"TighMe LP' TighMe Oo*ll 'secrets Lles,--., ) (Previouiiyknown as and White Prod Draft iulY 9, 2004 Written bY jeff Vlamtng Episode#9 BATTLESTARGALACTICA ''TIGHME UP,TIGH ME DOWN'' Episode#9 Writtenby Jeff Maming WHITE ProdDraft July 9, 2004 EXECUTI\E,PRODUCERS: RonaldD. Moore DavidEick CO-EXECPRODUCER: Toni Graphia PRODUCEDBY: HarveyFrand DIRECTOR: EdwardJames Ohnos Copyright 2004Stanford Pictures inc & Porrt of VrewProds. This materialis the property of StanfordPictures Inc & Pointof View Prodsand is rntendedand restncted soiely for useby its personnei.Distribution or disclosureof the materialto unauthorizedpersons is prohibited.The saie.copying or reproductionof this materialin any form is alsoprohibited. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ''TIGHME UP,TIGH ME DOWN'' Episode#9 WHITE ProdDraft 719104 CAST CommanderWilliam Adama PresidentLaura Roshn Capt Lee Adama Lt Kara Thrace Col SaulTigh GaiusBaitar Chief GalenTyrol Lt SharonValerii Number Six Helo Bill-vKeikeya Gaeta Dualla Doral Deck lland BATTLESTAR GALACTICA "TIGH lv1EUP, TIGH ME DOWN', Episode#9 WHITEProd Draft 719104 SE'TS BATTLESTARGAI..ACTICA CAPRICA Adama'sQuarters Corridors Exteriors HangarDeck StormDrain Junction Baltar'sLab Obsen'ationDeck CIC CIC - CommandObservation Room (COR) Tigh'sQuarters PilotRec Room COLoNIAL ONE Inner Office SPACE Exteriorq ColonralOne Vipers Cylon Raider Interiors Lee'sViper rAfr?^r lJA.L IIrIib fAl1 9fllrAt-^n? I ILfr 'Tigh Me Up, Tigh l'le Down' 'rEl{Dlitl FADE TN ON: i INT. GAI,ACTTCA- CIC _ COMMANDOBSERVATION ROOM 1 On the upper leve1 of CIC, the COR is a command area from where the CO. the XO or the Officer of the Deck can get a brrd's eye vr-ew of the activity in CIC. Even though Adama, Tigh and the OOD typically work on the lower level, the COR is equrpped with dedlcated computer screens and a modicum of privacy that's otherwise hard to find in CIC. At the moment, LAURA ROSLIN is in the COR, looking down at COMMANDERADAMA as he talks with GAETA and other officers down on the lower leveI. Laura watches him silently, intently, her gaze never wandering from Adama as he moves about the room -- Leoben's words of warninq in "Flesh a Bone" still rrnqinq rn her ears. Adama glances up at her -- she smiles pleasantly. He indicates he'Il be up in a moment. She nods and he goes back to work. The second he 1ooks away/ her expression once again becomes one of concern and suspiclon. 2 EXT. SPACE - TWOVIPERS 2 Srde by srde, raci-ng through the varrous shrps of the fleet, heading RIGHT TOWARDTHE BOWof Galactica. PrLOT (WTRELESS) F:-ve seconds. PrLOT 2 (WTRELESS) Roger, I'rTr wrth you leacier... The two Vrpers are ciosing, closing, ciosing... seeming to head right for the shtp... PILOT (WTRELESS) Have fun in there, D. Okay, burners and. break-break-breakl The two Vipers kick in their AFTERBURNERSand SPLIT away right in front of the ship, heading down the port and starboard sides. CAMERASNAPS ZOOI1Si-nto -- -- the OBSERVATIONDECK, set right into the bow of Galactica. 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 7/9/04 2. 3 INT. GALACTICA - OBSERVATIONDECK 3 The CROWDGASPS, then APPLAUDSas the Vipers (silently) roar just past the glass. One entire side of t.he room is dominated by a large floor-to-ceiling WfNDow which gives an unobstructed view of the heavens. There are chairs for abou+. 12 people, and every seat is filled. Some are sketch:.ng the vj-ew, some are praying, and of course, there are COUPLES}ike BILLY and DUALLA cuddling and enjoying the view. The mood is much like a movie theater. BILLY They always do that? DUAI,LA They're just showrng off 'cause they know I'm in here. BILLY unr DUALLA You date a specl-a1 assistant to the president, word gets around. BILLY So this is officiallv a date? She snuggles up close to him, while the others in the room settle back into thelr ov.rn, prrvate pursuits. DUALLA Jurv's still out. She reaches up and kisses him. BILLY You must be awfully popular with the pilots for thern to put on a show. DUAI,LA You better beli-eve I'm popular. I'm the voice that tel}s'em when i-t's time to come home. BILLY How do f compete with that? He kisses her. ( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft j/9/04 3 CONTTNUED: DUAI,LA You're doing okay so far. Another kiss, then there's a LfGHT in the room as a door OPENSO.S. and there's a quiet voice from the back. vorcE(o.s. ) One minute. One minute, people. BILLY I don't think we sot our hatf hour. DUA],LA You could puIl rank. TeII,em you're on official business for the President of the Colonies. BTLLY Your boss carries more weight around here than mine. TeIl'em Adama wants vou to... nltnT T l : --:-.- ( grl-nnt-ng ) Yeah, wants me to what? What? BILLY Lost my train of thought. She chuckles and snuggles up next to him. DuaIIa can,t see :--', but BrIIy's expressron now changes. He seems uncomfor*uable with what he's abour to say, even though he makes an effort to keep his tone lighc and playful. BfLLY (cont'd) How rs he these days, by the way? He doinq all riqht? DUALLA The OId Man? Sure. He's fine. I yuuJp. BILLY You guess? DUAI,LA Yeah. He's. been act:-ng kinda funny lately. f don't know... BTLLY RealIy. ( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Dovrn' Prod Draft 7 /9/04 3 CONTINUEDz (2\ DUAILA Seems. di,fferent. Distracted or something. Been making these weird wireless calls from his quarters. Scrambler. Super-secret. BILLY Probablv a securitv issue... DUA],LA probably. (belt ) But he told me not to log the calls. No trace file. Nothinq. BILLY Kinda weird. DUAI,LA It's agarnst regs -- and more than that, the Ol-d Man's a f anatic about deck logs. Everv call gets logged, no matter what. BILLY Huh. And thrs just started...? DUALLA Yeah, just a few days ago -- and Billy Keikeya are you pumping me for information on the OId Man? The door OPENS agar-n, retting in a frood of LrGHT and a DECK HANII qtonq i n DECK HAND .Fima / q t ltltg u rrnuIJ , Peopie start to reluctantly get up anci file out the door. BILLY No. 'Course not. ntti Y ? n lJ U.H,J-J!f{ ( Iaughrng ) You are. You're a spy, that,s what you are. She's joking and laughing, but there,s an element of truth rn what she's saying and Billy tries to deflect it_ as thev file out with the others. ( CoNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' Prod Draft 1/9/04 3 CONTINUED: (3) BILLY No really, c'mon D... DUALLA Uh-huh. .. 4 INT. CORRIDORS. CONTINUOUS 4 Billy and DuaIIa ENTER into the Corridor, where a LONG LINE of people are waiting for their turn in the observatron deck. DUAI,LA I don't think this counts as a date a n \ttnlf ro BILLY I was just asking a few guestt_ons. DUALLA Hope you liked the ans\^rers. Last ones you're gonna get for a while. 5 INT. CIC _ COR 5 Adama has now joined Laura in the CoR. Laura's }ooking over a file Adama has given her. lnnf,tt Baltar's reaciy to begin widespread tesi- i no f or Cwl onq hrrtH4v thefe'S I- One serious linitation -- he can only test one person at a time and verification takes several- hours. LAURA Still, that's better than where we were yesterday. At least we have one now. Anci ;ust as Dualla said, Adama seems different somehow. Drstracted, unfocused. Almost nervous. Without seeming to, Laura watches hrm closely throughout. LAURA (cont'd) So who's qoinq to qo first? He looks biankly at her for too long a beat. ( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Down' prod Draft 1/9/04 5 CONTINUED: ADAMA Oh. The test. Right. We should test the people in the most sensitive positions fi-rst LAURA I completely agree. ( beat ) How about vou? He looks at her in surprise. She smj"les. LAURA (cont'd) ,d If you're a Cylon f like to know. ADA]"1A ff I'm a Cylon then you,re real1y screwed. He says it wrth a smile and they both laugh. Laura,s isn,t quite as genuine as his. LAURA Seriously -- you should probably be the first one tested. Show everyone in the fleet that they can rrust the people at the top. ADAMA (a beat) Maybe you should go first. Laura's stirl smiling, but there's ;ust the srrghtest bit of tenslon rn the room. LAURA What say we flip for it? ADAMA Why not? Adama purrs a corN from his uniform pocket. He praces it atop hrs thumbnail. LAURA Heads. And ZrNG. The coin goes up, frips a few times and Adama smacks i-t down on the back of hi-s hand. Adama stares at the corn f or a iong tl_me. ( coNTTNUED) 'Tigh Me Up, Tie Me Dovrn' Prod Draft 7/9/04 7, 5 CONTINUEDT (2\ ADA,l,lA Tails . Okay. Fine. I 'lI go first. Adama puts the coin away and Laura can't help f eehng slightly uneasy at the way he reacted -- like he was about to back out. 5 EXT. SPACE - COLONIAL ONE Establishinq. 7 INT. COLONIAL ONE - INNER OFFICE Billy ENTERS; his tie loose, his jacket over his shoul-der. LAURA rs waiting for him, alone in the office for once.
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