534S36 Stevenson, Rev., 543-544; on James G
INDEX Abbott, Elenore Plaisted, 3497* Advertising, broadsides, 454 Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon, George Aeschylus, 419 Hamilton Aesop, 19 Abolitionists, 325, 336, 338. See also Slavery Africa, 440 Academy of Philadelphia. See University of Africa, ship, 437 Pennsylvania The Age of Reform Jrom Bryan to F. D. R., by Accomack County, Va., court records of, Hofstadter, rev., 267-268 rev., 249-251 Agriculture, 26-27; farms of French habit- Acherley, Roger, 32 ants, 298; Jefferson's reliance on, attacked, Achsah, ship, 434, 436 315, 316; in Pa. (1840-1940), rev., 39*"393 Act of Union (1800), 420W, 430W Agiiero, Joaquin de, 438?* Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 1st Air pump, 24 Baron Acton, 465, 470, 472, 476, 477 Alberoni, Cardinal, 98 Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John Adams), loon Albrodman, Count of, 112 Adams, Brooks, 500-501, 506, 507; Henry Alden, Henry Mills, 339 Adams promotes, for State Dept. job, 500, Alderfer, Evan B., rev. of Palmer's Philadel- 501-505 phia Workers in a Changing Economy, Adams, Charles Francis (1835-1915), 498, Alexander, Charles Wesley, 460 Adams, Evelyn Davis (Mrs. Brooks Adams), Alexander, Robert Crozer, Ho! For Cape 503, 506 Island, rev., 262-263 Adams, Henry Brooks: appraisal of Wayne Alexander, W. A., 482^ MacVeagh, 493,495W, 498W, 509-510, S™'> Alien and Sedition Laws, study of, rev., on George Bancroft, 511; biog. of, by 534S36 Stevenson, rev., 543-544; on James G. Allegheny County, wills of (1789-1820), rev., Blaine, 498, 499; comments of, on Pa., 509, 131-132 511, 511 n; Education, 493, 500, 501, 506, Allen, Rev. George, 89 510; letters to Wayne MacVeagh (1881- I 12 Allen, John (1660-1741), 27 9°5), 493-5 5 Mont-Saint-Michel and Allen, Nathaniel, 169, 170, 171, 189, 200 Chartres, 501, 506; on national politics, Allen, Gov.
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