THE CONTRIBUTION OF PLOT, SETTING AND MAIN CHARACTERS TOWARD THE THEME SEEN IN STEINBECK’S THE PEARL AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By SRI GUNAWAN Student Number: 984214055 Student Registration Number: 980051120106120055 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 THE CONTRIBUTION OF PLOT, SETTING AND MAIN CHARACTERS TOWARD THE THEME SEEN IN STEINBECK’S THE PEARL AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By SRI GUNAWAN Student Number: 984214055 Student Registration Number: 980051120106120055 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 1 2 3 Urip mung sak dermo mampir ngombe (anonymous) 4 This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to: My beloved parents 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a great chance that I can give my appreciation to those who have accompanied and supported me in finishing my thesis. I thank my God, Allah SWT for the blesses and also Mohammad the prophet for his taught. I also dedicate my thanks to my family, my parents Bp Widodo and Ibu Yamini who always love and support me for all the time, also for my sisters who always love and help me. I love them all. I would like to thank my advisor, Drs. Hirmawan.W, M.Hum, for his guidance, helps, and patience. I believe without all his helps I could not finish this thesis. I would also like to thank Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini, MA., my co-advisor, who has kindly given correction and advice for my thesis. My deep gratitude goes to my special friends, Cantik, Devita, Sari, Ade, Cicil, Heni, Dista, Ratih, Putri, The Gandarias: Bonex, Brain, Poki, Babe, Komo, Simbah, Bobo, Homer, Tedjo, Djekek, Thonklang, Drajad, Andri, Gendut, Eser, Kutut The Ijhos: Cepot, karjo, Kambing, Ipoy, the secretariat of English letters department Mbak Nik, the secretariat of MPK Pak Bambang, Bp Y.R. Subakti and others that I cannot mention one by one. Thank you for all your kindness, supports, lessons, and time. I hope all the time we have shared lead us to a better life. Sri Gunawan 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE…..………………………………………………….... i APPROVAL PAGE.………………………….……………………. ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE…………………………………………….. iii MOTTO PAGE..…………………………………………………… iv DEDICATION PAGE……………………………………………… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………… vii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………… viii ABSTRAK………………………………………………………….. ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………… 1 A. Background of the Study…………………………………….. 1 B. Problem of Formulation……………………………………… 3 C. Objectives of the Study………………………………………. 4 D. Definition of Terms………………………………………….. 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW……………………… 6 A. Review of Related Studies…………………………………… 6 B. Review of Related Theories…………………………………. 8 1. Theories of Character……………………………….……. 8 2. Theories of Characterization……………………………… 9 3. Theories Setting………………………..…………………. 12 4. Theories of Plot………………………..………………….. 13 5. Theories of Theme………………………………………… 16 C. Theoretical Framework………………………………………. 17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY……………………………….. 19 A. Object of the Study……………………………………………. 19 B. Approach of the Study………………………………………… 20 C. Method of the Study…………………………………………… 20 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS…………………………………….… 22 A. Plot, Setting and Main Characters description……….……… 22 1. The Plot of the Novel……………………………..……….. 22 i Exposition………………………………………………. 22 ii. Complication……………………………………..…… 23 iii. Climax……………………………………………….. 27 iiii. Denouement…………………………………………. 29 2. The Setting of the Novel………………….…………..….. 30 3. The Analysis of the Main Characters……..………..…….. 33 i. Kino’s Character………………………………….…….. 33 ii. Juana’s Character……………………………………… 39 B. The Theme of the Novel……………………..………………. 46 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION…………………………………… 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………. 56 APENDICES……………………………………………………….. 58 A. Summary of The Pearl………………………………………. 58 7 ABSTRACT SRI GUNAWAN. The Contribution of Plot, Setting, and Main Characters toward the Theme Seen in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2007. This thesis analyzes the contribution of plot, setting and main characters toward the theme in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. A literary work is one of the tools of communication between author and his or her readers. The theme is one of important aspects of the story. The theme is a kind of message which the author wants to tell to the readers. This thesis has two problems. The first problem is, how are the main characters, plot, and setting of The Pearl described? The first problem tries to show the description of main characters, plot and setting in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. The second problem is, what is the theme of The Pearl based on those elements above? In the second problem, the writer tries to draw the theme taken from analysis of first problem. This thesis applies formalistic approach because the object of the discussion merely focuses on the intrinsic elements of the story such as plot, main characters, setting and theme. In analyzing those two problems stated above, the writer uses library research, it means that the writer collects data and references to support his analysis from the library. The Pearl is a story about husband and wife named Kino and Juana. They live near the gulf in La Paz. Kino works as a pearl diver. The conflict starts when Kino’s son is stung by a scorpion, Kino tries to ask a doctor in the city help his son, but the doctor refuses him because Kino has no money. The conflict gets worse when Kino kills someone in order to protect the pearl. Kino has to leave his village because he is a murderer now. Moreover, the climax arise when Kino fights against some trackers who want to rob his pearl, Kino successfully kills them all, but he has to lose his baby because his baby is shot by one of the trackers. This novel illustrated Kino as a brave young pearl diver. His bravery inspired the people around him. His wife, Juana, is illustrated as a good and caring housewife. She loves her baby very much. Juana also warns Kino when she feels that the pearl will bring evil to their family. Throughout the analysis above, the theme of The Pearl drew from the reflection of the main characters’ conflict and their reaction to their problem which influenced by setting. Therefore, the writer concludes that the theme of the story is the greed and passion can force someone to hurt somebody else. 8 ABSTRAK SRI GUNAWAN. The Contribution of Plot, Setting, and Main Characters toward the Theme Seen in Steinbeck’s The Pearl. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Ingris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2007. Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang kontribusi alur cerita, latar belakang dan tokoh-tokoh utama terhadap tema dalam Novel berjudul The Pearl karangan Steinbeck. Karya sastra merupakan salah satu alat berkomunikasi antara pengarang dan para pembacanya. Tema adalah salah satu hal yang penting dalam sebuah cerita. Tema adalah pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada para pembaca. Skripsi ini mempunyai dua rumusan masalah. Rumusan pertama adalah, bagaimana penggambaran dari tokoh-tokoh utama, alur cerita dan latar belakang di dalam novel The Pearl? Rumusan pertama mencoba menunjukkan deskripsi dari tokoh-tokoh utama, alur dan latar dalam novel The Pearl. Rumusan kedua adalah, apa tema dari novel The Pearl berdasarkan tiga hal diatas? Dalam rumusan kedua, penulis mencoba untuk menyimpulkan tema berdasarkan rumusan pertama. Skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan formalistic karena objek diskusi hanya difokuskan pada intrinsic elemen seperti alur, tokoh utama, latar, dan tema. Dlalam menganalisa dua rumusan diatas, penulis menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan, maksudnya adalah penulis mengumpulkan data dan referensi untuk mendukung analisisnya dari perpustakaan. The Pearl adalah sebuah cerita tentang suami istri bernama Kino dan Juana. Mereka tinggal di sekitar teluk di La Paz. Kino bekerja sebagai penyelam mutiara. Konflik bermula ketika anak Kino disengat oleh seekor kalajengking. Kino mencoba meminta pertolongan dari seorang dokter di kota, tapi dokter tersebut menolaknya karena Kino tidak mempunyai uang. Konflik menjadi semakin buruk ketika Kino membunuh seseorang untuk melindungi mutiaranya. Kino harus meninggalkan desanya karena dia adalah seorang pembunuh sekarang. Selanjutnya, klimaks terjadi ketika Kino berkelahi melawan beberapa orang yang mengikutinya yang ingin merebut mutiaranya. Kino berhasil membunuh mereka semua, tetapi dia harus kehilangan bayinya karena tertembak salah satu orang yang megikutinya tadi. Novel ini menggambarkan Kino sebagai penyelam mutiara muda yang berani. Keberanianya mengilhami orang-orang disekitarnya. Istrinya, Juana, digambarkan sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang baik dan penyayang. Dia sangat menyayangi bayinya. Juana juga mengingatkan Kino bahwa mutiara itu hanya membawa keburukan bagi keluarganya. Melalui analisis diatas, tema dari The Pearl diambil dari apa yang digambarkan oleh konflik dari karakter utama serta reaksi mereka terhadap masalah mereka dimana dipengaruhi oleh latarbelakang. Maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa tema dari cerita ini adalah nafsu dan keserakahan dapat mendorong seseorang untuk menyakiti orang lain. 9 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Reading a work of literature has its own pleasure. Raphael stated that the primary function of literature
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