I. ABSTRACT bro argiiloso Caparo de la formacioii Tal­ Twenty-four species of ostracodes are paro de Trinidad (Piioceno). La parte recorded from the Siqwre, Tuy and supenor de la formaci6n Siquire se cor­ Cumaca formations of the State of Mir· nda relaciona con la parte superior de la forma­ and from the Guiria Formation of the State ciOn Talparo; Ia formaci6n Tuy y la Unidad of Sucre. Three new species are dt· E de Ia formaciOn Guiria superior se ponen scribed: Cytheridea? purperae. Callzs con reserva en el Pleistocene. tocythe1·e? macsotayi and Xestoleberis be

mudezi. The lower Siquire Formation C" II. INTRODUCTION correlated with the lowermost unit (Unit J I One of the fruslralmg problems for a of the Guiria Formation and with the Cap paleontologist is the dating of Cenozoic aro clay member of the Talparo Formatim fresh or brackish water deposits. They of Trinidad (Pliocene). The upper Siquire often contain only endemic, and special­ Formation is correlated with the upper ized. environmentally controlled faunas. Talparo Formation, and the Tuy Forma They are usually not overlain by datable tion and UnitE of the Guiria Formation are younger sediments and often overlie much tentatively assigned to the Pleistocene. older deposits unconformably. Withm the Region there are several exam­ RESUMEN ples, including in Venezuela, the Siquire, En las formaciones Siquire, Tuy y Cumaca and Tuy Formations of Miranda Cumaca del Eslado de Miranda yen Ia f01-­ (Picard and Pimentel, 1968), and the maci6n Guiria del Estado Sucre se regis­ Guiria Formation of Sucre (Macsotay. tran veinticuatro especies de ostnicodos. 1976); and in Hispaniola, the Jimani For­ Aqui se describen tres especies nuevas· mation of the Hoya de Enriquillo and its Cytheridea? purperae. "' equivalents in the Cul-de-Sac continuation macsowyi y Xestoleberis bennudezi. La (Bold. 1975). In Brasil, Ivone Purper (1977, p arte inferior de la formaci6n Siquire se 1979) encountered a similar situation with correlaciona con Ia parte inferior (Unidad the Pebas Formation of the upper Amazon J ) de Ia Formacion Guiria y con el miem· basin. as did Sheppard and Bale (1980) m

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE FOR THIS PAPER: RICH ARD M. FORESTER. United Statl'S Gcolog1cal Surve~·- Den\·er. Colorado JOSEPH E. HAZEL. Amoco Production and Research. Tulsa. Oklahoma MERVIN KONTROVITZ. No1·theastern Louisiana Uni\·ersity,l\1onroe. Louisiana

141 142 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleo11tology Vol. 19

Colombia and Peru. In Colombia I have conformity (Picard and Pimentel, 1968). found the dating of the so-called '·Cham­ Dr. C. Beck (University of Lille, France) zone" in the upper Magdalena Valley of sent me samples of the Siquire Formation, the department of Huila equally difficult. which were taken along a section about 2 Additional problems may occur when km long, running from aboutl km south of foraminifer and ostracode-rich unconsoli­ Sta. Teresa to the north-northwest (Text­ dated sediments are reworked into lacus­ Fig. 1). From the late Dr. P. J. Bermudez trine environment. where the fauna con­ I received a sample from the Tuy Forma­ sists of very thin-shelled and fragile tion (Picard and Pimentel, 1968. p. 284). species, which are destroyed in sample Dr. Bermttdez also furnished a sample of preparation. I recently encountered this in the Cumaca Formation, which is the sup­ the Neogene of the Camp Perrin Basin of posed equivalent of the Siquire Formation southern Haiti, where the fresh water in the Lower Tuy-Barlovento basin ostsracodes disintegrate completely on (Picard and Pimentel, 1968). washing so that the residue contains only In the Siquire Formation (Table I) the well preserved (but reworked) marine most common ostracodes are species of forms. A similar situation is present in the Darwinula and Limnocythere, usually Llanos region of Ecuador where Cretace­ characteristic of ephemeral or permanent ous planktonic foraminifera have been re­ lakes. Many of the freshwater ostracodes deposited in Tertiary fresh and brackish are represented only by casts with occa­ water sediments (Tschopp, 1953). The re­ sionally adherent parts of shell material; sult of all this is that specialists on different thus, generic determinations are some­ groups of fossils will inevitably come to to­ what uncertain and specific determina­ tally different conclusions about the age tions unreliable. Only two samples show a and environment of such sediments. more diverse fauna which, in addition to The purpose of this paper is to discuss fresh water forms, also contains some the biostratigraphic distribution of the os­ (probably) brackish water CythNacea. It is tracodes of the Siquire, Cumaca, Tuy and especially in these samples that shell male­ Guiria formations and their relations to rial is slightly thicker and, therefore. partly faunas from Trinidad and Hispaniola. The or even completely preserved. results of the study are at variance with In the lower part of the Siquire Forma­ previous paleontological interpretations. tion (Samples 858-886) the fauna is domi­ nated by LimnocytheTe sp. I and 3. Sample III. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 885 yielded Danninula sp. aff. D. oiivencae I am indebted to Christian Beck (Univer­ Purper, Pseudocandona? sp. and Lim­ sity of Lille, France) and Oliver Macsolay nocythere sp. 3, as well as Cyrheridea? (Universidad de Oriente, Cumana, Ven­ TohTi (Bold, 1963). which is known from the ezuela) for providing the samples on which Talparo Formation of Trinidad and the this study is based. I dedicate this paper to Guiria Formation of the Paria peninsula the late Pedro BermUdez, who also con­ (Bold in Macsolay, 1968, p. 64: Bold. 1972, tributed material. I wish to thank R. M. Table 2). The uppe r part of the Siquire Formation Forester for the numerous notations made (samples 890-952) is characterized by Lim­ in reviewing the manuscript; I have fol­ nocythere sp. 2. Sample 898 contains. in ad­ lowed many of his suggestions. dition to Stenocyphs? sp. and Heterocyp­ ris? sp .. also Cy1.heridella boldi Pw·per. IV. MATERIAL STUDIED Cythehclea? rohri (Bolcli and Cyrhericlea:' ptn·perae n. sp. Conspicuous in this sample BASIN OF SANTA LUCIA - OCUMARE is the absence of Darwin ulo. and Lim­ DELTUY HOCythere. which suggests an inte n-uption In this basin (Estado Miranda) two for­ of lacustrine deposition by a brackish mations are present, which have yielded a water invasion. Cytheridella boldi is living small number of fresh and brackish water in Lago d e Valencia (T ext-fig. 1). and has ostracodes. The Siquire Formation uncon­ been found as a fossil In the Jimani Forma­ formably overlies metamorphic rocks and tion of Hispaniola (Bold. 1975) and in the underlies the Tuy Formation with local un- upper part of the Talparo Formation of No.3 Venezuelan Neogene Ostracoda 143

Trinidad (M. Dempsey, Texaco Trinidad, Gutentag and Benson (1962), originally de­ letter and material, 1972. scribed from the Pleistocene of Kansas Bermudez' sample (VB-2) from the and subsequently reported from the upper Cumaca Formation (Bold, 1972, p. 1012) Las Salinas Formation and the Jimani For­ only contains Limnocythere staplini mation of Hispaniola (Bold, 1975), late

kilometer~ I ' I \ ' I \ ' ' I \ ' \ ' I \ ' ' I \ ' ' I \ ' ' I ' '

0 10 '---'------' kilometers

CPO, Carlo. Sect lSU

Text-fig. 1. Map of the study area. Vol. 144 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology 19 Pliocene or Pleistocene in age. In North (Bold), Perissocytheridea subrugosa America this species is found in lakes in (Brady), P. cytheridellaformis Forester, which the water is enriched in Na, Mg, Ca, Cativella pulleyi Teeter, Bassle>·ites S02, and Cl, and depleted in HC03 (Fores­ minutus Bold, Loxoconcha levis Brady, ter , 1983), which suggests that similar con­ Callistocythere? macsotayi n. sp., and Xes­ ditions may have been present in the tolebe,·is bemtudezi n. sp. The Cativella Cumaca lake(s). and Bnsslerites species are marine for ms The Bermudez sample from the Tuy with a fairly long stratigraphic range in the Formation (VB-1, Bermudez, 1966, p. 344; Neogene. Cytheridea? 'rohri occurs in the Bold, 1972, p. 1012) contains Darwinula sp. Caparo and Chin-Chin clay members of aff. D. olivencae Purper, Pseudocandona? the Talparo Formation. Perissocytheridea sp., Ostracode sp., Limnocythere sp. 4, and subntgosa is known from Pliocene to Re­ Cytheridea? purpem n. sp. , the latter also cent in the Greater Antilles and Trinidad, occurring in the Siquire and Guiria Forma­ whereas the other brackish water species tions. P. cythericlellafonnis has been found so far The fauna of the lower "brackish water" only in the upper Las Salinas Formation of intercalation of the Siquire Formation (885) Hispaniola (Cyp,·ideis salebrosa zone, late correlates well with the brackish-marine Pliocene - Recent). Cyp1·ideis similis has lower part of the Guiria Formation (Unit J the same range as C. salebTosa. of Macsotay, 1968, p. 55) and the brackish Loxoconcha levis is known from Pliocene water parts of the Talparo Formation to Recent brackish water deposits in the (Table 1). The upper "brackish water" in­ Caribbean; it occurs throughout the Tal­ tercalation (898) is somewhat similar in para Formation, except the Sum-Sum fauna to the upper part of the Guiria For­ sand member (Table 1). mation (Unit E of Macsotay, 1968, p. 56), In the Caribbean the brackish water which lacks, however, Cytheridea rohri, Pliocene can be subdivided into a late and and to the fresh water upper part of the early division on the basis of the presence Talparo Formation. According to this evi­ or absence of Cyprideis salebrosa and C. dence the Siquire Formation should be of similis. The boundary should lie close to late Pliocene age. This is in complete dis­ that of the zones N 18 and N 19 of the agreement with other investigators, who planktonic foraminiferal zonation (Bold, assigned it an early to middle Miocene age 1983). In this scheme the upper Las Salinas (Picard and Pimentel, 1968; Macsotay, Formation and most of the Talparo Forma­ 1968). The Tuy Formation (also without tion, as well as the lower part of the Guiria Cytheridea rahri) could be contemporane­ Formation belong to the late Pliocene. ous with the upper part of the Guiria For­ Macsotay (1968), in contrast, places all of mation and of late Pliocene to early Pleis­ the Guiria Formation in the Pleistocene. tocene age. This is still much younger than The regional and local brackish water os­ Macsotay's conclusion of a late Miocene to tracode zonation of the P liocene of Pliocene age. Trinidad is shown in Text-fig. 2, which is PART A PENINSULA based on Bold (1963), with additions by M. From the Guiria Formation (State of Dempsey (Texaco Trinidad, Company re­ Sucre I I have only two samples that port, 1972). Here a lso the position of the yielded ostracodes. One (496a), collected C.? rohri zone is indicated. by Bermudez from the base of Macsotay's The other sample was collected by Mac­ Unit J, 4-5 m above the base of the forma­ sotay from his Unit E (42-45 m above the tion (Macsotay, 1968, p. 56), contains Cyp­ base of the Guiria Formation) and contains rideis similis (Brady), Cythe>·idea? rohri a fresh water fauna (except for the inclu-

Table 1: Distribution of Ostracoda in northeastern Venezuela (Tuy, Cumaca, Siquire and Guiria formations), northern Trinidad (Chin Chin, Sum Sum, Caparoi and Durham mem­ bers of the Talparo Formatiuons), the upper (Pebas Formation) and the Enriquillo basin in Hispaniola (Jimani and Las Salinas formations). > z .-- 0 ~ a ""0 0 ncnn CD .., -· C ..!) -· U> 3 c c ::r Gl n c--< Ul c- ~ "0 3 :;· c c "' ::r c 3 '< £.. :e. a c Q (/') n c :;· c;· (X) CXl(X) CXl(X) '()'()'() 3 0 c ::r "" (X) (X) 0.0.I ro oo OOtn c 3 :;· (X) 00'() " a "' tno. 000 0"'"' ~ m t:D "'"' .--c 1- 1- 1-1- -- f- f- f.- Darwinula sp. aH. D. frogilis Purper 1- llyocypris sp. f- Stenocypris? sp . f- f.- Heterocyrpris? sp. -<: f- 1- f.- Condone sp. 1 "' 1- Ostracode sp. ""'N 1- - Limnocythere sp 1 "~ § - f- ltmnocythere sp. 2 t-- r-f- ~ Limnocythere sp. 3 0 '0 - Ltmnocythere sp 4 "' 1- Limnocythere stop/im Gutentag and Benson ~ f- c- f- C ythendella bo/di Purper ;? t- t- 1- t-- t- Cytheridea rohri (Bold) ~ f- 0 f- 1- Cytheridea purperoe n sp. "- f- 1- Cypno aequo/icc Sheppard and Bate " f- Potamocypris sp t-- f- Perissocytherideo :ytheridellaformis Forester t--1- f- - t-- Perissocytheridea subrugoso (Brody) t-1- 1- f- t- Cyprideis simili;) (Brady) f- Cal/istocythere? macsotoyi n. sp. t- Cat1vel/o pulleyi Teeter t--t-1- t- f- Bosslerites minutus Bold I-- 1- t-- t- Loxoconcho levis Brady r I-- Xestolebens bermudezi n. sp :;;: "' 146 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 19 sion of Cytheridea purperae n. sp.) Dar­ Therefore, it is quite possible that C:' winula sp. aff. D. olivencae Purper, rohri is eliminated in low salinities that Potamocypris sp. , Cypria aequalica Shep­ were tolerated by C? purperae in the upper pard and Bate, and Heterocypris? sp. Cyp­ part of the Guiria Formation, whereas in ria aequalica ( = Cypria? sp. 2, Purper, the Talparo Formation salinity may have 1979) was described from the Pebas For­ been excessive for C? purperae. Howeve' mation of the upper Amazon basin. Tenta­ if we assume that the two species are ind tive age assignments of the Pebas Forma­ cative of more or less the same degree J tion generally agree on a late Pliocene to salinity (after all, they do occur together in Pleistocene age, (Purper, 1979, Sheppard the same sample) and that, therefore, their and Bate, 1980). Cytheridea? purperae is presence or absence is stratigraphically known from the Siquire and Tuy Forma­ significant, a tentative correlation between tion and is probably closely related to the Northern basin of Trinidad, the Faria species from the upper Amazon basin (see Peninsula and the Sta. Lucia-Ocumare del Systematic Descriptions). Tuy basin, as shown in Text-fig. 3, would appear plausible. V. DISCUSSION The position of the Cytheridea? rohri VI. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS zone in Trinidad (Text-fig. 2) in the late Types and illustrated specimens have Pliocene puts some restrictions on the been deposited in the H. V. Howe collec­ stratigraphic position of Unit J of the tions, Louisiana State University, Baton Guiria Formation and the whole of the Rouge: HVH nos. 10750-10789. Siquire Formation. The fact that C? rohri and C? purperae occur together in th~ Subclass OSTRACODA Latreille, 1806 Upper Siquire Formation may indicate Order Muller, 1894 that this part of the formation is slightly Suborder PODOCOPINA Sars, 1866 older than UnitE of the Guiria Formation, Superfamily DARWINULACEA Brady where only the latter species is found. Unit and Norman, 1889 E may be more or less contemporaneous Family DARWINULIDAE Brady and Nor­ with the Tuy Formation. However, we man, 1889 know very little about environmental pre­ Genus DARWINULA ferences of C? purpeTae and its upper Brady and Robertson, 1885 Amazon relatives. It may conceivably have DAHWINULA sp. aff. D. OLIVENCAE lived in an almost pure fresh water envi­ Pur per ronment and thereby have been a tropical Plate 1, fig. 1 equivalent of the boreal form Cytherissa Danvinula sp. PUR PER, 1977, p. 364, pl. 4. figs. lacustris (Sars). Such forms have not been 5-8. found in Recent tropical pools and lakes. Danvinula.fragilis PURPER, 1979, p . 225, pl. 1. but they may have enjoyed a brief period figs. 4-10 (not Schneider, 1948). of development during the late Neogene Danvinula sp. SHEPPARD and BATE, 1980. p. time of climatic deterioration. 117, pl. 13, fig .a 7.

Regional zonation Local zonation Members Formotoons

Cyprideis salebrosa Chin Chin cloy Cytherideo rohri Swm S.Um sand Tolparo late Coporo cloy Pliocene Dwrhom sor1d

early Springvale

Miocene Cytherideo medioleno pascogowlensis

Text-fig. 2. Regional and local ostracode zonation, Formations and Members of the Upper Miocene to Pleistocene in the Northern Basin of Trinidad. No.3 Venezuelan Neogene Ostracoda 147

Superfamily CYPRIDACEA Baird, 1846 Family CYCLOCYPRIDIDAE Kaufmann, 1900 Genus CYPRIA Zenker, 1864 CYPRIA AEQUALIS Sheppard and Bate Plate l, fig. 3 C rollfi Cypria aequalis SHEPPARD and BATE, 1979, C. boldi p. 116, pl. 13, figs. 1-6. Cypria? sp. 2 PURPER, 1980, p. 247, pl. 8, 'igs. 17-18. Dimensions: L 0.39 mm, H 0.28 mm. Remarks: Forester, in reviewing this paper, suggested that this species might rather belong to Physocypria Vavra, 1898. Only juvenile specimens have been found in the upper part of the Guiria FormatiOn. C. rohri They have the same outline and lengthi C. purperae height ratio as Sheppard and Bate's speci­ <(.:CUOwu.. {.?J:--.:W: mens from Peru and Colombia and those of the Pebas Formation of Brazil. Adults have been found in the "Chara zone" of Huila, Colombia.

C. rohri C. purperoe Family CANDONIDAE Kaufmann. 1900 C. boldi Genus PSEUDOCANDONA Kaufmann, 1900 PSEUDOCANDONA sp. Dimensions: L 0.90 ;mm, H 0.46 mm. Distribution. Tuy, lower Siquire, and upper Guiria formations. Remarks: This species is similar in out­ line toP. antilleana Broodbakker (1983, p. 296, fig. 4A-K, 5A-J) but slightly larger As all recovered specimens were casts no Text-fig. 3. Correlation of Plio-Pleistocene further identification is attempted. formations of the Sta. Lucia-Ocumare del Tuy basin, the Paria Peninsula and the Family Baird, 1845 Northern Basin of Trinidad. Presence of Subfamily CYPRINOTINAE Bronstein, Cytheridea? rohri, Cytheridea? purperae 1947 and is indicated. Cytheridella boldi Genus HETEROCYPRIS Claus, 1893 HBTEROCYPRIS? sp Darwinula olivencae PURPER, 1984, p. 1371. Plate 1, fig. 5 Di·mensions: Female Left valve: L 0.54 mm, H Description. Carapace in side view elongate 0.23 mm; right valve: L 0.53 mm, H 0.24 mm. bean-shaped, highest just behind the middle. Male right valve: L 0.55 mm, H 0.24 mm. Anterior margin almost evenly rounded; dorsal Distribution: Tuy, Siquire, and upper Guiria margin slightly angled at the greatest height, formations. gently convex on both sides of it; ventral margin Remarks: The specimens are identical in almost straight, very slightly concave just be­ outline to Darwinula sp. from the Pebas hind the middle; posterior margin slightly ob­ Formation of Peru, but very slightly liquely rounded; posterior end slightly lower than anterior. Dorsal view pod-shaped; post­ larger . They are a bit less slender than erior end slightly wider than anterior, greatest Purper's species from the Pebas Forma­ width in the middle. tion of Brazil, but appear to have the same Dimensions: L 0. 75 mm; H 0.35 mm; W 0.30 outline. In view of the great similarity be­ mm. tween all Darwinula species, its identity Distribution. Upper Siquire and Tuy forma­ cannot be proven. tions. 148 Tulane Stttdies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 19

Subfamily HERPETOCYPRIDIDAE Genus POTAMOCYPRIS Brady, 1870 Kaufmann, 1900 POTAMOCYPRTS sp. Plate 1, fig. 6 Genus STENOCYPRIS Sara, 1899 Description: Carapace triangular in side view, STBNOCYPRIS? Sp. highest at about 113 of the length from the an­ Plate 1, fig. 2 terior extremity. Anterior margin obliqu e!~, rounded; dorsal margin gently convex, sloping Description: Carapace in side view elongate. down from the greatest height and continuing highest at 3.. 8 of the length from the anterior ex­ into the more steeply sloping posterior margin. tremilv. Anterior margin evenly rounded in which is nan·owly ,·ounded ventrally; ventral lower ·2.3 with long. straight dorsal slope: dorsal margin straight. converging posteriorly towards margin sinuate. mm, mm. the sinuate ventral margin: posterior margin Dimensions: L 0.55 H 0.29 Distribution: Upper Guiria Formation (Unit na1-rowly rounded subventrally, obliquely trun­ cate above. Dorsal view pod-shaped, widest in E). the middle, ends acuminate. Remarks: This form shows similarity Dimensions: L 1.18 mm. H 0.53 mm. W 0.38 with P. schubarti Klie (1940, p. 65, figs. li- mm. The larger specimens are accompanied by 19) from northeastern Brasil, but has the internal casts of smaller dimensions of about the greatest he ight more anteriorly located. It same shape, probably juveniles: L 0.88 mm, H is ventrally less concave a nd posterodor­ 0.40 mm: L 0. 74 mm, H 0.34 mm. It is uncertain sally less angulate than P. sp. a ff. P. if the larger specimens are adults. schubarti (Bold, 1976, table 9) from Lago Distribution: Upper Siquire Formation. de Valencia, Recent, Venezuela. Remarks: As the marginal area could not be studied in the present material, the as­ Family ILYOCYPJ;tiDIDAE signment to Stenocypris is based on exter­ Kaufmann , 1900 nal morphology only. Stenocypris major Genus ILYOCYPRIS Brady and (Baird) (see Triebel, 1953, pl. 1, fig. 1-6; pl. Norman, 1889 2, fig. 7-14) is larger, has parallel dorsal I LYOCYPRIS sp. and ventral margins a nd a less steeply Plate 1, fig. 4 truncate posterodorsal margin. Description: Carapace large, subelliptical to rectangular. Anterior end evenly rounded, dor­ sal and ventral margin almost straight and paral­ Family CYPRIDOPSIDAE lel, posterior end slightly obliquely rounded. Kaufmann, 1900 Surface finely pitted. Two sulci extend from the

PLATE! Figures 1. Darwinula sp. aff. D. fmgilis Purper. HVH 10780, right valve view. Joe. CB 77-885. Siquire Formation. 90 x. 2. Stenocypl'is" sp., HVH 10782, right valve view, Joe. CB 77-898, Siquire Formation. 40X. 3. Cyprict aequctlica Sheppard and Bate, HVH 10781, right valve, UnitE, Guiria For­ mation. 90 X. 4. Ilyocypris sp .. HVH 10785, left valve view, Joe. CB 77-898, Siquire Formation. 30 X. 5. Hete1·ocypris sp .. HVH 10784, right valve view, Joe. CB 77-898, Siqurie Forma tion. 60 X. 6. Potamocyp>·is sp., HVH 10783. right valve view, UnitE, Guiria Forma tion. 150 X. 7-ll. Cytheridea purpeme n. sp., Joe. VB-1, Tuy Formation . .10X. 7, HVH 10755, holotype, right valve, female: 8, HVH 10756, left valve, female; 9, HVH 10757, dor­ sal view, female: HVH 10758, left valve, male: 11 , HVH 10759, right valve, male. 12. Pacambocythere campana (Sheppard and Bate). HVH 10771, right valve view, female, Joe. Ka 116b "Cham Zone, .. Huila, Colombia. 85 X. 13-14. Pe>·issocytheridea submgosct (Brady). HVH 10770, Unit J . Guiria Formation. 85 X. 13, Dorsal view, female: 14, dorsal view, male . No.3 V enezuelan Neogene Ostracoda 149

PLATE 1 150 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 19 dorsal margin slightly obliquely downward and Diagnosis: A species of Cytheridea? with backward to just above median height, one at 2/ smooth to weakly pitted surface. very shallow 5 of the length from the anterior extremity, the submedian sulcus. flattened marginal a rea in other centrally located. Adductor muscle scars anterior end. obliquely truncate posterior end. situated below and slightly in front of the central and projecting posterior cardinal angle in the sulcus. Left valve slightly overlapping the right left valve. along dorsal margin, right valve slightly overlap­ Desc1·iption: FEMALE: Left valve in side ping in the posterior end. Dorsal view lanceol­ view elongate subrectangular , highest in the ate, widest at about 1/4 of the lengtH from the middle third of the car·apace. Anter·ior margin posterior extremity. evenly rounded, laterally llatlened to a carina; Dimensions: L 1.35 mm, H 0. 78 mm, W 0.55 dorsal margin convex, flattened in the middle mm. third where it is parallel to the s lightly sinuate Distribution: Only sample 898, Siquire For­ ventral margin; posterior margin obliquely mation (common, but all specimens damaged). rounded. more narrowly rounded below the middle, upper portion obliquely truncate. In the Superfamily CYTHERACEA Baird, 1850 right valve the dorsal margin more strongly con­ Family CYTHERIDEIDAE Sars, 1925 vex. posterior end obliquely truncate and nar­ Genus CYTHERIDEA Bosquet, 1852 rowly rounded ventrally. Dorsal view with strongly compressed anterior margin, width CYTHERIDEA' ROHRI (Bold) about equal in anterior and posterior portions Plate 3, figs. 1-7 with a shallow-eompressed area in between. Cyprideis rohri BOLD, 1963, p. 378, pl. 2, figs. Sur·face smooth to weakly punctate. 4a, b; pl. 3, figs. I a-c; pl. II, fig. 4; table 5 MALE: Mo r·e elongate and lower·: posterior end (part). more obliquely truncate, narrowly rounded Cytheridea rohri (Bold), SANDBERG, 1964, p. ventrally. Marginal area narTow. ;·adial pore 168, pl. 13, fig. 8; BOLD in MACSOTAY, canals numerous. evenly s paced. about 30 in an­ 1968, p. 64; BOLD, 1972a, table 2. ter·ior end. short. mostly straight. a few bifurcat­ Cytheridea? rohri (Bold), BOLD, 1976, p. 31. ing. Line of conscrescence and inner margin Distribution: Talparo Formation, Trinidad; coinciding throughout. Hinge in the left valve Siquire and Guiria formations, Venezuela. with a very elongate anterior socket, about 0.20 Remarks: The record of this species from mm long and crenulate, anter·omeclian element the Gransaul member of the Springvale a very short tooth. poster·omedian element a Formation (Bold, 1963, table 5) is a drafting long (0.25 mml shallow, cr·enulate groove, post­ error, it should have been reported as erior· socket shor·t. Muscle scars forming a ver·ti­ Cytheridea mediatena Bold (1963, p. 376, cal row of four, located in the submedian sulcus and two small frontal scars, situated close to­ pl. 2, figs. 3 a-d; pl. 11, fig. 3). gether. Mandibular fulcr·al point behveen fron­ tal scar·s and first and second adduetor scars: CYTHERIDEA? PURPERAE n. sp. two small. mandibular muscle-scars located ver­ Plate 1, figs. 7-11 tically below the frontals. Cyprideis sp. aff. C. pascagoulaensis (Mincher). Dimensiow;: Tuy Formation: Female left BOLD, 1972, p. 1012. valve: L 0.68 mm. H 0.36 mm: right valve: L 0.6<1

PLATE2 Figures 1-2. Limnocythere sp. 1, HVH 10787, loc. CB 77-868, Siquire Formation. 75 X. I, Left valve view; 2, dorsal view. 3-4. Limnocythe>·e sp. 2, HVH 10789, loc. CB 77-902. Siquire Formation. 3. Left valve view. 100 X; 4, dorsal view. 75 X. 5-6. Limnocythere sp. 3, HVH 10750, loc. CB 77-885. Siquire Formation. 85 X. 5, Left valve view: 6, dorsal view. 7-8. Limnocythere sp. 4, HVH 10752. loc. VB-I. Tuy Formation. 95 X. 7, Left valve view: 8, dorsal view. 9-10. Cytheridella boldi Purper, HVH 10754. loc. CB-77-898. Siquire F01·mation. 50 X. 9. Right valve view, female; 10, dorsal view. female. I 1-13. Callistocythere? macsotayi. n. sp., Unit J , Guiria Formation. 11. HVH 10772. right valve v1ew, female, holotype. 75 X; 12, left valve view, female, HVH 10773. 75 X: 13, HVH 10774, right valve view, male. 100 X. No.3 V enezuelan Neogene Ostracoda 151

PLATE2 152 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 19 mrn. II 0.:~4 mrn: Male left valve: L 0.77 mm, H pared some of my specimens with he r 0.38 mm: l<1rge female left valve: L 0. 72 mm. H Brasilian material and concluded that al­ 0.36 mm. though similar the two species are not Guir·ia Formation: Female left valve: L 0.67 identical (letter 16 March , 1979). rnm. H 0.36 mm. right valve: L 0.67 mm. H 0.35 mm: Male earapace: L 0.76 mm. H 0.37 mm. W Family LIMNOCYTHERIDAE Klie, 1938 0.24 mm: left valve: L 0.76 mm. H 0.37 mm. Genus LIMNOCYTHERE Brady, 1868 Nume: In honor of Dr. Iv·one Purper. Instiiuto de Geosciencias. Universidade Federal do Rio In the Sta. Lucia-Ocumare del Tuy basin Grande do Sui. BRASIL. four species of Limnocythe,-e occur. Origi­ Holotype: HVII no. 10755: right valve. female. nally it was thought that two of the species Pamtypes: Male and female left and right might be molts of the other two, but all four valves: HVH nos. 10756-10760. show distinct sexual dimorphism. These Type localiry: VB-1 !Coli. P . J. BermUdez),. roadcuL between Charallava and Santa Teresa, species are not named because I do not Estado Miranda. Venezuela (BermUdez. 1966. have exact loca lities and the interior could p. 3-!4). not be studied. Stratigraphic hori:::ow Tuy Formation. Di:;tribtttion: Upper part of Siquire Forma­ LIMNOCYTHERE sp. tion. Tuy Formution. upper part of Guiri~ For­ Plate 2, figs. 1-2 mation (Unit El. Description: Carapace subrectangular in side Remarks: Cythe,-idea? purperae differs in view, dorsal and ventral margin roughly paral­ some respects from typical Cytheridea a nd lel. Anterior margin evenly rounded, poster·ior can only be assigned questionably to this margin bluntly angled in the middle, obliquely genu~. It probably does not belong to the truncate above and below. Lower part of post­ "Cytheridea" group that developed in erior margin extending below the ventral mar­ gin with a small notch just in front of the postero­ northern Venezuela and Trinadad from a ventral angulation. Ventral surface concave. stock of questionable Hemicyprideis? Surface finely reticulate. Subcentrally a deep species (e.g., Hemicyprideis? cagigalen­ median sulcus separating an anterocentral and sis). (See Bold, 1976, p. 31 for discussion.) a posterodorsal swelling. A posteroventral swel­ Cytheridea pebasae Purper (1979, p. 228, ling with a broad knob, separated from the post­ pl. 2, figs. 11-25) is similar in size and in erodorsal swelling by a shallow depression. side view outline, but more rectangular in From the middle of the subcentral sulcus a shal­ dorsal view and has a more distinctly pit­ lower sulcus extends upward and foreward, en­ ted surface and a dentate anterior end. closing a small knob, separ ated from the incon­ Sheppard and Bate (1980) combined this spicuous eye-node by a shallow depression. Dorsal view irregular in outline with compres­ species with Cytheridea graciosa Purper sed anterior end, greatest width at the node of and Cytheridea longispina Purper under the posteroventral swelling at about 1/5 of the the name Cyprideis purpeTi purperi (1980, length from the posterior extremity. Interior not p. 99, pl. 7, fi gs. 1-13). lvone Purper com- studied. Male much more elongate, highest in

PLATE 3 Figures 1-7. Cytheridea rohri (Bold). I, HVH 10761, right valve view, female , loc. CB 77-885, Siquire Formation. 50 X ; 2, HVH 10762, right valve view, female, Joe. CB 77-898, Siquire Formation. 50 X; 3, HVH 10763, dorsal view, female Joe. CB 77-885, Siquire Formation. 50 X; 4, HVH 10764, right valve view, male, Joe. CB 77-885, Siquire Formation. 50 X ; 5, HVH 10765, dorsal view, male, Joe. CB 77-885, Siquire Formation. 50 X; 6, HVH 10766, right valve, male, Unit J, Guiria Formation. 50X; 7, HVH 10767, left valve, male, Unit J, Guiria Formation. 60 X. 8-11. Xestoleberis bermudezi n. sp. , Unit J, Guiria Formation. 110 X. 8, HVH 10776, holotype, right valve view, female: 9, HVH 10777, dorsal view , female; 10, HVH 10778, right valve view, male; 11 , HVH 10779, dorsal view, male. 12-15. Perissocytheridea cytheridellaformis Forester, Unit J , Guiria Formation. 12, HVH 10769, right valve view, female 80 X; 13, HVH 10769, left valve view, ma le. 85 X; 14, HVH 10769, dorsal view, fe male. 80 X; 15, HVH 10769, dorsal view, male. 85 X. No.3 Venezuelan Neogene Ostracoda 153

PLATE3 !54 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 19 the posterior fourth with anteriorly converging LIMNOCYTHERE sp. 4 dorsal a nd ventral margins. Plate 2, figs. 7-8 Dimensions: Female: L 0.61 mm, H 0.33 mm, Description: Very similar to sp. 3, but much W 0.28 mm; Male: L 0. 73 mm, H 0.36 mm, W 0.27 smaller. In the female the posterior end of the mm. ventral swelling projects laterally as a tubercle. Distribution: Basal Siquire Formation. Dimensions: Female: L 0.44 mm, H 0.23 mm, W 0.20 mm; Male: L 0.51 mm, H 0.25 mm. LIMNOCYTHERE sp. 2 Distribution: Tuy Formation. Plate 2, figs. 3-4 Description: Very similar in side View to Lim­ LIMNOCYTHERESTAPLINI Gutentag and nocythere sp. 1, but much smaller; posterior and Benson more regularly rounded. Node on ventral swel­ Limnocythere staplini GUTENTAG and BEN­ ling the most conspicuous tubercle at 0.36 of the SON, 1962, p. 51, pl. 1, figs. 1-3, text-fig. 15: length from the posterior extremity; greatest BOLD, 1975a, p . 612, pl. 59, fig. Sa, b. width in this position. Almost vertically above it Limnocythere sp. BOLD, 1972a, p. 1012. a dorsal node; both very prominent in dorsal Dimensions: L 0.57 mm, H 0.30 mm (HVH view. This species is believed to be a descen­ 10753). dant of Limnocythere sp. 1. Distribution: Pleistocene, Kansas; Las Dimensions: Female: L 0.43 mm, H 0.23 mm, Salinas and Jimanf Formations (Late Pliocene W 0.26 mm; Male: L 0.46 mm, H 0.23 mm, W 0.20 to Pleistocene?) Hispaniola; Cumaca Forma­ mm. tion, Venezuela; Recent, Bahamas, North Distribution: Upper Siquire Formation. America.

LIMNOCYTHERESp.3 Plate 2, figs. 5-6 Genus CYTHERIDELLA Daday, 1905 Description: Carapace in side view subrectan­ CYTHERIDELLA BOLDT Purper gular. Anterior margin almost regularly Plate 2, figs. 9-10 rounded, dorsal margin straight, ventral margin Cytheridellu boldi PURPER. 1974, p. 654. pl. 10. strongly concave, posterior margin rounded in figs. 1-4. the middle, gently convex above and below. A Cythe1·idella "ilosvayi Daday. BOLD. 1975a. p. vertical subcentral sulcus containing the adduc­ 613, pl. 58 , fig. 1 a-g: pl. 6. fig. 3a. b (not tor scars; a shallow depression at the place of at­ DADAY, 1905). tachment of the frontal muscles. Central part of Dimensions: Female: L 0.87 mm. H 0.49 mm. the carapace swollen, the ventral termination of W 0.60 rnm; Male: L 0.86 mm. I-I 0.47 mm. W 0.48 the swelling converging posteriorly towards the mm. dorsal margin and ending abruptly at about 113 Distribut-ion: Siquire Formation. Recenl. of the length from the posterior extremity in Lago de Valencia, Venezuela: upper Talparo front of a depressed area. Behind this the Formation. Trinidad; Jimanf Formation. His­ carapace exhibits a posteroventral swelling con­ paniola. nected to a posterodorsal swelling. Only one Remarks: The specimens from the carapace with very weak reticulation, others Siquire Formation and from cuttings of a smooth. Dorsal view narrow, spindle-shaped, well (material from M. Dempsey) in the ends compressed, especially the anterior. Talparo Formation (northern · basin, Greatest width at the posterior end of the vent­ ral swelling at 1/3 of the length from the post­ Trinidad) are all slightly distorted, but erior; in the male the greatest width at about 1/4. show the typical "square" posterior por­ Males longer and having the greatest height in tion of the female, different from C. ilos­ the posterior fourth of the carapace. Dorsal and vayi and C. danielopoli Purper (1979, p. ventral margin converging anteriorly. 243, pl. 7, figs. 21-27). I am not certain if the Dimensions: Female: L 0.59 mm, H 0.28 mm, distinct pattern of pitting in C. postornata W 0.22 mm; Male: L 0.63 mm, H 0.27 mm, W 0.20 Sheppard and Bate (1980, p. 108, pl. 10, mm. figs. 1-7) is sufficient to separate this Distribution: Lower Siguire Formation. species from C. danielopoli. Typical (but Remarks: Similar m general appearance again distorted) specimens of C. postornata to L. sappaensis Staplin (1963, p. 1197, pl. have been found in the "Chara zone" of 160, figs. 4-6) from the Pleistocene of South Huila (Coiombia), where they occur to­ Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas but gether with specimens of Darwinula that species is more clearly reticulate and fragilis Purper, Cypria aequalica Shep­ lacks the posteroventral swelling. pard and Bate, Pelocypris zilchi Triebel, No.3 Venezuelan Neogene Ostracoda !55

PropaTacytheridea acuminata Purper, ridges projecting forward toward the margin. At Perissocytheridea n. sp., and Pacam­ 1/7 of the length from the posterior extremity a bocythere campana (Sheppard and Bate 1 vertical ridge. the carapace strongly compr-es­ (~A mbocythere 7 campana Sheppard and sed behind. Weak ventral, dorsal and subdorsal Bate, 1980, p. llO, pl. 11 , figs. 1-9), which is ridges extend forward from the posterior ridge. the most common ostracode there (Pl. I. becoming obscure in the middle of the valve. fig. 12). This suggests a possible correlation Dorsal view \vedge-shaped. widest just in front of the posterior ridge. of the "Chara zone" with the Pebas Forma­ Sexual dimorphism present. Male elongate­ tion and its southeast Colombian equiva­ trapezoid in side vie\v. lower and narrower than lents. the female, with dorsal and ventral margin more nearly parallel in the posterior half. Greatest Family CYTHERIDAE Baird, 1850 width at the posterior ridge. Interior not ob­ Subfamily PERISSOCYTHERIDEINAE served. Only closed carapaces were found. Bold, 1963 Dimensions: Female: L 0.46 mm, H 0.26 mm, Genus PERISSOCYTHERIDEA W 0.18 mm; Male: L 0.43 mm, H 0.21 mm, W 0.26 mm Stephenson, 1938 Name: After Oliver ::'vlacsotay, Oceanographic PERISSOCYTHERIDEA SUBROGOSA (Brady) Institute, l niverslty of Oriente. Venezuela, in Plate 1, figs. 13-14 honor of hi~ work on the Guiria. Siquire and Cythe,-e subrugosa BRADY, 1870. p. 238. pl. 311. Tuy formations figs. 18, 19. Holotype· HVH no. 10772. feml:lle carapace. Perissocytheridea subrugosa (Brady), BOLD, Paratypes: HVH nO. 10773-10775 male and 1958a, p. 71 , tables 1, 3; 1963, p. 380. pl. 4, fig. female carapaces. 2 a-d; 1966, pl. I, fig. 7 a, b; TEETER, 1975. p Type locality: Sample 496a (Macsotay, 1968. p. 432, figs. 6 j, 7 f, g ; BOLD, 1978 b, table 9. 551, in small n.vine 500 m NE of the stone pier at Distribution: Pliocene to Recent: Greatt>r Guiria. Antilles, Northern , Costa Rica Distribution· Only in U11it J of the Guiria For­ Lower Gui1·ia Formation, Venezuela. mation. Remarks: Th1s specie> differs from other PERISSOCYTHERIDEA CYTHERIDELLAFORMIS species of Callistocythere described from Forester the Atlantic and Pacific coast of America Plate 3, figs. 12-15 by having a vertical posterior ridge instead Perissocytheridea n. sp. BOLD in MACSOTAY of the general gradual curvature of ridges 1968, p. 64. in the postt. or end. Perissocytheridea cytheridellaformis FORES­ TER in BOLD, 1975a, pp. 610, 818, pl. 60, fig Family TRACHYLEBERWIDAE 8 a-e; pl. 61, fig. I a, b; pl62, fig. I a, b, tables Sylvester-Bradley, 1948 3, 6, 7. Distribution: Upper Las Salinas Formation Subfamily TRACHYLEBERIDINAE Hispaniola; lower Guiria Formation, Venezuela Sylvester-Bradley, 1948 Genus CATIVELLA Joryell and Family LEPTOCYTHERIDAE Haai, 1957 Fields, 1938 Genus CALLISTOCYTHERE Ruggieri. CAPVELLA PI T 'F~Yl Teeter 1953 Cativella 1ff. ">enntraust1Cnl.~ (Crouch~. BOLD. 1958b. p. ~0·1, pl."· ig ;j: 1963. p. 389. pi 11 CALLISTOCYTHERE? MACSOTAYIn. sp. fig. 6: 1978b. Iable 9 Plate 2, figs. 11-13 Cntil..·ella pulleyi TEFTER 1975. p. ·t51, figs. 12 Diagnosis: A species of Callistocythere? with f 12c-e: BRE~!At>;. 1982 pi l,lig. h a prominent, vertical, posterior ridge. Dist ·ilmtwn: Middle M oce-ne t, Recent Car­ Description: Carapace in side view trapezoid ribbean: Unit J ol thl Guiria Formation, Ven­ to subrecta ngular, highest at 2/5 of the length ezue!a from the anterior extremity, Anterior margin obliquely rounded, dorsal margin gently con· Subfamily CAMPYLOCYTHERINAE vex, ventral margin sinuate, converging post­ Puri, 1960 eriorly; posterior margin steeply truncate Genus BASSLERITES Howe, 1937 a bove, narrowly rounded ventrally. Ventral and BASSLERITES :MINUTUS Bold dorsal surface flattened, but only barely de­ linea ted by longitudinal ridges. Surface irregu­ Basslerites minutus BOLD, 1956, p. 405, pl. 3, larly reticulate. A pronounced anterior rim fig. 8; pl. 5, fig. 5 a-c; MORALES, 1966, p. 62, paralleling the anterior margin with 5-6 radial pi."S, fig. 3 a. b; BREMAN, 1982, p. 237. 156 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 19

Distribution: Lower Miocene to Recent, tomkilenyii Bate et al .. 1982 (p. 68, pl. 68, Caribbe an; UnitJ of the Guiria Formation, Ven­ figs. 42 K-S, 43 A-Q, 44F) from the ezuela. Galapagos islands, except for the lack of posteroventral nodes. The male, however, Family LOXOCONCHIDAE Sars, 1925 is more tapering posteriorly in side-view. Genus LOXOCONCHA Sars, 1965 LOXOCONCHA LEVIS Brady Loxoconcha levis BRADY, 1870 , pp. 238, 242 , pl. VII. LITERATURE CITED 32, fi gs. 7, 8; BOLD. 1963 , p. 393, pl. 9, fig. 10 a, b; TEETER, 1975 , p. 473, fig. 18g, 19 a , b; BATE. R H., J. E. WHITTAKER and C. A. BOLD, 1968 , pp. 22, 25 , 30; 1975a, pp. 577, 578, MAYES. 1982. Marine Ost ra coda of the 583, 585 , 590, 604; 1975b, pp. 122, 127 ; 1978, Galapagos Island. and Ecuador: Zool. Jour. Linnean Soc. , val. 73 , p. 1-79.45 figs. table 9; 1981, p. 81 , pl. 5, fig. 11 a, b. Distribution: Plioce ne to Recent, Caribbean; BERMUDEZ, P. J., 1966, ConsideracJOrles Unit J of the Guiria Formation, Venezuela. sabre los sedimentos del Mioceno a\ Reciente de las costas central y oriental de Venezuela: Family XESTOLEBERIDIDAE Sars, 1928 Boletin de Geologia, Caracas, val. 7, no. 14, p. 333-411. Genus XESTOLEBERIS Sars, 1866 BOLD, W. A. VAN DEN, 1958a, Distribution of XESTOLEBERIS BERMUDEZI n. sp. freshwater ostracodes in Trinidad: Micro­ Plate 3, figs. 8-11 paleontology, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 71-74. Description: F E MAL E : In side vie w a lmost BOLD, W. A. VAN DEN, 1958b, Ostracoda of forming a 120 degree circle -sector, elongate, the Brasso Formation of Trinidad: Ibid. , vol. highest at 3/5 of the length from the anterior ex­ 4, no. 4, p. 391-418. tremity. Anterior margin with dorsal slope from BOLD, W. A. VAN DEN, 1963 , Upper Miocene the greatest height, na rrowly rounded ventrally; and Pliocene Ostracoda of Trinidad: Ibid ., dorsal margin short, gently convex, converging voL 9, no. 4, p. 361-424. to ventral posteriorly ; posterior margin rounded BOLD, W. A. VAN DEN, 1964, Nota pre1iminar subventrally, dorsal slope steep and slightly con­ sabre los ostr

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