Hiking and Cycling the Everglades
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HistorHistoryHistoryyy ofof ththe ofe TamiamtheTamiamiTamiami Tamiamii TrailTrailTrail Trail HistorAlongAy longof th U.S.e TamiamSafetU.S. 41y 41i Trail TheThe visionThevisionvision visionof of a cross-Florida ofcross-Florida a cross-Floridaa road roaddates roaddates datesback dates backtoback bef back ototore to The visionW longhenof ahiking cross-Florida U.S. or bicycling 41road along dates the Ta backmiami to Trailslong along U.S.U .S.41 411 ThereThere are aremany many interesting interesting on andon andoff-road off-road There are many interesting on and offf-road HikingHikingHiking andand and Hiking and 191beforebefore4 beforewhen 19141914 Capt 1914whenain when J.Captain F. JauCaptaind onJ. ofF. J. MiaJaudonJaudon F.m Jaudoni surveyed ofof Miami Miamiof tMiamihe Therebefore are 1914 manyTrail, when safetyinteresting Captain is of the J. utmoon F. sandtJaudon importance off-road of .Miami The There are many interesting on and off-road Hiking and opportunitiesopportunitiesc fororridor hiking for betw hiking andeen bicyclingandNaples bicycling to throughMiami through c thean be the opportunities for hikingn and bicycling throuugh the routsurveyedsurveyede surveyedfrom thethe Tam routeroute thepa to route fromfrom Miami fromTampa w ithTampa toNative Miami to MiamiAmerican with withnativeN ativeJa cknative opportunitiessurveyed the for route hiking from and Tampa bicycling to Miami through with the Native opportunities for hiking and bicycling through the variousvarious state c statehallengingand andnational w ithnational many parks nar parksr.ow bridges,. but it TigeAmericanAmericanrtail.American Section JackJack sJackTigertail. of theTigertail. unp Sectionsaved Sectionsroad of ofw e theretheof construc unpavedtheunpaved unpavedted variousAmerican state Jackand Tigertail.national Sectionsparks of the unpaved variousvarious sta statete and and nati onationalnal parks. parks is also very interesting for those who wish to overroadroad theroadwerewere next were constructed20 y ears;constructed howe overver, overlackthe ofnextthenext fu nds next2020 stalled years;years;20 theyears; road were constructed over the next 20 years; CyclingCyclingCycling thethe the Cycling the effohowever,rt however,until lackBarro oflackn Collierfunds of funds stalledagre edstalled theto compl effort the eeffort teuntil the untilbuildiBarron Barronng exxperience the Everglades at a slow pace. The Friends of Collier-Seminole State Park Cyclingg the however, lack of funds stalled the effort until Barron thehowever, River of lack Grass of fundsGreen waystalled (FRO theG effortG) continu until eBarrons to ofCollier thheCollier Tamiami agreed agreed T rail.to Withcompleteto completehis financial the buildingthe ba ckingbuilding theof Sttheofate the CollieCollierCollierr-Semi-Seminole-Senolminolee StatState eState ParkPark Park AnCollie originalr-Semi standnol of ena Stattive eroyal Park pa lm trees, coeexisting Collier agreed to complete the building of the communicateCollier agreed and workto completewith the Florithe dabuilding Departme ofnt ofthe FRIENDSFRIENDS OF OFTHE THE assuTamiamimTamiamied the Trail. res Trail. pWithonsibility Withhis financial ahisnd thefinancial roadbacking wbackingas theopened Statethe in State with one of the largest mangrove swamps in thee world, Tamiami Trail. With his financial backing the State AnRareT ransportationoriginalTamiami palmRare palmtrees stand Trail. andtreesto offind the andWithnative wayshistoric the his royalhistoricto Tamiamiimprovefinancial palm Tamiami ctrees,Trail obackingnditions. Trail“Walkingcoexisting “Walkingthe State RIVERAnRIVER original OF stand OFGRASS of GRASSnative royal GREENWAY palmGREENWAY trees, coexisting EvergladesEvergladesEverglades Everglades 1928. Barron Collier built six way stations along the distinguishes this 7,271-acre park established by Barron assumedassumedassumed thethe responsibility the responsibility and theand roadroadthe roadwaswas openedwasopened opened with assumedTheone 3.5-miof the the lelargest responsibilitysection mangrove beginning andswamp atthe ths eroadin intersecti the was world, oopenedn of with one of the largest mangrove swamps in the world, Everglaades highway to service the cars and established the Southwest Dredge”Dredge” distinguish distinguish this 7,271-acre this 7,271-acre park establishedpark established by the by the Gift Collier. The park is also the site of the hhistoric inin 1928.1928.in 1928. BarronBarron Barron Collier Collier built builtsix way waysix waystationsstations stations alongalong along distinguishesUSin41 1928./ CR951 thisBarron going 7,271-acre Colliereast h aparks builtbike established lanes,six way a sidewalk, bystations Barron a ndalong a Dedicated to distinguishes Dedicated to providing thisproviding 7,271-acre a safe multi a safe multi park-use pathway across established-use pathway across by Barron Mounted Patrol to assist travelers. He also provided public late Balaterron Ba Giftrron Colli Gift er.Colli er. Tamiami Trail “Walking Dredge” used to buuild the thethe highwayhighwaythe highway toto service to service the carscarsthe carsandand establishedandestablished established thethe the Gift10 -foottheCollier. highway shared The- usepark to pathway serviceis also . theManythe site cars area of andthe residents historicestablished no Bayw use the the Everglades with the Giftthe Everglades with the Collier. The parkfocus on environmental is alsofocus on environmental the site of the historic Bay bus service (Tamiami Trailways). Today the Tamiami Tamiami Trail. SouthwestSouthwestSouthwest MountedMounted Mounted Patrol Patrol to assist to assist travelers.travelers. travelers. HeHe also alsoHe also Citythe SouthwestseWalking lanes Dredgefo Mountedr commuting used toPatrol build and to theshoppi assist Tamiamin g,travelers. in Trail. additi Heon alsoto City Walking Dredge used to build the Tamiami Trail. Trail is the only accessible link in south Florida between education and stewardship. http://alturl.education and stewardship. com/s6nof Napprovidedprovidedlesprovided and publicpublicMiam publici. bus servicebus service (Tamiami(Tamiami (Tamiami Trailways).Trailways). Trailways). Tenennjjprovidedoying TenThousand theThousand republiccreational Islands bus Islands be servicen NWRefits ofNWR (Tamiamiwalk ing, runnin Trailways).g, and http://alturl.com/s6nof TodayToday the Tamiami the Tamiami Trail Trailis the is only the onlyaccessible accessible link inlink in bicycling along this sectionn. Long-distance cyclists and Today the Tamiami Trail is the only accessible link for EstablishedTodayEstablished inthe 1996, Tamiami in 1996,this 35,000 this Trail 35,000 acres is therefugeacres only refuge protects accessible protects importa importa linknt fornt day travelers are also taking advantage of the safety Ten Thousand Islands NWR non-motoristssouthsouth Florida Florida betweenin betweensouthCult Naples FloridaNaplesu reand Miami. andbetween Miami. Naples mangrovenon-motoristsmangrove and marsh and marsh habitatsin habitatssouth and is andtheFlorida ultimateis the ultimate interfacebetween interface where Naples where features along this corridor. MEMBERSHIPEstablishedMEMBERSHIPin 1996, th isAPPLICATION 35,000-a APPLICATIONcre refuge pprotects Botandh Miami. the Semino le and the Miccosukee Tribes have a rich landand graduallyland Miami. gradually gives waygives to way the tosea the … sea where … where freshwater freshwater flows flows important mangrove and marsh habitats and is the uultimate CultureCulture interchange Forinterchange the with nex tidal twith 2 milessaltwater. tidal saltwater.(from Greenway Road to 6L Farm cultural heritage in southern Florida and continue to interface where land gradually gives way to the sea … maiBothntain Boththe theirSeminole the Seminoleancient and Culturecusto theand mMiccosukee thes as Miccosukee demon sTribestrated Tribes havein th ehaveair a Road) there is no separatedCulture pathway but is planned for the future when tthis section is widened to four lanes. where freshwater flows interchange with tidal saltwwaater. musriche umsculturalrich culturaland heritage villages heritage in along southern in thesouthern TamiaFlorida Floridam iand Trail. continue and Tri continuebal interchange with tidal saltwater. interchange with tidal saltwater. Both the Seminole and the Miccosukee Tribes have a Meeanwhile,Both the taSeminoleke caution and wh ilethe hiking Miccosukee or biking. Tribes have a http://alturl.com/dncvDate ________________________Date ________________________m meto mmaintainbers,to maintain as theirwe ll theirancient as indiviancient customsduals customs whoas demonstrated asmaintain demonstrated th ineir in http://alturl.com/dncvm Amenities along the Amenities along the rich cultural heritage in southern Florida and continue Fakahatchee richFromFakahatchee cultural 6L Farm Strandheritage Road Strand to inPreserve Colliersouthern Preserve Semi StateFloridanole State StatePark and ParkPcontinue ark at AmenitiesAmenities along along the the indetheirp endenttheirmuseums museums stat uands, continue villagesand villages t oalong live along alongthe Tamiami the US41. Tamiami AmoTrail.n Trail.g Amenities aloong the to maintain their ancient customs as demonstrated in HostCRto 92Hostof maintain aa wideofnew a widearray their2.3-mile arrayof ancient habitats: ofs eparatedhabitats: customs swamps, swamps,p easprairies,destrian/bic demonstrated prairies, tropicaly clingtropical in PicayuneIndividual StrandIndividual State Fores$25t $25 theTribalfirstTribal members, white members, settlers