Three Sisters Wilderness

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Three Sisters Wilderness Four In One Cone Frog Creek Fingerboard Coffee Lake BM 4749 250250 Fo o tb ridge 250 Prairie Trailhead 251 676 690 640 Irish Cam p CamMelakwa p 763 M elakwa 610 762 752 Lake LakeObsidian Hiker Fingerboard 4905 Blue 618 Scott 614 611 791 Prairie 560 788 2650 2653 Creek 665 650 Qua rry Trailhead 612 764 LAV Canyon 661 662 Disclaimer725 550 Scott Two Butte 240 639 202 Sims Opie Dilldock Creek 651 770 Frissel BM 702 HotMile 667 Butte Pass Goose 4682 Creek 635 Spr Trail 75 530 660 T his product is reproduced from info rma tion prepared b y 713 2649 O 341 636 664 BM b 236 s 752 2647 Creek 663 668 id Sawyer the U SDA,720 Forest Service o r from o ther suppliers.701 T he Forest Glen R IV E R 342 4502 ian 723 704 711 L A rail Bar 308 687 BM T Service ca n n o t a ssure the reliab ility o r suitab ility o f this 706 515 4296 L a va 703 300 Branch 743 710 300 344 732 Creek 301 347 L a va info rma tion for a particular740 purpose. The da ta an d product accuracy 2633 280 302 345 630 622 218 C re ek 509 4010 W hite 077 2633 300 688 076 300 625 m a y va ry due to co m pilation from va rious sources, including mo deling Pow ers BM 1591 670 691 719 Florence Mile 71M C296 K E N Z IE 320 506 Obsidian 1501 624 a n d interpretation , an d ma y no t meet Nation a l Ma p Accuracy Stan da rds.258 259 275 Little Creek 350 508 Creek 252 263 517 Linton Lake Cliffs 254 261 Brother 505 B ra n ch T his info rma tion ma y be upda ted, co rrected or otherwise mo dified 292 Mc Ken zie M ill Mc Ken zie Bridge 627 GolfCourse Ra n ger Sta tio n BM 294 S t at e A i r p or t 507 518 Bro n a ugh Mem o ria l Pro uty Mem o ria l 250 280 1434 BM 1507 620 witho ut n o tifica tion . For m o re info rma tion co n tact: 290 295 Trailhead BM Pla que 705 Ga gin g Pla que 293 521 3566 220 Sta tio n 080 Deschutes NF Supervisors Office a t 541-383-5300. BM1339 Mc Kenzie Bridge Lost RIVERBM 126 535 253 220 1421 407 L Mo b ileHom e Little 421 615 in M C K E N Z IE220220220 422 Qua rry Proxy Falls to Park Smokey405 207 n L 201 BM1298 533 621 a 2633 209 210 222 k T he U SDA is a n equa l o pportun ity provider a n d em ployer. E Com m un ica tion BM 1714 Creek e Creek 409 420 211 BM Mo b ile Ho m e 218 Tra Mo n tagueMem o rial C reek T o wer 221 537 i 250 164 227 l 270 Fk 164 1372 Pa rk 208 Trailhead 166 W h ite Obsidian Plaque Obsidian 165 436 220 BM Obsidian 340 BM Falls 200 Cupola 2532 242 Mo b ileHo m ePark RIVER H orse 414 BM 1819 Horse 240 3109 Rock BM 2832 249 Linton 122 W Fk BM 415 L a va Creek Dearborn R a i n b o w 345 BM 1209 2245 B ra n ch Lake Island Creek 342 FOLEY 432 C reek Covered Ta ylor 412 Bridge 2639 FOLEY RIDGE 440 W hite Bra n ch 344 411 RIDGE Linton 418 247 W h ite Y o uth Ca m p M C K E N Z IE Co vered Bridge 435 Proxy Drury Creek 239 Falls Falls Sw am p 350 206 205 248 C reek H orse 350 W hite Linton 430 Creek 230 244 Falls Branch Linton C reek 2638 410 Proxy Ow l Mile 5 450 H orse Lane Creek Plateau FOLEY 478 290 443 476 438 Falls 300 452 R I D G E 474 470 Creek 439 306 Creek F O L E Y CastleRock Creek Hot 450 Shadow 484 Castle Rock 472 510 Creek 473 Creek King Swam p 460 447 352 471 Foley Ridge Creek Creek 436 2643 RIDGE 469 485 Cedar Creek Trailhead 410 480 C reek 455 Gold 348 484 Eileen 490 Wilelada 500 Rainbow Falls 486 Lake 456 460 Creek Cougar Creek Linton Meadows Trailhead E Avenue i 492 404 480 le 457Ga gin g Sta tio n R e MC K ENZIE Mile l n 460 465 Creek O a i i a 491 l 10 n r L a b T a 484 l k l 400 RIVER i o Rainbow Rainbow e e AUFDERHEIDE 489 e T w k Separation a r Falls a F L 482 i 486 T a Creek l Husband r l n a l MEMORIAL il s o Lake 341 i Couga r496 411 Macduff Mountain 342 Creek t Lake Trailhead Powerplan t Trail Rainbow a Dam r a King 5001 DRIVE Creek p The Husband Creek e Creek Haflinger Separation Louise COUGAR S Proxy RESERVOIR 551 1690 Creek F Point ole 552 340 Separation y Creek Rid 4620 ge Creek 720 L ou ise Tr Mile5 East Fork, ail McLennan Pasture Boa t Mountain 2638 Ram p Lower Trailhead Foo tbridge O'Leary Horsepasture 574 574 L Mtn Mountain o 1994 Horse Creek Separation E as t u i Sep a ra tion s C O U G A R 407 Substitute Creek e F ork 405 Trailhead C Point r e 577 e k Separation Creek Fo o tb ridge Roney S ou th T Meadow r a i l 620 Creek l C reek i 590 Buck a 582 r F ork T ork Tra 585 East Fork, M eadows Creek East F il k Creek Lowder Mountain, e Basalt Creek Castle Honey Square e 1690 M c K en zie 5570 r Tok atee La kes Lake 430 Lake C 566 Upper Trailhead Honey Lower TrailheadS A W T O O T H R iver Fo o tb ridge Cole Chuck Falls Falls s H orse Lakes e AUFDERHEIDE George Kidney Meadow 571 H inton m Lake a E HONEY LAKES Fk J S 661 C reek A nnie Fk 470 Indian R E S E R V O I R Roney Creek Holes M c K enzie 650 C reek MEMORIAL Honey 4404 Creek Indian Holes 604 Falls R I D G E Creek Separation Creek Dew 660 Lake 603 356 Wa lk er 560 DRIVE Taylor Honey River Honey Creek 601 Jam es 596 Castle Creek Falls B oone C reek 361 Creek Pothole 358 C reek Falls Creek W 3250 500 a 572 Lamb Separation M esa M esa lk e C reek r Butte Lake Falls Creek 575 1995 C reek C Ind C reek re ian R ider ek Hol T es Trail rail Bo a t505 556 Sep a ra tion Sphinx Ra m p 505 1993 L a v a 505 Slide C reek Butte Karl 940 505 The Lake 576 587 English Potholes 4670 Sphinx ROCK 4677 Ruth Mountain 890 MESA Lowder Lake Lowder555 Mountain, Lowder Mountain H arvey Tipsoo L o Butte w Upper Trailhead d 509 French In gra m C reek e r Mountain Ca m p Sphinx The Wife Sm ith M Creek Creek o 485 Creek L a v a un 615 ta Wickiup Plain in 610 Trail Yankee Mountain Pat Saddle Quaking Aspen CreekFalls 5705 Le Conte Swam p Crater 578 rail Q Trailhead M osquito T e Nash 442 u k a a Lake k H orse L in 420 g Nash Aspen Trail Wolverine D rury Mile 10 C re ek Meadow Lake C re ek 4706 Creek The House T ip s o o Eugene R id g e French Pete Creek Rock GagingStation Lancelot 211 Trailhead Aspen Lake C re ek 5625 208 C reek Burnt Top P e n n y Creek 323 299 Creek 4090 303 Top La ke Kokostick Butte F Pat SOUTH r 324 e Foo tbridge n Fo o tb ridge c Sisters Mirror h Lake 210 216 Foo tbridge French Pete M Fo o tb ridge P i C re ek e inTr H r t a a or r 480 202 e nt il se o 628 u Cr r Tr o ee 282 M k ail Tra L H orn a e i i k 231 l l l e a s l CEDAR Koosah T O r Mountain a French i 423 FORK Olallie Dillon L ak e SWAMP l C re ek AUFDERHEIDE B a lm Lo o ko ut Olallie 4025 Mountain 5700 Gua rd Station Olallie Meadows Eugene 346 M C K E NMEMORIAL Z IE Pete Junco Lake DRIVE 4986 Creek 206 Red Hill C re ek 204 Sisters Mirror RIVER Hidden 230 H orse Be Olallie Lake ar 3285 B u o y C re ek F M oonlight Trailhead la Rebel t Lake T 205 Creek r a Wildcat 4690 492 i Rebel l 493 Creek 236 5207 570 5220 4541 Creek Trailhead Flat L ower 226 Bear C reek H orse BM 225 Lake 5308 1980 H ard y Creek il a 4605 r Pyramid Corral T 143 Trail M iddle ill Mountain 4930 H Draw Horse Lake Horse ed Mile15 Creek R Hardy Ridge P Lake akeT ark T rse L ra Blue 140 ra Ho i Creek il 4930 Horse l Eugene Horse 142 Corral Creek 141 Lake Colt HORSE BM Park Re Lake 5126 b Rebel 5130 B lue Trail el F ren ch Cr Lake 350 M ile Creek R S o Lake u c Creek n Creek k M arten Platt s Creek T P ete e 5590 H r 5396 Sunset t o 4824 L a Creek Draw Lake Lake r i a s l e Sou th Lake Herb k West e L Qua rry 100 EastLake Aerial ak R i d g e l Horse 5403 e i Fisher Lake Fisher Lake Lake T Tr a r a W a il Hardy C reek 105 r 106 Mile a Mountain i 16 T l te k r 4833 c H S ta rr o C reek o 101 352 R le B Elk La ke 210 r l s e 102 Rebel e 5420 Pack Station e z H a r d y T y b P Rock Wildcat r o e a i W T BeelerRebel i nt 170 F ork R C l Lookout Lake T Boa t ree 5604 r k a Elk Lake W T Dock T 5158 il 200 ra Qua rry il 446 Reb el Rock Island Meadow ELK LAK E 205 437 L o o ko ut Trailhead 4984 Wildcat Tr ail Wildcat 773 Swam p Elk 766 5569 380 774 Mountain 202 Creek 774 M cK en zie 375 C re ek Creek 745 747 Petes 5638 L o o n 772 M c Bee Lake 5446 A ugu sta 771 5270 430 Lake 5784 2618 433 425 427 W T Boa t Cascade Sandy L a n ding OlallieFir South Lake 5373 903 455 Krag Qua rry 428 429 Qua rry R iver Lake 459 5465 Mile 431 902 458 Trailhead Shroy 5364 607 382 370 M cKenzie Elk 230 19 M eadows Nightshade Lowell ROBERT 1964 M cK en zie M eadows 273 AUFDERHEIDE 441 F ork Fork Lakes Mountain DRIVE S South 5171Spy L ak e Blow 274 440 out Dumbbell H I105 Y U 272 MEMORIAL h F C reek o Lake 5502 TRAIL 919 @ rk Lake 605 Sou th Tr 102 702 ail 101 275 444 4470 106 443 402 107 SCENIC 5368 075 432 414 Penn Qua rry South Fork Cabin Meadows Doris Lake LAKES 434 406 R iver Lake4770 Island 448 River G Lake 985 214 r 160 a 456 McKenzie Trailhead s 113 s Six Lakes h Corner SIX 1927 Trail 161 o Questionmark s p Lake4742 Reserve e 987 k L ow ell p Elk Creek Lake Beaver Meadow a e BYWAY Copepod 5293 L Trailhead 051 r M arsh x T Lake i r Goose La ke S a TrailheadR O A R I N G 650 i Dealy Qua rry l Gnat M eadows Cow Swam p 5119 4758 Ledge Zowie 603 Qua rry Lake Plumb Lake Lake R oa rin g Senoj Lake M ud 110 R I D G E Lake 4671 4712 Lake MINK LAKE BASIN 109 M Creek Qua rry E lk ud R ock La ke Junction La ke La 625 050 4918 k e l Tra i il a Slipper Pork y La ke r T Cliff 5270 Boot C reek 455 Lake 4984 Lake 283 284 C re ek M artin Porky Lake Lake 19 il 5013 608 703 283 a 1932 109 769 r L M ink Lake R I V E R T Lake a SIX 107 M oss no k 5034 C reek a e arw Vogel Creek St S 5208 W T id L ake 240 e M oody La ke Williamson LAKES 280 475 Corral T Mountain 212 471 ra 299 Qua rryCrossing Way il Chucksney Flat 5333 Horseshoe5039 Lake TRAIL Mountain Creek Elk Leech 289 301 636 288 R iver 380Trailhead Lake @287 M ac L ake M errill S 5100 en 110 A u gu sta 1958 oj 108 4898 Lake 112
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