Old Westbury Gardens

2009-2010 Biennial Report

Old Westbury Gardens  PO Box 430  Old Westbury, NY 11568  (516) 333-0048


Dear Friends,

The last two years have been filled with challenges, for individuals, businesses and charities. These challenges create opportunities to change the way an organization like ours serves the public. With the assistance of the Board of Trustees, Old Westbury Gardens made necessary cuts to the budget to weather the most severe recession in the life of our organization.

However, with creative and resourceful staff members and loyal volunteers, Old Westbury Gardens has emerged as a healthier organization. One area that served us very well during these stressful times was our horticultural intern program. The Gardens work in partnership with Ohio State in selecting the best qualified candidates available for the six to nine month program. This skilled and enthusiastic labor arrives in March when our maintenance demands are highest. This program provides a resource to maintain the high standard that has made Old Westbury Gardens a destination.

Diligently working on corporate support for our Environmental Education program, we secured new grants from a private foundation and from two banks. Our prior supporters continued their funding streams. A cultivation event contributed new funding and we completely offset the costs of providing this program to one of the highest need school districts in Nassau County.

As you will see in the following pages, preservation projects were completed, garden restoration projects have begun, and we continue to refine our public programs to be sure they are providing the sort of entertainment our visitors seek.

I hope you will contact me if you’d like a tour of the progress the Gardens has made but as they say, sometimes a picture can say a thousand words. I hope you will feel as encouraged as I am at the progress made over the last two years.

Yours truly,

John S. Norbeck, President and CEO

(ii) Officers & Staff


Officers Mary S. Phipps Chairman Frank Castagna Vice Chairman Carol E. Large Vice Chairman John S. Norbeck President & CEO Anne B. Byers Secretary John M. Deignan Treasurer Advisors to Board Public Relations Roger L. Bahnik Vincent J. Kish, Director Board of Trustees Jane Choate Arlene J. Blau William T. Comfort, Jr. Horticulture John R. Bransfield Dean F. Failey Maura Brush, Director John S. P. Cochran Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen Peter T. Donohue Sandra DeMille Patricia C. Montgomerie Kimberly Johnson Emily T. Frick Dorothy B. Moore Scott Lucas Irene R. Gachot Julian H. Robertson, Jr. Pasquale Palmisano Richard Gachot Norman H. Volk William M. Story Jane S. Greenleaf Richard Weir III Annmarie Zawistowski George K. Wittlinger, Sr. Robert F. Hussey Laureen Stanton Knutsen Liaisons to Board Operations Sandra M. Lessing Kay Maris Peter J. DeBlasi, Director Arthur S. Levine Edward Nolan John DeMaille Thomas McPartland Julie Wellington Bob Garrone Dita Naylor-Leyland Michael A. Grimaldi Dita Amory Nickson STAFF Doreen Lumbra Jeffrey S. Phipps Luis E. Rinaldini John S. Norbeck Preservation Elaine Schwartzreich President and CEO Lorraine Gilligan, Director Gigi Guenther Sheldon Janice Bloom Lloyd P. Zuckerberg Administration J. Robert Thompson Eric A. Wheeler, Director Emeritus Trustees Erin McCauley Public Programs and Susan Phipps Cochran Elizabeth Zimmerli Visitor Services Ann B. Copeland Paul Hunchak, Director J. Oliver Crom Development Kimberly S. Di Ciero Beatrice H. Guthrie Doreen Banks, Director Stephanie Gentilini-Pagonis Catherine G. Heyes Charlene Enoch Lisa Reichenberger Evelyn G. Johnson Jana Ryan Jairo Restrepo Ann L. Nolte Lisa Thornell Angela Savino

(1) Accomplishments 2009-2010


Introduction Old Westbury Gardens is completing its 51st year of operation as a public garden. Its Statement of Purpose approved in 1978 includes the following:

Old Westbury Gardens, Inc. was founded for the purpose of preserving the beauty and personal charm of Westbury House and its gardens as created by John S. Phipps and Margarita Grace Phipps in the early 20th century when it was lived in by the (Phipps) family. The house is a fine repository for the history of its architecture, furnishings, gardens and way of life…To further this purpose we must:

 Maintain the house in the tradition of Mr. and Mrs. Phipps.  Maintain the gardens using new and improved plants and trees where advisable, but always in keeping with the original plantings, and to keep beautifully maintained herbaceous borders, which are becoming a thing of the past.  Attract the public to enjoy the special ambiance of Old Westbury Gardens and to learn about its way of life.  Increase membership through programs such as lectures, trips, special events and the Newsletter.  Train volunteer guides to assist the public in appreciating the Gardens’ special features.  Offer educational programs and graphic displays related to the interpretation of the house, gardens and the period.  Gather together a collection of architectural and gardening books suitable to the house and gardens.

As a measure of the success of the Gardens and its adherence to these principles, in 2009, the Gardens is named one of the ten most beautiful public gardens in the world by a panel of distinguished horticulturists. Previously, cultural critic Brendan Gill called Old Westbury Gardens one of the finest examples of English gardens in America.

(2) Accomplishments 2009-2010


In 2008 Old Westbury Gardens completed a $3.1 million campaign to acquire a 35 acre property contiguous to the Gardens in Old Westbury. The property, called Orchard Hill, is located in the Old Westbury Special Groundwater Protection Area and was identified by Nassau County’s Open Space Committee as an important property to preserve. Nassau County purchased development rights through its 2005 Environmental Bond Act. The Gardens agreed to purchase the land and its buildings to be used for public programming.

This pre-Civil War era Quaker farm complex called Orchard Hill is now the site of a formal environmental education program, involving public and private school students, the girl scouts and other programs open to the general public. The property’s ancillary buildings are used to house horticultural interns from around the world, selected by the Director of Horticulture. The main house is used to host private and public events for Old Westbury Gardens such as lectures, teas and book signings.

In 2008, the Gardens signed a 99 year lease with Nassau County to manage the property known as the Dairy Farm. This is a 12 acre parcel on the south service road of the Expressway and Old Westbury Road. It includes staff housing, a milking and dairy barn, a silo and a chicken coop. The Gardens re-roofed several buildings to stabilize them and the Board of Trustees is currently examining various ways to use this as a future educational site.


Preservation at Old Westbury Gardens encompasses maintaining the architectural integrity of the man-made environment and the historic interiors and collections within Westbury House and the residence known as Orchard Hill. Some projects have been undertaken with matching grant support from State, gifts from private donors, cultivation events or funding through the Friends of Old Westbury Gardens.

(3) Accomplishments 2009-2010

Expansion of the National Register Boundaries for Old Westbury Gardens The original nomination in 1976 of Old Westbury Gardens to the National Register included about 88 acres and focuses on Westbury House. The Gardens has been given or acquired additional parcels of the original John S. Phipps estate as well as the contiguous 35 acre Orchard Hill purchased in 2007. The expanded nomination will include these parcels as well as describing significant landscape, hardscape and buildings contributing to the significance of Old Westbury Gardens. By including Orchard Hill on the National Register the Gardens will be able to pursue significant funding opportunities.

Walled Garden Pergola Dome and Trellis Restoration The Walled Garden is one of the most renowned features of Old Westbury Gardens. It is crowned at its southern terminus by the gently curving wooden pergola spanning over 100 running feet. The pergola and its imposing center dome were restored or stabilized as needed in partnership with a grant from the NYS Environmental Fund and a match by a generous donor. Working in partnership with the horticultural staff, invasive plant material has been pruned, soil levels in plant beds lowered, and drip irrigation instituted, all to prevent moisture from damaging the pergola.

East Lake Swimming Pool and Terrace This significant architectural feature just southeast of Westbury House was restored after extensive masonry repairs stabilized the overlook terrace and additional drainage added to relieve the hydrostatic pressure from the sloping landscape leading to the terrace. Old marble dust has been removed from the interior of the swimming pool, repairs made to the pool’s walls and the interior re- marble dusted. Hemlocks planted by the swimming pool are benefiting from improved ground drainage.

(4) Accomplishments 2009-2010

Westbury House Collyweston Slate Roof

The Gardens is conducting a study of the existing conditions of the limestone Collyweston slates on Westbury House. Limestone slates are more vulnerable to climate changes and pollution than granite slates. The slates were quarried in the English Midlands and have been used on many prestigious English buildings. Due to economics and environmental concerns, many of the quarries have been closed and obtaining new or recycled Collyweston slates has become challenging. The Gardens was fortunate in obtaining a limited supply of newly quarried slates. We continue to pursue additional supplies of slates while repairing the existing roof dating from 1907.

Courtyard Knee Wall The north elevation of Westbury House is composed of the main entrance and courtyard which is framed by an impressive limestone knee wall. Portions of the wall are unstable due to deteriorating brick foundations which are being replaced by cinder block, a more stable building material and the walls are being reconstructed.

Interior Restoration Textile restorations of John S. Phipps’ Dressing Room and the Blue Guest Room give visitors a sense of the original color schemes intended for these period rooms. Over time, textiles fade and shred, and the design intent of the interior begins to lose its integrity. The bed hangings and window hangings in Mr. Phipps’ Dressing Room are based on prototypes in collections storage.

(5) Accomplishments 2009-2010


The Gardens is a resource for Long Island history, hosting fourth grade students as well as other grades to discuss the history of Long Island and the construction of Old Westbury Gardens by the by acquiring a series of Quaker Farms.

Beginning in 2007, the Gardens embarked upon a partnership with the Westbury School District (this is Nassau County’s second poorest school district) to create an environmental education program that conforms with the New York State curriculum guidelines and that takes full advantage of the many features of its natural environment: wildlife, ponds, wetlands, vegetable gardens and the many horticultural resources, over 100 species of trees and twelve specific gardens.

Research by the Pew Charitable Trust has shown that well structured outdoor activities help students improve academic outcomes in math, science and other areas. Providing an environmental resource to the Westbury School District strengthens its ability to enrich students’ experiences and expand future academic interests. Corporate and foundation support enable the Gardens to offer this program to an underserved community.

This program began with kindergarten and first grade students. In the 2009- 2010 school year, it was expanded to pre-kindergarten through third grade with up to three visits. By the end of 2010 there will have been approximately 1,481 students and 2,500 visits by this school district alone. Combined with other schools, 2,494 students visited the Gardens.

The Education Coordinator also runs very popular Girl Scout programs to 79 troops from 20 communities on Long Island. By the end of 2010, the Gardens will have hosted 650 Girl Scouts.

(6) Accomplishments 2009-2010


As the landscape matures, Old Westbury Gardens is faced with challenges beyond just maintaining the gardens in the manner of the Phipps family. Plants, over time, may grow to a size where they are no longer in scale with the landscape or where they start to negatively impact historic structures or other plants. In order to responsibly maintain the entire landscape and not just individual plants, there are times when garden renovations become a necessity.

Renovations In March of 2010, the yew hedge was renovated, which had become overgrown, on the north side of Westbury House. The plants were removed, the soil was tested and amended, and the same species of yew was re-planted. The end result was a hedge more like the one the Phipps’ would have viewed while they were in residence, which is healthy and in proportion with the main house. The Grey Garden was also restored and marked the beginning of a four year plan to renovate each of the demonstration gardens.

Inventory This spring, the Gardens completed an inventory of all the trees and shrubs on the property. Each tree was given a number and the species, size, condition, and various other attributes were put into a database. This database will allow the Gardens to keep careful track of plant material and assess what trees need to be pruned, cabled, or given special cultural care.

Fortunately most of the mature trees are in excellent health. The majority of these trees, however, were planted within a five year span of one another. So, there is a need to plan ahead for a point when many of these trees may begin to decline within a short time. Areas where succession planting can begin are constantly being identified. This spring saw the planting of more than twelve trees. These included a River Birch near the Temple of Love, two elms trees in the Garden of Appreciation, two River Birches and a Tupelo near the Post Avenue entrance. Three additional River Birches were planted on the Lake Trail, along with a Peking Lilac, a Sweet Birch, and a Paw Paw.

(7) Accomplishments 2009-2010

Boxwood Garden The Boxwood Garden restoration is the next large renovation project that is planned. The boxwoods, which were over one hundred years old when they were planted in 1931, have reached the end of their lives. The Gardens is in the process of going through old photographs to ascertain exactly how this garden looked when it was originally planted, so that the renovation will stay as close to the original design as possible.

The Horticulture Department has made great strides in the last three years to drastically reduce the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the gardens. The Gardens does not apply pesticides to any of our lawn areas and even the formal rose garden is now organic. Visitors have taken a great interest in these new practices and Old Westbury Gardens has given several workshops and lectures on how they can employ some of such practices in their own gardens.


As our millions of visitors over the past half-century can attest, Old Westbury Gardens is the full package. It is the preeminent cultural, educational, and historic attraction on Long Island. In addition to Westbury House, the gardens, the many programs for the public and the educational programs, the most important preservation project for this or any year is the continued responsible stewardship of these 200 precious acres of open space. Mrs. Phipps’ beloved landscaped features, framed in rolling lawns, expansive meadows and native woodland are an irreplaceable legacy to be shared with future generations.

(8) Operating Budget 2009

Revenue 2009

Member s hip & Benef its 8% General Admission Investment IncomeEar ned Inc ome 5% Special Events 9% 10% Admission Public Programs 2% 1% Contributions Visitor Services 8% 5%

Fund Raising Events Grant Income 19% 33%

REVENUE Membership & Benefits 310,000.00 General Admission 184,000.00 EXPENSES Special Events Admission 73,500.00 Contributions 307,000.00 Salary & Benefits 2,206,535.83 Grant Income 1,285,000.00 Program & Administration 915,564.17 Fund Raising Events 754,000.00 Fund Raising Events 339,400.00 Visitor Services 184,500.00 Visitor Services Events 133,500.00 Public Programs 49,000.00 Public Programs 55,000.00 Investment Income 361,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,650,000.00 Earned Income 392,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 3,900,000.00

Expenses 2009

Program & Administration 25% Fund Raising Events 9% Salary & Benefits Visitor Services Events 60% 4%

Public Programs 2%

(9) Operating Budget 2010

Revenue 2010

Member s hip & Benef its General Admission 7% Ear ned Inc ome Special5% Events Investment Income 11% Admission 10% 2% Public Programs Contributions 2% 9% Visitor Services 4% Fund Raising Events Grant Income 17% 33%

REVENUE Membership & Benefits 260,000.00 General Admission 179,000.00 EXPENSES Special Events Admission 75,500.00 Salary & Benefits 2,190,812.56 Contributions 307,000.00 Program & Administration 962,187.44 Grant Income 1,215,000.00 Fund Raising Events 269,000.00 Fund Raising Events 611,100.00 Visitor Services Events 108,000.00 Visitor Services 134,000.00 Public Programs 70,000.00 Public Programs 57,500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,600,000.00 Investment Income 352,500.00 Earned Income 408,400.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 3,600,000.00

Expenses 2010

Program & Administration 27%

Fund Raising Events 7% Salary & Benefits Visitor Services Events 61% 3%

Public Programs 2%

(10) Statement of Financial Position 2009 - 2010

Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2010 with comparative Figures at December 31, 2009

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted 2010 Total 2009 Total Restricted Restricted ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents 153,502 16,176 169,678 121,860 Accounts Receivable 95,754 95,754 96,185 Accrued Interest Receivable 18,167 18,167 18,108 Inventory 24,445 24,445 16,812 Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets 57,405 57,405 50,732 Pledges Receivable 50,653 50,653 22,500 Investments 4,471,110 1,225,649 1,189,444 6,886,203 6,528,182 Property, Plant and Equipment 4,841,121 1,250,000 6,091,121 6,149,398 Beneficial Interest in Trust 25,521,361 25,521,361 24,023,521 TOTAL ASSETS 9,661,504 1,276,302 27,976,981 38,914,788 37,027,298

LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Liabilities Deferred Revenue 99,729 99,729 117,891 Accounts Payable/Accrued Expenses 161,749 161,749 108,041 Total Liabilities 261,478 261,478 225,932

Net Assets Unrestricted Current Operations (3,005) (3,005) 4,853 Net Land, Plant & Equipment 4,841,121 4,841,121 4,899,398 Capital Projects Centennial Fund 4,561,910 4,561,910 4,261,895 Temporarily Restricted Capital Projects 948,790 948,790 916,738 Education & Outreach 185,404 185,404 148,585 D Wittlinger Tree Fund 91,545 91,545 68,542 Pledges Receivable 50,563 50,563 22,500 Permanent Endowment General Endowment 812,138 812,138 812,138 Education & Outreach Endowment 181,280 181,280 181,280 D Wittlinger Endowment 212,202 212,202 211,916 Property, Plant & Equipment 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 Beneficial Interest in Trust 25,521,361 25,521,361 24,023,521 Total Net Assets 9,400,026 1,276,302 27,976,981 38,653,310 36,801,366

TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS 9,661,504 1,276,302 27,976,981 38,914,788 37,027,298

(11) Fundraising Events

December Dinner 2010

Honoring Laureen and Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Chaired by Charlotte Triefus and Lloyd P. Zuckerberg

Gardeners’ Fair 2010 “African Safari”

Honoring Diahann and Jay Cochran Chaired by Hannah Burns and Alex Sutherland

(12) Public Programs and Family Events

(13) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

$100,000+ The Gerry Trust Mr. Leo A. Guthart The Howard Phipps Foundation Mr. Julian H. Robertson, Jr. State of New York

$50,000 to $99,000 James M. Large Jr. Family Foundation Pall Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr.

$40,000 to $49,000 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson DeMille Mr. and Mrs. Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Robertson Foundation

$30,000 to $39,000 Fifth Avenue of L.I. Realty Association Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Levine New York Community Bank Foundation Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation

$20,000 to $29,000 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Arnesen Blau Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Russell Grace Byers, Jr. Mr. John M. Deignan Griffon Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Peter J.G. Maris National Grid R.K. Mellon Family Foundation The Stebbins Fund, Inc.

$15,000 to $19,999 Mr. F. Harlan Batrus Mrs. Bruce Duff Hooton Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutzel James D'Addario Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Maguire, Jr. The Moore Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Phipps Sealift Holdings Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steinhardt The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation (14) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

$10,000 to $14,999 Astoria Federal Savings Helen Clay Frick Foundation The Bank of America Foundation Jamie Nicholls & Fran Biondi Charitable Trust Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Greg Leder Betty & James K. Stone Foundation The Lessing Foundation The Bodman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lessing Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bransfield, Jr. The Marie Napoli & Paul Napoli Foundation Capital One Mrs. William L. Matheson Ms. Veronique Casimir-Lambert Mrs. Dita Naylor-Leyland Castagna Realty Co., Inc. Point Gammon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Castagna The Robert Goelet Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Catell The Sandra and Howard Tytel Foundation The F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sheldon The Guthart Family Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Kiss Products, Inc. Aaron Rose Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langone The Bahnik Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Large, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carter F. Bales Drs. Thomas & Patricia Loeb The Barker Welfare Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPartland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Barry III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Graham Nickson Carco Builders Corp. Old Westbury Horseman's Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Carillo The O'Sullivan Children Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Paul Chwast & Kilbrith, CPA, PC Mr. David P. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. George D. Phipps Ms. Diana Collins and Mr. Townsend U. Weekes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Phipps The Cooper Family Foundation, Inc. Drs. Anthony and Ruth Randi Mr. T. A. Cox Ms. Robin A. Reardon Mr. Gerard P. Dankel Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Rinaldini Mr. Daniel P. Davison The Roger Rechler Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Claudio del Vecchio Schwartzreich Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. di Galoma Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Schwartzreich Dorothy Carnegie Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Selover Dr. Nancy R. Douzinas and Mr. Kostas Douzinas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shugrue Mr. and Mrs. John Foley Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff Mrs. Helene Fortunoff and Mr. Robert Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Ian K. Snow Mrs. Henry Clay Frick II Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Stacey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gachot Mrs. David S. Taylor Mr. Peter Gleason Dr. Karl Wamsler Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Haggerty Mrs. Robert Winthrop Janine Luke Fund Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Wolcott Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle C. Jones (15) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

$1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous Atlantic Coast Technologies Inc. Abby & George O'Neill Trust Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Bahnik Ackerman, Levine, Cullen, Brickman & Limmer The Baltimore Collection & Design Group, LTD Agus Interiors Mr. and Mrs. William L. Banks Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie III Barbara and Donald Tober Foundation Albanese Organization, Inc. The Barbara Hope Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Alderson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Barbiero American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Baron-Goldstein Design American Land Services Mrs. John Barry American Rhododendron Society, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bartlett, Jr. The Amsterdam at Harborside Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Gary Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Berens Ms. Lynda Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berger Arts Des Provinces De France, Inc. Mr. Peter Berley Mr. and Mrs. Matteo Bevilacqua Mr. and Mrs. William T. Comfort, Jr. Mrs. Joy E. Billhardt Commax Realty I LLC Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blanchard III Mr. Marc Corea Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Blau CPX Interactive, Inc. Mr. David Boggs and Ms. Ran Xu Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Cuchel Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bolling Ms. Tracy Currie Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Bonebrake Mr. and Mrs. Christoph Cushman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonheim Mr. and Mrs. Roderick H. Cushman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bossart Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty, Inc. Bradley Stephens LLC Danielle Roberts Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Henry Breck Darren Henault Interiors Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenizer Dr. E. William Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. de Roulet Mrs. William Bresnan Mrs. Vincent de Roulet Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Brooks Dean and Marie Failey Fund Mrs. Jackson Burke Mrs. Paula Deitz Mr. Barry Calvagna Dr. and Mrs. Patrick DePippo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carillo Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeVerna Carney, Tiger, Krell, & Pacheco, CPA Mr. and Mrs. John DeVivo Mr. Dayton Carr Ms. Christina R. Di Iorio Mrs. Jean Cattier di Salvo Interiors CEP Consultants DiFazio Electric, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Chapman III Mrs. Suzanne Dillenbeck Mrs. Thomas H. Choate Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dolan Clan MacDuff #5081 The Donald and Barbara Zucker Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Clay Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Donohue Clinical Systems, Inc. Doris M & Peter S Tilles Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cochran Mr. Michael G. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. C. Payson Coleman, Jr. Mr. Rick Drumm

(16) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Mr. Lewis I. Haber and Ms. Carmen Dubroc Mr. William Ivey Long Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Elmore The Jane H. Choate Fund Elsa Soyars, Ltd Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Janney III Emblem Health John and Joan D'Addario Foundation Inc. Dr. and Mrs. David Fastenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johnston Mr. Joseph Fichera Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Justiz Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Finelli K O Fire Curtain LLC Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Finley Mr. O.G. Kaufhold Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Fiorillo Kelly Development Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs Forelli Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kelter Franchina & Giordano PC Kimco Realty Corporation Franck & Lohsen, Architects, Inc. Mr. Roger Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Frey Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kleinman Mr. Robert Froelich The Kleinschmidt Family Foundation Mrs. Leandro S. Galban, Jr. Mr. G. Bruce Knecht and Mr. Henry van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gallagher Ms. Cynthia Knudsen George V. Bullen & Sons, Inc. LaBranche & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Gerschel Lambrides, Lamos, Taylor LLP Sir David & Lady Gibbons Land Rover of Long Island Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Lavelle Gondelman Foundation Levittown Public Library Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Goodwin The Litwin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John R. Grace Long Island Community Foundation at Nassau Hall Mrs. Oliver R. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacNaughton Mrs. J. Peter Grace Mr. Andrew Maier Great Neck Library Mr. and Mrs. A. Edward Major Mrs. Jane S. Greenleaf Ms. Maria Manuche Greg Lanza Interior Design Maple Crest LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark Guariglia Maria Buatta, Inc. Mrs. Vivien Gurfein Martin Viette Nursery Dr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Guthrie, Jr. Mr. Michael T. Martin The Guy de Chazal Family Charitable Fund Mr. Paul J. Mateyunas Harry & Phyllis Manko Family Foundation Mrs. Caroline B. Michahelles Mr. Huyler C. Held Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Michalis Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Henning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Miller Herbert L. Smith III Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Scott Miller Mrs. Fred L. Heyes Mill-Max Manufacturing Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hiatrides Mrs. Patricia C. Montgomerie Hicks Nurseries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hoover Mr. Robert von Stade and Ms. Elizabeth Munson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hopkinson Mutual of America Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoppin Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Nagin Humes & Wagner, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nissen Mr. and Mrs. John Ingleby Mr. and Mrs. John S. Norbeck Iris and Saul Katz Family Foundation North Country Garden Club Island Circuits International Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nussdorf (17) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O'Brien Mr. Stephen Salny Old Westbury Marketing, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Olt, Jr. Santemma & Deutsch LLP Orion Consultants, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Santemma Mrs. Barry M. Osborn The Saunders Family-Ivor Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ostrow Sauvigne & Company, LLP Oxford Restoration, LLC Sharon and Marvin Schechter Mr. Kevin Palmer The Schiff Foundation Patrik Lönn Design Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Schiff Dr. Cynthia Paulis Mrs. John A. Scrymgeour Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas B. Paumgarten Scully & Scully, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Peirez Mrs. Patricia Selch Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Perrell Sherrill Canet Interiors, Ltd. Mrs. Jane M. Pflug Mr. Hunter Lewis & Ms. Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff Ms. Katrina Phillips Sidney B. Bowne & Son, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Colin S. Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Didier S. Siffer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps III Mr. Harvey Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Rutherfurd Stuyvesant Pierrepont Mrs. William Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pilkington Mrs. Alexander B. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pitts, Jr. Mr. Herbert L. Smith III Poetica Musica Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks Smith Mrs. Donald F. Pollitt Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Poole Mrs. Gretchen S. Souther Mrs. Richardson Pratt, Jr. Spionkop Charitable Trust Ms. Noni Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanco Prestige Mills, Inc. Standard Valuation Services Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Pulling Mrs. Louise H. Stephaich Mrs. Richard I. Purnell The Stern Charitable Foundation The Quatre Vents Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Sutherland Mr. Gary Quinn Swift-Morris Interiors The R & VC Charitable Trust Tamarack Fish & Game Preserve Mr. Jack Radgowski Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tarica Mr. Lewis Ranieri Thanksgiving Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Remmel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Thielen Ricciardi Family Charitable Fund The Thylan-Nussbaum Family Charitable Fund Richard A. Meyer Associates, Inc. The Tilles Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richter The Timber Lake Foundation Ridgewood Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tober Mr. Donald M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Remy W. Trafelet Rogers Family Foundation Transitional Computing Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Romeo The Treiber Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rose Ms. Esther Leeming Tuttle Mr. Edward Russo Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Valkenburg Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Rutherfurd, Jr. van Beuren Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mrs. George Rutigliano Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Volk Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ryan Dr. Caroline A. Wamsler (18) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Dr. and Mrs. James D. Watson William C. and Joyce C. O'Neil Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weir III Mr. Ryan Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weissman Windham House Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Welles Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wolowitz Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Wenz The Woods Foundation Western Beef, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wu The Wheeler Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Zuflacht Mr. Robert B. Whitney

$500 to $999 Anonymous Mr. James F. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albert Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carter Mrs. Karen Lagatta and Mr. Marshall G. Allan Mrs. Janet Casinover Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Castellano Anne Tarasoff Interiors Charles Scribner Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jack Antinori Charlie Bolling Golf Shop Baldwin Public Library Ms. Cathy Morris Chernoff Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Bancroft Christopher D. Smithers Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Bard Mr. John P. Cleary Dr. Grace E. Bareikis and Dr. Robert Bareikis Cold Spring Harbor Library Ms. Leslie Barrett Dr. and Mrs. Struan Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barry Mr. and Mrs. John Colleary Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barshay Mr. and Mrs. Denward W. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Bartow Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colombo Ms. Teresa Belmonte Mr. and Mrs. Elliot S. Conway Ben Thylan Furs Mrs. Alan Costa Ben's Garden Mr. and Mrs. James Cowperthwait Bermingham & Co. Ms. Carol Crespi Ms. Lucy E. Berrios Cristina V. Bethpage Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cullum Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Blohm Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Danbusky Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Bondi David & Leslie Fastenberg Family Fund Bottega Veneta Capt. T.A. Haig Dick Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Larry DiGiovanni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Broyles Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donovan Ms. Anne M. Busquet Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Duke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alan Butler, Jr. Ms. Florence D'Urso Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bystrom Dyfari Interiors, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calabrese Mr. and Mrs. James R. Eckel Cameron Engineering and Associates, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Egan Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Canet Elmont Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Cannell Mr. and Mrs. George L. Engelke, Jr. Ms. Karyn Canterbury Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fahey Carl Rizzo Home Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairbairn Ms. Carol Carpenter Farmingdale Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Fee

(19) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Feldman Jericho Public Library Ms. Gerral Felson Dr. Lawrence Jindra Mr. Jim Ferri and Ms. Marjorie Kean John & Katherine Naudin Foundation Ms. Nora Figliolia John DeVivo Inc. Floral Park Public Library John's Island Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Foote Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnson Freeport Memorial Library Mrs. Glenn D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frost Ms. Jill Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jones Galban Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kamm Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Gambino Mr. and Mrs. Roger Keithline Mr. and Mrs. John Gehnrich Mrs. Ronnie Kelapire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. T. Gimbel Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Keys Glen Cove Public Library Ms. Mary Ann Kikel Gold Coast Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kingston Ms. Stephanie Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Richard Koplin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Guest II Ms. Nancy R. Kovar Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock D. Hackley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krasnoff Mr. and Mrs. James Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lamb Mrs. Laura Haley Mrs. Lapsley Half Hollow Hills Community Library Lee Calicchio LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Hargraves Mrs. John Leib Mr. and Mrs. John B. Harlow Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lemle Mr. Martin Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Leuchtenburg Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hartley Mr. and Mrs. James Libby Hempstead Public Library Liberty Maritime Corporation Henry Waldinger Memorial Library Mr. and Mrs. James W. Litke Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hermele Locust Valley Library Mrs. Alfred H. Hicks Long Beach Public Library Hicksville Public Library Longwood Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Landon Hilliard Ms. Jessica Luna Mr. Alan Hirsh Lymphoma Research Foundation Mrs. Heidi M. Holterbosch Lynbrook Public Library Mr. Gedale B. Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. John Macaskill Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Mackay Huntington Public Library Madison National Bank Mr. Waldo Hutchins, III Mr. Daniel J. Mahony Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Hylan Mr. Nicholas Mancini Iman's Bridal Couture, Inc. Manhasset Public Library Ms. Clara C. Ingen-Housz Ms. Elena Manno Innocenti & Webel Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Marino Island Park Public Library The Martin B. Greenberg Foundation, Inc. Island Trees Public Library Mr. Philip A. Martone J. McLaughlin Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Marzo James Talcott Fund Massapequa Public Library (20) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Mr. Charles S. Mazzocchi Ms. Amy Falls and Mr. Hartley Rogers Mr. George B. McAuliffe and Mrs. Heidi W. Moore Ron Rizzo LLC Mr. and Mrs. William McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ross Mr. Thomas Meehan Mr. David Rowe Merrick Library Dr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Rudick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo G. Mestre Sachem Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Garfield L. Miller III Ms. Patricia L. Salvatore Mineola Memorial Library Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Salvemini Mr. and Mrs. Chappy Morris Ms. Audrey Schein Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. George Schidlovsky Mr. Harrison M. Wilson Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Schmidlapp Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Muscente, Jr. Ms. Nadja Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nettesheim Mrs. Rosanne Scordio New York Little Elves Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Serko North Bellmore Public Library Shelter Rock Public Library North Hill Garden Design Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Shields, Jr. North Merrick Public Library Mr. and Mrs. David P. Simek North Sea Advisors Simon Sidamon-Eristoff Fund Oceanside Library Mr. Eric Sohn and Ms. Eunjee Shin The Octagon Fund South Huntington Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Starr Oheka Management Corporation State Bank of Long Island Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Ott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stebbins Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Stensrud P.J. McBride, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Stillman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Parodi Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Strain, Esq. Mr. Robert M. Pascucci and Ms. Lisa B. Puntillo Ms. Nancy Anne Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Pashcow Ms. Elizabeth Stribling and Mr. Guy Robinson Mrs. Gary S. Paston Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Paterno Syosset Public Library Mrs. William F. Patterson Ms. Patricia Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Pell Mr. and Mrs. William Todd Mr. Dennis K. Phipps Mrs. Margaret C. Trautmann Plainedge Public Library Mr. Yigal Tropp and Ms. Karin Hancock Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library Uniondale Public Library Port Washington Public Library Mr. and Mrs. John H. van Merkensteijn Mr. and Mrs. V. Frank Pottow W.F. Whitman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Milton Radutzky Ms. Marie Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Rich Rauff Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Ward,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rault III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Warner III Reisman, Peirez, & Reisman, L.L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Remsen Mrs. Ariane Y. Wellin Mr. Leo Revi Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Ricciardi Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wenk Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Richards West Hempstead Public Library Rockville Centre Public Library Westbury Memorial Public Library

(21) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Mr. Eric A. Wheeler Honorable and Mrs. Robert R. Whiting

William and Hope Simpson Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George K. Wittlinger, Sr. The Woodbourne Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ward W. Woods

$250-$499 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Achenbaum Ms. Katy R. Cheng Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Ackert Mrs. Donna J. Cincotta Mrs. Joanne Adams Mr. and Mrs. James F. Clancy Ms. Marjorie Adler Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Alpert Mrs. Robert L. Clarkson, Jr. American Community Bank Ms. Jane E. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anasa Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coakley Mr. Nikos D. Andreadis, Esq. Mrs. Michele Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Rich Arcieri Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coleman Mrs. Douglas Auchincloss Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius E. Colley Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Babcock, Jr. Commack Public Library Mr. and Mrs. John Bancroft Mr. and Mrs. James J. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barbey Mr. and Mrs. Carl Contreras Mr. and Mrs. Terrill E. Barnard Copiague Memorial Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Barton Mrs. Mary T. Costich Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Bartow Mr. and Mrs. George Coumantaros Mrs. Joan K. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cox Dr. Jeanne C. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Crocchiola Mr. and Mrs. John Berejka Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Cubillos Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Binaso Dr. and Mrs. Burke A. Cunha Ms. Seton Bitterly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunniff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Borowski Mr. and Mrs. John Curran Bradley Thiergartner Interiors Mrs. Justine B. Cushing Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brancato Mr. Peter J. DeBlasi The Bryant Library Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. DeFranco Mr. and Mrs. Horst E. Buelte Mr. and Mrs. Manny DeGuzman Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bundschuh Mr. and Mrs. Charles Del Giudice Mrs. Laurada Byers and Mr. Mike Sanyour Ms. Sarah E. DeVoe Mr. and Mrs. James Canavan Mrs. Walter DeVries Mr. and Mrs. Al Candela Mr. John DiFiglia Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlstrom Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Doran Carosella Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Ms. Helen B. Casey Ms. Dorothy A. Doyle Mr. Daniel Celentano Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Droesch Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Chapman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Drucker Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Chase Mr. and Mrs. James Duffy Mr. Chia-Wei Cheng Earth's Wonders Safaris

(22) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

East Williston Public Library Harborfields Public Library East Woods School Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. B. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. George Eberle Ms. Catherine Hart Mr. and Mrs. John Eckelberry Ms. Theresa Hart Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Einstein Hauppauge Public Library Elegant Affairs Catering and Event Design Mrs. Ruth K. Heiman Mr. Donald H. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hemley Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Elliott Mr. Michael E. Herzog Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ely Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hessel Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Emmett Mrs. Sandra Hillman Engel and Voelkers Realty Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Hogan, Jr. Ms. Nina Engel Mr. John C. Hover II Epel & Company, Inc. Ms. Joan Hutchinson Mr. Charles H. Erhart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Iannaccone Fanuka Inc. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Michael Imperio Mr. and Mrs. John Faust Mr. and Mrs. Fredd H. Isaksen Ms. Carol Fenwick Mr. A. Willard Ivers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Fischer J.N. Savasta Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzmaurice Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Jenks Ms. Jane C. Fody Mr. and Mrs. David Johns Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Forino Ms. Kim Johnson-Gross Mr. and Mrs. Eric O. Fornell Ms. Dorothea Kannapin Foxboro Foundation, Inc. Ms. Joanna Karageorgiou Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Franco Karol Hausman & Sosnik PC Dr. and Mrs. Cornell Frank Mr. and Mrs. Jason Katz Franklin Square Public Library Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kearney Ms. Katherine Freygang Mr. Spencer Kellogg II Mr. and Mrs. James Friel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Kennedy Friends of Harborfields Public Library Mr. and Mrs. James Kenny Friends of the Garden City Public Library, Inc. Ms. Marianne Kernander Friends of the Sea Cliff Village Library Dr. and Mrs. Suk Sik Kim Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Garber Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kipnes Garden City Public Library Ms. Pat Klein Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gelfand Mr. and Mrs. Tibor Klein Gerald Starr Philanthropic Fund Ms. Karen Kramer Mrs. Caroline V. Gerry Mrs. Mary Krener Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gillin Ms. Evelina Kulikovsky Ms. Annette Giudice Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Kupperman Mr. Robert N. Golding Mr. and Mrs. Ling Kwok Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamon Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goodman Mr. Gene P. Lanzaro Mrs. Lilian A. Gordon Mr. Jack Lenor Larsen Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club, Inc. Ms. Tina Lear and Ms. Elena Terrone Ms. Robin Gruter Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lebensbaum Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hahn Mrs. Thomas LeBoutillier Mr. and Mrs. Leszek Haraburda Mr. and Mrs. Chul G. Lee (23) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Dr. Maria E. Levada Mr. and Mrs. David Panetta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lewis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pascucci Mrs. Sandy Lin Rev. Margaret A. Peckham Clark Linco Printing Inc. Ms. Kathleen Peer Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lippe Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Peirce Locust Valley Chemists, Inc. Pennoyer Newman LLC Long Island Daylily Society Mr. and Mrs. John M. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Long Petals Floral & Party Design Mr. and Mrs. John B. LoRusso Mr. and Mrs. John J. Phelan, Jr. Lucille Khornak Photography Mr. and Mrs. II Ms. Sally Anne Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Neal R. Platt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Pool, Jr. M & A Organics Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Portnoy Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacDougall Mr. Austin J. Power, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Madonia Ms. Elizabeth Prohaska Ms. Nancy Mansfield Proverbial Knits Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Radgowski Miss Katherine Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Raihl Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Marten Mrs. Patricia L. Randolph Ms. Margaret Martinez Malito Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Reilly Ms. Lola Mason Dr. and Mrs. Albert Renken Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Library Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rio Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David W. Robitaille Mr. and Mrs. Ian McDougall Ms. Karalyn Rodenkirchen Miss Eileen McEnaney Mrs. Walter Ross II Mr. Thomas McGrail Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rutkay Mr. and Mrs. John McGrane Sage 360 Advisors, LLC Mrs. Janet Mennona Dr. Marilyn Salant Dr. and Mrs. Albert Messina Mrs. Luciene Salomone Mila and Bela Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Miller Ms. Sharon Santangelo Mr. Samuel U. Mitchell Ms. DeAnna Savarese Dr. and Mrs. Donald Monaco Scan Enterprises Corporation The Mooney Family Ms. Elizabeth Scholtz Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mooney, Jr. Schroder & Strom LLP Mr. and Mrs. John Mormando Sea Cliff Village Library BG and Mrs. Harry J. Mott, III Mr. and Mrs. John Sergi Ms. M. Jean Munro Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shalam Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nammack Mrs. Peter L. Shea Mr. and Mrs. John J. Normandin Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sheeline North Shore Public Library Mr. Ray Sikorski Northport-East Northport Public Library Mr. Irwin Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. John O'Grady III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner Mr. and Mrs. John L. Paluszek Ms. Maryanne I. Small (24) Old Westbury Gardens Donors 2009 through 2010

Mr. Charles Scott Smith and Mr. Edward E. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Ben Van Helden Solutions valet Parking Ms. Karyn Van Name Special D Pools Mr. and Mrs. Mark Varous Mr. Barrie Curtis Spies Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Vedilago Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stam Mr. Peter Verdirame & Ms. Michelle S. Russo Mrs. Robert Staniford, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Voss Mr. Fred Steinberg Mrs. Carley H. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Waldbaum Mrs. Elizabeth Guest Stevens and Mr. George Steven-s Walk Street Stifel Nicolaus Walpole Woodworkers Mrs. Donald B. Straus Mr. Courtney Ward and Ms. Jane Humpstone Dr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Murray Weinman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutherland IV Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. Wellner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Terjesen Westbury Friends School Mrs. Carleton Theis Dr. Candace White-Ciraco Mrs. Cora Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wilensky Ms. Lisa M. Thornell Mrs. Donna A. Winston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornell Mrs. Arlene D. Winters Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Randy Plotnitzky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Troland Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Young Mr. Thomas Tronolone and Mr. Miguel Montalvo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zacharias Dr. Christiane C. Tsakis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Leigh J. Tyrrel Mr. Albert & Mayor Nancy Zolezzi Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udell Urban Outfitters Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Urso
