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The Contribution of Plot, Setting and Main Characters Toward the Theme Seen in Steinbeck’S the Pearl

The Contribution of Plot, Setting and Main Characters Toward the Theme Seen in Steinbeck’S the Pearl



Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 984214055 Student Registration Number: 980051120106120055



Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 984214055 Student Registration Number: 980051120106120055


1 2 3 Urip mung sak dermo mampir ngombe


4 This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved parents


It is a great chance that I can give my appreciation to those who have accompanied and supported me in finishing my thesis. I thank my God, Allah

SWT for the blesses and also Mohammad the prophet for his taught.

I also dedicate my thanks to my family, my parents Bp Widodo and Ibu

Yamini who always love and support me for all the time, also for my sisters who always love and help me. I love them all.

I would like to thank my advisor, Drs. Hirmawan.W, M.Hum, for his guidance, helps, and patience. I believe without all his helps I could not finish this thesis. I would also like to thank Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini, MA., my co-advisor, who has kindly given correction and advice for my thesis.

My deep gratitude goes to my special friends, Cantik, Devita, Sari, Ade,

Cicil, Heni, Dista, Ratih, Putri, The Gandarias: Bonex, Brain, Poki, Babe, Komo,

Simbah, Bobo, Homer, Tedjo, Djekek, Thonklang, Drajad, Andri, Gendut, Eser,

Kutut The Ijhos: Cepot, karjo, Kambing, Ipoy, the secretariat of English letters department Mbak Nik, the secretariat of MPK Pak Bambang, Bp Y.R. Subakti and others that I cannot mention one by one. Thank you for all your kindness, supports, lessons, and time. I hope all the time we have shared lead us to a better life.

Sri Gunawan


TITLE PAGE…..………………………………………………….... i APPROVAL PAGE.………………………….……………………. ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE…………………………………………….. iii MOTTO PAGE..…………………………………………………… iv DEDICATION PAGE……………………………………………… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………… vii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………… viii ABSTRAK………………………………………………………….. ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………… 1 A. Background of the Study…………………………………….. 1 B. Problem of Formulation……………………………………… 3 . Objectives of the Study………………………………………. 4 D. Definition of Terms………………………………………….. 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW……………………… 6 A. Review of Related Studies…………………………………… 6 B. Review of Related Theories…………………………………. 8 1. Theories of Character……………………………….……. 8 2. Theories of Characterization……………………………… 9 3. Theories Setting………………………..…………………. 12 4. Theories of Plot………………………..………………….. 13 5. Theories of Theme………………………………………… 16 C. Theoretical Framework………………………………………. 17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY……………………………….. 19 A. Object of the Study……………………………………………. 19 B. Approach of the Study………………………………………… 20 C. Method of the Study…………………………………………… 20 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS…………………………………….… 22 A. Plot, Setting and Main Characters description……….……… 22 1. The Plot of the Novel……………………………..……….. 22 i Exposition………………………………………………. 22 ii. Complication……………………………………..…… 23 iii. Climax……………………………………………….. 27 iiii. Denouement…………………………………………. 29 2. The Setting of the Novel………………….…………..….. 30 3. The Analysis of the Main Characters……..………..…….. 33 i. Kino’s Character………………………………….…….. 33 ii. Juana’s Character……………………………………… 39 B. The Theme of the Novel……………………..………………. 46 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION…………………………………… 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………. 56 APENDICES……………………………………………………….. 58 A. Summary of The Pearl………………………………………. 58


SRI GUNAWAN. The Contribution of Plot, Setting, and Main Characters toward the Theme Seen in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2007.

This thesis analyzes the contribution of plot, setting and main characters toward the theme in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. A literary work is one of the tools of communication between author and his or her readers. The theme is one of important aspects of the story. The theme is a kind of message which the author wants to tell to the readers. This thesis has two problems. The first problem is, how are the main characters, plot, and setting of The Pearl described? The first problem tries to show the description of main characters, plot and setting in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. The second problem is, what is the theme of The Pearl based on those elements above? In the second problem, the writer tries to draw the theme taken from analysis of first problem. This thesis applies formalistic approach because the object of the discussion merely focuses on the intrinsic elements of the story such as plot, main characters, setting and theme. In analyzing those two problems stated above, the writer uses library research, it means that the writer collects data and references to support his analysis from the library. The Pearl is a story about husband and wife named Kino and Juana. They live near the gulf in La Paz. Kino works as a pearl diver. The conflict starts when Kino’s son is stung by a scorpion, Kino tries to ask a doctor in the city help his son, but the doctor refuses him because Kino has no money. The conflict gets worse when Kino kills someone in order to protect the pearl. Kino has to leave his village because he is a murderer now. Moreover, the climax arise when Kino fights against some trackers who want to rob his pearl, Kino successfully kills them all, but he has to lose his baby because his baby is shot by one of the trackers. This novel illustrated Kino as a brave young pearl diver. His bravery inspired the people around him. His wife, Juana, is illustrated as a good and caring housewife. She loves her baby very much. Juana also warns Kino when she feels that the pearl will bring evil to their family. Throughout the analysis above, the theme of The Pearl drew from the reflection of the main characters’ conflict and their reaction to their problem which influenced by setting. Therefore, the writer concludes that the theme of the story is the greed and passion can force someone to hurt somebody else.


SRI GUNAWAN. The Contribution of Plot, Setting, and Main Characters toward the Theme Seen in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Ingris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2007.

Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang kontribusi alur cerita, latar belakang dan tokoh-tokoh utama terhadap tema dalam Novel berjudul The Pearl karangan Steinbeck. Karya sastra merupakan salah satu alat berkomunikasi antara pengarang dan para pembacanya. Tema adalah salah satu hal yang penting dalam sebuah cerita. Tema adalah pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada para pembaca. Skripsi ini mempunyai dua rumusan masalah. Rumusan pertama adalah, bagaimana penggambaran dari tokoh-tokoh utama, alur cerita dan latar belakang di dalam novel The Pearl? Rumusan pertama mencoba menunjukkan deskripsi dari tokoh-tokoh utama, alur dan latar dalam novel The Pearl. Rumusan kedua adalah, apa tema dari novel The Pearl berdasarkan tiga hal diatas? Dalam rumusan kedua, penulis mencoba untuk menyimpulkan tema berdasarkan rumusan pertama. Skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan formalistic karena objek diskusi hanya difokuskan pada intrinsic elemen seperti alur, tokoh utama, latar, dan tema. Dlalam menganalisa dua rumusan diatas, penulis menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan, maksudnya adalah penulis mengumpulkan data dan referensi untuk mendukung analisisnya dari perpustakaan. The Pearl adalah sebuah cerita tentang suami istri bernama Kino dan Juana. Mereka tinggal di sekitar teluk di La Paz. Kino bekerja sebagai penyelam mutiara. Konflik bermula ketika anak Kino disengat oleh seekor kalajengking. Kino mencoba meminta pertolongan dari seorang dokter di kota, tapi dokter tersebut menolaknya karena Kino tidak mempunyai uang. Konflik menjadi semakin buruk ketika Kino membunuh seseorang untuk melindungi mutiaranya. Kino harus meninggalkan desanya karena adalah seorang pembunuh sekarang. Selanjutnya, klimaks terjadi ketika Kino berkelahi melawan beberapa orang yang mengikutinya yang ingin merebut mutiaranya. Kino berhasil membunuh mereka semua, tetapi dia harus kehilangan bayinya karena tertembak salah satu orang yang megikutinya tadi. Novel ini menggambarkan Kino sebagai penyelam mutiara muda yang berani. Keberanianya mengilhami orang-orang disekitarnya. Istrinya, Juana, digambarkan sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik dan penyayang. Dia sangat menyayangi bayinya. Juana juga mengingatkan Kino bahwa mutiara itu hanya membawa keburukan bagi keluarganya. Melalui analisis diatas, tema dari The Pearl diambil dari apa yang digambarkan oleh konflik dari karakter utama serta reaksi mereka terhadap masalah mereka dimana dipengaruhi oleh latarbelakang. Maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa tema dari cerita ini adalah nafsu dan keserakahan dapat mendorong seseorang untuk menyakiti orang lain.



A. Background of the Study

Reading a work of literature has its own pleasure. Raphael stated that the primary function of literature is to entertain (1960:3). From the statement above it is concluded that reading a work of literature should be enjoyable and entertain us.

A literary work is one of the tools of communication between author and his or her reader. The work carries the idea of the author. However, the idea written in a literary work is not a final idea meaning that an author does not state his or her idea directly, what an author does is only providing a bridge by which the reader can come to the idea of the author. The author describes in his or her work concrete event in which there are some devices he or she uses like characters, plots, setting, symbols, images, metaphors, and so on. The readers use these devices to interpret the meaning of a work (Guerin 1993:12).

To get the theme of the work is one of the main purposes when a reader reads a literary work. Theme means what an author wants to tell in his or her work. If the readers are able to get what the theme of the work, it means they have read the work successfully.

Reading The Pearl is very interesting because the novel is one of

Steinbeck’s best literary works. According to introduction of The Pearl, the story is about good and bad things and black and white things and good and evil things and no in-between anywhere (1992:i). It means that the story explain about

10 problems, advantages, disadvantages in life. Through the novel Steinbeck tries to show to the readers about human behaviors. The title of the novel does not just simply show worthy thing that everybody wanted, but it has other meaning.

Steinbeck major works including The Crysantemums (1937), Red Pony

(1938), (1935), Cannary Row (1945), (1976), , Sea of Cortez, The Pearl (1947)

The Pearl (1947) tells about poor pearl diver who find a great pearl and about his effort to keep his pearl from other people although it brings evil to his family. His ambition is simple, that is, he wants to make the condition of his family better. Kino, the major character in this novel, is a poor man that is always laughed at by people around him who have higher social level.

In this novel, the fortune that the main characters have got, brings him a lot of troubles. Fortune, in this case is a pearl, does not bring happiness to his family but the reverse. Because of the pearl a lot of people try to trick Kino. Kino also loses his house, including his canoes and his beloved son because some greed people burn it..

In The Pearl, Steinbeck tries to give reflection to the reader that in this life, we need to listen to other people’s suggestion in deciding our idea. Here,

Steinbeck also describes the characters have to struggle to maintain their most valuable value and the society becomes a battle ground in which the main characters have to do something if they want to survive.

The pearl shows two levels of society, the higher level always threat the lower one badly. Kino as the major character in this novel included the lover level

11 of society. Kino, as a pearl diver, he totally depends on his luck in getting any pearl under the sea, it means that he also depends on his luck in earning money for his family.

Since the novel reflects people’s problems, the writer interested to reveal the theme of the story. Through the setting that depicted in the novel, the main characters Kino and Juana, who take significant roles of the story, and the plot, which show the arranging events of the story, the writer tries to reveal the theme.

Those intrinsic elements support each other and become important element in order to find out the theme. Since there is still no thesis discussing about this study, the writer inspired to go deeper in analyzing the contribution of plot, main characters, and setting in order to find out the theme of the story. The theme of the story is important because it kinds of message from author to his or her readers.

Therefore, the theme will not be stated easily. It needs careful reading and a lot of attention to the novel. Those intrinsic elements above are needed to help the writer find out the theme. Moreover, the writer believes that understanding the theme of the story means understanding the main point of the story.

B. Problem Formulation

1. How are the main characters, plot, and setting of The Pearl described?

2. What is the theme of The Pearl based on those elements above?

C. Objectives of the Study

This thesis tries to see how the main characters, plot and setting are described in the story. To know their description, this thesis examines the text thoroughly. After figure out the description of main characters, plot and setting,

12 then the writer tries to draw the theme based on the main characters, plot and setting description which are discussed before.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding of terms used here, the writer tries to explain the definition of terms.

The first term is plot. Stanton in his book An Introduction to Fiction defines that the plot of a story is causally linked events, events that caused or result from other incidents (1965:14).

Abram in his book A Glossary of Literary Term says that plot of the story is the structure of narrative work’s action. It is ordered and rendered toward the important achieving of emotional and artistic effect. It shows that the arranging of the events are not only the elements of temporal series, but under the emphasis on the function. It is like the pattern of cause and effect (1981:137).

The second term is setting. According to Abrams (1981:175) in his book A

Glossary of Literary Terms, setting in a novel refers to the general locale, historical time and society circumstances in which its action occurs. Meanwhile

Stanton states that setting of a story is the environment of its events, the immediate in which occur. He further adds that part of the setting can be the visible background, the time of day or year, the climate, or historical period


Third term is character. Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms defines character as the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who is

13 interpreted by the reader as being endowed with a moral and dispositional quality, that are expressed in what they say –the dialogue- and by what they do the action


The last term is theme. According to Kenney in How to Analyze Fiction, he states that a theme is the meaning of the story reveals, it may be the meaning of the story discovers. Theme is necessary implications of the whole story, not a separable part of the story (1966:91).



A. Review of Related Studies

According to Watt (1962), Steinbeck involved and experienced with poor people and lowly workers and he worked with them. Watt states,

“The novelist’s portrayal of machines, animals and the lower orders of humanity are built on the same substantial basis: an intimate knowledge and love of the subject. His imagination was at home in the day time practical world where manual works is done-picking fruit or cotton, ploughing, milking herding cattle, slaughtering chickens and pigs, carpentering, driving trucks and buses or taking them apart and repairing them. He knew ordinary people well because he was of them, hard worked with them and had never, either as artist or intellectual, dissociated himself from them (Watt, 1962:22).”

Edmund Wilson also gives opinion on Steinbeck that his interest in plants and animals life influence Steinbeck’s work. Wilson also compares Steinbeck’s work with other writers.

“Mr. Steinbeck almost always in his fiction is dealing either with the lower animals or with the human beings so rudimentary that they are almost on animals level…” “Mr. Steinbeck does not have the effect, as Lawrence or Kipling does, of romantically raising the animal to the stature of human beings, but rather of assimilating the human beings to animals…(Lisca, 1958:7)”

Maxwell Geismar in his review of The Pearl said that what the one notices again is how much more interested Steinbeck really is in the natural scene and in animal life, than in the people or the human emotion of his narrative (Lisca,


The writer studies that The Pearl is one of Steinbeck’s work which represent his interest in lower people as it is stated by Watt and Wilson. Their

15 arguments about Steinbeck’s animalizing in this novel is also showed by presenting the doctor’s dislike toward Kino’s race by considering that Kino has the same level with animal. It is proved when Kino needs the doctor’s help to cure his son from insect bites.

“I am a doctor, not a veterinary (p. 11)”.

Meanwhile, Meriam Webster in her book Encyclopedia of Literature said that the pearl is a parable about a Mexican Indian pearl diver named Kino who finds a valuable pearl and is transformed by the evil of it attracts (1995:867).

Webster also adds that Steinbeck’s works are rich of symbolic structures, effectively convey the mythopoetic and symbolic qualities of his characters.

Steinbeck’s immediate postwar works contained the familiar elements of his social criticism but were more relaxed in approach and sentimental in tone


In The Pearl, Steinbeck shows about the poverty of main characters. The author describes the life condition of Kino and his family clearly. He clearly describes about Kino’s house, job and appearance. In The Pearl, Steinbeck also describes about the life of rich people in town who overturn with Kino’s life. The rich people always treat Kino and their race badly because they are poor and uneducated.

The writer thinks that The Pearl is a tragic story written by Steinbeck.

Because Steinbeck describes about Kino’s hopes which are fail. His failure is caused by the ambition of greed people in town who want to posses his pearl.

Here the writer tries to develop Watt and Wilson’s opinion. Steinbeck’s

16 animalizing in The Pearl also shows the racial issue and rude treatment of higher class society to lower class society. The higher class society uses many ways to keep their status, even if they have to cheat poor people. In this thesis the writer is going to find out how Steinbeck illustrated the main characters, plot, and setting of the novel The Pearl. Finally the writer tries to reveal author’s messages by drawing the theme of the story.

B. Review of Related Theories

Writing this thesis, the writer would like to use some theories that are needed for analyzing Steinbeck’s The Pearl. Those theories are the theory of character, setting, plot and theme.

1. Character

In this theory of character, the writer would like to use Abrams who state in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms. He defines character as a person that is presented in a dramatic or narrative work. The reader interprets them as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities. They are expressed in the dialogue and the action (1981: 20).

He also explains characteristic in The Mirror and The Lamp: Romantic

Theory and The Critical Tradition that there are the alternative methods for characterizing the persons in a narrative by showing and telling. In showing which also called the dramatic method, the author just presents his character’s taking and action. In telling, the author himself intervenes author relatively of the character in

17 order to describe and evaluate the motives and dispositional qualities of his characters (Abrams:1981: 21).

Roger explained in Reading a Novel: An Introduction to the Technique of

Interpreting Fiction, that character consist two types, main character and minor character. Firstly, main character can be the center of the story. The acts of the character from the beginning to the ending part are the focus of the story. The gist of the story is important thing to the character’s experiences. He also said that the major characters are the most complex character in a novel. They can be described as characters through the complexity of their characterization. Secondly, the minor characters have more limited function in ways and the major characters are not. Their responses to the experience are less complex and necessarily to become the background for the major character (1977:97-97).

In his book Aspect of the Novel Foster divides character into two kinds, flat character and round character. Flat character is built around a single idea or quality. It is presented without much individualizing detail. The reader is easier to remember the character, because there is no change in the character from the beginning until the end. Round character is more complex. The complexities of the character are in the temperament and motivation. It is represented not with clear facts (1974:46-51).

Miligan in his book The Novel in English, said that the major characters appear more often than the other character in the story, while the secondary or minor characters appear less often in the story (1983:155).

18 2. Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods in the book Reading and Writing about Literature, note that characterization is the process of how the author creates a character.

They also divide the principle ways in to direct and dramatic character. First, direct principle is describing physical appearance. Second, dramatic principle is describing character’s behaviors or speaks.

In Understanding Unseen, Murphy (1972: 161-173) defines nine ways to make the readers easier to understand the character. Those are: a. Personal description

It is and author’s description of person’s appearance and clothes. The author describes the character in details; the face, skin, eyes, and the castaway’s extraordinary clothing, for example young man wears a knightly cloth b. Character as seen by another

The author tries to describe a character through the eyes and opinion of another. Through the other’s eyes and opinion, the readers may get a reflect image. The author succeeds in conveying to us through his choice of words and phrases; for example, another woman is seen through a man’s eyes. c. Speech

The author gives us a description of character or an insight into the character of one person through what the person says. The author presents some clues to character whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another or whenever he states his opinion. d. Past Life

19 The author gives us keys or clues to any events that have helped to shape a person’s character so that we can learn something about a person’s life. This can be done a few ways, such as direct comment by author, through the person’s thought, through his conversation or through the medium of another person. e. Conversation of Others

Through the conversation of other people and the things they say about someone, the author can also give us the clues to person’s character. People do talk about other people and the things they say usually can give us a clue to the character of the person spoken about. f. Reactions

Knowing a person’s character can also be observed by knowing how that person reacts or respond to various situations and events that are presented by the author. g.Direct Comment

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. By giving comments explicitly, the readers will not be left in doubt to know what sort of a person he is. h. Thoughts

The readers can know one’s character through the direct knowledge of what a person has in mind presented by the author. Here, the readers have a privilege position to come to the inmost thought of a person in a story.

20 i. Mannerism

Knowing a person’s character by observing his mannerism, or habits that are given by the skillful author.

The direct explanation is not always given by an author toward the character in his or her novel, to closer description, Barnet, et al in Literature for

Composition suggest four points. Those are what the character says, what the character does, what other characters say about the character, and what other character do (1988:71).

3. Setting

Kenney in his book How to Analyze Fiction divides setting into three types, they are neutral setting, spiritual setting, and setting as dynamic. Neutral setting means the reflection of the truth that things can happen somewhere. The principal concern of the author is in plot character and not really interest in the setting, because the fiction has unclear contemporary’s urban or rural setting


The spiritual setting is the values that are embodied or implied by the physical setting. The spiritual setting is the rural setting that does not only describe about grass, cows, and barns, but the important thing is a certain value


Kenney also divides setting into three kinds they are the use of setting as metaphor, the use of setting to create atmosphere, and the use of setting as dominant element which consist of time as dominant element and place as a dominant element (1966:40-44).

21 According to Kenney, the function of setting as metaphor has a purpose in the character’s internal states or a pervasive spiritual condition. For example, in

Charles Dicken’s Bleak House, the fog lingers with oppressively. It describes about the character’s confusion and the metaphor shows the spiritual malaise. It means that the fog has no contribution to the character’s malaise.

The use of setting to create atmosphere is more talked than defined. It focuses on the suggesting than the setting. There is one critic that describes the creation of the atmosphere. It is kind of mood or emotional feeling of the setting and also helping to establish the expectation of the reader.

Setting as dominant element consists of two kinds. First, time, as the dominant element is the time when the action occurs in the importance of many work of fiction. Second, place, as the dominant element is the place dominates in the whole story that tries to find out the effects in a particular character of geographical setting.

Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen said that the setting of the novel is the background of the characters . In novels, the setting is important, while in other work of fiction are not too important. The setting can be concerned with the place and time where character’s live. These have an important effect on personalities, action, and the character’s way of thinking (1979:141).

Some theories of setting above can give information of the story in detail, it also can help the writer to find out the time of the story.

22 4. Plot

Knowing the plot of whole stories helps us to understand the events one by one. It means that plot distributes the structure of action or conflicts in the story.

Therefore, the existence of plot is important for a deeper understanding the whole story. When readers understand what is going on with the character or what conflict might happen to them and those actions structurally arranged in the plot, it means that to understand the plot will also understand the story.

Abram in his book A Glossary of Literary Term says that plot of the story is the structure of narrative work’s action. It is ordered and rendered toward the important achieving of emotional and artistic effect. It shows that the arranging of the events are not only the elements of temporal series, but under the emphasis on the function. It is like the pattern of cause and effect (1981:137).

The writer also uses the theory of plot in How to Analyze Fiction written by Kenney. According to him there are three parts of plot, the beginning is describing the exposition of the novel. From the exposition, the conflict has happened. The middle describes about the conflict that become the complication of the climax. In the end of the story, the resolution is stated (1966:14-19).

The structure of plot begins with the exposition or introduction which consist certain information about the story. The exposition usually is an introduction to the readers about the characters in the novel, the description of setting time or place where the story takes place or the historical background of the story. It is a significant element of a plot because the information it presents may lead the readers to the understanding of the story. Besides those informations,

23 exposition usually provides seeds of conflict. Therefore, exposition affords the readers introduction to face a situation in which there is conflict from which suspense arises (Little, 1981: 83).

The second part in the construction of plot is the middle part. One of the elements of this middle part is the conflict. According to Stanton (1965: 16), conflict moves the story because it is the generating center out of which the plot grows which becomes the core of the story’s structure. The conflict can be internal that is a conflict between two desires within a character, or external that is the conflict between characters or between a character and his environment, or both. It is also added by Perrin that the conflict, which happens to the characters can also be physical, mental emotional, or moral (1974: 44).

The second element of the middle part is complication. It refers to the step of the initial statement of conflict to the climax. It means that complication is an introduction of climax. It arranges the events step by step and leads the readers to the climax. Therefore, this step keeps increasing in order to prepare the readers in facing the climax of the story.

According to Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary terms, suspense is “an anxious uncertainty about what is going to happen, especially to those characters whose qualities are such that we have established a bond sympathy with them”. It can be seen that conflicts and complications consist the suspense.

Suspense makes the readers wonder what will happen next in the story, and it raises the curiosity of the readers, therefore, the readers will keep reading the story and pay attention about what would happen next (1981:138).

24 Climax is the last element of the middle part. Little suggests that “climax is the highest tension in the story, the point at which the fatal step is taken, the essential decision-made which results in the action concluding (1981:84)”.

After the climax, the plot moves to the end of the plot or denouement. The denouement or also called resolution of the plot consist the result of the story by represented how the conflicts experienced by the characters are settled down.

5. Theme

Perrine in his book Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense defines the theme as controlling or the central idea of a fiction. It describes the life generalization that is stated and implied by the story. It means that the author tries to present that the theme is the idea of a story. The theme will happen when the author tries to explain the truth of life and to introduce a certain concept of life


The theme has some principles they are:

a. The theme must be stated in a statement form and concern with the subject

and predicate.

b. The theme must be a generalization about life. To define the theme, the

use of character’s name must be avoidable in order to lead into specific


25 c. The generalization of the theme should not be larger that is justified by the

term of the story. The use of terms like some and sometimes are more

preferable than term like every, all, and always.

d. Theme is the central and unifying concept of the story. So the theme must

be related to something that exists inside the story.

e. There is no one way of stating the theme of a story.

f. The theme should not be expressed in familiar expression or sentences

because it will make the essential meaning of the story not conveyed


Stanton in his book An Introduction to Fiction stated that the story’s theme tells something about life in general. A theme can take the form of life generalization, which may or may not imply a moral judgment. A theme can describe or explore from a single fact of human experience. Such as courage, disillusion old age, and others. The theme of story can be taken from the event of one of the character’s personality. The readers must start with a clear idea of the character, the setting or situation, and the plot (1965:4-5).

From the theories above the writer can conclude that the theme is the central idea of the story which can describe the life in general. It can also give the understanding the focus the story that will be analyzed.

C. Theoretical Framework

To analyze the character, setting, plot and theme in Steinbeck’s The Pearl the writer would use some theories that are related to the analysis.

26 Analyzing the main character in the story, the writer will be based on the

Abrams’ theory of character. The writer focuses on the main characters, Kino and his wife Juana, because the story tells about their struggle of keeping the pearl.

Their struggle will analyzed by the writer to reveals the theme of the story.

To find out the setting of the story, the writer uses Kenney’s theory of setting in order to support the analysis. The writer also reads the novel carefully to describe the important setting, such as the time, the location, the condition and the society. From the experience of the main character, the writer can get the important setting in the story and focuses on the setting of place and the setting of time.

The writer uses Kenney’s theory to find out the plot of the story. The writer can understand the story deeply in order to arrange the important events that are related with each other.

To find out the theme, the writer has to understand the meaning of the theme that can dig the important things of the story clearly. The writer tries to find out the relation of the main character, the setting of the story and the plot.

Finally, after knowing the theory of the character, the setting, the plot and the theme above, the writer find that those elements need each other. They are important for the writer to get closer to the analysis of the thesis and to find out the answer of the problem formulations. They have contribution to support the character, the setting and the plot to reveal the theme of the novel The Pearl.



A. Object of the Study

The thesis deals with literature and the object of the writer’s thesis is a literary work of entitled The Pearl. The writer uses The Pearl which is published by Penguin Books in 1992. It consists of 90 pages and it is divided into 6 chapters.

The Pearl’s plot is based on the life of a poor pearl diver whose name is

Kino. He finds a big pearl, which the neighbors call it the pearl of the world. He imagines that after finding the pearl he will be a rich man. He can send his son

Coyotito into school. He can buy a rifle and can celebrate his marriage in church.

The pearl does not lead Kino into a better life but it makes Kino trapped in danger. Due to the pearl his life becomes worse. People want to have this pearl by any means even by killing him. Kino is a poor and simple person before he finds the pearl. After he finds the pearl he becomes a hunted person. He has to save his wife, his son, and his own life by any means. He has to leave his village in order to survive, and he has to kill those who hunt him. He does not have any choices.

He only knows that the choice he has is to either kill or be killed. Kino, tragically loses his son, Coyotito, who is accidentally shot. Then, finally, Kino comes back to his village and he throws the pearl back into the sea.

28 B. Approach

This thesis uses formalistic approach in order to get the deep understanding of plot, setting, character and theme and to support the analysis.

Looking at the problems and the work, the formalistic approach was the best approach in analyzing the study.

This approach is chosen because the object of the discussion in this thesis in the inside of the story. It means that all the answers which are proved in this thesis are on the text it self. Rohrberger and Wood’s in their book Reading and

Writing about Literature said that formalistic approach examined the literary piece without references to the genre of a piece or its place in the development of the genre or in literary history, and without reference to its social milieu (1971:7)

The formalistic approach invites us to analyze the story by looking at the intrinsic element of the story. It can be found in the dialogue, actions or the author’s narration. In this study, the writer analyzes John Steinbeck’s The Pearl and it is also concentrated on those works. Therefore, the formalistic approach could support this analysis because it emphasizes intrinsic elements and does not refer to extrinsic elements such as the biographical of the writer, history and social background.

C. Method of the Study

In analyzing problem formulation as being stated, the writer applies library research. It means to support the study, the writer collect data and references from the library. First of all, the writer is reading John Steinbeck’s The Pearl for

29 several times to get a deeper understanding of the story. The writer tried to focus on the content of the story, especially everything that connected with the plot, setting, main characters and theme.

The second step is data collecting. It is obtained by taking up the data from the novel it self and from books on literature and also any books which might be relevant to the analysis and be able to contribute to answer the problems as stated in the first chapter.

The third step is analyzing the plot, setting and the characters and how they depicted in the novel. It is done by noticing how the author describes the characters, how the development of the plot and the setting of time and place where the events happened. Then the writer start to connect the contribution of all those aspects toward the theme

The last step is drawing conclusion of the analysis. The conclusion drew after all problem formulation is completely answered. Here the writer also tries to clarify the results of analysis in brief.



In this chapter, the writer analyzes the problems that have been formulated in the previous chapter. The analysis begins with the explanation of the plot, then the explanation about the characters depiction, setting description and the contribution of plot, characters and setting toward the theme of the story.

A. The Plot of the Novel

Referring to theoretical review on the theory of plot previously stated in chapter II, the examination on the plot will be divided into exposition, conflict, climax, and then resolution.

1. Exposition

This part describes about the situation and the time when and where the action takes place. This part also introduced the characters of the story. The action of the story takes place among the Mexican-Indian community in La Paz. It happens during the days of a young pearl diver. The story begins in Kino’s house, his house paced near the gulf of sea shore. The Pearl is the story about a poor pearl diver named Kino. He lives in the society that considers poor people as an animal. Even when he comes to the doctor to ask a medication for his poisoned boy, he is rudely rejected. Then he tries his luck in searching a pearl. His hope is heard, and he finds a huge pearl.

31 Beside Kino there is also a character that gives major influence to the story. The other character is Juana, Kino’s wife that always stands beside him and support him. Juana also a good wife and loves her son very much.

2. Complication

The conflicts are developed gradually and intensified. The conflict begins when the doctor refuse to cure Kino’s son, Coyotito, who is stung by a scorpion.

The doctor demands money from Kino but he does not have it. The doctor’s rejection makes Kino angry and struck the gate.

It is a little Indian with a baby. He says a scorpion stung it.” The doctor put his cup down gently before he let his anger rise. “Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for ‘little Indians’?” I am a doctor, not a veterinary.” Yes, patron,” said the servant. “Has he any money?” the doctor demanded. “No, they never have any money….” Now Kino reached into a secret place somewhere under his blanket. He brought out a paper folded many times. Crease by crease he unfolded it, until at last there come to view eight small misshapen pearls, as ugly and gray as little ulcers, flattened and almost valueless (p.11).

From the quotation above, I can conclude that in the society where Kino’s live there is a social distinction that differentiates lower class society and higher class society, those differences switch a conflict between them. The doctor thinks

Indians like Kino is poor people that not worthy for his help. The doctor also considers Kino and people like him as an animal not man.

After Kino finds the Big pearl, everything becomes different. The pearl can bring a lot of money and with the money Kino can reach his hopes and his dreams. However, Kino feels afraid toward the bad effect of the pearl. It may cause disaster to him and his family. Kino feels that he is now becoming an enemy for everyone and everyone around him wants to posses his pearl. But as a

32 strong man Kino will not let anyone else get the pearl, which he has depend on, away from him.

But now, by saying what his future was going to be like, he had created it. A plan is a real thing, and things projected are experienced. A plan once made and visualized becomes reality along with other realities-never to be destroyed but easily attacked. Thus Kino’s future as real, but having set it up, other forces were set up to destroy it, and this he knew, so that he had o prepare to meet the attack. And this Kino knew also-that the gods do not love men’s plans, and the gods do not love success unless it comes by accident. He knew that the gods take their revenge on a man if he be successful through his own efforts. Consequently Kino was afraid of plans, but having made one, he could never destroy it. To meet the attack, Kino was already making a hard skin for himself against the world. Hi eyes and his mind probed for danger before it appeared (p.29).

Several conclusions can be derived from quotation above. The pearl can lead Kino into several conflicts, whether it comes from other people or from himself. He is an obedient person toward his religious believe or his gods, but in this case he has to face people who wants his pearl, those people will use many ways including stealing or cheating. His great motivation to keep his hopes and his dreams through the pearl makes him defend it with all causes that might happen.

Moreover, he feels afraid of his decision too, because as an obedient man toward his believes, he cannot harm anyone else. Bu he realize that he will face the conflict which is involves anyone else as an impact of the pearl. The thing that he is afraid of is the consequences of his decision in defending the pearl.

Finally Kino makes up his decision. His decision to keep the pearl implies his intentions to live in new world where there is ignorance about religious teaching. He will take any risk caused of his decision. He starts to decline his religious thought in order to keep the pearl. Kino realizes that the pearl will bring

33 him a new world which is a lot of bad people with their dishonest and rude attitude. Kino prepares him self for those attitudes, he will also act in those attitudes. Kino has a bravery to keep the pearl from bad people, because only with the pearl he can bring his hopes and dreams come true.

Kino’s decision to defend the pearl leads him to face several conflicts as the consequences in defending the pearl. The conflict first caused by the pearl is between him and the doctor who is going to cure his son. The doctor comes to

Kino’s house and offering a treatment for Coyotito who is stung by a scorpion.

Actually, the doctor comes to his house to investigate where Kino puts his pearl and to cheat him in order to posses the pearl. Kino knows the doctor’s hidden goal, and it makes conflict between them.

The doctor looked surprised. “I had not heard of it. Do you keep his pearl in a safe place? Perhaps you would like me to put in my safe?” Kino’s eyes were hooded now, his cheeks were drawn taut. “I have it secure,” he said. “Tomorrow I will sell it and then I will pay you.” The doctor shrugged, and his wet eyes never left Kino’s eyes. He knew the pearl would be buried in the house, and he thought Kino might look toward the place where it was buried (p.35).

Kino is starting his decision to keep the pearl, it shows that he insist to keep the pearl and will sell it in the next day.

The next conflict is happened between Kino and his wife, Juana.

“This thing is evil,” she cried harshly. “This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us,” and her voice rose shrilly. ” throw it away, Kino. Let us break it between stones. Let us bury it and forget the place. Let us throw it back to the sea. It has brought evil. Kino, my husband, it will destroy us.” And the firelight her lips and her eyes were alive with fear. But Kino’s face was set, and his mind and his will were set. “this is our one chance,” he said. “Our son must go to school. He must break out the pot that hold us in.” It will destroy us all,” Juana cried. “Even our son.”

34 “Hush,” said Kino. “Do not speak more. In the morning we sell the pearl, and then evil will be gone, and only the good remain. Now hush, my wife (38-39)”.

Juana starts to realize that the pearl will bring bad effects, but Kino insists on keeping the pearl. Juana prefers to live in poverty but peace rather than rich but has no peace in life. Juana thought that living in poverty means far from the complication of life. Juana wants a peaceful feeling but it does not come when

Kino finds the pearl. She starts to think that probably the pearl will not bring the peaceful life for them. However, Kino’s stubborn in keeping the pearl because he thinks that the pearl is going to bring good hopes and good dreams for him, his wife and his son.

The conflict between Kino and Juana rise again when someone wants to take the pearl roughly but Kino succeeds in defending the pearl. From that point

Juana once more ask Kino to throw the pearl away.

“Kino, this pearl is evil. Let us destroy it before it destroys us. Let us crush it between two stones. Let us-let us throw it back in the sea where it belongs. Kino, it is evil, it is evil!!”…(56-57) “No,” he said. “I will fight this thing. I will win over it. We will have our chance.” his fist pounded the sleeping mat. “No one shall take our good fortune from us,” he said. His eyes softened then and he raised a gentle hand to Juana’s shoulder. “Believe me,” he said. “I am a man.“ And his face grew crafty (p. 57).

Here, Juana seriously express her worried and she asks Kino to throw the pearl to the sea. Juana believes that the pearl will bring such a trouble for her,

Kino, and her baby. However, Juana’s demand is not bother Kino. Kino thinks that the troubles caused by the pearl will not very bad, so, Kino insists to keep the pearl. Kino has a positive thinking about the pearl, beside it brings hope for him and his family.

35 The conflict also raises between Kino, pearl buyers and the thieves who want to cheat and posses the pearl.

“I am cheated.” Kino cried fiercely. My pearl is not for sale here. I will go perhaps even to the capital.” Now the dealers glanced quickly at one another. They knew they had played too hard;…(p. 52) And now a wild fear surged in Kino’s breast, an on the fear came rage, as it always did. Kino’s hand crept into his breast where his knife hung on a string, and then he sprang like an angry cat, leaped striking and spitting for the dark thing he knew was in the corner of the house (p.37).

Kino can survive from those conflicts, he can defend the pearl from the bad pearl buyers and the thieves.

3. Climax

The climax in this novel shows when Kino has to kill bad people who want to posses the pearl. He does that in order to keep the pearl in his hand.

Kino moved sluggishly, arms and legs stirred like those of crushed bug, and a hick muttering came from his mouth. Now, in an instant, Juana knew that the old life was gone forever. A dead man in the path and Kino’s knife, dark bladed beside him, convinced her (p.60-61).

Kino has to kill a man who wants to posses the pearl. He defends the pearl with all his strength and he will do everything even he has to kill someone for it.

The most significant and important point that can see about why Kino defend the pearl with his life is the pearl may bring him a lot of money, happiness, and makes his dream come true.

“This pearl has become my soul,” said Kino. “If I give it up I shall lose my soul. Go thou also with god (p.67)”.

He claims that he will defend the pearl with all power he has. It is different with his thought previously. He still on doubtfulness before, but now, he comes to his faith that he will defend the pearl with all his strength and will not afraid on any

36 enemy who wants to posses the pearl. Kino has left his faith toward religious norm because right now he thinks that the pearl has become his soul, it means that the pearl has become his faith to create his better life. Kino will defend his new faith and ignore his previous faith that is religious and god.

The makes Kino run away. He runs with Juana and his son,

Coyotito. Kino runs to avoid the trackers who after him. Kino thinks that they become nearer and nearer, Kino starts to think about the plan to stop them from chasing him and his family. Kino leaves Juana and Coyotito in a cave and approaches that group while they are sleeping. He plans to take the rifle from that group, but the plan doesn’t go smoothly.

And then from above came a little murmuring cry. The watcher turned his head to listen and then he stood up, and one of the sleepers stirred on the ground and awakened and asked quietly, “what is it?” “I don’t know,” said the watcher. ”it sounded like a cry, almost like a human-like a baby.” The man who had been sleeping said, “You can’t tell. Some coyote bitch with littler. I’ve heard a coyote pup cry like a baby.” The sweat rolled in drops down Kino’s forehead and fell into his eyes and burned them. The little came again and the watcher looked up the side of the hill to the dark cave. “Coyote maybe,” he said, and Kino heard the harsh click as he cocked the rifle. “If it’s a coyote, this will stop it,” the watcher said and raised the gun, Kino was in mid-leap when the gun crashed and the barrel-flash made a picture on his eyes. The great knife swung and crunched hollowly. It bit through neck and into chest, and Kino was a terrible machine now (p.86).

The conflicts are the result of Kino’s decision to defend the pearl and follow his faith toward the pearl. The results of the last conflict makes Kino realize that he brings suffer to his family in order to defend the pearl.

And then Kino stood uncertainly. Something was wrong, some signal was trying to get through to his brain. Tree frogs and cicadas were silent now. And then Kino’s brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the

37 sound-the keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from little cave in the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death (p.87).

Kino can kill all the group members but he cannot save his son, his son is killed and it shocks him he realize that when he hears cry from the place where he leaves his son and his wife

4. Denouement

In the end of the plot, Kino returns to La Paz. He returns with his wife and his son’s dead body.

It was late in the golden afternoon when the first little boys ran hysterically in the town and spread the word that Kino and Juana were coming back (P.87) Kino had a rifle across his arm and Juana carried her shawl like a sack over her shoulder. And in it was a small limp heavy bundle. The shawl was crusted with dried blood, and the bundle swayed a little as she walked (p.88).

Kino returns in La Paz accompanies with tragedy of his family. He has to lose his son during his flee. The pearl which he whishes can bring happiness, in fact, creates misery for his family.

Kino finally decides to throw the pearl back into the sea. He realizes that the pearl has bring a lot of troubles in his life, the pearl has make him kill somebody else, has make his wife travel on the hard journey in order to support him, and finally the pearl has make him lost his beloved son. He decides to back to his old life, because even he lives in a poor condition, his previous life can bring him happiness, warmness and calmness.

He looked into its surface and it was gray and ulcerous. Evil faces peered from it into his eyes, and he saw the light of burning (P.89). And Kino drew back his arm and flung the pearl with all his might. Kino and Juana watch it go, winking and glimmering under the setting sun.

38 They saw the little splash in the distance, and they stood side by side watching the place for a longtime (P.89-90).

B. The Setting of the Novel

Kino as a pearl diver who depends all his life in his environment has a close relationship with the nature around him. The nature around him is the setting of his life. Kino lives as a fisherman and he lives with his wife, Juana, and his baby, Coyotito.

They tell of the Kino, the fisherman, and of his wife, Juana, and of the baby, Coyotito (Steinbeck, preface).

Kino lives in a gulf near the beach, the setting in which Kino lives has three parts, there are the gulf, the beach, and Kino’s place. There Kino and other people around his place live in poverty and they also know few about modernization.

The roosters had been crowing for some time, and the early pigs were already beginning their ceaseless turning of twigs and bits of wood to see whether anything to eat had been overlooked. Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chattered and flurried with their wings (p.1). The doctor never came to the cluster of brush houses. Why should he, when he had more than he could do to take care of the rich people who lived in the stone and plaster houses of the town (p. 7).

The place where Kino lives reflect to Kino’s character, modernization has not come to Kino’s place yet. Kino lives in fisherman’s village. The quotation above shows about the differentiation between Kino’s place and town. In Kino’s village poverty is among the villager, town is identical with prosperity.

Moreover, the beach and the gulf show certain characteristic related to that settings.

39 Kino heard the little splash of morning waves on the beach. It was very good-Kino closed his eyes again to listen to his music (P. 1-2).

The setting gives good atmosphere to Kino. It means that Kino can feel settle, and peace because of the harmony of the nature. Good harmony of the nature creates peaceful music in Kino’s mind. In Kino’s world, good live means engage with harmony of nature.

Gulf is another setting in this story. Living in traditional society in the gulf build Kino’s mind to believe in spirit.

The uncertain air that magnified some things and bottled up others hung over the whole gulf so that all sights were unreal and vision could not be trusted; so that sea and land had the sharp clarities and the vagueness of a dream. Thus it might be that the people of the gulf trust things of the spirit and things of the imagination,… (p.14).

The spirit may be the important thing for Kino and the villager. His life is based on the spirit. Kino will not believe in physical appearance because physical appearance might cheat him. Their belief in spirit becomes the characteristic of the place where Kino lives, moreover, they are belief in religion and the rules of it.

And if Kino’s planning come to nothing, those same neighbors would say, “there it started. A foolish madness came over him so that he spoke foolish words. God keep us from such things. Yes, god punished Kino because he rebelled against the way things are. (p. 26) “…And the Father made it clear that each man and woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some part of the castle of the universe. And some are in the ramparts and some far deep in the darkness of the walls. But each one must remain faithful to his post and must not go running about, else the castle is in danger from the assault of hell (p. 46)”.

The religious teaching brings such characteristic toward the villager. They live based on the teaching. Every time people in the village facing danger, they always say a magical pray.

40 Under the breath Juana repeated an ancient magic to guard against such evil, and on top of that she muttered a Hail Mary between clenched teeth (p.5).

They believe much in destiny like their religious taught them. Their attitudes and their behaviors all should based on the religious norm. Religious rules become a fundamental element of their life. The different believe of the villager and the town people can be seen from quotation below.

“Has he any money?” the doctor demanded. “No, they never have any money. I, I alone in the world am supposed to work for nothing-and I am tired of it. See if he has any money! (p. 11)”.

According to the religion taught, helping another people who is needed is a must, without seeing who he is. The taught is not important anymore in the town, people in town thinks that religious norm is not very important. They think that money is more important than anything, so they have get money as much as they can.

Spiritual setting is surrounded Kino’s life. It means that the setting represent in Kino’s attitude. Kino believes much in religious teaching.

“I know,” said Kino. “I have heard our father tell of it. It was a good idea, but it against religion, and the Father made that very clear… (p. 46)”.

Kino believes that a good life means blend with nature, obey religious rules. Those believe will bring safety and happiness in life.

C. The Analysis of the Main Characters

According to Blair (1948: 52), character is description of figures in the story. The description includes the description of statements, dialogues, and thoughts. It means that the author tries to describe to the readers about the character looks like and how his/her behavior and his/her life. M.J Murphy (1972:

41 161-171) mentions nine ways of how an author conveys the character personality to the readers by giving personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism. The pearl presents Kino as the main character and Juana as his wife.

1. Kino’s Character

a. Poor man

The character of Kino portrayed as a poor man who lives in a brush house with his wife Juana and his son Coyotito. They are the members of people who live in a slum area. His life is very close to nature even it could say that he depends on it. Living in a brush house make Kino has to deal with some insects such as ants and scorpions. Kino has nothing beside his clothes that has been washed thousand times, his brush house. But he has a canoe that he considers as the most valuable property. He uses it to earn a living and support his family daily needs.

The ants were busy in the ground. Big black ones with shiny bodies, and little dusty quick ants…(p. 3). Kino squatted by the fire pit and rolled a hot corn-cake and dipped it in a sauce and ate it. And he drank a little pulque and that was breakfast. That was the only breakfast he had ever known outside of feast days and one incredible fiesta on cookies that nearly killed him (p. 4). The sun was warming the brush house breaking through its crevices in long streaks (p. 4).

According to his appearance and personal description, Kino is very poor.

The condition of his life is very hard, he does not have money to finance his family. He is only a poor pearl diver, it can be seen from the place where he lives, the settlement of his environment. The canoe is the only thing he has to earn money and becomes the source of food for his family.

42 At the very first time the readers will know that Kino is belonging to the member of the lowest class in the society. From his physical performance, it shows that all the things that he and his wife wear are already faded, torn and old fashion. Even the beggar in the town who has the same level in the society will recognize that Kino’s family is having the same class with them.

…looked quickly at the Juana blue skirt, saw the tears in her shawl, appraised the green ribbon on her braids red the age of Kino’s blanket and the thousands washing of Kino’s clothes, and set them down as poverty people…(p. 8).

b. Devoted father

As shown by encountered the scorpion which stung his son Coyotito, Kino is clearly a devoted father who protects his vulnerable son, he dedicates his life to


Kino’s hand leaped to catch it, but it fell past his fingers fell on the baby’s shoulder, landed and struck. Then, snarling Kino’s had it, had it in his fingers, rubbing it to a paste in his hands. He threw it down and beat into the floor with his fist, and Coyotito screamed with pain in his box. But Kino beat and stamped the enemy until it was only a fragment and a moist place in the dirt. His teeth were bared and fury flared in his eyes and the Song of the Enemy roared in his ears (P. 5-6).

From the quotation above, I conclude that Kino is extremely loves and protect Coyotito. He cannot tolerate anything which is harm his son. Thus he does not leave the scorpion alive. However, Kino’s anger makes him cannot think clearly, he does over reacting. It seems that he is uneducated person who uses more muscle than his brain. It can see after the scorpion stung his son, he busy to kill the scorpion with anger but he rather forgets to help his son right away. He does what he wants to do, not what he should do.

c. Hard worker

43 Kino does not have a fixed job. He only depend his and his family life from the money that he gets as a pearl diver. Even though Kino has nothing for his family, he does not let his family starving. The canoe is the source for his family. The whole family depends on the canoe and it is the only source that protects the family member from starvation.

…Kino’s canoe, which was the only thing value he owned in the world. It was very old. Kino’s grand father had brought it from Nayarit, and he has given to Kino. It was at once property and source of food, for a man with a boat can guarantee a women that she will eat something (p. 14).

The canoe becomes the main means to support Kino’s family life. Even though the canoe’s condition is old, Kino’s family is still able to depend on their life to that canoe. Kino has to repair and refinish the canoe every year, because the canoe’s condition is very old. It becomes something like partner ship between

Kino and his canoe in earning food for his family, because as a head of a household he has to earn some food to make his family survive.

The family life depends on how Kino can get something to eat. Kino, as the pillar of his family, has a heavy burden to make his family survive and keep them far away from starvation.

d. Responsible man

Kino, as the head of the family has a main responsibility toward his family. His responsibility to his family is such a heavy burden because he is not only responsible for giving some food to his family but also for all the things that his family needs. The family needs including good cloths, health care and safety for all family members.

44 It was at one property and source of food, for a man with a boat can guarantee a woman that she will eat something. It is the bulwark against starvation…(p. 14).

Despite his lack of material possession and difficult existence, he has

Juana and Coyotito whom he devotes, so he never makes them starving. He never complains about the hard work he conducts.

Kino and Juana came slowly down to the beach and to Kino’s canoe, which was the one thing of the value he owned in the world. It was very old. Kino’s grand father and so it had come to Kino. It was at once property and source of food, for a man with a boat can guarantee a woman that she will eat something. It is the bulwark against starvation. And every year Kino refinished his canoe with the hard shell like plaster by the secret method that had also come to him from his father (p. 14-15).

From quotation above I think that Kino is careful with his only heritage, the old canoe. He extremely take care for his canoe, he always makes it looks new every year. It seems that Kino is proud of his old canoe which he considers as food provider of his family, and he always take care of it.

Kino is a responsible and also a hard working man. Because he feels responsible to the whole family member, he is to work hard. As described by Steinbeck that he is a pearl diver, so everyday he goes to the sea to find some pearls. In addition Steinbeck also describes Kino as a strong young man.

Kino, in his pride and youth and strength, could remain down over two minutes without strain, so that he worked deliberately, selecting the largest shells (p. 18).

On doing his work, Kino is skillful, because to do the job like Kino’s the skill and the stamina are much needed, fortunately Kino is naturally trained, thus he can work fast. Furthermore Kino is described young and has much energy to do his job everyday.

45 Kino had two ropes, one tied to a heavy stone and one to a basket. He stripped off and trousers and laid his hat in the bottom of the canoe. He took his rock in one hand and his basket in the other, and he slipped feed first side over side and the rock carried him to the bottom (p. 16).

His high responsibility is also showed when the doctor refuses him to cure his son Coyotito because he has no money. He does not give up, so he tries to look for a pearl harder and harder so he can get some money to make the doctor cure his son. Kino has high responsibility to earn some money to pay the doctor, it is show that Kino is such a responsible man and responsible father. Kino’s burden is heavier after he finds a huge pearl because he also has to protect his family from the people who want to steal the pearl from him. As a man who has high responsibility to his family Kino decides to go to other city in order to keep his family safe. He got a lot of danger in facing greed people who want to own his pearl.

“I will go,” and that make a real thing too. To determine to go and say to be halfway there…(p 75). “I will go. I will go soon,” said Kino…”some deep outrage is here. My son must have a chance. That is what they are striking at. My friends will protect me (p. 54)”.

e. Brave man

Kino is illustrated as a brave man. He opposes against the wrong thing. He knows that the pearl buyers are manipulative professional man. They obviously tries to cheat Kino out of his money by offering for a price which is not equal to the big of the pearl, they use the size of the pearl make the pearl is cheap.

“It is large and clumsy,” said the dealer (p. 50)

Kino fights against dishonest bravely, because usually if the pearl buyers give a low price for their pearl, the pearl diver will just accept it. It is different

46 with Kino, he neglects their low price offer and would prefer to sell that pearl in the capital.

“I am cheated,” Kino cried fiercely. “My pearl is not for sale here. I will go, perhaps even to the capital (p. 52)”.

Kino is very brave, sometimes his bravery blinds his mind, he is ready to take a serious risk, and he does not listen to Juan Thomas that warning about the thing might come. He also a kind of stubborn man, if he has a will there is nothing can change it. His bravery and his stubborn sometimes make him cannot thing properly, whether it is a good or bad decision.

“I don’t know” Said Juan Thomas “but I am afraid for you. It is new ground you are walking on, you do not know the way”. “I will go. I will go soon,” said Kino (p 54).

People that follow Kino in town thinks Kino as a brave man. They think that Kino’s bravery will give advantages for them.

And others said, Kino is a brave man, and a fierce man; he is right. From his courage we may all profit. These were proud of Kino (p.53).

Kino’s neighbors think that after Kino dares to reject pearl buyers’ offer, the pearl buyers will give them good price for the pearl they get.

2. Juana’s Character

a. Good house wife and Good mother

Juana is described as a good house wife, she is really liable to her duty.

Every morning she wakes up early and prepares breakfast for her family.

Juana went to the fire pit and uncovered a coal and fanned it alive while she broke little pieces of brush over it (p. 2). And the rhythm of the family song was the grinding stone where Juana worked the corn for the morning cake (p. 2-3).

When the breakfast has been ready, she asks Kino to have a breakfast first.

47 “Kino squatted by the fire pit and rolled a hot corncake and dipped it in sauce and ate it. When Kino had finished Juana came back to the fire and ate her breakfast (p. 4).

It clearly shows that Juana serves her husband well, she gives priority to her husband because Kino has to work hard and he will needs enough energy to do his work.

After their house burned down by the enemy who wants the pearl, Kino decides to run away. Along the road Kino walks carefully and tries to erase his foot prints so their enemy cannot find them, Juana imitated what Kino did.

Kino walked carefully in a wheel rut, and Juana followed in his path. One big chart, going to the town in the morning, could wipe out every trace of their passage (p. 69).

Here Juana tries to imitate Kino, do the best thing of her family and tries to place her family in the safe condition.

Juana realizes that as a wife, she has to help her husband. She does not let

Kino struggle alone. Juana really realizes how hard his husband burden as a head of the family, so she participates to help Kino in searching a pearl in the sea. She positioned herself as a work partner for her husband.

Then co-ordination Juana and Kino drove their double-bladed paddles into the sea, and the canoe creased the water and hissed with speed (p 15). Then Juana steadied the boat while he climbed in. (p 18).

As a wife, Juana loves her husband very much and very proud of him. She is not disturbed with her husband’s rude attitude, in fact she always needed Kino to protect her from danger. She considers Kino as a hero that she always needs and follows, she thinks she would never live without her husband.

And yet it was this thing that made him a man half insane half god, and Juana had need of a man; she could not live without a man. Although she

48 might be puzzled by these differences between man and woman, she knew them and accepted them and needed them. Of course she would follow him, there was no question of that. Sometimes the quality of woman, the reason, the caution, the sense of preservation could cut through Kino manness and save them all (p 60).

Juana understands that as a good wife she should be able to serve his family well, it means that when her husband or her son needs her, she has to ready to serve them.

Behind him he heard Juana patting the cakes before she put them down on the clay cooking set. Kino felt all the warmth and security of the family came from behind him, and the Song of the Family came from behind him like the pouring of a kitten (p 29).

Juana is a good mother. She knows how to behave as a good mother. She takes care of her son Coyotito well. Every morning she baths him and determines that he is satisfied.

Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in a loop that placed him close to her breast (p 3).

Juana’s dedication to Coyotito can be seen from the whole story. There is no event that shows Kino’s contribution in nursing Coyotito. In every occasion Juana always takes care of Coyotito. She carries him on the small of the hip. She never complains even though it is tiring her.

Further more, Juana is a keen mother. It can be seen from her action when

Coyotito has been stung by a scorpion. She tries to help Coyotito as far as she can.

In order to help Coyotito, Juana risks her condition by sucking the poison from

Coyotito’s wound.

But Juana had the baby in her arms now. She found the puncture with redness starting from it already. She put her lips down over the puncture and sucked hard and spat and sucked again while Coyotito screamed (p 6).

49 From the quotation above I can conclude that as a mother, Juana places

Coyotito’s safety in the very top of her priority, she does something that may reduce the bad effect of the poison, besides it shows her dexterous in taking action toward something that needs quick solution.

However Juana realizes that everything she has done cannot completely secure her son from the effect of scorpion’s venom, she knows that her son should be taken to the doctor, because only medicine from the doctor can secure


“The doctor,” she said. “go get the doctor.” And they repeated among themselves, “Juana wants the doctor”. A wonderful thing, a memorable thing, to want the doctor, to get him would be a remarkable thing. The doctor never came to the cluster of brush houses. “The doctor would not come,” Kino said to Juana. She looked up at him, her eyes of lioness. This was Juana’s first baby- this was nearly everything there was in Juana’s world. And Kino aw determination and music of the family sounded in his head with a steely tone. “Then we will go to him,” Juana said, and with one hand she arranged her dark blue shawl over her head and… (p 7).

From quotation above it is clearly seen that Coyotito nearly means everything to Juana and as a mother Juana will tries every possibility to safe

Coyotito. She does not care about impossibility of her decision. She is willing to do everything that enabled Coyotito to be recovered. Her love to her son pushed her to be a brave mother, she will goes to the doctor’s house even though the doctor may refuses to cure her son.

Juana’s feeling is not always expressed, even she realize that her son is in danger. When Coyotito is poisoned by a scorpion, she is very worried but she does not say much to share her feeling to some body else.

50 Kino was finished and was rolling a cigarette when Juana spoke sharply. “Kino”. He glanced at her and then got up and went quickly to her for he saw fright in her eyes (p. 33).

b. Obedient woman

Juana is obedient to god, since she believes that all thing in the world under God’s power. That is why Juana prays that Kino may find a pearl, so they are able to pay doctor to treat Coyotito. Juana knows that God will gives them the best and most appropriate way.

She had not prayed directly for the recovery of the baby-she had prayed that might find a pearl with which to hire the doctor to cure the baby for the minds of people are as unsubstantial as the mirage of the gulf (p. 15).

Juana obedience also described when she and Kino tried to save Coyotito from the stung. In this case, Juana extremely believes to God’s greatness that will help them.

Under her breath Juana repeated an ancient magic to guard against evil and on top of that she muttered a Hail Mary between clenched teeth (p. 5).

Then, in the critical situation, when the trackers almost find their hidden place, Juana still uses the time to ask for help to God through intermediary of Hail

Mary. From this event, Juana shows that a prayer and an effort should be done together.

She could feel his warm breath against her skin and Juana whispered her combination of prayer and magic her Hail Mary and her ancient intercession, against the black inhuman thing (p 84).

From Juana’s attitude I see her faith toward God. She still has a deep hope that God would save her family even tough it seems impossible since the trackers have almost found them. They think their life almost ends.

51 Juana’s obedience to God makes her afraid in God, if she wants something, she does not hope it too much because she trusts it as the fate or luck, and Juana also seems just accepted whether God give much or a few, she will always thanks to him.

It is not good to want a thing too much. It sometimes drives the luck away. You must want it just enough, and you must be very tactful with God or the Gods (p 18).

Not only to God does Juana obey, but she also obeys the priest. When the priest comes to her brush house and asked Juana and Kino not forget to thank to

God because of His greatness they can find a huge pearl.

Kino nodded dumbly and it was Juana who spoke softly “We will father, and we will be married now. Kino has said so. She looked at the neighbors for confirmation and they nodded their heads solemnly (p 28).

From the quotation above, I can notice that Juana is very happy. She is enthusiastic to get married in the church.

Juana also obeys Kino. In some cases Juana often goes along with what

Kino said. When the doctor comes to check Coyotito up, she does not let him.

Juana feels annoyance and hates him for the reason of his run away, then she changes her mind when she looks at Kino, then Kino lets the doctor to do his job.

And when the doctor went to her and held out his hand, she clutched the baby tight and looked at Kino where he stood with the fire shadows leaping on his face. Kino nodded, and only then did she let the doctor take the baby (p 30-31).

c. Inexperienced woman

Juana is inexperienced in life, more over when she has to face the hard life, it is obviously seen that she has lack of experience. it is shown when she gets

52 failed asking for the doctor’s treatment for Coyotito. She tries to give her son traditional medicine.

She gathered some brown seaweed and made a flat amp poultice of it and this applied to the baby’s swollen shoulder, which was a good remedy as any and probably better than the doctor could have done. But the remedy locked his authority because it was simple and did not cost anything (p 15).

Actually the remedy that Juana gives for her son is effective, but because it is made from natural recipes and does not cost any money, so Juana thinks it will not works. Juana inexperienced drives her to think that something will not have any good values if it is cheap. Her scared of loosing her baby and also her inexperienced makes her act doubtfully.

Juana’s inexperienced is also depicted in her admiration to the doctor’s success. When Coyotito gets vomited and gets spasm, gradually it is subsided after the doctor gives a bottle of white powder. Because of that Juana admires the doctor and she even forgets about his rejection when she asking for his help just after Coyotito got sting by the scorpion. The doctor’s knowledge and ability make

Juana thinks that he is a good person.

The doctor put the baby in Juana’s arm. “He will get well now,” he said. “I have won the fight.” And Juana looked at him with adoration (p.35).

From the quotation above it is shown that Juana is inexperienced. She is easily impressed with something new and seems great. She is thinking that the doctor ha a good personality and help Coyotito honesty, she does not suspicious of his actual purpose, she does not know anything about his dirty plan. It is actually when the doctor gives his treatment to Coyotito, he is also investigating

Kino’s house and the place where the pearl probably hide.

53 D. The Theme of the Novel

According to Kenney, theme or the central idea of the story is the meaning the story has and it may be the meaning the story discovers. Theme can be discovered through the relations of the parts to the whole, they are character and theme, plot and theme, style and theme, tone and theme, values and theme

(ibid:22). Through this thesis the writer tries to focus on finding the theme of the story through the study of relationship of main characters, setting and plot.

In the previous analysis, the writer has analyzed about the plot, setting and main characters. Those elements are related and supporting each other. Besides, the existence of those elements is giving significant contribution for finding the point of this discussion.

In the analysis of characters, it is told that the two main characters, Kino and Juana are experiencing some important events in their life. Kino and his wife try to find some helps to the doctor in town when his baby stung by a scorpion.

But the doctor refuses them because they do not have money, so Kino tries earning some by diving and search a pearl luckily he succeed to find a huge pearl.

After finding the pearl, the journey of those two main characters begins.

Kino feels that everyone wants to posses his pearl. Kino’s character begins to develop after finding the novel and tries to sell it. Kino believes that everyone wants to posses his pearl after he faces the doctor’s trick when the doctor cures

Kino’s son, Coyotito. Moreover, Kino finds the pearl buyers try to cheat him by saying that his pearl is too large, and it is not worthy. Kino bravely against those opinion and said will not sell it to them but will sell it in the capital. But he and

54 his family is threatened by a group of assassin that wants to posses the pearl, once again Kino’s bravery is proved here, he succeed killing all the assassin.

Juana as Kino’s wife, she always support what Kino does. Even from the first time Juana realize that the pearl will only bring suffer to them. Juana loves his baby very much, she tries to do the first aid after her baby stung by scorpion.

She also helps Kino in doing his job, while Kino dive into the sea to find a pearl,

Juana stays in on the canoe waiting for her husband, She will tries to stabilize it when Kino comes up on the canoe. Juana also serve the breakfast for Kino first, she gets her breakfast after her husband finishes his breakfast.

The writer has mentioned above that the discussion of the elements of characters, setting and plot are related each other. The setting that exists in the story is not only the background of the story. They can be the representation of the characterization of Kino’s character.

Kino lives in the fisherman village. He lives in the brush house near the shore. Kino and Juana is a husband and wife, they live in poverty but near their home village there is a town which most of the citizens are rich and educated.

Kino and other villagers believe in spirit. They believe that God has written their fate, and also if the spirit or the God angry they will face the troubles. Another setting is the town. It is illustrated that town is full of cruel people that they only think of them selves. They do not care about others difficulties as long as they can get advantages or money. It clearly seen when Kino asks for help from a doctor in town to cure his baby, the doctor said that he will help him as long as Kino has some money to pay him, the doctor stresses that he will not help for nothing. The

55 other setting is place where Kino confronts the assassins and the cave where he leaves his wife and his baby in order to stop the trackers to follow them, but in the cave is also place where Kino lost his baby.

After the discussion of setting, the thesis comes to the discussion of plot that leads to the theme as the final objective of the study. We see that there is a relationship of intrinsic elements, especially the relationship of plot and setting. In the plot, there is Kino who wants to break the boundaries between him as a poor man and the people in the town illustrated as a rich and educated people. The struggle starts in the brush house where Kino lives.

Kino as a poor pearl diver and also an Indian try to get some significant attitude from the people in the town. He realize that as a poor man he cannot ask anything even ask a doctor to cure his baby, even though it is a must for a doctor helping another people who need help without thinking the reward. But after Kino luckily find a huge pearl, people try to posses it with any chances. First attempt is from the doctor that refuse help Kino’s baby, suddenly the doctor act nicely by coming to Kino’s brush house and give medicine to Coyotito, Kino’s baby that has stung by a scorpion. But actually the doctor has hidden motivation, he tries to cheat Kino and posses the pearl. Kino realizes the doctor’s motivation and said that after he sells the pearl he will pay the doctor. Then, Kino tries to sell the pearl to the pearl buyers in town, but once again, people in the town who illustrated as greedy people, try to cheat Kino. The pearl buyers said that the pearl is too big and clumsy, so the pearl is not worthy, they will only by with a small amount of money. Kino cannot accept it. He feels cheated, he bravely protested to them and

56 said that he has been cheated. Kino said that he will not sell his pearl to the pearl buyers even they have increased their offer. Kino will sell it in the capital which he thinks will not cheat him.

In order to defend the pearl Kino has become a murderer. In the confrontation to a group of man who want to posses the pearl Kino successfully kills one of them and caused the others to flee. Because of that accident, Kino has to move from his village, but he find his canoe has destroyed by someone and his house is burned too.

At nightfall, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito set out for the capital. They travel north until sunrise. They sleep for most of the day and are preparing to set out again when Kino discovers that three trackers are following them. Kino attempts to confuse the trackers by creating a false trail up the mountain. Kino, Juana, and

Coyotito then hide in the cave and wait for an opportunity to escape.

The trackers are slow in their pursuit. Finally they take a rest and make camp nearby, two of the trackers sleep while the third stands watch. Kino decides that he must attempt to attack them in order to stop them chasing Kino and his family. Just as Kino prepares to attack, Coyotito lets out a cry, waking the sleepers. When one of them fires his rifle in the direction of the cry, Kino makes his move, killing the trackers in a violent fury. In the aftermath, Kino slowly realizes that the rifle shot struck and killed his son in the cave.

The next day, Kino and Juana make their way back through town. Juana carries her dead son slung over her shoulder. At the shore, Kino pulls the pearl out

57 of his cloth. Then, with all his might, under a setting sun, he throw the pearl back into the sea.

From the explanation above, in the first time Kino really love his family.

He works hard to make his family survive from starving. But after he finds the pearl his character has change, for the first time he wants the pearl to make his dreams and his hopes come true. Later on, he hopes he can to send his baby to school and he does not live in poverty anymore. But during the way selling the pearl his attitude has change. He accused Juana wants to throw the pearl and beat her violently, but Juana still support him and accompanied him after he kills one of the men who want to posses the pearl. The setting of Kino’s back ground as a poor pearl diver has a contribution of Kino’s changing passion, from responsible father to selfish and greedy man.

From the above analysis, the theme conveys through the contribution o the main characters, setting and plot. It can be gained that the arrangement of the whole story is based on the main point that is greed and passion. The greedy factor of rich people in La Paz becomes starting point of conflicts between the main characters and those greed people. Greed and passion place important role that lead the main characters in hurting somebody else. It is also clearly shown that greed doctor and greed pearl buyers try to cheat Kino, even there are some people who try to get Kino’s pearl by hurting Kino’s family and destroy his canoe and hut. The geed and passion also build from the setting of the novel. The setting of social condition in the novel shows a great gap between rich people and poor people. It is shown that rich people afraid of losing their money, so they try to

58 cheat poor people to get extra money. The rich people, who is dominated by white people, also treats poor people like animals, because poor people are uneducated, clumsy, and not modern. The novel illustrates that poor people, here represented by Mexican-American character, always threat badly by rich people who is represented by the doctor and pearl buyers. Having analyzed those elements above, the writer concludes that the theme of the pearl is the greed and passion can force someone to hurt somebody else.



The Pearl is a story about a pearl diver who finds a huge pearl. That pearl is called the pearl of the world. This novel tells about his adventure with his wife and also the social treatment to him after he finds the pearl and before he finds the pearl. The story describes about passion and greed as human basic character.

This thesis focuses on the analysis of the elements of the story, which are the character, setting and plot. It discuses how those elements can give contribution toward the theme of the story.

The pearl is written by John Steinbeck. It has two main characters: Kino, a poor pearl diver, and his wife, Juana. These two main characters appear more often than other characters. Kino is a pearl diver who lives in poverty. He lives in a brush house with his wife and his baby. At the first time Kino is described as a responsible father who loves his family from his family he can feel warmness and peace. He struggles to earn money. He tries to prevent his family from starving.

An accident happened to his baby, a scorpion stung him. Juana, Kino’s wife, thinks that if it is not cured as soon as possible, the scorpion’s poison will kill her baby. Juana asks Kino to search for help ion the town. Kino knows that there is a doctor in town. Soon Kino arrives at the doctor’s house, then he asks the doctor to cure his son, but the doctor refuses it. The doctor said that if Kino does not have money he will not cure his baby.

60 Kino feels angry with the doctor’s rejection. To earn money in order to pay the doctor Kino starts to dive and search the pearl. His wife, Juana, helps him and prays that they will get a pearl to pay the doctor. Luckily Kino succeeds on getting a big pearl that called by his neighbor pearl of the world. From that point, many people that realize the value of the pearl try to cheat Kino, including the doctor who refuses to cure Kino’s son in that time. Kino realizes that and tries to defend the pearl. During the trial of defending the pearl, Kino’s attitude starts to change. Kino becomes a selfish man, his curiosity rises to everyone including

Juana, his lovely wife. Kino becomes a brutal man when he knows that a group of bad people want to posses his pearl, he defends it and accidentally he kills one of them. Finally Kino realizes his false after he finds his son killed by his enemy.

Juana, in other way, realizes that the pearl only brings suffering for her family and suggest that Kino to throw it back to the sea. From the beginning until the end of the novel, Juana describes as a good house wife and good mother. In can be seen when Juana asks Kino to go to the doctor. Juana also helps Kino in searching the pearl. She supports Kino when they have to run away to another place because Kino has become a murderer, he helps Kino to erase the foot prints in order to make the trackers confused when they chase by a group of assassins.

The setting of the story is an important element to support the story. The beginning setting in this novel takes place in the gulf near the shore and in the

Kino’s brush house, it is also described that Kino lives in the fisherman village which is nearly all the villager live in poverty. Near his village is a town where

61 modern people live. The religious setting also influences the villager’s attitude.

They believe in spirits and they shall not disturb them.

The plot of the story also gives significant influence in finding the theme, because the writer can deeply understand the story step by step. The writer uses the theory of plot that divided it into three elements. Those elements are the beginning, the middle and the end of the plot. The beginning of the plot consists of exposition, the middle of the plot consists of complication and climax and the end of the plot consist of denouement. Those elements support each other in every event.

The introduction describes the early setting, physical appearance of the character and the characterization of main characters. In the beginning of the story it tells that Kino lives in the gulf as a pearl diver. He lives in a brush house with his wife, Juana, and his baby son, Coyotito. They live in poverty but they feel peace because they can blend with nature.

The complication happens when a scorpion stings Kino’s baby. The first conflict is between Kino and the doctor who refuses to cure Coyotito. Then after

Kino finds the pearl, the conflict becomes more complex. Kino has to face pearl buyers who want to cheat Kino by buying his pearl cheap. After the conflict with pearl buyers Kino has to defend his pearl from a group of men that want to posses his pearl, the result of the quarrel, Kino can kill one of those men. But the society will not tolerate a man who ever kill another man. So, Kino has to flee from his village. When Kino runs to the shore, he finds his canoe is destroyed, then he see his house burned down.

62 The climax comes when Kino tries to flee from the village. He is followed by a group of men who want the pearl. Kino succeeds to kill them all but as the result of it, he has to lost his baby. His baby is shot by one of the trackers who follow Kino and Juana.

At the end of the story, Kino realize that the pearl only brings suffer for his family, the pearl is like a curse for him. Together with his wife, Kino decides to throw it back to the sea and back to his early life as a ordinary pearl diver.

The writer then relates all those analysis about character, plot and setting to find out the theme of the story. The writer concludes that the valuable thing is like two sided blade, it can brings happiness but in other way, it also can brings misery. From the contribution of setting, plot and characters the writer concludes the theme about human greed. The writer concludes that the theme is the greed and passion can force someone to hurt somebody else. It can clearly sees from the conflicts describe in the novel.


Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, Inc, 1970.

Abrams, M.H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and The Critical Tradition. New York: WW. Norton and Company, Inc, 1953.

Forster, EM. Aspect of the Novel. London: William Clowes & Sons Ltd, 1974.

Guerin, Wilfred L., Earle Labor, Lee Morgan, Jeanne C. Reesman and John R. Willingham. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Hankle, Roger B. Reading A Novel: An Introduction of the Technique of Interpreting Fiction. London: Phoenic House, 1977.

Holman, Hugh and Harmon, William. A Handbook of Literature 5th Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986.

Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English fifth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Hudson, William Henry. An Introduction to the Study of Literature. London: George G. Harrap, 1958.

Kenney, William. Dr. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press, 1966.

Kenney, William Dr. How to Read and Write about Fiction. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Lisca, Peter. The Wide World of John Steinbeck. New York: Rutgers University Press,1958.

Mckenzie, Maitland B. Webster’s New collegiate Dictionary. New York: G & C Merriam Co, 1992.

Murphy, M J. Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English and The English Novel for Overseas Students. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1972.

Milligan, Ian. The Novel in English: An Introduction. London: The Macmillan Press, Ltd, 1983.

64 Perrine, Lawrence. Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc, 1978.

Reaske, Christoper Russel. How to Analyze Drama. New York: Monarch Press, 1966.

Robert, Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs. Fiction: Thinking and Writing about Literature. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1987.

Rohrberger, Mary and Samuel H. Woods Jr. Reading and Writing about Literature. New York: Random House, 1971.

Stanton, Robert. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Wiston, 1965.

Steinbeck, John. The Pearl. New York: Penguin Book, 1992.

Watt. F. W. Writer and Critics Steinbeck. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boys. 1962

Webster’s, Merriam. Encyclopedia of Literature, Springfield: Meriam Webster, Inc, 1995.

Wellek, Rene and Austen Warren. Theory of Literature, New York: A Harvest Book Harcourt, Bruce & World., Inc., 1956.


(http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/titles/pearl/about.html) 19-01-07

(http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/pearl/context.html) 19-01-2007

(http://www.teachervision.fen.com/reading/activity/3760.html) 19-01-07


Summary of The Pearl

The story is a simple tale about Kino, an Indian pearl diver. In the beginning, Kino lives a simple life, loves his family, and enjoys complete contentment; but the story tells about how his discovery of the most wonderful pearl in the world shatters his happiness. In the first chapter, Kino's calm life is interrupted when a scorpion stings his infant son, Coyotito. Kino's wife, Juana, insists that they take the baby to the doctor in town. Cruelly, the doctor refuses to treat the infant, for Kino does not have the money to pay his fee. In anger, Kino strikes out at the doctor and all he stands for when he bangs and injures his hand against the doctor's gate.

Kino returns to the beach with his family. He, along with Juana and

Coyotito, rows out to an oyster bed, where he begins his work. After gathering several small oysters, he spies a giant one that reveals it has a pearl inside. He quickly picks it up and comes to the surface. Back in the canoe, he opens the large oyster and discovers the most wonderful pearl in the world. News of Kino's treasure travels rapidly through the town. Everyone is envious of Kino's pearl, and many think of ways to acquire some of Kino's future riches. During the night, someone comes into Kino's hut, searching for the pearl. The "dark force" injures

Kino before he flees. Juana begs Kino to get rid of the pearl, which seems to be causing evil things to happen to them.

The next day, Kino dressed in his best rags, goes to town to sell his treasure to the pearl buyers. Working in a unified manner, they all tell Kino that

66 his pearl is worthless and offer him a really low price. Kino refuses to sell the pearl and states that he will take it to the capital, where he feels certain he will get a just and higher price. That night, Kino is again attacked in his hut as the "dark force" seeks to steal the pearl, which Kino has carefully hidden. This time Juana takes matters into her own hands. She unearths the pearl and takes it to the beach to throw it back into the gulf. Kino stops her from her action and saves the pearl.

He is so enraged at his wife's behavior that he knocks her down and kicks her.

Obviously, the pearl is changing Kino.

On the way back to his hut, Kino is again attacked. This time, he stabs and kills his assailant. As a result, he and Juana are forced to quickly flee from La Paz.

Before leaving, they discover their canoe has been destroyed and their hut has been burned. Kino now feels like a pursued animal, but he still refuses to part with the pearl. He, Juana, and Coyotito move through the arid desert, being closely followed by professional trackers who want the pearl. When they reach the mountains, Kino hides Juana and the baby in a cave. He goes to attack the trackers. He stabs and kills the first two of them; when the third one tries to escape, Kino takes their rifle and fires shots at him. One of the bullets enters the cave and kills Coyotito.

Juana and Kino return to their village to bury their child. The pearl no longer has a value to them, for all their dreams and happiness have vanished. As a result, they walk to the beach and toss the pearl back into the gulf. They watch silently as it sinks into the dark waters.