2019 Sctc 3 Date: 20190730
FILE NO.: SCT-5001-13 CITATION: 2019 SCTC 3 DATE: 20190730 SPECIFIC CLAIMS TRIBUNAL TRIBUNAL DES REVENDICATIONS PARTICULIÈRES BETWEEN: KAWACATOOSE FIRST NATION, PASQUA FIRST NATION, PIAPOT David Knoll, for the Claimants FIRST NATION, MUSCOWPETUNG FIRST NATION, GEORGE GORDON FIRST NATION, MUSKOWEKWAN FIRST NATION AND DAY STAR FIRST NATION Claimants – and – STAR BLANKET FIRST NATION Aaron B. Starr, Galen Richardson and Dusty Ernewein, for the Claimant Claimant – and – LITTLE BLACK BEAR FIRST NATION Ryan Lake, Aron Taylor and Aaron Christoff, for the Claimant Claimant – and – STANDING BUFFALO DAKOTA FIRST Mervin C. Phillips and Leane Phillips, for NATION the Claimant Claimant – and – PEEPEEKISIS FIRST NATION Michelle Brass and Tom Waller, for the Claimant Claimant – and – HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA Lauri M. Miller and Donna Harris, for the As represented by the Minister of Indian Respondent Affairs and Northern Development Respondent HEARD: June 20-23, 2016, July 24-25, 2017, October 10-12, 2018 REASONS FOR DECISION Honourable W. L. Whalen 2 NOTE: This document is subject to editorial revision before its reproduction in final form. Cases Cited: Ross River Dena Council Band v Canada, 2002 SCC 54, 2002 CarswellYukon 58 (WL Can); Wewaykum Indian Band v Canada, 2002 SCC 79, [2002] 4 SCR 245; Williams Lake Indian Band v Canada (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development), 2018 SCC 4, 417 DLR (4th) 239; Lac La Ronge Indian Band v Canada, 2001 SKCA 109, 2001 CarswellSask 662 (WL Can); Canada (AG) v Anishnabe of Wauzhushk Onigum Band,
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