Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Town Council, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major, on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), E Culley, Mrs B Rogers, K Roberts, Mrs L Jiggins, B Daniels, M Beason, A Bazeley

In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk) Two members of the public, PC Lenton (up to Item 1267/14), and a reporter from the Voice

1265/14 Mayor’s Welcome:

The Mayor, Cllr Wills, welcomed everyone to the Meeting.

i) Housekeeping:

The Mayor addressed Councillors and members of the public, giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile phones be switched off, or turned to silent.

ii) Announcement and Diary Dates:

The Mayor advised “I met with the Funding Committee of the Denzell Downs Wind Farm Community Fund, and representatives of REG Wind Power and Grantscape, who have been brought in to administer the Fund. I was initially very skeptical as to why Grantscape were being brought in, but I can assure you that the reason is, as stated by REG and Grantscape, to assist others to start spending grant money. St Columb and St Wenn are the only electoral divisions to have allocated any funds to date. REG Wind Power and Grantscape stated that we are an example of how it should be done. Grantscape’s role is to oversee the procedure, and to take away the stress of the paperwork from the panel and its Chair. The next round of funding, for the annual £4500 for St Columb and St Wenn, is open now, and the closing date for applications is 17th May. The Panel will meet again in June, to decide allocations of grants.

On Shrove Tuesday, the Town Hall was packed with guests, who came to see and hear all about our wonderful “Hurling” tradition in St Columb. It was my pleasure to put together an afternoon of informative talks, and films showcasing our “Hurling” heritage. Guests included the Lord Lieutenant, Chair of Council, Chief Executive of , the Commander of RAF St Mawgan, Mayors from all over Cornwall, and invited guests from the local community. They all said how much they enjoyed the afternoon, and they all stayed to watch


the start of the Hurling . . . . not sure how many stayed until the end, but we certainly put St Columb on the map. In the morning it was my pleasure to welcome the children from the Academy to the back of the Town Hall, as we all watched in awe as Tim Fuge, and Carl Tonkin, went up in the cherry picker to fit the new hurling ball finial.

The Town Clerk, Cllr Roberts and I, met with Stuart Wallace (Public Space Officer, Natural Environment Service, Cornwall Council) and Esther Richmond (Network Officer) to talk about devolution of public spaces currently owned and run by Cornwall Council, to the Town Council. During that meeting, Esther stated that we need to contact Cornwall Council before 1st March, to start a conversation regarding the Library. If we did not state we wanted to engage with them by 1st March, they could impose a solution to the library question on us as a parish. More about that later, as it is an Agenda Item. We indicated we would like to take over Trekenning Car Park, and The Hurlings Field, and indeed all the other Open Spaces within the parish owned by Cornwall Council – the playing field at Highfield, the play areas at Trelawney Parc and Carloggas Grove. Esther will now go back to County Hall, and speak with the relevant Officers and put forward her recommendations”.

1266/14 Public Forum:

The Mayor invited the members of the public to address the Town Council on any issues, should they so wish.

Mrs Fuery expressed some concern regarding the fact that there was only one “dustbin man” emptying bins today – actually driving the vehicle and emptying bins. Is this acceptable under Health and Safety rules? Should there not be two men per vehicle? We will check the situation with Cornwall Council.

Ms Sebald advised that there a number of interested members of the community, who would be willing to help in improving the Closed Churchyard. A number of good ideas have already been suggested. With improvements made to the Churchyard, this could possibly bring in revenue for the Church. The Mayor advised that any ideas must be shared with the PCC, and the Diocesan Board.

1267/14 Police Report:

PC 4785 Al Lenton presented the Police Report –

“Apologies from PCSO Burgess and Parry – on Rest Days.

Eight reported crime incidents over the last month – compared to six in total in the same period last year.

1-2 Thefts – Ex-employee took items over a period of time. Alleged theft of items delivered to wrong address 3-4 Damage to motor vehicles – Van and Camper had damage to locks and door


5 Assaults – Teenage girls fighting – all knew each other 6-8 Assaults on Constable x 2 and bilking – all at the same location

The first Hurling Event passed without incident, and staff are in place to help with the next one this Saturday. “Alert”, the new Neighbourhood Watch, is on its way. Staff at St Columb will be receiving training shortly. Press article about the placing of items across the carriageway in the town sent out by us.

Regards PC 4785 Lenton”.

PC Lenton advised that he has received complaints, regarding indiscriminate parking in Carloggas Grove. PC Lenton also spoke about concerns that have been expressed regarding lighting, or lack of lighting, at the end of Newquay Road.

1268/14 Apologies for Absence:

Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllr Green (family commitments), and Cllr Jenkin (family commitments).

1269/14 Members Declarations of Interest:

i) Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Agenda: None

ii) Declarations of gifts to the value of £25: None

1270/14 To confirm Minutes of the last Full Council Meeting held on 14th February 2017:

The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 14th February 2017, were presented by the Mayor. The Mayor spoke about the problems that had occurred with the felling of trees in Union Hill on Shrove Tuesday. The problems were definitely not caused by our Contractors. It was confirmed that carpet has now been bought for the South Chapel. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Culley seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes be accepted. Cllr Bazeley abstained, as he was not present at the last Meeting.

1271/14 Payment of Accounts – Members to Approve the Payment of Accounts to the end of February 2017:

The Mayor presented the Accounts to be paid up to the end of February. Cllr Culley advised that the pump is still not working properly at the Allotments. It was agreed that Aqua–Source be asked to return, to carry out further repairs. In answer to a question, it was confirmed that CDA Solutions Ltd. do, in fact, maintain the CCTV systems in town. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Beason seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously, to approve the payments of accounts up to the end of February 2017.


1272/14 Planning Matters:

PA17/00828: Erection of a 9.14m x 29.26m livestock polytunnel to house goats and store hay and straw – Fennenfenna Farm, Ruthvoes, St Columb Major, St Columb – Mrs Hailey Hooper PA17/00831: Erection of a 9.14m x 29.26m livestock polytunnel to house goats, and young stock and store hay and straw – Fentenfenna Farm, Ruthvoes, St Columb Major, St Columb – Mrs Hailey Hooper

Councillors were of the opinion that these Planning Applications are just about identical. There is only one polytunnel. There should be no problems for the neighbours. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support these Applications.

PA17/00830: Erection of a 23m x 12m agricultural building – Fennenfenna Farm, Ruthvoes, St Columb Major, St Columb – Mrs Hailey Hooper

It was confirmed that this is a standard building, and no-one could foresee any problems. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support this Application.

PA17/01064: Tree works to fell T14 Sycamore – (subject to a TPO) – bark necrosis on main trunk and subsequent decay renders tree no longer safe to retain due to close proximity to neighbouring dwelling – Lanherne Vale, Old Rectory Drive, St Columb TR9 6BY – Mr Jason Trewinnard, Nurture Green

The Tree Officer has reported on this Application, and made recommendations. Cllr Wills proposed Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support this Application, in accordance with the Tree Officer’s recommendations.

PA17/01249: Application for the erection of dwelling in the grounds of Lanherne Vale – Lanherne Vale, Old Rectory Drive, St Columb TR9 6BY – Mr and Mrs S Harrington

The Tree Officer’s report was read to Councillors. After much discussion, Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Daniels seconded, to support the Application. However, the subsequent vote was in favour of Objecting to the Application.

PA17/01431: Construction of 10 dwellings, means of access and associated works (decision PA16/07792) with variation of Condition 9 regarding noise mitigation measures – Land off Penkernick Way, Penkernick Way, St Columb, Cornwall - ADPAD

It was stated that Planning Approval has already been given to this project. This Application is to vary Condition 9. An acoustic fence will be erected on the boundary to the A39. This will help in reducing the noise from the A39. It is, basically, a technicality. It was eventually proposed by Cllr Wills, seconded by Cllr Roberts and RESOLVED unanimously to offer a Neutral Comment. However, the Town Council would expect that a satisfactory, and fully effective solution can be achieved, regarding these noise


mitigation issues, to ensure that the internal/external needs of the future residents of all of these new properties are fully met.

Cllr Bazeley declared an Interest on the next Planning Application, and took no further part in its discussions.

PA17/01134: Proposed extensions, including rooflights – The Old Apple Store, Mount Pleasant, Lower East Street, St Columb – Mr S Gummow

After much discussion on this Application, Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded, and it was RESOLVED to support the Application.

1273/14 St Columb in Bloom 2017:

Cllr Wills spoke about St Columb in Bloom 2017. If we agree to proceed with this project, it will be for the third year. So far we have managed to receive 106 and grant monies for the previous two years. Basically it has not cost the ratepayer a penny. The cost for this year has been calculated to be about £4,000. We could Ear Mark Reserve this amount? Cllr Roberts expressed his opinion that he regards the Project very positively. Cllr Daniels suggested that this year we need to reduce the amount of flowers/hanging baskets placed in Newquay Road. Cllr Beason proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support St Columb in Bloom 2017.

1274/14 Ear Marked Reserves 2017/18:

Cllr Wills advised that there should be a surplus of about £20,000 in the current account at the end of this financial year. We could Ear Mark Reserve £20,000 for the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Esther Richmond has also advised us that there could be a grant of £9,000 available for the Neighbourhood Development Plan. The RFO has suggested that we could pay for the last phase of the Heritage Lights (about £28,000) out of the Tracker Account. Cllr Mrs Warner proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded, and it was RESOLVED to pay for the last phase of the Heritage Lights out of the Tracker Account. This will now leave more money in the current account. Cllr Daniels advised that money should be set aside for the Devolution Projects. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously that £30,000 be an Ear Marked Reserve for the Neighbourhood Development Plan, and the remainder an Ear Marked Reserve for the Devolution Projects.

1275/14 Town Council Van – Lease new or buy existing:

The Town Clerk explained the latest position with regards to this matter. The cost to lease a new vehicle (the Berlingo Enterprise is the cheapest option) will be £174.30 for 23 months, with one advance payment of £1,045.80. This time there is a £600 loyalty, which comes off the price of the advance payment. To add roof bars to the Berlingo will cost £137.20 (inc VAT); the signage will cost approx. £120 (inc. VAT); the tow bar will cost approx. £350 (inc. VAT). The cost to buy the current Citroen Nemo van will be


£6,274 plus VAT. Cllr Bazeley proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to buy the existing van.

1276/14 Artwork Project:

Cllr Wills advised that the Artwork is nearly complete – Dick Twinney advises that it will be ready in 3 – 4 weeks. It is looking absolutely stunning. Tomasz is making the frame. We need to order toughened safety glass, to put in the frame. Cllr Beason wondered whether we should consider putting in trickle vents, to let the artwork “breathe”.

1277/15 Library and Information Service Devolution Programme:

The Town Clerk gave an update on the future of the Library in St Columb Major. A meeting has been arranged with the Libraries Devolution Project Manager and his team for 22nd March at 10.00am. Any Councillor who is available is very welcome to attend. It is unlikely that the meeting with stakeholders and interested parties, arranged for 15th March, will now take place.

1278/14 The Closed Churchyard – Improvements:

Cllr Beason spoke on this matter. He elaborated on the comments made in the Public Forum by Ms Sebald. We could enhance the Churchyard and make it beautiful. We could perhaps have a wild flower meadow, a dove cote and make the whole area more attractive. Cllr Daniels’ opinion was to leave the Churchyard as it is. It was eventually agreed to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter, with anyone who would be interested in taking this project forward.

1279/14 Devolution Projects:

There was no report available from the Working Party. A decision on which Devolution Projects have been successful, should be known by the end of this month.

1280/14 Correspondence:

The following items of Correspondence have been received:

a) CALC – Weekly News Roundup – 17/02; 24/02; 03/03 b) Letter of thanks for grant from St Columb Major FC c) Letter of thanks for grant from Oasis Centre, Cornwall d) Letter from SWW re: St Columb Major Waste Water Treatment Works. It was agreed that another site meeting should be arranged. e) Letter received from Mr D R Middleditch

1281/14 Any Other Business:

a) Cllr Culley remarked that the wall outside the Cemetery entrance is cracking. It needs to be repointed. The matter will be investigated further.


b) Cllr Culley had received some complaints, regarding teenagers jumping on to the new bucket swing in the Childrens’ Play Area. c) Cllr Beason advised that a local resident, Jill Brennan, had sent him an e-mail regarding tree felling in Union Hill. There is concern regarding the top of the wall, and who will take responsibility for any damage that may occur in future. As far as could be ascertained, John Weller should be taking full responsibility. Cllr Beason will forward the content of the e-mail to the Town Clerk. d) Cllr Beason advised that the proprietor of the new cafe next to Wesley Place Car Park has an idea for a food market, to be held in the Car Park for one day in the Summer. This could be on the Sunday immediately after Carnival Week. It was agreed to make this an Agenda Item for the next Meeting. e) Cllr Daniels expressed some concern regarding the state of the path which runs through the childrens’ play area in the Rec. It is starting to “fall apart”. It is cracking on the sides, and holds a fair amount of water in a number of depressions. We will investigate the matter. f) The Town Clerk spoke about the pending Elections for Town and Parish Councils. Nomination Packs are now available. The Publication of Notice of Election is 20th March 2017. Nomination papers have to be submitted by 4.00pm on 4th April 2017. Election Expenses Forms must be completed and delivered to the Returning Officer not later than 2nd June 2017. The Town Clerk reminded Councillors of the Political Purdah. Once the election has been called, Councillors must be mindful of their duty under the Council’s Code of Conduct, not to do anything which might be interpreted as using their office as Councillor, to influence the outcome of the election. g) The Town Clerk advised that we are trying to sort out all the paperwork regarding the three Contracts that were sent out to tender (Grass Cutting; Verge/Footpath Cutting; Weed Control). The matter will be an Agenda Item for the next Full Council Meeting, unless it is considered that an Extraordinary Meeting be held just to discuss the whole matter of these Contracts before 28th March 2017. The Contracts are due to commence on 1st April 2017.

1282/14 Date of Next Full Council Meeting:

The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 28h March 2017.

The Mayor declared the Meeting closed at 9.00pm

Dated: 28th March 2017 Signed: