A Passion for Radio: Radio Waves and Community Edited by Bruce Girard Electronic Edition Version Copyright  2001 Bruce Girard ISBN 90-5638-0834 Version 1.1

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A Passion for Radio: Radio Waves and Community Edited by Bruce Girard Electronic Edition Version Copyright  2001 Bruce Girard ISBN 90-5638-0834 Version 1.1 ii A Passion for Radio: Radio Waves and Community Edited by Bruce Girard Electronic Edition Version Copyright 2001 Bruce Girard ISBN 90-5638-0834 Version 1.1 LICENCE – TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING AND DISTRIBUTING You may copy and distribute, for non-commercial purposes only, exact replicas of any and all chapters of the electronic edition of this book as you receive it, in Adobe PDF or printed form, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy this copyright notice; keep intact all the notices that refer to this Licence; and give any other recipients of the content a copy of this Licence. You may at your option charge a fee for the media and/or handling involved in creating a unique copy of the content for use offline. You may not charge a fee for the content itself. You may not make copies of this content available on the world wide web, FTP servers, or in any other way via the Internet other than individual copies distributed via email or those expressly authorised by the publisher in writing. You may, at your discretion, link to the publisher’s site at www.comunica.org/passion/. Originally published 1992 by Black Rose Books Hardcover ISBN: 1-895431-35-2 / Paperback ISBN: 1-895431-34-4 Library of Congress Catalogue No. 92-072627 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: A Passion for Radio: radio waves and community 1. Radio broadcasting. 2. Radio in community development. 3. Local mass media. 1. Girard, Bruce HE8596.P37 1992 3B4.54 C92-090358-4 Cover graphic: Michel Granger. This electronic edition published in 2001 by Bruce Girard & Comunica – www.comunica.org/ The publication of this book was made possible with the support of the Fondation pour le Progrés de I’Homme (France), the Canadian Catholic Organisation for Development and Peace, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC). The electronic edition was A PASSION FOR RADIO made possible with the support of Comunica. Radio Waves and Community This book is published in French under the title La Passion Radio, Éditions Syros (France) and in Spanish under the title Radioapasionados by CIESPAL (Ecuador). Electronic editions of these works are available at www.comunica.org/passion/. General coordination was carried out by Bruce Girard with the collaboration of Evelyne Foy of AMARC. Design of the electronic edition was by Amy Mahan. Thanks to the many writers and collaborators without whom this book would not have been possible. * * * Edited by Bruce Girard www.comunica.org/passion iii iv Contributors Table of Contents Table of Contents Contributors Tachi Arriola is a member of Peru’s Feminist Radio Collective with many years of experience Preface: A Network of International Exchange – Michel Delorme in popular communication in Peru. Preface to the Electronic Edition – Bruce Girard Eugénie Aw is a Senegalese journalist and one of the founders of the Association des Professionelles de la Communication (APAC). She is the coordinator of AMARC’s African 1. Introduction – Bruce Girard activities. Richard Barette is the former head of French-language programming at Radio Centre-Ville in Part 1 – COMMUNITY Montréal. 2. Radioproeflokaal Marconi (The Netherlands) – François Laureys Pascal Berqué is head of research in the communication department of the Groupe de 3. To Tell the People – Wawatay Radio Network (Canada) – Lavinia Mohr Recherche et d’échanges techniques (GRET). He is based in Paris. 4. Lessons from a Little-Known Experience – Radio Candip (Zaire) – Eugénie Aw Louise Boivin is a former news director of Radio Centre-Ville in Montréal, Québec. She is 5. How KPFA found a New Home (USA) – Bill Thomas currently coordinating the station’s Ondes de Femmes project. 6. Inventing and Experimenting (Canada) – Radio Centre-Ville Arturo Bregaglio is a member of CECOPAL (Centro de Comunicación Popular y Part II – CONFLICT Asesoramiento Legal) and Radio FM Sur in Cordoba, Argentina. MJR David is a former producer with Sri Lanka’s Mahaweli Community Radio. He has a 7. The Stubborn Izote Flower (El Salvador) – José Ignacio López Vigil degree in Development Communication from the University of Philippines. 8. How to Make an Echo… of Moscow (Russia) – Serguei Korzoun 9. A New Dawn for Freedom of Speech (Haiti) – Joseph Georges Richard Chateau-Dégat is a professor and president of the Association for the Development 10. Zoom Black Magic Liberation Radio (USA) – Ron Sakolsky of Grassroots Communication, the organisation that manages Martinique’s Radio Asé Pléré 11. The Feminist Radio Collective of Peru (Peru) – Tachi Arriola An Nou Lité. Michel Delorme is coordinator of the rural radio program of the Association de Cooperation Part III – DEVELOPMENT Culturelles et Techniques. He is a founder and president of AMARC. He has worked extensively with community radio in Québec and Canada. 12. The Hard Lesson of Autonomy – Kayes Rural Radio (Mali) – Pascal Berqué 13. Mahaweli Community Radio (Sri Lanka) – MJR David Isabelle Fortin is former journalist at Montréal’s Radio Centre-Ville. She currently lives in Haiti 14. Pluralist Responses for Africa (Africa) – Eugénie Aw where she is involved in a project to develop a rural radio network. 15. New Voices (Mexico) – Eduardo Valenzuela Evelyne Foy is Secretary General of AMARC. She has worked extensively with Québec’s community radio stations, including Radio Centre-Ville. Part IV – CULTURE Joseph Georges is former Program Director of Radio Soleil in Port au Prince, Haiti and a 16. Radio Asé Pléré An Nou Lité (Martinique) – Richard Chateau-Dégat member of AMARC’s Board of Directors. He is currently working towards developing a 17. Radio Gazelle – Multi-cultural radio in Marseille (France) – Radio Gazelle network of rural community radio stations in Haiti. 18. Offbeat, In-Step – Vancouver Co-operative Radio (Canada) – Dorothy Kidd Bruce Girard has worked in community radio projects in North America, Latin America and Europe. He is one of the founders of AMARC and former editor of the association’s bulletin, Part V – BEGINNINGS InteRadio. 19. The New Wave (Argentina) – Arturo Bregaglio & Sergio Tagle Edric Gorfinkel is founder and coordinator of CASET He has worked as a teacher in 20. Radio Stalin to Radio One (Czechoslovakia) – Stanislav Perkner & Barbara Kent Ecuador, the United States and Zimbabwe and as a radio and television broadcaster in 21. Radyo Womanwatch (The Philippines) – Anna Leah Sarabia Zimbabwe. 22. Making Waves with CASET (South Africa) – Edric Gorfinkel Barbara Kent works with Mediaconsult, an international consulting firm with offices in Czechoslovakia and the United States. Part VI – NEW FOR THE ELECTRONIC EDITION Dorothy Kidd has worked at Co-op Radio since 1980, both as a volunteer and a staff 23. RadioChaguarurco – Now you're not alone (Ecuador) – Bruce Girard member. She has researched popular communications in Canada and India and is currently completing her Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. v vi Serguei Korzoun is Radio Echo of Moscow’s news director. He formerly worked for the French-language service of Radio Moscow International. François Laureys is a former volunteer with Radio 100. He now works as a journalist with the state radio network Eric L’oiseau produces a jazz program at Radio Centre-Ville. José Ignacio López has extensive experience training for popular radio in Latin America. He has written several books about radio. He is coordinator of AMARC’s Latin American office. Lavinia Mohr is a former station manager and long-time programmer at Vancouver Cooperative Radio and one of the founders of AMARC. She immigrated from the United States to Canada in 1975 and currently resides in Toronto where she works for a community A Passion for Radio development agency active in ten countries. Radio Waves and Community Stanislav Perkner works with Mediaconsult, an international consulting firm with offices in www.comunica.org/passion Czechoslovakia and the United States. Anna Leah Sarabia is founder and coordinator of the Women’s Media Circle in Manila, the Philippines. Ron Sakolsky was involved with WTRA/Zoom Black Magic Liberation Radio from the start, doing a weekly African/Caribbean/hip hop show. He teaches at Springfield’s Sangamon State Preface – A Network of International Exchange University. He is a member of the Union for Democratic Communications and a national board member of the Alliance for Cultural Democracy. Michel Delorme Sergio Tagle is a member of CECOPAL (Centro de Comunicación Popular y Asesoramiento Legal) and Radio FM Sur. Bill Thomas is director of Pacifica Program Services in Los Angeles and a member of AMARC’s Board of Directors. Many groups and individuals around the world have discovered that radio allows them Eduardo Valenzuela is an anthropologist and Deputy Director of the Radio Department at Mexico’s Instituto Nacional Indigenista. He is also a member of AMARC’s Board of Directors. to gain control of a genuine communication tool that encourages creativity and allows popular access. Daily, from one end of the planet to the other, communication enthusiasts manage to make radio a collective enterprise devoted to development. This is not a utopia, or the dream of a few marginalised people – it is a phenomenon taking place on every continent. People are coming together to make the airwaves a real public place. The most widespread medium in many countries, and easily accessible following a minimal training period, community radio restores radio’s vocation as an instrument of two-way communication. Community radio goes by many names. It is called popular or educational radio in Latin America, rural or local radio in Africa, public radio in Australia and free or associative radio in Europe. All these names describe the same phenomenon: that of gaining a voice and democratising communication on a community scale. Community radio, although taking on diverse forms depending on its surroundings, remains a type of radio made to serve people; radio that encourages expression and participation and that values local culture.
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