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3rd edition in the English language 2016

Semmelweis-Institut Verlag für Naturheilkunde GmbH Hasseler Steinweg 9 27318 Hoya, Germany phone: +49 - 42 51- 93 52 - 394 fax: +49 - 42 51- 93 52 - 291 e-mail: [email protected] Disclaimer: The purpose of this book is to provide information about the use of the SANUM preparations for a wide range of medical problems only. However, illness can be highly unpredictable, and therefore, one should seek the best possible medical expertise. No liability is accepted by the author and/or the publishers for any claims arising from the administration, prescribing strategy or use of any of the remedies described.

To the Reader: This book on Sanum medicinal products has been compiled from research conducted by leading homeopathic practitioners in and outside of Germany. The collected research and uses discussed here have been reviewed by a distinguished panel. This valuable compilation of known medicinal uses of the SANUKEHL® remedies is made available to interested prac titioners and researchers in many countries. The production process of the homeopathics covered by this book is strictly based on the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (Homöopathisches Arzneimittelbuch), which essentially has been adopted by many other countries. However, because not all products, dosage forms or intended uses are available or approved by the relevant authorities in all national markets, practitioners are advised to seek local guidance regarding the legal status of the products and intended uses in their areas. For example, the oral portable SIPS (1 and 2 ml vials) are at this time available only in the United States of America. Our thanks to all those who have made publication of this book possible and to the peer reviewers and practitioners who have contributed their time and effort to disseminate this information.

3 Table of Contents

Introduction ...... 6

Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider, Prof. Enderlein’s Research in Today’s View Can his Research Results be Confirmed with Modern Techniques? ...... 17

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Acne 6X Drops ...... 26

Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider, The Relative Importance of the SANUKEHL Remedies within SANUM Therapy Extending Regulation Therapy by Biological Methods ...... 32

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Prot 6X Drops ...... 36

Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Therapy with Good Prospects using SANUKEHLs A Broad Spectrum of Effects from Hapten Remedies ...... 42

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Klebs 6X Drops ...... 50

Peter Cornelius, The Therapeutic Application of Haptens High Significance as Antigen Absorbers ...... 56

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Pseu D6 (6X) Drops ...... 59

Dr. R. Kunze and J. Hartmann, The Immunomodulatory Profile of SANUKEHL Pseu ...... 65

Dr. R. Kunze, Joachim Hartmann, Eliminating Hydrocortisone-induced Immune Suppression with SANUKEHL Pseu in Vitro ...... 72

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with the Preparation Series SANUKEHL Coli 6X / 7X in the Administration Forms of Solution for Injection and Drops ...... 78

Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider, SANUKEHL Preparations for the Excretion of Cell Wall Deficient Bacterial Forms A Specific Extension of Isopathic Therapy ...... 85

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Myc 6X Drops ...... 91

Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Infection and Treatment of Chlamydia and Mycoplasma ...... 97 Joachim Hartmann, The SANUM Preparation SANUKEHL BRUCEL Its Action Principle Brucella melitensis in Therapy ...... 99

Peter Cornelius, Therapeutic Experience with Haptens ...... 101

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Staph D6 (6X) Drops ...... 112

Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider, The Tubercular Constitution as a Common Cause of Chronic Diseases and its Treatment with Naturopathic “Regulation Therapy“ ...... 117

Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Treating Rheumatiod Arthritis with Haptens Experiences with Propionibacterium acnes ...... 133

Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider, Bacteria and Fungi Two Microbial Phases Governed by the Milieu ...... 135

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Salm 6X Drops ...... 140

Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider, Cell Wall Deficient Forms of Candida How They Occur, Their Significance and how to Regulate Them Using Naturopathic Methods ...... 145

Joachim Hartmann, The Remedy SANUKEHL Serra Its Working Principle Serratia marcescens ...... 150

Dr. Cornelia Arnoul, Franz Arnoul, The Application of SANUKEHL Serra in the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis ...... 154

Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Masked Nosocomial Infections as Possible Causes of “Feverish“ Infections ...... 156

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Trich 6X Drops ...... 158

Joachim Hartmann, The Hapten Remedy SANUKEHL Trich: Its Origins and Therapeutical Application ...... 163

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Strep D6 (6X) Drops ...... 165

Iliane Zenzinger, Cell Wall Deficient Forms (CWD) Not only Treatment Blocks, but also the Cause of Chronic Diseases, and Particularly Mitochondriopathies . . 171

Dr. Reiner Heidl, Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with the preparation SANUKEHL Brucel 6X Drops ...... 178 The SANUKEHL®-Preparations Polysaccharides for Haptenic Therapy


It is well known that various microbes, bacteria and fungi, produce toxins. These toxins, considered antigens, are generally proteins and lipo-polysaccharides (endotoxins), including lipid ‘A’, which is a cell wall component of Gram- negative bacteria. The production of antigens is a naturally occurring process of the microbes to protect themselves and to support the environment, the milieu, in which they live. However, the toxins are frequently irritants to other organisms, for example mammals, i.e. humans and animals. Some of these antigens are actually the causative agent in disease conditions. In fact, it has been shown that the toxin can still be present after the microbe itself has been eliminated, thus perpetuating the disease.

In order to protect themselves from their own toxins, microbes produce polysaccharides, termed antigen absorbers by CORNELIUS1. These polysaccharides are capable of binding the microbe’s own toxins, rendering them harmless to the microbe. Moreover, viruses, bacteria, plants and animals utilize polysaccharides to communicate and store biological information. This information may serve as a code, which is used to influence a multitude of regulatory processes in the host organism.

Polysaccharides exist as either low, or high molecular weight molecules. The low molecular weight polysaccharides may represent haptens, partial antigens, which are incapable alone of causing the production of antibodies. However, haptens may combine with a high molecular weight carrier, such as a protein, which can stimulate cellular and humoral immune defenses. In some instances, a hapten-carrier complex can trigger the production of antibodies, some of which combine with the hapten portion of the complex.

For example, bacterial toxins released during a previous infection and not eliminated from the body due to immune system deficiencies can be bound by haptens, i.e. partial antigens, and thus represent complete antigens. These antigens are now capable of stimulating the immune system by activating the T-lymphocytes, ultimately leading to elimination of the bacterial toxins.

Cell Wall Deficient Microbes and Haptens

It has been proven through research that under certain milieu conditions, and/or when the immune system is insuf- ficient, bacteria and fungi can multiply as organisms called cell wall deficient (CWD) microbes. These organisms lack the normal cell wall components that enable them to be recognized by the body’s immune system. As such, these microbes go largely unnoticed and continue to be associated with disease conditions, which cannot be effectively treated by conventional methods.

The SANUKEHL Preparations

The microbial toxins, along with the cell wall deficient microbes, offer challenges to the body’s immune and elimi- natory mechanisms. However, the SANUKEHL preparations, used individually, or in the scope of a naturopathic regulation therapy, offer a therapeutic mechanism to facilitate the removal of these indiscernible organisms.

1 Peter Cornelius: Nosoden und Begleittherapie. 4th edition 2005, Pflaum Verlag München, ISBN: 3-7905-0930-2

6 Production

The production of the SANUKEHL preparations involves using the non-living forms of certain bacteria and fungi. Using a painstaking extraction process, the polysaccharides necessary for hapten therapy are distilled out of the organisms’ cell walls. These bacterial and fungal polysaccharides (haptens) have significant variations of structure, which result in a large number of different antigen components. This variety of antigen components provides for a broad spectrum of excretion therapy. In addition, the SANUKEHL polysaccharide extract is homeopathically poten- tiated to enhance the therapeutic benefit of the products.

Polysaccharides from microorganisms are non-toxic to the host organism. Therefore, allergic and fever reactions to the SANUKEHL preparations are unlikely.

7 The following haptens are available as SANUKEHL preparations in homeopathic dilutions:

Name Source

SANUKEHL® ACNE 6X (D6) Drops Propionibacterium acnes SANUKEHL® ACNE 5X (D5) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® BRUCEL 6X (D6) Drops Brucella melitensis SANUKEHL® BRUCEL 6X (D6) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® CAND 6X (D6) Drops Candida albicans SANUKEHL® CAND 5X (D5) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® COLI 6X (D6) Drops Escherichia coli SANUKEHL® COLI 7X (D7) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® KLEBS 6X (D6) Drops Klebsiella pneumoniae SANUKEHL® KLEBS 6X (D6) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® MYC 6X (D6) Drops Mycobacterium bovis SANUKEHL® MYC 5X (D5) Ampoules (BCG)

SANUKEHL® PROT 6X (D6) Drops Proteus vulgaris SANUKEHL® PROT 7X (D7) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® PSEU 6X (D6) Drops Pseudomonas aeruginosa SANUKEHL® PSEU 6X (D6) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® SALM 6X (D6) Drops Salmonella enteritidis SANUKEHL® SALM 6X (D6) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® SERRA 6X (D6) Drops Serratia marcescens SANUKEHL® SERRA 7X (D7) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® STAPH 6X (D6) Drops Staphylococcus aureus SANUKEHL® STAPH 5X (D5) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® STREP 6X (D6) Drops Streptococcus pyogenes SANUKEHL® STREP 5X (D5) Ampoules

SANUKEHL® TRICH 6X (D6) Drops Trichophyton verrucosum SANUKEHL® TRICH 5X (D5) Ampoules

Using SANUKEHL Preparations:

SANUKEHL preparations are not nosodes. Because of their effect in the organism, the SANUKEHL preparations are utilized in the following areas:

1. Specific Terrain Cleansing:

Specific terrain cleansing of microorganisms or their metabolic products is possible with the aid of the SANUKEHL preparations in conjunction with microbiological, mycological or clinical findings. In addition, the corresponding SANUKEHL preparations can be used against infections with similar pathogens.

Administering specific polysaccharides communicates specific information to the host organism, which it needs to regulate its symbiontic equilibrium with the microorganism in question.

8 2. Modulating the Immune System and Eliminating Reaction Blockages:

After binding to a carrier molecule in the organism, haptens can trigger a humoral as well as a cellular immune response. These mechanisms neutralize and eliminate microbial antigens. Introducing the SANUKEHL structures to the body very quickly leads to immune complex formation using the immuno-globulins present. This sub- stance presumably functions as an immune modulator, which effects a correction of immune-regulatory imbal- ances and develops its effect, for example, via induction of cytokines, particularly GM-CSF and IL-10. Based on investigations into the effects of SANUKEHL Pseu, it was possible to derive, in an immunologically substantiated manner, that long lasting reaction blockages (e.g. as a consequence of treatment with corticosteroids) in cancer patients, or in cases of immune-system suppression, can be eliminated with the aid of the modulating effect of the SANUKEHL preparations.

3. Hyposensitisation:

Haptens can also bind the antibodies or circulating immune complexes created to counteract the corresponding complete antigen. These antibodies (IgG) exhibit a blocking activity to allergic reactions that is transmitted by another antibody class (IgE). As hyposensitisation continues to develop, the proportion of IgG often increases, while the concentration of IgE in the blood serum falls off.

4. Intermediate Agents when Treating with Nosodes:

This effect is based on the absorption of the pathogenic antigens or toxins. Severe initial deterioration or antigen blockages are alleviated or eliminated by SANUKEHL preparations.

5. As a Remedy for Individual Clinical Indication (see also Isopathic/Homeopathic Materia Medica)

6. General Instructions for Use (For detailed information on the single SANUKEHL preparations please see the following pages)

Characteristics: SANUKEHL preparations contain specific extracts of polysaccharide components (haptens) of the respective bacterium or fungus. The effect is based on the absorp- tion of the pathogen’s antigens and toxins.

Application: Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

Side effects: Because of specific organic components of the SANUKEHL preparations, theoretically, hypersensitivity may occur, mainly in the form of skin reactions. Also allergic reactions against the active ingredient are possible. In this case, discontinue medication and treat symptomatically.

Contraindications: Do not administer in cases of known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or similar species.

Adverse reactions: None known.

Interactions with Immunosuppressive drugs can influence the effectivity of the SANUKEHL preparation. other remedies: An interval of 4 weeks before and after treatment with orally administered live vaccines must be observed.

9 Precautions: As with all medications and due to the variations of clinical studies, professional medical advice should be sought prior to recommending this product to patients with auto- immune diseases, to women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as with children.

Advice: Drops: After opening, contents must be used within two months.

Duration of treatment: Dependent on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

How supplied: The following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50.

For detailed information on the complete range of SANUM preparations please see the “Isopathic/Homeopathic Materia Medica”.

Please note: Due to legal provisions, in some countries the SANUKEHL preparations are available in other potencies than mentioned in this book.

SANUKEHL® Acne 5X (D5) Ampules SANUKEHL® Acne 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Propionibacterium acnes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5). Drops: Propionibacterium acnes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Propioni - bacterium acnes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5) aqueous dil. Other constituents: iso- tonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Propionibacterium acnes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Acne conglobata; rheu matoid arthritis; venous and cerebral circulatory disorders.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

10 SANUKEHL® Brucel 6X (D6) Ampules SANUKEHL® Brucel 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Brucella melitensis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6). Drops: Brucella melitensis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Brucella melitensis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) aquous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Brucella melitensis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Myalgia, subacute poly arthritis; intermittent fever with influenza symptoms; neurasthenia; orchitis, epididymitis; headaches/migraine; lumbar syndrome.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

SANUKEHL® Cand 5X (D5) Ampules SANUKEHL® Cand 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Candida albicans extractum Sero A et B (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5). Drops: Candida albicans extractum Sero A et B (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Candida albicans extractum Sero A et B (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Candida albicans extractum Sero A et B (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Diseases of the mouth, like stomatitis, gingivitis, perlèche, aphthae; intestinal dysbiosis, candida infections, colitis, obstipation after treatment with antibiotics; allergic asthma; vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, kraurosis vulvae; dermatosis, e.g. after treatment with antibiotics.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

11 SANUKEHL® Coli 7X (D7) Ampules SANUKEHL® Coli 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Escherichia coli extractum (lyophil., steril.) 7X (D7). Drops: Escherichia coli extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Escherichia coli extractum (lyophil., steril.) 7X (D7) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Escherichia coli extrac- tum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Cholangitis, cholecystitis, gastroenteritis, colitis; pyelonephritis, cystitis; epididymitis, prostatitis; salpingitis, metritis, vaginitis; bronchitis.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

SANUKEHL® Klebs 6X (D6) Ampules SANUKEHL® Klebs 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Klebsiella pneumoniae extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6). Drops: Klebsiella pneumoniae extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Klebsiella pneumoniae extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Klebsiella pneumoniae extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Respiratory diseases; dysbiosis after antibiotic therapy.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

12 SANUKEHL® Myc 5X (D5) Ampules SANUKEHL® Myc 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5). Drops: Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Myco - bacterium bovis (BCG) extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5) aqueous dil. Other con- stituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma, pleurisy, rhinitis; chronic recurrent diseases of the skin and the mucous membranes, such as juvenile acne, urticaria, hordeolum, psoriasis; lupus erythematosus; arthritis; osteochondrosis; cholecystitis; enterocolitis; ventricular and duodenal ulcer; headache; metritis; nephritis; otitis.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

SANUKEHL® Prot 7X (D7) Ampules SANUKEHL® Prot 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Proteus vulgaris extractum (lyophil., steril.) 7X (D7). Drops: Proteus vulgaris extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Proteus vul- garis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 7X (D7) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Proteus vulgaris extrac- tum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Otitis; osteomyelitis; intestinal dysbiosis after treat- ment with antibiotics; ulcerative colitis; angina; rheumatic disorders; chronic suppurative affections of the respira- tory and intestinal tract.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

13 SANUKEHL® Pseu 6X (D6) Ampules SANUKEHL® Pseu 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Pseudomonas aeruginosa extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6). Drops: Pseudomonas aeruginosa extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Pseu - domonas aeruginosa extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Pseudomonas aerugi- nosa extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Respiratory disorders, such as bronchial asthma; otitis; sinusitis; pharyngitis, hay fever, chronic bronchitis; infectious and allergic dermatitis, pruritus, collagenosis, fibromyalgia, ulcer cruris, keloids, burns, autoimmune diseases, treatment of complaints caused by immunosup- pressive treatment.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

SANUKEHL® Salm 6X (D6) Ampules SANUKEHL® Salm 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Salmonella enteritidis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6). Drops: Salmonella enteritidis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Salmonella enteritidis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Salmonella enteritidis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Impaired development; chronic pancreatitis, chronic gastroenteritis; celiac disease; rheumatic fever.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

14 SANUKEHL® Serra 7X (D7) Ampules SANUKEHL® Serra 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Serratia marcescens extractum (lyophil., steril.) 7X (D7). Drops: Serratia marcescens extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Serratia marcescens extractum (lyophil., steril.) 7X (D7) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Serratia marcescens extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Nosocomial infections with Serratia marcescens.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

SANUKEHL® Staph 5X (D5) Ampules SANUKEHL® Staph 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Staphylococcus aureus extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5). Drops: Staphylococcus aureus extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Staphy - lococcus aureus extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5) aqueous dil. Other constituents: iso- tonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Staphylococcus aureus extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Folliculosis, furunculosis, impetigo, acne congloba- ta; blepharitis, hordeolum, chalazion, angina, otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis; meningitis; osteomyelitis; nephritis, uro- genital infections with staphylococci.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

15 SANUKEHL® Strep 5X (D5) Ampules SANUKEHL® Strep 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Streptococcus pyogenes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5). Drops: Streptococcus pyogenes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Strepto - coccus pyogenes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Streptococcus pyogenes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Angina tonsillaris; eczema; endo-, myo- and peri- carditis; empyema; mastitis puerperalis; osteomyelitis; otitis media; sinubronchitis; phlegmons; primary chronic poly - arthritis.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

SANUKEHL® Trich 5X (D5) Ampules SANUKEHL® Trich 6X (D6) Drops

Active ingredient: Ampules: Trichophyton verrucosum extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5). Drops: Trichophyton verrucosum extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6).

Composition: 1 ampule of 1 ml contains: Medically active substance: 1 ml Tricho - phyton verrucosum extractum (lyophil., steril.) 5X (D5) aqueous dil. Other constituents: isotonic sodium chloride solution. 10 ml liquid dilution contain: Medically active substance: 10 ml Trichophyton verruco- sum extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X (D6) dil. Other constituents: purified water.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Mycosis of the hair, skin, nails, tinea, trichophyto- sis; impairment of skin function; hair loss.

Application: Unless otherwise prescribed: 1 ampule of 1 ml to be injected either intramuscularly or subcuta- neously, 1-3 x weekly. For oral intake: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops. For rubbing in: 1-2 x daily 5-10 drops into the bend of the elbow. Treatment of more than 8 weeks depends on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

16 Prof. Enderlein’s Research in Today’s View Can his Research Results be Confirmed with Modern Techniques?

by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider

“The best physician in us is love“ unchanged over many generations. (1st and 2nd Kondratieff cycle, see Paracelsus A gene pool is the sum of all genes figure 1) which quite naturally led to a in a species or a generation. At the mechanistic explanation of evolution. The Modern View of Evolution present time the human genome is As the figure shows our society right Questions regarding the origin of life close to being fully decoded. This now is in the transition from the are as old as humankind and each was driven by the expect ation that it information age into the 6th era tried to find an answer to this should finally be possible to detect Kondratieff cycle. The foundation for questions with the tools and means diseases in a population in an early this event which enhances symbio- avail able at the time. Thus, evolution stage and to cure them by appropri- sis and includes all of society, theory is also a central topic in mod- ate genetic corrections. Newest according to Nefiodow, will be the ern science, uniting all areas of bio - results in microbiology and laser development of psycho-social and logy. The modern concept of evolu- microscopy, however, show that the mental potentials –something imma- tion is basically not hard to under- DNA and RNA molecules, the chem- terial in an increasingly material eco - stand; but many scientists still have ical carriers of the genetic informa- nomy. The development of mental - great difficulties in integrating this tion, are not rigid biochemical struc- energetic potentials in the new concept into their work. tures that can be manipulated easily, Kondratieff will decrease destructive One major mistake, according to Colby, but rather laser-active media behaviors and, at the same time, increase productivity in information is the continuing assump tion that the (Hartmut Müller, Raum & Zeit, 109, management and improve coopera- various species developed up wardly in 2001, page 55). They generate opti- tion, health and well being. The mod- the form of an “evolutionary ladder”, cal holograms which are in reso- ern theory of evolution therefore from bacteria through lower and nance with electromagnetic fields of agrees exactly with this transition. higher animals to, finally, man. Thus, the earth, moon and galaxy and man is the crown of evolution. This control both protein synthesis and Prof. Günther Enderlein conducted evolutionary theory basically goes embryo genesis. his morphological studies approxi- back to the British student of natural This really means that the evolution mately 100 years ago, in the transi- sciences, Charles Robert Darwin of bacteria, plants, animals and tion phase to the 3rd Kondratieff. (1809 – 1882). He developed the humans always proceeds in a rela- This was the era of chemistry and concept of natural selection which, tionship with the earth and the over- electrical engineering. Beyond in a long lasting process, leads to all universe. It shouldn’t therefore microscopic methods and laboratory changes through adaptation (evolu- come as a surprise that a renowned procedures for cultivating microor- tion) and to the formation of all forms scientist such as Carlos Bustamente ganisms there were hardly any other of life. His works greatly influenced from Berkeley University is searching instruments available that would biology and geology and even put for “the work of God as an intelligent have made it possible to do re search their mark on the history of human designer” in Coli bacteria. as we understand it today. How ever, thought. Darwin’s concept of evolution from already at that time, a darkfield micro - However, according to modern two centuries ago is, of course, scope was standard equipment in thinking, evolution rather constitutes totally inadequate as a model for any larger microbiological laboratory. the changes in a gene pool over explaining these relationships. In the Even now, we are still surprised time. A gene is the unit of a genetic cultural anthropological view society about the relatively simple means information which can be passed on at that time was in the machine era with which researchers at the time

17 steam engine railway electrical engineering petrochemicals information cotton steel chemistry automobiles technology


1. Kondratieff 2. Kondratieff 3. Kondratieff 4. Kondratieff 5. Kondratieff

1800 1850 1900 1950 1990 P: prosperity R: recession D: depression E: improvement

Fig. 1: The long waves of economic activity and its base innovations. (source: L.A. Nefiodow, The fifth Kondratieff: Strategies for the structural change in the economy and society. Frankfurt am Main and Wiesbaden, 1991) obtained many pioneering results very different microorganisms. Without archebacteria, and most of the pro- which only today, with our modern mentioning Enderlein as originator tein-synthesizing metabolism is laboratory methods, can be scientif- the endobiont theory has been in - derived from thermo acidophilic bac- ically investigated and understood in creasingly confirmed over the last 20 teria. The aerobic mitochondria detail. From the surviving research years, among others by means of formed from bacterial symbionts protocols of the time we can only modern molecular biology methods, which we call “purple bacteria” or imagine the great intuition and the and already forms a constant part of “proteobacteria” today. And finally, hard work of these researchers. the content in many English text- chloroplasts and other plastids from books. The modern term coined by algae and plants were once free-liv- Only after the fundamental research Prof. Max Taylor of the University of ing cyano bacteria. Back at around performed by the British biophysi- British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 1950 Hugo Schanderl already suc- cists Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins ceeded in retroculturing the original is “serial endosymbiont theory” (SET). and Rosalind Franklin as well as the symbiontic bacteria from mitochon- The genesis of this term and the cor- American biochemist James Watson dria in the laboratory. With modern relations are described in the recom- which, in the early 50’s of the last laboratory methods it is possible to mendable and descriptive book century, led to the discovery of the show the existence of a large num- “Symbiotic Planet - A New Look at general DNA structure, an analysis ber of vastly different endobiontic Evolution” by Prof. Lynn Margulis of the genetic correlations on the guests in the cells of the human (Perseus Books, 2000). molecular level became possible. body, in addition to the bacterial The serial endosymbiont theory says forms already mentioned. These Theory of Endobionts that unicellular organisms, plants, organisms are mostly present as fungi, animals and humans are the “cell wall deficient forms” (CWD) and A significant result of Enderlein’s product of a symbiogenesis - this is are not detected by routine microbi- research was the finding that there is formation of new organs and organ- ological methods. Thus, about 30% a symbiosis of micro organisms in isms by symbiotic fusion - of at least of healthy people were found to be the human and animal body which two to four life forms. This minimum carriers of endobiontic types of he termed “endobionts”. Enderlein number could be confirmed by bacilli in the erythrocytes; a recently was very well aware of the fact that extensive genetic investigations. The published study in Canada also this designation could be no more nucleocytoplasm, the base sub- found evidence of genetic material than a summary term for a variety of stance of cells, originates from from bacteria of the pseudomonad

18 type in erythrocytes of healthy both partner’s advantage there is a e.g. the development cycle of bac - donors (Richard McLaughlin “Na turally - variety of pathogenic microbes that teria, have already been described in occurring Pleomorphic Micro organisms can also be present as cell wall defi- detail by Enderlein in his major in Human Blood”, published in “Pleo - cient forms. The reason for the for- works “Bakterien -Cyclo genie” (“bac- morphic Microbes in Health and mation of such forms is always found terial cyclogeny”) and “Akmon”. Disease”, Holger N.I.S., Inc., 1999). in blood and tissue milieu shifts. However, even today, it is still very Already one hundred years ago Relevant background information difficult to reproduce them on the Enderlein directly observed CWDs in and therapies are described in detail mol ecular level in the laboratory out- the darkfield micro scopy images of in the article “Die tuberku linische side the living host organism. blood. According to findings of Konstitution als gemeinsame Ur- Starting point for Enderlein’s newer micro biological research the sache chronischer Erkrankungen research was the observation of the still common teaching that human und ihre naturhei l kund liche Regu - French chemist and pharmacist blood and tissue are sterile must be lationstherapie” (“The tuberculinic Antoine Béchamp in the 19th century regarded as being outdated. constitution as common cause of that, under well defined conditions, Symbiogenesis cannot be looked chronic diseases and their naturopa- certain microorganisms can be upon as a static, closed event but it thic regulation therapy”) published in present in different forms and deve - still proceeds today in a very dynamic SANUM-Post No. 51, pp. 4-18. lopment stages, from lowest grades way by continuously channeling the A comprehensive review of apatho- up to the large, highly developed DNA and RNA of micro orga nisms in genic and pathogenic CWDs and their stages of bacteria and fungi. He and out of body cells. Especially in significance is found in the textbook found that all animal and plant cells today’s age of globa lization more “Cell wall Deficient Forms – Stealth contained tiny protein grains (“micro - and more people are in continuous Pathogens” by Lida Holmes Matt man cymas”) which did not perish after contact with new micro organisms (CRC Press, 3rd edition, 2001). the death of the organism itself and with which a busy exchange of were the reason for fermentation, genetic material occurs. Whether and Pleomorphisms of Bacteria and also that other microorganisms to which extent this material is inte- Without doubt Enderlein’s discovery could develop from them. These grated into the human genome always of the “pleomorphism” (polymor- microcymas were thought to be in depends on the milieu situation of the phism) of micro organisms was his each living being, in humans, ani- human host, on the infective pres sure most controversial for many de cades. mals and plants, to be eternal and in - of the microbes and, in parti cular, on Enderlein coined this term based on destructible and to constitute the tran - the resonance with the above- his then observation that bacteria and sition between non-living and living mentio ned electromagnetic fields. fungi presented in the darkfield micro - matter. Given some specific or patho - In this context the genetic modifica- scope in a variety of different forms. genic influence these microcymas tion of microorganisms, a wide- Even today conventional teaching could develop into bacteria with spread practice today, must be often holds the view of two centuries putrefacient and fermen ting proper- viewed very critically. It is performed ago that microorganisms can only ties. Thus, the origin of diseases would on an industrial scale, e.g. in the exist in unchangeable forms. lie primarily inside the body. food or pharmaceutical industry, to However, conventional clinical micro - Enderlein later called these protein imprint new properties onto bac - biological research, in particular over grains “protits”. Starting from such a teria. It cannot be excluded with cer- the last 10 years, realized more and protit, microbes go, according to tainty that the modified genes will be more that the pleomorphism of Enderlein, through a species-specific permanently integrated into the microorganisms holds some very cycle. He coined the term “cyclo - genome of mammalian cells, with important aspects with regard to geny” to describe the changes and un predictable results. diagnosis and therapy of many chro- migration of pathogenic and apatho- In addition to the apathogenic, nic diseases. These studies also genic microorganisms through all endobiontic bacterial forms which revealed that pleomorphism follows phases (“valencies”), starting below peacefully coexist with the host to certain patterns. Such regularities, the limit of microscopic visibility, the

19 realm of viruses, through the higher- analysis. Gerner deter mined globin, nucleus being positioned completely valency phases of cocci and rods, a degradation product of the ery- or nearly completely against the wall. up to the “culminant” phases of the throcytes, as being the main con- The following darkfield microscopy fungi. The bacterial nucleus (“mych”) stituent of the alleged protits. This image (figure 2) shows an agglo - is of particular significance. Even result is not surprising, however, meration of such mychits in blood though it was known already before since such degradation products of serum. Enderlein’s time its function was not ery throcytes have been known for a properly interpreted. According to long time as so-called “Heinz bo - the “anatartic fundamental law” for- dies”. They probably formed in the mulated by Enderlein the increase in incubation of the hemolysate and the microorganisms’ valency de- therefore have nothing to do with the pends on the prevailing milieu in protits according to Enderlein, as the blood and tissue which is primarily lowest development phase of determined by the pH value. Bac - microbes. At least the author did not teria can multiply either asexually by present proof of a dev elopment of division or budding (“auxanogeny”) microbes from the observed “dark- or sexually after a preceding nuclear field bodies”. fusion (“probaenogeny”). According Modern microbiological thinking to Enderlein sexual propagation is classifies the structures termed pro- always the prerequisite for phasal tits by Enderlein as prob ably being upward or downward deve lop ment. “nanobacteria”. Nanobacteria were discovered by the Fin Olavi Kajander, More recently Christopher Gerner, University of Kuopio, only about 10 assistant at the Tumor Research years ago. These organisms which Center Vienna, has tried to bio- can grow both inside and outside of chemically characterize this protit. mammalian cells show a diameter of The results of this research were 0.2 to 0.3 µm and are thus as small as published in “Curriculum oncolog- viruses; being able to withstand icum” 01 and 03, year 7, 1997. As tempe ratures of 90ºC for 1 hour, starting material for his studies Fig. 2: “Mychits” in the darkfield they exhibit a re markable thermosta- Gerner used 10 ml of blood from the microscopy image (from Bleker, M.- bility. They produce biogenic apatite, vein of a fasting patient. To destroy M.: Blutuntersuchung im Dunkelfeld a major con stituent of our bones. nach Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein the erythro cytes 2 ml of blood were Analysis of their genetic structure (Blood examination in the darkfield mixed with 4 ml of distilled water according to Prof. Dr. Günther points to them being proteobacteria. and thoroughly shaken. The hemoly - Enderlein), 2nd edition, Semmelweis, As already mentioned above these sate was then incubated for 3 days 1997) endobiontic bacteria gave rise to the at 37ºC. The residual 8 ml of blood mitochondria of cells a long time According to the new microbiology were left at room temperature. Then ago. Therefore the protits observed nomenclature these structures be long the samples were centrifuged and 1 in the darkfield image which, by the to the “cell wall deficient bacterial ml each of hemolysate and blood forms” (CWD). They have been very way, are present in blood in huge serum were mixed. This mixture was extensively investigated by conven- quantities after eating larger filtered sterile and again incubated at tional microbiology in the last few amounts of meat, probably repre- 37ºC. Darkfield microscopy then years, in particular in the context of sent agglomerations of nanobacteria showed small grains which the chronic borreliosis (Lyme disease). from the mit ochondria. author classified as being identical They can detach from the Borrelia with the protit observed by Ender - The primeval cell was called and are then called “bleb” (figure 3). lein. Then the alleged protits present “mychit” by Enderlein, and it con- Blebs can be of highly variable size in this material were purified and tains one nucleus (“mych”). The and were detected for other patho - subjected to a thorough bio chemical mychit is of spherical form with the genic bacterial forms as well.

20 Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) was cul- Chronically ill patients, especially tured at 33ºC in the modified Kelly- those with neuroborreliosis showing Pettenkofer culture medium (MKP the clinical symptoms without an medium). The image was taken 48 increased antibody titer in the blood hours after addition of penicillin: two serum, are a big problem in borreliosis sphere-like bodies are attached therapy. Unfortunately these patients through a weak connection to the are often accused of simulating the spiral of a Borrelia organism. Figure 5 disease. Conventional wisdom says gives arepresentation of such a that an antibiotic therapy makes little structure. sense in these cases. The very thin wall (relative to gram - By incubating Borrelia in the laboratory positive bacteria) of the CWDs is no with spinal fluid the bacteria mutate barrier for the passage of small mole - within 1-24 hours to cell wall deficient cules such as antibiotics whereas mychits. By further cultivating the the outer and the cyctoplasmic membranes very actively determine mychits in normal medium they revert Fig. 3: Blebs from Borrelia burg - the permeability. within 9 -17 days back to “normal” dorferi (from the internet site: www. Borrelia forms (Brorson and Brorson, • The outer membrane forms a 1998). Cell wall deficient Borrelia barrier for ␤-lactam antibiotics. forms can persist in the organism for In 1996 Preac-Mursic et al. pub- • ␤-lactam antibiotics bind to peni- long periods of time. The cell wall lished, in the journal “Infection”, a cor- cillin-binding proteins (PBP) and the dependant antibody titers disappear responding scanning electron micro - ␤-lactamases of the outer mem - with the formation of mychits, e.g. s cope image (figure 4) which W. brane. after antibiotic therapy. After having Burgdorfer presented as figure 14 in • The targets of all other anti biotics “The Complexity of Vectorborne are inside the cyctoplasmic mem- reverted back to the normal bacterial Spirochetes (Borrelia spp)” at the brane. Bacteria can develop resist- forms the corresponding titers reap- “12th International Conference on ance against these agents by pre- pear (Mursic et al., Infection 24, Lyme Disease and Other Spirochetal venting an agglomeration of the sub - 1996, pp. 218-226). and Tick-Born Disorders”, NewYork stances inside of the cytoplasmic City, April 9-10, 1999. membrane. SANUM Therapy of Borreliosis An important goal of the SANUM therapy of borreliosis is the regulation of the cell wall deficient Borrelia forms with the hapten preparation SANU- KEHL Brucel. The mode of action of the SANUKEHL preparations is descri- bed in SANUM-Post No. 54, pp. 2-6. At the same time a naturopathic thera- py of borreliosis must also regulate the energies of the congested meridians. Very often a meridian congestion can be recognized by the localization of the tick bite and the usually visible erythema migrans that follows. Ticks and blood-sucking insects are known Fig. 4: Mychits from Borrelia burgdorferi in the scanning electron micros - to be very eager for the vital energy cope image found in a congested meridian.

21 • for alkalization ALKALA N Pow der feature of Enderlein’s theory is the be detected in blood by dark field daily relationship of bacteria to fungi. microscopy. Then the valency of the • 2 x weekly one injection of parasites can be determined. According to Enderlein colloids of the NOTAKEHL 5X i.v. • daily in the evening 8 drops of fungi strains Mucor racemosus Fre- In over 40 years of intense research SANUKEHL Brucel 6X (take 4 sen and Aspergillus niger van Tieg - Enderlein has observed the changes drops orally and rub in 4 drops hem, which represent transitions to and development of the parasites in simul taneously) higher forms, have been living in hu - their various forms, as well as their • in addition once weekly 1 capsule mans and in all mammals for millions cycle. Only after he was in the posi- of LATENSIN alternating with of years. They are present in healthy tion to present the biological and RECARCIN and UTILIN “S” (start organisms in primitive forms which biogenetic basis of these parasites, each with 6X and move up after have an important regulatory function therapeutic countermeasures could some weeks as required to the in the met abolism. be developed. This led to the “iso - 4X) pathy” concept which said: The For various reasons – infection, wrong (modified treatment according to various higher forms observed are nutrition, unnatural living environment, Günther Witt, naturopath) re duced to lower forms by appro - mental depression, age effects etc. priate medication and leave the Enderlein’s View of this Relation - – these primitive forms can change body through the excretory organs. ship into higher stages according to Ender - Apart from the now established lein, making them parasitic. An infes- Enderlein’s original microorganism pleo morphism of bacteria another tation by the parasitary phase can strains and the original formulas for his medications were acquired ex - clu sively by SANUM-Kehlbeck com- pany 25 years ago. This microorganism which every- where penetrated into the mammalian cycle millions of years ago was called “endobiont” by Enderlein. The presen- Cyto- ce of Aspergillus niger van Tieghem ZM plasma and Mucor racemosus Fresen in the body can be regarded as cause for a number of disorders. Whereas the Aspergillus phases are relatively rarely seen in a pathogenic stage only in tuberculous and paratuberculous diseases – the Mucor symbiosis as the proper “endo biosis”, in its patho- genic stages, is much more often involved in the development of patho- logic functions or changes. There is Fig. 5: Representation of a spirochete with bleb (= mychit); top view (bot- no warm-blooded organism which tom left) and cross section (according to Preas Mursic et al., 1996, (“Two has not acquired this “endobiont” dia- spherical bodies adhering to the middle of a Borrelia organism”) and placentally and harbors at least its pri- Brorson and Brorson, 1998). The surfaces outside the cytoplasmic mem- mitive forms in its cells and body fluids brane, that is the cell wall (ZW = cell wall), and the outer membrane (AM = outer membrane) are dissolved by endogenic bacterial lysozymes (dissol - for life. ving enzymes) during growth. If, through the use of penicillins or the action According to Enderlein this fungal of the immune system, the equilibrium between bacterial dissolution and reconstruction is disturbed, cell wall deficient forms develop where the parasite mutates through all its cycto plasmic membrane (ZM = cytoplasm membrane) and the flagella development stages in the body and become visible from the outside (from the internet can infiltrate tissues and organs to va -

22 ducts formed in this pro cess must be excreted by the body. If this excretion does not proceed quantitatively in case of disease an upward develop- ment can re establish itself.

Enderlein’s view of the special importance of the two fungi Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger has not yet been sufficiently con- firmed by today’s microbiological re - search. However, other re searchers arrived at similar conclusion as Enderlein did, based on their own research. And finally the very Fig. 6: Hypothetical separation of the cyclode of Aspergillus niger from the success ful therapies with isopathic cyclode of Mucor racemosus (Arnoul, 1998; Rau, 1998) medications according to Enderlein strongly support the, at least partial, rious degrees. For instance, it can lead were regarded as independent, correctness of Enderlein’s theory. to stasis in the circulating body fluids unchangeable organisms. Prof. Ender - which in turn leads to dysfunctions in lein demonstrated this development Pathogenic Bacteria as Re gres - various directions. The slightest im - process and said that all these stages sed Fungi pairment of a tissue or an organ leads together form a single common cycle Fungi are plant-like entities without which originates from the completely to an increased valency of the endo- chlorophyll. They therefore cannot biont and thereby further weakens the identical, unstructured, colloidal and photosynthesize with the aid of sun- sick organism. This situation explains motionless protein material contained light and are dependant on foreign the various manifestations of diseases in the respective cells. These protein organic matter. In the human body, seen in humans and animals. Figure 6 particles of the primitive stages are in they are parasites rather than sym- shows a hypothetical representation of the size range of bacteriophages and bionts. Similar to bacteria, fungi can the development cycles for these two viruses (approx. 0.01 µm). Under cer- fungi acc ording to Enderlein. tain conditions this mass can release also be present as cell wall deficient forms that had dev eloped in a disease- forms. However, this is mostly an The development process of the generating environment and continue expression of a highly shifted milieu endobiont shows, in its primeval to circulate in the cycle. They replicate with a weakened immune defense, stage, initially the most primitive form: and form an endless number of differ- such as in Kaposi’s sarcoma. the colloid stage. Colloids are ent shapes and forms. They increase extremely tiny protein particles which Some characteristics of fungi (ac cor - in size and finally develop into bacteria grow and pass through several inter- ding to Tom Volks, University of when the surrounding milieu changes mediate stages and then can enter (in humans, for instance, by nutrition Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA): into the bacterial stage. After several consisting mostly of animal proteins • They are eukaryots, i.e. they have further stages within this development and fats). cells with a nucleus and compli- cycle, stages which can give rise to a wide variety of chronic diseases, the However, according to Enderlein, the cated organella such as mito- last stage of the cycle is the fungus higher forms can also regress to lower chondria. and this is were the cycle starts anew. stages when the so-called chondritins • Replication by means of spores. Thus, according to Enderlein, the (lower, apathogenic development • Sexual and asexual spores can endobiont goes through three funda- stages) in the respective isopathic be formed. mental development phases: colloid – medications combine with the higher- • Fungi show, similar to plants, bacterium – fungus which, up to now, valency forms. The degra dation pro - hete rogenesis.

23 firmation for a core statement in Enderlein’s theory that bacteria and fungi are only different representa- tions of a specific species. (Gerlach: “Krebs und obligater Pilz parasitismus” (“Cancer and obligatory fungal para- sitism”), Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1948, reprints as 2nd edition pub- lished at Semmelweis-Verlag, 1998) (Harmsen: “Zur Morphologie der Erreger der Tuberkulose” (“About the morphology of the germs causing Fig. 7: Bacterial sex – bacterial exchange of DNA (from the Internet: tuberculosis”), Klinische Wochen- schrift 30, 817-819, 1952). • The vegetative body can be uni- 1946 in the USA. In 1958 Leder - Gerlach was able to show the regu- cellular (yeasts) or be present as berg, together with Tatum and lar presence of a micro organism in hyphen. George Wells Beadle, was awarded all spontaneously formed, malignant • The cell wall structure res em bles the Nobel prize for medicine “for his growths in humans and animals, that of plants, the compo sition, discoveries concerning genetic both in the primary tumors as well as however, differs. recombination and the organ isation in the metastases and in recurrent • The fine structure of the cytoplasm of the genetic material of bacteria”. growths. This organism showed a is similar to plants, the organellas, During copulation certain bacteria, remarkable pleomorphism: The however, are different. e.g. E. coli, transfer a small fragment major mass usually formed small • Fungi use exoenzymes to first of their DNA to a receiving bacterium granular forms, in the cycto plasms digest their food extracellularly (figure 7). This recombination is the of cells as well. In addition there and then ingest it. equivalent of the sexual replication in were larger spherical entities which • New molecular research suggests eukaryots. we now call blebs and which sprou - that fungi are closer to animals Sexual replication is very unusual for ted from one or several locations than to plants. bacteria since it occurs only with higher along the peri phery. This involved The properties suggest that many organisms. According to Enderlein it the formation of filaments of various fungi have originally been plants du - is the base for the therapeutic suc- lengths which each formed a small ring the evolution. They lost their cess with isopathic-homeopathic sphere at their free ends. In addition chlorophyll in the course of evolution SANUM medications prepared from small granules with strand-like and adapted to a parasitic life style. molds. As emphasized by Dr. Thomas appen dices, free filaments, ring The majority of pathogenic bacteria Rau (Das isopathische Prinzip – shapes, irregular bloated forms and seem to belong to these parasitic Medika menten testung mit Hilfe der branched mycelia with attached fungi as well. Another important fin - Dunkel feld mikroskopie (The isopathic granular forms were observed. Ac- ding of Enderlein which supports principle – testing of drugs by means c ording to Gerlach all these forms this assumption was the fact that of the darkfield microscope), SANUM- originated from one and the same bacteria can replicate sexually. This Post 53, p. 9, 2000) the degradation parasitic fungus which was termed mode of replication is, according to of the high-valency fungal forms in micromcyete. Ender lein, always a prerequisite for blood after addition of the appropriate When laboratory animals were infec - the upward or downward develop- isopathic SANUM medication can be ted in various ways with pure cultures ment of the phases. directly observed by examining a of this fungus, in most cases a gene - freshly taken blood sample under the The discovery of sexual replication of ral disease of the organism resulted darkfield microscope. bacteria was taken up by the Ameri - similar to that found in the cadavers cans Joshua Lederberg and Edward The studies of Franz Gerlach and of carriers of spontaneous tumors. Lawrie Tatum, and published in Hans Harmsen provide further con- Clinically the disease was often not

24 detectable and pathologically- The long persistence of the Myco - eases (MS, Parkinson, diabetes etc.) anatomically only after thorough bacterium tuberculosis DNA in nor- or cancers has for decades success- examination. Most prominent were mal lung tissue without histological fully included the isopathic-homeo- exudative processes in the large detection was recently confirmed in pathic SANUM preparation NIGER- body cavities. Microscopic exami - a study by Norwegian researchers SAN, in addition to the indispensable nation always showed tumor (R. Hernández-Pando et al.: “Persis - milieu therapy, for instance by cor- mycetes in pure state. The fungus tence of DNA from mycobacterium recting the cell respiration, correcting spreads in the infected organism by tuberculosis in superficially normal the acid-base equil ibrium, correcting septicemia. Acc ording to Gerlach it lung tissue during latent infection”, the electrolyte balance, and immuno- can give rise to a variety of diseases The Lancet 356, 2133-2137, 2000). modulation. This preparation was including bacterial infections in cattle The tests were performed on patients developed by Enderlein and contains and sheep, and it is an obligatory who had died from tuberculosis as colloids from the mold Aspergillus parasite in all malignant growths. well as from other diseases. The niger. Its activity is thought to involve Harmsen also observed a prominent bacterial DNA could be detected degradation through copulation of the pleomorphism of the tubercle bac- with genetic research methods, not Myco bacterium tuberculosis which, terium. The acid-fast rod form of this only in macrophages but also in according to Enderlein, is a highly de - bacterium, nearly exclusively used other cells. Interestingly, this DNA ve loped phase of Aspergillus, by the for routine diagnostics even today, is was not only found in all patients lower development stages contained just one state of many of this bacte- who had died from tuberculosis but in the preparation. According to pre - ria. These forms are highly variable also in approximately one third of sent knowledge the copulative inacti- and include small phases that can those patients dead with other dis- vation of higher development phases be filtered, vacuoles, granules, acid- eases. However, this included only by lower phases seems to be the only labile and acid-stable rods, up to patients from countries where tuber- logical explanation for the fact that fungus-like structures with hyphen culosis is endemic, such as Ethiopia lower development forms can interact and mycelia. Dostal already noted in and Mexico. In patients from Norway at all with higher forms. ᮀ 1910 (Wiener Medizinische Wochen- which is considered as being free of tuberculosis, no bacterial DNA could schrift, p. 2100, 1910): “I now tend be detected. to think that the tubercle bacilli are First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (56/2001) the parasitic states of certain molds” The treatment of tuberculosis and © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • [citation from the publication of other so-called “tuberculinic dis- 27318 Hoya • Germany Harmsen]. eases”, such as degenerative dis- All Rights Reserved.

Recarcin® 4X Capsules Capsules for oral intake.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Bacillus rmus e volumine ex muris cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 4X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: All subacute and chronic inammatory diseases, especially of the glands and serosae; arthritis and arthrosis; susceptibility to infection (for immune modulation).

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 5 ml dropper bottle 6X, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 4X, 6X, 10 suppositories 6X, 5 capsules 4X, 6X.

For more information refer to: Registration as Sanum medical expert group required for full access to information. GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production Please note: picture shows D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 German labelling.

25 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with Sanukehl Acne 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction From August 1992 to April 2000, a total number of 141 patients was admitted to an observation study with the preparation SA - NUKEHL Acne 6X drops in one internist practice and two gene ral practices. The homeopathic test preparation SANUKEHL Acne consists exclusively of the 6th decimal potency of Propioni- bacterium acnes. The aim of the observation study was to establish the actual appli- cation of the preparation and its tolerance under the conditions of everyday practice. Further, know - of 42.2 years and a standard 2.1 Diagnosis and Accom pa- ledge concerning the accept- deviation of 23.2 years. The age ny ing Diseases ance of the preparation on the groups of under 12-year-olds market, also amongst children, The diagnosis leading to pre- (13.5%), 13 to 20-year-olds scription had to be recorded in should be gained. (16.3%), and 51 to 60-year-olds the study protocol. It became ap - In accordance with the structure (12.8%) were almost the same parent that SANUKEHL Acne 6X, of the study, exclusively descrip- size. Also of comparable sizes in accordance with Isopathy, is tive statistical procedures were were the age groups of 21 to 30 used in a very wide area of appli- used. The application of induc- years and 41 to 50 years at 9.2% cation. The preferred application tive methods was not indicated. and 8.5%. The biggest age was dependent on the age of the An “intention to treat“ evaluation group was that of 61 to 70-year- patients. The main areas of appli- was carried out, i.e. all patients old patients with 22.0%. Finally, cation were acne, migraine, ve - were considered who had re - 8.5% of the patients were over nous and cerebral blood circula- ceived at least one dose of the 70 years old. In the age distribu- tion disorders as well as arthritis. remedy. tion, the men with an average Medical findings were collected age of 45.5 ± 22.3 years were on before and after completion of the 2. Participating Patients average 7 years older than the treatment. Accompanying the- women with 38.4 ± 23.6 years. 141 patients participated in the rapies were to be documented in study, 75 men (53.2%) and 65 Height varied between 121 and the survey form. women (46.8%); there was no 190 cm with an average value of In order to obtain a measure of data on one of the patients. The 163.1 ± 16.4 cm. Weight varied chronic diseases, the patients age of the patients varied between between 33 and 108 kg with an were asked in the study protocol 10 and 91 years with an average average weight of 67.0 ± 18.1 kg. for how long the disease or com-

26 3. Dosage and Duration of Treat ment 3.1 Time of Consultation, Du - ra tion of Treatment Corresponding to the nature of an application study, the doctor was not given a fixed schedule for the final examination. This final examination was carried out after a period of 15 to 434 days with an average value of 158.3 ± 146.7 days. Therapy duration for the children (< 12 years) with 80.3 ± 100.4 days on average was only half as long as that for the adult group plaints had been existent. Time of 6 to 12 months. Only 10.5% of with 170.4 ± 149.0 days. The frames were given of less than the patients had suffered from large range within the age group six months, up to one year, up to their complaints for more than 3 of under 12-year-olds is caused three years and more than three years. In the adult group over 12 by two patients with a therapy years. In only 8.5% of the years, the chronic duration of duration of 366 days. Dis regar - patients, the complaints had complaints of more than 36 ding these two outliers, the result existed for less than six months. months was especially pro- would be quite compact at 46.6 In 18.4% of the patients, the nounced with 66.4% of the ± 23.3 therapy days. A differen - complaints had existed for six to patients. Only 7.4% had acute tiated analysis according to the - 12 months, in 14.2% for one to complaints with a duration of up rapy periods offers a clearer pic- three years. More than half of the to 6 months, while the percent- ture. Thus, in the under 12-year- patients (58.9%) had suffered ages of patients with a duration olds, the short therapy of up to from the medical conditions for of complaints of 6 to 12 months 75 days was clearly predominant more than 36 months. In the and 1 to 3 years were the same (88.2% of all patients). In the patient group of under 12-year- at 13.1%. adult group, the largest sub- olds, the duration of the com- groups were those with more plaints was dominated by acute 7 of the 141 patients included in than 150 therapy days and with a conditions. Thus, 15.8% of the the study, all of them over 12 therapy duration between 51 and patients had suffered from their years old, had been treated with 75 days with 39.3% and 26.2%, complaints for less than 6 SANUKEHL Acne 6X drops pre- respectively. months, but 52.6% for a period viously. 3.2 Dosage Duration of Total Patients Patients Dosage was prescribed accor - complaints patient < 12 > 12 ding to the package leaflet as (months) population (%) years (%) years (%) follows: For oral intake: acute conditions: < 6 8.5 15.8 7.4 5 to 10 drops every 12 to 24 hours; chronic forms: 10 drops 12 18.4 52.6 13.1 every other day. < 36 14.2 21.1 13.1 For rubbing in: every 1 to 2 days 5 to 10 drops into the affected > 36 58.9 10.5 66.4 area or the hollow of the elbow.

27 users, evidence for a possible sensitization to the active ingredi- ent could be determined. It is, however, remarkable that the patients as well as the doctors of these multiple users evaluated tolerance as “very good” in 3 cases and as “good” in 4 cases.

5. Efficacy and Tolerance 5.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by Doctor and Patient In a final assessment, doctors and patients were asked to eval- uate efficacy and tolerance. Effi - After 8 weeks, the therapy 4. Comparison with For mer cacy could be rated as “very should be discontinued for seve - Therapy good”, “good”, “moderate” or ral months. 7 adult patients had received a having “no effect”. Further, doc- The drops were taken in by 109 previous therapy with SANU- tors were asked to evaluate the patients and rubbed in by 114 KEHL Acne 6X drops within the patients’ compliance, which also patients. Multiple designations last 5 years. This group is too could be rated as “very good”, were necessary, because 82 small to compare first and multi- “good”, “moderate” or “poor”. patients took in as well as ple users. By comparing efficacy The evaluation of efficacy showed rubbed in the drops. The follow- and tolerance in the two patient that 35.5% of the patients rated ing table shows the medium groups of first users and multiple efficacy as “very good”, 45.4% dose of each administration form. The dosages for drops Total Population indicate the daily dose for taking Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose or rubbing in. Drops (oral) 12.9 ± 7.3 3 20 The dosage recommendations Drops (topical) 8.0 ± 3.7 3 15 were complied with. In the group of under 12-year-olds, the drops All Patients under 12 Years for oral intake were dosed age Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose appropriately. The embrocation Drops (oral) 7.4 ± 4.0 3 16 was dosed equally in the children Drops (topical) 7.7 ± 3.4 3 12 and the adult groups. The medi- All Patients over 12 Years um dose of oral intake and em- brocation in monotherapy was Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose almost twice that in combination Drops (oral) 13.8 ± 7.4 3 20 therapy. Drops (topical) 8.1 ± 3.8 5 15

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 19.5 ± 2.0 10 20 Mono Drops (oral) 10.7 ± 7.2 3 20 Combi Drops (topical) 11.3 ± 3.9 5 15 Mono Drops (topical) 6.8 ± 2.8 3 12 Combi

28 Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ opinion [%] Doctors’ opinion [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 35.5 45.4 19.1 0 42.6 39.7 17.7 0 < 12 years 11,8 47.1 41.2 0 11.8 70.6 17.6 0 > 12 years 39.3 45.9 14.8 0 47.5 36.1 16.4 0

as “good”, whilst for 19.1%, the patients, compliance was judged bit better in the gradings of “very treatment’s efficacy was “moder- as being “moderate” and “poor”. good” and “good” by the patient ate”. The result of the doctors’ than in the age group of over 12- evaluation of efficacy was just as 5.2 Evaluation of Tolerance year-olds. Further, in the young positive as that of the patients. by Doctor and Patient age group, there was no case of The doctors rated efficacy as To conclude the examination, an “moderate” or “poor” tolerance “very good” in 42.6% of the evaluation of tolerance was sub- rating. cases, as “good” in 39.7%, as mitted by doctors and patients, “moderate” in 17.7%. No doctor wherein tolerance could be rated 5.3 Side Effects and Discon- and no patient evaluated the as “very good”, “good”, “moder- tinuation of the Therapy treatment as having “no effect”. ate” and “poor”. 60.3% of the No patient discontinued the ther- In the adults’ group, efficacy patients and 58.2% of the doc- apy with SANUKEHL Acne 6X tended to be rated better; com- tors rated tolerance as “very drops, and no adverse drug pared with the childrens’ group, good”, while 39.0% of the reac tions were reported. there was a shift from “good” to patients and 41.1% of the doc- One male patient aged 70 com- “very good” in the evaluation. tors attested “good” tolerance to plained of itching 30 minutes SANUKEHL Acne. “Moderate” Compliance (N = 139) was after the first embrocation of 5 tolerance was stated in one case judged as “very good” in 71 and drops, which disappeared after each (= 0.8%). “Poor” tolerance “good” in 54 patients by their 10 minutes without any further was attested to the preparation doctors, hence 88.6% of all therapy. The treatment with the in no case. patients participating in the study test preparation was continued. were given a “good” or “very In the age group of under 12- In the end, patient and doctor good” compliance rating. For 14 year-olds, tolerance was rated a gave a “good” tolerance rating.

29 Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ opinion [%] Doctors’ opinion [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 60.3 39.0 0.7 0 58.2 41.1 0.7 0 < 12 years 64.7 35.3 0076.5 23.5 00 > 12 years 59.0 40.2 0.8 0 54.9 44.3 0.8 0

6. Summary Therapy duration for the children recommendations were com- From August 1992 to April 2000, (< 12 years) with 80.3 ± 100.4 plied with. The medium dose of a total number of 141 patients days on average was only half as oral intake and embrocation in was admitted to an observation long as that for the adult group monotherapy was almost twice study with the preparation SA - with 170.4 ± 149.0 days. A dif- as high as in combination thera- NUKEHL Acne 6X drops in one ferentiated analysis according to py. 7 adult patients had received internist practice and two gene ral therapy periods offers a clearer a previous therapy with SANU - practices. The homeopathic test picture. Thus, in the under 12- KEHL Acne 6X drops within the preparation SANUKEHL Acne year-olds, the short therapy of up last 5 years. However, this group consists exclusively of the 6th to 75 days was clearly predomi- is too small to compare first and decimal potency of Propioni bac - nant (88.2% of all patients). In the multiple users. terium acnes. adult group, the largest subgroups were those with more than 150 Progress of the treatment was SANUKEHL Acne 6X, in accor- therapy days and with a therapy determined by means of a collec- dance with Isopathy, was used in duration between 51 and 75 days tion of medical findings both at a very wide area of application. with 39.3% and 26.2%, respec- the beginning and the conclusion The preferred application was de - tively. of the therapy. pendent on the age of the patients. The main areas of application The drops were taken in by 109 80.9% of the patients and 82.3% were acne, migraine, venous and patients and rubbed in by 114 of the doctors rated efficacy as ce rebral blood circulation disor- patients. Multiple designations “very good” and “good”. In the ders as well as arthritis. Accom - were necessary, because 82 adult’s group, efficacy tended to panying therapies were to be patients took in as well as be rated better; compared with documented in the survey form. rubbed in the drops. The dosage the children’s group, there was a

30 shift from “good” to “very good” tors attested “good” tolerance to without any further therapy. The in the evaluation. Compliance was SANUKEHL Acne 6X. “Mode- treatment with the test prepara- judged as “very good” and “good” rate” tolerance was stated in one tion was continued. No study in 88.6% of all patients partici- case each (= 0.8%). “Poor” toler- was discontinued, and no pating in the study. ance was attested to the prepa- adverse events occurred. ᮀ ration in no case. One male 60.3% of the patients and 58.2% patient aged 70 complained of First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (85/2008) of the doctors rated tolerance as itching 30 minutes after the first © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • “very good”, while 39.0% of the embrocation of 5 drops, which 27318 Hoya • Germany patients and 41.1% of the doc- disappeared after 10 minutes All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Acne 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Propionibacterium acnes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Acne conglobata; rheumatoid arthritis; venous and cerebral circulatory disorders.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

31 The Relative Importance of the SANUKEHL Remedies within SANUM Therapy Extending Regulation Therapy by Biological Methods by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider

SANUM therapy is a regulation SANUKEHLs Work like Haptens on the immune system they need to thera py in which natural regulation is The SANUKEHL remedies too, in bond with a larger molecule, a so- supported with remedies in order to which the active agents are poly - called “carrier“, for example a protein. cure a disease. Originally developed saccharides from the cell walls of As can be seen from Table 1, the on the basis of the findings of micro-organisms, can have both a effects of the three main groups of Professor Enderlein, SANUM thera- non-specific and a specific effect on remedies overlap in many areas. py is based today on three suppor - the immune system (see Table 2: Thus, for example, the fungal reme- ting pillars: the fungal remedies, the SANU KEHL functions). These poly - dies also have an immunological bacterial immune modulators and saccharides work like haptens: that the haptens (see Table 1). The last- is, because their molecules are small function, whilst the haptens have named group of remedies in particu- they are not in themselves immuno- both an immunological and an iso- lar has been developed only very logically active, but to have an effect pathic component. recently. Around this therapy structure seven further groups of remedies have been established which are required for the modulation of the three central remedy groups. Because of this great change to and extension of the re - medies originally developed by Pro - fessor Enderlein, regulation therapy as carried out today using SANUM remedies should no longer be put on a level with Enderlein therapy. Within SANUM therapy the fungal remedies enable the higher, patho- genic phases of development of the endobiont to be regulated isopathi- cally in Enderlein’s meaning of the word into lower, non-pathogenic phases. The bacterial immune modu - lators are used for specific and non- specific regulation of the immune Table 1 system. Thus bacillus species have a very strong non-specific stimulating • Non-specific: Stimulation of the immune system. effect on the immune system, whilst • Specific: Obtaining information, bonding of bacteria toxins ¨ mycobacteria and their fragments, as formation of antigens ¨ specific and non-specific well as having a strong stimulating stimulation of the immune system. effect on the T-cell system, also enable specific treatment of tuberculosis. Table 2: Functions of the SANUKEHL preparations

32 In many illnesses, following elimina- for using SANUKEHL remedies). At using the SANU KEHLs it is necessary tion of the pathogens, their toxins the present time thirteen SANU- to create these pre-conditions using can still be present and perpetuate KEHL re medies are available on the other SANUM remedies. Here, for the disease. In addition it is possible German market as drops in the ho - example, the important remedies for the toxins to be the only agent meopathic 6X potency (see Table 4: could include the bacterial and plant causing the illness. Pathogens form SANUKEHL remedies). SANU KEHL immune modulators or the fungal particular polysaccharides as a form COLI is also available as an injection remedies with which the intestinal of protection against their own to - solution in the 7X potency. flora can be balanced or congestion xins (according to Cornelius the so- The pre-conditions required for the removed. In this context CHRY SO - called antigen absorbers) and these proper function of the SANUKEHL COR can remove metabolic blocka - have the task of bonding the remedies are the ability of the orga - des, whilst ALKALA N and SANUVIS pathogen’s own toxins or antigens nism to regulate itself and an intact can reproduce the acid base and thus preventing them from immune system. Therefore before equilibrium. becoming active. Furthermore, vi- ruses, bacteria, plants and animals • Specific revitalisation of the microbiological terrain; are able to store and pass on bio- logical information with the help of • stimulation of the immune system and removal of blockades to reac- sugar. The code laid down in this tions (e.g. caused by the so-called “persistent immune complexes“); language is thus capable of influenc- • hyposensitisation; ing a large number of regulation processes in the host organism. • as an intermediary in treatment with nosodes (alleviation of initial aggravation and removal of antigen blockades); Haptens Bond Toxins from Bacteria • according to the clinical picture. Bacterial toxins which were released during earlier infections but could not Table 3: Opportunities for using SANUKEHL remedies be eliminated from the body because of defective immunogenic characte - SANUKEHL Micro-organism Nosode ristics, can be bonded by haptens and then become an antigen. This SANUKEHL ACNE Propionibacterium acnes Corynebacterium anaerobius antigen is capable of stimulating the SANUKEHL BRUCEL Brucella melitensis Bang immune system by activating the T-lymphocytes, which in the end SANUKEHL CAND Candida albicans Monilia albicans leads to elimination of the bacterial SANUKEHL COLIEscherichia coli Bac. coli toxins. In a similar manner the pre- SANUKEHL KLEBS Klebsiella pneumoniae – scription of SANUKEHL remedies SANUKEHL MYC Mycobacterium bovis Tuberculinum bovis prepared according to homeopathic SANUKEHL PROT Proteus vulgaris Bac. proteus methods enables the elimination of SANUKEHL PSEU Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bac. pyocyaneus the so-called “persistent immune complexes“, which have a strong SANUKEHL SALM Salmonella enteritidis Bac. gärtner negative effect on the function of the SANUKEHL SERRA Serratia marcescens Enterococcinum immune system and because of SANUKEHL STAPH Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus some inability of the immune system SANUKEHL STREP Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcinum cannot be excreted. SANUKEHL TRICH Trichophyton verrucosum Trichophytie The resulting possible fields of appli- cation for the SANUKEHL remedies Table 4: SANUKEHL remedies = polysaccharides from micro-organisms are listed in Table 3 (Opportunities (13 pre parations)

33 Broad Spectrum of Therapeutic • Stimulation of the immune system SANU KEHL PROT for the treat - Application illustrated by basic “arthritis“ therapy ment of infection with Helico bacter The therapeutic application of using SANU KEHL ACNE (see Table pylori (see Table 8: SANUKEHL SANU KEHL remedies can be shown 6: SANU KEHL ACNE) and the ad di - PROT) and of SANUKEHL BRU- by a few examples: tional removal of blockades against CEL for the treatment of borrelio- reactions by SANUKEHL PSEU sis (see Table 9: SANUKEHL • Specific revitalisation of the micro - (see Table 7: SANU KEHL PSEU); BRUCEL). biological terrain illustrated by SANUKEHL CAND (see Table 5: • Application according to the clinical SANUKEHL CAND); picture illustrated by the use of


• De-acidification Regulation of mineral levels in the body, change of diet: drink 1 teaspoonful of SANUVIS diluted with water twice a day.

• Isopathic therapy One injection at weekly intervals of FORTAKEHL 5X alternating with PEFRAKEHL 6X and ALBICANSAN 5X.

• Hapten therapy After two weeks of therapy take 8 drops of SANUKEHL CAND 6X once a day.

• Immune modulation Once a week take 1 capsule each of LATENSIN 6X (every Wednesday) alternating with RECARCIN 6X (each Sunday).

Table 5: The use of SANUKEHL CAND in cases of candidamycosis (modified from the SANUM prescription book)


Example: Basic therapy for arthritis (treatment according to Dr. Werthmann)

• Diet: without products from cow’s milk and hens’ eggs (Werthmann);

• Isopathy: FORTAKEHL 5X: 1 tablet twice daily for three weeks; then

MUCOKEHL 5X: 2 tablets once each morning and

NIGERSAN 5X: 2 tablets once each evening for a number of months.

• REBAS 4X: 1 capsule twice daily and 1 teaspoonful ALKALA N powder in hot water twice daily.

• SANUKEHL ACNE 6X: 10 to 20 drops twice daily.

• UTILIN 6X: 1 capsule once a week alternating with

• LATENSIN 6X: 1 capsule once a week; also

• Minerals (SELENOKEHL/ZINKOKEHL, Magnesium phosphoricum 6X Glob.).

Table 6


for the stimulation of the immune system and removal of reaction blockades

Use for

• patients undergoing radiation therapy;

• patients undergoing cytostatic therapy;

• patients undergoing long-term immune suppression: that means, in all cases of illness accompanied by leucopenia.

Table 7


Example: treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection (modified treatment plan according to Dr. Rau)

• For de-acidification take ALKALA N powder daily;

• at the same time FORTAKEHL 4X (1 capsule three times daily);

• after two weeks change to 8 drops of SANUKEHL PROT 6X each morning and 1 capsule of FORTAKEHL 4X each evening

• in addition take 1 capsue of RECARCIN 6X every two weeks.

Table 8


Example: Borreliosis therapy (modified treatment plan according to Mr Witt, practioner of natural medicine)

• For de-acidification take ALKALA N powder daily;

• once a week an injection of NOTAKEHL 5X i.v.;

• 8 drops of SANUKEHL BRUCEL daily;

• in addition 1 capsule of LATENSIN each week alternating with RECARCIN and UTILIN “S” (each time begin with the 6X form of the prescription, after a few weeks you may change to 4X).

Table 9

These examples demonstrate that the To date no side effects from the however decreed that the SANU KEHL SANUKEHL remedies are completely SANUKEHL remedies have been remedies should not be used for integrated into the regulation therapy reported where these remedies have these groups of patients; therefore the responsibility for their use is left with SANUM remedies. As in all cases, been used correctly. Because there has not yet been an evaluation of the to the prescribers. ᮀ during the therapy with SANUKEHL systematic use of the SANUKEHL remedies the corres ponding measures First published in the German language in the remedies in children under the age SANUM-Post magazine (43/1998) leading to ex cretion (e.g. excretion via of 12 years and in pregnant women, © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • the intestine with OKOUBASAN 2X) the German Federal Office for Drugs 27318 Hoya • Germany should also be taken. and Medical Devices (BfArM) has All Rights Reserved.

35 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with Sanukehl Prot 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction of 37.3 and a standard deviation of 2.1 Diagnosis and Accom pany - 24.1 years. Almost the same num- ing Diseases A total number of 118 patients in ber of patients was in the groups three medical practices, one spe- The diagnosis leading to the pre- between 31 and 40 (10.3%), be t - cialising in internal medicine and two scription had to be entered in the ween 41 and 50 (10.3%) as well as in general medicine, participated study protocol. It showed that between 13 and 20 (14,5%) and 61 between January 1992 and Sep - SANUKEHL Prot 6X, according to and 70 (14.5%). The largest patient tember 2000 in an application study Isopathy, is used in a very wide group was that with children under with the preparation SANUKEHL application range. The main indica- 12 years with 23.1%. In the group Prot 6X drops. The homeopathic tions were gastroenteritis, disturbed between 21 and 30 were 6.8% of test preparation, SANUKEHL Prot intestinal flora, colitis ulcerosa as the patients and between 51 and 60 6X, consists exclusively of Proteus well as tonsillitis, cystitis and rheu- 12.0% of the patients. Only 8.5% of vulgaris e volumine cellulae in the matic complaints, irrespective of age. the patients were over 70 years. 6th decimal potency. A diagnosis was made before the Regarding age structure, the males start and at the end of the therapy The aim of this application study between the age of 43.0 ± 25.0 and accompanying therapies were to was to determine the actual applica- were on average 9 years older than be documented in the evaluation form. tion of the preparation as well as its the females with 33.8 ± 22.8 years. In order to obtain a measure of tolerance under the day to day con- Height varied between 105 and 189 chronic diseases, the patients were ditions of a normal practice. It was cm with an average height of 154.3 asked in the study protocol how also of importance to determine the ± 23.0 cm and weight was between long they had suffered the disease or acceptance of the preparation on the 20 and 90 kg with an average complaints. Time frames were given market, especially amongst children. weight of 57.3 ± 22.5 kg. of less than six months, up to one In line with the study’s set-up, only descriptive statistical methods were used. The application of inductive methods was not indicated. An “intention-to-treat” evaluation was carried out, which means that all those patients who had at least received one dosage of the medica- ment were included in the study.

2. Participating Patients 118 patients participated in the study which comprised of 45 males (38.8%) and 71 females (61.2%). No age was given for two patients. The age of the patients varied between 5 and 91 years, with an average age

36 50% shorter compared with the adult group with 111.5 ± 128.9 days. The differentiated evaluation within specific therapy periods allows for a clearer picture. It reveals that amongst the children (< 12 years) the therapy duration up to 75 days was clearly in the foreground (81.5% of all pa tients). Amongst the adults, the largest groups were those with more than 150 therapy days (24.2%) but also 29.7% with less than 25 therapy days.

3.2 Dosage The dosage was set as follows, ac - Duration of Total Patients Patients cording to the patient information complaints patient < 12 years > 12 years leaflet: (months) population (%) (%) (%) Oral application: for acute condi- tions: 5–10 drops (every 12 to 24 < 6 25.2 51.9 16.7 hours); for chronic conditions: 10 drops every second day. < 12 20.7 37.0 15.5 External application: Every 1–2 days, 5–10 drops on the affected < 36 9.0 0 11.9 area or in the cubital fossa. After > 36 45.0 11.1 56.0 eight weeks, the therapy should be discontinued for several months. year, up to three years and more than between six and 12 months and 115 patients took the drops orally three years. Almost half of all patients 11.9% between 12 and 36 months. and 36 patients were treated exter- (45.0%) suffered for more than 36 All 118 patients included in the study nally. Multiple counts were neces- months. 25.2% of the patients had were treated with SANUKEHL Prot sary, as 34 patients were treated suffered complaints for less than six 6X drops for the first time. orally and in addition externally. months and 20.7% between six and The following table shows the medi- 12 months. Only 9.0% of all patients 3. Dosage and Duration of um dosage of the application forms. suffered between one and three Treat ment The drops are related to the daily years. The existence of the com- 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- oral intake or external application plaints was shifted more in the direc- tion of Treatment respectively. tion of acute conditions in the pa tients According to the nature of an appli- under 12. 50% of these patients The recommended dosage was cation study, the physicians were suffered for less than six months, still taken. In the group under 12 years, not given a preset time limit for the 37.0% between six and 12 months the drops for oral application were final patient assessment. The final and only 11.1% for more than 36 dosed according to age. The exter- exa minations were conducted after months. A period of over 36 months nal application was almost the same a period of 13 to 370 days, with an (56%) was especially pronounced in in the children and adult group. The average of 98.3 ± 121.8 days. the adult group of patients over 12 medium dose in monotherapy was years. Only 16.7% of these patients Amongst the children (< 12 years) approximately 20% higher than that suffered from acute complaints with the therapy lasted on average 53.9 in the combination therapy. With a duration of up to six months, 15.5% ± 79.4 days and was approximately regard to the range of scatter, the

37 good”, 61.9% with “good”, whilst 11.0% assessed the efficacy with “moderate”. The results of the physi- cians’ evaluation for efficacy were similarly positive as that of the patients. In 28.0% of the cases physicians assessed efficacy with “very good”, 54.2% with “good” and 17.8% with “moderate“. Neither patient nor physician assessed “no effect“. The evaluation by physicians and patients alike was, according to tendency, better in the children’s group than in the adult’s group, as there were fewer evaluations with dosage of the external application efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy “very good“ but 25% more evalua- was the same in monotherapy and could be assessed with “very good”, tions with “good“ and in total 50% combination therapy. “good”, “moderate” or “no effect”. less evaluations with “moderate“. The physicians were also requested 4. Efficacy and Tolerance to evaluate patient compliance with Compliance (N = 116) was assessed 4.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by “very good”, “good”, “moderate” or by the physicians to be “very good” Doctor and Patient “non-compliant”. The evaluation of for 32 patients and “good” for 60 In a closing assessment, physicians efficacy showed that 27.1% of the patients, hence 78% of all patients and patients were asked to evaluate patients assessed efficacy with “very participating in the study were given

Total Population Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 16.5 ± 5.9 5 40 Drops (topical) 5.1 ± 1.4 3 10

All Patients under 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 10.4 ± 3.8 5 20 Drops (topical) 4.7 ± 0.7 35

All Patients over 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 18.3 ± 5.0 5 40 Drops (topical) 5.3 ± 1.5 3 10

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 17.4 ± 5.9 5 40 Mono Drops (oral) 14.2 ± 5.1 8 20 Combi Drops (topical) 6.0 ± 0 66Mono Drops (topical) 5.1 ± 1.4 3 10 Combi

38 a “good“ or “very good“ compliance rated in two cases with “moderate“ cialising in internal medicine and two rating. 24 patients were given a “mo - and neither patient nor physician in general medicine, participated derate” and no patient a “non-com- rated with “poor“. between January 1992 and Sep - tember 2000 in an application study pliant” rating. In the adult’s group over 12 years, with the preparation SANUKEHL patients and physicians rated tole - 4.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by Prot 6X drops. The homeopathic rance with “very good” and “good” Doctor and Patient test preparation, SANUKEHL Prot better than that of the age group 6X, consists exclusively of Proteus At the conclusion of the study, an under 12 years. In the adult group, the vulgaris e volumine cellulae in the evaluation of tolerance was submit- evaluation shifted from “very good” 6th decimal potency. ted by the physicians and patients, to “good”. whereby an assessment of “very SANUKEHL Prot 6X was used in a good”, “good”, “moderate“ and 4.3 Side Effects and Disconti- very broad application range in ac - nua tion of the Therapy “poor“ could be chosen. 38.1% of cordance with Isopathy, irrespective patients and 32.2% of physicians No therapy with SANUKEHL Prot 6X of the patients’ age. The main indi- rated tolerance to be “very good”, was discontinued and no side ef - cations were gastroenteritis, dis- whilst 58.5% of patients and 66.1% fects were reported. turbed intestinal flora, colitis ulce - of physicians gave SANUKEHL Prot rosa as well as tonsillitis, cystitis and 6X a “good” tolerance rating. Only 5. Summary rheumatic complaints. Accompany - four patients of the adult group rated A total number of 118 patients in ing therapies were to be documen - with “moderate”. The physicians three medical practices, one spe- ted in the evaluation form.

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 27.1 61.9 11.0 0 28.0 54.2 17.8 0 < 12 years 18.5 74.1 7.4 0 22.2 70.4 7.4 0 > 12 years 29.7 58.2 12.1 0 29.7 49.5 20.9 0

39 Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very Good Good Moderate Poor Very Good Good Moderate Poor All patients 38.1 58.5 3.4 0 32.2 66.1 1.7 0 < 12 Years 25.9 74.1 0029.6 70.4 00 > 12 Years 41.8 53.8 4.4 0 33.0 64.8 2.2 0

days was clearly in the foreground (81.5% of all patients). Amongst the adults, the largest groups were those with more than 150 therapy days (24.2%) and up to 25 days (29.7%) of these patients.

115 patients took the drops orally and 36 patients were treated exter- nally. Multiple counts were neces- sary, as 34 patients were treated orally and in addition externally. The recommended dosage was taken. The medium dose in monotherapy was 20% higher than that in the combination therapy. With regard to the range of scatter, the dosage of the external application was the same in monotherapy and combina- tion therapy. All patients included in the study were treated with SA - NUKEHL Prot 6X drops for the first time.

The therapeutic progress was deter- mined by evaluations conducted at the beginning and the end of the therapy. 89% of the patients and 82.2% of the physicians rated the efficacy of the therapy with “very good” and “good”. The evaluation by physician and patient was, according to tendency, better in the children’s than in the adult’s group, Amongst the children (< 12 years) days. The differentiated evaluation as there were fewer evaluations with the therapy lasted on average 53.9 within specific therapy periods “very good “ but 25% more evalua- ± 79.4 days and was approximately allows for a clearer picture. It reveals tions with “good” and in total 50% 50% shorter compared with the that amongst the children (< 12 less evaluations with “moderate”. adult group with 111.5 ± 128.9 years) the therapy duration up to 75 For 78% of all patients participating

40 in the study, compliance was certi- KEHL Prot 6X drops a “good” tole - No therapy with SANUKEHL Prot 6X fied to be “good“ or “very good“. rance rating. Only four patients of the was discontinued and no side effects were reported. ᮀ adult group rated with “moderate” 38.1% of patients and 32.2% of phy - First published in the German language in the sicians rated tolerance to be “very and the physicians rated two cases SANUM-Post magazine (89/2009) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • good”, whilst 58.5% of pa tients and with “moderate“. Neither pa tient nor 27318 Hoya • Germany 66.1% of physicians gave SANU - physician rated with “poor“ All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Prot 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Proteus vulgaris extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Otitis; osteomyelitis; intestinal dysbiosis a er treat- ment with antibiotics; ulcerative colitis; angina; rheumatic disorders; chronic suppurative aections of the respiratory and intestinal tract.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 7X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

41 Therapy with Good Prospects using SANUKEHLs A Broad Spectrum of Effects from Hapten Remedies

by Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Austria

The greatest problem of the human dispose of waste materials which bonding reaction is the well- known body is sufficient excretion of a wide are fixed in the matrix or inside cells. antigen antibody reaction which is variety of incorporated waste mate- In so doing they intervene deeply in responsible for the production of rials. In part people themselves are the immunological process and thus antibodies. For example, typical responsible (drinking too little, increase the amount of work done antibodies are CrP (C-reactive pro- undergoing dental root treatment, by the immune organs involved. tein) or ASLO (ASR = antistrepto ly sin errors in diet, cosmetics, antibiotics), titre). What are Haptens? but partly the reason is that the Antigens without a carrier protein are products are fixed in the connective In immunology there are two types called haptens. This carrier protein tissue and are difficult to release. of antigen structures, complete anti- means that the bare antigen part The toxins and products of the gens and incomplete antigens or which attracts all allergic reactions metabolism are deposited in the haptens. They are differentiated by can no longer be bonded in accor- matrix or are subject to attempts to the fact that complete antigens have dance with the reactions which are excrete. a protein carrier and haptens do not. normal in the organism. In order to In immunological terms the carrier achieve immunologically accep table The organism has different ways of antigen is unimportant. However, elimination, the organism helps itself disposing of waste, from the bonding antigens without protein carriers are by trying the defensive model which of endobionts with proteins or the disposed of according to other crite- it first knew in evolution. This is the formation of antibodies to attempts ria (Illus. 1). model of inflammation, in clinical to excrete haptens. Some times the terms a chronic inflammation. This paths taken by Nature are “on the In complete antigens the part with inflammation appears naturally, ac - wrong track“, as with haptens. And the greatest antigenicity is the epi- cording to the individual, partly in the yet this bodily process points the way tope (or hapten). This part attracts relevant weak organ and partly on to particularly effective remedies, the all anti-allergic reactions which organs bonded to meridians or SANU KEHLs. These work only to cause the antigen to bond. This zones of projection. Such inflamma- tion can of course be suppressed for the time being by the use of anti - Complete antigen Incomplete antigen biotics, but it will recur. The list of materials which have the character of haptens is large and in - complete (Illus.2). This list can be extended in any way you like. The epitope epitope important pointers are bacteria, fungal = hapten = hapten infections, medications and cosme - tics. Above all the “modern“ trend for carrier without carrier piercing creates new possibilities of chronic infections caused by metals with hapten characteristics. Haptens have one feature which, if used in a targeted manner, brings Illus. 1 great advantages to medicine. They

42 are attacked by the body by means The SANUKEHLs are remedies which KEHLs are being discovered which of cellular reactions and this requires have the characteristics of haptens do not only simplify their use but immunologically effective neuro- but come from special pathogens and above all possess an increased ther- transmitters. These must produce or are subject to a specialised produc- apeutic value. trigger different types of cytokines. tion process. They are a good supple- The dosage of therapeutic haptens There is a deficiency of the relevant ment and overall a good help in the does not have to be large. Con - cytokines with immune function in all groups of diseases listed. chronic diseases. ventional opinion says “The more the The correctness of these facts found better“. Not in this case. The effect Cytokines are highly active poly pep - empirically in practice is being con- of therapeutic haptens is increased tides and glycoproteins which play a firmed by a comprehensive test by by homeopathic dilutions. This can considerable part in transmitting sig- the laboratory of Prof. Dr Kunz in be proven. At the level of nano - nals between cells and in regulation Leipzig. Because the SANUKEHL grams, i.e. 8X, it is still possible to of the rate of proliferation. The cells PSEU is used in a wide variety of prove a considerable increase in the which produce cytokines have a situ ations, this remedy was taken as production of lectins. Therefore it is broad, often overlapping spectrum the basis of the study. This shows not surprising that the author recom- of functions. Certain therapies work that the granulocytes and macro - mends again and again that in addi- by suppressing the immune system phages as target cells respond and tion to the remedy being taken oral- or chronically recurring diseases, so increase in number during ly it should also be rubbed into the which are distinguished by a lack of phagocytosis. At the same time the skin sparingly with a powerful effect. lectins. For these circumstances it is TNF (tumour necrosis factor), GM- This is the completion of the effect by other immune paths. important to use remedies which CSF (granulocyte/macrophage intervene in the immune system as colony stimulating factor), IL (inter- The increase by 100% in the effect deeply as haptens and can balance leukins) and IF (interferons) are of therapeutic haptens is achieved out the lack of lectins. Both the the - formed in larger quantities. Within when immune bodies are present at rapist and the patient can heave a the framework of this investigation the same time. The immune bodies sigh of relief. some special features of SANU- consist of antigens and antibodies.

Antigens which tend to cause cellular immunity

Defence against infection: Bacteria: mycobacteria (tuberculosis), Salmonella typhi, listerioses

Fungi: Candida albicans, Histoplasma

Protozoa: toxoplasmosis

Viruses: mumps, measles, rubella, herpes.

Allergies of the latent type: Infection antigens which cause cellular immunity.

Eczematogenic substances: metals, plastics, chemicals, cosmetics, medication

Transplant rejection

Autoimmunity: Thyroid, testicles, brain.

Monitoring of tumours

Illus. 2

43 The immune bodies can only be Haptens formed when sufficient amounts of IgA are present. This requires an 1. A part of the macromolecule which works as an antigen; intact intestinal mucous membrane 2. a part of the antigen which because it is small cannot trigger an and a healthy cell milieu in the immune response; bowel. The immune complexes lead once again to further stimulation of 3. trigger only cellular reactions. monocytes and B-lymphocytes. Illus. 3 One important target of therapeutic haptens is the T3/T4 lymphocytes which must be taken into account in This remedy is derived from the which give rise to an improvement in every course of treatment. A hypo- polysaccharide components on the the ratio, above all in the activated allergenic diet as recommended by sur face of Brucella melitensis. Fe - ratio. For this one requires complete- Werthmann (without products from vers which are acutely intense but ly intact Peyer’s patches, which can cow’s milk or hens’ eggs) which is last only limited time or undulate can only be produced if the intestinal point to brucellosis infections. mucous membrane is intact. strictly continued for a long pe riod of time helps the Mucosa ente ralis and 2. Note the possibilities for trans- At the same time the B-lymphocytes thus the cell milieu system to func- and natural killer cells are stimulated. mission of infections. tion as a defensive organ again. The former, being plasma cells, have to Nowadays hardly occurring, but in recognise allergens, and normal bowel The result: In any case, effective the past people who dealt with raw conditions are also required for this. therapy de pends on a healthy inte - meat and milk were particularly at stinal mucous membrane. SANU - risk (e.g. housewives, steak eaters, The Cell Milieu System of the Bowel KEHLs are never prescribed as and Mucosa enteralis butchers). This also applied to peo- mono therapy, a course of micro bio - ple who drank untreated milk and The cell milieu system (Pischinger) is lo gical treatment must be used as enjoyed raw lamb or goat’s meat perhaps better known today as the the foundation! and cheese.[3] Nowadays the dan- enteral matrix and is a complex struc - gers are banned as far as possible. ture. Mostly only the bacterial part is How are SANUKEHLs used? treated and the important Mucosa 3. Particular therapeutic qualities enteralis is forgotten. The Mucosa 1. Note the symptoms of the SANU- SANUKEHL PSEU has particular – or ente ralis creates the important Im mu - KEHLs derived from the strain of rather, specifically therapeutic – qua - no globulin A (IgA), which seals the pathogens. intestinal mucous membrane and thus lities which make it a genuine and allows no toxin, bacteria or irritant This can be easily explained using valuable remedy in degenerative haptens (Illus. 3) to pass into the body. SANUKEHL BRUCEL as an example: diseases. Above all it raises the This IgA prevents degranulation of the mast cells and thus gives pro- SANUKEHL BRUCEL for tection against three problematic • malaria; groups of diseases: colitis, bronchial asthma and neurodermatitis. The • headaches; intact Mucosa enteralis is the foot - • pains in joints and muscles; hold of bacteria. It first enables intact • recurring diseases of the bones; wor king of the Peyer’s patches as • diseases of the spine; the place where the T3/T4 lympho- cytes form, which in turn stimulate • diseases of the gall bladder; the macrophages and granulocytes • lovers of steak, untreated milk, goat’s meat and lamb. to phago cytosis. Thus the enteral ma - trix is a complex area of activity [1,2] Illus. 4

44 tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and the Take MUCOKEHL 5X tablets: granulocyte/macrophage colony sti- 1 x 1 each morning (Monday – SANUKEHL ACNE mu lating factor (GM-CSF). This means Fri day); is effective in that SANUKEHL PSEU is prescribed NIGERSAN 5X tablets: 1 x 1 each • circulatory disorders ; in cases of tumours of all geneses, evening (Monday – Friday) • headache, migraine; agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia, MUCO KEHL Atox 6X drops • disorders of recall and chemo- and radiotherapy, but also and memory; where the patient is susceptible to NIGERSAN Atox 6X drops: 1 x 5 • chronic coronary infections. The stimulus on the bone drops (Saturday and Sunday) of problems; marrow (GM-CSF) will work more each; • chronic infections; effectively and quickly if the intestinal Propionibacterium avidum 5X mucous membrane is healthy. capsules: 3 x 1 per week; • rheumatoid arthritis; SANUKEHL ACNE 6X drops: 3 x • acne conglobata. 4. Active agents with special power per week rub in 5 drops in the as in SANUKEHL ACNE area of the heart and take 5 drops Illus. 6 This SANUKEHL contains a Pro pioni - internally. bacterium hapten which has a strong take over the germs which in them- immunological component and an 5. Groups with the same conditions selves are harmless and offer them excellent vascular component. Of for infection; SANUKEHL SERRA potential opportunities for growth. The course one can also use it to treat belongs here illness drags on, whilst phases of im - acne, but the Propioni bacterium is a The germ Serratia marcascens is a provement interrupt the fever. The strong, immunologically effective sub - harmless pathogen in the normal body’s defence ability has already stance beside Bacillus subtilis. The environ ment. In hospitals and old long been reduced by a disorder or distinct vascular component is one people’s homes it is feared as a ne - by an atrophic Mucosa enteralis. reason why the author frequently uses gative germ. Its strengths are the so- When SANUKEHL SERRA is brought it in cases of recurring circulatory dis- called nosocomial infections. As soon into use, it will require additional re - orders and memory problems. as people with weak immune systems generative therapy with FORTAKEHL and REBAS for the intestinal mucous The following prescription has pro - visit such wards they can fall ill with membrane and the Peyer’s patches ved its worth in the problems listed an initially “banal“ ‘flu because they to be carried out at the same time. above: are negative people. These people The author likes to prescribe SANU - SANUKEHL PSEU for KEHL SERRA as “protection against GM-CSF: ‘flu“. • high-dose chemotherapy; Take QUENTAKEHL and NOTA KEHL • radiation therapy; on alternate days, 2x10 drops; • carcinomas in general; SANUKEHL SERRA 6X drops: • leukaemia, agranulocytosis; daily 2 x 5 drops by mouth, • thrombocytopenia (Schönlein-Henoch); 1x5 drops rubbed in; as a • blood clotting disorders; supplement: Werthmann’s diet for a few • susceptibility to infections (because of disorder of immune system). weeks. 6. As an intermediate remedy in TNF: therapy with the cor responding • cytolysis/cytostasis of tumour cells; nosode for the relief of initial • proliferation of T- / B-cells; aggravation • susceptibility to infections: bowel, ears, airways, liver. This procedure appeals particularly Illus. 5 to homeopaths who use single

45 remedies. If the correct key nosode or the correct homeopathic remedy SANUKEHL CAND is effective is found but is prescribed in to low a • in every form of fungal infection; potency, too many toxins can be • in cases of genital mycosis; released and put a strain on the • in cases of inter-digital mycosis; organism, mostly only on the weak • in cases of asthma and allergies; organ. The pains caused by this are • in the mouth: stomatitis, gingivitis, candidiasis, aphthae; relieved by interposing the corre- • as a form of interval treatment in cases of colitis syndrome. sponding SANUKEHLs. In a proce- dure like this pre-treatment with the Illus. 7 appropriate SANUKEHL seems to drawn out, in which over a period of inconspicuous and harmless. It is be even better. months diet can also bring an the most important aerobic decom- poser of protein and is present in all Other Important SANUKEHLs extremely good healing tendency. It is recommended that a few drops products of decomposition (foods). SANUKEHL CAND: Like all reme- be dripped between the nail and However, as soon as dysbiosis dies of this type it is produced from infected areas of skin and left to take occurs and the strength and num- the polysaccharides of Candida albi- effect in that area. At the beginning a ber of other bowel populations is cans. Candidiasis is not only very course of EXMYKEHL with 1 suppo - weakened, Proteus fills the gap. common, it is also a condition which sitory twice daily is re commended Excess is a strain, and diarrhoea and/or constipation are the conse- is “feared“. We must not forget that as a supplement. Only afterwards quences. When the barrier of the the Candida germ is also a friend should the usual building up of sym- bowel is penetrated, even weak and helper of the organism in the biosis with FORTAKEHL, MUCO- KEHL/NIGERSAN be carried out. organs which are some distance removal of heavy metals (amalgam, away can become diseased. Always dental root treatment). In chronic, Colitis syndrome in all grades of se - consider Proteus in di seases which particularly recurring cases, as well verity is repeatedly triggered off by occur after a holiday in countries as prescribing SANUKEHL CAND, allergic reactions and consecutive with less hygienic practices or after one should also look for a solution to mal colonisations. It is therefore im - consumption of foods which are the problems of heavy metals. pe rative to excrete any pathogenic beyond their best. to xins found in the bowel as well. SANUKEHL COLI; The Esche richia In cases of genital mycosis ALBI- Beside following Werthmann’s diet, Coli germ is a major germ in the CANSAN will be prescribed orally in following SANU KEHLs are indispen- breakdown of sugars and in drop form and also applied intravagi- sable. immunology. In every type of ente - nally (10 drops each evening). SANUKEHL PROT: The Proteus ritis, in every fungal colonisation of SANUKEHL CAND is rubbed in on germ which is found in the bowel is the bowel and in every build-up of the inner side of the upper thigh and 1 x 5 drops prescribed, to be taken SANUKEHL PROT is effective in orally. If this does not combat the • gastroenteritis; recurrent candidiasis, than an • peritonitis; attempt should be made using • dysbiosis after taking antibiotics; SANUKEHL TRICH. • cystopyelitis; SANUKEHL TRICH contains the • puerperal sepsis; polysaccharide components (hap- • otitis, peptic or duodenal ulcers; tens) of the pathogen Tricophyton • conditions after “food poisoning“; verrucosum and is specially intended • haematemesis, Menière’s disease; for mycoses of the hair and nails. • colitis syndrome. This nail mycosis is a disease for which the treatment is long and Illus. 8

46 bronchitis, sore throats (alternating SANUKEHL COLI is effective in with diarrhoea or constipation). • colitis syndrome; • cholangitis; With children it is better to use the • cholecystitis; following scheme and to interpolate • cystitis; SANUKEHL PSEU 6X drops for a • cystopyelitis; period: • infections of the urinary tract; 1. Begin with PEFRAKEHL 5X (5-10 • metritis; • prostatitis; drops twice daily, Mon - Fri); • epididymitis. on Sat/Sun FORTAKEHL 5X (1-10 drops twice daily for two to Illus. 9 three weeks); 2. SANKOMBI 5X drops (10-15 symbiosis E. Coli must be conside - • SANUKEHL CAND 6X drops and drops twice daily Mon - Fri); red. It is a major germ in infections of SANUKEHL COLI 6X drops on Sat/Sun PEFRAKEHL 5X the urinary tract. (10 drops twice daily, taken alter- drops for a number of weeks. After all, Pergler, an Austrian practi- nately); 3. From the beginning, on alternate tioner, proves in a study of over • MUCOKEHL 5X tablets (1 tablet days, once each morning, Mon – Fri); 1200 persons that five per cent of all SANUKEHL PSEU 6X drops and • NIGERSAN 5X tablets (1 tablet people have no Coli population and SANUKEHL COLI 6X drops (rub once each evening, Mon – Fri); therefore have a particularly weak in [!] 2-5 drops twice daily) • EXMYKEHL 3X suppositories immune system. Here you can treat Children younger than 12 years (1 suppository once on Saturday); people with the combination of should basically not be treated with • SANUKEHL CAND 6X drops and SANUKEHL COLI and CAND or SANUKEHLs. COLI and PROT, for these have a SANUKEHL COLI 6X drops pronounced effect on mycosis of the (10 drops twice daily, taken alter- Chronicity or Tuberculinic bowel. nately). Weakness

The prescription is: SANUKEHL SALM, of course, also Patients suffering from tuberculinic be longs to this series; it has the • EXMYKEHL 3X suppositories weakness or simply from a weak- same list of indications as both the (twice daily for one or two weeks); ness of Aspergillus niger and point previous SANUKEHLs. • FORTAKEHL 5X tablets (1 tablet again and again to chro nic illness twice daily Monday - Friday for Susceptibility to infections (mostly as in their medical history, require two weeks); a consequence of mycosis of the SANUKEHL KLEBS and SANU- • EXMYKEHL 3X suppositories bowel) can also be treated with the KEHL MYC. (1 suppository once daily on Sa tur - prescription given above. This is seen SANUKEHL KLEBS contains the day and Sunday for two weeks); in recurrent middle ear infections, polysaccharide elements of Kleb siella pneumoniae and can therefore not SANUKEHL KLEBS is effective in cases of only be used in diseases of the lungs • bronchiectases; but also in bowel disorders. • diseases of the airways; Accordingly the indications range • pneumonia; from asthma and pneumonia to da - • pleurisy; mage caused by antibiotics in the • influenza; milieu of the bowel. The lung is defi- • damage caused by treatment with antibiotics; nitely an Aspergillus organ, so that • silicosis. you must always think of tuberculinic weakness. It has proved useful to try Illus. 10 a combination with SANUKEHL MYC.

47 SANUKEHL MYC, made from My - co bacterium bovis, is used in all SANUKEHL MYC is effective in chronic diseases. Accordingly the • all chronic diseases; area of indications is long and • hordeolum (styes); comprehensive. SANUKEHL MYC • hydrocele; de mon strates a clear pointer to the • juvenile acne; connections between the bowel and • diseases of the airways; chronic illnesses. It is produced from • bowel diseases; the tu ber culinic bacillus from cattle. • disorders of the liver and gall bladder; Tuber cu linic weakness is triggered in • psoriasis; many people by cattle. Therefore SANU KEHL MYC should be consi - • lupus erythematodes; dered not only in cases of tuberculo- • urinary tract infections. sis but above all in all diseases of the Illus. 11 bowel.

Suggested therapy in cases of tuber - SANUKEHL STAPH and STREP: culinic weakness/chronic diseases: Here we must bear in mind that the SANUKEHL STREP organism tries to excrete to xins via is effective in cases of 1. EXMYKEHL 3X suppositories the inflammation or (according to • alopecia; (1 suppository twice daily Mon – Reckeweg) via the reaction phase. Fri for two weeks; on Sat / Sun This is a typical defence mechanism • angina tonsillaris; FORTAKEHL 5X tablets (1 tablet of haptens. Here the SANUKEHLs • myocarditis, endocarditis; twice daily); can achieve a certain improvement • phlegmon; 2. MUCOKEHL 5X tablets (1 ta blet in excretion by triggering the im - • puerperal sepsis; once in the morning) and NIGER- mune bodies. However patience is • otitis media purulenta; SAN 5X tablets (1 tablet once in required. Always check blocking dis- orders such as teeth (dental root the evening, Fri – Sun); • primary chronic polyar - treatment, cysts, “for gotten“ re mains FORTAKEHL 5X tablets (2 x 1 thritis. of roots, amalgam), tonsils and ta blet for weeks or months). scars. 3. From the beginning of the second SANUKEHL STAPH Tonsillitis, otitis week, alternating daily SANU- is effective in cases of KEHL MYC and 1. NOTAKEHL 5X drops (10 drops • folliculitis; SANUKEHL Klebs (5 drops twice twice daily Mon - Fri); daily; once each day rub in 5 on Sat / Sun QUENTAKEHL 5X (10 • furunculosis; drops). drops twice each day for 2 – 3 • blepharitis; weeks); 4. From the third week onwards • hordeolum; 2. SANKOMBI 5X drops (10 drops UTILIN “S“ 6X drops can also be • otitis; interpolated (5 drops twice daily twice daily Mon - Fri); • sinusitis; on Sat / Sun). on Sat / Sun NOTAKEHL 5X drops for a number of weeks; • meningitis; Here too it is pointed out that the • mastoiditis; chronic patient and the tuberculinic 3. From the start SANUKEHL STREP type suffer from a chroni cally disea - (rub in 2 x 5 drops behind the ears • osteomyelitis; or on the side of the neck). sed bowel (a strict long-term diet is • urogenital infections. essential) and from other broader 4. Without further ado use SANU- disorders (teeth, tonsils, scars). KEHL PSEU on alternate days. Illus. 12

48 Urinary tract infections caused by Summary can only be as good as the way in which the bowel can react to it. There - staphylococci You must differentiate between those fore the intestinal mucous mem brane 1. NOTAKEHL 5X tablets (1 tablet remedies which are stored in the body must be cured by means of a diet with- twice daily); changing after two as haptens and those remedies which out hens’ eggs and cow’s milk (Werth - weeks to have a particularly deep-reaching mann), and the carpet of bacteria must effect on the immune system through be cured using cyclogenically active 2. MUCOKEHL 5X tablets (1 tablet particular processes because of their microbiological SANUM remedies. once each morning) and NIGER- hapten characteristics. They are ca - SAN 5X tablets (1 tablet once pable of activating stored bacterium The SANUKEHLs have different each evening Mon - Fri with inter - parti cles of this sort from the connec- starting points in their approach to polation of NOTAKEHL on tive tissues or from the inside of cells therapy and can therefore be used Sat/Sun for a period of weeks). by means of different cytokines (in par - much more widely than the single product name would lead one to 3. From the start SANUKEHL STAPH ticular TNF, GM-CSF and interleukins) think. Their is even still evidence of alternating daily with SANU KEHL and to cleanse them using different organs of excretion. You should always their effectiveness in the smallest COLI (5 drops ta ken orally twice be aware that such radical remedies doses measured in nanograms (8X) daily). can only trigger an immunological cas - and therefore you can also prescribe After a few weeks you must possibly cade when the corresponding organs them to be rubbed into the skin change the prescribed SANU KEHLs in the intestinal mucous membrane are without having to think about it. ᮀ for SANUKEHL MYC. intact. In general a course of therapy

Relationship between haptens and meridians Bibliography lymph SANUKEHL PSEU, SERRA, KLEBS, STREP [1] Werthmann, K.: Ratgeber für Allergiker und heart SANUKEHL SERRA, ACNE, STREP chronisch Kranke. [Advice for people with allergies and chronic diseases.] ebiverlag, lung SANUKEHL SERRA, KLEBS, COLI, SALM, BRUCEL Kirchlindach, ISBN 3-9520057-6-2. large intestine SANUKEHL COLI, PROT, SALM, BRUCEL, CAND [2] Werthmann, K.: Wichtigkeit der die Darmschleimhaut regenerierenden Diät. allergy SANUKEHL COLI, SALM, ACNE, CAND, STREP [The importance of a diet which regener- ates the intestinal mucous membrane.] small intestine SANUKEHL COLI, CAND, PSEU, SALM, BRUCEL SANUM-Post 42, pp 26-28. liver SANUKEHL COLI, ACNE, PSEU, SALM, STAPH, [3] Werthmann, K.: Schaf- und Ziegenmilch. CAND Hilfsmittel im Heilungsprozeß. [Sheep’s and goats’ milk. Aids to the healing spleen/pancreas SANUKEHL ACNE, SERRA, PSEU, COLI, SALM, process.] ebiverlag, Kirchlindach/Bern. CAND (PROT) First published in the German language in the gall bladder SANUKEHL COLI, SALM, PROT SANUM-Post magazine (48/1999) stomach SANUKEHL PSEU, SALM, PROT, COLI © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • 27318 Hoya • Germany llus. 13: there is a relationship between haptens and meridians All Rights Reserved.

Relationship between diseases and haptens General Chronic disease SANUKEHL Tuberculinic weakness Para-TB, TB MYC, PSEU, BRUCEL (malaria) Chronic bowel disorder Colitis, dysbiotic constipation (worms) PROT, COLI, SALM, CAND Rheumatic attacks PCP, myalgia PSEU, STREP, SALM, MYC, BRUCEL Fungal infections CAND, TRICH, PSEU Circulation Post-infarction status, ulcus cruris, phlebitis, peripheral disorders of the circulation ACNE, PSEU, PROT

llus. 14: haptens can be classed according to the general concepts of disease

49 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with Sanukehl Klebs 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction 24.7 years. Almost the same num- pathy, is used in a very wide appli- ber of patients was in the groups cation range. The preferred appli - A total number of 142 patients in under 12 years (19.0%), between cation was independent of the three medical practices, one spe- 13 and 20 (21.1%) and 61 and 70 patient’s age. The main indications cialising in internal medicine and (19.0%). Between 21 and 30 were were sinusitis, bronchitis and bron - two in general medicine, participa - only 2.1% of the patients, while the chial asthma. A diagnosis was made ted between March 1990 and April groups between 31 and 40 (9.2%) before the start and at the end of 2000 in an application study with and 41 and 50 (8.5%) were of com- the preparation SANUKEHL Klebs the therapy and accompanying parable sizes. Between 51 and 60 6X drops. The homeopathic test therapies were to be documented in years were 14.8% and over 70 preparation, SANUKEHL Klebs, con - the evaluation form. In order to years 6.3% of the patients. In the sists exclusively of Klebsiella pneu- obtain a measure for chronic dis- age structure, the men with an aver- moniae e volumine cellulae in the eases, the patients were asked in age age of 41.0 ± 22.7 were on 6th decimal potency. the study protocol how long they average 4 years older than the had endured the disease or com- The aim of this application study women with 36.5 ± 25.8 years. plaints. Time frames were given of was to determine the actual appli- Height was on average 151.4 ± less than six months, up to one cation of the preparation as well as 19.6 cm and weight 57.1 ± 20.7 kg. year, up to three years and more its tolerance under the day to day than three years. Only 12.0% of the conditions of a normal practice. It 2.1 Diagnosis and Accompany- patients had suffered complaints for was also of importance to deter- ing Diseases less than six months, 3.8% between mine the acceptance of the prepa- The diagnosis leading to the pre- six and 12 months and 5.3% ration on the market, especially scription had to be entered in the between one and three years. More amongst children. In line with the study protocol. It showed that SANU - than three quarters (78.9%) of all study’s set-up, only descriptive sta- KEHL Klebs 6X, according to Iso - patients suffered for more than 36 tistical methods were used. The application of inductive methods was not indicated. An “intention-to- treat“ evaluation was carried out, which means that all those patients were included in the study who had at least received one dosage of the medicament.

2. Participating Patients 142 patients participated in the study comprising of 58 men (40.8%) and 84 women (59.2%). The age of the patients varied between 3 and 91 years, with an average age of 38.3 and a standard deviation of

50 luation within specific therapy peri- ods allows for a clear picture. It re - veals that amongst the children (< 12 years) the therapy duration up to 100 days was clearly in the foreground (85.2%) of all patients. Amongst the adults, the largest groups were those with more than 150 therapy days (33.3%) and between 25 and 50 days (28.8%) of the patients.

3.2 Dosage

The dosage was set as follows, according to the package insert: Oral application: for acute condi- tions: 5 - 10 drops (every 12 to 24 hours); for chronic conditions: 10 Duration of Total Patients Patients drops every second day. External complaints patient < 12 years > 12 years application: Every 1 – 2 days, 5 - 10 (months) population (%) (%) (%) drops on the affected area or in the cubital fossa. After eight weeks, the < 6 12.0 40.0 5.6 therapy should be discontinued for several months. < 12 3.8 8.0 2.8 105 patients took the drops orally < 36 5.3 4.0 5.6 and 89 patients were treated exter- nally. Multiple counts were neces- > 36 78.9 48.0 86.1 sary, as 52 patients were treated orally and additionally externally. The following table states the medi- months. The existence of the com- 3. Dosage and Duration of um dosage of the application forms. plaints was nearly the same in acute Treatment The drops are related to the daily and chronic conditions in the patients 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- oral intake or external application under 12. 40.0% of these patients tion of Treatment suffered for less than six months but respectively. According to the nature of an appli- also 48% for more than 36 months. cation study, the physician was not The recommended dosage was A suffering period of over 36 given a preset time limit for the final taken. In the group under 12 years, months was especially pronounced patient assessment. This final exa - the drops for oral application were in 86.1% in the adult group of mination was conducted after a dosed according to age. The exter- patients over 12 years. Only 5.6% period of 16 to 926 days, with an nal application was nearly the same suffered from acute complaints with average value of 142.5 ± 161.4 dosage in the children and adult a duration of up to six months. days. Amongst the children (< 12 group. The medium dose in mono - Of the 142 patients included in the years) the therapy lasted on average therapy was the same as in the com - study, 27 had already been treated 70.7 ± 86.4 days and was approxi- bination therapy. The slightly higher before with SANUKEHL Klebs 6X mately only half as long compared average value of the external appli- drops, thereof six patients in the age with the adult group with 159.6 ± cation is due to the high do sage of group under 12 years. 170.2 days. The differentiated eva - 20 drops for one patient.

51 that both physicians and patients assessed the tolerance with repea - ted application users with “very good“ and “good“.

5. Efficacy and Tolerance 5.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by Doctor and Patient

In a closing assessment, physicians and patients were asked to evalu ate efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy could be assessed with “very good“, “good“, “moderate“ or “no effect“. The physicians were also requested to evaluate patient compliance with “very good“, “good“, “moderate“ or 4. Comparison with Former tion users and repeated application “non-compliant“. The evaluation of Therapy users. By a comparison of efficacy efficacy showed that 46.1% of the Six children and 21 adults had and tolerance in both patient groups patients thought efficacy to be “very undergone previous treatment with (first-time and repeated application good“ and 52.5% “good“, whilst SANUKEHL Klebs 6X drops in the users) hints for a possible sensitisa- only 1.4% assessed the efficacy past five years. This group is too tion towards the ingredient could be with “moderate“. The results of the small to compare first-time applica- stated. However, it is remarkable physicians’ evaluation for efficacy

Total Population Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 14.8 ± 5.9 2 20 Drops (topical) 6.2 ± 2.5 5 20

All Patients under 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 9.8 ± 5.3 2 20 Drops (topical) 6.0 ± 2.0 5 10

All Patients over 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 16.3 ± 5.1 6 20 Drops (topical) 6.2 ± 2.5 5 20

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 14.3 ± 6.1 4 20 Monotherapy Drops (oral) 15.2 ± 5.5 2 20 Combitherapy Drops (topical) 7.6 ± 3.2 5 20 Monotherapy Drops (topical) 5.2 ± 1.0 5 10 Combitherapy

52 Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ opinion [%] Doctors’ opinion [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 46.1 52.5 1.4 0 55.3 43.3 1.4 0 < 12 years 30.8 69.2 0015.4 84.6 00 > 12 years 49.6 48.7 1.7 0 64.3 33.9 1.7 0

 

was similarly positive as that of the 5.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by younger age group, the assessment patients. The physicians evaluated Doctor and Patient shifted a little more from “very good“ to “good“. efficacy in 55.3% of the cases as At the conclusion of the study, an “very good“, 43.3% as “good“, 1.4% evaluation of tolerance was submit- 5.3 Side Effects and Disconti- as moderate whilst neither patient ted by the physicians and patients, nuation of the Therapy nor physician assessed “no effect“. whereby an assessment of “very The evaluation by physicians and good“, “good“, “moderate“ and No patient discontinued the therapy patients alike was according to ten- “poor“ could be chosen. 58.9% of with SANUKEHL Klebs 6X and no dency better in the adult’s group, as patients and 56.7% of physicians side effects were reported. here was a shifting from “good“ to rated the tolerance to be “very “very good“ in comparison with the good“, whilst 41.1% of patients and 6. Summary children group. 43.3% of physicians gave SA NU - A total number of 142 patients in KEHL Klebs 6X a “good“ tolerance Compliance (N = 138) was as ses - three medical practices, one spe- rating. No case was assessed as sed by the physicians to be “very cialising in internal medicine and “moderate“ or “poor“ with the pa - good“ for 67 patients and “good“ two in general medicine, participat- tients and physicians alike. for 71 patients, hence 97.2% of all ed between March 1990 and April patients participating in the study In the age group over 12 years, the 2000 in an application study with were given a “good“ or “very good“ physicians rated the tolerance with the preparation SANUKEHL Klebs compliance rating. No patients were “very good“ and “good“ and was a 6X drops. The homeopathic test given a “moderate“ or “non-com - little better than that of the age preparation, SANUKEHL Klebs, pliant“ rating. group under 12 years. In the consists exclusively of Klebsiella

53 Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ opinion [%] Doctors’ opinion [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 58.9 41.1 0056.7 43.3 00 < 12 Years 30.8 69.2 0023.1 76.9 00 > 12 Years 65.2 34.8 0064.3 35.7 00

Amongst the children under 12 years the therapy lasted on average 70.7 ± 86.4 days and was approxi- mately only half as long compared with the adult group with 159.6 ± 170.2 days. The differentiated eva lu - ation within specific therapy periods allows for a clear picture. It reveals that among the children under 12 years, the therapy duration up to  100 days (85.2% of all patients) was clearly in the foreground. Amongst the adults, the largest groups were those with more than 150 therapy days (33.3%) and between 25 and 50 days (28.8%). 105 patients took the drops orally and 89 patients were treated exter- nally. Multiple counts were neces- sary, as 52 patients were treated orally and externally. Six children and 21 adults were treated formerly with SANUKEHL Klebs 6X drops during the past five years. This group is too small to compare between first-time and repeated  application users. The therapeutic progress was determined by eva lu - ations conducted respectively at the beginning and the end of the therapy. 98.6% of the patients and physicians rated the efficacy of the therapy as “very good“ and “good“. pneumoniae e volumine cellulae in the preferred application was inde- The evaluation by physician and pendent of the patients’ age. The the 6th decimal potency. patient was, according to tendency, main indications were sinusitis, SANUKEHL Klebs 6X was used in a bronchitis and bronchial asthma. better in the adult’s group, as here very broad application range in Accompanying therapies were to be was a shifting from “good“ to “very accordance with Isopathy, whereby documented in the evaluation form. good“ in comparison with the chil-

54 dren group. For 97.2% of all pa - good“, whilst 41.1% of patients and rapy was discontinued and no side tients participating in the study, 43.3% of physicians gave SA NU - effects occurred. ᮀ compliance was certified to be KEHL Klebs 6X drops a “good“ tol- First published in the German language in the “good“ or “very good“. 58.9% of erance rating. Neither patients nor SANUM-Post magazine (88/2009) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • patients and 56.7% of physicians physicians assessed the tolerance 27318 Hoya • Germany rated the tolerance to be “very with “moderate“ or “poor“. No the - All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Klebs 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Klebsiella pneumoniae extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Respiratory diseases; dysbiosis a er antibiotic therapy.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 6X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

55 The Therapeutic Application of Haptens High Significance as Antigen Absorbers

by Peter Cornelius

The author of this article, a general indication as to their application (not the assumption that the whole pa - practitioner, relates his extensive even in the form of Argentine litera- noply of problems was maintained experience with Haptens as “antigen ture), forcing me to figure out what by a poor immune response to the absorbers”. The article was previously these remedies might be useful for released and persisting antigens published in 1993 in the periodical by medicament testing. even after the germs had been destroyed. “Naturheilpraxis” (the nathur opathic Meanwhile, I have used far more practice) for wider circulation. The than 1000 hapten ampoules. Only Patient Example 2 following reprint is an authorised twice have patients complained of republication. exhaustion after an injection and I An elderly female patient developed a tonsillar abscess that was incised I have already talked about the possi - could not otherwise determine any and treated with antibiotics by an bilities of the therapeutic use of side effects. According to my expe- otorhinolaryngologist. During the haptens in my book “Nosoden und rience there are interesting applica- incision of the abscess, it was in evi - Begleittherapie” (“Nosodes and tion options for haptens in allopathic table that the patient swallowed a Accompanying Therapy”, Pflaum- medicine as well as in , portion of the pus which caused a Verlag, Munich). The term hapten and here especially as a supplement large quantity of the streptococci derives from the Greek haptein, which to the isopathic nosode therapy. toxins to reach the digestive tract means to cling, to stick. It refers to These options are best described in and was thus absorbed. The patient substances that can loosely bond case studies. felt very ill and complained of pain in with antigens (=carriers), which are The application of haptens in allo- all her joints. A few hours after the then called conjugated antigens. It pathic medicine is described in the injection of one ampoule Estrepto - happens that an immune response in following two case studies: hapten the problems were much the organism may become possible improved and her well-being was Patient Example 1 only after such a bonding of a carrier, completely restored after a second which means that some antigens may In one family both father and son suf- injection the following day. be absorbed and eliminated by the fered from persistent diarrhoea. The Due to the frequency of these patho - immune system only after the appli - stool-examinations showed massive gens we can assume that such cation of a dose of haptens. In any intestinal candida mycoses as the patients already had prenatal contact case, the process is at least accele - cause for both. The son was symptom- with said toxins, resulting in the deve- rated by said application. free very soon after an antimycotic lopment of an immune tolerance Ricar in Argentina has long been pro- treatment with Nystatin. The father, against the respective carriers that can ducing isolated haptens extracted however, did not seem to respond to be broken only by a dose of the corre- from pathogen-cultures for therapeutic this therapy. Even the treatment with sponding hapten. Haptens have there- purposes. As these are protein-free Amphotericin did not alleviate his fore become indispensable to me as polysaccharides, their patient- symptoms. Never theless, the myco- intermittents in nosode-therapy. logical stool findings were much application is comparatively un- improved, with pathogenic yeasts Patient Example 3 problematic. Approximately 20 years hardly detectable. ago I was first provided with a few I chose the nosode-therapy for a ampoules by a supplier who planned The fact that this condition was patient, whose staphylococci adnexi- on importing the haptens to immediately ended with one am - tis had been treated with antibiotics Germany. He gave me hardly any poule of Candida hapten allows for by her gynecologist. According to

56 him the local findings had subse- have lead to success. But in this 8. Haptenovacuna from Proprioni- quently improved satisfactorily, but case the nosode therapy also could bacterium acnes; available as the patient complained that her not have been completed without SANUKEHL Acne 6X/5X (the general well-being had drastically the application of the haptens. matching nosode is “Coryne- changed for the worse, with specific bacterium anaerobius”), The last two examples further problems in veins and circulation. strengthen the hypothesis that 9. Polycel from tumor tissue, The complaints were improved with Estafilhapten, but not to her satisfac- nosode-therapy mobilises toxins 10. Arthritis-Hapten, stored in the body in order to elimi- tion. This now called for the nosode 11. two hapten complexes, combi- nate them from the body. Staphylococcus aureus, which was nations of different haptens. applied according to the KUF- I had access to the following Additionaly, the following SANU KEHL- sequencing principle. The patient haptens: preparations are available: reacted to each dose of the nosode with such violent headaches and cir- 1. Polipse (=Polisaccharido de Pseu - SANUKEHL Serra 6X/7X culatory disturbances that one to two domonas) from Pseudomonas from Serratia marcescens, ampoules of Estafilhapten had to be aeru gi nosa; available as SANU - SANUKEHL Klebs 6X administered intermittently. That KEHL Pseu 6X/5X (the matching from Klebsiella pneumoniae, alone enabled me to successfully nosode is “Bac. Pyo cyanens”), complete this nosode-therapy as SANUKEHL Coli 6X/7X planned. As a preventive thrombosis 2. Polysaccharido de BCG from from Escherichia coli (the matching treatment, MUCOKEHL D5 was Mycobacterium bovis (BCG); nosode is “Bac. Coli”), mixed with the nosode-injections. available as SANUKEHL Myc SANUKEHL Trich 6X/5X 6X/5X (the matching nosode is from Trichophyton verrucosum (the Patient Example 4 “Tuber culinum bovis”), matching nosode is “Trichpytie”), A thirty-year-old male patient with 3. Estreptohapten from Strepto- SANUKEHL Salm 6X serious problems in the lumbar region coccus pyogens; available as from Salmonella enteritidis (the was diagnosed with discopathy of the SANUKEHL Strep 6X/5X (the matching nosode is “Bac. Gärtner”). 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae by matching nosode is “Strepto- computed tomography. Surgery was It is understood that the haptens can coccinum”), strongly recommended and he came be used as intermittents with no - to me in his search for alternatives. 4. Estafilhapten from Staphylo coc cus sodes of the same kind. They may also frequently be required before a According to my test results he aureus; available as SANU KEHL nosode-therapy is started. Patients needed the Tuberculinum avis nosode Staph 6X/5X (the matching no so - who, for example, eat a lot of cheese with Teucrium scorodonia as a comple - de is “Staphylo coccus au reus”), mentary medication. The very first from the Balkans frequently require injection resulted in a considerable 5. Candida-Hapten from Candida the Brucella hapten, even before the deterioration which was remedied in a albicans; available as SANU KEHL Bang nosode can be tested. few hours with one ampoule Poli - Cand 6X/5X (the matching noso - Ad 1.: Polipse (SANUKEHL Pseu) saccharido de BCG. de is “Monilia albicans”), cannot only be used with the nosode Pyocyaneus, As described above, this patient also 6. Proteus-Hapten from Protens vul- but also with nosodes of required a dose of the appropriate garis; available as SANUKEHL the Salmonella-group and hapten after each application of the Prot 6X/7X (the mat ching nosode occasionally with a few nosode. After the 10th and last is “Bac. Protens”), virus nosodes. application of the nosode the patient had fully recovered and decided 7. Brucel-Hapten from Brucella abor - Ad 2.: Polisaccharido de BCG against surgery. As the problems in tus-Bang (the matching nosode is (SANUKEHL Myc) should this case were obviously based on a “BANG”); available as SANU- be made part of the emer- tuberculinic trait, surgery could not KEHL Brucel 6X gency kit as it is frequently

57 the first useful remedy for Ad 5.: Candida hapten (SANU- with many other chronic and acute alimentary, non-infec- KEHL Cand) can be used acute diseases of the respi- tious tuberculo-toxicoses as intermittent with all ratory tract. It may be used which may occur after the mycotic nosodes. as an intermittent with al - most all influenza-nosodes, consumption of tuberculous Ad 6.: Proteus hapten (SANU KEHL with Bran hamella and other poultry or eggs. Such tuber- Prot) often has to be app - ENT pathogens. culo-toxicoses may manifest lied in bladder disorders themselves in the form of after seemingly suc cess ful Ad 9.: Policel and acute, frequently monarticu- antibiotic treatments of Pro - Ad 10.: Arthritis hapten cannot yet lar arthritis, as iridocyclitis or teus cysticydes (which, al - be described, as they have as sudden (apoplectiform) though improving the urine not yet been sufficiently deafness. Therapy with the results, do not improve the researched. Tuber culinum avis nosode – patients’ complaints), most if required with initial and frequently quite clearly in Ad 11.: One hapten complex also intermittent hapten doses – combination with the Bac - contains a Coli-hapten that proves to be the only causal terium proteus nosode. It I had no access to in its treatment. can alleviate many chroni- pure form. I used it very Ad 3.: Estreptohapten (SANU- cally recurrent urinary tract successfully on a patient in KEHL Strep) can be used infections of mostly younger combination with the Ery - with Streptococci (diseases) female patients. thema nosode. ᮀ as well as with pyrogens. Ad 7.: Brucel hapten (SANUKEHL Ad 4.: Estafilhapten (SANUKEHL Brucel) frequently uncovers Staph), usually used with Brucella mili tense. First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (23/1993) Staphylococci nosodes, is Ad 8.: Haptenovacuna (SANU KEHL © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • sometimes also used with Acne) is not only re quired 27318 Hoya • Germany dental sources of infections. with Corynebacteria, but also All Rights Reserved.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production Sanukehl® Myc 6X Drops D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Respiratory diseases, such as bronchial asthma, pleurisy, rhinitis; chronic recurrent diseases of the skin and the mucous membranes, such as juvenile acne, urticaria, hordeolum, psoriasis; lupus erythematosus; arthritis; osteochondrosis; cholecystitis; enterocolitis; ventricular and duodenal ulcer; headache; metritis; nephritis; otitis.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X

For more information refer to: Please register for information on application as medical expert group. Please note: picture shows German labelling.

58 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Pseu D6 (6X) Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

Introduction In line with the study’s set-up, only by the three age groups of 31 to 40, descriptive statistical methods were 41 to 50 and 51 to 60, which were A total number of 168 patients in four used. An “intention-to-treat“ evalu - almost equally represented at 14.3 %, medical practices, one specializing in ation was carried out, which means 15.5 % and 14.9 %. 3.6 % of the internal medicine, one in surgery and that all those patients were included patients were aged between 61 and two in general medicine, participated in the study who had at least 70 and 6 % of all patients belonged between May 1991 and May 2001 in received one dosage of the medi - to the group aged over 70. The age an application study with the prepa- cament. structure was equal for both men ration SANUKEHL Pseu D6 (6X) and women. The moderate age of drops. The homeopathic test pre pa - Participating Patients the men was evaluated at 34.0 ± ration, SANUKEHL Pseu, consists 168 patients participated in the 20.0 years, and the women were exclusively of Pseudomonas aerugi- study, comprising of 67 men (39.9 %) 33.7± 21.2 years. nosa in the 6th decimal potency. and 101 women (60.1 %). The Height varied between 110 cm and The aim of this application study age of the patients varied between 5 190 cm, with an average of 159.4 cm was to determine the actual applica- and 92 years of age, with an average ± 18.5 cm. Weight varied between tion of the preparation as well as its age of 34.8 years and a standard 19 kg and 115 kg, with an average tolerance under the day to day con- deviation of 20.4 years. The two of 61.1 kg ± 19.8 kg. ditions of a normal practice. Further - largest groups comprised of patients more it was also of importance to under 12 years (20.8 %) and Diagnoses determine the acceptance of the between 13 and 20 years (17.9 %). and Secondary Diseases preparation on the market, especial- Only 7.1 % of all patients were aged The diagnoses leading to the pre- ly among children. between 21 and 30 years, followed scription had to be entered in the study protocol. It showed that SANU - KEHL Pseu, according to Isopathy, is used in a very wide applicational range. The preferred application was for tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis in both the children’s as well as the adult groups. A thorough diagnosis was made before the start and at the end of the therapy respectively. Ac- companying therapies were to be documented in the evaluation form. In order to obtain a measure for chronic diseases, it was asked in the study protocol how long they have endured the disease or complaints. Illus. 1 The time-frame was given of less

59 than six months, up to one year, up Duration of therapy to three years and more than three years. 19.1 % of the patients had > 150 suffered complaints less than six > 12 months, and 17.3 % less than 12 101-125 < 12 months. 11.1 % had been ill for a Days time period between one and three 51-75 years, and more than half the partici - pants (52.5 %) had been ill or had < 25 suffered complaints for more than 0510 15 20 25 30 35 40 36 months. The existence of the Percent complaints was shifted more in the direction of acute conditions in the for a time period between one and complaints of 36 months and longer under 12 patients. 52.9 % of these three years and a remainder of only was especially pronounced at 64.1 %. patients suffered for less than six 8.8 % of patients had recurrently Only 10.2 % suffered from acute months and 26.5 % for a period shown symptoms for more than complaints with a duration of up to six between six and 12 months. Only three years. In the adult group of months, whilst the share of patients 11.8 % of the patients in this age patients over the age of 12, the pro- with complaints of between six and group had complained of symptoms portion of patients with a period of 12 months were still represented with 14.8 %. 10.9 % of the patients in the Duration of Total patient Patients Patients adult group registered a duration of complaints population > 12 years < 12 years complaints between one and three (months) (%) (%) (%) years. Because in both patient groups the main indications were given as <6 19,1 52,9 10,2 angina, sinusitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, the comparison of < 12 17,3 26,5 14,8 the age groups shows that children were most frequently treated for acute < 36 11,1 11,8 10,9 conditions of these diseases, while chronic complaints stood in the fore- >36 52,5 8,8 64,1 ground among the adults.

Consultation Times, Therapy Duration According to the nature of an appli- cation study, the physician was not given a preset timelimit for the final patient assessment. This final exa - mination was conducted after a period of 12 to 370 days, with a moderate of 137.5 days ± 140.9 days. Among children (< 12 years) the the - ra py lasted for 69.8 days ± 90.7 days; less than half the lenght of time than in the adult group with 155.1 days ±146.3 days. The differentiated evaluation within specific therapy

60 Total Population med. dosage min dosage max. dosage Drops for oral application 13.3 ± 7.5 4 30 Drops for external application 06.6 ± 2.3 5 15 All patients below 12 years of age med. dosage min dosage max. dosage Drops for oral application 09.4 ± 3.5 4 20 Drops for external application 06.6 ± 2.2 5 10 All patients over 12 years of age med. dosage min dosage max. dosage Drops for oral application 14.3 ± 7.9 5 30 Drops for external application 06.6 ± 2.8 5 15

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) med. dosage min dosage max. dosage Drops for oral application 13.8 ± 7.0 4 30 mono Drops for external application 12.6 ± 8.3 4 30 combo Drops for oral application 08.2 ± 3.1 5 15 mono Drops for external application 06.3 ± 2.4 5 15 combo periods allows for a clear picture. It 156 patients took the drops orally at that time used exclusively for oral reveals that among the age group of and 72 externally. Multiple counts application. Since this patient group the children below 12 years, the pri- were necessary as 58 patients took was too small, the comparison of mary therapy duration lasted up to the drops orally as well as externally. efficacy and tolerance in two patient 25 days (40 % of all patients) and 97 patients only took the drops orally groups of first-time application users between 25 and 50 days (31.4 %). (monotherapy), and 13 patients and repeated application users Among the adults, the largest group exclusively for external application. became redundant. It should, how- with 36.8 % was the one with more The average dosage based on the ever, be noted that these five than 150 therapy days and only form of application is shown in the patients tolerated both the previous 20.3 % with a therapy duration of up following table. The drops are based as well as the current therapy well to 25 days. on the daily oral and external appli- and without side effects. cations. Dosage Evaluation of Efficacy The recommended dosage was by Physician and Patient The dosage was set as follows, taken. In the group of patients under according to the patient package the age of 12, the drops for oral and In a closing assessment, physicians insert: external application were dosed and patients were asked to evaluate efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy Oral application: 5 –10 drops (every according to age. The medium could be assessed with “very good“, 12 to 24 hours) with acute condi- dosage for oral as well as for exter- “good“, “moderate“ or “no effect“. tions; 10 drops every 2nd day with nal application in monotherapy did The physicians were also requested chronic progressive forms. not differ significantly from that used to evaluate patient compliance as in the combination therapy. External application: Every 1 - 2 above with “very good“, “good“, days, 5 - 10 drops at the location of “moderate“ or “non-compliant“. The Comparison to Previous Therapy the complaint or in the cubital fossa. evaluation of efficacy showed that After eight weeks, the therapy Only five patients had been pre - 94,1 % of the patients thought effi- should be discontinued for several viously treated with SANUKEHL Pseu cacy to be “very good“ and “good“, months. D6 (6X) drops from 1992 to 1995, while only 6 % thought it was

61 Evaluation of Efficacy patient group Patient evaluation (%) Physican evaluation (%)

very good good moderate no effect very good good moderate no effect

All patients 42.9 51.2 6.0 0 51.8 43.5 4.8 0

< 12 years 85.7 11.4 2.9 0 85.7 11.4 2.9 0

> 12 years 31.6 61.7 6.8 0 42.9 51.9 5.3 0

“mode rate“. Neither physicians nor good“ compliance rating. 15 patients Side Effects and Termination patients assessed the evaluation were given a “moderate“ compliance of Therapy with “no effect“. The result of the rating and no patients were evaluated A 57-year old female patient prone physicians’ evaluation for efficacy as “non-compliant“. to infections after an encephalitis was like that of the patients. The and neuropathy of the legs did not physicians evaluated efficacy in Evaluation of Tolerance return for her follow-up examination. 51.8 % of the cases as “very good“, by Physician and Patient Upon telephonic inquiry she indicated in 43.5 % as “good“ and in 4.8 % An evaluation of tolerance was sub- that she had terminated the therapy, as “moderate“. The evaluation by mitted by the physicians and because she could not determine physicians and patients alike was patients at the conclusion of the any improvement. Both patient and significantly better in the childrens’ study, whereby an assessment of physician rated tolerance as “very group than in the adult group. “very good“, “good“, “moderate“ and good“. The patient did not discon - Significantly more chronic disorders “non-compliant“ could be chosen. tinue the treatment for reasons of were treated in the adult group than 60.1 % of patients and 57.7 % of intolerance or side effects. The that of the children, which may have physicians rated the tolerance to be physician put her unauthorized the - lead to a slightly worse evaluation. “very good“, whilst 38.1 % of rapy termination down to the fact Summing up more than a total of patients and 42.3 % of physicians that the patient was known to suffer 90 % of the adults evaluated the effi- gave SANUKEHL Pseu a “good“ tole - from depression. No other therapies cacy to be “good“ or “very good“. rance rating. 1.8 % of the patients were discontinued and further side The compliance (N = 168) was rated it “moderate“. No case was effects of the medicament did not assessed by the physicians to be assessed as “moderate“ with the occur. “very good“ for 85 patients and physicians. “good“ for 68 patients. Hence 91 % In the childrens’ group, tolerance Summary of all patients participating in the was rated “very good“ by 100 % of A total number of 168 patients in study were given a “good“ or “very children and the physicians alike. four medical practices, one specia -

62 Evaluation of tolerance patient group Patient evaluation (%) Physican evaluation (%)

very good good moderate poor very good good moderate poor

All patients 60.1 38.1 1.8 0 57.7 42.3 00

< 12 years 100 00 0 100 00 0

> 12 years 49.6 48.1 2.3 0 46.6 53.4 00

lizing in internal medicine, one in sur- than in the adult group with 155.1 12 years, the drops for oral and gery and two in general medicine, days ±146.3 days. The differentiated external application were dosed participated between May 1991 and evaluation within specific therapy according to age. The medium May 2001 in an application study periods allows for a clear picture. It dosage for oral as well as for exter- with the preparation SANUKEHL reveals that among the age group of nal application in monotherapy did Pseu D6 (6X) drops. The homeo- children below 12 years, the primary not differ significantly from that used pathic test preparation, SANUKEHL therapy duration lasted up to 25 in the combination therapy. Pseu, consists exclusively of Pseudo - days (40 % of all patients) and The therapeutic progress was deter- monas aeruginosa in the 6th deci- between 25 and 50 days (31.4 %). mal potency. mined by evaluations conducted Among the adults, the largest group respectively at the beginning and the SANUKEHL Pseu was used in a very with 36.8 % was the one with more end of the therapy. 94.1 % of the broad applicational range according than 150 therapy days and only patients and 95.3 % of the physi- to Isopathy. The preferred applica- 20.3 % with a therapy duration of up cians rated the efficacy of the thera- tion was for angina, sinusitis, bron - to 25 days. py as “very good“ and “good“. The chitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis in 156 patients took the drops orally evaluation by physician and patient both, children as well as the adult was much better in the children’s groups. A thorough diagnosis was and 72 patients took them externa l - group than in the adult group. For 91 made previous to the start of the ly. Multiple counts were necessary % of all patients participating in the therapy as well as after its comple- as 58 patients took the drops study, compliance was certified to tion. Accompanying therapies had to orally as well as externally. 97 be “very good“ or “good“. be documented in the evaluation form. patients took the drops orally (monotherapy), and 13 patients 60.1 % of the patients and 57.7 % of Among children (< 12 years) the thera - exclusively for external application. the physicians rated tolerance as py lasted with 69.8 days ± 90.7 days The recommended dosage was “very good“, while 38.1 % of the less than half the length of time taken. In the group of patients under patients and 42.3 % of the physi-

63 cians gave SANUKEHL Pseu a Upon telephonic inquiry, she indica - to the fact that the patient was “good“ tolerance rating. 1.8 % of the ted that she had terminated the known to suffer from depression. No patients rated it “moderate“. None of therapy, because she could not other therapies were discontinued the physicians rated tolerance in any determine any improvement. Both and further side effects of the medi - of the tested cases as “moderate“. patient and physician rated the tole - cament did not occur. ᮀ In the childrens’ group, tolerance rance as “very good“. The patient was rated “very good“ by 100 % of did not discontinue the treatment for First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (63/2003) the children and physicians alike. reasons of intolerance or side © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • A 57-year old female patient did not effects. The physician put her unau- 27318 Hoya • Germany return for her follow-up examination. thorized therapy termination down All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Pseu 6X Drops Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Pseudomonas aeruginosa extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X. According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Respiratory disorders, such as bronchial asthma; otitis; sinusitis; pharyngitis, hay fever, chronic bronchitis; infectious and allergic dermatitis, pruri- tus, collagenosis, bromyalgia, ulcer cruris, keloids, burns, autoimmune diseases, treatment of comp- laints caused by immunosuppressive treatment.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 6X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

64 The Immunomodulatory Profile of SANUKEHL Pseu

by Dr. R. Kunze and J. Hartmann (Ph. D., Biology)

Among the Isopathic/Homeopathic Nearly all modern immunomodu - ticular, of leukocytes. In part, the preparations, SANUKEHL Pseu be - latorily active substances are investi- interaction between cell and bac - longs to the active group of “Hap - gated, tested and characterized as terial antigen is based an the pre- tens“, which is to say that, in this to their effects by this and similar ceding reaction with the humoral case, rather than using entire bacte- methods. factors; this is known as “opsoni - rial cells or larger structures such as 1. The target cells of the active zation“. There are known specific cell walls as active ingre dients, a very substance in the cell population of receptors for bacterial endotoxins specific extract is used, en riched human venous blood (leukocytes) (lipopolysaccharide = LPS). One of primarily with cellwall polysaccha- should be determined; these them, CD14, is found on mono- rides. determinations should yield infor- cytes/macrophages. The cell is acti- Based an current knowledge, therapy mation concerning the kind of vated via these receptors, inducing using “Haptens“ should be particu- modulation of the cascade of the “oxidative burst“ and/or stimu - larly well suited to absorb pathogen endogenous immune reactions. lating cytokine synthesis. Binding of toxins and antigens or circulating endotoxin to free soluble CD14 then 2. The effect on phagocytosis immune complexes and to dissipate neutralizes LPS. the resulting reaction blockades performance of monocytes and Moreover, there are other cell sur- (CORNELIUS, Nosoden und Begleit - granulocytes, as the primary reac - face molecules that can react with therapie [Nosodes and Adjuvant tion of the immunocompetent bacterial structures after opsoniza- Therapy] 1990). cells, was investigated. tion, including complement and Immunological experiments were 3. The direction of modulation of immunoglobulin receptors. There- performed in order to identify more the immune system should be fore, identifying immunomodulatory precisely the action mechanisms of recognized: dominance of cellular properties is important for an SANUKEHL Pseu on the body’s or humoral immunity by investi- understanding of the clinical effect immune system. These investiga- gating cytokine induction in dor- of bacterial antigens. This includes tions were immensely helpful in mant and active peripheral mono - characterization of binding and expanding our understanding of the nuclear leukocytes. phagocy tosis of the bacterial active clinical effect of SANUKEHL Pseu. 4. The immune-complex-binding substance SANUKEHL Pseu on Clinical observation does not by properties were analyzed. leukocytes. itself permit any conclusions regard- To this end, the active ingredient of ing the distinctive immunomodula - 1. Identification of the tory characteristics of the active SANUKEHL Pseu was coupled to a Immuno logical Target Cells for substance; for this, one needs to fluorescing dye (fluorescein isothio- SANUKEHL Pseu carry out the appropriate investiga- cyanate = FITC) and, after incuba - tions in test tubes. Specific immuno- Bacterial antigens bind to various ting Pseu-FITC with freshly-iso lated logical reactions were experi mentally kinds of immunological structures, human blood leukocytes, the bin - simulated which proceed (some- among them, as humoral compo- ding – or the relative amount of what) the same in the organism, but nents, the complement proteins bound Pseu-FITC – on the cell sur- which, of course, are not measura- and, as cellular structures, the sur- face was measured by means of ble in the organism or the blood. face molecules of cells and, in par- analytical flow cytometry.

65 Results phagocytosis performance of indivi- the surface of yeast cells (Candida dual cell populations can be deter- albicans). This does not lead to an Pseu-FITC binds with roughly equal mined. Both parameters are im- increase in phagocytosis perfor- intensity to the surface of all three portant for the characterization of mance, neither does it influ ence it leukocyte populations (monocytes, immunocompetent cells in terms of negatively, however. granulocytes, lymphocytes). Pre- their phagocytotic properties. ferential or selective binding to one 3. Cytokine Induction in Heparinized whole blood was in - cell type has not been detected. A Peripheral Mononuclear Blood cubated with fluorescenttagged specific receptor or binding site for Cells binding Pseu-FITC has not been Pseu (Pseu-FITC) and, after lysis of Peripheral mononuclear blood cells able to be identified. the erythrocytes, analyzed by means of analytical flow cytometry. (monocytes) were isolated from the Pseu-FITC binding to the surface of blood of regular blood donors and cells is probably nonspecific. Buildup Results incubated with various concentra - of Pseu-FITC on the cell surface can - tions of the SANUKEHL Pseu active Pseu-FITC is phagocytized both by not be reduced by using non-marked factor. The initial reaction was per- granulocytes and macrophages. Pseu-FITC. This would be expected formed first with dormant mono- Based on the previously obtained if there were a specific receptor as cytes and then with active cells. results in identifying the target cells, it binding partner for Pseu on the cell Artificially-produced immune com- seems likely that this is not a case of surface. plexes from human IgG were used receptor-mediated phagocytosis. The as stimulus. The idea of a nonspecific binding adhesion potential of Pseu-FITC is in capability for Pseu-FITC on the sur- all likelihood considerably reinforced Various cytokines were found in the face of various cell subpopulations is by binding with anti-Pseudomonas cell culture population, which were supported by the experimentally antibodies. This immune complex synthesized as the monocytes’ and demonstrated binding of Pseu-FITC can, via additional receptors – e.g. Fc lymphocytes’ reaction to contact on intact yeast cells, which exhibit receptors – react with the surface of with SANUKEHL Pseu: structures on their surface that pro- phagocytes. Final Results bably bind Pseudomonas. Receptors b) Whether SANUKEHL Pseu im - of this sort (e.g. the so-called man- IL-4 could not be determined in the pairs or promotes phagocytosis of nose receptor) are ubiquitous. cell culture population; IFN-g was zymosan was investigated by means clearly detectable only in 1 of 3 of analytical flow cytometry. 2. Phagocytosis Modulating blood donors (the same was true of Properties of SANUKEHL Pseu IL-2 in very low concentration). The Results other cytokines were released in a) The modulatory capacity of phago - We were unable to observe any easily-detectable concentrations in cytosis performance on monocytes influ ence of SANUKEHL Pseu on the all 6 donors: SANUKEHL Pseu sig - and granulocytes of peripheral blood phagocytosis of zymosan-FITC by nificantly increased – dosage-de- can be determined by means of a bio - granulocytes/monocytes (Zymosan pendent – the synthesis of TNF-␣, catalyst. Phagocytosis, an “archaic“ is a yeast-cell-wall preparation from IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-10 and GM-CSF and primary reaction of immunocom - Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Pseu compared to the control with no test petent cells, is an important indicator itself binds, dosage-dependent, to substance. for finding out the modulatory path - ways of immunological feedback • TNF-␣ = Tumor Necrosis Factor ␣ control systems. • IL- ␤, - , - , - , - = Interleukin ␤, - , - , - , - Both monocytes and granulocytes           are capable of phagocytosis of par- • IFN-␥ = Interferon ␥ ticles and microbial components. • GM-CSF = Granulocyte/Monocyte With the selected method, the num- Colony-Stimulating Factor ber of phagocytizing cells and the

66 The following results were particularly Concerning the Effect of Cyto - cytokine network, which is an impor- remarkable: kines tant element in adapting blood cell • In the case of TNF-␣ and IL-10, Cytokines are biologically highly- production to the organism’s current a significant increase was detec - active polypeptides and glyco- needs. table even at an active factor con- proteins (size: 15,000 – 30,000D) On the level of activated T lym- centration of 10 ng/ml (=8X). which play a significant role in many phocytes, and based on the secreted • In the presence of the immune tissues in inter cellular signal trans- cytokines of the two subgroups of T complexes, the cytokine produc- mission, in pheno type and the cyto- helper cells TH1 and TH2, one can tion of TNF-␣ and GM-CSF skeletal structure modulation, and in determine in which direction the increased significantly even more. regulation of the proliferation rate or immune system is being stimulated; apoptosis. They are synthesized by thus the TH1 cells excrete IL-2 and • GM-CSF exhibited weak induc- more than one kind of cell and exhi- IFN-g, thereby stimulating cellular tion under the sole influence of bit a wide spectrum of overlapping SANUKEHL Pseu, but very strong immune defenses, whereas TH2 functions. induction as a result of synergy cells excrete IL-4 and IL-10 primarily between SANUKEHL Pseu and Numerous investigations to date stimulating humoral defenses (cf. immune complexes (cf. Figs. 3-7). have demonstrated, in vitro and in Fig.1). The complex cytokine net- work represents the basis for regula- Monocytes and B lymphocytes are vivo, both the effects of individual tion of the entire hematopoetic pro- presumably stimulated via the cytokines on particular bone-mar- cess. Figure 2 illustrates which cyto- immune-complexes; the site of the row cells as well as a number of kines intervene in the differentiation immune-complex interaction is additive and synergistic effects in the of the pluripotent blood stem cells, probably the Fc-receptors of the area of hematopoesis and the main- as well as the maturation of the pre- blood cells (immunoglobulin’s Fc tenance of immune system defen - cursor cells (cf. Fig. 2). component is responsible for anti- sive pre paredness. The labyrinthine body complement and receptor interactions among these mediators The cytokines TNF-␣, IL-1ß and IL-6 binding). led to the concept of a functional are often called pro-inflammatory


IL-2 TNF-␤ IFN-␥ IL-5 IL-13 IL-4 IL-10

inhibits TH2

inhibits TH1

Cytotoxcity Antibody production Allergic reaction (delayed type) Mast cells & eosinophils Monokine induction Monokine suppression

Inflammatory diseases Allergic and humoral diseases

Fig.1: Functional roles and mutual regulation of TH1 and TH 2 cells.

67 cytokines. They are produced particu - • Inducing hemorrhagic necrosis in aggressiveness of lymphokine-acti - larly by immunocompetent cells. They transplanted tumors vated killer cells. are of great significance for inflamma - • Strengthening phagocytosis and GM-CSF (Granulocyte/Macrophage tions and combating tumors. These cytotoxicity of polymorphonuclear Colony-Stimulating Factor) is secreted cytokines are induced by bacterial granulocytes primarily by lymphocytes and antigens, for example. • Responsibility for manifold changes macrophages. This cytokine is an Synthesis of TNF-␣ is activated by a in the endothelium important factor for growth and diffe - rentiation of granulocytes and macro - variety of stimuli, such as interferons, • Reinforcing the proliferation of T & phages. GM-CSF has a strongly GM-CSF, immune complexes. TNF-␣ B lymphocytes, as well as diffe - chemotactic effect an neutrophil exhibits a broad spectrum of biologi- rentiation of the latter. granulocytes and can reinforce the cal activities, including: It is used in cancer therapy as an phagocytic activity of granulocytes • Causing cytolysis or cytostasis of isolated substance in combination and macrophages. It stimulates proli - many tumor cell lines in vitro with interferon-␥ to heighten the feration and differentiation of hemato-

Pluripotent stem cell

IL-1 IL-3 IL-6 Myeloid precursor cell S-CSF Lymphatic precursor cell


B lymphocyte T lymphocyte Fixed precursor cells precursor cell precursor cell EPO G-CSF IL-5 S-CSF M-CSF IL-6 IL-2 IL-2 GM-CSF IL-9 IL-4 IL-4 IL-10 IL-5 IL-6 IL-6 IL-7 IL-7 IL-9 Platelets IL-10 IL-10 IL-12

Neutrophile Monocyte

Erythrocyte Eosinophile Basophile B lymphocyte T lymphocyte

Fig.2: Formation of hematopoetic cells depending on cytokines.

68 poetic precursor cells and has a • Participating in inflammation reac- the end, aid in local curtailment of myeloprotective effect. Clinical inter - tions by increasing secretion of inflammatory processes. est was therefore aroused in the inflammatory proteins Clinical application is frequently in treatment of diseases or bodily condi - • Strongly chemotactic effect on combination with GM-CSF after high - tions involving cytopenia (reduced leukocytes dosage chemotherapy and bone- count in the blood of erythrocytes, marrow transplants. granulocytes, monocytes or thrombo - • Generating fever as an endo- cytes) or its consequences: genous pyrogen Unlike the above cytokines, IL-10 is characterized as an anti-inflamma- • High-dosage chemotherapy in can - • Influencing hormone synthesis via tory cytokine. We know from in-vitro cer treatment CNS effects experiments that IL-10 down-regu- • Autologous bone-marrow trans - • Synergistic effect on the induction lates the secretion of pro-inflamma- of GM-CSF production and thereby plants tory cytokines such as TNF-␣, IL-1ß proliferative effect on blood stem and IL-6. In this context, this cytoki- • Radiation therapy cells. ne is also ascribed immunosuppres- • Leukemia Clinical attention is focused on the sive properties, and clinical applica- • Agranulocytosis use of IL-1ß in cases of T cell defects, tions for IL-10 have been derived in order to accelerate their recon- from this, for example in treating • Aplastic anemia struction after massive immune sup- chronic inflammations, rejection • Chronic infections. pression or cytostatic treatment. In reac tions and autoimmune diseases. animal tests, it exhibits a radioprotec - The cytopenic reaction state can be The biological effects include: tive effect, promotes wound healing overcome through the stimulus that or stimulates angiogenesis. • Growth and differentiation factor GM-CSF effects in the bone marrow for activated B lymphocytes by providing a signal for the differen- IL-6 responds to much the same tiation and maturation of blood stem stimuli as do the other cytokines. It • Direct antagonist of TNF-␣, which cells. influences antigen-specific immune is stimulated by lipopolysacchari - response and inflammatory reactions. des, e.g. in cases of gram-nega- IL-1ß is produced chiefly by activated As primary mediator, it induces the tive sepsis by bacterial endo- macrophages, monocytes and neu- so-called “acute phase reaction“. toxins, meningococcus sepsis trophils. Its production is stimulated Its biological effects include: by other cytokines, as well as by bac - • Anti-inflammatory effect in cases terial antigens, endotoxins, viruses, • Differentiation factor for B lym- of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s etc. It strengthens hematopoesis in phocytes, stimulation of IgG anti- syndrome synergy with other hematopoetically body secretion • Sharply reduced in cases of alco- active cytokines. The effects include: • Differentiation and activation fac- hol-induced cirrhosis of the liver • Stimulation of T helper cells for the tor for T lymphocytes (whereas TNF-␣ is overproduced) secretion of additional cytokines • Thrombopoetic effect as well as • Inhibits blast proliferation (leuko- (e.g. IL-2) promoting the proliferation of cyte precursor) in cases of acute • Promoting the proliferation of B blood stem cells (synergistically myeloid leukemia. lymphocytes and the production with IL-3) Summary of Results of the Effect of immunoglobulins • Involved in the pathogenesis of of SANUKEHL Pseu on Cytokines • Promoting the proliferation and chronic polyarthritis Sanukehl Pseu does not seem to be activation of natural killer cells • Deregulated expression - i.e. ex - cytokine-inducing in every case on • Anti-proliferative effect on various ces sive overproduction - in various the subclass of the TH1 cells. There - types of tumor cells myelomas fore, the immunomodulatory effect • Responsible for endothelial chan - • Cellular and biochemical alter- of SANUKEHL Pseu is more strongly

ges (both alone and in conjunc- ations caused by induction of the seen to lie in the direction of the TH2 tion with TNF-␣ “acute phase reaction“ - which, in cells - i.e. of humoral immunity, via:

69 • Induction of the pro-inflammatory coupled with the cellular part than serum, human immunoglobulin sub- cytokines (TNF-␣, IL-1ß and IL-6) had previously been thought. The classes or synthesized immune com - division into two parts turns out plexes (cf. 3rd below), incubated • Induction of the hematopoetic actually to be more historical than cytokine GM-CSF and the quantity of bound immuno- real. There is a whole series of globulin was determined by means • Induction of the anti-inflammatory receptors on the cell surface which of an enzyme reaction. cytokine IL-10 can react both with immunoglobulin • In part, considerable increase of as well as with other immune- Results cytokine production of TNF-␣, IL- system structures (complement pro- The test exhibited no relevant binding 1ß, IL-6 and particularly GM-CSF teins). This network regulates thus via of the immunoglobulin subclasses in the presence of immune com- receptors - e.g. antibody production - IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3 - nor was any plexes as immune stimulants. but also via the induction of certain expected, since these isolated, so- regulatory cytokines. called “inert“ antibodies in all likeli - 4. Reaction of SANUKEHL Pseu An in-vitro test using a microtiter - hood exhibit no specificity whatsoever with Immuno globulins and Immune plate-based ELISA (enzyme-linked regarding Pseudomonas antigens. Complexes immunosorbent assay) was deve - On the other hand, there was a con- It has been recognized in recent loped to investigate binding proper - centration-dependent increase in years that the humoral part of the ties. The microtiter plates were coa- binding with the use of highly-puri- immune system is more tightly ted with SANUKEHL Pseu, human fied but undefined IgG from human

Induction of Cytokine Release by SANUKEHL Pseu in Vitro with Human PBMC (See the text for illustration details)

70 in the form of a pro-inflammatory Zytokin Induction stimulus, which, after it has had suf- Comparison Comparison Contr. vs. San Pseu San Pseu vs. San Pseu ficient time to overcome the immune CytokineZytokin (without IC stimulation) with IC system’s reaction blockage, is Test substance concentration Test substance concentration “reined in“ again by the anti-inflam- 10ng/ml 10µg/ml 10ng/ml 10µg/ml matory effect of IL-10. What is inter- esting about this activity profile is that, due to the influence of homeo- - pathic dilutions of the SANUKEHL Pseu active substance, the body’s IL-6 - - own mechanisms for dealing with immune deficiencies are stimulated, IL-10 - - whereas conventional tumor therapy GM-CSF - * tries to achieve this by administer- ing, for example, isolated pure sub- -* * -* stances from cytokines, but at the cost of triggering side effects that IL-2* -* * -* * are difficult to control.

IL-4 n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. The results permit certain conclu- sions regarding the areas of indica- * only with one of three cell donors, tendency provable tion for SANUKEHL Pseu: in disease n.p. not proven significant zytokin induction cases in which an immune defect is reduced zytokin induction involved – whether it be the disease - no detectable difference  itself or caused by immunosup- pressive treatment – SANUKEHL Pseu could be used with immuno- serum (normal donor serum, not The introduction of highly-antigenic logical justi fication: from patients). This evidently implies enriched SANUKEHL Pseu struc- that Pseudomonas antibodies are tures into the immune system (sub- • With patients undergoing radia- present in human blood, since the cutaneously or intramuscularly) tion therapy human immune system has under- probably leads rapidly – because of • With patients undergoing cytosta- gone confrontation with the antigens the immuno-globulins present in the tic therapy of the classic commensal P. aerugi- body (antibodies) – to an immune • With patients under long-term nosa. This result was confirmed with complex formation. patient sera, in which antibodies immune suppression; i.e. for all This substance probably represents were detectable even before adminis - disease states associated with the actual immune modulator. The tering SANUKEHL Pseu. Antibodies leukopenia. ᮀ effect of the complex likely has less against the microorganism are evi- to do with induction of antibodies dently a natural part of the immune against SANUKEHL Pseu than with defense system, which is thus able to regulation of immunological pro- control the pathogen. cesses or correction of immuno - Summary of the In-Vitro logical imbalances, and develops its Experiments with SANUKEHL effect, for example, via induction of Pseu cytokines, particularly GM-CSF and First published in the German language in the IL-10. SANUM-Post magazine (37/1996) An idea can be derived from these © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • results as to how Pseudomonas The former sends a strong hema - 27318 Hoya • Germany aeruginosa might work in vivo. topoetic signal to the bone marrow All Rights Reserved.

71 Eliminating Hydrocortisone-induced Immune Suppression with SANUKEHL Pseu in Vitro

by Dr. R. Kunze and J. Hartmann (Ph. D., Biology)

1. Introduction Hydrocortisone was chosen be- kines GM-CSF and interleukin 1b in cause it is a physiologically occur- the presence of a substance which The investigations “Identification of Immune Modulatory Properties of ring immune suppressor. It is pro- blocks immune activity (hydrocorti- SANUKEHL Pseu“ made it clear that duced by the body itself and can sone). induce therapy blockages. In disea - here was a substance that inter- To this end, peripheral mononuclear ses within the indication range of vened in the regulatory cycles of blood cells (PMBC) from the blood cytokine production of mononuclear SANUKEHL Pseu, hydrocortisone of healthy donors were isolated and blood cells.* In its interaction with probably plays a special role. The incubated with human IgG. Cytokin - im mune complexes, an increased idea of investigating the effect of production was stimulated through im muno cyte reaction was observed SANUKEHL Pseu on hydrocortisone in the induction of cytokines in vitro. induced cytokine suppression, with binding to the Fc receptors while The results of these investigations the users of the preparation in mind, saturating PMBC’s absorptive bin - have already been published in therefore came quite naturally. ding capacity. Next, the depend- 1,2 SANUM Post. ence of the formation of the 2. Results cytokines GM-CSF and IL lb on in- Quite remarkable was the increase in production of the granulocyte We investigated experimentally creasing concentrations of hydro- monocytecolony stimulating factor whether SANUKEHL Pseu, in com- cortisone in the presence of increa - (GM-CSF), a regulatory or hema - bination with fixed immunoglobulins sing concentrations of SANUKEHL topoetic cytokine. These results led (immune complexes), influenced the Pseu (and with regard to time) was to conclusions concerning the pos- regulatory or pro in flammatory cyto - investigated. sibilities inherent in a deeper analysis of the immune mo du la tory potential    of SANUKEHL Pseu.   As regards the use of SANUKEHL Pseu, there have been a number of SANUKEHL Pseu + fixed lgG Fixed lgG without SANUKEHL Pseu clinical observations that give an in - SANUKEHL Pseu without fixed lgG di cation of the product’s immune modulatory effectiveness. SANU- KEHL Pseu is evidently able to eli - minate immunologically based the - rapy blockages. The goal of the investi gations reported on here was to make these effective properties of SANUKEHL Pseu visible in vitro under defined experimental conditions, using the example of hydro cor tisone induced immune suppression.

* Homeopathic preparation consisting of polysaccharides from SANUKEHL Pseu from a homeopathic-isopathic product line from Germany. Figure 1

72 The hydrocortisone concentrations used (0.01-10 µM) cover the human blood plasma concentration range    of hydrocortisone, which (subject to   a circadian rhythm) varies between 0.11 and 0.55. SANUKEHL Pseu + fixed lgG Fixed lgG without SANUKEHL Pseu The data from one donor represen- SANUKEHL Pseu without fixed lgG tative for purposes of analysis are presented in detail in Figs. 1 & 6. The experiments were set up so as to be able to look at individual cases. On this level, relevant results have already been attained. Based on Figs. 1-3, the current data are presented as examples. All cell culture preparations were done in parallel. In the culture preparation without hydrocortisone or immuno- globulin G, SANUKEHL Pseu itself generates a clearly demonstrable GM-CSF level (1st co lumn in Figs. 1 & 3). Fixed immunoglobulin by itself generates a clearly higher cytokine Figure 2 signal (2nd column in Figs. 1 & 3). The combination of immunoglobulin G with SANUKEHL Pseu increases the cytokine signal considerably (3rd      column in Figs. 1 & 3). In Figs. 2 & 3, in which GM-CSF was set for a later SANUKEHL Pseu + fixed lgG time, this effect becomes even Fixed lgG without SANUKEHL Pseu clearer. These data serve as a refe - SANUKEHL Pseu without fixed lgG rence system for the hydrocortisone experiments. An earlier research re - port detailed the superadditive effect of GM-CSF induction by SANU- KEHL Pseu in combination with 2 immune complexes. In the presence of hydrocortisone (Figs. 1-3), there is a more or less concentration dependent immune suppression of cytokine production. In combination with fixed immuno- globulins, SANUKEHL Pseu can, at all tested concentrations and at all times, reduce or eliminate hydro - cortisone induced immune sup- pression. Figure 3

73 The situation is structured similarly receptors to the interior of the cell, which, ultimately, take part in regu- for interleukin 1ß (Figs. 4-6). Here and induce the release or production lating protein synthesis. also one can note dosage effect of cytokines. There are a number of additional relationships between SANUKEHL Cytokines induced in the second receptors available for the induction Pseu and hydrocortisone. In com - manner can be switched off by hy - of cytokines. These include, for bination with fixed immuno globulin drocortisone [3,4]. The cell interior example, the endotoxin receptor G, SANUKEHL Pseu is once more has receptors for this molecule CD14 and the Fc receptors to which able to eliminate hydrocortisone in - duced suppression. Timewise, the induction of the two cytokines does not differ significantly.     

In order to be able to summarize the SANUKEHL Pseu + fixed lgG Fixed lgG without SANUKEHL Pseu influence of the amount of SANU - SANUKEHL Pseu without fixed lgG KEHL Pseu and the various donors, the values measured with and with- out SANUKEHL Pseu under fixed IgG were normed to the cytokine production measured with only fixed IgG without SANUKEHL Pseu or hydrocortisone (cytokine value = 100 %).

A 3D bar chart was chosen to clari- fy the relationships in the reaction tri- angle hydrocortisone/SANUKEHL Pseu induced cytokine signal. In Figs. 7 & 8, one can see that the four Figure 4 donors reacted in very nearly the same way. Increasing SANU KEHL Pseu concentration can more and    more reduce or eliminate hydrocor -   tisone induced suppression. The SANUKEHL Pseu + fixed lgG cells of the four donors react simi - Fixed lgG without SANUKEHL Pseu SANUKEHL Pseu without fixed lgG larly at all three of the time points Chosen for cytokine determination.

3. Discussion

At the moment, there exists no com- monly accepted model for the molecular mechanisms which lead to compensation or elimi nation of hydrocortisone induced immune suppression. For the induction of cytokine signals, specific stimuli originating from the extracellular space are transmitted via specific Figure 5

74 immunoglobulins or immune com- • As physiological opponents of From the viewpoint of clinical immu - plexes bind. These also induce a MIF (macrophagemigration inhi bi - nology, the immune modulatory reaction cascade within the cell [5,6] tory factor: possesses immune effect of SANUKEHL Pseu is of which leads to cytokine production. activa ting properties), they modu- fundamental significance for the This is in all likelihood the place to late the reaction potential of understanding of its effect on begin in seeking to understand the macro phages [10,11]. patients. The dependence on the effect of SANUKEHL Pseu in combi- nation with fixed immuno globulins or immune complexes.      Other mechanisms are conceivable SANUKEHL Pseu + fixed lgG which could explain the results pre- Fixed lgG without SANUKEHL Pseu sented here. A cross linkage i.e. a SANUKEHL Pseu without fixed lgG simultaneous mutual interaction between a ligand or ligand pair (immune complex) and two receptors on the cell surface [7,8] can likewise result in activation of the cell. Both SANUKEHL Pseu and immunoglobu- lin bound to bacterial antigen could effect the cross linkage via Fc at two receptor types on the cell surface. Another possibility not to be excluded is that different types of cells react with the immune complex or SANU - Figure 6 KEHL Pseu, and metabolic products from one type of cell activate another type of cell, which ultimately produ- ces cytokine.

Furthermore, it is conceivable that the effect of SANUKEHL Pseu is based an activating a hither to un - discovered cytokine or chemokine which is involved in the reduction or elimination of hydrocortisone in- duced cytokine suppression [8-11].

In the immunological technical litera- ture, two molecular mechanisms for corticosteroids are discussed:

• On the genetic level, they inhibit in a complex with their receptors, by binding on the “key“ transforma- tion factors of protein and thus also cytokine synthesis. The par- ticular factors involved are AP-1 and NF-kB [3,4,12]. Figure 7

75 immunopathological processes of immunoglobulins can minimize or 4. Cytokine Modulation by Glucocorticoids: Mechanisms and Actions in Cellular various diseases permits adding new eliminate immune suppression trig- Studies, Brattsand R, Linden M, Aliment. areas of indication for the product, at gered by hydrocortisone. Pharmacol. Ther. 1996, 10 Suppl. 2, 81 90, discussion 92 z. least theoretically at first. What we The observations coming from the 5. Fc Receptor mediated Signal Trans- here have in mind is influencing neu- duction, Lin CT, Shen Z, Boros P Unke - clinical application of SANUKEHL less JC, J. Clin. Immunol.1994, jan, 14 roimmunological processes or else Pseu clearly demonstrate that, with (1): 1 13. the breakup of immunosuppressive this preparation, existing blockages 6. The Binding of lmmobilized 1gG2a to Fc feed back systems set in motion by gamma 2a Receptor Activates NF kappa in which various other attempts at B via Reactive Oxygen Intermediaries other substances or processes. This and Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha 1, naturopathic therapy have failed to Muroi M, Muroi Y, Suzuki T, J. Biol. inclu des, for example, the immuno- improve the condition of the affected Chem.1994 Dec2, 269 (48J: 1 13. suppressive, cytostatic effect of Me - patients can be broken up. 7. Fc (gamma) Receptor Cross linking tho trexate or Cyclosporin-A but also Induces Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein radiation induced immune suppres- 1 Expression: Role of Lymphocyte Fc Bibliography (gamma) RIII, Marsch CB, Wewers MD, sion. Immune suppression observed Tan LC, Rovin BH, J. Immunol 1997 Feb 1. SANUM Kehlbeck, unpublished research 1,156 (3J: 1078 84. in cases of long term physical or report,1996. psychic stress might be a future area 8. Co ligation of CD31 an Fc gamma RII 2. The Immunemodulatory Profile of Induces Cytokine Production in Human of indication for SANUKKEHL Pseu. SANU KEHL Pseu [Das immunmodula- Monocytes, Chen W, Knapp W, Majdic torische Profil von SANUKEHL Pseu, O, Stockinger H, Bohmig GA, Ziabinger Another possibility is that of influenc- Kunze R, Hartmann, J, SANUM Post GJ, J. Immunol. 1994 Apr 15, 152 (8): 1996, 37: 11 I8. 3991 7. ing the immunological balance of the 3. The immunological Activity of Corti- 9. Monocyte IL 8 Release is Induced by two TH1/TH2 subpopulation, which reg- costeroids, Scudeletti M, Musselli C, Independent Fc gamma R mediated Lanza L, Peirano L, Puppo F, Indiveri F, Pathways, Marsh CB, Anderson CL, ulates the immunological phenotyp Recenti Prog. Med. 1996 Oct. 87 (10J: Lowe MP Wewers MD, J. Immunol. 1996 (dominance of cellular or of humoral 508 15. Sep 16, 157 (6): 26327. immunity). In the last 8 years, the analysis of the significance of the TH1/TH2 Subpopulation for the          development of disease pictures has       developed into an independent re - search field of its own [13,14,15]. Hydrocortisone and other similarly structured immune suppressors can intervene in a fundamental way in the life cycle of cells [3]. Apoptosis, programmed and regu- lated cell death, has been recognized in recent years as one of the most important processes in the regula- tion and maintenance of immune homeo stasis. It can be assumed that SANUKEHL Pseu positively influ- ences at least some populations of im muno competent cells, and pro- tects them from hydrocortisone in - duced or accelerated apoptosis.

These experiments, or the results there from, show that SANUKEHL Pseu in combination with fixed Figure 8

76 10. Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor: Caldenhoven F“ van de Stolpe A, Eur. First published in the English language in the a Counterregulator of Glucocorticoid Respir. J. Suppl. 1996 Aug, 22: 146s EXPLORE! magazine (Vol.8#3 1997) Action and Critical Mediator of Septic 153s. © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • Shock, CalandraT, Bucala R, J. Inflamm. 13. Human THI and TH2 Subsets: Doubt no 1995 96, 47 (1 2): 3951. 27318 Hoya • Germany More, Romagnani S, Immunol. Today All Rights Reserved. 11. MIF Rediscovered: Cytokine, Pituitary 1991, 12 (8): 256-7 Hormone and Glucocorticoid induced 14. Induction of THI and TH2 Responses: a Regulator of the Immune Response, Key Role for the “Natural“ Immune Bucala R, FASEB J. 1996 Dec, 10 (14): Response, Romagnani S, Immunol. 1607 13. Today 1992, 13 (10): 379 81. 12. Molecular Mechanisms of Steroid Action: 15. The THI and TH2 Hypothesis of HIV- a Novel Type of Cross walk Between Infection: New Insights, Clerici M, Glucocorticoids and NF kappa B Shearer GM, Immunol Today 1994, 15 Transcription Factors, van der Saag PT (12): 575 81.

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77 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with the Preparation Series SANUKEHL Coli 6X / 7X in the Administration Forms of: Solution for Injection and Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction the preparation on the market, also number of patients was to be found amongst children, should be gained. in the age groups of under 12 years From February 1991 to May 2000, a (16.5%), between 41 and 50 years total number of 164 patients was In accordance with the structure of (17.1%) and between 61 and 70 admitted to an observation study the study, exclusively descriptive years (15.9%). 8.5% of the patients with the preparation series SANU - statistical procedures were used. were between 21 and 30 years, only KEHL Coli in the administration The application of inductive methods 4.9% between 21 and 30 years, forms of drops and solution for in - was not indicated. An “intention to and 10.4% between 31 and 40 jection in one internist practice and treat“ evaluation was carried out, years. The biggest age group was two general practices. The homeo- i.e. all patients were considered that of 51 to 60-year-old patients pathic test preparation SANUKEHL who had received at least one dose with 21.3%. Finally, 5.5% of the Coli consists exclusively of Esche - of the remedy. patients were over 70 years of age. richia coli e volumine cellulae in its In the age distribution, the men with 6th decimal dilution for the drops 2. Participating Patients an average age of 47.1 ± 23.2 years and its 7th decimal dilution for the 164 patients participated in the were on average 8 years older than solution for injection. study, 77 men (47.8%) and 84 the women with 39.3 ± 21.4 years. The aim of the observation study women (52.1%). For 3 patients no Height varied between 115 and 187 was to establish the actual appli - information was available. The age cm with an average value of 166.1 ± cation of the preparation and its to - of the patients varied between 3 14.6 cm. Weight varied between 20 lerance under the conditions of and 98 (!) years with an average of and 90 kg with an average weight of everyday practice. Further, know - 43.0 years and a standard deviation 68.5 ± 16.7 kg. ledge concerning the acceptance of of 22.6 years. Approximately the same 2.1 Diagnosis and Accompany- ing Diseases The diagnosis leading to prescrip- tion had to be recorded in the study protocol. It became apparent that SANUKEHL Coli, in accordance with Isopathy, is used in a very wide area of application. The preferred application was independent of the age of the patients. The main in - dication areas stated were bronchi- tis, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, cystitis, and prostatitis. Medical findings were collected before and after completion of the treatment.

78 group of over 12-year-olds, chronic complaints of more than 3 years duration were predominant in 81.5% of the patients. Only 7.4% had suf- fered for one to three years, and 0.7% of the patients for six to 12 months. A short duration of com- plaints of up to six months was again stated by 10.4% of the patients. 20 of the 164 patients included in the study – all of them over 12 years old – had been treated with SA NU - KEHL Coli previously.

3. Dosage and Duration of Duration of Total Patients Patients Treat ment complaints patient < 12 years > 12 years (months) population (%) (%) (%) 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- < 6 14.4 36.0 10.4 tion of Treatment Corresponding to the nature of an 6 - 12 4.4 24.0 0.7 application study, the doctor was < 36 8.8 16.0 7.4 not given a fixed schedule for the final examination. This final examina- > 36 72.4 24.0 81.5 tion was carried out after a period of 9 to 727 days with an average value Accom panying therapies were to be from their complaints for less than of 156.3 ± 163.2 days. documented in the survey form. six months, and only 24% for a peri- od of six to 12 months. Another Therapy duration for the children In order to obtain a measure of 24% of the patients in this age group (< 12 years) with 105.3 ± 197.2 days chronic diseases, the patients were had suffered for more than three on average was about 60 days asked in the study protocol for how years, while 16% stated a period of shorter than that for the adult group long the disease or complaints had one to three years. In the adult with 164.9 ± 153.3 days. However, been existent. Time frames were given of less than six months, up to one year, up to three years and more than three years. In 14.4% of the patients, the complaints had existed for less than six months. In only 4.4% of the patients, the complaints had existed for six to 12 months, and in 8.8% for up to three years. 72.4% of all patients had suffered from the medical conditions for more than 36 months. In the patient group of under 12-year-olds, the duration of complaints was shifted towards rather acute conditions. Thus, 36.0% of the patients had suffered

79 due to the large range of the values, For rubbing in: every 1 to 2 days 5 form. The dosages for drops indi- the average value of the under 12 to 10 drops into the affected area or cate the daily dose of intake or rub- age group is not significant, and is the hollow of the elbow. bing in, the dosages for the injec- only determined by a few outliers. A tions indicate the dose per week. After eight weeks of therapy dura- differentiated reflection of the thera- tion, therapy should be paused for The recommended dose was com- py periods offers a better picture. several months. plied with. In the group of under 12- Thus, a therapy duration of up to 50 year-olds, the dosage of drops for days is clearly predominant in the Solution for injection: 1 to 3x weekly oral intake was applied according to age group of under 12-year-olds 1 ml to be injected subcutaneously. the age. Dosage of the drops for (84% of all patients). Only 8% of the After four weeks of therapy duration rubbing in did not differ substantial- patients of this age group were or application of a maximum of 10 ly from the adult group. The injec- treated for more than 150 days. consecutive injections, therapy should tion volume at 3 ml per week was Among the adults, the largest be paused for several months. slightly higher than that of the adults groups with 38.2% and 23.5% of at 2.0 ± 0.9 ml. However, as only the patients were treated for more Referring to the administration forms, two children received an injection, than 150 days and between 51 and drops were taken orally by 147 this result cannot be considered 75 days, respectively. patients and rubbed in by 41 patients, and injections were used by representative. 3.2 Dosage 68 patients. Multiple designations 4. Comparison with Former were necessary where both adminis- Dosage was prescribed for the indi - Therapy tration forms were combined. In vidual administration forms ac cor ding total, drops for oral intake were 20 patients had received a previous to the package leaflet as follows: combined with drops for rubbing in therapy with one or more adminis- Drops: by 36 patients (= 21.9% of all tration forms of SANUKEHL Coli For oral intake: in acute conditions patients), and drops for oral intake within the last 5 years, with 13 pa - 5 to 10 drops every 12-24 hours; in with injections by 4 patients (2.4%). tients receiving drops and 2 patients chronic forms 10 drops every other The following table shows the medi- receiving injections. No data were day. um dose of each administration available for 5 patients. By compa -

Total Population Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 16.2 ± 5.5 4 30 Drops (topical) 4.7 ± 0.9 2 6 Injection (ml) 2.1 ± 0.9 0.5 3 All Patients under 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose No. of patients Drops (oral) 9.2 ± 3.7 4 20 27 Drops (topical) 4.2 ± 1.1 2 5 18 Injection (ml) 3.0 3 3 2 All Patients over 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose No. of patients Drops (oral) 17.7 ± 4.5 10 30 120 Drops (topical) 5.2 ± 0.4 5 6 23 Injection (ml) 2.0 ± 0.9 0.5 3 66

80 Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 55.5 44.5 0 0 64.6 35.4 0 0 First user 53.9 46.1 0 0 65.2 34.8 0 0 Multiple user 65.0 35.0 0 0 64.6 35.4 0 0

ring efficacy and tolerance in the By “very good”, the first users tend- cacy and tolerance. Efficacy could two patient groups of first users and ed to evaluate efficacy better than be rated as “very good”, “good”, multiple users, evidence for a possi- the multiple users. Neither doctors “moderate” or having “no effect”. ble sensitization to the active ingre- nor patients rated the therapeutic Further, doctors were asked to eva - dient should be determined. outcome as “no effect”. luate the patients’ compliance, which also could be rated as “very With 66.6 ± 21.2 days, the average In the evaluation of tolerance, there good”, “good”, “moderate” or “poor”. were no significant evaluation differ- therapy duration for the multiple ences between multiple users and users differed significantly from that The evaluation of efficacy showed first users. With a very good overall for the first users with 171.8 ± 170.9 that 43.3% of the patients rated effi- days and that for all patients with tolerance, both multiple users and cacy as “very good”, 50.6% as 156.3 ± 163.2 days. first users rated tolerance exclusive- “good”, whilst for 6.1%, the treat- ment’s efficacy was “moderate”. ly as “very good“ and “good”. From 5. Efficacy and Tolerance this data, no risk potential concern- The result of the doctors’ evaluation ing a sensitization of the patients to 5.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by of efficacy was just as positive as the active ingredient Escherichia coli Doc tor and Patient that of the patients. The doctors e voluminae cellulae 6X or 7X can In a final assessment, doctors and rated efficacy as “very good” in be identified. patients were asked to evaluate effi- 54.3% of the cases, as “good” in

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 43.3 50.6 6.1 0 54.3 36.6 9.1 0 First user 20.0 80.0 0 0 20.0 55.0 25.0 0 Multiple user 47.5 45.4 7.1 0 60.3 33.3 6.4 0

81 in tolerance could be rated as “very good”, “good”, “moderate” and “poor”. 55.5% of the patients and 64.6% of the doctors rated toler- ance as “very good”, while 44.5% of the patients and 35.4% of the doc- tors attested “good” tolerance to SANUKEHL Coli. “Moderate” and “poor” tolerance was attested to the preparation in no case.

5.3 Side Effects and Disconti - nuation of the Therapy No patient discontinued the thera - py with SANUKEHL Coli, and no 36.6%, as “moderate” in 9.1%. No the study were given a “good” or adverse drug reactions were re- doctor and no patient evaluated the “very good” compliance rating. For ported. treatment as having “no effect”. In seven patients, compliance was After the application of 10 drops the adults’ group, efficacy tended to judged as being “moderate” and for orally daily and 1 ml injected subcu- be rated better; there was a shift no patient as being “poor”. taneously 1x weekly, one male from “good” to “very good” in the patient of 33 years complained of evaluation. 5.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by perspiration one day after the par- Doctor and Patient Compliance (N = 153) was judged enteral application, which lasted for as “very good” in 83 and “good” in To conclude the examination, an one day. Treatment with the test 63 patients by their doctors, hence evaluation of tolerance was submit- preparation was continued, and the 89.0% of all patients participating in ted by doctors and patients, where- complaints disappeared completely

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 43.3 50.6 6.1 0 54.3 36.6 9.1 0 < 12 years 14.8 77.8 7.4 0 40.7 55.6 3.7 0 > 12 years 48.9 45.3 5.8 0 56.9 32.9 10.2 0

82 without further therapy. A 28-year- 6. Summary drops and its 7th decimal dilution for the solution for injection. The age old female patient suffering from From February 1991 to May 2000, a of the patients varied between 3 headache and diarrhea complained total number of 164 patients was and 98 years with an average of of nausea lasting for 10 minutes 30 admitted to an observation study 43.0 years. minutes after taking in 10 drops. with the preparation series SANU - Another 60 years old female patient KEHL Coli in the administration SANUKEHL Coli, in accordance with pancreatic insufficiency com- forms of drops and solution for with Isopathy, was used in a very plained of diarrhea 12 hours after injection in one internist practice wide area of application. The pre- the first intake of 8 drops, which dis- and two general practices. The ho - ferred application was independent appeared after a one day tea break. meopathic test preparation SANU - of the age of the patients. The main In all of the three cases, a connec- KEHL Coli consists exclusively of indication areas stated were bron- tion with the SANUKEHL Coli the - Escherichia coli e volumine cellulae chitis, diarrhea, urinary tract infec- rapy was unlikely. in its 6th decimal dilution for the tion, cystitis, and prostatitis. Ac -

Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 55.5 44.5 0 0 64.6 35.4 0 0 < 12 years 18.5 81.5 0 0 37.0 63.0 0 0 > 12 years 62.8 37.2 0 0 70.1 29.9 0 0

83 companying therapies were to be Among the adults, the largest group Tolerance was rated exclusively as documented in the survey form. with 38.2% of the patients was “very good” and “good” by both treated for more than 150 days. patients and doctors. Three short Therapy duration for the children (< reactions such as perspiration, nau- 12 years) with 105.3 ± 197.2 days Progress of the treatment was sea and diarrhea were observed. on average was about 60 days determined by means of a collection No connection to SANUKEHL Coli shorter than that for the adult group of medical findings both at the could be established. The manifes- with 164.9 ± 153.3 days. A differen- beginning and the conclusion of the tations disappeared without further tiated reflection of the therapy peri- therapy. 93.9% of the patients and therapy. No study was discontinued ods offers a better picture. Thus, a 90.9% of the doctors rated efficacy and there were no undesired side therapy duration of up to 50 days is as being “very good” and “good”. effects. ᮀ clearly predominant in the age By “very good”, the first users tend- group of under 12-year-olds (84% ed to evaluate efficacy better than First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (79/2007) of all patients). Only 8% of the the multiple users. Neither doctors © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • patients of this age group were nor patients rated the therapeutic 27318 Hoya • Germany treated for more than 150 days. outcome as “no effect”. All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Coli 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Escherichia coli extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Cholangitis, cholecystitis, gastroenteritis, colitis; pyelonephritis, cystitis; epididymitis, prostatitis; salpingitis, metritis, vaginitis; bronchitis.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 7X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

84 SANUKEHL Preparations for the Excretion of Cell Wall Deficient Bacterial Forms A Specific Extension of Isopathic Therapy by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider

This paper describes the origins and regulate the environmental condi- external environment with toxins and significance of cell wall deficient tions in blood and tissue in this way other harmful substances (Jensen, (CWD) forms of bacteria. With the means that there is a genuine sym- 2000; Mattman, 1993, Reckeweg, help of SANUM therapy and particu- biotic relationship between the 1975; Vithoulkas, 1998) and electro - larly by taking account of SANUKEHL microbes and their host (Braun-von- smog, together with impediments to preparations, such forms can be Gladiss 2000). healing above all in the area of the teeth regulated and excreted from the (heavy metal contamination, dead If the milieu becomes distorted in body. According to Professor Heine, teeth). The organism cannot by itself any way, the regulatory bacterial eliminate cell wall deficient bacterial this regulation mechanism can be ex - forms may develop into pathogenic forms originating in the context of this plained by the “immunological sup- ‘germs’, causing specific clinical milieu distortion, because na tural re - port reaction“. Regulation therapy symptoms of disease. However, gu lation is also severely jeopardised using SANUKEHLS naturally presup- these symptoms are usually only the by this severe “artificial disease“. poses a base substance susceptible expression of a healing reaction, to regulation, as described by with the help of which the organism This is where the SANUM therapy, Pischinger. This means that at least at is endeavouring to re-establish its above all with the help of the the same time, but even better symbiotic equilibrium. The laws go - SANUKEHL preparations, offers the beforehand, the corresponding milieu verning this process, which from a possibility of backing up the natural therapy has to be implemented. It is clinical point of view need to be regulation at critical points and true that the effect of the SANU - observed, have been summarised facilitating the excretion of the cell KEHLS can be seen even without a by the German physician Hans- wall deficient bacterial forms. prior milieu therapy but then far higher Heinrich Reckeweg in the 6-phase According to research by Carl doses are required, as Peter Cor - table of homotoxicology (Reckeweg Spengler (Spengler 1911) on the nelius describes in his article “Thera - 1975). trans mission of micro-organisms to peutic Experience with Haptens“ subsequent generations, an ultrasmall As described in the article on the which is also contained in this edition form of the syphilis pathogen can be tubercular constitution in the SANUM- of the SANUM Post. found in the cells of the orga nism even Post (Schneider 2000), cell wall defi- when the organism has not been in - cient bacterial forms (called ‘CWD’ Origin of Cell Wall Deficient fected by the pathogen during its life. by Mattman 2001) may, however, Bacterial Forms It was there fore assu med that the also develop in non-physiological widespread nature of “congenital Low developmental forms of bacte- conditions. These conditions arise syphilis“ was a relic of the early 16th ria are of great significance to the when an environment is created arti- century, when syphilis carried from normal regulation of the warm- ficially in the organism, something America brought this acute infectious blooded organism. The background which is otherwise only found with disease to the entire popu lation on a of this knowledge has been known the most serious illnesses, such as pandemic scale. Any one who did not for more than a hundred years and it cancer for instance. The main causes fall prey to the disease at that time was researched systematically dur- of these milieu distortions in humans retained a ‘residual toxicosis’ which ing the time of the First World War by are nowadays poor nutrition, indis- was handed down over the genera- Günther Enderlein (Enderlein 1925). criminate administration of antibiotics tions and according to Spengler is still The fact that a healthy organism can and vaccines, the pollution of the present later as a “hereditary virus“.

85 But in fact it simply means that cell milieu in blood and bodily tissues is 3.5% NaCl. Unfortu nately this wall deficient bacterial forms can be a severe disruption of the energy flow method is not yet part of routine trans mitted to the next generation within the organism (lower section of laboratory testing. extrachromosomally via the cyto- the Table, from Elmau, 1985). In the darkfield microscopy image of plasm of the cells. In pathologically distorted milieu con- the blood cell wall deficient bacterial ditions a lot of energy is stored in the Characterisation of the Environ - forms are identifiable as “mychites“ blood (hence Enderlein’s “tendency mental Conditions in which Cell (from Bleker, 1997). to congestion“) but cannot be used Wall Deficient Bacterial Forms by the metabolism. This means that Multiply metabolism and excretion in a chroni - The pathologically distorted milieu, cally sick organism are no longer ade - which is also called a “tubercular“ milieu quate and the patient, with an energy (Schneider, 2000), can be characterised surplus, is regularly starved of energy. with the following parameters in blood The main work of Tibetan medicine and tissue: rH -value (redox potential), 2 “Gyü-shi“ [Energy Theory], the book of pH (acid base balance) and r (electrolyte the four Tantras of medicine, on the concentration). These parameters are sub ject of the origin of cancer, states: measured in blood, saliva and urine before a swelling becomes visible, the with the help of Vincent’s bioelectronics disease is preceded by a debilitation (BEV). of the body’s energy. This means: the The redox potential provides informa- stimulus attacks parts of the “vitalis- tion about the oxygen metabolism. ing energy body“ – which surrounds a In addition to balanced cell respiration, human being throughout his life – and a balanced acid-base relationship and destroys it. This can lead to individual Specific Antibody Formation and adequate excretion of toxins and organs being cut off from the life-flow. “Immunological Support Reaction“ meta bolic products are necessary The pathologically distorted milieu of It is primarily plasma cells which are for the organs to function smoothly. the blood, which is rich in energy, involved in the formation of antibodies. In particular a constantly raised redox offers the cell wall deficient bacterial They derive from B-lymphocytes and potential (“redox rigidity“ according to forms excellent breeding grounds have a lifetime of about four days. In Vincent) means that intracellular respi - even within the cells. addition the preliminary stages of ration no longer functions adequately. When these conditions are copied, plasma cells, the small lymphocytes From the table of BEV values for the cell wall deficient bacterial forms and immunoblasts, are also capable blood, saliva and urine in physio logical can also be cultivated artificially in of forming and secreting antibodies. and pathological conditions and the laboratory conditions (Mattman, 2001), The development and mechanisms energy output calculated from this, whereby the culture medium must be of the human immune systems are one can see that the significant stabilised with cardiac muscle extract, shown in Figure 2 (from E. Buddeke: characteristic of a heavily distorted 15% inactivated horse serum and “Outline of biochemistry“, 1989).  ,GHDOYDOXHV        S+ U+ ( U 2XWSXW>—:FP @      %ORRG           6DOLYD          8ULQH        6WURQJSDWKRORJLFDOYDOXHV     S+ U+ ( U 2XWSXW>—:FP @       %ORRG           6DOLYD           8ULQH             86  2nd – 4th visceral arch sac Memory cell

Thymus Immune-competent Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte T-lymphocyte Cellular immune

reaction Lymphatic stem cell Macrophage Auxiliary cell Suppressor cell


Lymphatic tissue Immune-competent Plasma cell Synthesis Humoral immuneof B-lymphocyte reactions immunoglobulins (IgM, IgA, IgG, IgD, IgE) Humoral immune reactions Memorycell

Bursa fabricii equivalent

Figure 2: Development and mechanisms of the human immune system

The cell wall of bacteria contains anti- gen structures, which are recognised 1. Antigen – uptake, by the immune system and which - processing and help to maintain a balance between - presentation micro-organisms and the host. To trigger an antigen-antibody reaction the antigens, which have reached the organism, have to meet B-lympho cytes, which carry the corresponding recep- 2. Recognition of antigen by tors on their cell surface. In addition to T- and B-lymphocytes help this direct route however, the antigens are as a rule bound, ab sorbed and processed by “accessory cells“ of the immune system and then presented to the immune-competent cells.

Among the immune-competent cells 3. Proliferation and differentiation there are in particular the antigen- of the B-lymphocytes from specific T-lymphocytes. T-lympho- antibody-forming cells cytes cannot themselves recognise any antigens directly; they are only stimulated when the antigen is pre- sented to them by the accessory secreted antibodies cells. Figure 3 shows a general dia- gram of cell co-operation when trig- Figure 3: General diagram of cell co-operation when triggering antibody gering antibody formation (from H. formation (according to ROITT et al. 1985). Ambrosius and W. Rudolph: “Outline APC=antigen-presenting cell, TH =helper-T-lymphocyte, B=C-lymphocyte, of Immunobiology“, 1990). AFC=antibody-forming cell.

87 For the excretion of the cell wall defi- immunologically pre-programmed – 2. For two weeks: EXMYKEHL 3X cient forms of bacteria the SANU - recognise these features and adopt Supp. evenings Monday – Fri day, KEHL preparations have been well them by binding them to their recep- Saturday and Sunday 2 x 1 tablet tried over a long period, including tors. The lymphocytes “motivated“ in FORTAKEHL 5X. the therapy of infections with myco - this way migrate via the lymph vessels 3. After those two weeks, for plasms (Schneider, 1998; Werth mann back into the nearest regional lymph months: Monday – Friday: mor - 1999 and 2000). Since cell wall defi- nodes, where they multiply, accord- ning 1 tablet MUCOKEHL 5X, cient bacterial forms have no cell wall ing to the number of motives, into evening 1 tablet NIGERSAN 5X, in the strict sense of the word, but cell clones of regulatory lympho- simply a thin membrane, the immu no - cytes (TH3), in order to then migrate Saturday and Sunday 2 x 1 tablet logical mechanisms so far described into the whole body via the blood. FORTAKEHL 5X. only have a very limited effect in Attracted chemotactically, the TH3 4. From the beginning of the second eliminating them. However, the cell cells find the diseased area of tissue week: alternating daily SANU KEHL wall deficient bacterial forms are evi- and the lymphocytes (TH1 and TH2) Myc 6X and SANUKEHL Klebs 6X dently rendered recognisable to the which are sustaining and fostering take 2 x 5 drops daily and rub in immune system by the specific the local chronic inflammations there. 1 x 5 drops. SANU KEHL preparations. Through contact with the specifically motivated TH3 cells the activity of 5. From the third week onwards: It has been known for a long time that the inflammation-promoting lympho- 1 capsule UTILIN “S“ (4X or 6X information is exchanged be tween cytes is reduced by the release of depending on constitution) 1 every micro-organisms and their host in the cytokines TGF-ß, IL-4 and IL-10. 14 days. the form of polysaccharides, such At the same time the information as those present in the SANUKEHL 6. Acid-base regulation with ALKALA contained in the SANUKEHL prepa- preparations. An explanation of the N and SANUVIS. rations about the cell wall deficient biochemical mechanism is provided The combination injection with Ubi - forms of the relevant bacteria to be by Heine’s so-called “immunolo - chinon, other carbonyl-group sub- eliminated is notified to these cells. gical support reaction“ (Pischinger, stances and CITROKEHL serves to 1998), which is summarised in The immunological support reaction activate the photons in the cells and Figure 4. described by Heine in Pischinger’s improve cell respiration, EXYMKEHL manual only works in the low dose The immunological support reaction and FORTAKEHL to rebuild the sym- range. With the help of homeo pathic is based on low dose antigen reac- biosis in the intestine and MUCOKEHL SANUKEHLS the immune system is tions, particularly with low to medi- and NIGERSAN to isopathically break specifically directed to eliminating um potency homeopathic medicines down Enderlein’s higher valence cell wall deficient bacteria, against (D1 – D14). The non-toxic formula- forms; UTILIN “S“ serves as multipo- which an adequate immune reaction tions contained in the SANUKEHL tent immune stimulation. preparations, made from the cell would not otherwise occur. The SANUKEHL preparations stimu- walls of certain micro-organisms, are Basic Therapy directly phagolysed and processed late the immune system to excrete Finally let us describe a modified after ingestion and/or topical appli- specific cell wall deficient forms of basic therapy according to Werth - cation by macro phages/monocytes pathogenic microorganisms. Where mann (Schneider, 2000) to regulate and M-cells. Then short amino-acid there is a tubercular constitution, the tubercular milieu, which has sequences are returned to the macro - SANUKEHL Myc and Klebs are been tried and tested in practice phage surface as identifying features used; where there is a known infec- among adults for many years. (“recognition motive“) for lymphocytes tion from other microorganisms (e.g. and bound to the tissue tolerance 1. Ubichinon comp. (Heel) – staphylococci or streptococci) the (MHC) complex. TH3 cells – these CITROKEHL: combination injection corresponding preparations (e.g. are lymphocytes which are not yet i.m. once a week. SANUKEHL Staph or Strep) are used.

88 Homeopathic remedy (D means substances of different potencies. D4-D8 is selected from D1-D14)

Macrophage uptake mediators for processing the activation of basic regulation MHC differentiation of the T-cells in regul. motive forma- Th3 with motive tion (5-15 T-cell (naïve amino- lymphocyte) acids) Macrophage Homing Recognition of Immuno- similarity (simile globulin- principle); regu - producing la tory lympho- inflamed B-lympho- cytes (Th3) cytes lymph nodes joint organotropy Down regu - histotropy lation of appropriate Th1, Th2 Inflammation-promoting clone formation lymphocytes (Th1, Th2) in lymph nodes

Figure 4: Immunological support reaction according to Pischinger (1998)

Since the information from the Bibliography bacteria), Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin, 1925; Nachdruck 1981 erschienen bei SANUKEHLS can also be transmit- Bleker, M.-M.: Blutuntersuchung im Dunkel - Semmelweis (re-issued in 1981 by ted via the skin cells, some of the feld nach Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein, 2. Semmelweis) drops should be applied to the skin, Auflage (Blood examination in darkfield according to Prof. Günther Enderlein, 2nd Heine, H.: “Immunologische Beistands reaktion for example in the area of the edition), Semmelweis, 1997 der homöopathischen Kombinations - präparate (Antihomotoxische Medizin)“ elbows. Braun-von Gladiß, K.: SANUM-Mittel aus (“Immunological support reaction of ganzheitsmedizinischer Sicht – Medium homeopathic combination products (Anti - für die Harmonie des Menschen mit der homotoxic medicine)“ in Pischinger, A.: Das Welt der Mikroben (SANUM products System der Grundregulation - Grund lagen from a holistic medical standpoint – a einer ganzheitsbiologischen Medizin (The means to harmony between man and the system of basic regulation – principles of world of microbes), SANUM-Post Nr. 53, holistic biological medicine), 9. Auflage (9th edition), Haug, S./P. 81-83, 1998 S./P. 13-16, 2000 Jensen, G.S.: Bericht über das Erste Elmau, H.: Bioelektronik nach Vincent und Internationale Symposium “Mikrobieller Säure-Basen-Haushalt in Theorie und Pleomorphismus in Gesundheit und Praxis (Bioelectronics according to Krankheit“ an der McGill-Universität Vincent and acid-base balancing in theo- Montreal, 18.-19. Juni 1999 (Report on ry and practice), Haug, 1985 the first international symposium “Microbial pleomorphism in health and Enderlein, G.: Bakterien-Cyclogenie. Prolego - disease“ to the McGill University, mena zu Untersuchungen über Bau, Montreal, 18-19th June 1999), SANUM- geschlechtliche und ungeschlechtliche Post Nr. 52, S./P. 12-14, 2000 Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung der Bak - terien (Bacteria Cyclogeny. Prolegomena Mattman, L.H.: Cell Wall Deficient Forms - to a study of the structure, sexual and Stealth Pathogens, 3. Auflage (3rd edi- asexual reproduction and development of tion), CRC Press, 2001

89 Reckeweg, H.-H.: Homotoxikologie – Ganz - lation therapy), SANUM-Post Nr. 52, S./P. Werthmann, K.: Infektion mit Chlamydien und heitsschau einer Synthese der Medizin 4-18, 2000 Mykoplasmen und ihre Behandlung (In- (Homotoxicology – overall look at a syn- fection and treatment of chlamydia and thesis of medicine) Aurelia-Verlag, 1975 Spengler, C.: Tuberkulose- und Syphilis- mycoplasma), SANUM-Post Nr. 51, Arbeiten (Works on tuberculosis and S./P. 2-3, 2000 Schneider, P.: Die Sanukehle – Poly saccharide syphilis), H. Erfurt, Davos, 1911 zur Haptentherapie (Sanu kehls – polysac- charides in hapten therapy), Semmelweis, Vithoulkas, G.: Die neue Dimension der 1999 Medizin (The new dimension in medicine), 2. Auflage (2nd edition), Wenderoth, 1998

Schneider, P.: Die tuberkulinische Konstitution Werthmann, K.: Die chancenreiche Therapie First published in the German language in the als gemeinsame Ursache chronischer mit Sanukehlen - ein breites Wirkungs - SANUM-Post magazine (54/2001) Erkrankungen und ihre naturheilkundliche spektrum der Haptenpräparate (Therapy Regulationstherapie (The tuberculous with good prospects using Sanukehls – a © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • constitution as a common cause of chro- broad spectrum of effects from hapten 27318 Hoya • Germany nic diseases and their naturopathic regu- remedies), SANUM-Post 48, 11-17, 1999 All Rights Reserved.

Utilin® ”S” 4X /6X Capsules Bovisan® 5X Capsules

Capsules for oral intake. Capsules for oral intake.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Mycobacterium phlei e volu- It’s a bacterial preparation made of Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) mine ex muris cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 4X / 6X. e volumine ex muris cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 5X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: According to experience, to be administered in cases of: All chronic lung diseases; chronic feverish diseases with night Chronic in ammation, rheumatic disorders, diseases connected sweats and debility, subfebrile temperatures, weakness (for to tuberculinic constitution; immune modulation. immune modulation). Application and duration of treatment is depending on the Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional. advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are e following dosage forms are available: available: 5 ml dropper bottle 6X 5 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 4X and 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 6X 10 suppositories 6X 10 suppositories 5X 5 capsules 4X and 6X 5 capsules 5X

For more information refer to: For more information refer to: Registration as Registration as medical expert group required for medical expert group required for full access to information. full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production Please note: pictures show D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 German labelling.

90 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Myc 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction 21.0 years. The age groups of 2.1 Diagnosis and Accompany- under 12 years (21.1%), between ing Diseases From April 1991 to April 2000, a 13 and 20 (18.3%) and between 41 total of 142 patients were admitted The diagnosis leading to prescrip- and 50 (17.6%) comprised almost to an observation study with the tion had to be recorded in the study the same number of patients. The preparation SANUKEHL Myc 6X protocol. It showed that SANUKEHL groups between 31 and 40 (12.0%), drops in three medical practices, Myc 6X, according to Isopathy, is between 51 and 60 (10.6%) and one specialising in internal medicine used in a very wide application and two in general medicine. The between 61 and 70 (9.9%) were range. Preferred application was in - homeopathic test preparation, SA - also of comparable sizes. Between dependent of the patients’ age. The NUKEHL Myc, consists exclusively 21 and 30 years old were 7.0% and main indication areas named were of the 6th decimal potency of My co - over 70 years old 3.5% of the bronchitis, bronchial asthma and bacterium bovis (BCG) e volumine patients. The male patients with an skin diseases such as dermatitis, cellulae. average age of 37.5 ± 21.4 years psoriasis and lupus. Medical fin dings were on average 7 years older than were recorded both before and after The aim of the observation study the female patients with 30.2 ± 19.9 completion of the treatment. Any was to determine the actual appli- years. accompanying therapies were to be cation of the preparation and its documented in a survey form. tolerance under conditions of every- Height varied between 119 and 180 day practice. Further, knowledge cm with an average height of 155.9 In order to obtain a measure of concerning the acceptance of the ± 20.0 cm and weight was between chronic diseases, the patients were product, especially with children, on 19 and 93 kg with an average asked in the study protocol for how the market should be gained. weight of 56.9 ± 20.9 kg. long they had suffered the disease In accordance with the structure of the study, exclusively descriptive statistical procedures were used. The application of inductive methods was not indicated. An “intention to treat“ evaluation was carried out, i.e. all patients were considered who had received at least one dose of the remedy.

2. Participating Patients 142 patients participated in the study, 70 males (49.3%) and 72 females (50.7%). The age of the patients varied between 5 and 82 years with an average age of 33.8 years and a standard deviation of

91 tion of up to six months, 18.5% between six and 12 months, and 26.9% between one and three years. Of the 142 patients included in the study, only a 36-year old female patient had already been treated with SANUKEHL Myc 6X drops before.

3. Dosage and Duration of Treatment 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- tion of Treatment Duration of Total patient Patients Patients Corresponding to the nature of an complaints population < 12 years > 12 years application study, the doctors were (months) (%) (%) (%) not given a fixed schedule for the < 6 12.5 35.7 6.5 final examination. This final exami- nation was carried out after a period < 12 22.1 35,7 18.5 of 5 to 368 days with an average of < 36 25.7 21.4 26.9 127.1 ± 130.1 days. Therapy duration for the children > 36 39.7 7.1 48.1 (< 12 years) was on average 81.4 days ± 102.1 days, and thus, ap - or complaints. Time frames were group of over 12-year-olds, a chronic proximately only half as long as that given of less than six months, up to suffering period of more than 3 for the adults’ group with 139.4 ± one year, up to three years and more years was particularly pronounced 133.4 days. The spread range in the than three years. with 48.1% of the patients. age group of under 12-year-olds is For only 12.5% of the patients, the Only 6.5% of the patients suffered due to three patients with 366 ther- complaints had been present for from acute complaints with a dura- apy days each. The differentiated less than 6 months. For 22.1%, the complaints had been present for a period between six and 12 months, Duration of treatment and for 25.7% for a period between one and three years. More than one third (39.7%) of all patients had suf- fered the complaints for more than 36 months. In the age group of under 12-year-olds, the duration of Days the complaints had shifted towards acute conditions. Thus, 35.7% of these patients had suffered the complaints for less than six months and between six and 12 months, but only 7.1% of the patients for Percent more than three years. In the adults’

92 evaluation within specific therapy External application: according to age. The medium do - periods allows for a better picture. It Every 1-2 days 5-10 drops on the sage in monotherapy was not signifi - reveals that amongst the under 12- affected area or in the cubital fossa. cantly different from that in combi- year-olds, the therapy duration up After eight weeks, the therapy should nation therapy. The dosage for to 50 days was clearly in the fore- be discontinued for several months. external application in monotherapy ground (56.7% of all patients). was almost twice as high as in com- 122 patients took the drops orally Amongst the adults, the largest and 74 patients were treated exter- bination therapy. group was that of more than 150 nally. Multiple counts were neces- 4. Comparison with Former therapy days with 31.3% of the sary, as 54 patients were treated Therapy patients. both orally and externally. The fol- lowing table states the medium Only one adult female patient had 3.2 Dosage dosage of the application forms. been treated with SANUKEHL Myc Dosage was prescribed according The drops are related to the daily 6X drops in the past five years. to the patient information leaflet: oral intake or external application, Therefore, a comparison between respectively. Oral application: first-time and repeated users was For acute conditions 5-10 drops The recommended dosage was not possible. By comparing efficacy (every 12 to 24 hours); for chronic complied with. In the group of under and tolerance in both patient groups conditions 10 drops every other 12-year-olds, the drops for oral and of first-time and repeated users, hints day. topical application were dosed for a possible sensitisation towards

Dosage According to Administration Form (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 14.3 ± 6.5 3 30 Drops (topical) 7.2 ± 2.8 1 12

Dosage According to Administration Form (all Patients under 12 Years) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 7.9 ± 2.1 5 10 Drops (topical) 4.9 ± 2.1 1 10

Dosage According to Administration Form (all Patients over 12 Years) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 16.3 ± 6.1 5 30 Drops (topical) 8.0 ± 2.6 3 12

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population)

Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 14.9 ± 6.6 5 30 Mono

Drops (oral) 13.5 ± 6.2 5 20 Combi

Drops (topical) 10.0 ± 0 10 10 Mono

Drops (topical) 6.2 ± 2.6 1 12 Combi

93 the medically active ingredient could doctors’ evaluation was as positive 5.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by be identified. This patient as well as as that of the patients. The doctors Doctor and Patient her doctor evaluated tolerance with rated efficacy as “very good” for To conclude the examination, an “good“ for repeated application. 37.3 % of the patients, as “good” evaluation of tolerance was submit- for 54.9%, and as “moderate” for ted by doctors and patients, where- 5. Efficacy and Tolerance 7.7%. No doctor and no patient in tolerance could be rated as “very 5.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by evaluated the treatment as having good”, “good”, “moderate” and Doctor and Patient “no effect”. In the adults’ group, effi- “poor”. 40.1% of the patients and cacy tended to be rated better; In a final assessment, physicians 41.5% of the doctors rated toler- and patients were asked to evaluate compared with the childrens’ group, ance as “very good”, while 57.7% of efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy there was a shift from “good” to the patients and 54.2% of the doc- could be rated as “very good”, “very good” in the evaluation. tors attested “good” tolerance to “good”, “moderate” or as having “no Compliance (N=140) was judged as SANUKEHL Myc 6X. “Moderate” effect”. The doctors were also re - “very good” for 42 patients and as tolerance was stated by 2.1% of the quested to rate patient compliance “good” for 77 patients by their doc- patients and 4.2% of the doctors. as “very good”, “good”, “mode rate” tors. Thus, “good’” and “very good” “Poor” tolerance was attested in no or “poor”. compliance, respectively, was case by both patients and doctors. Efficacy was rated as “very good” attested to 83.8% of the patients. In the adults’ group of over 12-year- by 26.1% of the patients and as For 21 patients, compliance was olds, patients evaluated tolerance in “good” by 63.4%, whilst 10.6% judged as being “moderate”, and the ratings of “very good” and rated efficacy as “moderate”. The for no patient as being “poor”. “good“ a little better than those of

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 26.1 63.4 10.6 0 37.3 54.9 7.7 0 < 12 years 10.0 83.3 6.7 0 10.0 83.3 6.7 0 > 12 years 30.4 58.0 11.6 0 44.6 47.3 8.0 0

all patients all patients Very good Good Very good Moderate Good Moderate

94 Evaluation of Tolerance

Patient Group Patients’ Evaluation [%] Doctors’ Evaluation [%] Very Good Good Moderate Poor Very Good Good Moderate Poor All patients 40.1 57.7 2.1 0 41.5 54.2 4.2 0 < 12 Years 36.7 63.3 0 0 43.3 56.7 0 0 > 12 Years 41.1 56.3 2.7 0 41.1 53.6 5.4 0

all all patients patients

Very good Very good Good Good Moderate Moderate

the age group of under 12-year- 6. Summary tis, psoriasis and lupus. Any accom- olds. In the younger age group, panying therapies were to be docu- From April 1991 to April 2000, a patients and doctors rated toler- mented in a survey form. total of 142 patients were admitted ance as being “moderate“ or “poor“ to an observation study with the Therapy duration for the children (< in no case. preparation SANUKEHL Myc 6X 12 years) was on average 81.4 days ± 102.1 days, and thus, approxi- 5.3 Side Effects and Discontin- drops in three medical practices, mately only half as long as that for uation of the Therapy one specialising in internal medicine and two in general medicine. The the adults’ group with 139.4 ± No patient discontinued the therapy homeopathic test preparation, 133.4 days. The differentiated eval- with SANUKEHL Myc 6X drops, SANUKEHL Myc, consists exclu- uation within specific therapy peri- and no adverse drug reactions were sively of the 6th decimal potency of ods allows for a better picture. It reported. reveals that amongst the under 12- Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) e volu- year-olds, the therapy duration up One 62 year old male patient with mine cellulae. chronic cholecystitis complained of to 50 days was clearly in the fore- According to Isopathy, SANUKEHL diarrhoea after having taken 10 ground (56.7% of all patients). Myc 6X was used in a very wide drops 2x daily for one day, which Amongst the adults, the largest application range. Preferred appli- group was that of more than 150 disappeared after a tea pause of cation was independent of the therapy days with 31.3% of the one day without any additional ther- patients’ age. patients. apy. The treatment with the test preparation was continued. At the The main indication areas named 122 patients took the drops orally end, patient and physician rated tol- were bronchitis, bronchial asthma and 74 patients were treated exter- erance as “good“. and skin diseases such as dermati- nally. Multiple counts were neces-

95 sary, as 54 patients were treated In the adults’ group, efficacy tended 4.2% of the doctors. “Poor” toler- both orally and externally. Only one to be rated better; compared with ance was attested in no case by adult female patient had been treat- the childrens’ group, there was a both patients and doctors. ed with SANUKEHL Myc 6X drops shift from “good” to “very good” in the One 62 year old male patient with in the past five years. Therefore, a evaluation. “Very good” and “good” chronic cholecystitis complained of comparison between first-time and compliance was attested to 83.8% diarrhoea after having taken 10 repeated users was not possible. of all patients included in the study. drops 2x daily for one day, which disappeared after a tea pause of one Progress of the treatment was de - 40.1% of the patients and 41.5% of day without any additional therapy. termined by means of a collection of the doctors rated tolerance as “very No patient discontinued the therapy, medical findings both at the beginning good”, while 57.7% of the patients and the conclusion of the therapy. and there were no adverse events. and 54.2% of the doctors attested First published in the German language in the 89.5% of the patients and 92.2% of “good” tolerance to SANUKEHL SANUM-Post magazine (93/2010) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • the doctors rated efficacy of the Myc 6X. “Moderate” tolerance was 27318 Hoya • Germany treatment as “very good” and “good”. stated by 2.1% of the patients and All Rights Reserved.

Mucedokehl® 4X Capsules

Capsules for oral intake.

It’s a fungal preparation made of Mucor mucedo (+/-) e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 4X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Neuro-vegetative syndrome, regulatory dysfunctions in the limbic system, anxiety, depression; respiratory diseases, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinobronchitis; ostitis; lymphostasis; thyroidal disorders.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 5X, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X, 10 suppositories 3X, 20 capsules 4X.

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

96 Infection and Treatment of Chlamydia and Mycoplasma

by Dr. med. Konrad Werthmann, Austria

More and more infections are mani- prostatitis. Ureaplasma can be found organisms need intracellular space festing themselves with an indistinct in the serum in cases of urinary in - for their maturation process. After and vague symptom picture that fections, but does not have any clini - the host cell has been destroyed the often resembles the beginning of a cal relevance. process of infection starts again flu. These infections are not caused from the beginning. M. pneumoniae is mildly pathogenic by pathogens that target specific and throughout the world transmis- Chlamydia pneumoniae causes organs, but rather they finally lead to sion is only carried by humans. The chronic infections of the respiratory chronic suffering. Very often the transmission takes place in the form tract. It is especially noteworthy that incorporation takes place via the of droplet infection and can lead to the spread of the infection is partic- digestive or the respiratory tract. I atypical pneumonia or other respira- ularly high in school children. What is refer to chlamydia and mycoplasma tory complaints such as tracheo- also interesting is that chlamydia can infections. bronchitis, pharyngitis and to otitis also be found in arteriosclerotic These microorganisms are subject media. Known complications are plaques including those of the coro- to “pleomorphism“, which means meningoencephalitis, myocarditis or nary arteries and are seen as a pos- that they are able to change their pericarditis as well as arthralgia and sible initiator of arterial changes. form subject to changes in their thrombocytopenia, the latter of which Chlamydia psittaci can be found environment. They develop in order are difficult to treat. The mycoplasma worldwide and is mainly distributed to be able to overcome the various are far too often not considered. by parrots and pigeons. These are defence mechanisms of the body. able to survive for a long time in They multiply with the help of special Chlamydia are immobile, belong to bird’s droppings, dust of feathers, intracellular bodies with consequent the coccoids and are pleomorphic street dust and secretions. death of the cell, and then infect fur- bacteria. They can also change their ther cells after division. form. It seems to be particularly Chlamydia trachomatis exhibits important that they are obligate cell several serovariants in varying patho - Mycoplasma are cell wall deficient parasites, which only multiply in the genicity. Serovariants (serovare) A-C (CWD) bacteria and thus occur in cytoplasmic vacuoles of host cells cause trachoma. Serovariants D-K varia ble forms. They show a low af fi - using energy from cell enzymes. are the most common causative nity to stains and are difficult to de - agents for non-gonorrhoeal urethritis tect. It is only possible to prove their Characteristic morphological stages and non-gonorrhoeal cervicitis, salp- existence on a culture medium that are the formation of infectious ele- ingitis, perihepatitis, epididymitis, is high in protein, like horse serum or mentary life-forms (diameter approx. inclusion conjunctivitis and neonatal splitting of urea. The most common 0.3 µm). These microorganisms are pneumonia. types that are highly pathogenic to taken up by the host cell via endo- human beings are M.hominis, M. cytosis and will grow there via divi- Several facts are very interesting. urealyticum and M. pneumoniae. sion in the space of a few hours into One is that human beings act as a The first ones are common com- non-infectious reticular particles pool for the causative agent and the mensals of the urogenital tract and (diameter 1.0 µm). These are infection is one of the “most com- facultatively pathogenic. They cause intraplasmic inclusions. After finish- mon sexually transmitted ones“. The inflammation in the pelvic cavity, like ing the division phase, the reticular elementary bodies are mainly situa - postpartum fever or fever after abor- bodies form basic bodies, which can ted extracellularly (0,2 – 0,4 µm) and tion. It is likely that mycoplasma urea - infect other cells after the host cell are extremely infectious and meta- lyticum (urea plasma) can cause has ruptured. This shows that these morphose into the intracellular

97 reticular or initial bodies. The latter Depending on the genetic predispo- be built up. In addition a dairy- and form intraplasmic inclusions within sition of the individual or the genetic egg-free diet should be eaten for at the host cell. predisposition of certain organs, a least 4-6 weeks (Werthmann). variety of chronic diseases can be The pathogenicity of all the men- With this, the production of immuno - established in that way. At the top of tioned chlamydia and mycoplasma globulin A (IgA) and other antibodies the list, we find individual parts of the is strongly dependant on the will be enhanced. Otherwise the for- intestines are affected as well as “milieu“. Especially under tubercular mation of antibodies slows down associated glands like the pancreas conditions, with severe change in and convalescence is prolonged. and liver. the pH value, redoxpotential and By taking alkalising substances such conductivity of blood and tissues, it All pathogens and toxins that break as ALKALA the acidic environment is very high. The earlier named through the intestinal barrier have to within the body can be changed pathogens can initiate diseases on be transported to the liver for de - rapidly and effectively. Therefore 1 various levels. toxification. As a practitioner you measuring spoon of ALKALA N is sometimes wonders why chronic prescribed to be taken in a glass of 1.) A form of illness that is typical of a diseases that would normally be hot water . certain pathogen: this is a connection slow in developing like slow devel- One capsule of REBAS 6X is taken between disease and agent that is oping cancers take on such a rapid daily before supper. In addition a usually made by orthodox medical course. Therefore individual serologi - mixed injection containing NIGER- practitioners. An example would be cal parameters should be integrated SAN 5X and CITROKEHL 2ml (intra- the non-specific inflammation of the into the programme of diagno sis, muscular) is given weekly. On the cervix or epididymis by Chlamydia such as a complement fixation test days where no injection is given, 2 trachomatis. (CFT) against chlamydia or a culture tablets of CI TRO KEHL should be of relevant mycoplasma. 2.) As a result of a “leaky gut“ and taken orally in the morning and at deficiency in IgA (auto-intoxication The proven therapy of chlamydia lunchtime. according to Reinstein) the patho - and mycoplasma infection mainly To further enhance the immune sys- gens or their corpuscles are able to consists in treating the “milieu“ in tem, SANUKEHL Pseu 6X drops are cross the barrier of the intestinal order to overcome a tubercular prescribed. 5 drops should be taken mucosa and cause systemic reac- weakness (pyrexia of unknown ori- orally and 5 drops applied topically. tions. The body then either reacts by gin (p.u.o.); elevated erythrocyte producing antibodies or cannot fight sedimentation rate (ESR); perma- the enemies as they do not possess nent immunological weakness: e.g. First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (51/2001) a cell wall. By establishing an inflam- susceptibility to trivial infections). © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • matory reaction the body tries to First of all the intestinal mucosa 27318 Hoya • Germany fight and excrete the pathogens. including the Peyer’s patches should All Rights Reserved.

Rebas® 4X / 6X Capsules Please note: picture shows German e following dosage forms are labelling. available: Capsules for oral intake. 10 Suppositories 4X and 6X It’s a preparation made of Folliculi lymphatici aggregati 2 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X and 12X (lyophil., steril.) 4X / 6X. 20 capsules 4X and 6X According to experience, to be administered in cases of: For more information refer to: Chronic and recurrent in ammations which include disor- Registration as medical ders of the humoral body defense, gastrointestinal diseases, expert group required for full access to chronic hepatitis, tonsillitis. information.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, advice of the physician or health care professional. Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 ·

98 The Sanum Preparation Sanukehl Brucel Its Action Principle Brucella melitensis in Therapy

by Joachim Hartmann (Ph. D., Biology)

The gram-negative pleomorphic Another channel of transmission is wall. Serological investigations have bacillus Brucella melitensis belongs via the digestive tract through the con - isolated three defined polysaccha- to a genus of pathogens responsible sumption of raw milk or milk products. rides from Brucella melitensis: for mostly chronic infectious diseases Interestingly, Brucellosis also repre- 1. The so-called “native hapten“ in man and animals. So-called sents the most frequently caught in - 2. Polysaccharide B “brucellosis“ has three main variants: fectious disease in laboratories that deal with microorganisms. 3. Cell-wall lipopolysaccharide 1. Malte Fever Bound up with the lipopolysaccha- Pathogen: Brucella melitensis In humans, it leads to a local lym- ride structure are the classic anti- Vectors: sheep, goats phogenic spreading of the patho gen and then to a generalized infection in gens A and M described for 2. Bang’s Disease the bacteriemic stage. The distingui - Brucella, which have been identified Pathogen: Brucella abortus shing feature of Bru cellosis is a mode - as polysaccharide side-chains. Lipopolysaccha ride from Brucella Vector: cattle rately high fever that recurs repeatedly has been put into use for active 3. Brucella suis over months and years (undulating immunization, in which the produc- fever). In its most severe form, a typ- Pathogen: Brucella suis tion of protective antibodies is hous clinical picture with long-term Vector: pigs, hares, reindeer induced but no thymus depen dent high fever can even be fatal. Other immunological memory is gene- Host specificity is not strict; almost characte ristics include organ mani- rated, which would be necessary all domestic and wild animals, festations due to granuloma and ab - for any long-term defense against guinea pigs and even birds can scesses in the spleen and liver, as Brucella. become infected with Brucellosis. well as endocarditis, joint affections, Ultimately, all Brucella species are etc. This manifold disease picture of Polysaccharide B is a serologically human and animal pathogens. This chronic Bru cel losis, which is not easy inactive low-molecular-weight (ca. has led to a situation in bacterial to recognize in its nonspecific sub- 5000 D) polysaccharide, a cyclic nomenclature where only the febrile form, also encompasses neuro - glucane such as also occurs in the species Brucella melitensis is listed, logical and psychological symptoms. bacterial species Rhizobium and under which all the others are sub- Agrobacterium. It reacts neither with Brucella growth in vivo is typically sumed. Since Brucella species are cattle serum nor with that of inocu- intracellular in granulocytes and bound to their host animals, they are lated cows. It represents a classical monocytes, and can also occur considered obligate parasites under hapten, which originates in the solu- strongly pleomorphic in a cell wall natural conditions. As an animal di - ble cytoplasm of the bacterium. deficient form – one reason for the sease, they mainly induce abortions; long persistence of the pathogen The “native hapten“ reacts with the the danger to humans comes from after the symptoms have faded. In serum of infected cattle, not with the pathogen’s excre tion in infected that of cattle which has been inocu- this form, the germs also escape the animals, which gets into their milk, lated with weakened living germs of effects of antibiotic therapy and thus feces, urine and sexual organ secre- Brucella melitensis. It has been become foci for new fever attacks tions. Humans become infected shown that it is identical with a and organ manifestations. mainly through dealing with the host side-chain of the cell-wall polysac - animals, e.g. assisting in abortions, As a gram-negative bacterium, Bru - cha ride of Brucella with a smooth slaughtering and meat processing cella melitensis has a very complex- colony form, and consists of an (via the slightest of skin lesions). ly structured lipo-polysaccharide cell unusual pentasaccharide polymer. It

99 is well suited for identifying infected 2. Muscle and joint pains, primarily Clinical Diagnostic Picture: animals in herds, by using the radial in the lower limbs 1. Malta fever, especially in the immune diffusion test, in which chronic stage antibodies in animal blood lead to 3. Anorexia, emaciation precipitation of the Brucella hapten. 4. Headaches, irritability, nervous- 2. Myalgia The preparation SANUKEHL Brucel ness 3. Subacute rheumatoid arthritis contains all the named poly- 5. Emotional lability, sleeplessness 4. Orchitis and Epididymitis saccharides, so that this agent has an immunizing effect, as well as 6. Fainting spells, dizziness 5. Neurasthenia. ᮀ the classical antigen and antibody 7. Constipation: hard, dry stool binding effect of the haptens which qualify it as an intermediate agent 8. Herpes. for nosode therapy. Julian lists the following as positive diagnostic for Improvement: warmth, especially in sun. the Brucella melitensis nosode: First published in the German language in the Worsening: long periods of exertion, SANUM-Post magazine (42/1998) 1. Feverish condition with heavy © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • perspiration during physical exer- warm room, sea breeze, dampness, 27318 Hoya • Germany tion and at night storms. All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Brucel 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Brucella melitensis extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Myalgia, subacute polyarthritis; intermittent fever with in uenza symptoms; neurasthe- nia; orchitis, epididymitis; headaches/migraine; lumbar syndrome.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 6X

For more information refer to: Regis- tration as medical expert group required for full access to information. Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

100 Therapeutic Experience with Haptens

by Peter Cornelius, Germany

In the middle of the 1970’s I had a of Immu nology]. I could not find any Klein, only when a conjugated anti- visit from a businessman who wan- helpful insights into haptens in other gen is bonded simultaneously by its ted to show me some isolated hap- books on immunology. carrier part to a TCR and by its hap- ten preparations which he intended ten part to a BCR can the B-cell to sell in Germany. What are Haptens? form and deliver the specific anti- bodies. If there are no haptens pres- And so it was that I first learnt that The concept “hapten“ was introduced ent, the free carriers are in fact also haptens which have been isolated to immunology by Landsteiner in bonded by the TRCs, which causes from pathogens and are polysac- 1923. It is derived from the Greek them to react by inducing inflamma- charide in character can also be word “haptein“ which means to stick, tion. However, bonding to the B- used therapeutically. However, he as haptens stick to the carriers of anti- cells in this way is not possible and could not provide any clues as to the genic features. These carriers which so the formation and release of anti- indications for which their use was are linked to haptens are known as bodies cannot take place. to be recommended. He could only con jugated antigens. The molecular report that the remedy Hapteno - weight of a hapten should (according If haptens are not present, the sec- to Jan Klein) be less than 4000 Dal - vacuna was prepared from a strain ond half of the immune response is tons; other authors suggest that it of corynebacteria which was culti- therefore inevitably blocked and could be even less than 1000 Daltons, vated in the damp environment of inflammations of this type cannot be whilst J. Hartmann determines a mole - the nasal passages and got its name stopped: they become chronic and – cular weight of approx. 5000 Daltons (vacuna = cave) because it was use- as it is hardly possible to discern an for the hapten deriving from Bru cella ful for the nasal sinuses. Further - acute phase – are labelled as primari- melitensis (polysaccharide B). more, that his own psoriasis had ly chronic. Very different types of sub- been healed with Polipse (= polysac- Haptens have two bonding valen- stances can act as haptens, e.g. charido de pseudomonas). Polipse cies. In conjugated antigens one of lipids, lipoprotides, nucleic acids or is also attributed with an effect simi- these valencies at a time is bonded polysaccharides. Haptens which are lar to cortisone without having the with the carrier. According to Jan found in germs which induce illnesses Klein, if conjugated antigens enter damaging side-effects typical of are nearly always polysaccharides the body, the other valencies of their steroids. He had tried to have this which are specific to the particular haptens can only be taken up by the effect of Polipse (which he had dis- pathogens or groups of pathogens. covered to be positive on himself) receptors of B-cells (= BCR), the B- tested by the University Dermato lo gy lymphocytes which originate from Meanwhile it became clear to me Clinic in Hamburg in clinical trials. It the equivalent of the bursa. that Polipse as a hapten from the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa never reached the trials stage as the In contrast to the haptens, which in costs of the fee demanded and sam - their isolated state do not have any (previously known as Pyocyaneus) ples required would have far exceed- antigenic features, the carrier mole- bonds with the carriers from this ed his financial capabilities. And so cules must have a minimum size of pathogen and with other free anti- then with the aid of remedy testing I 4000 Daltons in order to develop gens which have certain similarities. began to determine in which cases antigenic features. Highly active anti- This means that by substituting hap- the therapeutic use of these prepa- gens can reach sizes in excess of tens which clearly must somehow rations would seem sensible. I want 100,000 Daltons. These carriers of have gone astray, the free carriers to report here on my current state of antigenic features can only be bond- are again changed back into conju- knowledge, made up mainly of my ex - ed by the receptors of T-cells (= TCR), gated antigens. As they do so, they periences and the study of Jan Klein’s the T-lymphocytes which are formed can now bond again with BCRs and Lehrbuch der Immuno logie [Textbook by the thymus. According to Jan the release of antibodies which was

101 not possible before is enabled; or if was an indication for the use of Po - testing procedures cannot and do no antibodies have been stored in lipse, and that in case of an existing not have to be explained here, as the memory cells so far, their pro- indication there was also 100% effi- extensive literature about them duction is started. cacy. exists and it can be assumed that they are well-known in circles con- The prompt effect, frequently experi- This raises the question of how isolated cerned with natural healing. enced in a wide range of cases carriers can cause loads of this type. where haptens are used therapeuti- If we understand that polysac chari - Thus from the purely scientific point cally, testifies to the fact that isolated des, e.g. starch, are split by the en - of view, in clinical examinations the carriers, each bonded to TCRs and zymes in the digestive tract and that, indication for the use of haptens can thus to T-Lymphocytes, must have if required, the glycogen in the mus- only be established through therapy been present and were responsible cles can be split into monosaccha- trials. Only from an observed treat- for the inflammation. T-carrier com- rides, it can be assumed that poly- ment result with a hapten as antigen plexes of that kind were also over- saccharide-like haptens from micro bes absorber can the conclusion be come in this manner, whereupon can be destroyed by enzymes. Thus reached later that the particular the inflammation, if it had been caused it is to be expected that microbial problems must have been caused by by these, could be stopped imme - carriers can be released from infected isolated carriers which were again diately by removing their primary material which reaches the digestive bonded by the haptens which had cause. tract or develops there, even when the been administered. One hapten can pathogens have been destroyed by therefore function like a differential These facts led me to label haptens heating the infected or conta mi nated therapy tool which has no possible being used therapeutically as anti- food or by treatment with antibiotics. effect when indications are absent, gen absorbers. Thus new thera- i.e. when the problems are not peutic possibilities were opened up In order to avoid destruction of the - caused by free carriers which can in the treatment with haptens for rapeutically used haptens in the join to the given type of hapten. It illnesses which depend on the digestive tract, as far as possible therefore goes without saying that presence of isolated carriers. In the they must therefore be administered randomised double blind studies are case of the businessman, his pso - parenterally, i.e. through intramuscu- of as little use in determining the riasis must have been being main- lar or subcutaneous injections. effectiveness of haptens as if you tained by carriers from Pseudo- Hapten preparations in the form of wanted to test the germination of monas or by other isolated antigens drops probably have a better effect if seeds by scattering them on a which could also bond with the they are rubbed in percutaneously paved area. If in this case only three Pseudomonas haptens and there- (e.g. into the inside of the elbow) seeds in a thousand sprout, it does fore could be cured with this hapten. than when given orally, which expos- not mean that the germination rate is es them to the digestive enzymes. As in practice I have not met any fur- only three per thousand: instead it ther case of this disposition, I expect Through remedy testing it was pos- shows whereabouts enough humus that such a situation occurs only sible to optimise accuracy in setting had collected for the seeds to be infrequently, which is why a clinical indications for the use of haptens. able to germinate. study based on this question alone However, testing procedures such Thus there remains for the time being would probably have led to a disap- as electroacupuncture according to only the experience of obtaining pointing result. Supposing that you Voll (= EAV), kinesiology or even findings about opportunities for the had treated 1000 randomly selected radiesthesia require individual tal- therapeutic use of haptens. psoriasis patients with Polipse and ents. Up to now it has not been pos- achieved a cure in three of them, sible to record them scientifically and After a period of observation of you would surely not attach any sta- certainly they can only be partially approx. 25 years, during which I tistical relevance to this 0.3 per cent learnt. An understanding of these have used over 3000 ampoules of and would therefore forget the trial. methods cannot be expected of haptens, three main areas of indica- In fact the test would have shown doctors who have only been trained tion have become apparent to me. that only in these three patients there in medical schools. However, these These have to be looked at more

102 closely in the light of clear-cut exam- Case 3 B. The Treatment of Non-infectious ples, in order to find clues as to In September 1999 40-year-old Mrs Pathogenic Alimentary Toxicoses when hapten therapy can be tried C.S. came to see me. Six months As there is no reason to accept that out with a good chance of success. earlier she had undergone surgery botulism is the only non-infectious on her umbilical hernia. As a result of pathogenic alimentary toxicosis, it A. Complementary, Post-antibiotic this operation she had contracted has to be reckoned that problems Treatment with Haptens when streptococcal septicaemia. It had can also be caused by taking in Problems Persist Although the been possible to control this with an other pathogens orally, even if these Infections have Already been intensive course of antibiotics, but had been destroyed by boiling or Overcome since that time the patient had been pasteurisation. Case 1 suffering from constant pain in the In July 1988 the father and son of intestines with frequent diarrhoea as Case 4 family K. were taken ill with persist- defined by post antibiotic colitis. On 4.7.1995 Mrs N.L. presented herself for the first time with an acute ent diarrhoea. Examination of the After an injection of 0.1 mg strepto- attack of rheumatism. I had already faeces for pathogens showed that in coccus haptens, on the following known her for a long time: at that both patients massive intestinal day she had violent stomach pain time she was 33 years old. That candidiasis were the likely cause. which lasted for an hour; afterwards morning she had woken up with After antimycotic treatment with her problems were much reduced. completely stiff, painful finger and nystatin, the son soon recovered Three days later she had a short fully. The father, Mr E.K. (then 49 episode of stomach pain with sick- toe joints. Her whole hands and feet years of age) not only appeared not ness. This finally brought Mrs C.S.’s were red and thickly swollen with to be responding to this treatment, problems to an end. This success oedema. but he also started to have pain in shows that in this patient isolated On the previous day she had eaten the joints of the spinal column. A carriers from streptococci must have poultry, which I presumed to have further course of treatment with been responsible for the persistent been contaminated with tuberculin. amphotericin did not bring about any pain. Just five minutes after she had improvement. However examination received an injection of 0.1 mg BCG of the faeces showed that the As everybody knows, similar condi- haptens, the swelling began to candida colonisation had for the tions can also be caused by over- reduce significantly and her fingers most part disappeared. At this point growth of the intestinal flora with the were free of pain again. I assumed he came to my practice. He received multi-resistant germs of Clostridium that the cause of this attack of an injection of 0.1 mg candida difficile. In such cases a course of haptens. This at once ended his treatment with the nosode Clostri - rheumatism was contamination of problems, both of the intestine and dium difficile, which sometimes has the alimentary canal by tuberculin of the spinal column. to be supplemented by treatment toxins, from which the carriers had with SANUKEHL Serra. The therapy been released in the digestive tract. Case 2 is evidently able to stimulate the For as long as I was still in contact The tonsil abscess of a patient was immune system so specifically that with this patient, she never had this treated by operation and administra- these pathogens are cut down to type of problem again. The assump- tion of antibiotics. The tonsils had size. tion which had prompted me to try healed well, but the patient felt more the treatment was afterwards con- shattered than before. Doubtless Similarly, patients with problems firmed by the good results of the she had swallowed pus when the which persisted after antibiotic treatment. abscess had been incised. A few treatment of staphylococcal infec- minutes after the injection of 0.1 mg tions had to be given staphylococ- Case 5 streptococcus haptens her condi- cus haptens, coli haptens after an ti - On 6.3.1998 Mrs E.H. (then aged tion improved visibly, and a second biotic treatment of coli infections, 73) asked me to make a home visit. injection of the same on the follow- and proteus haptens after proteus She had suddenly been taken ill with ing day restored her completely. infections. nausea, sickness, diarrhoea and

103 such powerful dizziness that she were caused by T-cells, because the complexes fixed in the mesenchyme could not stand up. Previously she primary cause was removed. and other residual toxicoses1 in this had probably eaten some sheep’s way lead to what Dr Reinhard Voll If antibodies and memory cells first cheese imported from the Balkans. called slackening of the mes- have to be formed, the process will The injection of one ampoule of 0.1 enchyme. Many contaminations of naturally take longer. In individual mg brucella haptens brought this this sort can be overcome by means cases the body can react by raising state of affairs to an end in five min- of nosodes of the same type, and the its temperature in order to speed up utes, which leads me to conclude homeopathisised pollutants con- this second half of the immune that this cheese was contaminated cerned can be overcome with suit- response. with Bang (brucella) antigens. able complementary therapy. If then the hapten dose results in a The observations described under A By treating with nosodes and home- raised temperature, it is not a ques- and B can perhaps only be ex plained opathisised pollutants there may be tion of it being an undesirable side- by means of the hypotheses pro- initial aggravation. This happens effect; rather, it is a part of the posed above. It is possible that des - because these poisons and pollu- desired and necessary main effect. pite treatment with antimycotics or tants which have been mobilised by an tibiotics (as in cases 1 to 3) antigens On no account should such a fever the isopathic remedy must be chan- remained in the body, or that heat - be combated with an antipyreticum nelled through the circulation before resistant antigens entered the body or hindered in any way, but rather it they can be excreted. should be supported by supplying (as in cases 4 and 5) from patho gens If such initial aggravations do not more heat. which exist in foods, even if the patho - ease in two to three days, this mostly gens had been destroyed by pasteu - stems from the fact that the mo - C. Haptens as a Supplement to risation or boiling. The carriers must bilised toxins are TCR carrier com- Nosode Therapy have been released from such anti- plexes in which are freed as a result gens, which were originally still conju - Non-infectious pathogenic toxicoses, of the specific fields of tension of the gated, when they were destroyed by or those which are no longer infec- nosodes from the connection to the action of enzymes on the haptens tious after treatment with an antibiot- endogenic tissue and thus are re- in the di gestive tract. As these carriers ic and which have been caused by activated. In this way the illness are only bonded by the TCRs in the free carriers but cannot be elimi nated which had drifted into the chronic lymphoid tissue of the wall of the immediately by a corresponding dose state is brought back to the acute intestine without the B-cells being of haptens or overcome by enzymes, state. In these circumstances, able to render them harmless, in the can turn into chronic conditions exactly as in the beginning, the pa tients concerned the lost hapten quickly or even slowly and gradually second half of the immune response has to be substituted as quickly as according to the disposition of the – which is still blocked by the lack of possible in order to enable the other - suitable haptens – can only be set in toxicosis concerned. This probably wise blocked second half of the natu- motion again by the substitution of happens by the coupling of the TCR ral immune defence by the B-lympho - these very haptens. This is the most carrier complexes with endogenic cytes to take place. This is the (proba- natural and the quickest – perhaps elements of tissue which contain bly only) way to prevent chronification even the only way to true healing. of T-cell-mediated inflammation. components which can serve the carriers involved as a hapten substi- However, it is unfortunately not pos- In cases 4 and 5 there were clearly tute. In this way the contact points sible to count on the fact that every enough specific memory cells in with which they should link to their patient will take note of the circum- which the antibodies required were haptens are already occupied. There - stances of the aggravation caused already held on standby. Therefore fore these chronic conditions are no by the haptens and will report on it. antibodies could immediately bond longer accessible to primary hapten 1 the TCR carrier complexes with the By ‘residual toxicoses’ we mean contamina- therapy. tion which can result from a great variety of matching hapten doses and elimi- infections and which can in particular remain nate them. This also immediately Together with pollutants coming from when spontaneous healing during the acute phase of the illness is prevented by remedies stopped the inflammations which the environment, the TCR carrier which inhibit inflammation and reduce fevers.

104 Therefore during a course of nosode similar injection of BCG hapten was pathically, so to speak fine mechan- treatment I carry out a control test necessary on each day following the ically using the substance-specific before every injection; for when a nosode injection. After the tenth and high tension fields2 of the toxins hapten is needed, the combination last nosode dose the patient was themselves, increased in stages by of nosodes and complementary completely free of problems and did homeopathic dilution. remedies which would be used in not reconsider having an operation. Let us look again at Case 6, which is turn will not fit until this hapten has Without the hapten the course of an example of conformity with the been given. As a rule, the treatment nosode treatment in this patient natural law, such as could be can then be continued the next day could not have been completed. An observed over and over again in well according to plan. operation could probably not have over one hundred patients during a True healing is connected with the freed the patient from his pain, as it course of treatment with nosodes. formation of memory cells, which is impossible to remove bacterial The hypothesis discussed above is get their name from the fact that toxins by rough mechanical means. unequivocally confirmed by this con- they hold the method of production But this can certainly be done iso- formity with the natural law namely,

2 of the antibody specific to a particu- Since the high dilutions no longer contain any But there are also energies which hold lar antigen in their memory for use in material substrate, beginners in homeo pathy together molecules of the same type, so that have to reconcile difficulties in the use of liquids form round drops; over a period of the future. dilutions beyond the Loschmidt constant, time even solid matter of the same type can with one’s supposedly scientific view of the pass through a whole mass of rock and form Thus at the same time protection world. Because of this, homeopathy is unfor- a crystal in one place. tunately still completely rejected by many develops against new infection by Such energies are described as “surface people. But we can find a comprehensible tension“ or “coherence“. They can act in a the same pathogen which should answer to this question if we consider that similar way to a field of tension between two physics too is a science. The most important condenser plates: we know that when the not be underrated. In our time, when areas of research in this subject are: space, distance between the plates is doubled, the time, pressure, force, energy and perfor - tension and thus also the voltage is doubled. there is concern about the growing mance and their interrelationship: pure phe- level of resistance in various patho - nomena whose existence nobody will dis- It is known that the negatively charged parts pute, although nobody has ever seen them of raindrops collect on the upper surface of gens against almost all anti biotic under even the strongest electron micro- the drop. Here, as they fall, they are torn off scope. into tiny droplets and remain opposite the medicines, this could be of great now positively charged main drops which fall However all these concepts are familiar and importance. faster. As the distance between the nega- absolutely obvious to us through their effects tively charged cloud of small drops from the which we cannot ignore and which we can positively charged cloud of large drops Case 6 see all around us. Now the effects of home- increases, enormous electrical fields build up opathic high dilutions have also been A man of approximately 30 years of and discharge by means of lightning and observed by many thousands of practition- thunder. ers in many millions of cases throughout the age, who came into my practice in world. All the same, some people (and they From the observed effects of homeopathic about 1983, was suffering from think that they are entitled to speak in the high potencies it can be concluded that in name of Science) consider that they are enti- the process of potentisation similar high ten- intense pain in the lumbar region of tled to challenge these effects simply sion fields are built up which are specific to the vertebral column. because they themselves have not yet made the relevant substances. similar observations. But in any case they Thus with every stage of potentisation of the wouldn’t be able to make any observations, D potencies, the distance between the par- Following a CT scan he had been as they hardly know the name of even one ticles will increase and therefore their ten- advised to have an operation on the homeopathic remedy, let alone its remedy sions will also increase 2.15 times; in the C picture, and thus would not be in the position potencies they increase 4.64 times at every th intervertebral disc between the 4 of ever being able to select the right remedy. stage, and in the L potencies 36.84 times. and 5th lumbar vertebrae. Before he Let us now try, with the help of physics, to You can imagine the energies which are make clear the working mechanism of the released as being like unbreakable rubber decided on the operation, he still diluted substance: We know that, in addition bands which become increasingly thinner as to the energies which are familiar to us such the distance between the particles becomes wanted to try alternative therapy. as gravity and magnetism, there must exist greater, yet their tractive force increases at The testing showed contamination energies of hardly conceivable power, espe- every stage. cially in the realm of atoms. If you tried to Think of a magnetic field which surrounds a with Tuberculinum avis, as well as rotate a large object in the same way as an piece of magnetised iron and is specifically Teucrium scorodonia. electron rotates around the nucleus of an attracted most strongly to iron but also slightly atom, it would inevitably burst long before attracted to metals which are apparently even an appreciable fraction of it had Immediately after the first injection close to iron such as cobalt, nickel and man- reached a speed of that magnitude. ganese. So, too, diluted remedies appear to the pains in his spine became con- The splitting of the double helix of ribo-nucle- have the strongest effect on things which are ic acid which is a necessary part of cell divi- similar to them (i.e. isopathic). However, they siderably worse. This was remedied sion is also an enormously dynamic process. still have an effect on diseases which are sim- with a dose of 0.1 mg BCG hapten The spiral chains of genes unwind and then ilar in their symptoms to the effect picture of after the doubling rewind themselves with the substances used. In this way the homeo- a few hours later. In this case a unimaginable speed. pathic effects become comprehensible.

105 that aggravations which can occur free TCR carrier complexes. However, complexes are suppressed. Never - after the administration of any iso- since some of these TCR carrier com- theless the cause of the inflamma- pathic remedy and did in fact occur plexes have already settled on the tion which starts from these com- in this case, are brought about by endogenic substrates, it is also nec- plexes remains. Therefore this type the high tension fields of the iso- essary in the end to give additional of inflammation is known as prima rily pathic remedies which are specific treatment with the corresponding chronic. But if suitable haptens are to the substances in question. nosodes, possibly requiring repeated administered immediately at the intermediate doses of the correspon- beginning of the treatment, the posi - These aggravations can be ex plained ding haptens. tive reaction to treatment of this type by the fact that toxins of the same of illness shows that this condition kind (which in chronic illnesses re - The observed effects shed new light very probably also began with an quire nosodes and consist of micro- upon the etiology of primarily chronic acute condition and therefore only bial carriers) are torn by the remedial and auto-aggressive illnesses. If TCR became chronic later. high tension fields from these camou - complexes have arisen with free carri- flaging bonds to endogenic substra - ers without a suitable hapten being When dealing with carrier TCR com - tes and thus are re mobilised. Through present, it is conceivable that replace- plexes from patho gen types which this mobilisation they re-enter the ment structures similar to haptens as a rule only cause reactive arthritis, circulation, which then results in the must be found so that a complete these can apparently also be over- type of initial aggravations described. immune response becomes possible. come or secreted spontanously. Possibly because these find enough If aggravations of the type described Experience leads us to expect that a substances as a replacement for in Case 6 do not ease in two days, whole range of antigens have struc- haptens which are not so specifically this means that the TCR carrier tures like this, e.g. in the substance complexes which have been set in of the articular cartilage. endogenic that the antibodies needed motion again in this way cannot be for their defeat must be autoag gres - As already mentioned above, nucleic eliminated simply with the help of the sive, or because they can be re leased acids - among other things - can take complementary remedy. But they as enzymes, whether by endo genic over the function of haptens. Since it can often bond astoundingly quickly enzymes or those supplied by reme- is possible to find antibodies against with the help of the corresponding dies such as Bromelain, pancreatic nucleic acids in autoaggressive condi- haptens, exactly as would have enzymes or Serrapeptase. In general tions such as systemic Lupus erythe- been possible in the beginning it is not possible to rely on the pos- before they could fixate, and thus be matodes, it would appear that they sibility that so-called reactive arthritis grasped by the B-cells. This is the are being also used by some carrier is overcome spontaneously. That is quickest way to defeat them. types as a replacement for their miss- to say, many pa tients with reactive ing haptens. In these cases, if the B- arthritis have to be given the no so - However, as now comprehensible, cells want to eliminate the antigens des of the corresponding pathogen this defeat has not yet been possible concerned, they have to grasp the types. Because of the nosodes, in the phase preceding the mobili - endogenic structures which are inflammations of this type also begin sation of the TCR carrier complexes. replacing haptens. If such autoag- to ease, whereas in other people It is possible for the conditions des - gressive conditions have occurred they would only appear as reactive, cribed in A and B, which turn out to and if healing is to be possible, then since they disappear without any be acute inflammation caused by the one has to look not only for the form of treatment. If, on the other T-cells, to change slowly into chro nic nosodes of the obliterating carriers hand, free carriers of pa thogenic inflammation as described in C. but also nosodes containing the auto - mycobacteria or streptococci are antibodies which have formed. Therefore it can happen that in tran- responsible for the development of sitory phases like this, in which only The B-cells have a primary immuno - inflammations, their TCR carrier one part of the toxins is fixed and tolerance towards endogenic sub- complexes appear to remain in- another part is still circulating, a hap- strates. Initially, therefore, antibodies vulnerable to the immune system ten must first be administered (as in against those tissue components without the missing haptens being A and B) in order to eliminate the still which are bonded to TCR carrier substituted over a long period of

106 time, and for this reason they are not becomes clear why the causes of crazy for no apparent reason, but classed as only reactive. such illnesses have remained in the because they are bonded to a toxic dark until now. carrier whose destruction will be Dr Nieper reported that in MS patients accelerated with the help of the the medullary sheathes of the nerve The nosode testing developed by Dr known inflammatory reaction. fibres could be protected from auto - Voll was the first to shed some light aggression by reconstructing the on this darkness. The claim which SANUKEHL - preparations from physiological electric potential by he first formulated as his working the company SANUM-Kehlbeck means of treatment with the neuro - hypothesis, that many chronic dis- transmitter “2 amino ethanol phos- eases can be explained as contami- The company SANUM-Kehlbeck phate“ (= Phosetamin® and Calcium- nation by the very same toxins GmbH & co. KG, Hasseler Steinweg EAP®). If his hypothesis is confirmed, which are at the root of the nosodes 9, D-27318 Hoya/Germany, pro- it would appear that the electrical found in testing to be the source duces haptens which are marketed potential available in the healthy state material, is borne out to such a under the trademark “SANUKEHL“. of the tissue involved is essential for degree by the observed effects of The products are offered in 1 ml the ability of the B-cells to recognise complementary hapten therapy that ampoules and 10 ml dropper bottles substances as endogenic. Thus per- it may be regarded as proven. in 5X, 6X and 7X potencies and are haps a certain perceptive ability, registered in several countries. All In this way the therapeutic combina- which – like an electronic key no code numbers given for the unit tion of nosodes and haptens opens longer works when the battery has dose packs and test packs refer to up for the first time the possibility of run down – is responsible for this the catalogue of the Staufen- a truly causal therapy of rheumatic Pharma. recognition. illnesses, since – so far as chronic The following 13 hapten prepara- That would mean that auto-aggres- inflammations caused by T-cells are tions are available: sion could only take place if the concerned – it attacks the primary natural electric potential has broken causes of these conditions. 1. Hapten from Pseudomonas down3, whilst at the same time TCR aeruginosa (= SANUKEHL Pseu, If progressive rheumatologists should carrier complexes are also present corresponding to the Argentinian ever aim for causal therapy in their which are bonded to endogenic preparation Polipse) specialist field, there is no getting structures as a replacement for their round the use of haptens which must The hapten from Pseudomonas lost hapten. frequently be combined with nosodes. aeruginosa works as an antigen ab - In this way the origin of auto-aggres- Having said that, they find themselves sorber to complement the corres - sion diseases can easily be under- in an almost hopeless dilemma, since ponding nosode Bacterium pyocya- stood. In laboratory diagnosis one up to now their treatment plan has neus (unit dose pack F3). The hapten would look predominantly for anti- been almost exclusively based on has a somewhat broader spectrum bodies or determine antibody titres. immuno suppressive drugs. than the nosode, and it even seemed However, the lack of haptens hinders to me that it could be used with viral Since causal treatment with haptens that very production of antibodies or nosodes as an antigen absorber. Here and nosodes can only be effective in even makes it impossible. Thus in however it could actually be a matter conjunction with a functioning practice one cannot record contam- of reversing immune suppression immune system, it cannot be used ination with isolated carriers using caused by hydrocortisone. In vitro at the same time as non-steroidal these investigation methods. As the tests by Kunze and Hartmann sug- anti-rheumatic drugs, steroids or the replacement haptens favoured by gest this, for not infrequently patients even harsher immuno-suppressive the TCR carrier complexes are main- with chronic virus illnesses have pre- cystostatics. ly found in the mesenchyme, they viously been treated with steroids. are also bonded there and are there- And so this solves the puzzle of the 3 fore unable to circulate any further. origin of inflammations caused by T - Pollutants which conduct electricity or per- manent electrical voltages between tooth fill- Therefore searching in the blood, cells; the T-lymphocytes suddenly ings could perhaps be responsible for this which is the main substance investi- send out inflammatory mediators breakdown, possibly also strong irritation caused by electrosmog or the influence of gated by laboratories, is futile, and it not because they have become geopathic fields.

107 So it can happen that the Pseudo - caused by hydrocortisone can be latinum (unit dose pack F2) and monas hapten, e.g in the SPS (swine reversed by the Pseudomonas hap- Nosode Parulis (Streptococcus fever serum) nosode, unit dose pack ten, appeared to explain the need to mucosus) (previously unit dose pack F39, must be administered alternately give G.K. one ampoule of this hap- Z34). with single injections of the nosode ten twice between each of the In many rheumatic diseases, conta - which together with a complementary nosode injections. mination with streptococci is in volved remedy is required in increasing as part of the cause. Testing must 2. Hapten from bovine Myco- dilutions. be done to determine whether treat- bacterium tuberculosis (= SANU - ment should be carried out with one To be sure, assurance is given again KEHL Myc, corresponding to the of the named nosodes. If this is the and again that the swine fever virus Argentinian BCG hapten) cannot be passed to humans; nev- case, enough ampoules of strepto- ertheless in numerous cases swine The hapten from bovine Myco- cocci haptens should be held ready bacterium tuberculosis Typus bovi - fever serum contamination can be so that if necessary drastic aggra - num fits all tuberculin nosodes: found. Dr Voll reports that he himself vations can be brought under control. Tuberculinum (= T. humanum, unit has been through a full-blown, dose pack E3); Tuberculocidinum With all complaints which arise or extremely unpleasant swine fever Klebs (unit dose pack E5); persist after streptococcal infections serum infection. For the most part Tuberculinum avis (unit dose pack which have been treated with anti - contaminations like this can be E7); Tuberculinum bovinum (unit biotics, it is necessary to consider explained only as non-infectious ali- dose pack E8); Endometritis tuber- con tamination with Clostridium diffi- mentary pathogenic toxicoses; they culosa (unit dose pack K12) and cile and the application of this hapten. are almost always to be found in tuberculosis of the bladder (unit chronically inflammatory intestinal dose pack M8). 4. Hapten from Staphylococcus diseases, often too in stomatitis and aureus (= SANUKEHL Staph, cor - Tuberculin contaminations are not spastic bronchitis. An overlying responding to the Argentinian Estafil only found in diseases of the joints, swine fever serum contamination hapten) as described in Case 4 and Case 6, must also be taken into considera- but can be found in practically all the The following nosodes fit the hap- tion as the fundamental disease in organs. Even in patients with acute tens from Staphylococcus aureus: chronic eczemas if they begin to hearing loss, I mostly found tuber- Staphylococcinum (unit dose pack weep. culin contamination. (See also the A4), Staphylococcus aureus (unit Case 7 article about the tuberculin constitu- dose pack A26) and Staphylo-strep- In 1976 G.K. – then 11 years of age tion in SANUM-Post No. 51, p.4). tococcinum (unit dose pack A28), was brought to me with recurrent As only immediate treatment has 5. Hapten from Candida albicans uveitis. My tests showed that he too any chance of success in people (SANUKEHL Cand, cor responding to required the SPS nosode. However, affected, in my view this hapten the Argentinian Candida hapten) my control tests before each injec- belongs in the emergency kit. tion showed that treatment with this The hapten from the yeast Candida nosode could only be carried out 3. Hapten from Streptococcus albicans fits the nosode Monilia albi- successfully with two intermediate haemolyticus (= SANUKEHL Strep, cans (unit dose pack N20) and also injections of 0.1 mg Pseudomonas corresponding to the Argentinian most other fungal nosodes, such as hapten (Argentina), which made me Estreptohapten) the nosode of mycotic fluoride (unit think, as described above, that this The hapten from Streptococcus dose pack K18), the aspergilli: hapten was also effective in virus haemolyticus fits all streptococcal Aspergillus niger (trial pack 144), diseases. However, the patient had nosodes: Streptococcinum (unit Aspergillus fumigatus (trial pack 168) previously been treated intensively dose pack A5), staphylo-strepto- and Aspergillus ochraceus (trial pack with cortisone in a children’s hospi- coccinum (unit dose pack A28), 187), - perhaps one would also con- tal. Therefore the trials by Kunze and Streptococcus viridans (unit dose sider apurge with Aflatoxin (unit Hartmann named above, which give pack A29), Streptococcus haemo ly - dose pack A37) - Geotrichum can- evidence that immune suppression ticus (unit dose pack A30), Scar - didum (trial pack 170), Mycosis oris

108 (trial pack 62), Sporotrix Schenkii gistics will only hinder healing in this 8. Hapten from Propionibac - (trial pack 178), Malassezia furfur case and can turn an acute condi- terium acnes (= SANUKEHL Acne, (trial pack 180) and Torulopsis tion into a chronic one. corresponding with the Argentinian glabratis (trial pack 146). Haptenovacuna) 6. Hapten from Trichophyton ver- Only the fungal nosode Trichophy- The hapten from the bacterium rucosum (= SANUKEHL Trich) tosis requires its own hapten Propionibacterium acnes matches (SANUKEHL Trich). The hapten from the fungus the nosode Corynebacterium anae - Trichophyton verrucosum is the hap- Furthermore I experienced that in robium, which was previously sold ten which fits the Trichophytosis the case of Mrs E.H. (Case 5) the as KUF series no. Z 49 and is now nosode (unit dose pack N14). Time 4 administration of 7 amp. SANU- available as unit dose pack A38. and again this nosode could only be KEHL Cand 5X immediately reme- It can be used as an antigen proven after preliminary treatment died drastic aggravation of aches absorber for all chronic irritations in with the hapten, from which one and pain in the sacral region which the damp environment of the air- might conclude that it is not a rare occured after the administration of ways, and for example also for the thing for a mixture of acute and Ustilago maydis 30X. Even if this is a different influenza nosodes. Naturally chronic disease to apparently be one-off observation, it can be taken it can also be considered for the able to continue over a long period as a possibility that the fungal anti- Acne nosode (unit dose pack N17) , in trichophytoses. gens of Ustilaginaceae can also be but could be of particular interest for pathogenic for humans and that the the treatment of Acne fulminans 7. Hapten from Proteus vulgaris carriers isolated from their antigens which is not affected by any treat- (= SANUKEHL Prot, corresponding can also bond to the Candida albi- ment with antibiotics. to the Argentinian Proteus hapten) cans hapten. Contamination with Ustilaginaceae can perhaps be The hapten from the bacterium 9. Hapten from Brucella melitensis caused by the consumption of pork Proteus vulgaris fits the Bacterium (= SANUKEHL Brucel, corresponding or poultry (possibly in the case of Proteus nosode (unit dose pack B2) to the Argentinian Brucel hapten) Mrs E.H. by turkey steaks), as these which, as it happens, can also only The hapten from the bacterium animals are frequently fed on maize. be proven after preliminary treat- Brucella melitensis complements a Corn blight is common in all maize- ment with this hapten. However, it treatment with the Brucella meli- growing areas. must frequently be administered tense nosode, Malta fever (brucel- repeatedly after each individual dose Take care if unexpected pains in the losis) (unit dose pack F34) or the of the nosode. Many a chronic spine and other joints begin during brucella nosode (unit dose pack F5). Proteus cystitis which has resisted the course of a series of injections It is not necessary to travel to Malta the efforts of specialist urologists for with fungal nosodes! Not only the to become contaminated with Bru - many years has been healed in this TCR carrier complexes of mycobac- cella melitensis. Brucella contamina- way. Unfortunately often 2 ampoules teria and streptococci but also the tions can apparently be acquired by each of 0.1 mg of Proteus hapten fungal antigen complexes mobilised consuming imported milk products, were necessary for this. SANUKEHL during treatment will happily attack particularly from sheep’s or goats’ Prot ampoules are marketed in a 7X articular cartilage. cheese. The mostly chronic catarrh potency and further studies still have problems must then be relieved with The progress of the illness described to prove which dosages must be in Case 1 might lead us to suppose the corresponding nosode, whereby applied to achieve similar results. that the carriers of pathogenic fungi an intermediate dose of the hapten are not only mobilised by means of a According to more recent findings from Brucella melitensis will be course of treatment with nosodes SANUKEHL Prot has also proved its required as an antigen absorber. In but also in acute fungal infections worth in the treatment of an infection 4 See also my comments on the Coryne - can be freed by anti mycotic therapy. with Helicobactor pylori (see the bacterium anaerobium nosode and Propioni - In such cases Candida haptens SANUKEHL article in SANUM-Post bacterium acnes in my book “Nosoden und Begleittherapie“ [Nosodes and complemen- should be administered. Antiphlo - No. 43, p. 2). tary therapy], 3rd edition, p.68 f.

109 acute contamination with brucella, Case 1 and in the section on fungal expected that it could also be used gastrointestinal pains as in Case 5 nosodes which could be counted as for the Enterococcinum nosode (unit can be the main symptom; they can of the rheumatic type. At the present dose pack B19). be relieved quickly by an immediate time ampoules of this hapten are Serratia types are found particularly dose of Brucella hapten, even with- also only available in Europe in 7X frequently in hospitalism as patho - out a Brucella nosode always being dilution. gens. It is already emerging that required afterwards. 12. Hapten from Salmonella ente - SANUKEHL Serra is useful in very My experiences relate here to the ritidis (= SANUKEHL Salm) many nosocomial illnesses. Argentinian ampoules, which contain That means that in many patients 0.1 mg of Brucella hapten (Argentina). The Bacterium Gärtner nosode (unit who are discharged from hospitals It cannot be said yet how many dose pack B50) corresponds with in which antibiotics have been ampoules of the SANUKEHL prepa- this hapten. As expected, this hapten administered to them, with or with- ration Brucel 6X will be needed in from Salmonella enteritidis also fits order to achieve comparable results. the other salmonella nosodes: Typhi - out indications, problems could num nosode (unit dose pack B3), arise afterwards which refer back to According to more recent experi- Samonella TP nosode (unit dose residual toxicoses after nosocomial ences SANUKEHL Brucel has also pack B31) and Salmonella typhi - infections. Such problems can often proved itself in the treatment of murium nosode (trial pack 135). be treated satisfactorily with this borelliosis (see also the SANUKEHL hapten (naturally, if applicable, also This hapten may also be required article in SANUM-Post No. 43, p. 2). with another hapten corresponding after a blind course of antibiotic treat- to the contamination). This should in 10. Hapten from Klebsiella pneu- ment, administered as a precaution fact be done before such problems maoniae (= SANUKEHL Klebs) against nosocomial (hospital-borne) have deteriorated to the point where infections, like the following hapten The hapten from Klebsiella pneu- they become chronic and then from Serratia marcescens. maoniae fits the Klebsiella pneumo- require nosodes. In this age of con- niae nosode (trial pack 53), as well Although this hapten is available in tagious immuno-deficiency and as the nosodes Haemophilus influ - ampoules only in 6X dilution, the therapeutic immune suppression, enzae and Haemophilus influenzae required balance of mobilised toxins also hospital doctors ought to inves- serotype B (trial packs 113 and 114). can generally be achieved with three tigate whether the serratia hapten Although this hapten is available in to ten ampoules. could not already be of great impor- ampoules only as 6X, the required tance in hospitals for the treatment balance of toxins mobilised by the 13. Hapten from Serratia marces- of hospitalism. nosode can generally be achieved cens (= SANUKEHL Serra) with three to ten ampoules. The haptens from Salmonella In my provings the hapten from enteriditis, Serratia and Klebsiella Serratia marcescens has occurred in 11. Hapten from Escherichia coli pneumoniae have not yet been the nosodes Sarcina ventriculi (trial (= SANUKEHL Coli, corresponding made available to me from Argen - pack 84), nosode Yersinia enteroco- to the Argentinian Coli hapten) tina; my observations regarding litica (trial pack 91) and the these haptens are therefore not so The hapten from Escherichia coli clostridridium nosodes: botulism comprehensive. matches the Bacterium coli nosodes nosode (unit dose pack B8), tetanus (unit dose pack B1) and verotoxin - nosode (unit dose pack DA4), Apart from the nosodes indicated for producing Escherichia (trial pack 192). Clostridium difficile nosode (trial the individual haptens, in contamina- In particular one should think of this pack 21), Clostridium paraputrificum tions which can be purged with a hapten if problems arise with the nosode (trial pack 22), Blostridium pyrogenium (unit dose packs A1, intestine and bladder after treatment cadaveris nosode (trial pack 123), A15, A16, A18, A19, A20 and A32 with antibiotics, but also during a Clostridium innocuum nosode (trial and the Pyrocoxinum produced by course of treatment with the Bacte rium pack 124) and Clostridium tertium the Archea company) all the individ- coli nosode – as already described in nosode (trial pack 125). It is to be ual haptens may be required as anti-

110 gen absorbers, since when flesh formen“ [SANUKEHL preparations Another preparation made from decays a great variety of microbes for the Excretion of Cell Wall Defi - tumour cells is also available. This can be involved in the process. cient Bacterial Forms] which is also could perhaps be a possibility for an to be found in the previous edition of intermediate dose for degeneration As stated above, my experiences are SANUM-Post. nosodes. The few tests that I was based predominantly on the hapten able to do with this preparation do preparations which are stored in a As regards the use of Brucella hap- not however allow me to draw any concentration of 0.1 mg per ml, that tens as antigen absorbers in the conclusions: the effects in this area is in the concentration of a 4X dilu- treatment of Brucella contamination are certainly much harder to ascer- as described, I have also received tion. On the grounds of theoretical tain. It is certain that much of interest reports that in Argentina an law on medications, the SANUKEHL can still be expected in future Interferon-inducing effect of this preparations may only be sold in 5X, research into haptens as therapy. 6X or 7X potencies. According to my hapten has been observed, in par- Peter Cornelius, Germany ᮀ experiences, often several ampoules ticular in a combination with the hapten from Pseudomonas (SANU - are required in order to achieve Bibliography: KEHL Pseu). comparable results, which on the Cornelius, P: Nosoden und Begleittherapie other hand facilitates a matching of [Nosodes and complementary therapy], Meanwhile it has been proved by R. 3rd edition; Pflaum Verlag, Munich - Bad the dose and combination to the Kunze and J. Hartmann in in vitro Kissingen – Berlin – Düsseldorf – Heidel - berg, 1999 individual needs of each patient dur- tests with SANUKEHL Pseu (= Klein, Jan: Immunologie [Immunology], VCH- ing the testing. Polipse) that there is a significant Verlag, Weinheim – New York – Basel – increase of tumour necrosis factor – ␣ Cam bridge, 1991, pp. 281 ff. and p.371 Possibly extensive percutaneous and Interleukin 1 ß, – 6 and – 10, Kunze, Dr. R. and J. Hartmann: Das immun- use of SANUKEHL preparations will modulatorische Profil von SANUKEHL whereby there was also asubstantial Pseu [The Immunomodulatory Profile of also be suitable: these are available SANUKEHL Pseu], SANUM-Post No. 37, increase in the factors which stimu- p. 11, 1996 in 10 ml drop solutions in 6X dilution. lates granulocyte/monocyte colonies. Kunze, Dr. R. and J. Hartmann: Aufhebung hydrocortisonbedingter Immun suppression In addition, of course, there may be Such effects could also already be mittels SANUKEHL Pseu in vitro [Elimi nating all sorts of possible effects in all Hydrocortisone-induced Immune Sup- observed with higher homeopathic pression with SANUKEHL Pseu in Vitro], these preparations, also in 6X or 7X potencies, in contrast to those Erfahrungsheilkunde, p. 568; 9/1997 dilutions and higher, which I have not described above, whilst my points Nieper, Dr. H: Revolution in Medizin und Gesundheit [Revolution in medicine and yet already recognised, which could come from the fact that the effects health], MIT-Verlag 1994 possibly be quite unrelated to the of the haptens as antigen absorbers ideas presented here. Such ideas are not of a homeopathic nature but First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (54/2001) are presented in the article follow stoechiometric laws - that is, © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • “SANUKEHL-Präparate zur Aus- each free carrier molecule needs its 27318 Hoya • Germany leitung zellwandfreier Bakterien- hapten molecule. All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Serra 6X Drops Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in. It’s a bacterial preparation made of Serratia marcescens extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X. According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Nosocomial infections with Serratia marcescens. Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional. e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X; 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 7X Sanum For more information refer to: Registration as GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 medical expert group required for full access to information. Please note: picture shows German labelling.

111 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Staph D6 (6X) Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction Age Groups Age Groups A total number of 98 patients in three 20 medical practices, one specializing in 18 internal medicine and two in general 16 medicine, participated between P 14 e August 1992 and May 2001 in an 12 r application study with the preparation c 10 e SANUKEHL Staph D6 drops. The n 8 Percent homoeopathic test preparation,  t 6 SANUKEHL Staph, consists exclusi- 4 vely of Staphylococcus aureus e 2 th volumine cellulae in the 6 decimal 0 < 12 -20 -30 -40Years -50 -60 -70 > 70 potency. Years

The aim of this application study was to determine the actual application of patients between 31 and 40 years thorough diagnosis was made before the preparation as well as its tolerance (17.4%). The  age groups between 41 the  start  and  end  of  the therapy and  under the day to day conditions of a and 50 (13.3%), between 51 and 60 accompanying  therapies  were to be normal practice. It was also of (12.3%) and between 61 and 70 years documented in the evaluation form. importance to determine the (10.2%) were nearly of the same size. In order to obtain a measure for acceptance of the preparation on the Only 3.9% of the patients were over chronic diseases, the patients were market, especially amongst children. 70. In the age structure, the men with an average age of 37.9 ± 23.0 were asked in the study protocol how long In line with the study’s set-up, only on average 4 years older than the they have  endured the disease or descriptive statistical methods were women with 33.2 ± 20.0 years. complaints. Time-frames were given used. The application of inductive of less than six months, up to one methods was not indicated. An Height varied between 110 and 180 cm, year, up to three years and more than „intention-to-treat“ evaluation was with an average height of 158.5 cm ± three years. 30.6% of the patients had carried out, which means that all those 19,0 cm. Weight varied between 14 suffered complaints for less than six patients were included in the study and 99 kg with an average weight of months, two groups of approximately who had at least received one dosage 60.4 kg ± 22.1 kg. the same size with 14.3% and 15.3% of the medicament. between six and 12 months and one and three years respectively. 39.8% 2. Participating Patients 2.1 Diagnoses and Secondary Diseases suffered more than 36 months. The 98 patients participated in the study, existence of the complaints was comprising of 44 men (44.9%) and 53 The  diagnoses leading to the shifted more in the direction of acute women (54.1%), the age of one prescription  had  to  be  entered in the  conditions in the under 12 patients. patient was unknown. The age of the study protocol. It showed that 77.3% of these patients suffered for patients varied between 5 and 91 SANUKEHL Staph, according to less than six months and only 18.2% years, with an average age of 35.3 Isopathy, is used in a very wide for a period of over three years. In the and a standard deviation of 21.5. applicational  range. The preferred adult group of patients over the age Under  12 years  were  16.3%  of the application was  independent   of  the of 12, the proportion of patients with patients. The largest group  were patient’s  age. The main indications a period of complaints over 36 months patients between 12 and 20 (18.4%); were Angina tonsillaris, Otitis media, was especially pronounced at 46.1%. between  21 and  30  years  were  only  Sinusitis as well as recurrent   infections  Only 17.1% suffered from acute 8.2%. The second largest group were of the urinary tract and Enteritis. A complaints with a duration of up to


9ˆ h‡v‚ ‚s U‚‡hy ƒh‡vr‡ Qh‡vr‡† 1 ! Qh‡vr‡† Amongst the adults, the largest groups

p‚€ƒyhv‡† ƒ‚ƒˆyh‡v‚  ’rh † 3 ! ’rh † were those with 47.4% with more

€‚‡u†   than 150 therapy days and 21.1% with  a therapy duration between 25 and     50 days.      3.2 Dosage      The dosage was set as follows,   !     according to the patient package 'XUDWLRQRI&RPSODLQWV insert: Duration of Complaints Oral application: for acute conditions:

5 –10 drops (every 12 to 24 hours);   for chronic conditions: 10 drops every  second day. P  e 3 H  Topical application: Every 1 - 2 days, r U F  c   5 - 10 drops on the affected area or H    e Q     in the cubital fossa. After eight W  n      ! t  weeks, the therapy should be         discontinued for several months.   0RQWKV       Months      58 patients took the drops orally and 7RWDO   \HDUV  !\HDUV 58 topically. Multiple counts were   necessary as 18 patients took the

7KHUDS\'XUDWLRQ Therapy Duration drops orally as well as topically. The

medium dosage based on the form


of application is shown in the follo- !  \HDUV   \HDUV wing table. The drops are based on

 the daily oral and topical application. D ' D a  y \ The recommended dosages were V s taken. In the group of patients under 

the age of 12, the drops for oral and  topical application were dosed accor-

  ding to age. The medium dosage for

               topical application in monotherapy Percent3HUFHQW was almost twice as large as in the

   

months, whilst the share of patients Amongst the children (< 12 years) the        with complaints of between six and therapy lasted 58.5 days ± 105.6      12 months and one and three years days, approx. two thirds shorter than  was the same with 18.4%. All 98 in the adult group with 186.4 days patients included in the study had 4.Comparison to Previous Therapy ±157.3 days. The scattering range in been treated with Sanukehl Staph D6 the group under 12 years was caused All 98 patients included in this study drops for the first time. by two patients with 365 and 366 days had not previously been treated with

3. Dosage respectively. If the two ‘fugitives’ were SANUKEHL Staph D6 drops. For this

3.1 Consultation Times, Therapy to be ignored, this would make a reason a comparison between first

Duration compact result of 22.4 ± 8.7 therapy and repeated application was not

days. The differentiated evaluation possible. By a comparison of efficacy According to the nature of an appli- within specific therapy periods allows and tolerance in both patient groups cation study, the physician was not for a clear picture. It reveals that of first-time application users and given a preset time-limit for the final patient assessment. This final exami- among the age group of the children repeated application users it would nation was conducted after a period below 12 years, the primary therapy have been possible to evaluate a of 11 to 396 days, with an average duration up to 25 days (63.2 % of all possible sensitisation towards the value of 160.1 days ± 157.2 days. patients) was clearly in the foreground. active ingredient.

113 7RWDOSRSXODWLRQTotal Population 5.2 Evaluation ofof Tolerance Tolerance by AverageDYHUDJHGRVH dose Minimum PLQLPXPGRVH dose Maximum PD[LPXPGRVH dose PhysicianPhysician and and PatientPatient 'URSVIRURUDO An evaluation evaluation of tolerance tolerance was was “   LQWDNH submitted by the the physicians physicians and and patients at thethe conclusionconclusion ofof thethe study,study, 'URSVIRUWRSLFDO “   whereby an assessment assessment of „very ”very DSSOLFDWLRQ good“, ”good“, ”moderate“ and ”poor“ good“, „good“, „moderate“ and „non- could be chosen. 62.9% of patients All$OO3DWLHQWVXQGHU\HDUV Patients under 12 Years compliant“and 59.8% could of physicians be chosen. rated 62.9% the AverageDYHUDJHGRVH dose Minimum PLQLPXPGRVH dose Maximum PD[LPXPGRVH dose oftolerance patients to and be 59.8% ”very of good“, physicians whilst rated the tolerance to be „very good“, 'URSVIRURUDO 33.0% of patients and 39.2% of “   whilst 33.0% of patients and 39.2% LQWDNH physicians gave SANUKEHL Staph a of”good“ physicians tolerance gave rating.SANUKEHL 4.1% Staph of the 'URSVIRUWRSLFDO apatients „good“ tolerance and 1.0% rating. of the 4.1% physicians of the “   DSSOLFDWLRQ patientsrated it and ”moderate“. 1.0% of the No physicians case was ratedassessed it „moderate“. as ”poor“ with No the case patients was All$OO3DWLHQWVRYHU\HDUV Patients under 12 Years assessedand physicians as alike. „no effect“ with the AverageDYHUDJHGRVH dose Minimum PLQLPXPGRVH dose Maximum PD[LPXPGRVH dose patients and physicians alike. 'URSVIRURUDO In the children’s group under 12 years, “   In the children’s group under 12 years, LQWDNH the patients rated the tolerance with the”very patients good“ rated and ”good“the tolerance and thus with a 'URSVIRUWRSLFDO “   „verylittle better good“ than and the„good“ age and group thus over a DSSOLFDWLRQ little12 years. better In than the the younger age group age group, over 12the years. assessment In the younger shifted a age little group, more 5. Evaluation of EfficacyEfficacy physicians evaluated efficacy in 48.5% thefrom assessment ”good“ to shifted ”very a good“, little more and 5.1 Evaluation Evaluation of Efficacyof Efficacy by by of the the cases cases as as „very ”very good“, good“, 40.2% 40.2% fromadditionally „good“ in this to „veryage group good“, no case and PhysicianPhysician and and Patient Patient as „good“, ”good“, 10.3% 10.3% as as moderate moderate and and additionallywas assessed in this with age ”moderate“ group no case and 1.0% as as „no ”no effect“. effect“. The The evaluation evaluation In a a closing closing assessment, assessment, physicians physicians was”poor“. assessed with „moderate“ and by physicians physicians and patients patients alike alike was was and patients patients were were asked asked to to evaluate evaluate „no effect“. according to tendency tendency better in the the efficacy and tolerance. tolerance. Efficacy Efficacy could could 5.3 Side Effects and Termination of adults’adults’ group. However, However, in in the the be assessed assessed with „very ”very good“, good“, 5.3 SideTherapy Effects and Termination of children’schildren’s group the the assessments assessments Therapy „good“,”good“, „moderate“”moderate“ oror „no”no effect“.effect“. TheThe were exclusively exclusively ”very „very good“ good“ and No patient discontinued the therapy physicians were also requested requested to No patient discontinued the therapy „good“.”good“. with SANUKEHL Staph and no side evaluate patient compliance as aboveabove with SANUKEHL Staph and no side effects were reported. with „very ”very good“,good“, „good“,”good“, „moderate“ ”moderate“ Compliance (N(N = 97) 97) was was assessed assessed effects were reported. or „non-compliant“. ”non-compliant“. The The evaluation evaluation of of by the the physicians physicians to be „very ”very good“ good“ 6. Summary efficacy showedshowed thatthat 42.3% of the the forfor 45 45 patients patients and „good“”good“ for for 37 37 6. Summary patients thought efficacy to be be „very ”very patients, hence 83.7% of all all patients patients A totaltotal numbernumber ofof 9898 patientspatients inin threethree good“good“ andand 44.3%44.3% „good“,”good“, whilstwhilst onlyonly participating inin the study study were were given given medical practices, practices, one one specialising specialising in in 10.3% assessed assessed the the evaluation evaluation with with a „good“ ”good“ or or „very ”very good“ good“ compliance compliance internalinternal medicine andand two two in in general general „moderate“”moderate“ and and 3.1% stated stated „no ”no rating. 15 patients patients were given a medicine, participated participated between between effect“.effect“. The results results of of the the physicians’ physicians’ „moderate“”moderate“ compliance rating and nono August 1992 andand FebruaryFebruary 2001 inin anan evaluation for efficacy efficacy was was similarly similarly patients were evaluated as as „non-”non- application study withwith thethe preparationpreparation positive as that of of the the patients. patients. The The compliant“.compliant“. SANUKEHL Staph Staph D6 D6 drops.drops. H‚‚‡ur hƒ’  p‚€ivh‡v‚ ‡ur hƒ’ ‡‚‡hy ƒ‚ƒˆyh‡v‚Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) DYHUDJHGRVHAverage dose PLQLPXPGRVHMinimum dose PD[LPXPGRVHMaximum dose 'URSVIRURUDO “   PRQRWKHUDS\Monotherapy LQWDNH 'URSVIRURUDO “   FRPEWKHUDS\Comb. therapy LQWDNH 'URSVIRUWRSLFDO “   PRQRWKHUDS\Monotherapy DSSOLFDWLRQ 'URSVIRUWRSLFDO “   FRPEWKHUDS\Comb. therapy DSSOLFDWLRQ

114 Evaluation@‰hyˆh‡v‚‚srssvphp’ of Efficacy Qh‡vr‡†t ‚ˆƒ Patients’Qh‡vr‡†r‰hyˆh‡v‚bd evaluation [%] Physicians’Qu’†vpvh†r‰hyˆh‡v‚bd evaluation [%] Very‰r ’t‚‚q good (%) Good t‚‚q (%) Moderate €‚qr h‡r (%) No ‚rssrp‡ effect (%) Very ‰r ’t‚‚q good (%) Good t‚‚q (%) Moderate €‚qr h‡r (%) No ‚rssrp‡ effect (%)


1 !’rh †        

3 !’rh †        

3DWLHQWV V HYDOXDWLRQ RI HIILFDF\3DWLHQW V Patients’ evaluation of efficacy 12 years, the primary therapy duration lasted up to 25 days (63.2% of all patients). Amongst the adults were  the largest groups with 47.4% of the  patients with more than 150 therapy  days and 21.1% with a therapy 3  H duration between 25 and 50 days. U  F H  Q 58 patients took the drops orally and W  58 patients were treated topically.   Multiple counts were necessary as  !\HDUV  18 patients took the drops orally as  \HDUV well as topically. The recommended YHU\JRRG  JRRG 7RWDO PRGHUDWH dosage was taken. In the group of QRHIIHFW patients under 12 years, the drops for oral and topical application were

3K\VLFLDQ V HYDOXDWLRQ RI HIILFDF\Physicians’ evaluation of efficacy dosed according to age. In monotherapy the medium dosage for topical application was almost twice  as large as in the combination therapy.  In the combination therapy the dosage

 of the drops was even higher than in the monotherapy. 3  H U  F All 98 patients included in this study H Q  had not previously been treated with W  SANUKEHL Staph D6 drops. For this  reason a comparison between first  !\HDUV  and repeated application was not  \HDUV possible. YHU\JRRG  JRRG 7RWDO PRGHUDWH QRHIIHFW The therapeutic therapeutic progress progress was determined by evaluationsevaluations conducted The homeopathic test preparation, was made before the start and at The homoeopathic test preparation, diagnosis was made before the start respectively at the beginning and the SANUKEHL Staph, consists ex clu - the end of the therapy and accom - SANUKEHL Staph, consists and end of the therapy and accom- end of the the therapy. therapy. 86.6% of the the sively of Staphylococcus aureus e panying the rapies were to be docu - exclusively of Staphylococcus aureus panying therapies were to be docu- patients and 88.7% ofof thethe physiciansphysicians th evolumine volumine cellulae cellulae in inthe the 6th 6 decimal mented in in the the evaluation evaluation form. form. rated the efficacyefficacy of thethe therapytherapy asas potency. SANUKEHL Staph was usedused „very”very good“good“ and „good“. ”good“. The The in a veryvery broadbroad applicationapplication rangerange inin Amongst the the children children (< (< 12 12 years) years) evaluationeva luation by physician and patient patient accordance with Isopathy, Isopathy, wherebywhereby the therapy therapy lasted lasted with 58.5 58.5 days days ± was better in the adults’adults’ group,group, whilstwhilst the preferredpreferred application application was inwas de - 105.6 days,days, approx.approx. twotwo thirds thirds shorter shorter the children’s children’s group was was evaluated evaluated independentpendent of the of patients’ the patients’ age. age.The mainThe than in the adult group with 186.4 exclusively with with ”very „very good“good“ and mainindications indications were angina were tonsillaris, Angina days ±157.3 days.days. TheThe differentiateddifferentiated „good“.”good“. For For 83.7% 83.7% of all all patients patients tonsillaris,otitis media, Otitis sinusitis media, as Sinusitis well as reas - evaluation within specific therapy therapy participating in the study,study, compliance wellcurrent as infectsrecurrent of the infects urinary of tractthe periods allows for a clearclear picture. It was certified to be ”good“„good“ or or „very ”very urinaryand enteritis. tract and A Enteritis. thorough A diagnosisthorough reveals that among thethe childrenchildren underunder good“.good“.

115 Evaluation@‰hyˆh‡v‚‚s‡‚yr hpr of Tolerance Qh‡vr‡†t ‚ˆƒ Patients’Qh‡vr‡†r‰hyˆh‡v‚bd evaluation [%] Physicians’Qu’†vpvh†r‰hyˆh‡v‚bd evaluation [%] Very‰r ’t‚‚q good (%) Good t‚‚q (%) Moderate €‚qr h‡r (%) ‚rssrp‡Poor (%) Very ‰r ’t‚‚q good (%) Good t‚‚q (%) Moderate €‚qr h‡r (%) ‚rssrp‡Poor (%)


1 !’rh †        

3 !’rh †        

62.9% of patients and 59.8% of 3DWLHQW V HYDOXDWLRQ RI WROHUDQFHPatients’ evaluation of tolerance 62.9% of patients and 59.8% of physicians ratedrated the tolerance to be be ”very good“, whilst 33.0% of patients  „very good“, whilst 33.0% of patients and 39.2% 39.2% of of physicians physicians gave gave  SANUKEHL StaphStaph a „good“”good“ tolerancetolerance  3 rating. 4.1% of thethe patientspatients andand 1.0%1.0% H U  of the the physicians physicians rated rated it it „moderate“. ”moderate“. F H No case was assessed as ”poor“  No case was assessed as „no effect“ Q W with patients patients and and physicians physicians alike. alike. 

!\HDUV  No therapy therapy was was discontinued discontinued and no no \HDUV  side effects occurred.occurred. YHU\JRRG 7RWDO JRRG PRGHUDWH

3K\VLFLDQ V HYDOXDWLRQ RI WROHUDQFHPhysicians’ evaluation of tolerance

First published published in the German in the language German in the SANUM-Post magazine (77/2006)  language in the SANUM-POST magazine© Copyright by(77/2006) Semmelweis-Institut GmbH •  27318 Hoya • Germany ©All CopyrightRights Reserved. by Semmelweis-Institut  3 GmbH, 27318 Hoya, Germany H U  F All Rights Reserved. H  Q W 




Sanukehl® Staph 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in. e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X It’s a bacterial preparation made of Staphyloccus aureus extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X. 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: For more information refer to: Folliculosis, furunculosis, impetigo, acne conglobata; blepharitis, hordeolum, Registration as medical expert group required for full chalazion, angina, otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis; meningitis; osteomyelitis; nephritis, access to information. urogenital infections with staphylococci. Sanum Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production health care professional. D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355

116 The Tubercular Constitution as a Common Cause of Chronic Diseases and its Treatment with Naturopathic “Regulation Therapy“

by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider

It’s much easier to ride the horse in theory of the miasms. (Allen, 1996). ferent morphology of strains of the direction he’s going Hahnemann and his pupils had mycobacteria (“dualism”) and with the – Werner Erhard already observed that suppressive close relationship between tubercle treatment of disease would intensify bacteria and the pathogenic agent of Historical Background and increase the miasmatic disease syphilis, whose bacterial form is of the Tuber cular Constitution energies. It was further realised that, found in mixed cultures from tuber - Almost 200 years ago, Samuel when inherited, Psora and Syphilis culosis patients. Spengler showed Hahnemann (Hahnemann, 1810, may completely merge together. The that the presence of the syphilis 1828) tried to classify chronic disease tubercular constitution is a “mixed” pathogen can be demonstrated within into certain “miasms” (disease ener- miasm and a result of this merging the cells of an organism in an ultra- gies). He attributed the basic toxic together. Allen calls it “absolutely the small and primitive variety – even load to Psora (in Greek “the itch”), to strongest of all disease states or when an in fection by this pathogen Syphilis and to Sycosis (“fig-wart dis- conditions”. It can be inherited or had never occurred during the indi- ease”). This work dates from the latter acquired and is also called “Pseudo- vidual’s life-time. psora”. part of his life. It was assumed that the general Even in ancient cultures it was As the tubercular constitution does spread of “inherited syphilis” stems recognised that all the chronic dis- not signify a case of clinical tubercu- from the beginning of the 16th cen- eases that afflict mankind form a uni- losis, other terms such as “para- tury, when a whole population was fied whole. Escaping from his oppo- tuberculosis”, “tuberculinic” or “tuber- infected with a syphilis pandemic nents to Paris at the age of 80, cular miasm” were introduced later. “imported” from America. Anyone Hahnemann tried to secure this However, the term “para-tuberculo- who did not die of this infectious dis- knowledge in the 6th edition of his sis” is nowadays used internationally, ease at that time, retained a residual “Organon of the Rational Art of in a different sense, to denote an ill- toxicity in the body that was passed Healing” by adding a number of ness caused by Mycobacterium on through generations and, notes to the 5th edition. Due to the paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease in according to Spengler, would later fierce opposition of some medical cattle). show up as an “inherited virus”. doctors to the notion of Psora, the Between 55 and 100 years ago clini- Spengler developed the so called 6th edition was not published until cal tuberculosis was widespread, and “Spengler colloids” which were 1921. In that way the fanatically con- intensive research on it was carried named after him and are antigens tested idea of Psora, which Hahne - out. In Berlin, Germany, Robert Koch from different bacteria and anti-toxins mann called the “thousand headed pioneered the diagnosis and treat- produced from the blood of highly monster of disease” and which was ment (Tuberculinum Koch) of tubercu- immunised rabbits. With the help of dismissed as a senile fantasy of his, losis. His assistant Carl Spengler car- these substances it is possible to was handed down in its original ried on his work and based his new diagnose various chronic diseases form. methods of diagnosis and treatment such as the “inherited toxins” of Among Hahnemann’s numerous fol- of chronic illness on Koch’s findings tuberculosis and syphilis (see POLY- lowers John H. Allen deserves men- (Spengler, 1911). Above all, Speng - SANS, produced by the SANUM- tion, for his intensive work on the ler’s work was concerned with the dif- KEHLBECK Co).

117 In a study on trans-placental carcino- micro-organisms themselves are sition to tuberculosis could be genesis in mice, an extra-chromoso- harmful, but primarily the “soil” in inherited, but also the virus in its mally transmitted susceptibility to which they multiply. “filterable”, granular form. He further tumour growth could be observed thought that the latter could remain Another contemporary of theirs at (Schneider, 1981). In the F2-genera- latent (“latent tuberculosis”) or could the end of the nineteenth century tion only those animals showed an develop slowly into the classic bac- was Louis Pasteur. He claimed that increased occurrence of tumours, terial type. the explanations of Béchamp and whose parent of the same sex had Bernard were arrant nonsense. He G. Enderlein (zoologist and micro - been transplacentally exposed to the contested these views in accord biologist, curator of the zoological chemical carcinogen (DMBA) and with the botanist Cohn (Breslau) and museum of Berlin University, and had been crossed with a non-treated Robert Koch’s theory of “monomor- microbiologist for the German army animal. This dependency on the sex phism” (meaning that each type of in Stettin during World War I) reported and trans-placental exposure re- bacteria is only allowed one mode of in 1916 for the “Friends of Natural garding tumour formation permits growth and manifestation). His opinion Re search”, Berlin, about his time as the as sumption that extra-chromo- prevailed among the experts of a bacteriologist in the army and somal influences are at work. his time and still does so even in his research results regarding the By the end of the last century the modern times. Nevertheless Pasteur development of bacteria. Owing to French chemist and pharmacist said on his death bed: “Bernard is the prevailing conditions resulting Antoine Béchamp had claimed right; the soil is everything, the from the war, his monograph on this (Béchamp, 1912), that certain microbe nothing”. Pasteur’s private subject was not published until micro-organisms could occur in var- notes about his scientific research 1925 (Enderlein, 1925). As he was ious forms and stages of develop- were kept secret from the general describing morphological facts that ment. Under exactly defined condi- scientific community at his request. had previously been unknown to tions they would occur, ranging from Not until 1975 were 10,000 pages of microbiology, he developed a whole the lowest forms to the highly devel- his laboratory protocols handed over new terminology; however, this oped stages of bacteria and fungi. to the historian G. L. Geison at resulted in the procedures he He found that all animal and plant Princeton University, who spent described being difficult to under- cells contain minute granules almost 20 years evaluating them. In stand. (“microzymas”), which do not perish 1993 Geison handed over his results According to Enderlein, microbes after the death of an organism, are to the American Association for the pass through a cycle which is spe- responsible for fermentation, and Advancement of Science in Boston. cific to their species. The term from which other micro-organisms In 1997 a book containing Geison’s “cyclogeny” describes the changes could also develop. These micro- findings was published. (Geison, and the journey of pathogenic and zymas would be present in every li ving 1997). This book shows Pasteur’s non-pathogenic micro-organisms species, in humans, animals and merits, but does not cover up the through all phases (“valencies”). The plants; they were eternal and inde- fact that that he manipulated some cycle starts below the limits of structible and represented a bridge of his experimental results and con- microscopic visibility, the viral between non-living and living matter. travened medical, scientific and ethi - sphere, then on via forms of higher Under certain pathogenic influences cal rules. valency like cocci and bacilli, to cul- these microzymas could develop Fontes (Fontes, 1910) who had minate in the fungal phases. The into bacteria with putrefacient and based his research on Spengler’s bacterial nucleus (“mych”) has a fermenting properties. This meant results, delivered important proof of special significance. Although this that disease had its origin mainly the “pleomorphism” of bacteria. He was already known before Ender - within the body. was the first to provide proof of the lein, its function had not been inter- Claude Bernard, a French physiolo- infectiousness of bacteria-free fil- preted accurately. According to the gist and a contemporary of trates of TBC-bacterial cultures. As “basic Anatartic Law” fomulated by Béchamp, confirmed his results and a result of his research Fontes Enderlein, the increase in valency of found out in addition that not the assumed that not only the predispo- the microbe depends on the “milieu”

118 that is present in blood and tissues, blood. (Schwerdtle and Arnoul, According to Enderlein, the low which is mainly characterised by its 1993; Bleker, 1997). valency phases of Mucor racemo- pH value. Bacteria can either multi- sus and Aspergillus niger are trans- According to Enderlein, viruses are ply asexually by division or branch- mitted via the placenta. cell-free primitive forms (“filum”) of ing (“auxanogeny”) or sexually after the endobiont, from which bacteria The higher and high valency phases prior fusion of cell nuclei (“pro- may be grown. (For example: the of Aspergillus are closely connected baenogeny”). Sexual multiplication is with calcium metabolism and cell res- essential for movement to a higher tobacco mosaic virus, from which it piration (citric acid cycle) and they or lower phase. 40 years after was possible to breed bacteria after cause chronic tubercular diseases in Enderlein’s discovery, the Nobel several months); bacteriophages warm blooded creatures “to the right prize was awarded to Lederberg in however are “spermits” of the 1958 for discovery of “polymorphy” microbes (Enderlein, 1954). of the biological incision” (Recke weg, table 1). Examples are chronically and sexual multiplication of bacteria The causative agent of the second relapsing susceptibility to infections, by the fusion of cell nuclei (Leder - electively pathogenic endobiosis berg, 1958). tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, asth- which, in contrast to the Mucor sym- ma, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, Apart from naming the various phas- biosis, is non-physiological, was cysts, ovarian and prostate diseases, es in the development of micro- identified by Enderlein as the mould as well as cancer. Among the tuber- organisms, Enderlein also succeeded Aspergillus niger van Tieghem. In its cular symptoms degenerative dis- in proving the existence of the polymorphy and phase-dependent eases such as auto-immune disor- most important symbiont (“endo- pathology this is believed to be a ders may also be found. biont”) in warm-blooded creatures. causative agent of cancer (Dechow, The particular significance of high- He discovered Mucor racemosus 1933) and tuberculosis. Vaudremer valency fungal forms in the develop- Fresen(ius) 1870, in all its develop- (1921) and Tissot (1925) had already mental stages from viral to fungal. In ment of neoplastic disorders was found a genetic connection between the low valency stages, the endo- con firmed by Privy Councillor Prof. the tubercle bacillus and fungi of the biont lives as a physiological regula- Dr. F. Gerlach, Director of the species Aspergillus (according to tor; in the higher valency stages it Bundesanstalt für Tierseuchenbe - Enderlein, 1949). will develop pathogenic characteris- kämpfung (National Institute for the tics, depending on the environment The cyclode of Aspergillus niger, control of epidemics among ani- (or milieu) that surrounds it. Changes according to Enderlein, is a scission mals) in Mödling near Vienna, follow- in the environment which are fol- from the cyclode of Mucor racemosus ing detailed research. Gerlach was lowed by an endobiosis occur in all (Figure 1). able to culture fungi from cancerous chronic illnesses. The endobiosis caused by Mucor racemosus in a higher-valency form is characterised Aspergillus niger bacteria by congestive symptoms (e.g. dis- (Sklerotrix tuberculosis) Mucor racemosus eases of the blood and venous sys- bacteria (Leptotrichia buccalis) tem, wounds, hearing loss and neu- Aspergillus- cyclode rodermatitis). Thecit

Enderlein also found that the patho- Mychit Mucor-cyclode pathogenic phase genic higher-valency phases of the breakdown endobiont could be reconverted into Chondrit to primitive forms Gonidie a non-pathogenic phase by intro- Oit Spermit/Oit ducing low-valency forms while Symprotit non-pathogenic Filum phase simultaneously treating the milieu Protit (“isopathic therapy”). These pro- cesses can be observed with the Figure 1: Hypothetical separation of the Aspergillus niger cyclode from that help of dark-field microscopy of vital of Mucor racemosus (Arnoul, 1998; Rau, 1998)

119 material of human or animal origin an off-shoot from the Mucor- • they are often serophilic; (including chemically induced tumours cyclode and therefore the medicine • most types grow best in a hyper- from laboratory animals) regularly is also prescribed in a combination tonic and alkaline environment (Gerlach, 1948). Later he also found from both cyclodes. (pH 7.8 – 8.0); that mycoplasma play an important An extensive survey of the numerous • CWD are able to revert to classi- role in carcinogenesis. From this it studies on polymorphic “symbionts”, cal bacterial forms. may be assumed that mycoplasma particularly in German speaking which, according to Mattman are countries, was carried out by It is only possible to culture CWD barely distinguishable from CWD- Windstosser (Windstosser, 1995). under special conditions. The cul- types (see below), are higher valency ture medium has to be stabilised In English-speaking countries too, forms of the Aspergillus-cyclode. with an extract of heart muscle, 15% intensive research on the pathogeni - inactivated horse serum and 3.5% Tubercular diseases were given vari- city of polymorphic forms of micro bes sodium chloride. ous names by Enderlein’s contempo- has been carried out during the last raries, without acknowledging any 40 years. Probably because of the The following are some examples of connection to the bacterial cycle. language barrier, the results of earlier the intra-erythrocytal growth of Scrophula, lymphatism, camou flaged research remained unnoticed. Only in CWD: tuberculosis (Patromi kolas), masked recent times has an effort been made tuberculosis (Willy Bircher), certain by Canadian research groups to pool Normal and Physiological: forms of rheumatic disease (Poncet), this knowledge (First International Staphylococci, Bacillus licheniformis latentia, tubercular toxicosis, paratu- Sym posium on Pleomorphic Microbes (in approx. 30% of all healthy humans). berculosis. “Much’s Granules and in Health and Disease, 18th-19th June Sarcoidosis: 1999, Montreal, Canada). Spengler’s splinters” also belong in Mycobacteria. this category. The investigations to date into the Kaposi’s sarcoma: properties and pathogenicity of the The “Basit”, “Linit”, and “Ascit” stages Fungi of Aspergillus are the short and long so called “Cell Wall Deficient Forms” Nephropathy: bacilli of Sclerothrix tuberculosis Koch (CWD) was recently summarized by Lysis of erythrocytes from 489 1882, acidoresistant and non-acido - Lida H. Mattman, Emeritus Pro- patients: the same species as in uri- resistant, the cultivation of which was fessor of Microbiology at Wayne nary infections described by Enderlein in all its phas- State University, Detroit, Michigan es (Enderlein, 1959). (Mattman, 1993). Idiopathic hæmaturia: “CWD” is used as the umbrella term Bacteria similar to streptococci; in After Enderlein, Harmsen also for synonyms like “L-forms”, “L- contrast to this, children with described forms of Mycobacterium phases” or “spheroplasts” that can nephrotic syndrome exhibited an tuberculosis which deviated from be found in the literature. CWD also elevated staphylococcal growth-rate the slender bacillary form: branched covers the previously used term Systemic lupus erythematosus: varieties, granula, acidoresistant and “protoplast”. CWD have special Bacteria connected with nephrotic non-acidoresistant forms, mycelium characteristics that are not present diseases formation, nuclear equivalents and in classical micro-organisms: vacuole formation (Harmsen, 1952). Crohn’s disease: • Destruction of many forms during Pseudomonas, mycobacteria Just as the low-valency phases of fixation with heat; Mucor racemosus are especially Auto-immune diseases: suited to the treatment of endo - • they usually require soft agar, CWD act as haptens and stimulate biosis, so tubercular diseases can grow under the surface and need the formation of haemolytic anti- be treated very effectively isopathi- a mature, autoclaved culture bodies (Example: paroxysmal hæmo - cally with low valency phases of medium; globinuria due to cold in syphilitics) Aspergillus niger. According to • they typically grow within erythro- The formation of pathogenic CWD Ender lein the Aspergillus-cyclode is cytes; from bacteria can be induced by

120 suppressive treatment. In vitro • following treatment of mastitis • Cell wall deficient forms can their formation is possible through caused by Staphylococcus occur in vitro and in vivo under antibiotics, e.g.: aureus with Cloxacillin the ex - certain environmental or “milieu” cretion of classical forms of cocci conditions and can be patho - Penicillins: ceased within a few days, where- genic in vivo. Inhibition of murein synthesis: as CWD forms of Staph. aureus Brucella, Clostridia, E. coli, • CWD pathogenic forms can live continued to contaminate the Haemophilus influenzae, Listeria as parasites within erythrocytes milk for more then 30 days monocytogenes, Proteus mirabilis, and can be observed in vital (Sears, P.M. et al., 1987). Salmonella gallinarum, S. typhi, blood under a dark-field micro- Vibrio cholerae, Vitreoscilla. Nowadays the induction of patho- scope. genic CWD in vivo by using antibi- Sulphonamides: • Suppressive treatment of disease, otics is of great importance as Staph. aureus especially with antibiotics, can antibiotic-resistant micro-organisms induce the development of CWD. Kanamycin, Tobramycin, are widespread and can no longer Chloramphenicol necessarily be destroyed (Beyer, • Cell wall deficient forms of Inhibition of protein synthesis, resul - 1999). On the other hand CWD mycobacteria are the real carriers ting in surface changes in bacteria: commonly escape from the immune of a tubercular constitution. E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, system due to their lack of a cell wall • CWD are able to revert to classi- Bacillus megaterium, B. polymyxa, and continue to act as haptens. To cal forms of bacteria. According Serratia macescens, Sarcina lutea, support the organism in the elimi - to Enderlein they can move Staphylococcus aureus, salmonel- nation of cell wall deficient microbial through their cyclodes in both læ, shigellæ, Proteus. forms, the SANUM-therapy which directions. Aztoreonam (Monobactum): includes SANUKEHL preparations • Pathogenic forms of micro- surface changes in E. coli should be the treatment of choice. (Schneider, 1999a; Werthmann, organisms can be rendered Erythromycin: 1999). As an example, the well harmless when transformed by Staphylococcus aureus (and at least proven treatment of mycoplasma their non-pathogenic regulatory 40 other macrolid-antibiotics such and chlamydia infections may be forms. as Leucomycin, Oleandomycin, cited; according to Enderlein these Spiramycin, Tylosin) belong to the cyclode of Aspergillus: Homotoxicology According to Reckeweg Tetracyclines: • 1-2 times weekly a mixed injec- Staph. aureus, E. coli, K. pneumo - tion of NIGERSAN 5X and According to Reckeweg (Reckeweg niae, B. megaterium, B. polymyxa, CITRO KEHL 1975, 1980) the body’s “major de - Serratia marcescens, Serratia lutea, fence system” consists of 5 different • daily SANUKEHL Pseu 6X in the Salmonellæ, Shigellæ, Proteus. mechanisms (reticulo-endothelium, evening: 4 drops to be taken anterior pituitary-NNR-mechanism, As an example of an in vivo induc- internally and 4 drops to be nerve reflexes, liver detoxification, tion of CWD by antibiotics Mattman applied topically. names antibiotic treatment of masti- detoxifying function of connective On the basis of clinical research to tis in cows caused by Staphylo - tissues) by which the body defends date it can reliably be asserted that: coccus aureus: itself against toxins (“homotoxins”), • Micro-organisms can be of a which can otherwise bring about ill- • apart from the classical bacterial polymorphic phenotype, from the ness. Either the body wins in this forms, the CWD of Strepto- smallest viral structures to bacte- fight and gets damaged in varying coccus agalactiae, Staphylo- ria and fungi. degrees by the homotoxins or it suc- coccus aureus and Coryne- cumbs to the toxic effects. bacterium pyogenes were also • CWD of micro-organisms (staphy - demonstrated as causative of lococci and bacilli) appear physio - These views of Reckeweg’s are an bovine mastitis (Bergmann and logically in the erythrocytes of extension of Selye’s research on the Böckel, 1989). healthy humans. Adaptation Syndrome (Selye, 1953).

121 122 The damage caused by the homo- more or less non-functional. The Hahnemann, or with the “Tubercular toxins manifests in the form of an three cellular phases often result from constitution”. According to Recke - impairment or blockage of the intra- the suppression of acute illnesses. weg’s six-phase scheme (table 1), cellular enzyme systems. In Recke - Numerous chemically defined sub- clinical tuberculosis only appears in weg’s system, the different grades of stances such as antibiotics, anti- the degeneration phase. toxic effects are expressed as six dif- rheumatic drugs, analgesics, bacte- According to Reckeweg the aim of a ferent phases. During the first three riostatics among others, according to biological therapy is to enhance phases (excretion, reaction, deposi- Reckeweg often have an irreversible detoxification and excretion via the tion) the excretion of toxins is suc- blocking effect on the intracellular fer- major defence mechanism. The cessful, whereas during the three cel- mentation systems and bring the cel- reactivation of the damaged or lular phases that lie beyond the “bio- lular phases four to six into play (“pro - blocked enzyme systems by admi - logical incision” (impregnation, gressive vicariation”). These phases nistering adequate co-factors such degeneration, neoplasm) the cells are correspond to the terms “Psora” and as vitamins, trace elements, inter- increasingly damaged and become “Sycosis” which were originated by mediate citric acid cycle catalysts

The following authentic case example will serve to clarify the term “progressive vicariation”. The patient is a young male whose medical history began in infancy as a “dysbiosis” with an acute, inflammatory, excretory reaction and developed over 16 years into a degenerative demyelinisation of the central nervous system:

Age Disease Treatment

2 months Pre-toxicosis with Coli-dyspepsia, antibiotics i.v.and i.m., milk-based diffuse peri-bronchitis, high fever “health-food”, fluoride 4 months Super-infected varicella, anal fissures, antibiotics, streptococcal sepsis, high fever antipyretics,Vit.D3 5 months Coli-dyspepsia, chickenpox, antibiotics, immuno- diarrhœa, vomiting globulins, pectins, porridge with full- cream milk, fluoride, topical corticosteroids 1 year superinfected intertriginous eczema, antibiotics, antifungals, eczema of scalp, infection of lungs dermal application of (mild), severe suppurative otitis ext., salicylic vaseline and oil; high fever no improvement of symptoms 14 months histiocytosis X, constipation chemotherapy, prednisolone 2 years histiocytosis X, recurrent temporal chemotherapy, corticoids focus of infection 6 years accident tetanus vaccination 7 years Loss of teeth after chemotherapy ------14 years Cerebellar ataxia, hydrocephalus int., valve implant anal fistula, kyphoscoliosis, dwarfism, owing to hydrocephalus anus præter, mental and motor retardation 16 years increasing muscular dystrophy, further attempts at nystagmus,astigmatism, corticoid treatment; aborted demyelination in pons and after onset of Cushing’s mesencephalon, strabismus, syndrome and aggravation of acne. unable to walk after steriotactic biopsies, patient confined to a wheelchair

123 and quinones is of the utmost impor- Changes in the milieu can be cha - in arterial blood, 7.35 – 7.40 in capi - tance. A biological therapy also aims racterised on various levels, for llary blood, and in venous blood 7.30 to transform the “dangerous” phases instance by dark-field microscopy or – 7.35. An average blood pH of 7.2 is on the right side of the biological inci- on an electromagnetic level with the regarded as normal, but nowadays sion into less harmful phases aid of Vincent’s system of Bio-elec- this is rarely attained. Based on regu- (“regressive vicariation”). An example tronics (BEV). latory reciprocal actions, the blood is the induction of inflammatory reac- pH works in the reverse direction to tions in neoplasma phases. In the dark-field microscopy hæmo- that of the tissues, so that a blood pH gram of native blood changes may Reckeweg concludes that all natural of 7.5 is equivalent to a tissue pH of be observed in the morphological healing operates according to the approx. 5.5. According to Enderlein structure of erythrocytes related to principle of regressive vicariation. the endobiont develops in the blood their position on the right side of the The individual phases of the patho- at a pH of 7.20 – 7.50. “biological incision”. The observa- genesis are briefly re-experienced in tions extend from changes in the Another important milieu parameter the reverse order of their appea - shape of erythrocytes to forms simi- is the redox-potential. The signifi- rance, beginning with the most lar to a “thorn apple” (see Figure 2; cance of this parameter was dis - recent events. This means that du ring Schwerdtle and Arnoul, 1993; covered by the American doctor W.F. recovery apparently new illnesses Bleker, 1997). These structures have Koch (Koch, 1981). Koch was a seem to appear (e.g. appearance of been described, documented and physiologist and pathologist and acute herpes during the treatment of named by Enderlein and they can from 1919 to 1949 he was director of a degenerative disease). Under no easily be reproduced. For dark-field the Koch Cancer Clinic in the USA. circumstances must these symp- microscopy examination a special He introduced homœopathically pre- toms be suppressed. In such cases microscope is required. pared (6X or 9X) substances that relief can be obtained by intensifying contain carbonyl-groups such as gly- the use of excretory measures, by Another possibility for the characte - oxals and quinones into cancer ther- giving a classical homœopathic re - risation of the milieu is afforded by apy and had to defend himself before medy that is indicated for a certain Vincent’s system of Bio-electronics American courts due to his innovative stage of illness, or by . (BEV). methods of treatment. As his results As was already known 100 years were brilliant, he was scarcely trou- Characterisation ago, the most important parameter bled by such accusations. of the Tubercular Milieu for a milieu is the pH (Worlitschek, Koch assumed that pathogens such By “the milieu of the tissues” we 1996). The pH represents the ion- as viruses and antibiotics would be mean the “cell milieu system”, whose potential for acidity and alkalinity and “anchored” in the metabolism as properties have been described by is the “magnetic factor” according to they reacted with amino-groups Pischinger (Pischinger, 1990). Vincent. The pH value is 7.40 – 7.45 such as those of creatinine and

Figure 2: moderate (left) and strong (right) infestation of native blood with endobionts (from Bleker, 1997)

124 formed polymers, which would pri- communication lies in the ultra-violet ing units are equally suited to the marily impair the function of the res- area of the spectrum at exactly evaluation of biological substrates. piratory chain. He guessed that the 338nm. It was of particular signifi- Vincent expanded the evaluation of hypoxia that was created in that way cance that this radiation could be the milieu to include the simultaneous was the reason for the development antagonised by weak light with a measurement of the parameters in of cancer and other illnesses. wavelength of exactly 300nm. This blood, saliva and urine. Therefore Koch developed homœo- was exactly the same wavelength at With the help of these three para - pathic preparations with a high which Mäkinen and Mäkinen had meters it is possible to show four redox potential in order to overcome also found biological properties. quadrants of the biological milieus this hypoxia and to disperse the Popp proved that, in neoplastic for the blood (Figure 3): The small anchored pathogens. disease, the intensity of the photon box between the quadrants indi- emission is reduced. The same Until now it has not been possible to cates the area of health. applies to its organisation (cohe - verify the mechanism by which his rence). Cells from induced tumours Quadrant 1: acidic – reduced preparations work, but Mäkinen and of laboratory animals had largely lost Mäkinen (Mäkinen and Mäkinen, favours the healthy living of higher their light contact, as compared with 1982) were able to demonstrate organisms; it is the terrain for e.g. normal cells. On the basis of expe - within a biological system that the green algæ, simple microbes and rience with medicines which are obvi- substance methylglyoxal has symbionts. ously able to influence photon emis- “photo-enhancing” properties at a Quadrant 2: acidic – oxidised sion, their properties also seem to be wave-length of 300nm. Apart from altered in other chronic diseases. Has a disposition towards bacterial Glyoxal, Methylglyoxal was the most infections and to fungal infestation; In the light of the photon research important of the substances em - is the terrain for e.g. lichens and we may assume that the administra- ployed by Koch. fungi, therefore also for mycoses, tion of Koch’s homœopathic reme- It has long been known that essen- tubercle and leprosy bacteria as well dies causes the cells to increase tial metabolic processes are as antibiotic forms of fungi. their emission of light and therefore dependent on emission of quanta of contributes considerably to the Quadrant 3: alkaline – oxidised – light. It used to be assumed that this restoration of the organism’s regula- hypertonic, which is the area of was merely a side-effect of chemical the tubercular constitution processes, but the German physicist tory abilities. For the treatment of It is precisely the area of chronic dis- Popp, employing considerable tech- chronic illnesses a combination ease in which pathogenic cell wall nical resources, proved that photons of Ubiquinone comp. (Heel) with deficient bacterial forms (CWD) prefer are of the greatest importance for CITROKEHL in a mixed injection has to grow, according to Mattman. It is inter-cellular communication (Popp proved especially valuable. This characterised by increased release et al., 1992). The light emitted by li - combination not only stimulates of free radicals and, according to ving cells in the form of biophotons is photon emission, but also cellular Vincent, disposes the patient to very weak (low-level luminescence). respiration. chronic viral diseases and degene - However, within a healthy organism, Apart from a modification of the rative processes. The dotted, down- it shows a very high degree of redox potential to an “electrical fac- ward-curving line which is curved co herence, similar to a laser, and tor rH ” (rH =2 x pH + 30 x E [elec- 2 2 downwards within this quadrant therefore has a high quality of reso- tron potential in mV]) the French marks the area of malignant dis- nance. hydrologist Vincent introduced the eases; the diagonal line within this conductivity and it’s reciprocal value, As early as the 1920’s, communica- quadrant is the “line of thrombosis”. tion by means of light between the the specific electrical resistance r [ø] roots of two onions had been as a third essential milieu parameter Quadrant 4: alkaline – reduced observed by Gurwitsch. In 1928 (Elmau, 1985). Like pH and rH2 Finally, this is the terrain for patho- Reiter and Gabór of the Siemens these originally served to determine genic germs such as pneumococci, research laboratory in Berlin showed the quality of water, but it soon typhus, cholera, the plague, as well that the radiation wavelength of this turned out that these three measur- as for kelp.

125 Within quadrant number 1 a normal healthy life is possible. Approxi- mately a hundred years ago the fre- quent occurrence of clinical tubercu- losis was very characteristic; the condition of the blood at that time often corresponded to quadrant number 2. While living conditions changed during the last 50 years, a further move towards quadrant number 3 has taken place. Therefore nowadays the classical bacterial infectious diseases are rarely seen and, in their place, chronic viral diseases are on the increase, and so are degenerative and malignant processes. Mycoses, Illustration 3: Vincent’s bioelectronics – the four zones of the biological ter- which are frequently seen these rain in the blood (from Elmau, 1985) days, indicate a transition from Should the pathological changes in of an ongoing deficient diet (“meso - quadrant number 2 to number 3. the blood and body tissues of the trophy”): “The situation is very simple: Looking at the changes of the blood population continue as previously Following a diet rich in animal protein milieu towards quadrant number 3, and unchecked, it is very likely that as recommended by Kühnau for which is the quadrant of chronic ill- the blood milieu will move into qua - younger as well as older people, ness from the bio-energetic point of drant number 4. In this quadrant life those who follow this diet will move view (table 2), it becomes clear that as we know it today will probably no towards chronic illness and infirmity in contrast to the physiological con- longer be possible. Incidentally, the ‘irrestibly and irrevocably’, to use ditions a marked increase of energy condition of our pets and domestic Kühnau’s own words. If we can takes place in the blood. However, animals is not so different from that manage to convince people of the as cell metabolism is blocked, this of humans. Comparable milieu importance of a diet based on energy cannot be put to use by the tissues. For that reason energy in changes in the interior and exterior wholefoods, as I have suggested, the saliva is decreased and only a of plants also play a part in the then it will be possible gradually to fraction of the energy is excreted development of plant diseases regain the original state of health of with the urine, compared to the (Hoffmann et al., 1994). This shows individuals and that of following gene - normal amount. quite clearly that humans, ani- rations”. Animal testing carried out mals and plants are all part of on rats with a “scientific diet” had Owing to these changes in the milieu one common ecological system. shown that the results of chronic of blood and tissues serious changes malnutrition can get dramatically take place in the basic system The most important factor for milieu worse over only a few generations. according to Pischinger. Based on changes in humans is nutrition This will show itself in the shape of the energetic changes in the blood in (Mielke, 1998); of especial signifi- malformations, stillbirths and finally chronic disease, it can be assumed, cance is a high intake of animal pro- extinction after the 4th generation. that sufficient energy is present to tein. Furthermore vegetable foods ensure the survival of cell wall defi- only deliver a fraction of the nutrients As we know today, chronic malnu - cient bacteria and cytoplasm. Like that they used to contain a few trition leads first to chronic intestinal viruses they do not need their own decades ago as the soil in which energy metabolism due to their para- inflammation with dysbiosis and, they are grown is depleted. sitic life-style within erythrocytes and later, to a degeneration of the intes- leucocytes, but simply require the As long as 30 years ago Kollath tinal mucosa with atrophy of the villi equivalent of their cell nucleus. (Kollath, 1967) pointed out the result (Werthmann, 1988a) and finally to



 S+ U+ (U3RZHU >—:FP @ %ORRG      6DOLYD      8ULQH     

3DWKRORJLFDO YDOXHV 3  S+ U+ (U3RZHU >—:FP @ S %ORRG      6DOLYD      8ULQH      Table 2: BEV-values and their energetic capacity in blood, saliva and urine under physiological and pathological conditions (calculation based on BEV-values)

the so-called “Leaky Gut Syn- ciency-related elevated choles- The relationships are as follows: drome”. This means that the intes - terol values. High Cholesterol 93% tinal mucosa becomes increasingly 4. Impaired detoxification via the gut Cardiac diseases 88% permeable to macro-molecules of resulting in an increased sensitivity High blood pressure 86% the lumen, antigens and toxins, con- to chemicals (MCS). Stroke 69% nected with an inflammatory-degene - Diabetes 65% plants also5. Impaired defence by immuno - rative and/or atrophic destruction plants of also Intestinal cancer 60% p globulin A, leading to a lowered the mucosa.p As a result of the Prostate cancer 35% damage to the intestinal walls, the immunity to protozoa, bacteria, Breast cancer 30% viruses and candida. function of the gut as an excretory Apart from diet, other influences may organ is seriously compromised. 6. Bacteria and yeasts can pene- be of significance in the development According to estimates in the USA, trate the gut wall resulting in of a tubercular milieu, such as distur- approximately 40% of the popu- infection of body cavities and bance fields, of which up to approx. lation there currently suffer from organs. 80% are located in the head area leaky gut-syndrome . 7. Formation of antibodies, which (particularly in teeth, sinuses, tonsils),

Taking the chronically inflamed and can penetrate the gut wall and or psychological factors. Disturbance degenerated gut as a major cause of resemble antigens of our own tis- fields or a heavy metal toxic load (e.g. the tubercular milieu, we find that it amalgam from dental fillings) are the sues, resulting in auto-immune has seven pathogenetic aspects: diseases such as rheumatoid most common barriers to recovery in Malabsorption of nutrients naturopathic Malabsorption therapy of nutrients(Kobau, 1998). arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, f 1. Malabsorption of nutrients fol- f thyroiditis and other “incurable” Figure 4 shows the relationship of lowed by flatulence and tired- diseases. various organs to the teeth. ness. Absorption of large food Most Absorption important of are large generally food sup- As approx. 80% of the body’s p 2. Absorption of large food particles ppressive treatment interventions and immunologically active tissue can be leading to food allergies and new found in the intestinal area, the vaccinations (Elmau, 1985); these symptoms in the target organs tubercular milieu has a direct impact can alter the milieu so permanently like arthritis and fibromyalgia. that the metabolism is driven further on the immune system. According -13- 3. Damage to the carrier proteins to the American Food Marketing into the tubercular constitution. resulting in a relative nutritional Institute, there is therefore a close One example is diabetes mellitus deficiency which can bring out a relationship for the U.S.A. between which is a degenerative disease of variety of symptoms, such as diet and frequency of illness. the tubercular constitution. It is clear magnesium-deficiency-related (Source: Food Marketing Institute, that a marked increase in this illness muscle spasms or copper-defi- USA, quoted by Reimerdes): has occurred especially in elderly

127 Figure 4: Relationships of organs to the teeth (Copyright by MU Dr. Josefa Jonàse)

American patients during the last 40 otics and chemotherapy. Otherwise been carried out with the support of years (Figure 5). These curves run the widespread tubercular consti - “Deutsche Krebshilfe” (Project-No. broadly parallel with those for other tution and the anticipated move of 70-2112) (Kölmel et al., 1999). It was tubercular diseases and they also the blood milieu into quadrant 4, found that the “risk of suffering from run parallel to the introduction of according to Vincent, could signify a a malignant melanoma decreases if antibiotics, chemotherapy and vac- serious threat to the health of the an individual has experienced recur- cinations (Vithoulkas, 1998). population. rent febrile infections”; “the risk of melanoma was significantly lower Naturopathic Regulatory Treatment In conventional medicine, clinical when the questioned individuals had of the Tubercular Constitution tuberculosis is treated by combi - had tuberculosis, severe staphylo- nations of anti-tubercular drugs. For Conventional medicine doubtless coccal infections (e.g. in the form of other tubercular diseases such as has its merits, and the aim of this abcesses, inflammation of the mam- cancer, even today surgical and article is not to disparage it. mary gland or of bone marrow), chemotherapy measures are applied However, if medications are used blood poisoning or pneumonia. The in many cases. However, gradually which are known to favour the devel- risk was also reduced when the the realisation seems to be dawning opment of the tubercular constitution questioned individuals had had a that there are metabolic mecha- and therefore of chronic illness, the minor infection with fever above 38.5 nisms that make a regulatory treat- damage caused should be degrees C, such as influenza, bron- ment of cancer possible. addressed by using naturopathic chitis, herpes or summer diarrhœa in treatments in order to minimize the Recently the results of a multi-cen- the previous five years. The more negative effects. Examples of such tred study about the risk of infections the investigated individuals medications are vaccines, antibi- melanoma were presented; this had had had, the lower was their risk of

128 • Avoidance or reduction of the general emission of pollutants and therefore of intake of pollutants by using environmentally friendly products and technologies. • Reduction of depletion from refin- ing, by reducing intake of animal foods; no meat from pork, hare or rabbit (Reckeweg). • Preferably agricultural products grown and marketed under socially acceptable conditions (e.g. fair trade with developing countries). These recommendations were fur- ther amplified by the pædiatrician and general practitioner Konrad Werthmann (Werthmann, 1997), who generally recommended absti- Figure 5: Tendency in the prevalence of patients in different age groups nence from cow’s-milk-derived pro- diagnosed with diabetes in the USA since 1935 (Harris, MI, National tein and chicken’s eggs. Diabetes Data Group, from data of the National Health Interview Surveys, National Center for Health Statistics, 1984) from F.A. Gries (1991) Owing to the frequent damage of the gut and the impaired absorption suffering from melanoma. (Quote • Ample consumption of uncooked resulting from it, most patients need from a press release of the “Deutsche fresh foods (approx. half of the orthomolecular food supplemen- Krebshilfe”, 1999). total dietary intake) tation until their intestinal mucosa is restored. This supplementation These are things that practitioners of • Preparation of tasty meals by should also contain anti-oxidants. natural therapies have known for a using fresh, gently cooked food long time. with only small amounts of fat. A basic principle of naturopathic regulatory treatment of the tubercu- Apart from the removal of obstacles • Avoidance of foods that contain lar constitution is that it can only be to healing and a change to a whole- additives. some diet, a naturopathic treatment successful so long as the patient still • Avoidance of food that has been of the tubercular constitution ac - has the ability to regulate. processed by certain techno- cording to the guidelines laid down Furthermore it is absolutely neces- logies such as genetic modifica- by Vithoulkas (Vithoulkas, 1998) sary to support the excretion of tion, food design, irradiation. should be undertaken. body-waste and toxins released from the “Pischinger area” during the • If possible only using products of Based on the investigations by treatment. Kollath and others, a fully nutritional approved organic farming (ac- diet consists of the following: (modi- cording to the guidelines of each According to Vithoulkas the three fied from v. Koerber et al., 1987): country e.g AGÖL or IFOAM). levels of the human being are closely interconnected and have to be treat- • Preferably food of vegetable ori- • Preferably regional and seasonal ed simultaneously to be able to over- gin (predominantly lacto-vege- products. come the tubercular constitution. tarian diet) • Food preferably unpackaged or They are M ( = mental-spiritual), E • Preferably unprocessed food ( food wrapped in an environmentally ( = emotional-psychological) and should be as natural as possible) friendly way. P (= physical and material).

129 Besides treatment of levels M and E 5. Starting in week 3: 1 capsule For the treatment of children the with adequate procedures (such as UTILIN “S” (6X or 4X depending described basic treatment of the breathing exercises, behaviour the - on the constitution) once every tubercular constitution is shortened rapy, psychological support as a 14 days. and simplified (Werthmann, 1998b) as part of anthroposophical medical the ability to regulate is stronger then 6. Acid-alkaline regulation with treatment), the basic treatment with in adults. For infants of less than ALKALA N and SANUVIS. medical preparations consists pri- 1 year medication should not be marily in a combination of milieu The mixed injection with Ubiquinone administered orally if at all possible; therapy, (classical or complex) and other substances that contain instead topical application on the homeopathy, biophoton activation, “carbonyl-groups” as well as CITRO - inner side of the elbow is recom- isopathy and immune modulation. KEHL serves to activate the photons mended. Apart from this the dosage in the cells and to enhance cell res- Treatment with SANUM-medica- should be based on the number of piration. EXMYKEHL and FORTA - tions (see “Isopathic/Homeo pathic years the child is old; one drop per KEHL help to re-establish the sym- Materia Medica”) forms an impor- year: biosis of the gut and MUCOKEHL tant connecting link between the 1. for 1 week once daily NOTAKEHL and NIGERSAN reverse the evolu- material level P and the two non- 5X drops or FORTAKEHL 5X tion of the high-valency forms material levels M and E. drops for topical application or to according to Enderlein; SANUKEHL be taken orally. By way of illustration, a medicinal preparations stimulate the immune milieu treatment for the regulative system to eliminate cell wall defi- 2. after that for several weeks: from eradication of the tubercular consti- cient forms of pathogenic micro- Monday to Friday SANKOMBI 5X tution by Werthmann (Werthmann organisms (Cornelius, 1999; drops in the morning, Saturdays 1999) is described below. This basic Schneider, 1999a; Werthmann, and Sundays NOTAKEHL 5X therapy has proved its worth in the 1999). Finally, UTILIN “S” serves as a drops or FORTAKEHL 5X drops. treatment of children and adults over multi-potent immune-stimulant many years. According to 3. Alternating daily 1 – 2 drops (Hartmann, 1990). Besides its general Werthmann, adults receive the fol- UTILIN and RECARCIN to be immune-stimulating property this lowing treatment: applied topically in the bend of preparation has a specific action in the elbow. 1. Ubiquinone comp. (Heel) + the eradication of the tubercular CITRO KEHL: Mixed injection i.m. milieu. Therefore it is often used in 4. in addition, classical homœo- once weekly the treatment of neoplastic diseases pathic treatment with Thuja 6X. (Filion et al., 1999). 2. for two weeks: EXMYKEHL 3X Summary Supp: evenings Monday - Friday; For the excretion of metabolic The inherited or acquired tubercular Saturday and Sunday waste products and heavy metals constitution is a common cause of FORTAKEHL 5X one tablet to be from the “Pischinger area” the most chronic diseases. This was taken twice SANUM products CERIVIKEHL and already realised and written down especially USNEABASAN (Schnei - 3. after two weeks for some months: by Hahnemann approximately 200 der, 1999b) are suitable; these are Monday – Friday: in the morning 1 years ago. It has been confirmed by produced from lichens. The ex- tablet MUCOKEHL 5X, in the numerous other scientists such as cretion needs to be enhanced for a evening 1 tablet NIGERSAN 5X, Allen, Bernard, Béchamp, Enderlein few months; simultaneously the Saturday and Sunday: twice daily and Reckeweg who investigated magnesium and zinc metabolism is 1 tablet FORTAKEHL 5X. and clarified details. Although the regulated. 4. from the beginning of the second existence of cell wall deficient varia- week: alternating daily SANU- 10 drops USNEABASAN (or CERI VI - tions (CWD) of pathogenic bacterial KEHL Myc 6X or SANUKEHL KEHL) should be taken in the morn- forms had initially not been recog- Klebs 6X; 5 drops to be taken ing, 1 capsule MAPURIT at lunch - nised by conventional medicine, twice daily, plus 5 drops once time and 10 drops of ZINKOKEHL modern technology made it possible daily for topical application. in the evening. to show that they form an impor-

130 tant substrate for this constitution. Enderlein, G.: Bakterien-Cyclogenie. Pro- Kölmel, K. F., A. Pfahlberg, G. Mastrangelo, legomena zu Untersuchungen ueber Bau, M. Niin, I. N. Botev, C. Seebacher, D. The triggering factor for the develop- geschlechtliche und ungeschlechtliche Schneider, D. Lambert, R. Shafir, E. M. ment of the tubercular constitution is Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung der Kokoschka, U. R. Kleeberg, B. M. Henz Bakterien (Cyclogeny of Bacteria. Pro - and O. Gefeller: Infections and melanoma mainly a change in the blood milieu legomena to a study of the structure, sex- risk: results of a multicentre EORTC case ual and asexual reproduction and devel- and tissue milieu. Malnutrition plays control study. Melanoma Research 9, opment of bacteria), Walter de Gruyter & 511-519, 1999. an important part in the develop- Co, Berlin, 1925; reprint edition 1981 published by Semmelweis Kollath, W.: Die Ernährung als Natur wissen - ment of such a constitution. 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Gu: Recent 98-101, 1989 advances in Biophoton Research and its Beyer, D.: Resistente Bakterien – globale Hahnemann, S.: Die chronischen Krank - applications, World Scientific, 1992 Heraus forderung (Resistent bacteria – a heiten, ihre eigentümliche Natur und homöopathische Heilung (The chronic Rau, Th.: Isopathie: Milieukorrektur und global challenge); Gesundes Leben 6, 8-16, SANUM-Therapie (Isopathy: Milieu adjust- 1999 diseases, their peculiar nature and their homeopathic cure), 1st edition 1828, ment and SANUM-Therapy) Bleker, M.-M.: Blutuntersuchung im Dunkelfeld Haug, 1994 (English edition: B. 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Nienhaus, H.-M. Dimethylbenzanthracen bei C57BL/6- geschichte der Bakterien (Archive for the Poehling, F. Schönbeck, H. C. Weltzien Maeusen (Multi generation study on the historical development of bacteria), 1 (2) and H. Wilbert: Lehrbuch der Phyto- transplacental effect of 7, 12- 125-142, 1933 medizin (Textbook of ), Dimethylbenzanthracen on C57BL/6- 3rd edition, Blackwell, 1994 mice), thesis, University of Hanover, 1981 Elmau, H.: Bioelektronik nach Vincent und Säuren-Basen-Haushalt in Theorie und Koch, W. F.: Das Überleben bei Krebs- und Schneider, P.: Die Sanukehle – Poly- Praxis (Bio-electronics according to Viruskrankheiten – das Schlüsselprinzip saccharide zur Haptentherapie (The Vincent and the acid-alkaline economy in ihrer Heilbarkeit (Surviving cancer and viral Sanukehls – Polysaccharides for Hapten theory and practice); Haug, 1985 illnesses – the key principle to cure) therapy), Semmelweis, 1999a

131 Schneider, P.: CERIVIKEHL und USNEABA- Vithoulkas, G.: Die neue Dimension der broad-spectrum action of the hapten-pre- SAN – homöopathische Arzneimittel aus Medizin (A new Model of Health and parations), SANUM-Post 48, 11-17, 1999 Flechten (CERIVIKEHL and USNEABA- Disease), 2nd edition, Wenderoth, 1998. SAN – homœopathic remedies produced (English edition: North Atlantic Books, Windstosser, K.K.: Polymorphe Symbionten from lichens), Sanum-Post 46, 7-8, Berkeley, Ca.) in Blut und Körpergewebe als potentielle 1999b Kofaktoren des Krebsgeschehens (Poly - Werthmann, K.: Ernährungsumstellung für morphic symbionts in blood and body tis- Schwerdtle, C. and F. Arnoul: Einführung in chronisch Kranke und Allergiker. 2. Aufl. sues as potential co-factors in carcino - die Dunkelfelddiagnostik – die Unter- 1997. (Nutritional re-orientation for the genesis) Semmelweis, 1995 suchung des Nativblutes nach Prof. Dr. chronically ill and allergy-sufferers.) Günther Enderlein (Introduction into dark- Worlitschek, M.: Praxis des Säure-Basen- (Obtainable from the publishers, Haushaltes. Grundlagen und Therapie. field diagnosis – the analysis of native Semmelweis-Verlag, Hoya.) blood using the method of Prof. Dr. (Practice of the acid-alkaline economy. Principles and Treatment), Haug, 1996 Günther Enderlein) Semmelweis, 1993 Werthmann, K.: Ratgeber für Allergiker und chronisch Kranke – Vorbeugung und Be- Sears, P. M., M. Fettinger u. J. March-Salin: Isolation of L form variants after antibiotic handlung (Advice for allergic and chronic treatment in Staphylococcus aureus patients – prevention and treatment), ebi, bovine mastitis, J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc, 1998a (available from the publishers 191, 681-684, 1987 Semmelweis-Verlag, Hoya) Selye, H.: Einführung in die Lehre vom Werthmann, K.: Dermatosen – praxisnah Adaptionssyndrom (Introduction to the betrachtet (dermatoses in practice), theory of the adaptation syndrome), SANUM-Post 44, 2-5 1998b First published in the German language in the Georg Thieme, 1953 SANUM-Post magazine (51/2000) Werthmann, K.: Die chancenreiche Therapie © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • Spengler, C.: Tuberkulose- und Syphilis- mit Sanukehlen – ein breites Wirkungs - Arbeiten (Studies in Tuberculosis and spektrum der Haptenpräparate (The pro- 27318 Hoya • Germany Syphilis), H. Erfurt, Davos 1911 mising treatment with Sanukehls – the All Rights Reserved.

Nigersan® 5X Tablets

Tablets for oral intake.

It’s a fungal preparation made of Aspergillus niger e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 5X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Diseases of the urogenital tract, such as myoma, cysts, prostate adeno- ma; degenerative or in ammatory conditions, such as Scheuermann disease, Perthes’ disease and Bechterew’s disease; disorders of the respiratory tract; lymphatism; goiter diseases; obesity; verrucae (warts).

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 5X, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X, 6X, 7X, 10 suppositories 3X, 20 capsules 4X, 20 tablets 5X.

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

132 Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with Haptens Experiences with Propionibacterium acnes

by Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Austria

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflamma- For a start, a change of diet be treated with isopa thic remedies tory systemic disease of the connec- In order to be able to counter and (see table). tive tissue which mainly attacks the treat this condition it is necessary to The second area of interference is organs involved in movement. Its treat the primary area of interference mostly found in the teeth (root treat- aetiology and pathogenesis is mainly which occurs in life, a diseased in - ments, dental granuloma, exposure unexplained: progressing in phases, testinal cell-milieu system, with a strict, to amalgam) which should be liberally it causes inflammatory and destruc- long-term diet which excludes pro - cleaned up. Only then can the indi- tive changes to the limbs and the ducts made from cow’s milk and vidual immune systems recover from structures in the vicinity of the limbs, hens’ eggs, thus reducing the amount the sources of irritation. leading to pain, swelling and finally of protein consumed and also re - malformations. As a consequence ducing the antigenicity of the food. The secondary areas of interference of this there is generally an extensive This is successful only if the enteral are best and most easily verified using loss of function of the locomotor mucosa is restored and the produc- electroacupuncture according to Voll system. The disease is widespread tion of IgA is increased. In addition to (EAV) or thermoregulation according and affects women more frequently the diet, the high valencies encour- to Rost. If one can master these diag - than men. aged by the acid and protein should nostic aids they have a high degree


Table: Basic course of therapy

133 of significance. It is interesting that acnes (the remedy SANUKEHL Acne becomes fully functional after the patients, particularly the female 6X drops). The SANUKEHLs contain recovery of the ciliated border. patients, react vehemently against polysaccharides (haptens) without a SANUKEHL Acne 6X is consistently any tooth extractions and then are carrier protein. They initiate the administered to children by massag- totally astounded that after the intense production of antibodies ing it into the skin (5 to 10 drops extraction the mobility of their limbs which partly match the underlying twice) and to adults orally (10 to 20 improves spontaneously and within diseases exactly and partly are of a drops twice). In stubborn cases an only a short time. more general nature. According to extra 2 drops are rubbed into the skin Kunze and Hartmann SANUKEHLs It is of interest that not every patient in the evening. To date no hypersen- can have an anti-inflammatory effect, has experiences like these and in sitive reactions have been observed. fact some patients present with a as too can the haptens from blockade. Although these patients Propionibacterium acnes. Propioni - hold strictly to their diet and the iso- bacteria have a powerful immune- pathic therapy, the pain remains. In stimulating effect, and many inflam- mations occur in acne also. such cases the darkfield microsco - Bibliography pic examination of a drop of vital Experience with 15 people aged Kunze, R.; Hartmann, J.: Aufhebung hydro- blood shows signs of regulation between 20 and 52 years suffering cortisonbedingter Immunsupproession mittels SANUKEHL Pseu in vitro (Elimi - rigidity such as inactive leucocytes from rheumatoid arthritis shows that nating Hydrocortisone-induced Immune or unbalanced high or low valencies. Suppression with SANUKEHL Pseu in blockades can be caused to regress Vitro). SANUM Post 41, Semmel weis- Very often the darkfield image is if haptens from Propionibacterium Verlag, 27318 Hoya, Germany mute and shows little in the way of acnes are prescribed in the form of Peter, H.H.: Klinische Immunologie (Clinical immunology). Urban & Schwarzenberg reaction forms. These are however 6X drops alongside the basic thera- 1991 also patients in whom the immuno - py (see table). Within two to four Werthmann, K.: Enterale Allergien (Enteral globulin level (IgA/IgG) remains un - weeks the darkfield shows a clear allergies) (2nd edition). Haug-Verlag Heidelberg 1986 changed. Despite intensive therapy reduction in the blockade symp- Werthmann, K.: Ernährungsumstellung für things come to a halt, and both the toms: in particular there is an chronisch Kranke und Allergiker – Koch - patient and the therapist find this rezepte. ebi electronic Publishers, 3038 increase in the mobility of the leuco- Kirchlindach, Switzerland (ISBN 3- frustrating. cytes. In addition the patient reports 9520057-3-8). Successful treatments for allergies and chronic disorders. Semmel - less stiffness in the affected joints weis-Verlag, 27318 Hoya, Germany (ISBN The elimination of blockades and less pain. The immunoglobulin 3-925524-10-X) using SANUKEHL Acne 6X titres IgA/IgG normalise only after First published in the German language in the A development of this sort may be some two to four months. This is SANUM-Post magazine (43/1998) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • arrested with the help of haptens probably linked to the building up of 27318 Hoya • Germany derived from Propionibacterium the intestinal mucosa which only All Rights Reserved.

Sanum Fortakehl® 4X Capsules GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Capsules for oral intake. It’s a fungal preparation made of Penicillium roquefortii e volumine e following dosage forms are available: cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 4X. 10 ml dropper bottle 5X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X, 6X According to experience, to be administered in cases of: 10 suppositories 3X Dysbacteria and destroyed mucosa, gastritis, enteritis, colitis syndrome, 20 capsules 4X pancreatitis, diarrhea, constipation, vomitus, gastric ulcer; mycoses of 20 tablets 5X. the intestine, the vagina and the skin; bronchitis, susceptibility to infections. For more information refer to: www.sanum. Application and duration of treatment is depending on the com. Registration as medical expert group advice of the physician or health care professional. required for full access to information. Please note: picture shows German labelling.

134 Bacteria and Fungi Two Microbial Phases Governed by the Energetic Milieu

by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider

That which is below is like that which Milieu Conditions Required for is above, and that which is above is Microbial Growth like that which is below, in order to In the last few years the phase rela- accomplish the miracles of one thing. tionships in the growth of fungi have (Extract from the Tabula Smaragdina been investigated very intensively by of Hermes Trismegistus) conventional microbiologists using The pleomorphism of microrganisms the slime mould Dictyostelium dis- has been the subject of intense sci- coideum as an example. Growth of entific discussion at least since the this fungus can occur as an ordered time almost 100 years ago when the structure in the form of a fungus or German researcher Prof. Enderlein as an undifferentiated cellular phase carried out his work. Most recently, in which the individual cells move however, there have been more and Illus. 1: Branching forms of Myco - like amoeba. Illustration 3, taken more pieces of evidence which con- bacterium tuberculosis (from Coppen- from the book “Biologie des Lichtes“ firm the correctness of the view that Jonas, centre page of Bakter. l Orig bacteria and fungi can only be two 12, l, 1895) different forms of particular micro- organisms. In later studies with mycobacteria, Back in 1895 Coppen-Jonas ob - other authors apart from Enderlein served pleomorphic forms of Myco - were able to observe a pleomorphic bacterium tuberculosis under the growth relationship. The following microscope, some with vacuoles pictures (Illus. 2) show the formation Illus. 3: Change of phase of the slime inside the “threads“ (Illus. 1). Node- of branches in Mycobacterium mould Dictiostelium discoideum (from shaped, strongly coloured swellings tuberculosis (gall.) until the growth Popp: “Biologie des Lichtes“, Parey, (4) were interpreted as spores. resembles that of fungi. 1984).

123 Illus. 2: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (gall.): 1. Formation of true branches, 2. Cross shape with bud, 3. Advanced growth similar to that of a fungus (from Kölbel, Z. Hyg. 144, 55, 1951).

135 [“The Biology of Light“] by Prof. which the individual cells also share phases of apathogenic fungi to Popp shows this change of phase in their work, they can cope much more break down pathogenic bacteria, diagrammatic form. effectively with a lack of nutrients and fungi and yeasts. Isopathic SANUM energy. The fungal form is also the remedies, most of which still contain This change of phase in growth best form for reproduction. The fun- Enderlein’s original strains and/or are depends primarily on the level of gal spores are additionally an ideal manufactured in accordance with nutrients available in the nutrient liq- resting form which is very resistant his original instructions, work on this uid. Where there is a high level of to external influences. principle. nutrients the individual cells of the fungus live very independently, whilst One inspired discovery by Enderlein Most recently one type of change of at the same time they are in con- was that lower phases of develop- phase in growth has also been stant contact with one another as a ment of fungi can break down the proven by modern conventional result of the exchange of chemical higher phases of development (bac- microbiologists not only for fungi but neurotransmitters. Where there is a teria, fungi) by coupling with them. also for bacteria. According to Prof. lack of nutrients the concentration of This principle is very important for Wainwright from the University of neurotransmitters in the nutrient liquid maintaining the balance of the Sheffield, after five days growing on increases and the individual cells growth phases and Enderlein him- artificial surfaces and under starvation consequently receive the signal to self found a therapeutic application conditions E. coli bacteria – which in change phase and thus to combine for it, using remedies which contain culture normally grow in the form of in the fungal form. In this form, in preparations of low development crude rods – show gigantic, very

Illus. 4: Gigantic pleomorphic growth of E. coli in a starvation culture (from Wainwright et al., Letters in Applied Micro biology 29, 227-229, 1999)

136 pleomorphic growth with filamentous paration and these represent the connective tissue can no longer forms and strong branching (Illus. 4). final phase of the microbial growth. metabolise sufficiently because of Illus. 5 shows a fungus-like “plasma- Bacteria which form spores, such as blockades and excess acid, it lytic“ form leaving an erythrocyte. the Bacillus or Clostridium types, becomes increasingly lacking in energy, and more and more energy present one peculiarity. These micro - The important cause of the develop- is stored in the blood. As a result of organisms need no fungal phase to ment of bacterial inflammations is a this process more and more smaller be able to survive as resting forms. generalised or even localised excess bacterial forms develop which in the of energy mostly as a result of a Back in 1910 the famous Viennese end no longer have need of any cell blockage. This blockage can be related doctor Dostal had remarked (in the wall at all. These so-called cell wall to actual material, vital energy and/or Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift deficient (CWD) bacteria were dis- [weekly Viennese medical journal], the emotions. At the cellular level the covered by Enderlein almost 100 p.2100, 1910), “I am now tending to body can excrete energy, the waste years ago and he gave a detailed the view that tuberculin bacillae are products of metabolism and toxins description of their developmental the parasitic manifestations of par- with the help of bacterial inflamma- cycles. He named the process of ticular moulds.“ According to Ender - tion. Therefore, according to the Dr. build-up of energy in the blood lein the tuberculin bacterium is an Reckeweg’s six-phase table of “endobiosis“. intermediate phase in the cyclogeny homo toxicosis, chronically recurring of the aspergillus fungus. inflammations belong to the impreg- CWD forms of pathogenic micro - nation phase and thus to the initial organisms are no longer sufficiently The change of phase in microbial cellular constitution phase to the recognised by the immune system, growth can easily be tracked under right of the “biological cut-off“ point. which in turn strengthens the the darkfield microscope. If a drop development of chronic diseases of freshly taken blood is placed on a If the organism does not manage to even more. The significance of CWD specimen slide, covered with a excrete in this way at the cellular microorganisms has been described cover slide and left to stand for a level, the metabolism moves on to in detail in various SANUM Post while, some time later bacteria can the degeneration phase and finally ar ticles (Volumes 51, 54, 55 and 56). be seen leaving the red and white to the tumour phase. An increase in blood cells. A few days later, fungus- the imbalance of energy is charac- CWD forms may also develop like structures develop in the pre - teristic of both these phases. As the because of local congestion. In this context the problem of dead teeth and teeth which have been subjected to root canal treatment is important, as CWD forms maintain the chronic inflammation in these and can force the break up of tissues.

CWD forms of pathogenic bacte- ria are the important microbial cause of the chronic nature of ill- nesses in every case!

Mycoses develop predominantly in conditions where there is general or localised lack of energy, therefore by preference in extremely weak organs. Today these would be the intestine, Illus. 5: The so-called “plasmalytic“ microbial form leaving an erythrocyte as whose function is greatly affected in a result of maturation or heating (from Mattmann: “Cell Wall Deficient Forms particular by emotional strain and a – Stealth Pathogens“, 3rd edition, CRC, 2001) diet which is inadequate and loaded

137 with allergens from cow’s milk and degenerative “prion-associated“ di - deficient bacteria can be induced. hens’ eggs (see Werthmann: “Rat - seases of the human central nervous Treatment with antibiotics therefore geber für chronisch Kranke und Aller - system. In patients who had died of always includes the risk of the de - giker“ [“Advice for people who are these diseases a positive reaction velopment of chronic diseases. chro nically sick or have allergies“], was found between an antiserum The long-term use of penicillin over obtainable from the Semmelweis against the prion protein (PrP) 27-30 many decades has resulted in the Publishing House), the vaginal region in the amyloid plaques of the brain de velopment of the Penicillium fun- and in particular the brain. and Aspergillus (Pfeiffer et. al., Acta gus as the strongest resident fungus Neuropathologica 84 (3), 346-347, Three pairs of meridians – stomach/ alongside the tuberculin consti- 1992). According to investigations spleen and pancreas, liver/gall blad- tution, which was already known in carried out by Drechsler (SANUM der and kidney/bladder – meet in the Hahne mann’s time some 200 years Post 54, 21-22, 2001) the “brain vaginal region. Blockages in one or ago to be the strongest of the chro - fungus“, which can easily be tested more meridians (including over- nic di seases. In SANUM therapy for for using kinesiology, appears to be load during pregnancy) can lead to chronic diseases and bacterial and a phenomenon basic to today’s fungal infections, this fungus is lack of energy in the lower abdomen chronic illnesses. therefore treated at the same time as and the development of vaginal my - the tuberculin constitution. coses. In conclusion, it appears that growth of pathogenic bacteria in Antimycotics are substances The relationships described above the living organism mainly occurs which are supposed to hinder the have particular significance for during a general or localised growth and reproduction of fungi. diseases of the brain, which in energy blockage of energy, whilst patho- Fungistatic substances like nyas- terms is primarily included with the tatin, which do not destroy fungi and bladder meridian. When there is a genic fungi and yeasts re produce predominantly when there is a ge- yeasts but only limit their growth and strong build-up of energy on this reproduction, are very common. neral or localised lack of energy. meridian, first of all very small micro- One serious side-effect of antimy- bial structures, which over 100 years The Importance of Antibiotics cotics taken orally is that they are ago Béchamp named “microzymas“ and Antimycotics absorbed through the damaged but which nowadays are commonly intestinal mucous membrane (which called “prions“, are found in the cen- Antibiotics are formed from the we come across in most chronically tral nervous system. They are prob- products of the metabolism of fungi. ill patients today) and then can ably very small phases of tuberculin These substances suppress the re - induce metabolism blockages, par- bacteria and therefore (according to production of bacteria and at the ticularly of the liver and kidneys. As Enderlein) have a direct connection same time the reproduction of other a result, the lack of energy which with the cyclode of the Aspergillus fungi as competitors for nutrition is already exists is made even worse. fungus. In animals these organisms hindered. This principal has been used Antimycotics which have a fungi- are passed on mainly by feeding in - by modern conventional medicine static effect can also induce cell wall sufficiently heat-treated meal made as a means to combat bacteria, deficient forms of fungi and yeasts. from animal carcasses. As shown by although the resident fungal flora are These organisms are still pathogenic; investigations carried out by the strengthened by antibiotics. Con se - however, like cell wall deficient bac- teria they can only be inadequately German Milk Research Institute over quently there is frequently found to be recognised and dealt with by the the past few years, mycobacteria an increase in the number of fungi immune system. can even survive being heated to a following treatment with anti biotics. higher temperature than pasteurisa- Treatment with antibiotics also has In order to prevent any misunder- tion (72 °C) in an atypical form. the fatal side effect that important standings, let me say at this point Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD) and routes for the metabolism in the that you should in no way avoid Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker human body can become blocked using antibiotics or antimycotics in syndrome (GSS) are two of the and also the development of cell wall serious or life-threatening diseases.

138 In many cases the strain on the also among other things for the treat- riod of several weeks: from Mon day human metabolism can be relieved ment of allergies, asthma and burns. to Friday in the mornings MU CO - by using them. However, the damage KEHL, in the evening NIGER SAN; The so-called “capsule cure“ has pro - caused by these substances should on Saturday and Sunday in the ved itself for immune modulation. Here finally be put right again using na - evenings EXMY KEHL. one capsule each of LATENSIN 6X, tural healing methods such as a RECARCIN 6X, UTILIN 6X or UTILIN • The removal of pathogenic, CWD course of SANUM treatment. In “S“ 6X is taken in alternate weeks. forms of microorganisms with the addition, in every case the energetic aid of specific SANUKEHL prepa- The SANUM excretion cure is used and emotional blockades must be rations, depending on the clinical successfully as excretion treatment. regulated. and/or microbiological findings, This allows heavy metals, toxins and e.g. Basic Course of Therapy for Chro - the waste products of the meta - SANUKEHL Myc -> mycobacteria nic Illnesses and Bacterial and bolism to be excreted and at the SANUKEHL Pseu -> pseudomonas Fungal Infections same time supports the function of SANUKEHL Brucel -> borreliosis the intestine and kidneys. As part of the basic course of therapy, SANUKEHL Salm -> salmonella regulation blockades must be dealt The treatment of chronic illnesses SANUKEHL Staph -> staphylo- with, for example by means of holistic and bacterial and fungal infections cocci, anthrax dental treatment. In addition the diet using SANUM remedies is therefore SANUKEHL Strep -> streptococci should be corrected by prescribing a made up of five parts: SANUKEHL Cand -> Candida mycoses diet according to Dr. Werthmann, • Correction of the milieu: SANU- SANUKEHL Trich-> skin mycoses without milk, eggs or pork, for a VIS, CITROKEHL, ALKALA N, period of at least three months. injections of CHRYSOCOR • Modulation of the immune sys- tem, e.g. using the “capsule The basic course of therapy includes • The isopathic breaking down of cure“: LATEN SIN 6X, RECARCIN first of all correction of the milieu, in pathogenic microbes: 6X, UTILIN 6X alternating weekly which the cell respiration and acid- Bacteria: base balance is regulated. Patho - Over a period of one week: in the • Excretion with the help of the genic microorganisms which are not morning NOTAKEHL, in the SANUM excretion cure (see SANUM Post 55, 14, 2001); cell wall deficient are broken down evening PEFRAKEHL. Then over OKOUBASAN and USNEA BASAN with the help of isopathic SANUM a period of several weeks: from from Monday to Friday, alternating remedies, whilst cell wall deficient Monday to Friday in the mornings daily; LUFFASAN at weekends; microbes are excreted with the help MUCOKEHL, in the evening plus MAPURIT at midday and of specific SANUKEHL preparations. NIGERSAN; on Saturday and ZINKOKEHL in the evenings. ᮀ These preparations are also used in Sunday mornings NOTAKEHL, in accordance with clinical experience; the evenings PEFRAKEHL. First published in the German language in the for example, SANUKEHL Pseu is not Fungi and yeasts: SANUM-Post magazine (58/2002) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • suitable only for the treatment of Over a period of one week: in the 27318 Hoya • Germany chronic Pseudomonas infections but evening EXMYKEHL. Then over a pe - All Rights Reserved.

Sanum Pefrakehl® 5X Drops GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional. Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in. e following dosage forms are available: It’s a fungal preparation made of Candida parapsilosis e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 5X. 10 ml dropper bottle 5X, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 6X, 10 suppositories 3X, 20 capsules 4X, 30 g tube of ointment 3X. According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Disorders of the respiratory tract; intestinal mycoses, secondary mycotic diseases of the skin and For more information refer to: Registration the mucous membranes; all bacterial and viral diseases, such as rhagades, aphthae, pemphigus as medical expert group required for full access to information. vulgaris, lymphadenitis, cystitis, otitis externa, acne, dental granuloma.

139 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Salm 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction years, with an average age of 37.7 2.1 Diagnosis and Accompany- and a standard deviation of 20.3 ing Diseases A total number of 99 patients in years. Almost the same number of three medical practices, one spe- The diagnosis leading to the pre- patients was in the groups under 12 cialising in internal medicine and years (28.3%) and between 13 and scription had to be entered in the two in general medicine, participat- 20 (29.3%). The groups between 21 study protocol. It showed that SANU - ed between January 1992 and May and 30 (6.1%), between 31 and 40 KEHL Salm 6X, according to Iso pa - 2000 in an application study with (8.1%), between 51 and 60 (6.1%) thy, is used in a very wide application the preparation SANUKEHL Salm and between 61 and 70 (7.1%) range. The preferred application was 6X drops. The homeopathic test were also of comparable sizes. The independent of the patient’s age. The preparation, SANUKEHL Salm, group over 70 consisted of 4.0% main indications were tonsillitis, bron - con sists exclusively of Salmonella and between 41 and 50 of 11.1% of chitis, otitis media, as well as gastro - enteriditis e volumine cellulae in the the patients. In the age structure, enteritis and pancreatitis. A diagno- 6th decimal potency. the men with an average age of sis was made before the start and 31.1 ± 21.1 were on average 7 The aim of this application study years older than the women with at the end of the therapy and was to determine the actual appli- 24.3 ± 18.8 years. accompanying therapies were to be cation of the preparation as well as documented in the evaluation form. its tolerance under the day to day Height varied between 120 and 186 In order to obtain a measure for conditions of a normal practice. It cm with an average height of 149.7 chronic diseases, the patients were was also of importance to deter- ± 20.1 cm. Weight varied between 20 and 95 kg with an average asked in the study protocol how mine the acceptance of the prepa- weight of 53.2 ± 18.3 kg. long they had endured the disease ration on the market, especially amongst children. In line with the study’s set-up, only descriptive statistical methods were used. The application of inductive methods was not indicated. An “intention-to-treat” evaluation was carried out, which means that all those patients were included in the study who had at least received one dosage of the medicament.

2. Participating Patients 99 patients participated in the study, comprising of 49 men (49.5%) and 50 women (50.5%). The age of the patients varied between 6 and 80

140 period of 13 to 1.863 days, with an average value of 176.3 ± 231.0 days.

Amongst the children under 12 years the therapy lasted 145.6 ± 394.3 days and was at the first sight comparable with the adult group with 188.4 ±161.4 days. The large scattering range in the group under 12 years was caused by only one patient with a therapy duration of 1.863 days. If this ‘fugitive’ was to be ignored, this would make a com- pact result of 82.0 ± 111.9 therapy days. This means that the acute complaints in the children group were treated for a shorter period. Duration of Total patient Patients Patients The differentiated evaluation within complaints population < 12 years > 12 years specific therapy periods allows for a (months) (%) (%) (%) clear picture. It reveals that amongst < 6 16.0 39.9 6.1 the children under 12 years the therapy duration up to 50 days was < 12 18.1 32.1 12.1 clearly in the foreground in three quar - < 36 10.6 7.1 12.1 ters (74.1%) of all patients. Amongst > 36 55.3 21.4 69.7 the adults, the largest group with more than 150 therapy days was or complaints. Time frames were in the adult group of patients over that with 47.9% of the patients. given of less than six months, up to 12 years. Only 6.1% suffered from one year, up to three years and acute complaints with a duration of 3.2 Dosage more than three years. up to six months, whilst the share of The dosage was set as follows, patients with complaints between 16.0% of the patients had suffered according to the package insert: complaints for less than six months, six and 12 months and one and 18.1% between six and 12 months three years was the same with Oral application: for acute condi- and 10.6% between one and three 12.1%. All 99 patients included in the tions: 5 - 10 drops (every 12 to 24 years. More than half (55.3%) of all study had been treated with Sanu - hours); for chronic conditions: 10 patients suffered for more than 36 kehl Salm 6X drops for the first time. drops every second day. months. The existence of the com- 3. Dosage and Duration of External application: Every 1 - 2 plaints was shifted more in the Treat ment days, 5 - 10 drops on the affected direction of acute conditions in the area or in the cubital fossa. After under 12 patients. Over 70.0% of 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- eight weeks, the therapy should be these patients suffered for less than tion of Treatment discontinued for several months. 12 months (39.9% less than 6 months and 32.1% between 6 and According to the nature of an appli- All 99 patients took the drops orally 12 months). Only 21.4% of these cation study, the physician was not and 22 patients were additionally patients suffered over 36 months. A given a preset time limit for the final treated externally. The following suffering period of over 36 months patient assessment. This final exa - table states the medium dosage of was especially pronounced in 69.7% mination was conducted after a the application forms. The drops are

141 The physicians were also requested to evaluate patient compliance with “very good”, “good”, “moderate” or “non-compliant”. The evaluation of efficacy showed that 41.4% of the patients thought efficacy to be “very good” and 50.5% “good”, whilst only 8.1% assessed the efficacy with “moderate”. The results of the physicians’ evaluation for efficacy was similarly positive as that of the patients. The physicians evaluated efficacy in 46.5% of the cases as “very good”, 39.4% as “good”, 14.1% as moderate whilst neither related to the daily oral intake or rapy. There was no monotherapy for patient nor physician asses sed “no external application respectively. external application. effect“. The evaluation by physicians The recommended dosage was and patients alike was according to 4. Efficacy and Tolerance taken. In the group under 12 years, tendency better in the adult’s group, the drops for oral application were 4.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by as here was a tendency from dosed according to age. The exter- Doctor and Patient “good“ to “very good“ in compari- son with the children group. nal application was the same do - In a closing assessment, physicians sage in the children and adult and patients were asked to evaluate Compliance (N = 96) was assessed group. The medium dose in mo no - efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy could by the physicians to be “very good” therapy was only insignificantly be assessed with “very good”, for 46 patients and “good” for 39 higher than in the combination the - “good”, “moderate” or “no effect”. patients, hence 88.5% of all patients

Total Population Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 14.7 ± 6.4 3 20 Drops (topical) 6.8 ± 2.4 5 10

All Patients under 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 9.5 ± 4.7 3 20 Drops (topical) 6.7 ± 2.4 5 10

All Patients over 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 16.7 ± 5.7 5 20 Drops (topical) 7.0 ± 2.4 5 10

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 15.3 ± 6.3 5 20 Mono Drops (oral) 12.3 ± 6.1 3 20 Combi Drops (topical) 6.8 ± 2.4 5 10 Combi

142 participating in the study were given assessed as “poor“ with the pa - lising in internal medicine and two in a “good“ or “very good“ compliance tients and physicians alike. general medicine, participated be t - rating. 11 patients were given a “mo - ween January 1992 and May 2000 In the children’s group under 12 years, derate” compliance rating and no in an application study with the the physicians rated the tole rance with pa tients were evaluated as “non- preparation SANUKEHL Salm 6X “very good” and “good“ which was compliant”. drops. The homeopathic test pre - a little better than in the age group paration, SANUKEHL Salm, consists over 12 years. In the younger age 4.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by exclusively of Salmonella enteriditis group, the assessment shifted a little Doctor and Patient e volumine cellulae in the 6th deci- more from “good“ to “very good“, mal potency. At the conclusion of the study, an eva - and additionally in this age group no luation of tolerance was submitted case was assessed with “moderate“ SANUKEHL Salm 6X was used in a by the physicians and patients, and “poor“ by the patients. very broad application range in whereby an assessment of “very accordance with Isopathy, whereby good“, “good“, “moderate“ and 4.3 Side Effects and Discontin- the preferred application was inde- uation of the Therapy “poor“ could be chosen. 64.9% of pendent of the patients’ age. The main indications were tonsillitis, patients and 61.6% of physicians No patient discontinued the therapy bronchitis, otitis media, as well as rated the tolerance to be “very with SANUKEHL Salm 6X and no gastroenteritis and pancreatitis. good”, whilst 32.0% of patients and side effects were reported. Accompanying therapies were to be 38.4% of physicians gave SANU - documented in the evaluation form. KEHL Salm 6X a “good” tolerance 5. Summary rating. Only 3.1% of the patients A total number of 99 patients in Amongst the children under 12 years, rated it “moderate”. No case was three medical practices, one specia - the therapy lasted with 145.6 ±

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 41.4 50.5 8.1 0 46.5 39.4 14.1 0 < 12 years 17.9 75.0 7.1 0 21.4 53.6 25.0 0 > 12 years 50.7 40.8 8.5 0 56.3 33.8 9.9 0

143 Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 64.9 32.0 3.1 0 61.6 38.4 00 < 12 years 60.7 39.3 0067.9 32.1 00 > 12 years 66.7 29.0 4.3 0 59.2 40.8 00

384.3 days and was at first sight, to age. The external application was “very good“ in comparison with the comparable with the adult group the same in the children and adult children group. For 88.5% of all with 188.4 ± 161.4 days. The differ- group. The medium dose in mono - patients participating in the study, entiated evaluation within specific therapy was only insignificantly higher compliance was certified to be therapy periods allows for a clear than in the combination therapy. “good“ or “very good“. There was no monotherapy for exter - picture. It reveals that among the 64.9% of patients and 61.6% of nal application. children under 12 years, the therapy physicians rated the tolerance to be duration up to 50 days (three quar- All 99 patients included in this study “very good”, whilst 32.0% of ters of all patients) was clearly in the had not been previously treated with patients and 38.4% of physicians foreground (74.1% of all patients). SANUKEHL Salm 6X drops. gave SANUKEHL Salm 6X drops a Amongst the adults, the largest “good” tolerance rating. Only 3.1% group with more than 150 therapy The therapeutic progress was determined by evaluations conduct- of the patients rated it “moderate”. days was that with 47.9% of the Neither patients nor physicians patients. ed respectively at the beginning and the end of the therapy. 91.9% of the assessed the tolerance with “poor“. All 99 patients took the drops orally patients and 85.9% of the physi- No therapy was discontinued and and 22 patients were additionally cians rated the efficacy of the thera- no side effects occurred. ᮀ treated externally. The recommend- py as “very good” and “good”. The First published in the German language in the ed dosage was taken. In the group evaluation by physician and patient SANUM-Post magazine (91/2010) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • under 12 years, the drops for oral was better in the adult’s group, as 27318 Hoya • Germany application were dosed according here was a shifting from “good“ to All Rights Reserved.

144 Cell Wall Deficient Forms of Candida How They Occur, Their Significance and how to Regulate Them Using Naturopathic Methods

by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider

In a similar way to bacteria (see the article “SANUKEHL Preparations for the Excretion of Cell Wall Deficient Bacterial Forms – a Specific Exten - sion of Isopathic Therapy in SANUM Post No. 54, 2001), yeasts too can exist in cell wall deficient (CWD) forms. In these forms there is no cell wall but only a cell membrane. Such forms are of particular importance for can- with brilliant green (magnified 1000 dida, as these yeasts can also be times; Mattman, 2001). The yeasts pathogenic in candida mycoses in on the right hand picture are hardly the CWD form and the immune sys- recognisable as such. tem can no longer recognise or Even back in 1956 investigations in remove the organisms adequately. Hungary had shown that brewer’s Candida are pathogenic not only in However, the development and yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) their classic yeast forms but also as reproduction of the cell wall deficient can grow in cell wall deficient forms. CWD. If CWD candida is injected Later it was recognised that in about forms of bacteria and candida occur into laboratory animals, the result is 50% of cases candida too can grow under completely different condi- very serious systemic candidiasis spontaneously as CWD in synthetic tions. Whilst bacteria need very with en docarditis and mycohaemia culture mediums in the laboratory. energy-rich environmental conditions (Mattman, 2001). However, if blood serum is added to to be able to live as CWD within the synthetic mediums, cell wall defi- The following table shows the ener- erythrocytes or leucocytes, cell wall cient forms of candida can no longer getic relationships as calculated deficient forms of candida arise be detected. As a result of the serum, about 50 years ago by the French primarily as “stealth forms“ under sufficient protein and energy once hydrologist Claude Vincent in his conditions of general or localised again becomes available to the yeasts description of milieu relationships lack of energy (Mattman, 2001). so that they are able to reproduce in (BEV) in times of health and illness Even after colour stains (brilliant the classic form with cell walls. (from Elmau, 1985): green) or antimycotics have been Ideal values added to a culture, candida grows 2 pH rH2 E r ) only as a cell wall deficient form. Blood 7.10 22 234 210 261 The following illustrations show on Saliva 6.50 22 270 140 521 Urine 6.80 24 312 30 3245 the left an electron microscope pho- tograph of candida (magnified 9480 Strongly pathological values 2 times) and on the right the growth of pH rH2 E r ) Blood 7.50 25 300 121 744 transitional forms of candida from Saliva 7.25 26 345 310 284 the original thin filaments in a culture Urine 4.80 19 282 127 626

145 As this examination of the energy the blood are ideal conditions for the a redox blockade that this provides shows, a great deal of energy is reproduction of cell wall deficient the appropriate conditions for the used in a healthy metabolism (upper forms of bacteria and viruses, but candida to reproduce. not for candida. part of the table), however most of Nowadays emotional and dynamic this is excreted again in the urine. blockades are the main causes of Some Major Causes of the De - In a metabolism which is altered as a velopment of Candida Mycoses meridian disorders. In particular, result of illness (lower part of the emotional blockades are frequently Cell wall deficient forms of candida table), a great deal of energy is not taken sufficiently into account, can reproduce particularly well in stored in the blood (Enderlein called although in the meantime they have those organs which have a poor sup- this a “tendency towards con- become important factors in today’s ply of energy or in which the energy gestion“). This lapse is essentially living and working conditions. At the metabolism is badly disrupted. characterised by a rise in the redox same time it is primarily those merid- Consequently there is a predilection potential (“redox rigidity“), the cause ians which have a direct connection for CWD like this to develop in the of which lies in a disturbance of the to Gaia, Mother Earth, which are bowel, which nowadays (according cell respiration. At the same time the to Werthmann) is the main “weak affected, namely stomach-spleen/ metabolism is so strongly affected in organ“ within the human body. pancreas (earth) and kidneys- the area of the connective tissue and Vaginal mycoses can occur in iso - bladder (water). the excretory organs that the energy lation or together with intestinal According to Dr. Rau, emotional of the blood can no longer be mycoses, and they often point to a blockades of the stomach meridian utilised. As a result the acid-base situation where there is a lack of balance of the connective tissue are strongly linked to an excess of energy (partner problems) in this energy and unresolved problems shifts and becomes more acid, area. whilst to compensate the pH of the with the parent of the opposite sex; blood rises as a result of the mobili- Local candida mycoses can be because of the function of the sation of the alkali reserves. As the found just as frequently. They occur spleen as the entrance portal into renal function also becomes weaker where there is a lack of energy in the the body for vital energy, the spleen- and weaker, less and less minerals local area, e.g. because of a block- pancreas meridian has a connection are excreted, and this leads to an ade of a meridian. So, for example, to the energy which is taken in increase in the concentration of mycoses of the big toenail are often through nutrition, air, water and seen in disorders of the spleen-pan- minerals and thus also in the con- one’s environment. In a similar way, creas meridian. ductivity of the blood. For this rea- the energy which is given to a new- son chronically ill patients are literally The long-term use of medication born infant on its path through life starving whilst at the same time such as antibiotics and cortico- (“original chi“ or “prenatal chi“) has a there is excess energy in their blood. steroids can also change the energy connection to the kidneys-bladder The energy-rich milieu conditions of in the milieu so strongly by inducing meridian.

Earth Spleen / Pancreas Stomach

Low self-esteem Not wanting to do anything Self-punishment, over-anxiousness and Helpless, broken spirit, overburdened, dependency, living through others, "not overtaxed, resentful, hating, good enough", not being able to unenthusiastic, disinclined, obsessed, disassociate oneself, feeling oneself to not being able to process ("digest") be disapproved of, not being able to things, "Something's preying on my part with things mind"

146 Water Kidneys Sexual organs / Bladder

AngstFear Being ashamed Feeling of guilt, powerlessness, A paralysed will, unfulfilled longing for demoralised, egoistic, disappointment, love, feeling hurt, impatience, self-pity, brutal and lacking in sympathy, scared, fear of standing on one's own feet, hurt, "Things are getting me down" being offended

Sexual problems are often linked to The energy meridians which supply yeasts. Consequently the molecules blockades of these two pairs of the stomach and bowel also have a are arranged in water-filled channels, meridians. strong link with the teeth, particular- and there follows a loss of sugars, According to psychokinesiology ly the molars (teeth nos. 5 to 7). If ions, amino acids, nucleic acids, etc. (Klinghardt, 1999), the following these meridians are blocked by This mechanism explains the selec- emotional relationships result from dead teeth, root treatments or den- tive effect of these antimycotics on these meridians: tal granuloma, this has a direct effect yeasts and fungi, as the membrane on the supply of energy to the inter- of human and animal cells contains Other important causes of the nal organs. cholesterol but no sterins. blockade of energy in the energy metabolism are disorders of the One other very important influence Imidazol derivatives such as clotrima- bowel and teeth. The wrong type of on the teeth comes from pollution zol work as fungistatics or fungicides diet or lack of food can lead to fail- with heavy metals from dental fillings. by restricting the conversion of lanos- ure in the function of the bowel and In this way mercury can be deposit- terol to ergosterol (an important part mucous membranes (Werthmann, ed in the cells of the nervous sys- of the cell membrane) and cause 1998). tem, the kidneys and also the large damage directly to the cell wall. intestine, and there it blocks impor- Progressive destruction of the Consequently the effect of antimy- tant mechanisms in the energy mucous membrane with dysbiosis of cotics is primarily not to kill off the metabolism. Therefore the homeo- the micro-organisms can lead in the candida but to convert the form of pathic remedy picture of Mercurius end to ““. This candida with cell walls into a low- means that the intestinal mucous also shows links with those organs energy CWD form. However, as membrane becomes permeable, named above in particular. important mechanisms of the immune system are directed allowing chemicals, bac teria, fungi Exposure to heavy metals is often a towards the cell wall of microorgan- and parasites to pass through, and problem in children, as they can be isms, the use of antimycotics means can no longer reabsorb or excrete passed on by the mother through that the candida which are still path- sufficiently. Alongside emotional the placenta or in the mother’s milk. causes, it is above all a diet which ogenic can still be recognised by the includes proteins from cow’s milk Conventional Therapy immune system, although only in a and hens’ eggs which initially leads with Antimycotics limited way. Therefore a course of to chronic inflammation of the therapy with antimycotics can actu- Antimycotics are prescribed systemi - mucous membranes and finally ally relieve the strain on the metabo- cally or locally for the conventional afterwards to degeneration (atrophy). lism and improve the clinical symp- treatment of candida mycoses. Anti - As the greater part of the immuno- toms, but at the same time it does myco tics work primarily as fungistatics not rectify the shift in the milieu. logically active tissue is to be found and to a lesser extent as fungicides. in the area of the intestine, a chronic Where the intestinal mucous mem- functional disorder of the intestinal Broad spectrum antimycotics such brane is intact, antimycotics which mucous membrane always results in as nystatin or amphotericin B react have been taken orally are not reab- trouble with the immune function. with sterins in the cell membrane of sorbed from the intestine. However,

147 this mucous membrane is very per- their ability to excrete heavy metals the patient should keep to a diet meable in chronically ill patients who is greatly reduced. as recommended by Werthmann have candida mycosis. As a result, with no milk, eggs or pork. Ex cre - in patients like this, antimycotics can Treating Candida Mycoses with tion can also be improved by strengthen the metabolism block- SANUM Remedies drinking large amounts of good ages and weaknesses which are A course of treatment of mycoses water each day; the energy level present anyway. This means that the with SANUM products is very suc- of this water should be enriched use of antimycotics can lead to irre- cessful as long as the metabolism is by the use of a HAKAKEHL-Plus versible damage to the lysosomal also able to implement this regula- energy plate (lay the plate under membranes in the renal tubular cells, tion. As a result of the therapy, fungi the water with the printed side suppression of the bone marrow, and yeasts are broken down and uppermost). nausea, high temperature, shivering excreted from the body. However, as ­ fits and anaphylactoid reactions, or Correction of the milieu: cell wall deficient forms of candida even in rare cases to neurotoxic and 1 measuring spoonful of ALKALA need a milieu which is very low in hepatotoxic effects. N in the morning; 60 drops of energy in order to reproduce, a suc- SANUVIS 3 times a day, alternat- Therefore antimycotics should only be cessful course of therapy usually ing on a daily basis with 10 drops used in emergency, e.g. for systemic also requires a form of energy treat- of CITROKEHL 3 times a day. mycoses. Finally the damage caused ment. ­ Isopathic breakdown of forms of by this treatment should be remedied The treatment of candida mycoses candida with cell walls: using naturopathic methods. in adults using SANUM remedies 1 EXMYKEHL 3X suppository per includes the following: The Relationship between Can - rectum (even in cases of vaginal di da and Heavy Metals ­ A SANUM excretion cure designed mycoses) in the evening; for vagi- to promote the excretion of the nal mycoses additionally promote Candida has a very close relation- waste products of metabolism, the circulation in the pelvic region ship to exposure to heavy metals toxins and heavy metals: e.g. by hot foot baths. (Rau, 1998): on the one hand, heavy From Monday to Friday: 5 – 10 ­ metals block cell respiration so that Specific immune stimulation with drops of USNEABASAN alterna- the milieu becomes low in energy SANUKEHL Cand (this preparati- ting on a daily basis with OKOU- on stimulates the immune system and yeasts are easily able to multiply BASAN 2X, to be taken in the specifically against cell wall defi- in it; on the other hand, candida morning; cient forms of candida): bonds with heavy metals and Saturday and Sunday: 1–2 Take 4 drops of SANUKEHL excretes them from the body. In the tablets of LUFFASAN 4X each Cand 6X drops and rub 4 drops process, the heavy metals form a day (see also SANUM Post No. into the inside of the elbow each chelation with particular peptides (2 54, 2001, page 18); plus from the evening. – 11 amino acids) which are known start 1 capsule of MAPURIT at ­ “Capsule cure“ for general modu- as “phytochelatins“ and which are to midday and 12 drops of lation of the immune system: be found not only in candida but also ZINKOKEHL 3X in the evening. in algae, lichens and many plants. 1 capsule of alternately LATEN - Therefore remedies made from This excretion must take place SIN 6X, RECARCIN 6X or UTILIN over a longer period of several these plants (e.g. USNEABASAN, 6X to be taken once each week. weeks to months; at the same LUFFASAN) are also used to pro- In children this course of therapy is time the metabolism for magne- mote the excretion of heavy metals. carried out in a simpler form be cause sium and zinc is regulated. As they are better able to regulate: If, however, candida mycoses are this excretion functions very effi- treated with antimycotics, it follows ciently, low doses of the remedies ­ Take FORTAKEHL 5X drops, that not only the cell wall synthesis LUFFASAN and USNEABASAN PEFRA KEHL 5X drops and ALBI - but also the amino acid metabolism should be taken to begin with. In CANSAN 5X drops alternating on in the yeasts is hindered. As a result, addition, to promote excretion, a daily basis, the dose being the

148 number of drops equal to the Both children and adults should con- psychosomatic medicine]. 3rd edition, Bauer, 1999. number of years of age, with the tinue with Dr. Werthmann’s diet for a Mattman, L.H.: Cell Wall Deficient Forms – adult dose of 8 drops being given period of at least three months. Stealth Pathogens. 3rd edition. CRC from age 8 onwards. Refined sugar should also be exclu - Press, 2001. ded from the diet. A diet which is Rau, Th.: Candida – Freund und Helfer oder ­ 1-2 drops of RECARCIN 6X and Feind [Candida – friend and helper or totally free of sugar is not advisable, enemy]. Sanum Post No. 43, 18-20, UTILIN 6X alternating on a daily 1998. as otherwise the candida will take its basis, rubbed into the inside Schneider, P.: SANUKEHL-Präparate zur nutrition from the carbohydrates in elbow. Ausleitung zellwandfreier Bakterienformen the cells of the mucous membrane. – eine spezifische Erweiterung der iso - pathischen Therapie [SANUKEHL Pre pa - ­ Diet according to Dr. Werthmann rations for the Excretion of Cell Wall The therapy is most effective when with no cow’s milk, hens’ eggs or Deficient Bacterial Forms – a Specific combined with holistic methods to Extension of Isopathic Therapy]. SANUM pork; drink good water, possibly Post No. 54, 2-6, 2001. remove emotional and energy energised with HAKAKEHL-Plus Werthmann, K.: Ratgeber für Allergiker und blockades of the meridians (e.g. chronisch Kranke – Vorbeugung und energy plates. Behandlung [Guide for people with aller- , psychokinesiology, gies and the chronically sick – prevention In general, medicinal excretion the - and treatment]. ebi, 1998 (available from acu puncture, acupuncture massage the Semmelweis publishing house, Hoya). rapy should not be carried out during and classical homeopathy). ᮀ pregnancy and breastfeeding. In children, because of the stage of Bibliography maturity of their central nervous Elmau, H.: Bioelektronik nach Vincent und Säuren-Basen-Haushalt in Theorie und system, medicinal excretion of heavy Praxis [Bio-electronics according to Vincent and acid-base balance in theory metals should, where possible, not and practice]. Haug, 1985. First published in the German language in the th SANUM-Post magazine (55/2001) be carried out before their 8 birth- Klinghardt, D.: Lehrbuch der Psycho- day and preferably only when they Kinesiologie. Ein neuer Weg in der psy- © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • chosomatischen Medizin [Textbook of 27318 Hoya • Germany reach their teens. Psychokinesiology. A new way forward in All Rights Reserved.

Sanum Drops GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production Sanukehl® Cand 6X D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Candida albicans extractum Sero A et B (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Diseases of the mouth, like stomatitis, gingivitis, perlèche, aphthae; intestinal dysbiosis, candida infections, colitis, obstipation a er treatment with anti- biotics; allergic asthma; vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, kraurosis vulvae; dermatosis, e.g. a er treatment with antibiotics.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information. Please note: picture shows German labelling.

149 The Remedy SANUKEHL Serra Its Working Principle Serratia marcescens

by Joachim Hartmann (Ph. D., Biology)

Different types of Serratia are a • peritonitis, remedy derived from Serratia natural phenomenon in water, soils marcescens had a superior effect • cholecystitis, and foodstuffs. Serratia marcescens with regard to suppression of is noticeable by the formation of a • pneumonia, tumours. In this connection, activa- deep red dye, prodigiosin. This bac- • meningitis, tion of the macrophages by the use terium was earlier known as “Chro - of Interferon was discussed. mobacterium prodigiosum“ or even • sepsis. Above all, the macromolecules “Host [communion wafer] fungus“ Serratia marcascens is an oppor- which were obtained by extraction and is an enterobacterium. tunistic pathogen typically seen in from the lipopolysaccharide layer of These types of human microflora hospitalised patients. Over the past the cell wall showed in vitro can lead to serious endogenous di - three decades it has been diag- • a strong activation response in seases; therefore they are described nosed with increasing frequency as the polyclonal B-cells (mitogenic as being facultatively pathogenic or the pathogen responsible for noso- activity) known as opportunistic pathogens. comial infections (i.e. infections A disease can only develop under acquired in hospital) and has been • induction of synthesis of the tu - certain pre-conditions specific to the isolated particularly in bladder, respi- mour necrosis factor. patient. Favourable factors include: ratory tract and wound infections as For more on the use of a preparation • myelosuppression caused by x- well as in cases of sepsis. A particular from Serratia marcescens in the rays or cytostatic therapy, cause of sepsis are contaminated treatment of cancer see the article infusion solutions, whilst diseases of • suppression of the activation of “Coley’s Toxin in the treatment of the urinary tract and lungs occur thymus lymphocytes caused by cancer“ in one of the coming edi- when patients are catheterised. The corticosteroids, tions of SANUM-Post. problem with the classic treatment In Holland a hapten preparation has • immune deficiency syndrome, using antibiotics is that there is a been registered in the form of the high level of natural resistance to the • frequent use of broad spectrum remedy SANUKEHL SERRA for inter- penicillins, cephalosporins and antibiotics (selection of the nal and external use as well as in a polymyxin B caused by plasmid- enterobacteria as a result of lack 5X injection form for intramuscular coded multiple resistance which can of natural antagonism by the and subcutaneous use. anae robic intestinal flora). be transferred to the different species of enterobacteria. Endogenous infectious diseases do Treating cancer not have a typical incubation period Polyribosomes were isolated from with “Coley’s toxin“ or tendency to spread and possibly Serratia marcescens, tested by “Coley’s toxin“ is one of the most no immunity develops to them. Op - means of intradermal injections on interesting bacterial remedies used portunistic pathogens are frequently fibrosarcomas in mice and com- in oncological therapy. The involved in the following diseases: pared with remedies derived from American surgeon William B. Coley • enteritis, Escherichia coli, BCG, Propioni- developed this remedy due to an bacterium acnes, Mycobacterium observation that he made in 1891 in • urinary tract infections, smegmatis and Streptococcus the case of a patient with inoperable • wound infections following surgery, pneu moniae. This showed that the sarcoma. Following his fifth operation

150 for cancer the patient developed a reports by TANCHOU (1844). In • of 126 patients with osteogenic severe erysipelas infection on the Germany the results of the onco - sarcomas, 85 per cent survived for face and neck. Within a few days the logical effects of erysipelas diseases between 4 and 60 years after the tumour began to soften and its were published by BUSCH from operation, compared to 10 to 15 diameter began to shrink. The Cologne (1886) and BRUNS from per cent after a sole operation. patient left the hospital without Bonn (1887). When mixed bacterial vaccine was showing any signs of having a Helen Coley-Nauts, the daughter of prescribed, the most dramatic tumour and eleven years later was in William Coley, carried out some regressions of tumours were in the best of health without any sign of extraordinarily comprehensive re- patients where acute feverish reac- a relapse. Following this Dr. Coley search in order to document the po - tions were recorded, in treatment began to inoculate his patients’ sitive effects of bacterial infections on lasting at least four months. None of tumours with an artificial cultivation the course of cancer illnesses from the therapists offering the MBV of streptococci which had been iso- medical literature in general as well as treatment during Coley’s lifetime lated from erysipelas. Not all patients the results of treatment with Coley’s knew anything about the physio - went on to develop erysipelas, how- mixed bacterial vaccine in particular. logical effects of bacterial vaccines: ever, all of them presented with a Her research led her to over 1000 reversal in the size of the tumour and • stimulation of the reticuloen- quotations in literature dating from an accompanying high fever. But dothelial system; 1775 to 1980. The spontaneous the risk of this form of treatment was remissions most frequently reported • activation of the macrophages; considerable. Some patients died occurred after streptococcal infec- • strengthening of haematopoiesis; from the toxic effect of the increas- tions, those which were next most • an increase in the production of ing numbers of microbes. frequent after pyesis and/or abcesses prostacyclin, interferon and endor - Around 1895 Dr. Martha Tracy dis- caused by staphylococci (NAUTS, phins. covered that sarcomas in dogs could 1980). Nowadays the far-reaching effects of be made to disappear by injection of Of 449 inoperable patients with mostly these individual effects are well a “Bacillus prodigiosus“ toxin. Dr. pyogenic infections, 125 survived known and they explain the regres- Coley then brought together the long-term (from 5 to 54 years). This sion of large tumours, the metastat- working principles of Streptococcus corresponds with tests that prove ic prophylaxis, the pain relieving pyogenes (from erysipelas) and that TB patients are less susceptible effect, the improvement in the blood Serratia marcescans (the modern to cancer. The same applies to new count, appetite and weight and the name for Bacillus prodigiosus) in his cases of malaria. There are reports of regeneration of bones in the patients mixed bacterial vaccine (MBV). He cancer cures as a result of vacci - treated. standardised the bacterial remedies nation against syphilis. Vaccination of to safe concentrations of the propor- patients with acute leukaemia with Moreover, in cases of fever which is tions of the bacteria and from then on Pseudomonas led to them remaining artificially created by injection of bac- only used the heat-sterilised form of in remission longer during chemo - terial endotoxin, it can be proved the remedy. In 1909 he published therapy. that the stimulation of the immune case reports on 36 sarcoma patients response is accompanied by raised An analysis of just under 900 patients who had experienced complete or levels of the following messenger sub - who were treated with Coley’s mixed partial remission through treatment stances which can be regarded as bacterial vaccine (MBV) gave the fol- with Coley’s toxin. useful in resistance against tumours: lowing results (NAUTS, 1978); see interleukin-1 and -2, interferon-␥ and Interestingly, the first observations table: the tumour necrosis factor. that malignant diseases can be • Of 896 patients, 46 per cent of improved or cured during or following It is recommended as a matter of inoperable cases survived for five a bacterial infection go back over urgency that bacterial vaccines should years or more; 200 years. The first recorded find- be used before every surgical ope- ings date from DUPRE DE LISLE • the same applies to 51 per cent ration or session of radiation or hyper- (1774), and there are extensive of operable cases; thermia treatment (NAUTS, 1982).

151 Probably the most recent test of Tests on the cell walls of Staphylo - of treatment of extra-corporeal Coley’s MBV took place in a study coccus aureus showed that one immune adsorption of patient se - on the treatment of 15 patients with component (protein A), which reacts rums using Staphylococcus aureus metastatic malignant melanoma with the Fc regions of immuno- protein A (BANSAL et al., 1978; RAY (KÖLMEL et al., 1991). The authors globulins, can bond with immune et al., 1979-1982). reported three cases of complete complexes in the serum of the remission, some of which lasted for At this point there ensues an infor- patient. This is regarded as important over 26 months, as well as impres- mal cross-reference to the newly- sive retrogression of larger skin for the removal of blockading factors developed series of SANUKEHL tumours even in the progressive which can inhibit immune reactions remedies from SANUM-Kehlbeck. cases. Also mentioned were the in the plasma (FORSGREN & In these remedies the bacterial minimal side effects of the therapy. SJÖQUIST, 1966). This led to a form compo nents in particular are con-

152 centrated as a result of the choice of on SANUKEHL PSEU show that the which are very frequently found in, manufacturing process and these ex vivo immune adsorption tech- for example, cancer patients. ᮀ have, for example, laid the founda- nique which was developed with tions for the effectiveness of the Staphylococcus aureus remedies Coley toxin (used in the single reme- also functions as it were in vivo in the First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (43/1998) dies SANUKEHL STREP and SANU - patientís blood and can offer a rea- © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • KEHL SERRA). Furthermore, the son for SANUKEHL PSEU being 27318 Hoya • Germany investigations of KUNZE et al. (1996) able to remove reaction blockades All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Trich 6X Drops Sanukehl® Salm 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in. Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Trichophyton It’s a bacterial preparation made of Salmonella enteritidis verrucosum extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X. extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases According to experience, to be administered in cases of: of: Mycosis of the hair, skin, nails, tinea, trichophytosis; Impaired development; chronic pancreatitis, chronic impairment of skin function; hair loss. gastroenteritis; celiac disease; rheumatic fever.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional. the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 6X

For more information refer to: For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information. access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355

Please note: pictures show German labelling.

153 The Application of SANUKEHL Serra in the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis

by Dr. rer. nat. Cornelia Arnoul (Naturopath) and Franz Arnoul (Naturopath)

The SANUKEHL preparations manu - cess with SANUKEHL Serra in within the first two to three days after factured by SANUM-Kehlbeck con- patients with restless legs syndrome, the injection. tain specific polysaccharides from multiple sclerosis or polyneuropathy If the dark-field shows a paratuber- the cell membrane of microbes confirms this. A holistic therapy using culous trait, NIGERSAN may be (Schneider P.; 2001). different SANUM preparations, how- added to the cocktail. The patient’s ever, is the prerequisite for the healing Due to their small molecule size they blood must be checked regularly, to process. This includes the restoration act as haptens or antigen absorbers initiate possibly necessary excretion of the impaired intestinal flora and the in the organism (Cornelius, P.; 2001). procedures, or to vary the injection acid-base balance (see below). In many cases the pathogenic toxins cocktail. remain in the body even after the Restless Legs Syndrome The following medicaments supple- abatement of the infection and ment the SANUM therapy of Restless Legs Syndrome mostly strongly compromise the function of Restless Legs Syndrome: the immune system. Conjugated affects middle-aged women. Among antigens develop by bonding of the symptoms are dysaethesia or 1 tablet Magnerot Classic tablets the toxins to the haptens contained paraesthesia mostly at rest or at (Wörwag), mornings and nights, in the SANUKEHL prepa rations. By night, affecting both upper and 1 dragée Milagamma 100 dragées (Wörwag), 1 – 2 times a day, activating the T-lymphocytes they lower legs, as well as the need to SANUVIS drops or tablets. can trigger an immune response. move the legs. When occurring idiopathically, a neurologic examina- Thus the organism eliminates bac - The medicaments administered allo- tion may not show anything or point terial or fungal toxins. pathically for Restless Legs Syndrome towards a polyneuropathic affection (Levodopa, Carbama zepin, Clonidin, The active agent of SANUKEHL Serra (Pschyrembel, 1998). Clonazepam, etc.) very frequently act consists of cell membrane compo- Restless legs syndrome is treated as therapeutic blocks. These medica- nents of the bacteria type Serratia with the following i.m. injection ments must be gradually and slowly marcescens, an opportunistic patho- cocktail, administered once or twice discontinued to ensure the success gen with hospitalised patients (Hart - a week: of the therapy. mann, J.; 1998). During the last few years this Serratia type was diag- 1 ampoule MUCOKEHL + Patients who have not previously nosed more and more frequently as 1 ampoule SANUKEHL Serra + undergone allopathic treatment usu- trigger of nosocomial infections, i.e. 1 ampoule SANUVIS + ally require a remarkably smaller infections acquired in the hospital, 1 ampoule Cimicifuga comp. number of injections. and isolated mostly in infections of (Steigerwald), or the urinary tract, the respiratory tract 1 ampule Lycoaktin for patients with Polyneuropathy or wounds, as well as in sepsis. an inclination to hyperthyreosis. An affection of the peripheral nerves Practice experience lets us assume MUCOKEHL is administered in may be caused genetically. Polyneu - that serratia toxins play a very signifi- changing potencies, depending on ropathies may also be caused by cant role in different affections of the the reactivity. We frequently observe metabolic disturbances (diabetes nervous system. Therapeutical suc- an initial improvement or deterioration mellitus, uraemia), malabsorption

154 (celiac disease) or endo crine disor- The administration of SANUKEHL 1 ampoule NOTAKEHL 7X, 6X or 5X + ders (hyperthyreosis, acromegaly), Serra to MS patients greatly con- 1 ampoule QUENTAKEHL 6X or 5X or by infections like borreliosis or tributes to improve the respective or GRIFOKEHL 5X + leprosy. Poisoning (mercury, lead, symptoms. 1 ampoule Engystol + thallium), alcohol and medicaments A combination with other SANUM 1 ampoule SANUKEHL Serra 5X i. also bring on the disorder. The most preparations frequently leads to a m., once a week. frequent type of the disorder is the shortening of the duration of the diabetic and the alcoholic polyneu- After the 3rd or 4th injection episodes as well as a partial or com- ropathy (Pschyrembel, 1998). A 1 ampoule UTILIN 6X or UTILIN “S“ plete remission of the symptoms. therapy of polyneuropathy with 6X is added, which is injected sepa- SANUM preparations depends on This requires a good reactivity of the rately. QUENTAKEHL can be the respective primary disease. It is patient, which means that the replaced by GRIFOKEHL. organism’s ability to regulate must therefore mandatory for example An initial improvement or deterioration be intact, as well as a strong and with diabetes patients that the blood within the first couple of days after the glucose value is optimally stabilized stable immune system. injections may occur as in the treat- with insulin injections, oral antidiabe - The treatment of multiple sclerosis ment of restless legs syndrome. tics or an appropriate diet. A thorough requires a particularly holistic excretion therapy to rid the body of The therapeutic scheme above approach, including the following: the reason for the polyneuro pathy is should – due to possible interaction required with toxic strains. The Restoration of the acid-base ba - – not be combined with an interferon following injection cocktail is ad- lance with SANUVIS, CITROKEHL therapy. ᮀ ministered i. m. once a week as a or ALKALA, immune modulation supplement to the therapy of the with UTILIN or UTILIN “S“, hapten Bibliography: respective primary disease: Cornelius, P.: Therapeutic Experience with therapy with SANUKEHL Serra, iso- Haptens. SANUM-Post No. 54, 2001 1 ampoule MUCOKEHL 6X or 5X + pathic therapy with NOTAKEHL, Hartmann, J.: The Remedy SANUKEHL Serra. SANUM-Post No. 43, 1998 1 ampoule SANUKEHL Serra 7X + QUENTAKEHL, etc., regulation of the symbiosis with FORTAKEHL or Pschyrembel Clinical Dictionary, 258th edition, 1 ampoule SANUVIS. 1998 ALBICANSAN and PEFRAKEHL for Schneider, P.: The Relative Importance of the Multiple Sclerosis intestinal fungi, excretion therapy. SANUKEHL Remedies within SANUM Therapy. SANUM-Post No. 43, 1998 The respective medicaments are The cause of this primarily inflamma- Schneider, P.: SANUKEHL Preparations for administered according to the dark- the Excretion of Cell Wall Deficient tory disease of the CNS with focalised Bacterial Forms. SANUM-Post no. 54, demyelinization probably is an field results. Regular examinations of 2001 autoimmune process against myelin the native blood by dark-field sheath antigens. Viral influences may microscopy are mandatory for a possibly also take part in triggering successful treatment of multiple sclerosis. the development of multiple sclerosis. First published in the German language in the The disease occurs in increased num- The above-mentioned medicaments SANUM-Post magazine (62/2003) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • bers with women between the ages of can be combined or supplemented 27318 Hoya • Germany 20 and 40 (Pschyrembel, 1998). as follows: All Rights Reserved.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the Grifokehl® 5X Drops physician or health care professional. Sanum Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in. e following dosage forms are available: GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production 10 ml dropper bottle 5X D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 It’s a fungal preparation made of Grifola frondosa e 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X. volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 5X According to experience, to be administered in cases of: For more information refer to: Registration as medical Immune modulation, Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster. expert group required for full access to information.

155 Masked Nosocomial Infections as Possible Causes of “Feverish“ Infections

by Dr. Konrad Werthmann, Austria

There should be no such thing as evoking infections in “reduced“ pati- sip of SANUKEHL Serra 5X was pre- hospitalism in these modern times, ents. It is primarily found in senior scribed. since antibiotics are the non plus ultra homes and hospitals. Repeatedly, it As further therapy, Mr. P. received the and are used accordingly. Never- happens that people who are following over a two-week period: theless, there are nosocomial infec - susceptible to infections, and who NOTAKEHL 5X, 2 tablets twice daily; tions. These occur especially among are in a recovery phase after a feverish MAPURIT (DL-␣-tocopheryl-acetate, immune-suppressed patients and infection with antibiotic “protection“, magnesium oxide), 1 capsule twice those with chronic ailments. This is get yet another infection. They usually daily; REBAS 4X (Peyer’s Patches not surprising, since, for one thing, have a high fever (>102° F) for longer extract) 1 capsule twice daily; SANU- the use of antibiotics is rising even for KEHL Serra 6X (Serratia marcescens), minor ailments and, for another, than 48 hours. The otherwise usual 10 drops twice daily. immune suppression is used more fever attacks normalize after two and more against chronic diseases; days at the most. Recently, we have The patient also had to maintain a finally, 2 out of 3 people are lacking an learned to recognize a Serratia strict Werthmann diet, with no dairy intact number-one defense organ, the marcescens infection by long-lasting or egg products. After only two days, Mucosa enteralis. The greater the diarrhea. At any rate, the anamnesis his body temperature normalized, distur bance or defect in the intesti- usually turns up a hospital or senior and after four days, he was able to do some office work at home. nal mucous membrane, the more home visit preceding the outbreak of susceptible the person is to miscel- the disease. For many patients, a 2. Mrs. I.R., 36, housewife, had suf- laneous infections, including those family member has brought the fered for years from rheumatic pains of a nosocomial nature. germ home. For some patients, in her shoulders, but without any These hospital infections are often such a visit lies up to a week in the significant hindrance to her house- keeping activities. Every four masked by the symptomatology of past. Two case histories are presented months, she would come in for a an initial worsening or a relapse of a here to illustrate these points. chronic ailment. Therefore, in cases consultation to have her symptoms of feverish attacks of a chronic 1. Mr. P.W., 45, bookkeeper, suffered cured with a neuraltherapeutic injec- disease, one should, in the anam - from chronic, partially obstructive tion of NOTAKEHL 5X into her ton- nesis, always look for a possible bronchitis and ever-recurring right- sils. About a week after one of the casualty department or hospital or side sinusitis. The colds were already neuraltherapeutic injections, she got senior home visit. This of course also an everyday matter for him, so that a sudden fever above 102° F for a applies for similar disease courses in he did not think of himself as parti- few days, accompanied by nausea and slightly diarrheic stool with gas otherwise healthy persons. cularly sick. A week before his con- formation. At first, a toxin export or sultation, he visited an aunt in the The bacterium Serratia marcescens initial worsening after the tonsil injec- hos pital ward of a senior home. or B. prodigiosum is a gram-negative tion was suspected, but the lack of Three days later, he had body germ belonging to the enterobac - tonsil or joint involvement didn’t fit teria. This group exhibits high resis - tempera tures of up to 104° F for the symptomatology. Finally, a new tance to conventional antibiotics and three days, which slowly swung exploration of the anamnesis turned disinfectants, and reproduces best down to 102.2° F. Since he could not up a visit to a relative in the hospital at room temperature. Serratia mar- re member any other possible infection a week before the fever broke out. cescens is an opportunistic germ, source besides his visit to his aunt, a Here, too, a sip of SANUKEHL Serra

156 5X was administered intramuscu - to be important to restore the intesti- Bibliography larly, followed by a prescription for nal milieu and the patient’s former Lange, A. – Introduction to Medicinal Micro - biology [Leitfaden der medizinischen the remedy in 6X drop form. powers of resistance. Mikrobiologie], manuscript of work done as a student, 1958 One can get an idea of the broad The therapy consisted of: Pschyrembel Clinical Dictionary [Klinisches scope of SANUKEHL Serra from the Wörterbuch] Diet with no dairy or egg products list of naturopathically documented Werthmann, K. – Childhood Allergies [Kinder - (Werthmann) RELIVORA Complex applications. For those of his geria- allergien], Johannes SonntagVerlag, 1989 (Drosera, Echinacea angustifolia, Ju - Werthmann, K. – Dietary Modification for tric patients who regularly find them- Chronic Diseases and Allergy Patients ñ g lans) drops, 20 drops twice daily; selves in casualty departments or Recipes [Ernährungsumstellung für chro- SANUKEHL Serra 6X drops, 10 nisch Kranke und Allergiker – Koch- hospitals, the author has been pre- rezepte], ebi electronic Verlag, CH 3038 drops twice daily; MAPURIT, 1 cap- scribing this medication as a preven- Kirchlindach, ISBN 3952005738 sule twice daily. tive measure. These older patients This combination was taken for two are advised to rub 5 drops into the weeks. After that, body temperature skin (or take internally) twice daily, went back to normal, appetite retur- starting 2-3 days before the consul- ned and the crippling fatigue went tation. It is too soon yet to say any- away. The dairy/egg-free diet thing definite about this, however. (Werthmann) had to be kept up for 4 more weeks. Documented Applications by Naturo pathic Research The homeopathic therapeutic agent SANUKEHL Serra is free of side Malignomas effects both in sip form (5X) and as All immunosuppressed persons drops (6X). Since the chronically ill – After chemotherapy and radiation but also those suffering from these therapy infections – are low in antibodies, Diabetes mellitus one should always combine with Tuberculosis MAPURIT (Vitamin E/Magnesium). Burns With this combination of medica - Infection-susceptible persons First published in the German language in the ”Wir“ magazine (2/1998) tions, and a low-antigen diet, one Intestinal patients with constipation/ © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • can usually come quickly to grips diarrhea 27318 Hoya • Germany with nosocomial infections. It seems Colitis sufferers All Rights Reserved.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production Notakehl® 4X Capsules D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Capsules for oral intake. It’s a fungal preparation made of Penicillium chrysogenum advice of the physician or health care e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 4X. professional. According to experience, to be administered in cases of: e following dosage forms are available: Bacterial disorders, e.g. tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis; diseases 10 ml dropper bottle 5X, 1 ml ampule 10 of the urogenital system, such as cystitis, prostatitis, endo- and 50 5X, 6X, 7X, 10 suppositories 3X, 20 metriosis; respiratory diseases, such as asthma-bronchitis, capsules 4X, 20 tablets 5X, 30 g tube of bronchitis, sino-bronchitis; neuritis, neuralgia, cervical ointment 3X. spine and lumbar spine syndrome; suppurations, acne, af- ter tooth extractions. For more information refer to: www.sanum. com. Registration as medical expert group Please note: picture shows Application and duration of treatment is depending on the required for full access to information. German labelling.

157 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with Sanukehl Trich 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction The age of the patients varied ± 19.5 cm and weight was between between 2 and 91 years, with an 15 and 95 kg with an average A total number of 116 patients in average age of 35.6 and a standard weight of 60.8 ± 18.1 kg. three medical practices, one spe- deviation of 23.5 years. The two cialising in internal medicine and largest patient groups were those 2.1 Diagnosis and Accompany- two in general medicine, participat- under 12 years (19.8%) and ing Diseases ed between January 1993 and April between 13 and 20 years (19.0%). 2000 in an application study with The diagnosis leading to the pre- the preparation SANUKEHL Trich Almost the same number of scription had to be entered in the 6X drops. The homeopathic test patients was in the groups between study protocol. It showed that preparation, SANUKEHL Trich, con- 21 and 30 (10.3%), between 31 and SANUKEHL Trich 6X, according to sists exclusively of Trichophyton 40 (12.9%) and 61 and 70 (12.1%). Isopathy, is mainly used with fungal verrucosum e volumine cellulae in The same number of patients was in diseases. In the children’s group the 6th decimal potency. the groups between 41 and 50 as under 12 years the indication tinea well as between 51 and 60 (9.5%). corporis was predominant and in The aim of this application study 6.9% of the patients were over 70 the adults’ groups additionally foot was to determine the actual appli- years. Regarding age structure, the and nail mycoses as well as intes- cation of the preparation as well as males between the age of 35.6 ± tinal mycosis in some cases only. A its tolerance under the day to day 23.7 were of the same age as the diagnosis was made before the start conditions of a normal practice. It females with 35.6 ± 23.4 years. was also of importance to deter- and at the end of the therapy and mine the acceptance of the prepa- Height varied between 101 and 191 accompanying therapies were to be ration on the market, especially cm with an average height of 157.7 documented in the evaluation form. amongst children. In line with the study’s set-up, only descriptive statistical methods were used. The application of inductive methods was not indicated. An “intention-to-treat” evaluation was carried out, which means that all those patients who had at least received one dosage of the medica- ment were included in the study.

2. Participating patients 116 patients participated in the study, which comprised of 53 males (46.5%) and 61 females (53.5%). No age was given for two patients.

158 final patient assessment. The final examinations were conducted after a period of 8 to 768 days, with an average of 146.9 ± 170.9 days. Amongst the children (< 12 years) the therapy lasted on average 215.2 ± 159.2 days and was approxi- mately 70% longer compared with the medium therapy duration of the adult group with 129.9 ± 169.4 days. The differentiated evaluation within specific therapy periods allows for a clearer picture. It reveals that amongst the children (< 12 years) the therapy duration of more than 150 days was clearly in the foreground (56.5% of all patients). Duration of Total patient Patients Patients Amongst the adults, the largest complaints population < 12 years > 12 years group was the one with a therapy (months) (%) (%) (%) duration between 25 and 50 days (41.1%) and the second largest was the one with more than 150 therapy < 6 21.1 63.6 10.9 days (24.4%). < 12 36.8 22.7 40.2 3.2 Dosage < 36 12.3 4.5 14.1 The dosage was set as follows, according to the patient information > 36 29.8 9.1 34.8 leaflet: Oral application: for acute condi- In order to obtain a measure of be stated. 63.6% of the patients tions: 5 - 10 drops (every 12 to 24 chronic diseases, the patients were under 12 years suffered for less hours); for chronic conditions: 10 asked in the study protocol how than six months, in the adult’s group drops every second day. long they had suffered the disease this was only the case in 10.9% of or complaints. Time frames were the patients, whereas in the adults External application: Every 1 - 2 given of less than six months, up to group 34.8% of the patients suf- days, 5 - 10 drops on the affected one year, up to three years and fered for more than 36 months. area or in the cubital fossa. After more than three years. With regard eight weeks, the therapy should be All 116 patients included in the to the total population, there were discontinued for several months. study were treated with SANUKEHL no significant differences between Trich 6X drops for the first time. 78 patients took the drops orally the groups although the group with and 68 patients were treated exter- complaints between one and three 3. Dosage and Duration of nally. Multiple counts were neces- years (12.3%) was only half as large Treatment sary, as 29 patients were treated as the other groups. Instead of that, orally and in addition externally. The 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- the group with complaints between following table shows the medium tion of Treatment six and 12 months was relatively dosage of the application forms. larger. Comparing the children According to the nature of an appli- The drops are related to the daily (patients under 12 years) with the cation study, the physicians were oral intake or external application adults, significant differences could not given a preset time limit for the respectively.

159 efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy could be assessed with “very good”, “good”, “moderate” or “no effect”. The physicians were also requested to evaluate patient compliance with “very good”, “good”, “moderate” or “non-compliant”. The evaluation of efficacy showed that 36.2% of the patients assessed efficacy with “very good”, 48.3% with “good”, whilst 15.5% assessed the efficacy with “moderate”. The results of the physicians’ evaluation for efficacy were similarly positive as that of the patients. In 44.0% of the cases The recommended dosage was tion therapy was 50% higher than in physicians assessed efficacy with exceeded by up to the double. The monotherapy. “very good”, 38.8% with “good” oral as well as the external applica- and 17.2% with “moderate“. Neither tion was not significantly different 4. Efficacy and Tolerance patient nor physician assessed “no between the children and the adult effect“. The evaluation by physicians 4.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by group. The medium dose in mono - and patients alike was, according to Doctor and Patient therapy and combination therapy tendency, better in the children’s was the same. The dosage of the In a closing assessment, physicians group under 12 years than in the external application in the combina- and patients were asked to evaluate adult’s group, as there was a shift-

Total Population Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 17.6 ± 6.0 5 40 Drops (topical) 7.9 ± 4.8 4 20

All Patients under 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 15.3 ± 5.4 5 20 Drops (topical) 6.0 ± 0 66

All Patients over 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 18.6 ± 6.0 5 40 Drops (topical) 7.9 ± 4.8 4 20

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 17.8 ± 6.6 8 40 Mono Drops (oral) 17.2 ± 5.0 5 20 Combi Drops (topical) 6.2 ± 2.6 4 15 Mono Drops (topical) 9.9 ± 5.9 5 20 Combi

160 ing from “good“ to “very good“ in rated tolerance to be “very good”, 5. Summary comparison with the adult group. whilst 39.7% of pa tients and 37.1% A total number of 116 patients in of physicians gave SANUKEHL Compliance (N = 112) was as ses - three medical practices, one spe- sed by the physicians to be “very Trich a “good” tole rance rating. Only cialising in internal medicine and good” for 52 patients, “good” for 53 1.7% of patients rated with “mode - two in general medicine, participa - patients and “moderate“ for 7 pa - rate”. Neither patient nor physician ted between January 1993 and tients. No patient was assessed with rated with “poor“. April 2000 in an application study “non-compliant“. Hence 90.5% of In the children group under 12 years, with the preparation SANUKEHL all patients participating in the study patients and physicians rated toler- Trich 6X drops. The homeopathic were given a “good“ or “very good“ ance with “very good” and “good“ test preparation, SANUKEHL Trich, compliance rating. which was clearly better than in the consists exclusively of Trichophyton adult group. In the younger group verrucosum e volumine cellulae in 4.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by the 6th decimal potency. no case was rated with “moderate“ Doctor and Patient or “poor“ by patients or physicians. SANUKEHL Trich 6X, according to At the conclusion of the study, an Isopathy, was mainly used with fun- evaluation of tolerance was submit- gal diseases, independent from the 4.3 Side Effects and Discontin- ted by the physicians and patients, patients’ age. In the children’s group uation of the Therapy whereby an assessment of “very under 12 years the indication tinea good“, “good“, “moderate“ and No therapy with SANUKEHL Trich corporis was predominant and in “poor“ could be chosen. 58.6% of 6X was discontinued and no side the adults’ groups additionally foot patients and 62.9% of physi cians effects were reported. and nail mycoses as well as intes-

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient group Patients’ opinion [%] Doctors’ opinion [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 36.2 48.3 15.5 0 44.0 38.8 17.2 0 < 12 years 56.5 21.75 21.75 0 56.5 21.75 21.75 0 > 12 years 31.2 54.8 14.0 0 40.9 43.0 16.1 0

161 Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ opinion [%] Doctors’ opinion [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 58.6 39.7 1.7 0 62.9 37.1 00 < 12 years 95.7 4.3 0095.7 4.3 00 > 12 years 49.5 48.4 2.2 0 54.8 45.2 00

was the one with more than 150 therapy days (24.4%). 78 patients took the drops orally and 68 patients were treated exter- nally. Multiple counts were neces- sary, as 29 patients were treated orally and in addition externally. The therapeutic progress was determined by evaluations conduct- ed at the beginning and the end of the therapy. The evaluation of effica- cy showed that 84.5% of the patients and 82.8% of the physi- cians assessed efficacy with “very good” and “good”. The evaluation by physicians and patients alike was, according to tendency, better in the children’s group, as here was a shifting from “good“ to “very good“ in comparison with the adult group. For 90.5% of all patients participat- ing in the study, compliance was cer - tified to be “good“ or “very good“. 58.6% of patients and 62.9% of phy - sicians rated tolerance to be “very good”, whilst 39.7% of pa tients and 37.1% of physicians gave SANU - KEHL Trich 6X drops a “good” tole - rance rating. Only 1.7% of the pa - tinal mycosis in some cases only. within specific therapy periods tients rated with “moderate”. Neither Accompanying therapies were to be allows for a clearer picture. It reveals patient nor physician rated with documented in the evaluation form. that amongst the children (< 12 “poor“. Amongst the children (< 12 years) years) the therapy duration of more No therapy with SANUKEHL Trich 6X was discontinued and no side the therapy lasted on average 215.2 than 150 days was clearly in the effects were reported. ᮀ ± 159.2 days and was approxi- foreground (56.5% of all patients). mately 70% longer compared with Amongst the adults, the largest First published in the German language in the the medium therapy duration of the group was the one with a therapy SANUM-Post magazine (87/2009) © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH adult group with 129.9 ± 169.4 duration between 25 and 50 days • 27318 Hoya • Germany days. The differentiated evaluation (41.1%) and the second largest All Rights Reserved.

162 The Hapten Remedy SANUKEHL Trich: its Origins and Therapeutical Application

by Joachim Hartmann (Ph. D., Biology)

SANUKEHL Trich is a hapten pre- cient as it generally fails to reach the has also been described. Here a pared from the dermatophyte pathogens in the hair shafts. reaction was seen between the anti- Trichophyton verrucosum. This is a Doctors trained in traditional medi- body directed against the fungus cutaneous fungus predominantly cine prescribe strong antimyotics and the epithelial tissue. It was pos- occurring in the hide of cattle and such as Griseofulvin. A severe sible to hold these antibodies back other ruminants in the region of the inflammatory infection caused by from reacting with the body's own head where it causes so-called “cattle cattle trichophytia is normally fol- tissues by binding them with fungal trichophytia“. Infection in humans is lowed by a build-up of resistance in extracts. almost always caused by contact the infected person. In veterinary medicine, extracts from with infected animals and occurs pre- A so-called “dermatophytid“ – a destroyed mycelia of Trichophyton dominantly in agricultural areas. lesion in which no pathogens are verrucosum, administered subcuta- Stalls and objects contaminated with found, far removed from the focus of neously, have been used success- hair and skin cells infected with the the infection – may occur as an aller- fully to prevent infection in calves. fungus act as a reservoir for the gic skin reaction to the presence of Despite close contact with infected mycete, as the pathogens remain the dermatophyte. The clinical animals, 88% of the vaccinated infectious for many years. Where con- symptoms are lichenoid or pa- animals did not develop cattle ditions in the stalls are poor, intensive pulovesicular rashes which can also tricho phytia. Immunity for over 3 and animal husbandry facilitates the rapid occur in the form of an Erythema anything up to 5 years was achieved spread of pathogens in a herd, par - nodosum. This skin condition was in this way. ticularly among young cattle. named lichen trichophyticus by In humans, a major study of 680 Macroscopic manifestations in Jadassohn who discovered it in patients with severe trichophytia humans are marked by an acute 1918. Today it is counted among the showed that repeated subcuta- episode of severe inflammation. “id“ reactions, being regarded as the neous doses of a special fungal Early symptoms may include circular result of the reaction between circu- extract – in this case from Tricho - erythematous foci with increasing lating antigens of the pathogen with phyton mentagrophytes – could scaling, infiltration, the formation of skin-sensitising antibodies, and it cure 78% of patients without requir- pustules, exudation and scab for- can, for example, be activated by ing further treatment. Topical appli- mation. Advanced cases show X-rays, local irritation or repeated cation for the prophylaxis of pedal exceedingly inflamed, considerably massive contact with the antigens. mycosis (athlete's foot) was also painful, nodal cutaneous and/or The trichophytids can still occur sub- successful. subcutaneous infiltrates with the for- cutaneously or on mucous mem- mation of abscesses and regional branes; they appear symmetrically It is interesting that a dimorphism distributed over the body; are some- lymphadenitis. Other general symp- phenomenon like that of Candida times accompanied by fever, leuco- toms such as fever and lassitude albicans or Mucor racemosus has cytosis and joint lesions; and occur may also be present. As well as the been described in species of in episodes. Successful treatment of stratum corneum, the hair too is Trichophyton. Here the primary the primary focus causes the “id“ affected. The infection becomes infection occurs as a result of fungal reaction to disappear. even more severe particularly where hyphae entering the smallest of skin the hair is thick (e.g. the beard). The occurrence of autoimmune lesions. Under the influence of the Localised therapy alone is not suffi- reactions following dermatophytosis host's tissue factors, a morpholo -

163 gical changeover from the fungal trichophytids. The potential auto- forms of tinea, favus and kerion phase to the yeast phase takes immune reactions ought also to be which are caused by other species place; this is now better adapted to stopped by binding the excess anti- of trichophyton as well as in cattle the conditions for growth within the bodies with the fungal haptens, thus trichophytia. host and has a greater ability to infil- preventing them from reacting with SANUKEHL Trich is registered in trate the deep tissues – i.e. a greater the body's own structures in a Germany for internal and external pathogenicity. destructive way. application in the form of 6X drops. Because of the active principle of Using chemical analyses, it has been The 5X injection form is available in the haptens contained in the pro - demonstrated that the serologically Holland for intramuscular and sub- duct SANUKEHL Trich, by using this active polysaccharides in the com- cutaneous administration. ᮀ remedy it should be possible to position of antigens by Trichophyton bond the antigens which are still cir- verrucosum and the strongly anthro- culating during or following a derma - pophil pathogens Trichophyton tophyte infection and to remove rubrum and T. mentagrophytes are First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (37/1996) these through the immune system. very similar. Therefore, one can © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • This treatment concept would elimi- expect that SANUKEHL Trich will be 27318 Hoya • Germany nate the pathogenic factors of the effective in diseases in the va rious All Rights Reserved.

Albicansan 4X Capsules

Capsules for oral intake.

It’s a fungal preparation made of Candida albicans e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 4X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Mycoses and secondary mycotic, infectious skin disorders, diseases of the mouth, like stomatitis, gingivitis, perlèche, aphthae, mycoses of the urogenital tract, such as vaginitis, urethritis, possibly for adnexitis, mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 5X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X 10 suppositories 3X, 20 capsules 4X 30 g tube of ointment 3X

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labelling.

164 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with SANUKEHL Strep D6 (6X) Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl, Germany

1. Introduction Age Groups A total number of 150 patients in 30 three medical practices, two spe- 25 cialising in general medicine and one in internal medicine, participated 20 between June 1992 and May 2001 15 in an application study with the Percent 10 preparation SANUKEHL Strep D6 drops. The homeopathic test pre - 5 paration, SANUKEHL Strep, con- 0 sists exclusively of Streptococcus

pyogenes e volumine cellulae in the 12 < 71 >

th 13 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 51 - 60 61 - 70 6 decimal potency. 41 - 50 Years The aim of this application study was to determine the actual application of the preparation as well as its tole - of patients under 12 years (24.2%), Isopathy, is used in a very wide rance under the day to day conditions all other groups between 13 and 20 applicational range. The preferred application was independent of the of a normal practice. It was also of (9.4%), between 21 and 30 (10.7%), between 31 and 40 (11.4%), patient’s age. The main indications importance to determine the accep - between 41 and 50 (12.1%), were tonsillitis, otitis media and tance of the preparation on the mar- between 51 and 60 (13.4%) and sinubronchitis as well as in addi- ket, especially amongst children. between 61 and 70 (12.8%) were tion arthritis and functional heart In line with the study’s set-up, only almost of the same size. 6.0% of the complaints in the adult groups. A descriptive statistical methods were patients were aged over 70. In the thorough diagnosis was made used. The application of inductive age structure, the men with an ave - before the start and end of the ther- methods was not indicated. An rage age of 42.2 ± 21.4 were on apy and accompanying therapies “intention-to-treat“ evaluation was average 9 years older than the were to be documented in the eva - carried out, which means that all women with 33.6 ± 22.0 years. lua tion form. those patients were included in the Height varied between 102 cm and In order to obtain a measure for study who had at least received one 197 cm, with an average of 162.2 chronic diseases, the patients were dosage of the medicament. cm ± 16.7 cm. Weight varied asked in the study protocol how between 15 kg and 115 kg with an long they had endured the disease 2. Participating Patients average of 63.8 kg ± 19.8 kg. or complaints. Time-frames were 150 patients participated in the given of less than six months, up to study, comprising of 50 men (33.3%) 2.1 Diagnoses and Secondary one year, up to three years and more and 100 women (66.6%). The age of Diseases than three years. the patients varied between 4 and The diagnoses leading to the pre- The application with acute indica- 82 years, with an average age of scription had to be entered in the tions was also reflected in the dura- 36.5 and a standard deviation of study protocol. It showed that tion of complaints. The under 12 22.2. The largest group comprised SANUKEHL Strep, according to patients had suffered complaints for

165 given a preset time-limit for the final Duration of Patient Patients Total Patient patient assessment. This final exami - Complaints < 12 years > 12 Years Population nation was conducted after a period (Months) (%) (%) (%) of 7 to 1133 days, with an average < 6 47,2 23,9 29,5 value of 115.6 days ± 147.8 days. < 12 36,1 18,6 22,8 Amongst the children (< 12 years) < 36 13,9 19,5 18,1 the therapy lasted with 50.7 days ± > 36 2,8 38,1 29,5 90.6 days approx. one half shorter than in the adult group with 134.1 Duration of Complaints days ±155.5 days. The differentiated evaluation within specific therapy periods allows for a clear picture. It 50 reveals that among the age group of P the children under 12 years, the 40 e therapy duration of up to 25 days r 30 c stood clearly in the foreground e 20 (58.1% of all patients). Amongst the n !> 36 t 10 adults, the largest groups were the < 36 0 one with more than 150 therapy <  12 0RQDWMonths

TotalDOOH days (29.6%) and 21.3% with a ther- < 6 < 12 -DKUH years apy duration of up to 25 days. > 12!-DKUH years 3.2 Dosage

Therapy Duration The dosage was set as follows, Days according to the patient package >150 insert: >12 125-150 <12 Oral application: for acute condi- 101-125 tions: 5 - 10 drops (every 12 to 24 76 - 100 hours); for chronic conditions: 10 51 - 75 drops every second day. 25 - 50 External application: Every 1 – 2 days, < 25 5 – 10 drops on the affected area or in the cubital fossa. After eight 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 weeks, the therapy should be dis- Patients [%] continued for several months.

109 patients took the drops orally less than six months and represent years. 5 of the 150 patients included and 80 externally. Multiple counts the main part with 47.2%, followed in the study had been treated before by 36.1% of the patients who had with SANUKEHL Strep D6 drops. were necessary as 39 patients took suffered complaints between six and the drops orally as well as externally. 12 months and 2.8% for more than 3. Dosage and Duration of Treat - The medium dosage based on the 36 months. In the adult group of ment form of application is shown in the fol- patients chronic complaints were in 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura - lowing table. The drops are based on the foreground with 38.1%. 23.9% tion of Treatment the daily oral and external application. had suffered for less than 6 months, 18.6% between 6 and 12 months According to the nature of an appli- The recommended dosages were and 19.5% between one and three cation study, the physician was not taken. In the children’s as well as in


oT t a upoPl l a t i no

Ae rev esoDega Me i n i m u Dm o s  aM x i oDmum s

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D9 r fspo o xer t ame ppal l i ac t i no 82 . 2±0 . 1 5

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9.5±9.21 kti arorofsporD ekatnil 403

D5 r fspo o xer t ame ppal l i ac t i no 63 . 2±3 . 1 0

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4.6±8.31 kti arorofsporD ekatnil 4y onom03 t reh pa

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the adult group, the dosage was al - 4. Comparison parison of efficacy and tolerance in most the same. The medium do sage to Previous Therapy both patient groups of first-time ap pli -

cation users and repeated application was the same in mono therapy and in 5 adults were treated with SANU - users, it would have been possible the combination therapy. The dosage KEHL Strep D6 drops during the last to evaluate a possible sensitisation of external application in the combi- five years. This group is too small to towards the active ingredient. How - nation therapy was nearly one half make a comparison between first ever, it is remarkable that patients as lower than that used in mono therapy. and repeated appli cation. By a com- well as physicians evaluated tole -


Evaluation of Efficacy P% a t i ne rGt puo Patients´ evaluation Physicians´ evaluation % og eV r doogy dooG oM d e r a t e No effect eV r doogy dooG oM d e r a t e No effect %( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% eitallA l aPl t i ne t s 335.9 46.8 17.1 09. 46.1 42.4 14.2 .1 aeY21< r s 107.6 73.5 80. 21.5 069.1 10.3 aeY21> r s 468.6 36.9 19.2 0343.7 36.9 18.1 .1

cacy to be “very good“ and 48.3% “good“, whilst only 11.6% assessed Patient´s evaluation % the evaluation with “moderate“ and 0.7% stated “no effect“. 80 70 The results of the physicians’ 60 evaluation for efficacy were similarly 50 < 12 years 40 > 12 years positive as those of the patients. The 30 physicians evaluated efficacy in

Percent All patients 20 41.9% of the cases as “very good“, 10 44.6% as “good“, 12.2% as 0 moderate and 1.4% as “no effect“.

good The evaluation by physicians and no effect patients alike was according to very good moderate tendency better in the adult’s group, as here the assessment shif ted from “good“ to very good“ compared with Physician´s evaluation % the children’s group. Compliance (N = 145) was assessed 70 by the physicians to be “very good“ 60 for 91 patients, “good“ for 41 50 < 12 years patients and 13 patients with mode - 40 > 12 years 30 rate, hence 88% of all patients par -

Percent All patients 20 tici pating in the study were given a 10 “good“ or “very good“ compliance 0 rating. No patient was given a “non- compliant“ rating. good no effect 5.2 Evaluation of Tolerance very good moderate by Physician and Patient An evaluation of tolerance was sub- rance with repeated application efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy mitted by the physicians and users to be “very good“ and “good“. could be assessed with “very good“, patients at the conclusion of the “good“, “moderate“ or “no effect“. study, whereby an assessment of 5. Evaluation of Efficacy Additionally the physicians were “very good“, “good“, “moderate“ requested to evaluate patient com- and “poor“ could be chosen. 71.8% 5.1 Evaluation of Efficacy pliance with “very good“, “good“, of patients and 70.5% of physi- by Physician and Patient “moderate“ or “non-compliant“. The cians rated the tolerance to be “very In a closing assessment, physicians evaluation of efficacy showed that good“, whilst 26.8% of patients and patients were asked to evaluate 39.5% of the patients thought effi - and 28.9% of physicians gave

168 caelToo taulavE loTfonoi ecnare P% a t i ne rGt puo Patients´ evaluation Physicians´ evaluation % og eV r doogy dooG oM d e r a t e Poor eV r doogy dooG oM d e r a t e Poor %( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% eitallA l aPl t i ne t s 788.1 23.6 10. 79.0 527.8 00. aeY21< r s 647.5 39.1 20. 76.1 42.8 00 aeY21> r s 747.3 29.5 00. 79.0 227.8 00.

SANUKEHL Staph a “good“ toler- ance rating. 1.3% of the patients and

0.7% of the physicians rated it  “moderate“. No case was assessed 80 as “poor“. 70 60 In the children’s group over 12 years, 50 < 12 years the patients rated the tolerance with 40 > 12 years “very good“ and “good“, a little better 30

Percent All patients than that of the age group under 12 20 10 years. In the younger age group, the 0 assessment shifted from “very good“ to “good“. The physicians’ rating was good poor the same in both age groups. no effect very good moderate 5.3 Side Effects and Termination of Therapy No patient discontinued the therapy  with SANUKEHL Strep and no side effects were reported. 80 70 6. Summary 60 50 < 12 years A total number of 150 patients in 40 > 12 years 30

Percent All patients three medical practices, one 20 specialising in internal medicine and 10 two in general medicine, participated 0 between June 1992 and May 2001 in an application study with the prepa- good poor no effect ration SANUKEHL Strep D6 drops. very good moderate The homeopathic test preparation, SANUKEHL Strep, consists exclu- sively of Streptococcus pyogenes e age. The main indications were Among children (<12 years) the ther- volumine cellulae in the 6th decimal tonsillitis, otitis media and sinubron- apy lasted with 50.7 days ± 90.6 potency. SANUKEHL Strep was chitis as well as in addition arthritis days approx. one half shorter than in used in a very broad application and functional heart complaints in the adult group with 134.1 days range in accordance with Isopathy, the adult groups. Accompanying ±155.5 days. The differentiated eval- whereby the preferred application therapies were to be documented in uation within specific therapy peri- was independent of the patient’s the evaluation form. ods allows for a clear picture. It

169 reveals that among the age group of The therapeutic progress was deter- “very good“, whilst 26.8% of the children under 12 years, the mined by evaluations conducted patients and 28.9% of physicians therapy duration of up to 25 days respectively at the beginning and the gave SANUKEHL Strep D6 a “good“ stood clearly in the foreground end of the therapy. 87.8% of the tolerance rating. 1.3% of the (58.1% of all patients). Among the patients and 86.5% of the physi- patients and 0.7% of the physicians adults, the largest groups were the cians rated the efficacy of the the - rated it “moderate“. No case was one with more than 150 therapy rapy as “very good“ and “good“. The assessed as “no effect“. No therapy days (29.6%) and 21.3% with a evaluation by physicians and was discontinued and no side therapy duration of up to 25 days. patients alike was according to ten- effects occurred. ᮀ 109 patients took the drops orally and dency better in the adult’s group, as 80 patients took them externally. here the assessment shifted from Multiple counts were necessary as 39 “good“ to very good“ compared with patients took the drops orally as well the children’s group. For 88% of all as externally. 5 adults were treated patients participating in the study, First published in the German language in the with SANUKEHL Strep D6 drops dur- compliance was certified to be SANUM-Post magazine (75/2006) “good“ or “very good“. ing the last five years. This group is too © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • small to make a comparison between 71.8% of patients and 70.5% of 27318 Hoya • Germany first and repeated application. physicians rated the tolerance to be All Rights Reserved.

Sanukehl® Strep 6X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a bacterial preparation made of Streptococcus pyogenes extractum (lyophil., steril.) 6X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Angina tonsillaris; eczema; endo-, myo- and pericarditis; empyema; mastitis puerperalis; osteomyelitis; otitis media; sinubronchitis; phlegmons; primary chronic polyarthritis.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 6X 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X

For more information refer to: Regis- tration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355 Please note: picture shows German labeling.

170 Cell Wall Deficient Forms (CWD) Not only Treatment Blocks, but also the Cause of Chronic Diseases, and Particularly Mitochondriopathies

by Iliane Zenzinger, Naturopath

Introduction microbial development is cyclical, patients. In the literature we often was the first to complete the cycle of find the term CWD replaced by “L- Any functional disorder of the mito- the “endobiont” in human and ani- form” or “L-phase of bacteria”, or by chondria, whether hereditary or ac - mal bodies and, in 1925, published “spheroplast”. quired, is referred to as a mitochon- his “Cyclogeny of Bacteria”. driopathy. Since 80% of modern Antibiotics provoke CWD lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, Prof. Max Taylor of the University of MS, Parkinson’s, CFS, ALS, crypto - British Columbia, Vancouver, Cana da, In 2009 Professor Martin Loessner pyrroluria, arthritis, colitis syndrome coined the concept “Serial Endo - (ETH Zürich) succeeded in breeding and fibromyalgia, have been recog- symbiosis Theory (SET)”. SET main- L-forms of Listeria with the aid of nised as mitochondriopathies, it is tains that all living creatures (bacte- antibiotics. These survived for days important to identify and eliminate ria, plants, animals) have developed inside macrophages and were able their triggers. On account of their as a result of symbiotic fusion (he to reproduce there, although - with- presence in cells within the body, calls it symbiogenesis). out a cell wall - they only have a cell often undetected, cell wall deficient membrane. For therapeutic purpos- Nowadays, for us it is an accepted pathogens (CWD) provoke the for- es it is of interest to know that CWD fact that on average about 1,500 mation of nitrogen monoxide (NO) cannot be detroyed by antibiotics. former proteobacteria, now known on an ongoing basis. This is one of On the contrary, their creation is trig- as mitochondria, inhabit the cells of the aggressive radicals and triggers gered by them (esp. Penicillin, Strep - our bodies. These migrated into nitrosative stress, which ends up by tomycin, Tetracycline, Chlor amphe - archæa thousands of millions of causing massive damage to the nicol, Sulphonamide), and thus they years ago. Only a few years ago, mitochondria. contribute to rendering an illness orthodox medicine’s dogma that chronic. Such CWDs cannot be Used judiciously, SANUKEHLS are blood is sterile collapsed. Prof. Dr. detected by the immune system, an effective treatment in combatting Lida Mattman of the University of because the cell wall is missing, and CWD, in combination with a reduc- Michigan, nominated in 1998 for the for the immune cells this serves as a tion of NO, and supplemented with Nobel Prize, was the first to publish recognition marker of the individual selected substances for repair of the in detail information regarding in - germs. It is only because of these mitochondria. traerythrocytary forms. She called cell wall constituents that immuno- them CWD Forms (cell wall deficient logical reactions are possible. The Discovery of CWD Forms forms), as they do not possess a Until British troops arrived on the Even back in the previous century, complete external cell membrane. Faeroe Islands (in 1939) MS was more than 100 researchers had dis- Mattmann managed to confirm an totally unknown there. However, covered microbes in the blood of observation of Prof. Enderlein’s, that from 1939 to 1959 one islander in chronically sick patients, especially these forms are able to revert to the every thousand contracted MS. At those with cancer, (even within ery- classic bacterial forms, depending the time the suspicion was raised throcytes) and, in some cases, had on the current state of the milieu. In that the illness had been “imported”, been able to trigger tumour formation particular high pH levels in the blood although it was not possible to by over-inoculation of these germs. favour the formation of CWD. Matt - demonstrate proof of any pathogen. Prof. Enderlein summarised these man also isolated spirochætes from David Wheldon discovered L-forms pieces of research, recognised that the cerebrospinal fluid of MS of chlamydia, calling them “cryptic

171 forms”, and he was able to identify can be. CWD show up well in dark- Rheumatoid Arthritis: BRUCELla them as the triggers of MS. Finally, in field microscopy as a “wafting flick- melitensis, Toxoplasma, Adeno viru - 2001 in Norway, L-forms of borrelia ering” in the erythrocytes, or as bac- ses, MYCobacteria, Borrelia, PROT - were found in cerebrospinal fluid. As teria (see Fig. 2). Wrongly they are eus mirabilis, Coxsackie viruses these can survive undetected for tolerated as “physiological”, so long Fibromyalgia: Herpes viruses, Cox - months in the body, the researchers as the patient is not suffering from sackie viruses, Clostridia, Cyto me - now realised why the search for bor- any complaints. relia antibodies had been unsuc- ga lovirus cessful up to that point. The Importance of the Glioblastoma/Glioma/Astrocytoma: SANUKEHLS Prof. Trevor Marshall of Murdoch Herpes University, Australia, found combina- In order to provide the body with the Tumours: tions of a very wide variety of ability to recognise such CWDs, the • Mammary carcinoma: pathogens (bacteria in L-form, virus- immune cells must be presented es, fungi) in all auto-immune dis- with parts of the missing cell wall. SERRAtia marcescens eases; these microbes provoke a This is achieved by means of hap- • Prostate cancer: latent inflammation in the body, tenes from the SANUM-Kehlbeck PSEUdomonas species, caused by TH1 cells. He issued an com pany, available as SANU KEHLS. SERRAtia marcescens, urgent warning against always blam- There are 13 different remedies to Escherichia COLI ing just one single pathogen. An match the various CWDs. The allo- investigation of healthy sports stu- cation to the individual germs may • Pharyngeal cancer: dents showed an astonishing result: be recognised from the second part STAPHylococci 30% of the subjects were “harbour- of the preparation’s name, e.g. • Cancer of colon/Liver metastases ing” CWD in their erythrocytes, most SANUKEHL Strep, SANUKEHL Klebs. KLEBSiellae, Clostridia commonly staphylococci and strep- Thus the choice assumes that there • Pancreatic cancer/Lymphoma tococci, as well as E. coli and has been a careful casetaking. The PROTeus (50%) chlamydia. Nonetheless, they exhib- SANUKEHLS offer the best possibil- ited no clinical symptoms. This is ity of rendering the CWDs de tec - • Lung cancer: why many therapists fail to recog- table by the immune system. MYCobacteria nise how dangerous CWD forms From the foregoing information regarding intracellular colonisation in The following viruses are found in healthy research subjects, and from the tumours as mentioned: Prof. Trevor Marshall’s statements, it • Liver cancer: Hepatitis C viruses may be seen that the SANUKEHLS, (95%) along with Isopathics, should always be employed in chronic cases, and • Sarcoma: retroviruses that we should always bear in mind • Cancer of colon: Adenoviruses a combination of various SA- (40%) Fig. 1: Normal blood NUKEHLS, in order to cover a wide spectrum of possible pathogens. • Lymphoma: EBV (50%) The following list contains the various • Nasopharyngeal cancer: various bacteria and viruses to be thought of viruses (100%) in various diseases; (the appropriate • Cervical cancer: HPV (80%) SANUKEHLS are al ready empha- sised in the name of the pathogen): • Thyroid cancer: various viruses (20-50%) Prostatitis: PSEUdomonas species, Escherichia COLI, KLEBSiellae, • Brain tumour: Herpes simplex/ Fig. 2: Erythrocytes with CWD forms. Cytomegalovirus zoster (30-40%)

172 But What Constitutes the Real NO is a Janus-faced molecule. It ful- Calcium homeostasis, apoptosis Danger of These CWD Forms? fils a wide variety of important func- (esp. of cancer cells) and the pro- tions in the body; however, if too duction of the pre-stage of all steroid The body attempts to eliminate the much of it is produced, it can act hormones. intracellular pathogens (CWDs), and to do so it makes use of certain destructively. It easily diffuses across mechanisms which may subse- all cell membranes. If there is a lack of quently give rise to problems. NO antagonists (such as B12), or de - fence systems (e.g. red. gluta thione), It is only by means of Nitrogen mo - the result is powerful nitrosative noxide (NO) that the body can anni- stress. Peroxynitrite, an extremely hilate all the intracellular bacteria, dangerous radical, is formed from likewise viruses, fungi and parasites NO plus peroxide; it can irreversibly (including cancer cells). Since NO inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory fulfils very many important functions, chain, or result in destruction of the Fig. 3: Mitochondria (Source: Wiki - its action times are of significance. mitochondria. In dying, these can pedia) Epithelial NO (eNO), which for in stance themselves become “radical bombs”, regulates blood pressure, erection or The mitochondria lie snugly side by damaging nearby mitochondria. In neurotransmission in the brain, only side and unprotected in the open this way, whole chain reactions can acts for a few seconds, and is thus cell plasma. (See Fig. 3). Particularly be set in motion. Prof. Martin Pall unable to cause any da mage such in cartilage, retina or myelin sheath (Washington State University, Institute as nitrosative stress. Mito chondrial they are susceptible to attack by free of Molecular Biology) calls this the NO (mNO) on the contrary, which radicals (oxidative stress) or NO “NO/ONOO cycle”. Quotation: “One the body re quires in order to destroy (nitrosative stress). This is why they example is Nitric oxide, which ele- tumour cells (inter alia for resolution have numerous defence systems at vates peroxynitrite, which in turn pro - of apoptosis), acts for days. Induced their disposal. motes oxidative stress, which cranks NO (iNO) to combat pathogens can up NF-kappa B, which in turn raises The body detoxifies these radicals act for months, thus causing devas- by means of manganese-containing tating damage to the metabolism. the production of indicatable Nitric peroxide dismutase or selenium-con - Almost all cells of the immune sys- oxide synthase (iNOS), which in turn taining glutathione peroxidase. Nowa - tem are capable of expressing iNO, raises the level of Nitric oxide. A real days many people suffer from a defi- but macrophages particularly so. vicious circle.” ciency of manganese, selenium, iNO is induced primarily via cyto kines Mitochondria coenzyme Q10 or glutathione, with such as TNF-␣, II-1 and interferon. It resultant damage to the mitochon- is employed to combat pathogens, On an average, one cell is inhabited and serves to deflect viruses, fungi, by 1,500 mitochondria; these divide dria. For example, an infection that is bacteria and parasites. Sadly the two every 4-5 days and have a life of c. assumed to be harmless, maybe with last-mentioned mutually provoke 10-12 days. Nerve, liver and heart CWD following administration of anti - each other. muscle cells may contain up to biotics, may progress to severe mito - chondrial damage because of the 10,000 mitochondria. 70% of the constant production of NO. Initially Nobel Prize for NO heart consists of mitochondria. The there is a detectable restriction of In 1992 NO was chosen by Science total surface of mitochondrial mem- steroid hormone production, often as “Molecule of the Year”. In 1998 branes, in which energy is produced wrongly interpreted as “me no pausal Furchgott, Ignarro and Murad were with the help of oxygen, amounts to problems” or latent depression. awarded the Nobel Prize, because more than 100,000 m2 (10 hec tares). these researchers had been able to That is 330 times the surface area of As the NO level rises, ATP produc- demonstrate the important function the gut which, with 300m2, is tion in the mitochondria drops, and of the NO molecule as a messenger already impressive in size. Mito chon - because of this patients feel tired substance, especially in cellular dria are responsible not only for the and lacking in energy. Frequently this com munication. production of ATP, but also for marks the onset of burn-out syn-

173 drome. Compelled by inadequate of the cervical spine can stimulate in the fresh air, which contains many ATP production, the body switches the production of NO for months on negatively charged ions (forest, sea- to glycolysis and produces too much end. How does this come about? side or mountains). It is sensible to lactic acid. Should the mitochondria The joint at the nape of the neck treat electromagnetic fields with shut down completely (which Dr. possesses the most propriorecep- respect, as these can change the Hein rich Kremer has recognised as tors, since it is a kind of sensory voltage conditions of the membrane, a protective shut-down to protect organ. It co-ordinates the axis of thus preventing optimum supply to the mitochondria), the cell switches vision, motor centre and speech the cell interior. over to “cancer cell mode”. centre. A Dens axis that is too UTILIN makes it easier for CWD mobile irritates the proprioreceptors, forms to leave the erythrocytes, thus Two Further Factors may Un- whereupon NO gas is released and initiating the process that Enderlein desirably Boost NO Production the mitochondria, especially those of called mochlolysis. (See Figs. 4-6) in the Body: the surrounding tissues are dam- aged. As a result of this, for exam- 1. Mobile Wireless Radiation ple, the oligodendrocytes of the Pulsed microwaves in the gigahertz myelin sheath are destroyed. The range, e.g. mobile phones, W-LAN, consequence of this may be MS. UMTS, TETRA, etc., cause the cre- Kuklinski noticed the elevated NO ation of NO gas in the cell, and this, gas content in the air exhaled by MS because of the increased require- patients and drew the correct con- ment, results in a shortage of anti- clusion: repair of the mitochondria oxidants, glutathione in particular. and treatment of the cervical spine Fig 4: Female patient with severe The level of malondialdehyde in the result in clear improvements. angina (bacilli in the swab): Erythrocytes polluted with CWDs. blood rises, which can be pinpoint- According to Kuklinski, reflux is al most ed as a marker of oxidative stress. always caused by an excess of NO. (Source: Pub-med, Med Pr. 2002; The gas causes a chronic extension 53(4):311-4. Polish. PMID: 12474410) of the cardiac sphincter muscle (œso - phageal sphincter), often with heart- 2. Trauma to the Cervical Spine burn as a consequence. This can be Prof. Bodo Kuklinski was the first to eliminated by giving a few ampoules recognise the connection between of Vitamin B12 SANUM, which trauma to the cervical spine and imme diately bonds with the NO. Fig. 5: Forms leaving the erythro- mitochondrial damage and the typi- Treatment cytes following injection of UTILIN cal mitochondriopathies resulting 6X. from it. According to Kuklinski, one The milieu is not solely defined by of the main causes of nitrosative pH level and redox potential. The cell stress is instability of the cervical membrane potential is a decisive spine, as “the most frequent unde- factor whether CWDs (but also tected damage in the human being”, viruses or pathogens with cell mem- caused by trauma to the cervical brane intact) are able to penetrate spine. Whiplash injuries are caused the cell interior. This should reach at not only by car accidents, but in least -70mV. Here any treatment large numbers by the recent high- makes sense which can raise the Fig. 6: Female ulcerative colitis risk sports such as inline skating, membrane potential, e.g. AN-DI patient; blood after three weeks’ snowboarding and ski-ing. A so- Energetic Corrector, as designed by dosing with UTILIN 6X, with pa tho - called unstable “dancing” Dens axis Prof. Rafael Saakian, or movement gens exiting the cells.

174 CWDs in Dairy Products evaluated by means of the “Vista Repair of the Mitochondria Flourlmager SI”. Thus it is almost Unless it comes from organic sources, Thus, in treating the patient, not only impossible to drink milk that is free milk should be avoided for the fol- must the building blocks of the of pathogens, given the large degree lowing reasons: over 80% of the of thorough mixing nowadays defence system be built up (gluta - cows suffer from chronic mastitis. because of milk collection by the thione, Q10, carnitine, omega-3-fatty Following administration of antibi- large dairy companies. acids, vit. B complex, manganese, otics they excrete CWD forms of a molybdenum, chromium, selenium, wide variety of germs for weeks. In zinc - Ed.), but substances must 2005 Dr. Hrska found CWD forms of Glutathione mycobacteria in 49% of samples of also be given which make repair of In the course of the treatment al - infant milk formula. In 2008 in the the mitochondria possible. Here we ready mentioned, it frequently hap- state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the must bear in mind the polyphenol pens that concomitant allergies also University of Bonn found chlamydia group (e.g. curcumin, OPC, sal- disappear. The balance of the TH1 in over 61% of dairy businesses. vestrol, catechins, quercetin etc.), and TH2 systems depends on the These cows also had enormous since a number of these can even glutathione level. Assisted by NO, amounts of Proteus, Coli, staphylo- the TH1 system combats all intracel- improve the transmission of elec- cocci and streptococci. Since lular pathogens, e.g. viruses, CWDs trons within the respiratory chain. chlamydia cannot produce any ATP (L-forms of bacteria) of chlamydia, of their own, they only reproduce Curcumin - an extract of turmeric - mycoplasma, fungi etc. Since the within the cell; because of the miss- can function more or less as a sub- body avoids inflicting damage on ing peptidoglycan layer in the cell stitute for the respiratory enzyme itself, it only produces as much NO membrane, their presence is very cytochrome C. In addition, cur cumin as the protection it enjoys from glu- hard to demonstrate, and impossi- also helps to economise on glu- tathione. If there is a glutathione ble if they are CWD forms. tathione by increasing the level of deficiency, it therefore switches over synthesis of reduced glutathione. It What was striking among the to the TH2 system (the TH1-TH2 researchers’ observations was, that switch). The TH2 system combats can intervene effectively at several it was precisely the animals who had the pathogens with antibodies. points in the vicious circle of tested negative whose milk showed However, the constant dominance NO/ONOO: Curcumin can also higher microbial counts. All samples of antibodies favours allergies and detoxify peroxide, thus preventing from vaginal secretion were first test- auto-immune diseases. the formation of dangerous peroxini- ed for Chlamydophila spp. by trite, even if a large amount of NO is means of real-time PCR genus-spe- The typical TH1 reaction - with NO - present. It also lowers the level of cific (external primers). The milk itself e.g. in viral illnesses, visible in the NF-kappa B and with it the induced was not examined, because vaginal fever, vasodilation (headache/lethar- production of NO - and this means secretion gives a more reliable proof. gy) is no longer possible. Indeed, In the event of positive proof the children who have had numerous that the vicious circle is broken. vaccinations resulting in TH2 domi- PCR product as received serves as Meanwhile, at Houston university, nance, are no longer able to pro- a matrix for the second round for Texas, over 400 studies have been investigation, the species-specific duce a fever. Glutathione is used in carried out on the anti-inflammatory PCR (internal primers). The proce- the body primarily by environmental and successful tumour-inhibiting dure is described in KALTENBOECK toxins (heavy metals, insecticides, action of curcumin. Depending on et al. (1997). So as to render the many medicines, esp. Paracetamol). the severity of the illness, 120-400 amplificates from the species-spe- We should avoid all medicines that cific PCRs visible, these were sepa- intervene in the mitochondrial meta - mg curcumin per 15 kg of body rated off electrophoretically, with a bolism, e.g. statins (they re duce the weight should be taken, in the form DNA size-marker, in an agarose gel, synthesis of coenzyme Q10), b- of a concentrated extract, and not stained with Ethidium bromide, and blockers or Enalapril. as powdered curcumin.

175 Typical Mitochondriopathies and lævorotatory lactic acid is produced, Therapeutic measures: correction of their Treatment and this increases the over-acidifica- the pH level, sparing dissolution of the fibrin with MUCOKEHL, and dis- See Fig. 7. tion of the body. Frequently severe nitrosative and oxidative stress pre- mantling of the CWD forms with a dominates. Laboratory parameters combination of Isopathics (NOTA - KEHL, QUNTAKEHL, GRIFOKEHL) Fibromyalgia such as homocystein are frequently and the appropriate SANUKEHLS. elevated, likewise LDH, citru llin, In dark-field microscopy we often Give CITROKEHL to improve the cell malondialdehyde and lipid peroxida- find CWDs, fibrin networks and respiration, and SANUVIS to break lumpy erythrocytes, or the so-called tion. Selenium, glu ta thione and vita- down the lactic acid. Blocking the “coin-roll shape”. As a result of the min D, on the other hand, are NO results in immediate pain reduc- shortage of ATP a large amount of depressed in most cases. tion, therefore give injections of Vi - tamin B12 SANUM (see also Fig. 8). Milieu Regulation

• Correction of pH level: 1 measuring-spoonful ALKALA N powder in Borreliosis the evenings before retiring, dissolved in hot water and sipped Chronic borreliosis indicates that the • Intestinal cleansing: FORTAKEHL 5X drops or tablets, depending on body is not producing enough NO testing, or 1 capsule 4X a day; plus 1 capsule SANPROBI daily. gas (e.g. as a result of glutathione deficiency) and thus is no longer Isopathic Basic Regulation: able to eliminate CWD forms, even • Fibrin reduction: MUCOKEHL 3X 1 suppository daily in the evening, though it can identify the borreliosis or an injection 1-2 times a week, depending on testing. with the aid of SANUKEHL Brucel. • Bacterial infestation: NOTAKEHL (See Fig. 9) • Viral infestation: QUENTAKEHL Case Example: Stimulation of Cell Respiration / Reduction of Pathological Lactic Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis • CITROKEHL and SANUVIS drops, or a mixed injection, together with CRP and Anti-CCP levels are often MUCOKEHL elevated, since fibrinogen is joining with citrullin (a product of NO break- Identification of CWDs for the Immune System down) to form citrullinated peptides • Appropriate SANUKEHLS: 8 drops once a day (4 drops sublingual - (CCP), which the body interprets as 4 drops massaged in) antigens. These are often easily visi- ble in dark-field microscopy as net- Immunomodulation: works or precipitation of filites. Thus antibody formation is induced and • Mochlolysis enables CWDs to exit the cells: UTILIN 6X (1/2 - 1 cap- sule a week) the auto-immune reaction is set in motion. Acute NO Reaction / Pain Control Nora D., an 18-month-old girl with • Binding of NO: Vitamin B12 SANUM (initially at least 1-2 ampoules a most severe systemic juvenile chronic week) arthritis. Bouts of fever up to 40°C, painful swelling of the feet, pro- Repair of Mitochondria: nounced symptoms of Cushing’s • SELENOKEHL, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B12 SANUM, Calypso® syndrome with a moon-face, skin (Tremedici Co.) eruptions over large areas.

Fig. 7: Basic treatment plan in the event of CWD infestation and mitochon- Orthodox treatment: antibiosis with driopathy Cefotaxim and Meropenem - unsuc-

176 The parents were thrown by this and • ALKALA N powder: 1 measuring-spoonful in the evenings before came to me for information regar - retiring, dissolved in hot water and drunk. ding alternatives. (See Fig. 10.) • Treatment by injection: MUCOKEHL, SANUVIS and CITROKEHL. Injection once weekly, or once a day 1 MUCOKEHL 3X suppository. Laboratory test results: Hb 6.4 g/dl, CRP: 15-26 mg/dl, leucocytes: • Repair of mitochondria: SELENOKEHL, ZINKOKEHL, Vit. B complex, 30,000-48,000/µl, thrombocytes: Vitamin B12 SANUM (1 injection once a week), Calypso® (Tremedici 835,000/µl, liver readings elevated; Co.) initially 1 capsule per 15kg body weight. evidence of Streptococcus pneumo- Fig. 8: Fibromyalgia treatment niae; in dark-field microscopy, high degree of infestation with CWDs and • Basic plan for CWDs and Mitochondriopathy, plus fibrin meshes. • SANUKEHL Brucel 6X, 8 drops once a day, or injection After three weeks there was a clear improvement to be seen, with re - • NOTAKEHL, 1 injection 2-3 times a week duction of the skin eruption; Corti - • To raise NO whilst protecting Glutathion, and to repair the mitochon - sone and painkillers could be re - ® dria: 3-6 capsules of Calypso (Tremedici Co.) daily. duced. A period without Metho- trexate was tried, and when this Fig. 9: Treatment plan for borreliosis passed successfully, gradually all the other medication was phased out. • NOTAKEHL suppository every other day, alternating with SANKOMBI For two years now she has been 5X drops, 2-3 drops once a day completely symptom-free. • SANUKEHL Staph 6X and SANUKEHL Strep 6X in daily alternation, ® 2 drops. 1 capsule of Calypso (Tremedici Co.) per 15kg body weight Bibliography Fig. 10: PCP Treatment Plan Dr. P. Halama: Infection 29, Pp. 315-319, 2001. Kuklinski, B.: Das HWS-Trauma [= Trauma of the Cervical Spine], 4th Edn., 2009. cessful. Ibuprofen®, 260 mg a day, of “the unsatisfactory therapeutic sit- ® L.H. Mattman: Cell Wall Deficient Forms - Methotrexate 2mg (per week), 10- uation, a more intensive course of Stealth Pathogens, CRC Press, 2001. ® 18 mg Decortin a day; for immuno- treatment with Anakinra”. They de - Martin Pall: Cobalamin used in chronic fatigue suppression the child was given syndrome therapy is a Nitric oxide scavenger. clined this, likewise an attempt at J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. 8(2): Pp. 39-44, Cell cept® and as a TNF-blocker Eta - chemotherapy (Cyclo pho spha mide®). 2001. ® nercept (Enbrel). Despite this med- Müller, Kemmerling, Sauerwein, Bonn Uni - ication the child was suffering with At this point the parents informed versity. Chlamydieninfektionen bei Milchvieh, [= Chlamydia infection in dairy cattle], Re - the complaints described above, the the Clinic that they wanted to give search report 135, 2008. pain could not be controlled. The lit- Natural Medicine a try. Thereupon tle girl was crying and whimpering the doctor, disgruntled by this, sug- First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (95/2011) almost all day long. gested trying Contergan, which © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • After two years, the University Clinic meanwhile was being used again in 27318 Hoya • Germany suggested to the parents, on ac count the treatment of chronic arthritis. All Rights Reserved.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice Pleo® Chelate Drops Liquid dilution for oral intake. of the physician or health care professional. It’s a mineral and trace elements preparation made of Sodium edetate 2X, hydrogen peroxide 2X, e following dosage forms are available: 100 ml dropper bottle. magnesium sulphate 2X, potassium chloride 2X, sodium chloride 2X. For more information refer to: Registration as According to experience, to be administered in cases of: medical expert group required for full access to information.

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177 Statistical Evaluation of an Application Study with the preparation SANUKEHL Brucel 6X Drops

by Dr. Reiner Heidl

1. Introduction In line with the study’s set-up, only between 31 and 40 (11.4%) and 51 descriptive statistical methods were and 60 (13.3%) were also of compa- A total number of 105 patients in used. The application of inductive rable sizes. In the group between 61 four medical practices, one special- methods was not indicated. An and 70 were 7.6% of the patients. ising in internal medicine, one in sur- “intention-to-treat“ evaluation was No patient was older than 70 years. gery and two in general medicine, carried out, which means that all The males with an average age of participated between March 1992 those patients who had at least 39.6 ± 18.4 were on average 14 and September 2000 in an applica- received one dosage of the medica- years older than the females with tion study with the preparation ment were included in the study. 25.6 ± 18.2 years. SANUKEHL Brucel 6X drops. Height varied between 100 and 189 The homeopathic test preparation, 2. Participating Patients cm with an average height of 157.5 SANUKEHL Brucel, consists exclu- 105 patients participated in the ± 23.0 cm and weight was between sively of Brucella melitensis e volu- study which comprised of 48 males 14 and 99 kg with an average mine cellulae in the 6th decimal (45.7%) and 57 females (54.3%). weight of 60.5 ± 21.0 kg. potency. The age of the patients varied The aim of this application study between 4 and 70 years, with an 2.1 Diagnosis and Accompany- was to determine the actual applica- average age of 32.0 and a standard ing Diseases tion of the preparation as well as its deviation of 19.6 years. Almost the tolerance under the day to day con- same number of patients was in the The diagnosis leading to the pre- ditions of a normal practice. It was groups under 12 years (21.0%), scription was to be entered in the also of importance to determine the between 13 and 20 (22.9%) and study protocol. It showed that acceptance of the preparation on between 41 and 50 (20.0%). In the SANUKEHL Brucel 6X, according to the market, especially amongst group between 21 and 30 were only Isopathy, is used in a very wide children. 3.8% of the patients. The groups application range. The main indica- tions were headache and migraine with children and adults alike, addi- tional belly-ache and intermittent fever with children and arthritis and lumbar spine syndrome with adults. A diagnosis was made before the start and at the end of the therapy. Ac companying therapies were to be documented in the evaluation form. In order to obtain a measure of chronic diseases, the patients were asked in the study protocol how long they had endured the disease or complaints. Time frames were given of less than six months, up to one year, up to three years and more

178 than three years. 15.5% of the and another large group of 34.0% months, 52.4% between six and 12 patients had suffered complaints for for 12 months. The existence of the months and only 19% for more than less than six months. The largest complaints was shifted more in the 36 months. A suffering period of group with 38.8% of the patients direction of acute conditions in the over 36 months was especially pro- suffered for more than 36 months, under 12 patients. 28.6% of these nounced in 43.9% in the adult group 11.7% between one and three years patients suffered for less than six of patients over 12 years. Only 12.2% of these patients suffered from acute complaints with a duration of up to six months, 29.3% between six and 12 months and 14.6% between 12 and 36 months.

3. Dosage and Duration of Treat ment 3.1 Time of Consultation, Dura- tion of Treatment According to the nature of an appli- cation study, the physicians were not given a preset time limit for the final patient assessment. The final examinations were conducted after a period of 11 to 369 days, with an average of 136.0 ± 159.2 days. Amongst the children (< 12 years) the therapy lasted on average 69.2 ± 104.7 days and was approximate- ly 60% shorter compared with the adult group with 181.5 ± 165.3 days. The differentiated evaluation within specific therapy periods allows for a clear picture. It reveals that amongst the children (< 12 years) the therapy duration under 25 days was clearly in the foreground (72.7%) of all pa tients. Amongst the adults, the largest group was the Duration of Total patient Patients Patients one with more than 150 therapy complaints population < 12 years > 12 years days (47.0%) and only 33.7% were (months) (%) (%) (%) treated for up to 25 days.

< 6 15.5 28.6 12.2 3.2 Dosage

< 12 34.0 52.4 29.3 The dosage was set as follows, ac - cording to the patient information < 36 11.7 0.0 14.6 leaflet: Oral application: for acute condi- > 36 38.8 19.0 43.9 tions: 5-10 drops (every 12 to 24

179 hours); for chronic conditions: 10 applicable with external application, “good“, “moderate“ or “no effect“. drops every second day. as the external application in mono - The physicians were also requested therapy was only applied in the chil- External application: Every 1-2 days, to evaluate patient compliance with dren group and this would make a 5 - 10 drops on the affected area or “very good“, “good“, “moderate“ or wrong impression compared with in the cubital fossa. “non-compliant“. The evaluation of the adult group. efficacy showed that 40.0% of the After eight weeks, the therapy should patients thought efficacy to be “very be discontinued for several months. 4. Comparison with Former good“ and “good“, whilst 17.1% Therapy 99 patients took the drops orally and assessed the efficacy with “moder- 53 patients were treated externally. No patient underwent previous ate“ and 2.9% with “no effect“. The Multiple counts were necessary, as treatment with Sanukehl Brucel 6X results of the physicians’ evaluation 48 patients were treated orally and drops in the past five years and, for efficacy were similarly positive as additionally externally. The following therefore, a comparison concerning that of the patients. In 45.7% of the table states the medium dosage of efficacy and tolerance between first- cases physicians assessed efficacy the application forms. The drops are time and repeated application users with “very good“, 32.4% with related to the daily oral intake or was superfluous. “good“, 20.0% with moderate and external application respectively. 1.9% with “no effect“. The evalua- 5. Efficacy and Tolerance The recommended dosage was tion by physicians and patients alike taken. In the group under 12 years, 5.1 Evaluation of Efficacy by was according to tendency signifi- the drops for oral application were Doc tor and Patient cantly better in the adult’s group dosed according to age. The medi- In a closing assessment, physicians than in the children’s group. In the um dose in monotherapy was 40% and patients were asked to evaluate children group the indication “inter- higher than that in the combination efficacy and tolerance. Efficacy could mittent fever“ stood clearly in the therapy. This comparison is not be assessed with “very good“, foreground. The moderate evalua-

Total Population Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 11.1 ± 5.7 4 20 Drops (topical) 6.3 ± 2.6 5 15

All Patients < 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 8.0 ± 2.2 4 10 Drops (topical) 5.0 ± 0.0 55

All Patients > 12 Years Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 11.9 ± 6.1 4 20 Drops (topical) 6.7 ± 2.9 5 15

Monotherapy / Combination Therapy (Total Population) Medium dose Minimum dose Maximum dose Drops (oral) 12.8 ± 5.8 4 20 Monotherapy Drops (topical) 9.2 ± 5.0 4 20 Combitherapy Drops (oral) 5.0 ± 0.0 55Monotherapy Drops (topical) 6.4 ± 2.7 5 15 Combitherapy

180 tion of efficacy is possibly due to the rated tolerance to be “very good“, the indication borreliosis. The do - fact that the application of the test whilst 35.2% of patients and 39.0% sage was 1x daily 8 drops orally. In preparation did not lead to a rapid of physicians gave SANUKEHL the anamnesis, further diagnoses reduction of fever. However, this is Brucel 6X a “good“ tolerance rating. were hypertension, Raynaud syn- not the claim of the test preparation. 5.7% rated with “moderate“ and one drome and chronic diarrhoea. Addi - patient (1.0%) rated with “poor“. The tional to the test preparation, the Compliance (N=102) was assessed physicians rated no case with “mo - by the physicians to be “very good“ patient was treated with MUCO - derate“ and 1.0% with “poor“. for 51 patients and “good“ for 33 KEHL, SANUVIS and RECARCIN patients, hence 80% of all patients In the adult’s group over 12 years, injections. Always one day after a participating in the study were given patients and physicians rated toler- MUCOKEHL injection, he suffered a “good“ or “very good“ compliance ance with “very good“ and “good“ from nausea, palpitations, tachycar- rating. 17 patients were given a and a little better in the direction dia, sweating, trembling, weakness, “moderate“ and one patient a “non- “very good“ than that of the age chill and depression. The physician compliant“ rating. group under 12 years. In the younger rated the frequency with “now and age group, the evaluation was shift- then“ and the intensity with “light“. 5.2 Evaluation of Tolerance by ed from “very good“ to “good“ and As it was stated in the evaluation Doctor and Patient no case was rated with “moderate“ form that the side effects occurred At the conclusion of the study, an or “poor“. one day after administration of a fur- evaluation of tolerance was submit- ther preparation, it is uncertain if this 5.3 Side Effects and Disconti- ted by the physicians and patients, can be plainly connected with the nuation of the Therapy whereby an assessment of “very test preparation. Exclusively for this good“, “good“, “moderate“ and The therapy with SANUKEHL Brucel patient the tolerance was rated with “poor“ could be chosen. 58.1% of 6X was discontinued after seven “no effect“ by the patient and physi- patients and 60.0% of physicians days with one 54-year-old male with cian alike.

Evaluation of Efficacy Patient Group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate No effect Very good Good Moderate No effect All patients 40.0 40.0 17.1 2.9 45.7 32.4 20.0 1.9 < 12 years 20.0 65.0 5.0 10.0 30.0 25.0 35.0 10.0 > 12 years 45.8 34.9 18.1 1.2 50.6 34.9 14.5 0

181 6. Summary Amongst the children (< 12 years) dosed according to age. The medi- the therapy lasted on average 69.2 um dose in monotherapy was 40% A total number of 105 patients in ± 104.7 days and was approximate- higher than that in the combination four medical practices, one special- ising in internal medicine, one in sur- ly 60% shorter compared with the therapy. This comparison is not gery and two in general medicine, adult group with 181.5 ± 165.3 applicable with the external applica- participated between March 1992 days. The differentiated evaluation tion, as external application in and September 2000 in an applica- within specific therapy periods monotherapy was only applied in the tion study with the preparation allows for a clear picture. It reveals children group and this would make SANUKEHL Brucel 6X drops. The that amongst the children (< 12 a wrong impression compared with homeopathic test preparation, SA - years) the therapy duration under 25 the adult group. days was clearly in the foreground NUKEHL Brucel, consists exclusive- The therapeutic progress was deter- (72.7%) of all patients. Amongst the ly of Brucella melitensis e volumine mined by evaluations conducted at adults, the largest group was the cellulae in the 6th decimal potency. the beginning and the end of the one with more than 150 therapy SANUKEHL Brucel 6X was used in a therapy. 80.0% of the patients and days (47.0%) and only 33.7% were very broad application range in 78.1% of the physicians rated effica- treated for up to 25 days. accordance with Isopathy, whereby cy of the therapy with “very good“ the main indications were headache 99 patients took the drops orally and and “good“. The evaluation by and migraine with children and adults 53 patients were treated externally. physician and patient was according alike, additional belly-ache and inter- Multiple counts were necessary, as to tendency much better in the mittent fever with children and arthri- 48 patients were treated orally and adult’s than in the children’s group. tis and lumbar spine syndrome with additionally externally. The recom- For 80.0% of all patients participat- adults. Accompany ing therapies mended dosage was taken. In the ing in the study, compliance was were to be documen ted in the eva - group under 12 years, the drops for certified to be “good“ or “very luation form. oral and external application were good“.

Evaluation of Tolerance Patient group Patients’ evaluation [%] Doctors’ evaluation [%] Very good Good Moderate Poor Very good Good Moderate Poor All patients 58.1 35.2 5.7 1.0 60.0 39.0 0 1.0 < 12 Years 40.0 60.0 0040.0 60.0 00 > 12 Years 61.4 30.1 7.2 1.2 63.9 34.9 0 1.2

 

182 58.1% of patients and 60.0% of with one 54-year-old male with the bling, weakness, chill and depres- physicians rated tolerance to be “very indication borreliosis. The dosage sions. A definite connection with the good“, whilst 35.2% of patients and was 1x daily 8 drops orally. In the test preparation cannot be estab- 39.0% of physicians gave SANU - anamnesis, further diagnoses were lished, as the reaction always oc - KEHL Brucel 6X a “good“ tolerance hypertension, Raynaud syndrome curred exclusively after administration rating. 5.7% of the patients rated and chronic diarrhoea. Additional to of the additional preparation. ᮀ with “moderate“ and one patient the test preparation, the patient was (1.0%) rated with “poor“ The physi- treated with MUCOKEHL, SANUVIS cians rated no case with “moderate“ and RECARCIN injections. Always First published in the German language in the SANUM-Post magazine (98/2012) and 1.0% with “poor“. one day after a MUCOKEHL injec- © Copyright by Semmelweis-Institut GmbH • The therapy with SANUKEHL Brucel tion, he suffered from nausea, palpi- 27318 Hoya • Germany 6X was discontinued after seven days tations, tachycardia, sweating, trem- All Rights Reserved.

Mucokehl® 5X Drops

Liquid dilution for oral intake and rubbing in.

It’s a fungal preparation made of Mucor racemosus e volumine cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 5X.

According to experience, to be administered in cases of: Chronic, latent and acute in rmities of the vascular system, such as thromboses, embolism, post-infarct processes, angina pectoris, circulatory disorders and disturbed healing of wounds, such as smoker’s leg, diabetic gangrene, neurodermatitis, venous diseases, such as varicosity, hemorrhoids, ssure ani; glaucoma; inammatory diseases of the organs and the connective tissue in the small pelvis, such as endometritis, prostatitis, colitis syndrome, diverticulitis, prostate adenoma; precancero- ses; lymphostasis; chronic pain syndrome.

Application and duration of treatment is depending on the advice of the physician or health care professional.

e following dosage forms are available: 10 ml dropper bottle 5X, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 5X, 6X, 7X, 10 suppositories 3X, 20 capsules 4X, 20 tablets 5X, 30 g tube of ointment 3X, 5 ml eye drops 5X , 10 single use vials eye drops 5X (preservative-free).

For more information refer to: Registration as medical expert group required for full access to information.

Sanum Please note: picture shows German labelling. GmbH & Co. KG, Remedy production D- 27316 Hoya · Postfach 1355

183 Semmelweis-Institut Verlag für Naturheilkunde GmbH Hasseler Steinweg 9 27318 Hoya, Germany phone: +49-42 51-93 52-394 fax: +49-42 51-93 52-291 e-mail: [email protected]