Install and Run External Command Line Softwares
job monitor and control top: similar to windows task manager (space to refresh, q to exit) w: who is there ps: all running processes, PID, status, type ps -ef | grep yyin bg: move current process to background fg: move current process to foreground jobs: list running and suspended processes kill: kill processes kill pid (could find out using top or ps) 1 sort, cut, uniq, join, paste, sed, grep, awk, wc, diff, comm, cat All types of bioinformatics sequence analyses are essentially text processing. Unix Shell has the above commands that are very useful for processing texts and also allows the output from one command to be passed to another command as input using pipe (“|”). less cosmicRaw.txt | cut -f2,3,4,5,8,13 | awk '$5==22' | cut -f1 | sort -u | wc This makes the processing of files using Shell very convenient and very powerful: you do not need to write output to intermediate files or load all data into the memory. For example, combining different Unix commands for text processing is like passing an item through a manufacturing pipeline when you only care about the final product 2 Hands on example 1: cosmic mutation data - Go to UCSC genome browser website: - On the left, find the Downloads link - Click on Human - Click on Annotation database - Ctrl+f and then search “cosmic” - On “cosmic.txt.gz” right-click -> copy link address - Go to the terminal and wget the above link (middle click or Shift+Insert to paste what you copied) - Similarly, download the “cosmicRaw.txt.gz” file - Under your home, create a folder
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