This Book is Political t 416.703.8448 f 416.703.3870 PEN CANADA ANNUAL REPORT
[email protected] 2014/15 ARTICLE1 9 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Contents 3. Foreword 9. President’s Report 15. Executive Director’s Report 18. Writers in Prison Committee Report 24. Canadian Issues Committee Report 30. Honorary Members 33. Honorary Members Released 34. Writers in Exile Committee Report 40. Literary Events Report 42. Members, Donors, and Partners 46. In Memoriam: Charlie Hebdo Foreword Jennifer Lanthier This report gives thanks to all the challenges. Fewer writers are able to members and volunteers who comprise make it to exile in Canada today and PEN Canada and who fearlessly those who do may find themselves and selflessly give time and money unable to speak or write freely for fear to support freedom of expression. of reprisals to family and friends back We know that by doing so you are home. Beyond our borders writers are taking a risk. still being imprisoned and tortured but When you support PEN Canada you many regimes are simply murdering are taking a political stand. Freedom them outright – it’s cheaper and there of expression – that fundamental are few consequences. human right without which Canada For many Canadians, the right to and democracy itself could not exist speak up, to tell our stories, may be – is not partisan.