The Quint : an Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the North 1
the quint : an interdisciplinary quarterly from the north 1 Editorial Advisory Board Ronald Marken, Professor Emeritus, volume nine issue three University of Saskatchewan the quint Camille McCutcheon, University of South Moshen Ashtiany, Columbia University Carolina Upstate Brenda Austin-Smith, University of an interdisciplinary quarterly from Manitoba Lorraine Meyer, Brandon University Ray Merlock, University of South Carolina Keith Batterbe. University of Turku Upstate the north Donald Beecher, Carleton University Antonia Mills, Professor Emeritus, Gerald Bowler, Independent Scholar University of Northern British Columbia ISSN 1920-1028 guest editor Robert Budde, University Northern British Ikuko Mizunoe, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Kyoritsu Women’s University Melanie Belmore John Butler, Independent Scholar Avis Mysyk, Cape Breton University David Carpenter, Professor Emeritus, Hisam Nakamura, Tenri University University of Saskatchewan Andrew Patrick Nelson, University of Montana the quint welcomes submissions. See our guidelines Terrence Craig, Mount Allison University or contact us at: Lynn Echevarria, Yukon College Sherry Peden, University College of the North Erwin Erdhardt, III, University of the quint Cincinnati Julie Pelletier, University of Winnipeg University College of the North P.O. Box 3000 Peter Falconer, University of Bristol Vincent Pitturo, Denver University The Pas, Manitoba Peter Geller, University of the Fraser Valley Frances Pheasant-Kelly, University of Canada R9A 1K7 Wolverhampton Susan Gold, University of Windsor
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