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St Columb Major Town Council

St Columb Major Town Council


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of St Columb Major Town Council, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major on Tuesday, 26th July 2016 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), E Culley, B Daniels, Mrs B Rogers, K Roberts, Mrs L Jiggins, M Beason

In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk) 4 members of the public

1046/14 Mayor’s Welcome:

The Mayor, Cllr Wills, welcomed everyone to the Meeting.

i) Housekeeping:

The Mayor addressed everyone, giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile phones be switched off or turned to silent.

ii) Announcement and Diary Dates:

The Mayor advised that he had recently attended a Heritage Day at . With the Town Clerk he had met with the Treasurer of St Columb Major Football Club. On Monday last he, with the Town Clerk, made a Site Visit to the new housing development at – Sycamore Close.

1047/14 Public Forum:

The Mayor invited the members of the public to address the Town Council on any issues, should they so wish.

Mrs Fuery asked again about a “National Express” sign showing people where to stand while waiting for the National Express bus. National Express has been contacted again – photos have been sent to them and a sign should be forthcoming.

Mr Cryer advised that will be re-submitting a Planning Application. He spoke about the two reasons why the original application had been rejected. He stated that a lot of jobs have been created and a lot of investment has been put into the new extensions, etc. The question of drainage is all sorted out on site. He again invited members of the Town Council to visit the site. Dates will be agreed with the Town Clerk.

Cllr Wills offered a public apology to a Contractor who he named at the last Meeting in open session. He read a transcript of exactly what was said. There was never any intention of upsetting or belittling the Contractor in any way, shape or form. The Contractor, who was seated in the Public Gallery, accepted the Mayor’s apology and stated that, as far as he was concerned, the matter was closed.


1048/14 Apologies for Absence:

Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllr Bazeley (work commitments), Cllr Jenkin (family commitments), Cllr Seamarks (family commitments) and Cllr Colton (unwell). No Apologies were received from Cllr Green or Cllr Johns.

1049/14 Members Declarations of Interest:

(i) Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Agenda: None

(ii) Declaration of gifts to the value of £25: None

1050/14 To confirm Minutes of the last Full Council Meeting held on 12th July 2016:

The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 12th July 2016, were presented by the Mayor. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously that the Minutes be accepted. The Town Clerk advised that matters regarding Trelawney Parc is an Agenda Item and that Ocean Housing have been contacted regarding cutting back the trees partly obscuring lighting in Road Car Park.

1051/14 Planning Matters:

PA16/06099: Felling of trees T1 – T19 covered by Tree Preservation Order – The Old Rectory Cottage, Old Rectory Drive, St Columb, – Mr James Brown Cllr Beason stated that a recommendation from the Tree Officer would greatly assist in this matter. It was stated that a number of trees have been cut down in this area previously. It was eventually proposed by Cllr Wills, seconded by Cllr Beason and RESOLVED unanimously to request a Site Visit, with the Tree Officer.

PA16/00009/NDP: Plan proposal and Strategic Environmental Assessment Report for Roche Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan – Roche, Cornwall – Mrs Julie Burdon, Roche Parish Council Councillors noted this Application and RESOLVED unanimously to offer No Comment.

PA15/09839: The regeneration of existing tourism asset through a change in use of land to provide 10 static and 80 touring pitches of holiday accommodation – Springfields Pony Centre & Fun Park, , St Columb, Cornwall TR9 6HU – Mr S Taylor This Application will be reported to the Strategic Planning Committee on 28th July 2016.

1052/14 New Play Equipment:

Cllr Seamarks was not present and no Report had been forthcoming. Cllr Mrs Warner advised that there were, in fact, three spaces for new pieces of equipment on the Play Area. Two could be used and one reserved for the Sensory Project. She considered it


opportune to have two new pieces of equipment installed as soon as possible – namely a roundabout and a see-saw. Councillors were handed copies of possible pieces of play equipment. Cllr Beason proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to order a Merry Roundabout and a Vippy See-saw.

1053/14 Mural:

Cllr Wills advised that he had spoken again with Dick Twinney, who had stated that the drawing he had produced previously was, in fact, a composite one undertaken for the previous Town Council. Mr Twinney has some further ideas on a mural and has also stated that it would be a lot easier to have the mural painted on a board and then the board erected on to the wall. Cllr Beason advised that he has been speaking about the matter to locals who are about to undertake Creative Projects. He also has created a design which should be available very soon. He is quite enthusiastic about moving this project forward. Cllr Mrs Warner advised that the mural could be covered with PVC to help to maintain it longer. Cllr Beason also mentioned the fact that a further mural could be painted on to a wall on a building in West Street nearby to his shop in the town. It was agreed that the Mural will be discussed again at the next Full Council Meeting.

1054/14 School Crossing Patrol:

Cllr Wills reminded Members that has ceased funding the Crossing Patrol outside the St Columb Major ACE Academy. We wrote to the School about the matter and received a reply. However, we are delighted to advise you that the School has now agreed to fund the School Crossing Patrol from the start of the Autumn Term 2016.

1055/14 Maintenance of Trelawney Parc:

The Town Clerk advised that a Meeting was held with Ocean Housing and Esther Richmond in May regarding Trelawney Parc. One of the comments that came from the Meeting was as to whether the Town Council would be interested in taking over the maintenance of Trelawney Parc. After some discussion on the matter, Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Culley seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously that the Town Council did not want to take over the maintenance of Trelawney Parc.

1056/14 Wooden Skakeboard Ramp:

Cllr Wills advised that approximately 6 weeks ago Outdoor Play People were asked to look at the wooden skateboard ramp as there were signs of significant and dangerous deterioration. Cllr Jenkin had also contacted them, without any authority to do this. We have only now received a reply from Outdoor Play People stating that the ramp really is now rotting and should be replaced with Skatelite Skateramp Surfacing. The quote to remove the old surface, lay a double layer of 6mm ply and then fit Skatelite Skate boarding surface over the top is £4526.00. What is the guarantee for this type of surface and what is the maintenance record like? Members thought it sensible to


obtain three prices for this work. Cllr Mrs Warner proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to give the Town Clerk delegated powers to accept the lowest price obtained.

1057/14 and St Columb Major Community Network Panel:

Cllr Beason spoke about the recently held Network Panel Meeting. The Devolution Projects were prominent on the Agenda. It was considered that all the projects were still “short of the mark”. There will be a Special Meeting held on 7th September to look again at the Devolution Projects. Taking over Trekenning Road Car Park was mentioned. What really is required is public opinion as to the way forward. A Survey should also be undertaken. Taking over The Hurlings was also discussed. However it is really felt with the parking and access problems this really is a “non-starter”. Our three Town Councillors on the Network Panel will be re-writing the Projects. Cllr Beason requested any member of the Town Council who was able to attend the Special Meeting on 7th September to please do so.

1058/14 Denzell Downs Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund:

Cllr Wills reported on the Meeting held on 12th July 2016. Of the 15 Applications received, 5 were approved. He went through the successful Applications. The Town Council were successful in its bid for money to continue replacing street lights with Heritage Lights. Heritage Lights will be an Agenda Item at the next Full Council Meeting. Mention was made here about the possibility of using the old lights on Station Road – between Philiphaugh Manor Care Home and Trekenning Roundabout.

1059/14 Any Other Business:

a) Cllr Wills advised that he has written to our MP (two weeks ago) regarding the possibility of Major Steps using the grassed area outside Open Reach. He has today received a response stating the MP is now “on the case”.

b) Cllr Mrs Warner advised that the Contractor replacing the windows in the North and South Chapels has today visited site and taken templates of the windows. Work to make the windows will take place in his workshops.

c) Cllr Mrs Warner stated that there is an area of wall on Trekenning Road on a bend at the top of Highfield Avenue where overhanging vegetation requires cutting back. The matter will be looked into further.

d) Cllr Culley stated again about the weed problems in West Park. This is Ocean Housing responsibility, but to date nothing has been done. Ocean Housing will be contacted again.

e) Cllr Beason stated that there is concern regarding slates which may come off Bank House, Lower East Street side - property by Mr Comb. The matter will be investigated further.


f) Cllr Beason expressed some concern regarding the state of the plants outside the Youth Club. Cllr Mrs Warner stated that the problem was over watering and the matter is in hand.

g) Cllr Mrs Rogers advised that children are climbing over the locked gate leading from the Recreation Car Park into the School Field.

h) Cllr Mrs Rogers spoke about a lane leading on to Newquay Road which is very overgrown. Whose responsibility is it? The matter will be looked into further.

i) Cllr Mrs Rogers expressed some concern regarding the work being undertaken by the “Cory cleaner”. What are his responsibilities? The matter will be referred to Mr Passmore of the County Council.

j) Cllr Mrs Rogers spoke about the Doctor’s Surgery. She had been informed today that residents from the Newquay area (, for example) have precedence over St Columb Major residents. This cannot be right. Cllr Roberts will take the matter up as he is on the Patient Advisory Panel.

k) Cllr Mrs Rogers spoke about two very good grass cutters in the Springfield area recently. They actually cut the whole area.

l) Cllr Daniels expressed grave concern regarding the weed spraying around the Town. Still nothing appears to have been done, even though Weldhens have confirmed that the work is under way. Cllr Daniels also stated that it is only this week the verge cutting has been undertaken.

m) Cllr Daniels also expressed concern regarding the state of the front of the Liberal Club. It is an eyesore. Weldhens have been informed of the situation and have stated that they will deal with it. On a slightly different note Cllr Wills advised that we have today received a Planning Application (and a Listed Building Consent Form) for the Liberal Club to be converted into 5 flats.

n) Cllr Daniels advised that he and Marilyn tend the Jackie Law Memorial Garden. It is becoming a bit too much for them to deal with now and he wondered whether the Town Council would maintain it, as it would be considered to be in the curtilage of the Closed Churchyard. The matter will be on the next Agenda.

o) Cllr Mrs Warner advised that Castle Dene Nurseries had donated a good £150 worth of plants to the Town Council. Letters of thanks have been written to Marlene.

p) Cllr Mrs Rogers asked whether anyone had heard about what is likely to be happening to Penmellyn House in Lower East Street. She had heard that it is to become a “Halfway House” for drunks, drug users, etc.

q) The Town Clerk advised that he had received a letter from Shelter Cornwall thanking the Town Council for its kind donation.


r) The Town Clerk advised that a reply has been received from the Petroc Group Practice. He read the letter out to Members.

s) The Town Clerk advised that we have received the Certificate of registration from the Information Commissioner’s Office for the next year.

t) Cllr Wills advised that we have received two prices for replacing the Handyperson’s Shed roof. As the cost is under £1000 the Town Clerk will arrange for the work to be carried out as soon as possible.

1060/14 Date of Next Full Council Meeting:

The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13th September 2016.

Dated: 13th September 2016 Signed: