The Polar Record Number 7
THE POLAR RECORD N UMBER 7: JANUARY 1984 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN FOR THE SC OTT POLAR RESEARCH I NSTITUTE CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1984. Price Two Shillings CONTENTS DR KNUD RASMUSSEN Frontispiece FOREWORD page 1 OBITUARY a ARCTI C R EGJO:"'S: Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, and Rus sian Arctic Regions: Norwegian Fisheries Arctic Expeditions, 1931-33 . 4. Soviet Union Expeditions, 1931-32 6 Soviet Union Expeditions, 1933 . 13 Soviet Polar Year Stations, 1932-33 19 Oxford University Arctic Expedition, Spitsbergen, 1933 23 Norwegian Expedition to Spitsbergen, 1933 . 25 Wintering of Hunters in Spitsb ergen, 1933-34 26 Norwegian Polar Year Stations, 1932-33 26 Polish Polar Year Expedition, Bear Island, 1932-33 26 Swedish Polar Year Stations in Spitsbergen, 1932- 33 26 British Polar Year Station, 'I'ro mso, 1932-33 30 Greenland: Danish Three-Year Expedition to East Greenland, 1931-34 . 33 British Greenland Survey Expedition, 1982--33 85 French Polar Year Station, Scoresby Sound, 1932-33 . 37 Dr Charcot's E ast Greenland E xpedition, 1933 38 Cambridge East Greenland Expedition, Hurry Inlet, 1933 39 Dutch Polar Year Station, Angmagssalik, 1932--33 40 Nordkap 1I Expedition, 1933 40 Norwegian Expedit ion t o East Greenland, 1933 . 41 Norwegian Pol ar Year and R adio Stations in East Greenland, 1932-33 42 University of Michigan Expedition to West Greenland, 1932-33 42 German Polar Year Station, Arsuk, South-West Greenland, 1932-33 45 Dr Mathiassen's 'York in ' Vest Greenland, 1933 . 46 Dutch Aerological Station, Re ykjavik, 1932--3R 47 Pol ar Year Station,Snaefellsjokull, Iceland, 1982-33 48 Miss Smith's Expedition to Vatnajokull, Iceland, 1933 49 Volcanic Activity in Iceland, 1933 50 (Continued on page 3 of Wrapper .) ~ l'l .
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