Conservators Minutes 1976 – 1993
T-WBRIDGE WELLS COMMONS CONS-EBVATORS 6th January, 1976 PRESENT: Councillor Clanfield (Chairman) Councillors Mrs. Bowles, Mrs. Streeten and Wolvey . Mrs. Kentner . Messrs. H.T. Clarke, B.H. Fountain, C.R. Harler, N,J. hmcook and D.I. Lloyd-Roberts. 1. MINUTES - The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 2. ACCOUNTS - Accounts amounting to E2,639.72 were passed for payment. 3. ESTIMATES - Estimates for the amount required for the purposes of the Commons Conservators for the next financial year were approved in the- sum of £15,210. RESOLVED - That the Recreation and Leisure Committee of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council be requested to make provision in its estimates for the next financial year of an amount of E15,210 under the provisions of the Tunbridge Wells Improvement Act 1890, the Public Health Act 1875, and all its other statutory powers, (1) FIREDAMAGE--FurthertoMinutelOofthemeetingheldon the 7th October, 1975, the Treasurer reported that he had discussed this matter with the Conservators insurers who had indicated that it would appear that the Conservators would not be liable for fire damage to buildings on the Common in the absence of negligence. In that event, the existing Third Party Policy would provide the necessary cover. RESOLVED - That the report be noted. (2) CLAIM - The Treasurer reported on a possible claim against the Conservators arising out of an accident on 24th June, 1975. This was being Leslt with by the insurers. 5 SURVEYOR1 S REPORT - The Surveyor1s report for the quarter ended 31st December, 1975, was received. The Surveyor also reported an offer of four tress by Mr.
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