Bibliography In addition to works cited in this volume, this bibliography contains references to sources that will be of interest to readers. Abelardus Petrus. Opera Omnia. In Migne, Patrologia Latina 178. Abelian, Jose Luis. Historia Critica del Pensamiento Espanol, Madrid: Espasca Calpe, 1979. Adalsten, Karola. Licht aus dem Norden (die heilige Birgitta von Schweden), Freiburg in Bresgau (Germany): Lambertus Verlag, 1951. Agonito, Rosemary, ed. History of Ideas on Women. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1977. Albertus Magnus. Opera, edition Borgnet, Vol. VII, De Annuntiatione, in Opera Omnia, edition Vives 37. Paris, 1890. Albistur, Malte, and Armogathe, Daniel. Histoire du Feminisme Fran(:ais du Moyen Age a Nos lours. Paris: Editions des femmes, 1977. Allen, Christine. "Christ, Our Mother in Julian of Norwich," Studies in Religion 10,4 (Fall, 1981): 32-39. Allen, Sr. Prudence. The Concept of Woman. Montreal: Eden Press, 1985. - "Aristotelian and Cartesian Revolutions in the Philosophy of Man and Woman," Dialogue (Canada): 26: (Summer, 1987): 263-270. Allers, R. "Microcosmos. From Anaximandros to Paraclesus," Tradito 2 (1944): 319-409. Ancelet-Hustache. Mechthilde de Magdebourg (1207-1282): Etude de psychologie religieuse. Paris: Champion, 1926. Anselm. De conceptu virginali et originali peccato, in Migne, Patrologia Latina 158. Augustine, St. Opera in Migne, Patrologia Latina, Vols 32-46. See also texts and French translations in Oeuvres de Saint Augustin, Paris/Bruges: Desclee de Brouwer, 1948 and afterwards; English translations in Loeb Classical Library editions and others. Epistulae. E. Hoffmann, editor, in c.E.S.L., Leipzig, 1900. De immortalitate animae. Text and English translation by C.W. Wolfskeel, Amsterdam: Gruner, 1977.
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