grandifoliola and K, senegalensis African Mahogany IMahogany Senegai IMahogany


Other Common Names: Diala-iri (, ), Akuk, Ogwango (), Eh Kirée (), Bandoro (). Often marketed together with K. ivorensis and K. anthotheca.

Distribution: West tropical Africa from the Coast to and extending eastward through the Congo basin to Uganda and parts of Sudan. Often found in the fringe between the rain forest and the savanna.

The Tree Reaches a height of 100 to 130 ft, boles sometimes twisted or crooked with low branching; trunk diameters above buttresses 3 to 5 ft.

The Wood General Characteristics: Heartwood fairly uniform pink- to red brown darkening to a rich mahogany brown; sapwood is lighter in color, not always sharply defined. Texture moderately coarse; grain straight, interlocked, or irregular; without taste or scent.

Weight: Basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) about 0.55 to 0.65; air-dry density 42 to 50 pcf.

Mechanical Properties: (2-cm standard)

Moisture content Bending strength Modulus of elasticity Maximum crushing strength

Psi 1,000 psi Psi Green [40) 10,000 1,320 5,200 12% 14,100 1,540 8,000

12% {44) 13,800 8,200

Janka side hardness 1,170 lb for green and 1,350 lb for dry material. Amsler toughness 190 in.-lb at 12% moisture content (2-cm specimen).

Drying and Shrinkage: Dries rather slowly but fairly well with little checking or warp. Kiln schedule T2-D4 is suggested for 4/4 stock and T2-D3 for 8/4. Shrinkage green to 12% moisture content: radial 2.5%; tangential 4.5%. Movement in service is rated as small.

Working Properties: Good working properties with hand and machine tools. Material with irregular grain difficult to dress to a smooth surface. Turns well, good nailing and gluing properties.

Durability: Heartwood moderately durable; trees and logs liable to attack by longhorn and buprestid beetles; resistant to termites. Sapwood liable to powder-post beetle attack.

Preservation: Heartwood is extremely resistant to preservative treatments; sapwood moderately resistant.

Uses: Furniture and cabinetwork, joinery, shop fixtures, flooring, boatbuilding, decorative veneers.

Additional Reading (5), (9), (40), (44)

238 and K. anthotheca African Mahogany

Family: Meiiaceae

Other Common Names: Often further classified as to port of shipment or country of origin; consignments to U.S. trade mostly K. ivorensis. Munyama (Uganda), Acajou d'Afrique (Ivory Coast), Dubini, Dukuma fufu (Ghana), Ogwango (Nigeria).

Distribution: Sierra Leone and to . K. anthotheca then extends eastward to Uganda and inhabits lower rainfall regions than K. ivorensis.

The Tree Reaches heights of 180 to 200 ft; boles are straight, cylindrical, and clear to 90 ft; trunk diameters are 3 to 6 ft, buttressed.

The Wood General Characteristics: Heartwood light pinkish brown darkening upon exposure to reddish brown; sapwood whitish or yellowish, not always sharply demarcated. Texture medium to coarse; grain straight to interlocked, producing a stripe figure; lustrous. Brittleheart present in some logs. Dust from K. anthotheca may be a skin irritant.

Weight: Basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) 0.44; air-dry density 32 pcf.

Mechanical Properties: (2-cm standard)

Maximum crushing Moisture content Bending strength Modulus of elasticity strength

Psi 1,000 psi Psi Green (9) 7,700 1,080 3,680 12% 12,000 1,310 6,430

Green {9) 7,800 1,080 3,890 12% 11,300 1,300 6,730

12% (44) 10,000 6,850 Janka side hardness 640 to 735 lb for green material and 830 to 860 lb for dry. Amsler toughness 178 in.-lb for dry material (2-cm specimen).

Drying and Shrinkage: Dries rapidly with little degrade. If tension wood is present, serious distortion may occur during drying. Kiln schedule T6-D4 is suggested for 4/4 stock and T3-D3 for 8/4. Shrinkage green to ovendry: radial 3.2%; tangential 5.6%. Movement in service is rated as small.

Working Properties: Rather variable, tends to woolliness and torn grain, sharp thin-edge cutters are suggested, a cutting angle of 20 degrees in planing is recommended. Nailing and gluing properties are good, an excellent finish is readily obtainable. Easy to slice and peel.

Durability: Heartwood is rated as moderately durable, prone to buprestid and termite attack. Sapwood liable to powder-post beetle attack.

Preservation: Heartwood is extremely resistant to preservative treatments; sapwood moderately resistant.

Uses: Furniture and cabinetwood, boatbuilding, joinery, veneer and plywood, paneling, shop fixtures.

Additional Reading (5), (91 (44)