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[email protected]. HIP HOP HELPS: SYSTEMIC DISCRIMINATION IN SOCIAL WORK ANDRAGOGY A Project Presented to the faculty of the Division of Social Work California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK by Yarin Gomez SPRING 2017 © 2017 Yarin Gomez ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii HIP HOP HELPS: SYSTEMIC DISCRIMINATION IN SOCIAL WORK ANDRAGOGY A Project by Yarin Gomez Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Maria Dinis, Ph.D., MSW ____________________________ Date iii Student: Yarin Gomez I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project. __________________________, Department Chair ___________________ Dale Russell Date Division of Social Work iv Abstract of HIP HOP HELPS: SYSTEMIC DISCRIMINATION IN SOCIAL WORK ANDRAGOGY by Yarin Gomez Hip Hop is a transnational culture ignored in social work academia. A qualitative exploratory study with a social constructionist lens used a non-probability sampling method to recruit six Masters-level social work students in a stakeholder-engaged focus group. Subjects took the Rap Music Attitude and Perception (RAP) Scale, to gage perceptions about the music genre. As part of the focus group, open-ended questions were presented about Hip Hop music video content with themes of institutional racism. Data analysis verified individual and collective processes of social identity construction, delineating social agency versus oppression, and exploring the educational merits of Hip Hop.