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THE EVENIN(I STAR. P LIsHw1 nA ILV. EXCEPT SUNDAY, AT THE STAR BUILDINGS. .empcrrv Eumness Oice, i109Pa :t & .earih Alnho. The Evening Star Newspaper tompany. t S. H. KAUiFFMANN, Pres't. Few York Oce: 52 Trinae Bi .h eor Iorder Otsee: Tra!rair BuU:H. Trafalgar Squie. The F.rrg Star Ir enred to subscribers in the e ceek penrty44ty mi.ern th-r wn<nh oisa, at 10 hcents Sato in' Qnin': to Shet Star.a18ount$1 per year; with 4E1:..1 r a t [ t tiff,.e at Washington. D. Q.. No 446 , ti e :+Warn i~ r m:se ,te,,e4t, nohnnenus w WASHINGTON D. C., THURSDJAY, AUGUS8T 3, 1899-TWELVE PAGES. TWO' CENTS,.e oe ever, and that after that period has passed P. Duvall, and effects private. Company F. 1st Colo. anl they have recovered their rado. died at Nagasaki. June of sept THE FEVER IN CHECK hay.- been disinfected they are in condition MRS. PEROT IN COURT THE WAR IN MEXICO TROOPS NOT MOVED '2. Wis meningitis, following gunshot wound in IT PLEASES RUSSIA to discharge from the hospital. right leg: Chris. Kriaus, "it is too to make a definite private. Company early proph- H. 1st Wyoming, died at Yokohama. July 7. e.y in regard to this outbreak," said Dr. of myilarla each. xit: W. It. Itartlett. Wynan. "It is only four days since we vate. 1st pri- No New Cases From Hamp- fever at the Examined in London on of Hurried to Scene of in C'nin.0y F. South Dakota. died at Reported know .f the presence of yellow Charge Troops Being Difficulty Securing Transportation sea. July 2-. of acute dy Result of Peace Conference Reviewed n hom.'. certainly looks 'n,'ry. llamp:, Everything The remains of all three were embalmed ton Rome Today. eneouraging today, and the fact that the Abducting Her Daughter. Uprising, for Them, and brought into in 5.;ier who is supposed to have brought Yaqui port. Official Messenger. the fever to the home did not go to some Movement of Transports. southern place, but went to the northwest, The War Department today received the wi re he can do no harm, gives us addi- CASE AGAIN REMANDED UNDER BAIL PLUM ISLAND THEIR following from tienemit Ois the IOUBIS ABOU1 THE PHOEBUS tional encour'"jement. INDIAN LEADERS ISSUE AN APPEAL DE8TINATION movement regard;ing "That yellow fever can be prevented from of transports: WILL LIGHTEN MILITARY BURDENS spreading over any considerable territory MANILA. August Bruns- Four been shown by the record at Child in Refuses to transports In harhor: cargoes dis- of Norfolk Fast wick. (., in 1il, when it was contined to Question Members of the Tribe of the Soldiers' Homes charged. Pennsylvania People Recovering the of its original outbreak. That Working Managers nearly coaled: takes influence in plne on recruits: received organizations in Expected Curtailing was also done at McHenry, Miss., last Greet Her Grandfather. ern south- the in the waters: leaves ith instant: returns From Their Scare. y.-ar, where there was no spreading of in the States Respond. City. men all disease, and although there was yellow discharged under general ordrs 41. the Cruelties of War. and in Sheridan being coaled: ikayes for San Fran- fever in other places in Louisiana cisco Nth instant with 3lississippi it had no connection with the Montana and South LATTER MUCH AFFECTED Dakota troops. Valencia and Zealandia re- PIREVENTIVE MEANS TRIED McHenry outbreak. Again at Franklin. NOT MAILS TO BE FUMIGATED quire 1.21Nn was no extension of MILITARY EXCITED tons coal; time of sailing indeti- La.. last year there nite, as BASIS OF GENERAL PEACE the disease from that place. It is most Im- approaching typhoon interferes. that we be notice promptly portant given LONDON, August 3.-Mrs. Wm. Y. Perot GEN. OTIS' Si"..- 1 Pi-i, i h"fTe Evening S'ar. of the presence of the disease in a city of ST. LOUIS, August 3.-A special to the In deference to the earnest recommenda- NOMINATIONS. when it hreaksout. Delay would allow it Baltimore, Md., who was .arrested at tion of ST. PETERSItG'(. Augnt .- The OM- NI-:W IN' .RT NEWS. Va.. August °.-Gov. on Globe Democrat from Nogales, Ariz., says: Surgeon General Wyman of the ma- To to spread before our measures for confin- Liverpool an extradition warrant July Fill Original Incancies in the cial M a gov'rn- W1 .,- gays out the f.llowing effieihl The and a detachment of ar- rine hospital service that the troops from 'ssenger publish.- ing it had been put in force. At McHenry 27, after reaching that port from Canada, Gatling guns 37th Volonteer. ment comiunique reviewingt Ingthitly the stat in. nt this morning: "No new cases the disease was long before tillery soldiers from the City of Mexico, via Fort Monroe should not be sent to Bat- The suppressed charged with the abduction of her daugh- following dispatch has been result of The I ague ci .n f-re nee. After yell w t" ver at Ihe h 'me. No deaths since there was a frost, and at Brunswick and El have been hurried southward en tery Point, Del., but should be shipped fur- received pea-e until ter Gladys, and who was here and Paso, from Gen. Otis: to the the Tu.-.>,. night.'' Franklin the Infection continued brought route to the sccne of the Yaqui war. ther north, General Merritt, commanding referring sympathetic reception there was frost at those places, but It did remanded, the same day, on £100 bail, with MANILA, August 3, 119%9. powers accorded the czar's Th .--r'l ca-c- in Phoebus reported are marched across the moun- the department of the east, has decided to "magnanimous not spread to any other place." two sureties, appeared for examination this Troops being Adjutant General. for it prce.d..Is: last ight wa- c ntirm.d as a nuine case tains in the state of Chihuahua send the men to Plum Island. Washington: appeal peace.'' gr Good. morning in the Bow street court. from points Additional nominations "The of -ii w The News 3till police She original vacancies' results of the conference have tully } f-v. r today. was and Durango to join the forces now in the This is a fortified post on Long Island in 37th Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon Dr. Wyman again remanded on the same bail and Volunteers-Captains. Ernest P. come up to the expetlations if tlh. govern- A fcrfolk'm Fearn tIlnyed. with the field, and other reinforcements are rush- sound, between New London, Conn., and second had received no Information that indicated same sureties, Sir G. Ewen-Smith Scott, lieutenant, 6th Artillery- ment. It has been found necessary for the $1-6"1 Maw to The. E~vening Str. and Mr. ing from all quarters. Montauk Point. There will be ample ac- John E. any of the contagion today. The N. Blood. Msrran, captain, Montana; Chas conference to postpone a delinit.' set tiement Ni 'RI- >LE. Va.. August :t--The fear. be- spread It is reported that emissaries have been commodations, it is said, for the 240 men N. Clark. of the mail from Old Mrs. Perot looked remarkably well and first lieutenant. Minnesota; of the complications of arma- I y many to he baseless. that the question fumigating sent the leaders to ranches comprising the battery, if any of the men Sergt. suspending Phoebus and the National entered the court holding Gladys by the by Yaqui and Henry A. Hutchins, E. 14th Infantry. ment until fully elueidated by the diffe'rent y al fever c' mId from the S"I- Point, Hampton, mines all over the state of Sonora. where have been infected and should develop the spreadi Soldiers' Home has been turned over to hand, accompanied by her brother, Mr. T. First lieutenants. Sergt. Edward T. governments. Nevertheless, the di" r-' Ilm"rn- in arrimptn atal invade N.r- men of the tribe are at them fever they can be more easily quarantined lightening the Post Office Department. Although there Pierce, and Lady Colin Campbell. work, calling Balch. Troop L, 4th Cavalry; Jess G. Low- of military burdens is already admitie.l ai.. ars t." have passc-d in the night. to arms with their in at Plum Island than at Battery Point. by Is no infection at Old Point and Hampton. Mr. N. Blood, a brother of Lady Colin compatriots already enberg. late corporal. D. 6th Artillery; unanimous risolution to be urgently desir- A a-nitrful chance in the attitude of it is advisable to disinfect the the field, and many Yaquis who were em- There is no telling, however, when the Frank Auswald, recruit, thought Campbell, who accompanied Mrs. Perot to han-: :17th. late sergeant, able for all nations. N.'r!.-lk l.-" has tak. n place since yes- mails from those places. this ployed in the big mining camps and on ha- men will get there. The order for their re- B, John S. E. Young. sergeant sent a telegram country, and who reached the court a major. 12 it influence in Other t- rea. .1-! this n.ormung many are laugh- Dr. Bruner of Savannah ciendas as laborers have Even moval was issued by Secretary Alger last Infantry; Dan T. iiowman, re- Ulretiloon. no immune there few minutes later, was disappeared. cruit. 17th. late .: the fear which that there are physicians warmly greeted, and have not started private. C, Montana; .John "On the other hand. the lab irs of the "con- yesterday possessed in the Infected district.