The Hilltop 2-2-2001

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The Hilltop 2-2-2001 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-2-2001 The iH lltop 2-2-2001 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-2-2001" (2001). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 17. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' I The Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME 84, NO. 19 F'RIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2001 Water Shut And They're Q(f Three to Vie Offs Frustrate Towers Tenants ForHUSA Presidency Schedules Interrupted By Fickle Faucets Campaigning Begins Tonight By CHANEL VASCAL Hilltop Staff Writer By JOI RIDLEY Imagine, waking up after a long night of Hilltop Staff Writer studying. In your sleepy haze, you stumble to the shower and clumsily turn the knob, only this The start of 2001 General Elections began Wednes­ morning, there is a gurgling sound coming from day after three students formally announced their can­ your faucet instead of warm water. You turn the didacy for HUSA president. The declarations come just knob again and again but to no avail. before candidates are allowed to officially campaign Though many can only imagine such frustra­ tonight. tion and disappointment, the residents of the Juniors Derek Rodgers and Brittney Cooper and Howard Plaza Towers experience this scenario sophomore Stefanie Brown collected and turned over the routinely. From January 20-29 students of the 500 signatures required to compete in the electioh East and West Towers have been without water before General Elections' mid-afternoon de"adline on weekdays from the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday. Third year medical student Rob Mitchell said "This is a political race that is sure to throw out ttll he "felt terrible" when he couldn't shower one assumptions that General Assembly Elections are pure­ morning in late January. The East Towers resi­ ly popularity contests," said General Elections Chair­ dent has experienced this problem before. woman Tori S. Mason. "To win this one, candidates are "It isn't as bad as it was two years ago," says going to have to prove themselves to be aware of what Mitchell, "then it was every other week." students feel to be significant issues." Photos by Vince Smith Brown and running mate Alex Dixon center their West Towers resident DeMar Rodgers was The Men's Basketball team fell to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore on Wednesday during overtime. The women's extremely angry about the frequent water shut team beat the ladies from Ul\fES, pictured below, 10948. See story, B-1. "Emerge" campaign around an increase in students' offs in the Towers. The junior political sci­ assistance, involvement in the community and student­ ence/English major decided to stay home from alumni relations. classes rather than go to classes without taking "We just want to bring student goverument down to a shower. Bison Men Lose in Overtime earth from its lofty stance," Brown said. "We want to "I was not about to go to class in the morning be accessible. Power Hall can be intimidating and we without having a shower," Mitchell said. Signs UMES Clinches Overtime Victory, 74-72 want to change that." had been posted throughout the dorm so Rodgers Cooper and her vice-president choice, junior Mark and other residents could make adjustments. Williams, aims to unifying undergraduate and graduate By ALICIA JOHNSON students, increasing the recruitment of male students and "I had to set aside water so I could brush my Hilltop Staff Writer teeth and wash my face in the morning.'' The raising money for the endowment to offset tuition costs. double studio resident claims that his roon1n1ate "We promise to stay connected to the students," said Swift and srnooth guard play 1net over· Cooper, wh1>serv<~s as an Art•} & Science representative "complained so many times he just got tired of p1.),.vering a~d ,1or ;· n:'ti11. ~ htr n1( n, as t!.t· 1t aud stays \.Vlth his friend at ,George \\'ashing­ in UGSA . "We don't want to give students false hope. Howard Bison bumped heads with the Hawks We offer real solutions, we can't do magic." ton University). I hardly even see him anymore." of Maryland Eastern Shore at the Burr. The Unlike the other candidates, the pair does not have a According to Larry A. Frelow, Towers build­ Bison were hoping to quickly rebound from ing manager, the water pressure had to be dras­ their previous loss to A&T 75-70 on January defmed platform; instead they hope to leave it to the stu­ tically decreased so that the city could make 29. Power prevailed over speed, as the Hawks dent body to help them in addressing concerns and keep­ some vital repairs. "Water had been entering into downed the Bison 7 4-72 in an overtime thriller ing a "living focus." a telephone trunk line and the city decreased on Wednesday, January 31. "We don't think we have all of the answers, we don't water pressure to find and repair the leak," The game was physical from the start, as claim to. We understand that we only have a year (to Frelow said. tough screens and hard-nosed defense showed See CAMPAIGN, A3 Recently "pinhole leaks in our steam-operat­ how much each team wanted the victory. The ed heating system requires for the water to be Bison battled and were able to open up a 26- Student Shoots Himself, shut off in order to do repairs," said Frelow. The 16 lead with 7:29 left in the frrst half. Howard Plaza Towers is approximately 12 years Freshman forward Seye Aluko got into a Arrest Warrant Issued· old and the frequent turn over of new students quick rhythm with a jumper that gave Howard cause wear and tear on the plumbing and heat­ their biggest lead of the half, 30-18. A resident of Meridian Hill Hall shot himself ing systems, Frelow added. However, two unforced errors within the 1\vo major sources of leakage within the indi­ in the foot with a .38 special while removing closing minutes of the game gave the Hawks the gun from his boot January 21, at 12:40 p.m. vidual towers are the toilets and garbage dis­ momentum as they chipped at the lead and posals. According to Charles Pryor, assistant went into halftime down just 32-25. According to police reports, the gun dis­ property manager of the Towers, students flush­ Riding high on the momentum of the pre­ charged while the student was removing the ing things down the toilets and improper use of vious half, the Hawks turned up the intensity. weapon from his boot. The bullet lodged into garbage disposals contribute to leaks. The Bison responded and dug deep to hold off One source is " students flushing paper tow­ his right foot. An ambulance transported him the unstoppable physical play of the Hawks. to Washington Hospital Center for treatment. els and sanitary napkins down the toilets." This Jonathan Stokes (16 points) came out blazing; causes clogs that eventually can lead to leaks. he scored 5 of the frrst 7 Bison points in the Campus Police declined to release the name Garbage disposals are another source of the opening minutes of the second half. of the student. problem. There have been instances of dish­ Darren Kennedy went on a tear with outside After shooting himself, the student called the towels, chicken bones and quarters, amongst jumpers and driving moves to the basket to front desk receptionist to report what hap­ other things, that have clogged garbage dispos­ keep the Bison in the lead 57-47. Kennedy fin­ als according to Pryor. pened. The receptionist then notified campus ished with a hard earned 14 points, 11 of police. "It is possible that they have to shut off all the which he scored in the second half. A three­ water for one leak but usually we wait for five minute scoring drought by the Bison allowed A warrant has now been issued for his arrest leak complaints before such a drastic measure," the Hawks to come back swinging. UMES was from the Metropolitan Police Departt11ent. The says Frelow. led by the powerhouses Kevin Darby, Sanyi crime Smith would be charged with is dis­ See BISON, A5 charging a gun in the District. Compiled from Staff Reports The Hilltop Today--- Student Robbed at Gun Point in Drew Life & Style Spring is right around the Howard University officials are his bed with head turned, while the investigating a robbery that occured suspect took a Creative MP3 Player, corner, find out what some in Drew Hall January, 24. A young an Avirex Leather Jacket, a Sprint students are doing man entered the building and PCS cell phone, $40, a Bank of Amer­ to get in shape. knocked on a resident's door asking ica ATM card and two t-shirts. The to borrow a pen. The robbery hap­ student said the subject said the rob­ B3 pened at 5:00 p.m.When the resident bery was a retaliation of a shooting gave the young man the pen, the man and that other people were working closed the door and threatened to hit with him.
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