCROLLINGDATA from the Raider.

KARA ft's }ike we found a treasure chest. One of the malor rssues we've been having with the Rai-der we captured rs how the faster-than- Iight drive works. That wounded brrd out there's JumDinq aII over the place.

TYROL Every trme it Jumps, j-t grves us that much more data we can use, sir.

Lee ENTERSin his fliqht suit.

( CoNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie l'le Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 )'1 3O CONTTNUED:

!.tr.tr You wanted to see me, sir?

ADAMA (to Kara & Tyrol) Stay on it. / l-n T.oo \ vv \ / -vv You have dinner plans?

31 INT. BA],TAR'S LAB 31

Baltar is on the phone with Laura.

BALTAR Resume the test on El1en? Why... rror that's no trouble at all.

He looks at the printer, busily chugging out more pages of now-useless ciata.

BALTAR (cont'd) Don't give it a moment's thought, Madame President. (beat ) No, really, it's no bother. Thank you for callrng.

He ha goes to the prrnter and begrns RIPPING OUT the new prrnr-out.


Trgh ENTERS, looks around -- no slgn of hj-s wife.


The bathroom door OPENS, revealing EIIen standrng rn the doorway, wearing one of Trgh's shrrts and nothing e1se. She lifts an evebrow.

ELLEN You gonna close the cioor?

He quickly closes the hatch, and as he turns around, she's walking barefoot across the room with somethrng behind her back. He moves to her, is about to take her rn his arms, then she produces a BOTTLE and TWO GLASSES.

.tr!L-trt\ Surprise.

( cONTTNUED) 'Tigh l,Ie Up, Tie Me Dorrm' Prod Draft 7 /9/04 32 CONTINUED:

TIGH Ambrosia? Where in Kobol's name did you get this?

ELLEN I have my s7ays. Thought it might be just the thing for a... celebration.

TTGH We need to ta1k...

ELLEN First things, first.

She pours each of them a drink. Lifts her giass.

ELLEN Starting over.

TTGH Startrng over.

She drinks hers down... but Tigh hes.itates.

TIGH I'm. . . technically still on duty. . .

ELLEN I think they can do wrthout you today.

TIGH It doesn't really work that way...

She hfts her glass to her lips, takes a mouthful, holds it... then kisses him and l-ets the alcohol" fl-ow into hi-s mouth. He drinks, kisses her, drinks... finds himself lost rn the moment, lost rn hrs wrfe, Iost in hrs old life...


END OF ACT TWO 'Tir4Yrr oh rrvMp Trnvi/ t- Ti.e Me Down' Prod Draft 7 /9 /04




Baltar is eating a small Iunch at a table by himself. PILOTS are hanging out, playing cards, eating, etc. There's a WIRELESS SET on and some people are lrstening to the broadcast -- which plavs in the b.q. of the- scene !.ii-th Ra'l tar. Sharon & Srx:

FRANKLTN (WTRELESS) you're an idiot, that's what Vou are. You're cione. (cl-ick ) I don't know what to tell you f olks. Some people rn this f l-eet wj-ll believe anything. Next f .i arrra nrrf h91p ca'l I er - i f T !+Ys! lg connect this thing-,an -- ah -- Bil] from the Aurora you're on the air wrth Bob Franklin.

trrL! ( wM.;!.tr>> J Hi, Bob. Just wanted to call in and say what a great job I think you're doing. We really need nonnl o tn ciart l-.'l lrr nn i^ ^n6 another drrectly, 'cause the 'l .r/r\rprnmant ' q nnt tel i nfl Anw Of US the truth.

FRANKLTN (WTRELESS) Amen to that. They'II probably come and take me away any minute

now for esJlrrYsawinrr rvtit hrrr if r drdn't know any better, I'd say our so- called government was workrng for the Cylons.

u-L!_t ( y'iTKEIJEbb ) T harre i i .n cooci arrthori tv there are fvl ons i n the .rrl\rFrnmtrnt - Like h i ah rrn i n rho anrrornmcnl-

FRANKLIN (WIRELESS) Anybody we know?

BrLL (WTRELESS) I don't want to say on the air, but hiah rorl hiah

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, fie Me Down' Prod Draft 1/9/04 ?n 33 CONTINUED: 33

Sharon Valerii comes in and sits down across from Baltar.

SHARON tll- .

The hair on the back of Baltar's neck goes up as she sits dovrn.


SHARON Just wanted to say, thank you for grving me the human thumbs up.

BALTAR My pJ-easure.

An awkward silence.

BALTAR (cont'd) Anything... else...?

SHARON No. Yes. I don't know. I felt this... need to come see you.

BAITAR A need?

Number Six leans dowr.' to whisper in Baltar's ear.

NUMBERSIX It's not that krnd of need.

SHARON Don't know if that's the right word...

Sharon struggles for a beat and Baltar's eyes roan over her form for a moment.

NUMBER SIX Vnrr I ilro f hic dnn't rrnrr? qiftind wL/Lot e jvs rrght on the edge. Knowing she's a Cylon, a berng who could kiII you r-n the blink of an eye, and still be imaginrng what she looks like naked.

BAITAR Is there someth.:-ng f can do to you - - do for vou?

( coNTTNUED) 'Trgh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft j/9/04 3l-. 33 CONTINUED: (2) 33

SHARON Forget it.

She gets up, starts to leave

BAI,TAR Perhaps we coul_d. .. get together later... go somewhere... talk.

NUMBERSIX You're playing with fire.

SHARON Sure. I'm... not seeing anyone. Anlmore.

BA],TAR Tonight then?

SHARON Why not?

Sharon EXITS.

BALTAR f'm insane. That's what it is, I've lost mv head.

NUMBERSIX Or you,re thinking with the wrong head.


A small, intrmate dinner party rs underway. Laura, Ad.ama, Lee, Trgh and Ellen seated around the tabre. Elren has never met an aud:-ence she didn't Like and her tendency to dominate the proceedlngs is only exacerbated by the natural_ reserve of the three men in the room. Add to thit tne fact that neither she and Tigh are feerrng any pain and you've got a volati_le mlx.

ELLEN sure, there,s whininq and '1 nnmn'levrrr1;4qrrirrig a i n i na i 1 l,rr r {- rrK€ lOU 'd eXpeCt, people I talked to are hopeful and optrmistrc.

LAURA That's good to hear.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Ivle Down'prod Draft 7/9/04 32. 34 CONTINUED: 34

ELLEN Oh, maybe a few people night still wonder if a kindergrarten teacher is really the right person to be president, but they're a tiny mrnoritv.

And it goes without saying that Laura and Ellen aren't going to become friends.

LAURA I'm so happy to hear that.

ELLEN They're also immensely grateful to all of you on Galactrca. you,re literallv our saviors.

TTGH Just doj-ng our jobs.

ELLEN He's always so modest. Always been that wav. Lee, could i trouble you to pour me a U-ttte more of this love1v Ambrosla? Too nnrrrc hor 'lore from the bottl-eu uf 9 onvll theullg table.uq Tiqh holds out his glass and Lee fills it as well- -- but not without exchanging a glance with his father.

ELLEN ( cont'd ) Thank you, dear. Brll, shame on you -- I don't ever remember you telling me that you even had a son.

ADAMA I had two. One died a couple vears a\-tu.

ELLEN Tragic. Death of a child. (heavy s:.gh ) There's been so much death. So much pain. Sometimes it seems so overwhelmrng.


Elren's foot srips out of her pump and srides up the shrn of Lee Adama. Hi-s eyes widen srightly, but tries to marntain.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, prod Tie Me Down' Draft 7/g/04 33. 5.t CONTTNUED: (2) 3q

ELLEN (cont,d) Still -- f can,t imagine why you never mentj_oned having such a... handsome boy.

Lee t*es to move his reg out of range, but her foot has an unerring instrnct for mare fresh and-she not only frnds hrs f.g, but manages to get under the pant leg itseli.

ADAMA The Captain of the Risins Star was. . . a 1:_ttl-e puzzled is to how you got aboard.

ELLEN So am f. Some thoughtful soul rescued me from almost certain death put me on the l_ast flight out of-and picon.

LAURA How lucky for us all.

( quickly ) Let me clear some of these dishes. Which gives him an excuse to get up from the table. Ellen puts a hand on hrs arm.

ELLEN Thank you, dear. That,s so sweet.

luei,ee 4pis p!v{(rurrurJnrnfnrrnd'irr rlh^^n€^-+^L-qrrvvrrrrut_ uaule aS Shg SmilgS at him -- Laura and Adama notrce, but Tiqh doesn,t.

ELLEN (cont,d) So, BiIt -- you know the question on everyone's mind out there __ and I do mean everyone -- where,s Earth and when do we get there?

ADAMA I'm af rai_d that,s classif ied information.

ELLEN That word again.

TTGH Ellen... Ieave the man alone.

( CONTTNUED) 'Ti nh Mo Tln rFi o "Yl Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 J.{ . / 2 \ uvrrrrrrv!v. 34 \J/ 34 -r\r{TFTtrrrFn.

T.F6 f 6ntaf i rzol rr sits back down again -- agaj-n her foot finds hrs. He bounces up again.

IJ.tr.tr Coffee anyone?

ELLEN That sounds heavenly. I' 11 take mine with a spl-ash of Arbrosia in it -- goes weII with almost everything, you know.

Qha'l lrahc q.rqrnrl rttiah iOinS -- a little tOO lOr'.tlrzj f+Yrr J in. Adama shifts uncomfortably in his chair as Lee pours coffee and Ellen spikes l-t with the liquor. E1len also takes the opportunity to get a hand on Lee's ass.


Bal,*"ar and Sharon are sittrng in the dark, trying to look j-nterested in the view while various couples make out aII around them. Sharon is profoundly uncomfortabl_e, can,t belreve she's even doinq this,

SHARON You know... someti-mes I think f 'I1 get bored of looking out there... but somehow f never do...

BAITAR I know exactly what you mean...

But h:-s eyes are more interested j-n the view of sharon's reqs than the vl-ew outsrde the wrndow.

NUMBERS]X Here he sits. Here he thinks. Here he waits for hi_s opportunity. Here he fantasizes about her naked f lesh agai-nst his. Then he wonders. . . when she climaxes, wrll she rrp out mv funqs?


Srttrng a short distance away, cuddled up toqether.


Yott know- Lvit's e rF:l'lrr rrvna vrlEnna'g I ' busrness.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 35 CONTINUED:

BILLY That's right. What's so interesting about us?

h?taf i a !JUfl.LI.4I Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You've got to be one of the most boring people I've ever met.

BILLY Right back at'cha.

hltnT T l UUru6 Ts that vorrr hand?

BTLLY Tr i s i r r;nrr,ri like it to be.

hTllT I l UWruDN 1C1 Iike it to be.

BILLY if 'q mrr hanrl

mL^.. l.i r.,rlgy ^^ ^r>D.

6lT mnh . DA-!II15 d ^ttnfinrlJr1fIJ1IJI\

'l Si- i 'r admi n.r -i the view. SHARON You ever thrnk you have a... ciestiny? A... purpose you never unclerstood, but knew was there al-1 alonq?

BA],TAR I suppose I always knew I had a role to play -- but I never imagined rt would so... vital to our survival.

NU}IBER SIX If you'l-l turn down the volume on your ego, you might hear her saying somethrng rmportant.

SHARON I know I have a... destiny. f don't know what it is... but it's there... somewhere.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft '7/9/04 35. 35 CONTINUED: (2 ) 35

BAI.TAR God reveals His plans for all of us in His own vray and His own tj-me.

SHARON God? You beh-eve in only one god?

NU},IBERSTX Careful.

BA],TAR WeII. It's an unusual belief system, I know... but... there it Ls.

SHARON One God. With all the answers...


fnnrrretrrl eti ons - Yorr've iustJ' connected a Cylon sleeper agent to her faith. You've probably endangered every man, woman and child in the fleet.

The blood drai-ns from Baltar's face as the door OPENS.

VOICE Time's up.

Everyone begins to file out.


The farewells are bei-ng said at the door. Laura rs kissing Ellen, Lee shakrng Trgh's hand. Everyone ad-libbrng some good-nights. EIIen's got the bottle of Ambrosia in her hand as she }eans i-n to kiss Lee and Adama shakes Tiqh's hand.

ADAMA LEE (to Tigh) Pleasure to meet you. Happy for you. Thanks for


TIGH ELLEN Appreclate it. (whispers, to Lee) Hope to see you agarn/ soon.

Ellen's hand finds rts way to Lee's hand and squeezes it. She gi-ves him a smile fuII of promise and then she and Tigh EXIT. Thev're barelv out the door when Laura turns to Adama.

( CONTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down'Prod Draft'7/9/A4 37. 36 CONTTNUED: 35

? altfii JJtt uf(-ft You thi-nk she is a Cvlon?

ff she's not... then \rre're all i-n a Iot of trouble.


Ellen and Tigh heading back to their quarters. They're both a little sloshed.

ELLEN When drd Bill- become such a stick- :,n-the-mud?

TIGH Ah -- he's always been a little tightly wrappeci.

ELLEN The man's become a carving. Like one of those faces on a totem po1e.

She makes a face, j-t cracks him up -- of course just about anything would crack him up now.


Lee, Adama and Laura doing a post-mortem.

LEE Her hand would've been down my

nani-s if T'd heen v4sii-tin.r 9 94I.: two inches closer to her.

ADAMA Scuttlebutt was that she slept her way through half the Colonral fleet while SauI was ]n space.

LEE Why'd he stay married to her?

LAURA It's obvtous. He loves her. Deeply.

ADAMA Blindly. Ellen used to encourage his worst instincts, bring out this self-destructive streak in him.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 38. 38 CONTTNUED: 38

LAURA But... why would the Cylons want to impersonate the Colonel's wife? How does that heltr them?


A frustrated Number Six and DORAL walk the street as spotlights and the SOUNDSOF HOVERCRAFTand METAL BOOTS CONCRETEreverberate in the backqround.

DORAL We've searched every street and building. They slipped through. How's that possible?

NUMBERSIX She thinks she loves him now -- that she can't live wrthout him. Her passion is making her more resourceful.

DORAI, Bothers vorr- cloesn't it?

NUMBER SIX We'lI get them in the end.

DORAL No. That you've never experienced rt.

NUMBERSIX (derrsive laugh) You saw the way Helo was when we took her away -- he was pathetic.

DORA-L I can't help woncierrng what it would be like to feel- that rntensely. Even rn his angursh he I DEEIIIEU- ^^-^ DU... d-LIVE.

Si x cioesn 'f Tppi rr hrrf :q f ho tWO Of them Walk intn fho ninhi her eyes are wet.


END OF ACT THREE 'rnialr Ma rrn mie l'le DOwn'PrOd Draft 7/9/04




Baltar and Sharon walkinq down the Corri-dor.

SHARON I'm not a religious person... f've barely given any thought to ny faith or the qods...

Number Six 'ioins them.

NUMBERSIX T 'm cn nrntrrl nf rrnrr Vnrr ' rro 9 uvJrrYdai na God's work without even beinq asked.

BAITAR TJ- iq r ctranaa tharrahJ-


Tigh and Ellen giggling and stumbting. E}len passes him the bottle and he takes a swig once he's sure nobody's around.

ELLEN Where are we?

TIGH Uh... Deck twenty-frve... I think...

ELLEN You think.

TIGH '1 T ' I dol rr q hnmo Aan f !.7arrrt Y"-rsvrrrj... '

ELLEN pi 'f Voah irrcf I 'i lro i 'c aol-l- -*.^Ei n, us l-n E-arfh

TIGH T"tnn'f

ELLEN He doesn't have the sliqhtest idea where Earth rs.

(coNTTNUED) 'Tigh I'[e Up, Tie Me Down'Prod Draft 1/9/04 40. 4I CONTINUED: 41

TIGH Shhh. Don't have to start shoutinq it the haL1s.


Trgh grabs her, puts a hand over her mouth -- but t.hey're 'noth 'larrohino :-A ainn] ina ShafOn and Baltar COme afOUnd the corner -- Tigh rmmediately straightens up.

TIGH Doctor.

BALTAR Co1onel.

TTGH Lieutenant.


ELLEN Doctor. Lieutenant. Colonel. Oh, wair, f've stepped on your lrne, sweetie.

'l (ho arrnh c

BA],TAR I don't believe f've had the p1easure... I'm Doctor Gaius--

She takes hrs hand smoothly.

ELLEN --Gaius Baltar. I know exactly who you are. Our sole surviving genius. The man who can teII human from Cylon. The pleasure rs aII mine.

And it's hard to say who gets the brgger jolt of electricity from the simple handshake -- the rake or the trollop.

ELLEN You're stil-l hol-dinq mv hand.

( CONTTNUED) 'Tigh lvle Up, Tj_e lvle Down'prod Draft j/g/04 41. A1 =I CON?INUED: (2) 41

BAITAR I thought you were sti1l holding mine.

Tigh pulls her away quickly.

TIGH Hey-hey-hey -- I,m watching you. Both of you.

Number Six appears.


ELLEN Who,re you testing at the moment? This lovely girl?

BALTAR She already passed.

ELLEN fsn,t that funny? (to Sharon) I took one look at you and thought, "Here's a girl who isn,t good ai taking tests. ,.

Not quite sure how to react to that, sharon decides to if r ninh.t- call

SHARON f have the midwatch. ,Night. Thanks for everything.

She grves hrm a quick, chaste kiss.

BALTAR you,re very welcome. Good_night.

Sharon heads off.

ELLEN Well. Care for a nightcap, Doctor?

BA].TAR I'd love to --

( CONTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft 7/g/04 47 CONTINUED: (3) A1

GAETA (PA) Attention. pass the word for Doctor Baltar, Doctor Baltar please report to the 1ab.

BAI,TAR -- but I can,t. perhaps another time.

ELLEN Count on it.

Baltar heads off, foll_owed by Number Six.

NUMBERSIX Not a word.

But by the rook on his face, he doesn,t have to. El]en sees the unamused look on Ti-gh,s face.

ELLEN Saul... are you jealous?

TTGH you saj-d we,re starting over.

ELLEN We are.

she qui-ckry uncorks the bottle, Iifts it to his }ips -- but he pushes it away.

TIGH AIl that has to be in the past, ^r

ELLEN It is. It is. Just a ]itt1e harmless flirting __ but you know... in the middle of clin.,o. Bill put his hand "n-*y-rJ;l^^"-' Trgh's surprised -- then hrs eyes narrow with susprcron. TIGH What. . . ?

ELLEN He did. . . kept rubbi.ng my 1eg. . . giving me the €ye..,

( CONTTNUED) '?igh Me Up, Tie Me Down, prod Draft 7/9/04 43. 47 CONTINUED: (4 ) 9-L

TTGH f'm not fallinq for that.

ELLEN Did you know he came to see me... on the Risinq Star?

That gets Tigh,s attention.

ELLEN (CONT'D) He came secretly... didn,t want me to know... told the Captai-n not to telr anyone he,d been Lhere... but I saw him. He'd sit by my bed... f 'd pret.end to be asleep. . . then he'd put a hand on my l-eq...

TIGH You're lying. ..

Which is one thi-ng you never say to EIIen Tigh.

ELLEN I am not. He was on the ship. And I can prove rt --

she grabs his hand and purrs him down the corri_dor.


Baltar, Laura, Lee, and Adama are here.

ADA.I4A I gave you the sample this morninq, you should be almost done bv now.

I]fu-r'l"Al( Well, I'm sorry, but the test takes tj-me and having started and stopped it twice now, I,m runnrnq a litt1e behind.

!tr-t Twice now?

LAURA That's mw farr'l t it'c > l^-^ / f e o q IUII9 qtnrrz

ADAMA Votrr frrr'l+?

( coNTTNUED) 'Trgh Me Up, Tie t"le Down'prod Draft i/9/04 42 CONTINUED:

BALTAR Oh, I probably shouldn't have nonf i nnod fhaf

LAURA ft doesn't matter, it's okay.

ADA-['IA What's okay?

LAURA rLTt's--- D... lqrrrrJfrtnnrr ro:llrr Vnrr'ra go.Ing to laugh. --

ADA}IA Sounds hilarious so far.

LAT]RA Look. . . there were some things. . . that had me concerned...

ADAMA About me? You thought I was a 1arr'l nn 2 Mo2

LAURA Leoben told me you were a Cylon. Ir was the last thing it sard before it was destroyed. I tried J-n fnraa; i+ vsg crFt bUt I COUldn,tuvqlqll u Ygu it out of my mind and then add to that your mysterious calls and trips off the shrp. . .

BAT,TAR Would anyone like a crgar? I know I would.

ADAMA How did you hear about that? Have

vot: l'repn snr-rino vrrnn ma?llrs. Onvrr mrzltlJ orrrychin? j

LEE Mysterrous trips?

ADAMA I was going to the Risrng Star and I didn't want Saul to find out.

L.tr-tr Why not?

( coNTTNUBD) 'Ti-gh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 42 CoNTTNUED: (2) 42

ADAMA Because whether she was a Cylon or not, f knew she vras going to be trouble and f wanted to keep her away from him as long as possible.

ELLEN (0.S. ) See? I told vou he wanted me.

Everyone turns to see Ellen and Tigh now in the doorway.

BALTAR Oh, Iovely.

TIGH 'the hell's going on? You were secretly visitrng my wife?

ADA}4A No. Yes. But... it's nnmn'l i aatorl

ELLEN T +^'l ,.l ,,^,, r uvrs JUq -- ( sotto ) -- he's had hrs eye on me for years.

ADAMA What !

LAURA f]onil omon n'l oaqo

ELLEN Don't f ight over lj-ttle ole me, . .

LAURA Vnrr'ro nnt -.--irng.hol r LEE Let's ali- take a deep breath and --

ADA}{A I was worried she mj-ght be a Cylon ! I even brought a trssue sample back for Baltar to test!

TIGH That 'c r^rhrr \ra\lr I ad rrnrrr f ocf ? -an-al

( cONTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 46, 42 CONTINUED: (3) qz

ADAI,IA How'd you know that?

TTGH (to Laura) You didn't teIl me he was testinq ny wife.

ADAMA You met with the President?

.I IUTI She thought you might be a Cylon.


GAETA (PA) Attention. Pass the word for the Commander and the XO. Commander Adama and Colonel Trgh please report to CIC.

The tone instantly shifts in the room as Adama and Tigh exchange a look and then head out together.


Adama and Trgh walking quickly through the Corridor.

I h l lrt .|tl./f|.l'lf\ I'm not a Cvlon.

T]GH Neither's my wife.


The Raider is still being shadowed by the Vrpers and a Raptor, but now it's flying more smoothly, seems to be under control.


Adama and Tigh }ookrng over the plotting board while caeta stands by.

GAETA The Raider smoothed out its flight path about two mj-nutes ago. Seems to be back under control.

( coNTTNUED) ' Tigh Me Up, Tj-e l,le Down ' Prod Draf t 7 / 9 / 04 A1 45 CONTINUED: /R

ADAI4A But it's not Jumpinq home...

Adama moves over to the Weapons' Area where Tyrol and Kara are still looking over the in-comj-ng data. At the same trme, Tiqh picks up a handset.

ADAt"lA ( CONT',D ) TrGH You two got everything you (to handset) need? This is the XO. Launch the alert fiqhters.

TYROL No such thrng as too much info, sir.

t{At(4\ But let's not get greedy.

ADAMA (to Gaeta) Order the flight leader to destroy the target.

GAETA Yes, srr.


The Raider suddenly SPINS and TAKES OFF TOWARDTHE GALACTICA. The Vrpers are caught off-guarci and struggle to catch up.

PrLOT (WTRELESS) Whoa! Galactrca/Snake -- the Rarder lust took off !

41 INT. CIC 4'7

As before. Everyone watching the oradis screen.

PILOT (WIRELESS) He's headrnq back toward the fleet!

KARA Thev're not. ooino to catch him -- he's got too big a lead.

GAETA (to handset) Action Stations, Action Stations, thrs r-s not a drill. 'Tj,gh Me Up, Tie Me Down'prod Draft "l/9/04 48.


Is racing right at Galactj_ca -- on a suicide run.


GAXTA He doesn't have any v/eapons...

KARA He's on a suicide run.

ADAMA Stand-by for evasive maneuvers.


Come ROARfNG out of the launch tubes.

PrLOT 2 (WTRELESS) one' r've :::3?:::ui"ln*il-is*A1erterrs uq! yE U.

The Cylon tries to avoj-d the fire, but the viper has him dead to rrghts and the Viper DESTROySthe Cylon.

5i INT. CfC - RESUME q.l

PrLOT 2 (WTRELESS) Target destroyed, repeat., target destroyed.

Relieved fooks all around. Adama looks over to Tj_gh.

ADAMA You launch the alert fighters?

Tigh barely nods.

ADAI"IA (cont 'd ) Good caII.

TyroJ- sees somethrng on hrs monitor.

TYROL Commander -- you should take a Iook at this, si_r.

Adama moves over to Tyro1.

( CoNTTNUED) 'Tigh l,Ie Up, Tie tle Down' prod Draft j /9/04 1>. 5i CONTINUED: 51

TYROL (cont'd) l/hntnic i-n enroon\ Just before it was destroyed, that Raider sent out a hiqh-speed data burst.

ADAMA Sent it where?

TYROL Looks Iike... the signal was broadcast toward the f1eet.

TIGH Studyrng us. While we were qirrrlrri +.rYnn r.4rL,.lr i n

ADAMA (hears him) Then he transmitted his data to someone in the fleet.

TIGH Well we do know... that there are Cylon agents j-n the fleet.

ADAMA Yes, we do.

The two men look at each other for a beat.


Agarn, Adama and Tigh walkj_ng side by side.

TIGH One questron...

Adama stops, faces him.

ADAMA Because rt worried me.

TTGH That she mrght be a Cylon.

ADAMA And. . . if she wasn't. (beat ) I know how you feel about her, SauL... but she's been... / MnpE' \

( coNTTNUED) 'Trgh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft 7/9/04 50. 52 CONTINUED: q? ADAIr{A(cont,d) a negative force in your tife. f'm sorry. But it's the truth.

Tigh takes a long beat before answering.

MYAIY T -L\Jrl Maybe she was. Things were dlfferent then. She was different. f was different.


ADAl,lA I've gotten used to seeing you without that cup in vour hand.

TIGH I was celebrating tonight. Think I deserved to...

ADA},1A Yes, you did.

Adama holds out his hand and Tigh takes it after a moment.

ADAMA (cont'd) T,attnc'hincr fhnqo fiahi-orc a -_na hunch. That's the kind of officer you are, the klnd of officer f need as my XO. You saved the ship today.

TIGH Just doing my job.

ADAMA Yntr'ro nnnrl :f rrnrrr inl.. mh-+ , a ,'L.', e Yvvv su Jvq! Jvp. lttd,L wlty I need you, Saul. That and... we,re- friends. f don't want to lose that lust because Ellen's back.

TTGH You won't.


Bartar is looking down at the test screen as seen in ,,Fresh and Bone, " while Laura, Tigh, Adama, Ellen, and Lee look on.

ADA1"1A (to Laura) f understand. I probably would,ve reacted the same way.

( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Dorrrn'prod Draft'7/9/04 5i. 53 CONTINUED: 53

BAITAR Green. Green, everyone. Mrs. Tigh j-s definitely human.

Number Six lounges in Bal-tar's 1ap.

NUI"IBERSTX ff only they knew that everyone passes these days.

hA I , I'AH ( sotto ) So much simpler that way. No muss, no fuss.

Trgh grves his wife a quick kiss and Adama even hords out a hand to her.

ADAMA No hard feelings, I hope, Ellen.

ELLEN I understand completely. But let,s be sure and test you next.

BAI,TAR f 'm already on it.

Erren srips past Adama's hand and puts her arms around him.

ELLEN (whispers ) you don't want to frak with me, BiIl. Try to remember that.

She starts to purl back, but he hords her for another second.

ADAMA (whispers ) Same goes for you, EIIen.

They pull back from one another and exchange sweet smiles, as .t-n i f thprr r.raro,yeru yvrrrydAi nd LU !sl-ra +1.,aurr= D€stI friends in the worl_d.