alachi Puts' Finger On Old Gangland Crony WAS~I1~GTON . (,\P)_ ,Toseph i s!aYi,ngs arc still markccl ".lc·1 world death sentence. against I Valach! said . the l1:ish 'nob! Valu(!hi said the gang, bosse:! Valaclu put the fmger 011 an old 1 hve.' Thc slayers arc labeled i mcn who traccd thcu' ba~k· was "domg a little stIckup job I by S a I valor e Maranzano, gangland crony Tucsday as the "persons unknown." I ground to a small village in Ihere and there, hut it was wanted new faces so the riv;ll triggcr man in a scrics of mob \ Chairman John L. l\ICCICllanll Sicily. . dangerous ... and they weren't mob of G ius e p p e Mass~ria war slayings 33 years ago. (Dem. Ark. of tIl c Scn· He said at one point that a making any money." wouldn't recognize\ its person· E The man, Valachi told invl!s, ate investigations subcommittee I ganglal1l1 lender had condemned Then came a 44·montb break, ne\. And he said the !\IaranzallO ligating senators in. a ramblin.~ II said Valachi's testimony ~hollld \ to death everyone who came while Valachi served a sentence group had only about 15 memo disjoin\ed llccount of the gang give police new leads in their from the Sicilian village called for a factory burglary. bers, and needed more. hattIe he calls "the Castella., efforts to catch the killers. i Castel del ;\Iar-and lhat '.vas When he got ollt, Valaehi said. That's where the chart came marese WaL'," was Girolamo I Secking vengeance againstllhe ancestral home of most cof 1he formed his own gang to pull: in. Lavern ,I. Duffy, a subcom· Santuccio, alias Bobby Doyle. I the underworld syndicate that1the men in an opposition gang. burglaries-the field IIC knew I mittcc staff member, uscd it The victims, he said .. w'!rc I!"arked him for. death. as ~1111 As he testified, an ~nvesti~a·, best. Thc gang pulled a robbcry I and Valachi's intermittent. testi· gangland bosscs .Joseph Plhzolo,! mformer, Valaclu IS lelhng the lor traced gangland hlstor~' on I every three weeks 01' so, he said I mony to trace the ~ham of Mfred ;\1inco and Steve Fcr'I' story of Cosa Nostra before a big chart-a family tree of the ~ averaging $1,500 to $2,000 a iob,: slayim:s that shapcd mob lead· rigno. senators and the public. He is mobs. I and "I was taking it easy." : el·ship. Valachi said his gang t's'l under a life sentence for a Valachi also tcstified th,lt i In In29, Valaelii said, Domi. l The first l'ictim, Duffy said, signed him to keep an eYe on prison killing, and has he·~n Vito Genovese, whom re has I nick (The Gap I Petrelli ~p. :'was Gactano Reina, boss of one Ferrigno to set him up· ror I made available to thc snhcom' labelled the big hoss in the New Iproached him and aslled him to! gang, who was killed on Feb. slaying in the undeclared war mittce by the justice dep3rt· York mobs, still has a hand in sign up with "the mob." 26. 1930, by a Masseria ,nob between rival mobs. ment, which is seeking new Las Vegas gambling ~peraliolls I 11 was Ln Cosa Nostra, VJl· i slaycr. In l!l60, Valachi said, Doyle laws 10 com hat organizcd -even though he is behind hal'S, aehi said. but hc didn't know it: ~fusseria named Pinzolo to was living in Stamford, Conn., crime. serving a narcotics sentence at. at the time. I take over leadership of th~t nmning a restnurant and opel", STARTED FRIDAY Leavenworth, Kan. I Behind his enlistment. Val·. gang. Valachi said, and the mob ating jukc boxes .1n(\ a book.. He stnrted the galc Frida)'. Valachi bcgan his story in ~ achi said. was a smouldcrIng' mcmbcrs didn't like it. making setup. . Tuc?day hc' was hack with 11924, when h~ joined a gang' mob disputc. that bcgan arler' Valachi said he c0l!lplained to TAI.Imn INTO JOINING I stoncs of "Bustcr." nn under·, called "lhc Insh mob." : Gaetano Ga~lmno, a m'lb 1IJ1[lc~· "The Gap" about Pmzolo. Vnlachi said it was Doylc who. world exccutioner he sa i d i LOClmD IN WAR . hoss, was killed. That sla)'in~ "Shut liP he says, this guy's tallwd him into juining la Cos:! lookcd like a collcge boy; <:f' SOOIl that outfit and "the' was "wilhout .iu~tice." cvcn in gonna die." Xostra. the I'ast crime syndi.' "thc Mtichol;~ Kin~," who CIIl'·, Italian moh" wcre lockcd in a' gangland tcrms. Valachi solid.. Ill' did. in .\u.~llst or 5cptrm· calc he scn'ed for :10 veal's. nrrcd tile :Jell' York mal'kel nn: gang war-but Valachi snid and the moh wanted rcvcnge con her of 1930. Valachi saId DoYle In :JCIl' York llolice files, the ~ the I'cgctahle; and of an under·: nobody )!ot hurt. ,a ril'al oulfit. told him he killed I'imolo. .. ------HOTOS .---" .... _-_._--- ._-_ All form. or Coming soon 'murance

WIDE Can~da/s Sales Leader The Pontiac 1964 Edition TI-IE DAIIJY NE Water St. Elilabetb Ave, 9·4.171 Terra Nova Motors ltd. ------._-_ .. _- 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS ST. JOHKS,------NE'."TOti~DLAND, \\,ED~ESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 ED \0. :!:!O ------~------~------, p .i 11~ •••• _ •• _ • ______._ •• - 0-" ..... -----.------.. --.... -.~-.-- Welconles Soviet nent ocreds Peace Efforts '" e~trl'l1 uuder etain I By C,\[{~IAN CUMMING rd Kingdom, , l!NITEO NATIONS CP-Britain's Foreign Secretary Lord IS manager a! I Home gave a cautio liS welcome Tuesday to a Soviet III'oposal for and Chenl ower I a summit conference on disarmamcnt nl'xt year, nut he stipulat. l1a~' Roberts. I I'd that scrious jlreparatory work would have to be done first. In n ]lolicy speech before the United Nations General As· :';(1 EltUI'TS B. c. I ~embly, Lorel Home said there hal'e been si;::ns of a new chapter .. \ 1:\)"-:\ , in co.operation between Russia and the West. I Iwar ,\l()tenan~o, ·Torn.1 't P ,-Th"'l'e w~rc! I "y. Satllrda~' nignl rrel'lm!.; in thr ('ards today ! He wlcomed what he cal1~d' agreement to pre \' e n t •he .• ll'IllJla Cit~' flriti;h ('c,lumilia settled ,the Soviet l'nion's uncompI'o,' spread of weapons of mass -.te· :ltc Sunday it llU Ii r!' ii, lifth Social mising stand against I,'ar, and! struct ion in outer ~pace. ! ~lackenin!: off .n,_.h' ,HIlllini>lratinn in the warn cd Communi~t China thnt He said hc regard cd the ex· ~ 1Ilthnritie~ - said the . 11 \'eil!';. I I all its millions of peoplc could, change of o!J5cn'crs-who would I ; not serious. 'Chi not save it from annillliation i[ be stationed at key points SUcll rd for apllJ'('x!, ~nrcrumcllt of PremIer nuclear war hroke out. as airficlds and ports to j.(uac·d i A. ('. Rennert \\'011 :I~ of the There werc i'~ Home said that ~ituations I agoinst surprise attack - as i .~ ;~ ;cnls in ~londay's where Communist and \\'cstem .. the most promising collatel'al i Ilotn~2-all inue3se of three philosophy confront each other' measlll'e" Ihat could be pur· BONN, West Germany-West ISIIER illES the nllmhcl' it held witen I ,should not bc glossed over. . sued. German Chancellor Konrad ~,th Ic~i,lature was dis· i G R E E:-I, O~!t I The Bedin wall still re·· Home spoke just ~lCfore goi~~ ;\clenauer while attending a fare· ~1. lla5well, ';J, ;iI'\\' lJl'lllocratic Party 'mnined, for example, as a ".Ie· to a lunchcon I1lcetm~ WIth ',0' well party at the ChallCcllery t1,,~ daily Bowlin: thlw ,cnts. Inking 13. ! ninl o[ coexistcncc, both bc·; \'iet Forcign ~linister Andrroi: "Potlais Scllaulllhur~" here Sep· lei . T.ii,UllC, diei The Liherals retain')d i : twe~n EJst and Wcst Germ,IIlY: GI:omyko. II'ho. made the ~Ull1' ~ tember 25th, Adenaucr, 87, is \"I,itinl! hi~ lana (ire the)' had. I and hetween NATO and the mIt proposal III an ~ssellllJly' scheduled to retire ncxt montil. in \,'l'od C01IOI)', Itrihllterl to a heart Prllgl'e"i\'e Conserva. NEW YOUK-The Big Three ForeIgn Ministers met In New York to explore possibilities of further East.West agreemcnts Warsaw pact." I speech 12 ~~ys ago: Home ~lans -(UPI Photo). 1 '. c31l1Jlni~nin~ for the first I following the nuclear test ban. Seatell are (L R) BrItain's Lord JIume, U,S, state Secretary Dean Rusk and Soviet Russia's I Home end~rsed ,w hat h.e. t? meet ~ l'lday ":Ith Pre:;lc!ent nnder E. Davie Fulton, in, II Foreign i\llnlster Andrei Gromyko,-(U.l, Photo), ,called PremIer Khrushchev s m Washlllgton. where Ihe'.'j,ed .______. ___ .. __ .. ----_... -' ~------.~-.-----: "step·by·step" approach to di3' ·l~ennedythe matter may come up. PCI' c~~t ;~ th~r 19~Oel1~!;;~~~ I. --Wi·~""---l"-' P -d~" .F gram en\'lsagmg... a vast lIlcreasc: I armament.Among thesc possible st~os ' theGromyko's 17 nations proposal of the wa, Gcnel'a that -'S Upp ort rlll'I",!II'''' ~hare 01 the popular ,"otc' l in .the .number of scientists a.nd·' were the prcvention of ~iJe ~ disarmament group. ineludin'! . son ro uces our. umversl y gra ua cs; massl,'e spread of nuclear weapons; ex" Canada, meet early nrxt yc~r B ro,'cr,,!dl the 1)3I'tl.· still hasn't elected I . t d t I l .c. memher in 10 years. . F ld S . p application of scicnc~ to. indll~'1 change of observers bctwecn "at the highc5t leI"CI." possih;y en Be II a Fulton resigned lrom ;hcl try, under state.,East and West, and V.S.·Sol'lcl:in~loscoll'. cabinet eal'iicr this vcar' 0 . ClenCe rogram( necessary; dIverSIOn of Bl'llIsh' -.--. ------~ ------.\LGIERS (API - .\ crowd pf Il'ad his party provincially, ! scientists and researchers from Ie' D h t more than 00.000 jammcd the ovation lasting more than a' "Our future lies not in mili·. defcnce. "pr.estige. proj~cts" t~ 0 mm0 ns e a es famolls Algiers Forum Tuescl3:-' minute, Thc exritemcnt and tary strength alone hut in the' productIve mdustl'lal fIelds 01·1 and roared its backing of Pre,i· cheers cncollmged Wilson and: efforts, the sacrifices, Jnd, ganized ~y the state; and a: NT P · PI dcnt Ahmed Ben Bella. who i, Crcdit rollccl to his adl'isers in thcir belief they' abovo ali the energies which a l partner~hlp between.. the state: ew enSlon an .seekin~ support against Berb~r iearl ~Iollda)l lli;:ht 11l1! hm'e come liP with a major 1free pcople can mobilize for tite I and pllvate cn.tcrpc Ise to. )l10· I dissidents. r.O minutes of tb,' 8 p.m. clectoml I'ote.winner. It II',IS: future grcatness of our coun.] n~er new techmques and mdus· i ' , ",. . . . '. Green· and . \\'hite .\lgeri e ~ t e cl R~creation ·t 0 tl 1 He submitted an amcndment' istes headed by Real Caonette.· Earle \l'est'.l'ood in r urgin~ the govcrnment to cml· ~ As if to emphas!r.e their dif· . or ew III y U 00 ,... sidcc' such a move as thc Com·: [crcnces, the Ualhement. mc ... · ek at it's like. and Ihe Islallds hy a F N U Strl e "ot('~it 11'0' . cI'cn closet. JS • mons debatcd a resolution pre· bcrs ~ore l~rge grce;ush·blu~ Cr!dit incumbent Irv':le .CP from AI'·Rcutcr~ Iconccrning the Ch nrch I, a : weathcred its first test. liminary to the pcnsion legis\3· carnat!ons whrle Mr. Thomps?ll Corbltt lIa, declared elcclt'd , ! ' • • .... topic that explorcs the nature I COVERS WIDE RANGE lion. The government plan is; and h~s lollowcrs sported whltc L . ed air, JJ..r~tcs O\W :\DP challen. JlAltOLD WILSON , \ ATICAN Cln-A decl~l.e of the Roman Catholic Church. I De Ecclesia covers a wide for an [ncrease efCcctire this I carnatIOns. , oom s \\llham llartlen' . . lute ~t the Vatican ecumclllcal ;\lorc than 93 pcr cent of 'he I range of ideas of what. consli· month. ' :\lr. Thompson. in a subs\'· . WellwOOd ami' ~lr Hart· I SCARBOROUGH, Eng 1.1I1d counCIl opened ~he way TU:s,! 2.~01 council fathers voting in I tutues the Rom a n CathOlic 1I1r. Diefenbakcr's amendm~nt qucnt speech, said the lole '.\'~s 1I10:\TREAL ICP1-The po.;' . !a/d Ihe)' 11111 seek r~cOlI~IS. '. lAP -Harole.l 'I Iison produc~d day fo.r, a sweepmg ne~v Rom.:m SI. Peter's Basilica approved 1 Church, who belongs to it 3nd was ruled out of order by Ch'llr· part of an attempt to coni'l,e' sihility was raised Tuesday thJt place of .. ~ __. ____ ...:~.=....:..:.:.::.::.::..: ~ the centrepIece of the Lahor ~3tholI~ outlook towm d Chus· the gcneral outlines of the how they belong. man Lucicn Lamoureux and thc~. the isslle. . longshoremen in Halifax and r------_ .. I Parly'seleclol'atc appeal Tucsday-a to the masterBl'iti,h tlan umt)', schemad' and authorizcd dctail2d The original document was I'U rIdm~, appea e b y t he C1)/1, M,I'. DIe. fcn haker Said . t h e pen· i Saint ,John will walk off th~il' ~ _ L An official council thcologi:tn Iscussion of its four chapters. thorougbly rcvisc'd during a \ scrvatives, was sustained on_ a sion situation was another ex·; jobs to support St. Lawrence !X!-%';WT-: d rl;~n r:~~ur~~~teOf n~~~!~~~ti~liC~~ said a schema, 01' topic, ap' Before the schema cmer~es nine·month recess after ~he vote of 111 to 90. The ruhn;ll ample of a complete about·face RiI'er longshoremen who are he said would makc Britain a p't'oved in pl'ineiple contains Ilrom the council in its fin;,l council last fall felt it lacked was on the j:(rounds' that only a i by the Liberal gOI·crnment. : schcduled to stl'ike Friday. improved _ ,_ = mod ern theological thinking form, the document t.ndoubt. an ecumenical and pastoral \ cabinet minister ,can propose '. '.'If evcr. there was a botch,: Paul Asselin, presiuent of great humming hive of industry that "all who m'e baptized an.l edl Y WIll. be altered, but it nas spirit, government expcn dIture. I tl liS was It." I ~1 0 n t I' e a l's Local 37:; .If , . Sl1nn)' wilh cloudy P~I' ami power. share a Christian faith helong -.. -----1' the International Longshore· . High today; ;;5. Almost to a mun, 2.000 dele. somehow New Leader For 44 52 46 5:1 S~lvation Army SrNBURY • ON - THAMES,\ council who have bcen in secr')t England (Reuters) _ Scottish· session in this rivcrside town (,n , OCT, 2 borll Commissioner Frcderiek the outskirts of London for the .. 6;40 p.m, Coutts, 64, was elected Tuesday last 10 days, as leader or the Salvation Mmy His election follllwed an aboI'· ·...... 7;01 a.m: to replace 70.year,old Gen, Wi!· tive first ballot when the reo today 6;55 p.m, fred KitchIng who retires In No' quired two·thirds majority for 1100n vembCl'. nny of the six nominees was 110t ..... 2;14 a.m, Coutts, territorial commander reuched, bright "star" near (or East Australia, will tilke tip A second session produccd the Moon tDnight is Jupi, his duties next month nnd will required majority for Commis· the largest planet, be the first Scot to lead the sioner Coutls. has now. reached world·wide. movement started The six nominces were COtltt~, "It's amazing holV quickly we and commissioners W. Wye!i[[e greatest brilliance of by William B~oth. In· Britain in SAIGON, South VIet Nam-Nothlng's "fowl" In love and war, you might say-so this South Vietnamese trooper has every! ca!! change our ideas about 1865. Booth, Canada; Edgar Grinsted, right to carry II friend with blrd's eye vision to helJl him aim his rine, Obviously, this pair will make a dead duck of any Viet 'l sctence-and how slowly about 7:32 a,m:, 7:49 p,m, Coutts was one' 'of &ix nomi, Britain, G 1 e n Ryan, United people," h) 1:14 a.m" 1;38 p,m, nees ,for the office selected by states; Erik Wiekberg and CIaI'· 1 Cong guerrilla who gets with In range,-(U PI P oto • r---~ __~_..JI49 members of ,the army's high ence Wiseman, Britain, . 2.",:",TH~ DAILY NEWS, sr. JOHN'S. NEWFOUNDLAND.OC1'ODER 2, 1963 '1';' \', ',' .' ;~ ..l..O.S.A. -...------~1,"{li~,' "''h'.I ~ e '~n'niversary Carbonear THE 'BIG 10' OF THE SPACE AGE 30 DAYS TO BET'f'ER GiRAOES (I. \ fi' , r~<~T. JOHN1S, NEV . CARDON EAR, Sept 28 - C b D t I "Princess Anne" Lodge. L,O. ,ar onear en a B.A. celebrated lis annlver~Rry ..i B . f P I View ~isfory As· ,LACEN 'on 'rhul'sday last. At 8 p.m. tllP. I~ewsy rle 5 ar our members attended Divine !ser· CARBONEAR - Rev. Ed· 0 d vice in the United Chutch. ward Rusted will be visiting 'pene Sweeping Waves i1J ...,,' where they were warmly grcci· .Carbonear next week and 011 CARBON EAR, Sept. 23 .. - , cd by the minister, Rev. F. W. Tuesda)' cvening will be ltolding Though John Albert Lin£ield, By The Reading Laboratury I del'S. 80 did vuluable ~D~~AP~f Bradbury, B.A .• B.D. a MissIonary Meilting, at which D.D.S. arrived in town early in I jewels. and cloths, alid -/.1 'Appropriate hymns were he will be showing slidcs of hiR the month, it was not until All of our articles thu; for II seeds 01 trade and mcrCI! ;",',: sung. wllh Mr. John Leamon at work. It is hoped that many will Tuesday last that hc began th~ have been developing a gell~l'al IS1II were sown. ~ . the consolc. Scripture readln:ls attend this service and see fur practice or dentistry. ~tudy appronch-habits of stutly : t' I were from the 6th. Chapter 01 themselves the Missionary work HIs dental parlour is localed tha~ will work with almost an'll Trude meant exploration" < The execU IV~ c 1 Micah and the 1st. Chapter of 'he has been and will continue in the rooms in the Federnl ~ubJcct you encounlll·. Nr,wl plorotlOn meant n,w h:'of the Placentia the Gospel according to SI. to eauy on In the far Easl. Building thnt Dr. Cyril Greene It'S time to round o,ff your or I ~cw I.ands m,cant mUll ::.:0£ Newfoundland James. beginning at Verse 16. .. • • used and we bespeak for him a senal of study. tc~hn:qucr, - 10 ! chants-and a Sl\OI1~ In.·:,:'; Forestry Assl Mrs. Joseph Wareham, an ex· very busy prnctice. supply t,h,c vana,tlOlls that ;lpplj' • duss was ?n thc me, Ex(~as t t d . that 'raking as his text th~ Pth. pectant. mother. WlIS given a to speclflc subjects. 1atlOn rcqulred sClcnc~; ,c:~~~as S a e I'rrse o[ the 6th. Chap. of Micdh, shower last evening. at 111:1' S S mcant freer. broader l:lin/:seems to be a "Whut doth the Lord require home. Water street East. !I1~ny erve upper We'l\ I;tart wi:h his[o;·y. I Hence, thl? Protestant R/'-: of thee, but to do justly. ancl lovely girts Wel'e received, fot· CARBONEAH, Sept. 28 -St. :-lineteell chaptel's a~o. I,e malion and the Calhohc t: to love mcrcy. and to walk which she said a gl'Htdul .Jamcs C.E.W,A. serveli a roast saw Ihat a hislory hooll is humbly with Ihy God", Rev. Mr. "thank you" to her many klml beef supper in the School auui, not the samc as all olJillla.·y ter. Reformuti~n, . . "',p'~·a ss Bradbury delivered' a soul· friends. Gamcs, etc. followed loriulll 011 Wednesday lasL, column. It's not just ~ lOllS 1 he new ~Clent.r:c iti11l!'O,,-,. ~~ " i seal'ching sermon. the opening of thc gifts anJ SliP' : which replaced the planned gal'· JIILLIONS FOR RESEARCH-Against the background' of Stanford University'S new medi· list of dates ami dead IICO· lVas aPlllied 10 poiililS ;,.>:" The rcquirements of a Ch:is· per brought the affair 10 a I den party that had to b!! CJI:· c:II center. Nc\\'smap above spots the 10 leading universities in the nation in terms of p:e-cvell thOtlgh most of tne SOC.Jl lll'ob.ems - Ii mali' :--. tian as defincd by Micah were closc, , celled, due to unforseen ell'cum· govcrnment grants for scientific research. The National Science Foundation estimates people In youI' hook arc «lea", anti dcmocracy were nUL t, ',oS lje ~~I;.11 .. .n~'I"m, e J the same as scl down by, • • • : stances, that the federal government spent $12.6 billion in 1962 for research and de\,elopmcnt Let's take an C:::IlIIP:C Iru1I1 The k ." , he pointed out. 1'0 do justly, in I 1111', and 1111'S, llilYI~'ard l'oo!e, There was a fair muubcl' at nnd that 12 pe~ cent of the total, or about $1.5 billion. went to institutions of higher history. Euro[lc rose mal fell \liiht: ..' the langua&e o[ Jesus, mean. 10 have returned to !hCll' hOll1~ 1lI ,the supper and a large CI"JlVU learmng. Of tIllS $1.5 billion. ;:\bout 93 PCI' cent o[ it went to 100 colieges and unh·crsi· t':r:bn;s of Ihe New It·v ....·• .. : . do unto others as you would New London. Conn" (J,~.i\,,' at the Card Party that foHow· tics; 38 per cent went to the 10 institutions shown on map, Federalllloncv tends to go You've pl'obabi)' studiei.1 I.l~ 'fh~ Americans rel'o:trJ, ;'. ~,~ The passenger servI lid do to you. 'ro after a visit to Mr. Poole's Jl~r· cd, Procecds from the affab, to a limited number of schools because the nature of the work demands large graduate Renaissance-or chc you'll k', i"i'cn~h I c\'oltcd. ~inel!' .• 'j railway In Newfoun. lhat n,en siloi schools and well·equipped laboratories. . 10\'e mere)'. to render good Ior cnts, Mr. and Mrs. George W. add~d to the housc·to·house cul·.-. "---- ___ .__ ,_, .. "',' __ ..... - ______'_ " " . studying it soon. Hare Y,lu: cenlury Eurupe seethed I~!'"~. been severe I Y cn't" ICI el'i1 to blcss those that persc· Poole. kehon that had becn made car· ever asked yourself I':hl' there: revoit and !lew Indllstr. Iii!' ~Iceting In St. J cute YOIl, to love the sinner. • • • lier, netted the slim of six hun, B S II. was a Renab;sance - II:hy the' the turmoil of the 1~lhll:~eent1y, • the Newf while hating the sin; To walk We regret to have to ,'cpor! 'dred dollars. . p" whole of Ellrope sudJenly tury. both communi!~ " ~~Lcglslatlve c~mmlUt es tee l n Ca n d liemocracy fountl their !;>~,national Railway humbly with God means more I that William Hogan. ~\ln of ~lr·1 ~Ir. Squibb of SI. John's I"on I ' 0 a a awakened from centuri~s "f than "oing to Church on Sun· and 111'5, Stephen Hogan. has: thc chromc set. Rev. ~Ir. ~l:d comparatively lethargy? W;,y llOlds in the world. "\11/:~'~~----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; f ti b ',.J' da)', though one should alwtys ha~ to enter the SI. John's Sana. : ~tr~, W .il. B. Gill 0,[ POlich, , T there was such a tremenciolls. go Oll ur Ie: - 1Ii'!'t:;''':.: be slad to go unto the Hou.e tonum for treatmcnl, as hlS: Cove at.tendcd the a[[a11' and lt I B) TilE CA~I.\DIAN PRESS Burnford. Three animals on a Hollywood columnist tells all. flowering of science. art. ~ll:' i made our pomt. . of the LOfel; it means mor~ than Eugenc Buckle. We wish bolh 1\\'as ,el'ldent that nil present .Best,sellers, In Cana~a, com· trek through Canadian wildet'o O. The Quiet Canadian, H, ture, philosophy? Whal prompt' ~a)'ing morning and evening ~'OUllg men an early reeov~r)'. I were I'ery plcas~d to SCe thell1, I PlI,ed, by Qmll and QU,lre, mag' ness, (9) ~~ontgo~ery ~ydc. Exploits 01 ed men 10 risk their lives ur" ~ . ,Do you sec, how I) :'~; \' praycrs. we shoilld pray II'lth· • • ~ . cven though thelr absence lias: azme o[ t~e Canadla.u book . 9. Thc Group, Mary Me· ~ll' ~VlJha,m 8tel'en;;01l. as Bl'lt'lon unknown oceans? hlstory? Overview ),uur:{! out' ceasing. Cecil French, son of .111'. ;llH! ,so short. h'ade .[prevlOus month s posi- Cadhy. Comically ironic n'wel Ish mteIJlgcnce chlef m North: . overVlew each umt, c3ci :;ii~ . ~Irs. WiHiam Fl'ench, Suuth' ------.-.---.. ---.-,- tlUU blacketcd): of Vassar girls during the spun and South America, (7) I i\Iore than this have 1'''1. ter, Always keep the :IF ' Two peo( It means scckins God's hclp Side. left recently for the Calla· ficld Ccntrc 'lass .• U.S.A, 10 1 TI SIFlCTlOf:-'(1 F' I of the New Deal. ,IU. lIIr Life ill Co~rt, Louis. tricd to figure O;lt hoI\' 'the pictt:l'e in minr. Fit e,,: ,,~,. land Tuesday. and guidance in all We do ,)" "', d'lan ~I' I neIt" tl I rf "1"1 b I' IC loe 0 lC IS ler· 10, City of ~i~ht, ,John Rcchy, :-Ilzer, Famou.s Amel'lean law· I Renaissance has ~h"I)"{1 ',IIC . tilll mto the larger I rom'.: <,_ ;,' • mpt t llo and t Irll't 'I 'l:ll', R I' am dal . N 0 J\o\,m . ~hc , tiC e ect that le~' HIS and lHU lIIan 1Ilorl'is L, West. A novel The seedy side of sex in tl1e Il h t I I " '. One PCr5( t. e ,. 0, • 0 '. I I o)'a Cana an I avy. e WI. 'passed away qlllte SUdJClliy,' ",' . y~r reca s lS mos ce e Irated i world you're lil'ing- :n-!ww ?f historical movcment. [.: Imphclly 1lI snccess 01' fallure I Cecil every success in licl'l W Id 1'1' ·t I' III" of the modern p"pacy IIlth t~e big eily. 171 cases. (4) "OUr countr.l'. ideals .aul he Jus.t mem,onw names Jnd·;,O!/ on the Trans' ... 'th I" . C WOU I.C to CX Cll( .0 I lS. Popc and thc head of th SO"I~t :\'0:'0: FICTlO:-' J I k b t ,I ", m JOy or IJI sorrow, 1lI e as· I' Majesty's sen'lce. ! Fox the hem·tfelt sympatilV of, " c . ; ,., • . licfs and even the llHl(t"rlI t lin ' Ig, try 0 UlIu(:,.1'.; Tucsday night SIlI'ance that what He wills b " " • , h : , f' d h IT,', , UmOll as protagolllsts, <1l 1, My. Daritng Clemcntlll'~' technoloo'''' which is ollch a history-you'll hal'e a 10::, . el man~ nen s erc. I. ~ n101)> 2. Elizabcth Appleton John Jack Flshman. The story of W.~S RESEARCH ClIIEF J f d I to hospital. 1 fOI the bes!. " Arthur, Oates, ~ ~le~lh,l;: O.t':1 add that she spe. nt, many Yea,rs O'Hara. Story of a restl~ss Wifl! I Lad)' Churchill from her first WASHINGTON lAP) -: Trev,Qi', part of your life were lar"el',' UIl, an t lC namcs and ( miles cast E Speaking dircctly to the mem. I thc R.C:1\. I.S spendm:; J lu, ,here as operatOi WIth the AI a, in a small C,S, college lawn. meeting with the young Church. Gardner, 40. controvemal ChiCf /' determined by the el'enl~ .;[ 1I'0n't he any problcm" of bcrs 01 the Order. he pointed i lou~h I~'l~~ Ius p:lrcnts. 1111':, ~J1(1 i Ion Tclepho.~c ~on:pan)', (3) ill. (2) of air forc~ rcsearch and .j~' centurIes ago'! (~EXT: Sociology. IIS)cltlJ! were availahl« " . out the fact that since tbeir' I1~rs. ;\!alk Oateo, of the So,llh , .,," , 3. The Glassblowcrs Daphne 2. The Grcat Hunger, Cecil velo~"!ent . m the Eisenhower political science, economic An unidc Society was founded on the ISlde, ".. ' Phlhp Earle. son 01 Capt, E, I I J ••• a football pool,. wlth temfymg Hope. Humorous account of t~r.. run e all cen m',es ,this lIorthcm city. Tlte p( of dues doesn t really mean a If' , . . ' , consequences. comedian's visit to Russia. (3) ceremontal rclay races carry· and the Crusaders. The 5el'h i sent a pel'sonal mwa"c b f . t' ~'I a tel' VISltlllg l'eillllves and i Lurne Janes. son of ~Il' and . , I 5. The Ellrly Furniture of ing palm logs weighing be· that tookpart in the Crusades I his apostolic blessing 'to TEL·TEX EXPE I lIIClII cr a an orgamza Ion :~c I I friends at Cape Charles L:I!Jl'.I': ~Irs Geor" D Jancs IVl"1 be 5. Gr.ll1dmothcr and tie F h C d J P I 1 tween 20 and 200 pounds. The were "getting off the farm"· nephcII'. GI'O\'annl' BO"'ll ,:. Corn~r Brook '''I'll as the L.O.B,A .• only by I:vmg . 1101' ';' :' ,oe, .' " IPriests, Taylor Caldwell. Ad, renc IIna a, can a any. -, ~. Christian lives could they de..' ". leal llIg 1lI a fcw da~.s for lor· ventures of 11 priests who m~t A guide to French· Canadi2n curious. seml'religious sport is and thus a major blow was tini, an engineer, and Coc: .even new eities to

hI" . I' . " • onto. where he wlll 'ak, a I ,. furniture from the 17th to the practiced on holidays and at dealt to feudalism-a system by Marzia Provaglio. txpension of Tel"Tel , ' lerve t at Iistmehon. ,~Ir. (:eol'ge ~. PIl;e iVllI, i)c course in electronics, V~e ;vi3h ~bl~.ra~5d)mother Cu len s dmner 19th century. the end of hunts. which the king. by "divine National.Canadian P " lIe urged them to live up to I' e~lebrahng hiS scvcn\)'·lmt you well, Lorne. 6 Th Seed and the Sower 6. Kingdom of Canada, W. L. right." .owned the land ar.!! U:\,IQUE VEHlCI.E .communications ofl -i, , their obligations in word anll l blrth~ay on Sunda~', Sept. 2~th, * • • La~rensc van der Post. Richnes~ Morton. History reinterpreted. No American ever has been virtually owned the pcasant,. The sanlor is ~ !:1t;7uesday. , ,'j deed. nnd \\e cxtend to hlm he,t "·lsh· We are pleased to heal' that of the African landscape nd cherished beliefs re.examined elected president after two un· ; wheeled bicycl.c"peciallcdt4' . es for man~' more happy l'eturn; ~liss Julia Kavanagh has he~ll clash of men at w!:r a 7. Oh Yc JIgs and Juleps!. successful trics. but two twIce· The philosophy and science : traption used as a taxicl:'i;f. }o'o!lowmg return to the HnU, of the day. disch;ll'ged from SI. Clare's Hos. 7. A Favorite of 'Ihe Gods V. C. Hudson. Hilarious peek at defeated candidates have gone of the andent Greeks that Bangkok. Hong Kon,,; :-:, there was a meeting, ~~d lu~~r I • • · ,pital and we trust her improve, Sybille Bedford. An inter,Eur<; small·lown America of 19M. on to a third nomination and. had been preserved In the other Far Eastern port!, "'l · the members and \'lslt1llg ::>l5' Word was received II da)' 01': ment will continue until :;he is pean marriage and its conse. 8, Tlte Whole Truth and Noth. third defeat: William JennIngs East found Its way to Eur, ,m~npower is cheap~r thcj .~, osmg ! ters sat down to a sumptuous lwo a::o from Mrs, John F(lx: well enough to resume normal quences for three ~cnerations. Ing But, Hedda Hoppel', Famous Bryan and Henry Clay. ope viII the returning Crusa· 1ohne. . ,!, iUpP~, (nee Mnrgurm Drake) of Lynn,luetiviti~. O. fuc~iliWe Jou~e~ Sh~a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · . , . 1 , .(.1- " • I "I ,Searct , 'I Searchers are st i " wooded GlOVE , I lS-year·old Mel' " who has been n , , II 28. , snares in " ANNOUNCEMENT and has nOI ," . j since. He was I be warmly drcs ;, I Due to a City Ordnance which will soon be in effect, we are compelled to remove " j '. our I ";- Set D , " - .' GAS PUMPS

't: "

,-" A SI. John's ~illl " from our present location which are now situated on the City Curb, .,' " bye,election to , " .', In conjunction, with the above City Ordnance we have moved the complete Service left I'acant hI' .' D. Higgins.',

~ held in late :.;; ." :, Station operation immediately east of our present location. definite date ha ~ '." ; " Justice Hig; ...... , The new Service Station has been leased by to thc :.. J, iUpreltle Court rei .'· " Arrangements f' " I are now beir MR. CLUNEY VOKEY council will 1 · [or the clecti{ of Muni who will operate und~r the name of the near future , . 1.' , " ., ;

.,' -· A VAL ON' SERVICE STATION ....· ~ ,: CLUNEY VOKE1 7 LljJfITED · '. .;: Mr. Vokey has employed most of our present Service Station Staff . ",.:. '. ' , ' " " We feel sure that Mr. Vokey with a competent staff and equipped with modern .~.

"'. " facilities will give the motoring public unexcelled service. " ' :" We extend to all our customers and the motoring public in general our sincere , : abandoned: thanks for their cooperation and patronage which we have enjoyed for the past ;:': 'one large package of woes an,d worries. She's flying TCA on a holiday to Some· ::: I Ecanam~' Rlturn Fares ta I Few "Samewhms", 34 years. :.. where. And you know where that Is: a million miles away from Boredom, Routine ·" and Dullsvllle! Trust TCA to have dozens of flights dally away from these well­ It has been a pleasure to serve you. , STEPHENVILLE .... ,.. ,$ 46 , • known communities to the exciting land of new places and new faces that you I ... ~. HALIFAX .. ,...... 74 · call Somewhere. Get there fast and fresh-and in sound financial condition, $ .,'·.' J ":"" thanks to TCA's Economy fares! Remember, travel broadens: your smile, your MONTREAL ...... $120 t· ~,:. circle of friends and your outlook on fife. Go Somewhere ••. go soon ... go TCA! ! ." GROUCHY'S LTD. ""..' . ,~, ~"', . Sec your Trllvel Agent 0;' C"II TcAt 87011 ~. . "1.\ FRANK GROUCHY UPhltnl, ___ a set . ; FLV CANADIAN'FLV TRANS CIIN,~O.' AIR LINEr; @ /liR CANADA directc new bars wi ii~ ~:~~": '. . Left to .eerelJryr an

. ,_ Dailv News The e/ ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 J:..... CL.OUDY .~-....J ------_._------_._------_._---_._------LACENTIA FORESTERS Press For· Action world war two, brought mto the The cxecuti\'(~ chairman! agreement among the! ~as speaking at a rece~t mcet· veterans' charter. 'he Placentia Branch i members of the Liberal mg of the branch which was "Since 1959," IIIr. Greene .foundland Over- i government that an . _ held to haslen action on the t". ('\\ . • I . • m part of the federal governmrnt said, "the Plncentia branch of For('str~' AssociatIOn! Justice has been done the in introducing legislatton to the association has held many meetings and written many h,\, ~t;l\('d that there i foresters. IlIal'C the Newfollndland Forcs i lelters In connection wi' n .:\1- to be a general 1 Chairman Augustus Green') tel's who served overseas :n this Ilressing matter, "On ~larch 16," he said' the member for Burgco and La· • Poile, IIIajor C. W. Cartel', j" wrote saying he and his lib· passenger servIces! cral colleagues would 110 all in their powcr to bring ab"'lt the necessary changes in legislation which will ehable the benefits of the I'etcrnn;;' severely criticized charter to be c1>tended to t hr IlTovemcnt. Newfoundland foresters," Thr 11""rngrr senicr of t hc hoods said the travellln!: In a subsequcnt letter, the: 't, Il'rn:t'''1 The committee suggested to !. . \ I public in the province 1rc r~lh",\' in :>irwfollndlanel has I association learned. ~lajor C.II'·: .'.1 :\ end all this and that an all· , hr!'n ;rrrrrly crlticizNI. subjected to slow schedules, 'ter char;:ed thnt the for~'tcrsi INSPECT GUARD-The four Supreme Court of Newfoundland judges inspcct a guard or honor Tuesday, before the commene. ",' ,"I'lhl',1 IIi sleeping car train shoul~1 be ~Irrlin~ in St. John', reo Inadequate eating and sleep· wcre dellbel'ately left out uf tr_c I It f the fall session of the court here,-(News Staff Photo). :11 lu:lustrv placed Into service with rrnll\,. the Scwfollndlalld Inll facilities. ami in genCl'al charier when some of ~hcm mc 1 0 111 thl' l!ltil' sehe.luled stops at carcfllily I.r~i;l~til'f Conunlttce. Inter· the passenger train sefl'j~e I ,,: III1lUn!SIII leaves milch room for 1m· selected points. were included in legi,lal\1:1 £; j d 0 Ft· II S · foational Railway Broth.!r· \Ililltl It sahl that the Cl\'U of[jc· . which was something quite dii- ,Iwi!' ....- '" ---_._-- - .--.---.------.-~---- oltr u ges p.en a eSSlon lal rcsponslble for the plan, fercnt-namely the war !Jell· '.".tll, Wt' true bill and the youths were istrate', court. , hut Mr. Delegra\'e, recently saill sions and cidlians allowance AIl,cr the Inspection the )1or thc Iirst time in New· scheduled to go to trial on Following a magisterial la· that "people judge railway~ justices proceeded to the : lIlt. (Continued on Page 9) fOllndland's history there Oct. 9. quiry the case went ta the by their passenger scrvkes", __ , ._ . ..-1 courtroom where actual bus· were four jlulges on the bench The case to the Supreme S!'~reme Court. :. ,1\\' "If this Is true, the r:'liH when the Fall session of the iness started, Court after the defendants Buslnesa in the court rl' TWO' DEAD be well advlseel to ex~lt\inc Supreme Court started Tues· First itcm of bminess was sumes Wedneliday morning chose trial by judge and jury T\\'o peoplc dicd ,"iolcntly in Nc~vfouncl- closely tlte Image to the puh· High day, the selection and swearing in on their appearance in mag· ~t 10:00 a.m. land Tucsdav. Hc In this province." the Gets of the 23-D1an Grand Jury. committee stated. Newly apllointed Justice James D. Higgins occnpied Following this Chief Jus· One person was killed in a two car crash The eOlnmi(tee a.lded that Position his position as the opening tice R. S. Flirlong comment· .Board Agrees With on the Trans-Canmla Highway al'Ound 8.45 absence of a stalUlard tlIlJj!I' session got under way, cd on the change of regis' . 1 d I I d railway docs not mill ~Il)' A :\'cwfo:I1l,i1andcr has trars for the court. He wei: Tues( Iay mg 1t, an seven ot leI'S were rlls 1C thing to the comfort of train The session began with the received a high allllointmcnt c~re1l10nial inspection of a comed the neW registrar and to hospital. The accident occurred ahout two I trarel,' and Newfoundland h. Wage Raise in Ottawa. gllard of honor composed of said he was sony to sec ~Jr. jJlinimum miles cast (If Bishops Falls. ~ 0 furthcl' dctails the only IJI'ov,nee of Camlda Stuart U. Godfrey, 50, ,iO mcmhrrs of the Ncw· Winter depart after man), The ~ewfollndland Board of I This was announced Tuesday ~'cars of faithful sen'ice. Trade h3$ announced its a~l'ee· I by a spokesman for the BO.lid, were ayailahlc at I)rcss time. todaystandard which gllagc. does not usc the fOl'lller i\'clI'foUl1Illand assist· fOl1ndland constabulary. Illent with the pro\'incial glA· i saying thai the membership I, ',0'" ant deputy minister of wei· The constabulary re~ph'n­ The first rase hefore thp I -,' An unidentified man of Bishops Falls The comforts of parlor ancl l.uc. Tuesday was mllncd (;ran(\ .ll1ry was the indilc· crnmcnt to incrcase Ihe I'linl- : gcnerally would agree, ~ ill'I', (,l'U1Hllml(:lIl1l leut in their uniforms, whitc _ .,' "I is undcrstood." the spol:cs- I drowned in the Exploits Rircl', while hclpinO" chair ms, the ('Onllllit,·c~ social welfarc I'ommi. ,,;ioucr meut of ,James Downcy amI · I 1 '1 1'1 i said. on our train:; an' Jiso dress helmets and with bay· II1UIl1 wage, [rom ~o cen s II)"· man sal-d' . 't h at Just . O\,~l' t \1'0 for the city of Ottawa, ,\ Ibert Lnsh 011 a charge of I'll to \1\1 Ioa d a truc k. W IlIC 1 was ( umplll~ .o/!:s into denied to till' Newfoundland oncts fixed to their carhine~ men and 30 cents for \\'omen t'l: \'ear.; ago, the Board was aE!;- I, ~\\'-- ~Ir. Godfrey will take UII poss~ssion of stolen pl'OllCr, the river. :\ report said the man slippcd and people, and It is sug~I'slpd were commanded by police 70 cents and 50 rents, ~d [or its opinion on this ma',­ I' I ty. The jllry brought in a :. :\ ,,\ his ncll' dlltics Jilli. \. chief Edgar I'itlman. ,IN and the appropriate com· I , I' :1\1\ \'1 fell into the river, drowning hefore he could that someone In authority , ,-~.---~~.. -c:--.., .. - .....~-- .... : mittee hearing ill mind !hat the , "crc I.e plllln(1 Ollt. give some serious Iholl~ht to ,::",(ll:'nontc n \. . acl had come into force in ,':y, Thc______~~_~~~~~u~1 on,I:Hg'-:._~! ___ _ 1952. with the latest amend.lI~li: . being madc ~[ay 23. 1955. I·t· mc,"lgc TEL,TE>' EXPE:\,SION ! commcnded an upward re'.'!si.un !\h'~sing to D·· ,,;\; ..\ Bosco Cnrnrr Brook will be one of: IS trIc t Governor without specifying any rate. II":::" and COlmllll£' rn nrll' cities to rel'i!I\'e an ,,:", fxprll;lon of Tel-Tcx. Canadian \~lionaJ.l'anadian Pacific Tele· rornmllnication! officials said Arrives Here Todoy ,10 Cancel i '!llc,day. I is n w. R. LePage of Charlofte· Club, olle of :!3 In his .Ii~trict . . :,' p~dallcd town, governor of district ?B? In addition to arlllrc.:;ing i" a taxicab of Rot a r y International, Rotarians at their meeting, !Argentia II~g Kong. world.wlde service organl. he will conCer 'with the presl· i .'\"1"11 ports. zation, arrives here tOllal' to dent of the Rotary Club ami ,Detachment l'lll'apcr tha~ osing Hope visit the St. John's Rota!'Y other club officers on Rotary administratiVe matters an,1 service~Ir. LePage activities. Is a mp,mber lll(l ' A small refuelling detach- n Search a lIast president of the Ho, iment at Argenlia naval ba.e is tary Club of Charlottetown, i to be deactil'ated. Smch~l's Bre still combing i lie was elected a district p;ov. I An announcement from Ihe the wooded Glol'ertown nrel' ernor for 1963.6t at Rot:Jry's : naval station Tuesday said that fnr l3-year,old ~I(.'l\'in S:-iifing- ~ 54th annual colt\:ent!on ill cit. I the' detachment will be d2' ~nn "'ho has he en missing Slll~e : ),ouls, Missouri, litst June. ~ actil'ated :-101'. 1. The unit ~rpl 28, : He Is one of 272 llistrict I transferred is detachment 1 nf Thr )ullth ldl hi5 hOllle to ;et : governors responsible for . the 4505 Air Refuelling Win:;: ,ahh:t lnares in the n~ar!ry: tillpervlslng the activities of of the U,S, Ail' Force, wnidt more than 11,500 Rotarv clubs • include5 one officer and 25 area Ind has nol heen hearr: 1 ~i1- 'InCP, He was reported not 1 with a total mcmbel';hil' of men, in bp warmly dressed. ,I !i:~5,500 Uotal'luns in 12D "oun, The unit IVas reported to I tries around the ((lube. As thc ha'e no ci"ilian personneL 10 remove IInpr is dwindling 101' 1115 I ~~vernor of this Uotary dh. The long-planned chang~ reo rei urn, trlct, Mr. Lel'age surper-..i.cs sultcd [1'0111 the replacement IIf the organization of new dubs ,the older refuelling tal,lar in his area. I pl.nes with new jet tanke .. ~. I,ast year, more Uian ::OQ ~ .. to,,, .', ;,a\'\' authorities :;tres:;ed ~!lat Set Date nelY Hotary clUbs were or. ".,J~ the eliange of the military IInit o ganlzed in 46 conntries, with I' , ,wiil have no' impact on n3\'al clubs being form cd for the '~O C s· Soprano HOllla nutler Ilid· i station operations at Argen:ia, WilliamR.LcPage first time In the West African I 0 pen once,"t er7!es cll \V3!i special guest 1'ues, 'particularly since no civilian orA SI. ,Iohn'sElection COlin. cOllntry of Slerrn Leone. .'. i . "Ilay at a lIlorning coffcc gil" Iemployees are involved. '.I ~llInicipal i hyr,clcclion to replace Ilh! en bv members 01 the Sir i I Irft ,'aeant h.\' )11', .11I<'.,:c'.', R h A t 11" tl II·' 'II ~ 1 II l' 'vrar arc Andrcas Rnrhan, ~Iar· Humphrey I'Gilbert I Chapter0 d 1 SETS Flr\AL DATES I n \1'1'11 oma "II rl'. soprano, opcns 115 year s WI 'Ie I' e , . - of tbp mpena I' er ST. ,JOHN·S. !'Ifld. lCPJ-OO' lIi~~ins.~ .. _ pl'uh'.lbl~' eac greem,en tl 1n6364 I" 'C I' II B tl . ~. I ~~"',I·,'t ,\1111 Whit tic, Eleanor f I 1 hpld in laic ~()vember hat 'I Ie '" ~I\I'a\llS onceI', oma u cr IS a "c ,'- . c Dau~hlCrS (l the Emp re erations manager E. J. Healey lie Service n I [' 't d h h Serics in St. John's toni gil\. ' fOlllHllalldcr who was wen' Lawton. Doris Clarke. Basil (1OIlE). The e\'ent was, 01 the Canadian National RaU· I C.m' SCI'. 1 r r 11\1 c ate as een set. I Thr. secrelary of the of Tr;lde construction Shc will l1erform at, the i known in llIusic circles in 5t. Hutton. Katherine llarrin;\lon. llcld at the home of 1'lrs. wa)'S Monday announced the fi· I \1: .Iuqil'e lli;;;;in~ II'''S ap'; struction ,::"ociation Llnlit?J i tlon, said th"t the agreement Uoly I1rart of Mary Ilegional : "Tohn's years ago and has since Naida I'lutton. Leonard )Icehan, Harry Verge, 71 CornwaU nal sailing date for the C:-IR'. nlr.d 10 the :';cII'fonnrl!rln(\ Innnounced luesday thai n ,ails· 1 resulteel In an increase flf n J1igh School auditorium start· I tHken grcat strides in this : Ignatius Ilumholdl and Lcstcr Crescent. Left to right, northern Labrador coastal sen'- . 'prcnlc Clllll't recently. ifactory allreement has ;1e.m I cents per hOllr as or Sept. 3!J ing at 8:30 p.m. I field on the Canadian nlain· Goulding. ~Trs. II. K. Wyatt. Mrs. Ro· ice for the winter. The last IIII' reached with Local 764 of Ihe I until I\Iarch 31, 1964, when She will he accompanied by i land and the United Stales. 1113 ltidell, 1111'S, Verge and portunity to ship Ireight Lo I Mral1~el\1rnts Ior the cl~c. Inlernatiinal Association of: the current agreement will >Ie DO\I"la5 051110llel 1 Shn l'S livin" in Detroit I The next ('onecrts in this s~r- liT I) II Go e New points north of Carty,Tight i. arc now, ,elllgb . ma de 3nu• 11'1B 'd ge, Strue lura I nnd Orml',1 revIewed. I Theh • concert• will• open thc I Foul'"... concerts are planned ,lies • WI'II he.J an. 15, Feh. 12 and staffr5. Photo).. . ss .- s Oct. 28. Southern Labrador Ii· Icoun~11 will, recommend a mental iron Workers, I This means that the Iron, second season of concerts where I for this year's series, There 1.~..1:al:..:'c:::h_1::1:. ______~~~~~~~~~~~~I~n:al~sa:i::.lin:g::::s-a=r~e-N:..:.o.:..v:..:. . .:..l:..:.8_,-- I or I p electl?~ to th~ Dc. The secretary, whose ass~d· Workers will now receive )2,47 I local residents perform. Iwere four last year. 1-' the nearof future.~Iumclpal Affal,rs I atlonwith theis NewfoUIIIJlal1l1partly synonymous Bonrd per h'hour and Rodmen ~2 ,Last05 ycar. tht; ' was a Those beSides'I Roma But ! I , per our. success and mdlcatIonss~l'ICS are that I and Mr. Osmond to appear tlllS~r I f Drive To Increase, liON ~fiembership I Jaycee , An intensive drive is under.! men interested in developing i I way this wek to increase memo their own cap~hilitics and in hership of the St, .John's .Junior I serving their community. I I ,I Cham her of Commerce, Underwear \:Iff. ",.'"""."",. 1 A spokesman for the .lay· cre5 announcell Tuesday tbat A,ddress FOR \th modern with .Jaycee week hcgh11lin~ 1 . ,-- Silt. 30. extensive efforts arc ,Wholesalers BOYS - MEN helng made to oovlsc cltI· I zens and especially Interest· Eric Patterson, assislant Brit- : , ed potential members or the ish Trade Commissioner for' I work the Junior Chamber Combinations- ';Iur sincere the Atlantic Provinces, Monday I undertakes. outlined services provided for importers and wholesalers by Shirts ;'H the past To help interest young men his Halifax and other offices In the movement, a number of counter displays including in Canada. 1 and Drawersj pamphlets explaining the Jay· Mr. Patterson was introduced I cees, have been placed strate­ to the 1(} member executiv8 of I' the Boan1 of Trade Wholesale gically throughout the dly. also Shorts. Section by chairman William J)urlng the year, the Jay· A, Neal when the section met I for its regular monthly meet· cee~ bChl a nllmber of In· ALL AT BARGAIN teresting programs Including Ing. the Santa Claus parade, elti· During the meeting the sec· PRICES, zen of the year award, pro· tion discussed the recent CNR- 1 Clarke Canada Steamships PRES'NTATION-Three members of the executive of the st. John's Kinnette Club motion of the tourist· trade ~ines agreement for a fast all· the St. John's Boys' Cluh recently to present the cluh with a piece of gymnasium I a 1111 other projects. water Great Lakes to New, COME SEE ••• Of, , sci of parallel bars. On accepting the gift on behalf of the club Gordon Pike' The 1963-64 Chamber execu· foundland shipping route, ,the new direc~r said that cla~ses will Itarl immediately in physical fitness: and in these: 1 live nnder the presidency of future of IreiJ(ht, rates and YOU'LL SAVE, bars Will be used. RCMP Constable Chet Campbell has volunteered to conduct the i Ed Neary ho?es 10 t~ke on sev- handling: a~ well as the ques­ leeret;~~ to dri~ht, ~Ir. Pike, Mrs. ~onald !l0lden, Kinnette president; !'.lrs. Ri,lchard Chalk-I' ~~~;~c~ pri~~\~::s!llI\~~ar 1~:i~ lion of price and quality or ,an rs. James Nesbitt,'-Vlce presldenl.-(Camera Shop ·Photo)., . membership to include young fresh milk. , ;'50 Jump!" ) THE DAILY NEWS ~~~~L~eT~T~E~R~S~T~.O- ~ ~'.'.:1i.F.~~l.!fl.~:~;·.:Vft.?h~~'~lfl~. Forestr Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper THe EDITOR .~ \.'.;;P ,." ,...,,:_'1.'~ ,,;- "";;.;~;:~.~ .. ,.. .. "~I<"'M, .. i,INti''~',". '<'h ,...__ =.:.. ---- :#f'fJAX~~v.'""'"'::";!"-S':"'i~ ....., .• '" ,~Ir~ '1_'" ~.' The PAILY NEilS t. a mnrntn. paFer Editor Daily News, ~':: .:'.'" . ,lB. .. "~!'.: - 'a···.~~')~."~':.J '-:, .,tabU,hed In IU91 and publllhtd at Ihl '~.~',j-- ..... ".~~,~ > I...... ".:.". ~ ':'".fHa", :: '.,.~-. ay. :'tt! "·~ll,,"'H. -,,:<·.A,' , ...,.' Now. Bulldln" 3~·3lD Duckworth ~l., Dcar Sir-It has been said that edu· WW H,\~!.~ ...... ""', !.,<, '·N."J·,"'~" '1\ .;/ . SI. Jnhn'.. New!oundlDnd, by Robill.OD :j and ComplDY, Llmlt.d. cation is that which remains after one .:~ ! MEMBERS or has debunked all that one learned in SAVING THE PARKS ,-,; THE CAl"APIAN raESS school. But I doti't know whether this ,. . ;t~fotlnllland Dlay be 1 apothegm is wholly true or not, be· Ottawa Journal ! W~,.he DlOlt awkward ,.; Tb. C.Dadlan Pr... t. ."lu.I.. I, . . . . !d.: situation existing .nUlled to Ih. UII lor republlcatton 01 cause I have spent too little time in ali n.w. d.. palchca In 'hi. pap.r crsdlt· Federal )hncs ~ltnt~ter BenedlckIQ:!lI .. da Resources Mi~ .d to II or 10 Ih. Alloclaled Pre... r· school to enable me to affirm or deny said recently that the red~ral Go\'cr~~iJJl.·- a~ J. Keough said ~ ncutm and a110 Ihl local .a". publl,b. ed Ih,r,ln. the apothegm, But, while I have had ment intends to keep nattonal park! .... All P"., SorvlcOl Ind lealur ••rtlcle. little or nO formal schooling-and I am . d .. .y.' In Ihl. piper .r. copyrllhled and their closed to prospectors an mlnmg co:n.· lIir Keough, spcuklng a reproduclloa II .rohlblt,d. glad I was fortunate enough to escape panies. He said the advantages of PI~ i1~1 conference for the handicap of a formal education be· serving the parks. el'en from control1!!~' --'--- cause a formal education means a con­ mining deYeloplllcnt, far outwei~he! :".'; YEARLY SVB5CIII,TION RATES formity education which stunts cI·ea· the benefits that might be had from Canida 112.00 por annum ~I.mber Audit lIur ... VDlted Klilidom and all live thoucht-I may not be sO dumb 'ploiting their mineral resources. lorella counlrlto 114.00 per anDum tI elre.laU.. as some people would imagine me to That is a policy {or which Authorized II "cond do •• moll by 'hI be, for I have had man\' yrars of study po.1 Olll •• Deplrtment, Ollawl and 'or generations will be grateful. paym.nt 01 poltalll la c.. b. under some or the world's grt)atcsl scholars: in fnct, one of my teachers. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 under who~~ trachin(! I studied for 14 RIGHT ROOF years, was considered hy other scholal's to be the world's best scholar.. At one Charlottetown Guardian Tribute To A Civil Servant time' he tau~ht nhilofonhv in LOUl'ain According to Dr. L. W. Newbauer Unil'ersit~, hut he I~ft the lln[l·er~it~· the University of California, the With the retirement of MI'. head of the Department of Pub­ because he disaal'ced with the phil050ph)' kind of roof can help you beat the he tall~ht thel·c. mer heat. A flat, block rooC is bad. A Raymond Manning us Deputy lic Works which then embraced so r makc this personal rrfel'cnre white roof is 5~ degree.~ ~oo'er. Minister of Public Worl,s after roads, bridges and marine work3 .that no one will laugh wh~n I s1'l tllat with steep slopes are the coolcst: n~ within its scope. thrl'c is room {or critie;'lll of the 4(i .yeurs in the Ch'il Service. roofs are the hottest Roofs that s!~~ the opportunity is afforded to ~"hoot~ hecause of some of the suh.iects to the north are the coolest; south And whalevel' else may be thel' trach nnd hecause of thel' pay general as well as specific and east and west the hottest. said about the Commission IJcr· do not tCHch. Howevcr. what I startc~ tribute to the administrative iod which lasted for fifteen out to talk ahout is a historical f,lhcv ------. side of go\'ernmen which was tnu~ht in Ollr school, ~o to t. years, it was marked by the cre· pesstnllsm. The parochial nature ~ The public rarely recognizes 40 ~'em; a~o. the impressions of I\·hir.h Canadian thinking and the pettine~i ation of a competent and effic­ tcachin!! still Jin~CI' in thc minds of the contribution of an efficient political partisans come through \ ient Civil Service which was thosc that write the school books. and too clearly in the debatcs in the Civil Sen'ice to the effective inherited by the provincial gov­ is transmittcd to. nncl imorrsscd noon. mons. There is rarely an attempt opcration of provincial business. ernment in 1949 and to the value the minds oC thc prescnt clay school pa)' evcn lip service to the 1\linistcrs may make policy. The puoils. of national unity and national d of which Premier Smallwood, as Ch'i! Sel'vice must carry the When my progenics wcre going to And sometimes. surveying the head of that government, would school. there was used in the ~chools empty spaces of Canada, seeine header burden of implementing be the first to pay tribute. ~t that time a history hook, one onc of distribution of most of the 'Do~lUlati1\' it even if the executive branch the pagrs of which was a picture of in widcly-separated strips along 111ust accept the onus fOI' any Ray Manning must be the last Jamcs Watt, hi .• mothcr. hcr kitchen American border. and WHITHER CANADA? plirations. The party conniet during a mistakes that may be IIlade. And among senior civil servants to and stove, on which was a kettle, from period of minority government can the irrational direction of the ea,t-II'/·ro~.r served to be singled out for re­ ably equipped him. Meanwhile called "The Library of Original Source." earn my brcad and butter, I would be I'ide her at home and learn how to central go\'ernment which reflect' :r;. sponsibility. Mr. Manning was he has the right to look back containing clata supplied by 14 proCes· the last one to belittle man's ingcnuity jority opinion right across the C~!1n':::. , , bring a united nation t.o the task of \ one of those selected. Within a with pride and satisfaction on sors of well·known American universi· 01' cast a disrespectable rcClection upon determining what ils place must be in Thcy cannot agree on how to "',:~~!,., ,"I tics; and in one oC the valumes there is the noble profession of stcam engineer­ I ' " year of the Commission's in­ his own career in Public Works tbe world o{ tomorrow. their own constitution. Still Ie;' ';: a picture of James Watt looking at ing by attempting to disparage James they agree on discarding tho;cf,ST. JOHN'S. :-Ifld,. .. l • • • , , auguration he was appointed at and on the part he played in steam IssuIng from the spout of a Watt and the valuable contributions he The things that loom up as matters strictive provis!ons oC the .BXA !.:pten; has. been. a ch , , 'helping to build the modern " the early age of 38 years to he kittle exactly the same as thc picture mad~ to the steam engine. Watt erected oC immediatc concern arc thc I3hour which were deSIgned .for a dlrrer~nt. 'lEhlI. Ique 10 the Im?or': the p~rmanent administrative Civil Service in Newfoundland. found in the history book which was a pillar uncler the foundatiop, on which situation on the Great Lakes. thc nat· anr! a different country and a (lilk', dland I~shore flshll' used in our schools 30 to 40 years ago. lVas built the noble proCession of steRIlI people and now sen'e as a st,r.ij~ -liomethmg t!wt 11 ional p~nsion schemc. llPemployment, . , j!enEd so seldom III the This goes to show that th.:! proCessor engineering which served industry {or and the deficit. In thc hackground is around whIch the forces o.ppos;. I'centuries the changes who inserted thc picture of Watt and more than two centuries unti! It was the struggle betwecn the ccntralizcrs chan~e can always rally their fo·~''':'cotmled on one hand. A.11d Now There Are Five his steaming kittle was no bettcr in­ drivcn from the field of industry by the and the provincial autonomists. And to ohstruct a new design for a ~.F nil the introduction formed about the origin of the steam INFERNAL, internal combustion cn­ behind that lies the deep·rooted anr! world. In the meanWhile, trYln: "lill nets for (odfishin~ pealed to the Speaker for formal When the House of Commons enginc than was the person who wrote !(ine. For this reason. no attcmpt ha~ often indefinable discontent of French keep everyone happy. the central ,"'f net that i~ taking 0 adjourned for the'summer recess recognition. The Thompson the h(story book which was used in our been made to detract one iota Crom th~ Canada. The polic)' questions that now ernment has alwaj's worshipped at !'.!ours out of fishing an schools whcn my boys and girls were valuable contributions Jamcs Walt made altar of mathematical proportion' :.!·hole yielding hetter c there were four parties which group has done likewise. And occupy the centre of the sta~e seem to going to school. to the stcam engine. My only reason the distribution of its bounties ar.!Not sin_ce the inventit the NDP has asked that it be he arousinl(' interest princioall)' be­ were officially recognized and This Is the kind of historical fallac\' for writing this letter is for thc !lur­ the fulfilment of its national pr~'lI~ap In t~lI! last ce cause of their explosive political con· . , ,e mtroductlOn of the Social Credit came after the two recognized as a larger party than the schools and universitics taught 30 pose of trying to disabuse the minds of grammes so that the sharmg of c. !.lIe \\.'nl-ch \.. t tent. But they ha"e a larger imp()rtanr~. . . I h' -I ' e Imllla e major parties and ahead of the either of the two Sacred groups years ago. And the impression of that thos~ that write the school books and Thc lake· shipping' issue, for example, wlll bar no harder on the. "ea t l~ eaking rowing. has NDP in size. and given precedence in such fallacy is not entirely eliminated from those that rcad them. oC the erroneous involves international complication~ than on thc poorest pro\'mce~. T.. rllsed fishermen m, belief that .James Wntt was the innn· facile assumption is that all arc eql1J!l nylon net. But in the interval the pre­ matters as the order in which the school books and school teaching with the United States. The ppnsion toda}', as is evident by the fact that the tor of the steam enginc. scheme invokes the question of how in means and this assumption is main·rhousands of them tence of unity within the ranks amendments may be moved and tained ill the face of the known an.l usc in the prm·illcc. books still refer to Watt as being the Incidentallv may I be excused when I far any fedcral government can ~o with of Social Credit was abandoned other I-louse rules observed. inventor of the steam engine. While divert from the main thcme oC my Ict­ contrarv facts, And because nohodllment pays a subsid) national policY which is at odds with - h to ('i,a,n~n II'ho hu\' IlI'lnn , as Real Caouette broke witb nat­ This fragmentation of parties it is not specifically taught today that ter to say that my having been associate(1 the thinking of the two largest pro­ appears to be strong eno~g "c~ last _-\.pril ,,;,hsidi ional leader, Robert Thompsoll, might have its droll side except Watt was the first to discover the pos­ with the steam engine {or a long time. vinces. And Canada. in finding her lenge a series of preconc~~ved notlon'~n paid on 1;.0011 11 sibility of using steam as a motil'e pow­ and having mastered its technicalities which have become pollhcal ,acrid C. Windsor. a mcm!: to form his own Quebec group. for the one obvious fact that h place in the world. must face liP 10 . er to actuate machinery, the reference and learned its acoustic language, my these two Cundamental i~s\lPS (\r hoI' cows. Canada continues to fumble h!~'~ man :\e\\'fllu!I!1l Not all the Quebec Soc reds join­ is not good for Canadian unity (inadvertently I presume) to his being attitude towards it, like that of evcry­ rclations with the giant south of the way along her course without a rlelr~ De\'elo~mcllt .\ul and for the expedition of parlia­ sense of purpose or destination. 'fhr~~arl! 10 years ;1~O ed Caouette but he has one mem­ the inventor of the steam en~ine carric;; one else that has had lon~ expcrirnce border, and oC the f\lsin~ oC ten pro,'­ bel' more than the Thompson mentary business. That is some­ with it the infcrence that hc 'vas the with it, is an attitude bordering on af­ inces widely different in wealth and environment of Canada is one in \\'hiCl~; m ~o.o~~ratlOn group and that seems to qualify thing with which the electorate first man to discover thc possibilitv of fection. To the locomotive steam en· rcsources into a nation with a sinde botdne.'s and Imagination arc di;collr.~~1 eX~!~~~~~~in" d~ I th 'h . the ten I'e!!! l" - will have an opportunity of using steam as a motive powcr to drive gineer. the stcam engin~ Is something purpose that has l1niversal support aged. s at \\ Y, In , .. r tI m tillS pro,·incc. him for the special emolument machinery. more than an inanimate thing consistin;.( from 1952 to 1961, 400,000 peoo,e le.ll~el were sent to st, dealing with effectively when from the Atlantic outpost or Jl:cwfollnd­ paid to leaders of parties with at As a matter of historical fact. steam of iron, steel and brass, actuatcd by land to the Pacific outpost of Van· Canada for the Unitcd States and nrdrstof nylon gill netti: lellst twelve members. the next general election comes was used 120 years B.C. to draw water st~am pressure: to him. it has an in­ cOll\'er Island. This eaJls fol' an agree· 29000 of these were Canadian·horn' H'eat Lakes. thcn 1'( The Caouette group has ap- round. from ,a well, and Branca, an Italian, nate quality akin to personality which ment on first principles and the kind is ~asier to state what may appra~ :11$ local fishermen. produced an engine and boiler in the hc pets and scolds. according to its be· he facts than -It is to provide s,)h't:c~,~ULTS GOOD of leadership that can win support . t t '., 'l;'" few nets were year 1629, one hundred and s~ven haviour, as he would pet and scold his across the country for translating them but there IS much more a sa,.,. I'ted fi h . h· h t ./ .. ,,~ S ermrn 11 years hefore Jamcs Watt was born. And pet dog. and he regards it to be a kind into national policy. Canada today than w IC par. Y gJ\., .,/' Mr. Wi 11 d ~ The Pension Increase Newcomen's engine, to which Watt's oC fetish which he venerates with a .. .. . or what differenees mal' e:mt ol'/r I .. ~ were asked tn The Pearson Government has and the federal general sal:!s attention was drawn by his friend. Dr. 7.eal akin to that with which the ancient Btlt to think in thesc terms and schem~ to provide a national retire~d JI~d report resulli Robison, was patented 31 )Iears beCore Egyptians venerated the So1a~ boat and then to read Hamard is 10 invite pension plan.~.,were olltstanrlin~ tax. But these levies have not =:...:=-.:..::.:::::.....:.:::.:.::.:.::.:.::.-.:::..-______. ______r ," net spread I lost no time in bringing before Watt was born, and John Smeaton (who, the Cruk amata. For this reason. when ______\ esembles the net u the House of Commons its pro­ been adequate to meet the full by the way, may be a relative of myoId I sav that the internal combustion en· cour.1. The fish posal for increasing the uni­ cost of universal pensions. friend. Fred SmeatoD of Gander. who. ginc' will in time give way to the stcam become ental versal old age pension by $10 to The additional cost of the pro­ like his namesake, is also an engineer) engine, my prediction may be regarded COal:r"n Was Ilk, added many improvements to the steam as an expression of prejudice against I-~ , .... m.,~ of nettin~. $75 a month. posed increase is estimated in a engine befor Watt bccame interested the poisonolls internal combUstion en· Bt~Rrs Wo~to 1l1. then couldn There was, however, a re­ full year at $120 million and one in the steam engine, which was not un· gine. Bllt there i8 evidence enough to Leo Power I ,l'rc!pa~;sev on the minder that this is a contributory' per cent on income taxes will til 1759, at which date Watt says: "My warrant the assertion that early in the next centnry when the supply of oil the Avalon pension. To help pay for it, an produce barely one-quarter of attention was FIRST directed to the an idea of the increase of one per cent in the this amount. Where the rest will subject of steam·engines by the late D. will haVe becomc e;:hausted, the inter· . of the nylon gil Robison. He at that time threw out nal combustion engine will be replaced used to use 100 rate of personal income tax will come from may be explained in an idea of applying the power of the by the stcam engine which will be reo . with 50 to 6( become applicable On next year's the debate, steam·engine to the moving of wheel· stored to its former place it once DC, Ime. Thcy h. earnings. All that is certain is that no carriages ..." cupied in industry. and thus vindicate COiled. set an The present pension is paid for legislation to be brought forward From the historical data enumerat· its usefulness as an instrument capable op< of satisfying the mechanical needs of would be 5 principally by the three per cent during the present session is cd, it can be clearlY seen that James a day. Walt was neither the first to discover mankind. But when the supply of e1l31 special additions to the personal likely to have such an easy pas­ Capt. Power h. the possibility of using steam as a runs out. mall, in order to keeP the averagin~ 6. income and corporation taxes sage. motive power, nor the first to use steam wheels of industry revolving, will have The working to serve the peeds of mankind, for to harness the sun or the a tom. half and ther steam Is known to have been used 1856 Picking up the trend of my theme, about. years before Watt was born. And the let me say that it may be argued that government p Evening Classes For All the belief that James Watt was the in­ for a 50 first stcam engine, which was the proto­ net. half its The richest variety of courses culture and plumbing. tYpe of the modern steam-turbine, an· ventor of the steam engine will not de· ter a man from getting a lob at Knob in cultural and technical sub­ The University offe~s oppor­ tedates James Watt's engine by 140 years. Lake, nor prevent his getting a seeretari. jects ever to be offered to dti- tunities to study such things as No, James Watt was not the inventor al position In the Confederation Build· , zens of St. John's who are will­ creative writing, languages, busi­ of the steam engine: he, like others ing. But the fact remains, that, if his· ing to attend evening classes is ness mathematics and account­ . before and since his time, was one of tory is worth learning at all, the facts now available through the Col­ ing, painting and art appreci­ the many eontributors to the develop· of history should be taught in the schools rather than historical fallacies, lege of Trades and Technology ation, and dancing, swimming ment of the steam engine. His chief minister contribution to the development of the so that the apothegm: "Education is Miller and the extension service of Me· and physical culture. steam. engine was tile application of a that which remains after one has de· Were 133 morial University. With the availability of all second cylinder·hend which made the bunked all that one learned in school," \ during " The Trades College naturally these means of self-advancement, steam engine an engineering success. w()uld become an anachronism, or an of the 45 • . concentrates on wholly practkal it must be hoped .that all classes Newcomen's engine, on which he con­ error in the order of time, in so far as the apothegm. applics to historical WTh, chef lay' whttJ he 1lJlffltI ;1Mlr opi//iOll he'll age four . I ;Jubjects but these embrace a will'be filled and that the extent ducted experiments. had only one cylin­ birth, two der·head, but when Watt added a sec· events. ;uk for ill" . ;.pretty wide range from basic of the response will' encourage one deat >. . ond cylinder·head. his innovation en· YOllrs truly. of men sewing through several courses the addition of many others as abled him to admit stcam alternativelY W. L. Bt:TLER. " in office procedures to harti· time and opportunity offers. to both ends of the cylinder, SO tilat Shoal Harbour. .

- , .,


For~~s May Be Facing Bad Situation :' \ IlK~ "IIIllIulland IIm~' be fal" IIty forestry ministers allll clining foresls in thcse rei:· a paradoxll'al sihwlion with To. meet the situation, his '. , chlcf foresters from all 10 lOllS, i' I Ihe 111",1 all'l\\I'urd for, an ol'er'supply of mature department Is de~elopll1g a ! ,i\\lalion l,xis\ing In \lro\'lnees which opcned he!"I' Hc said Newfoul1llland's I',rnrdick,un timbor 011 onc halld and a callable staH, he said, The Hl"IlIlrt'rs ~linltcr Monday, said NcwfoumllRnfl allowabk 11'0011 cut from Its !:roll'illg" necll for re,fores· , '.I",·al GOI'crn. ,1. I\l'oll~h said MOil' is tryillg to de~clop Indlls, 4<1,000,000 cords of softwood govcrnment has trim! to es· , :"'1~,11 parkl trial utllization of hcr un, is 'abollt 230,000 cords more tation a1111 the application 01 tabllsh a cOllsolidated tltn· :l~,nil1~ lOOm. .r K,'''II~h. Sl\ealdn!l at all ta\lpell (orest resources while than can be usel!. forest 1l11111a~Cmcnt practices her limit for . a third pulp· :. ··.:.;,e~ of pre­ '\1\1;11 l"ollh'n'IlI'c for del" at the same time facing de· lie said Newfoundland Is III 011 the othcr. cOllsuming mill. : ','Ill ""lllrolled ------.. ------_._- ._------~~. ------, oillweighed :\:,d from ex. , ~l1r~'c~ . Will Tag ., '\:,'h future

Caribou.' , PrOl'incial government wildlife biologists will tag caribou again Ithis year as th c herds cross Vic· , ,,~ n toda Lake in central Ncwfound· " \Cllballcr nf Ilanll. southward·hound on their STAnT PAVING - ~tcNalll' The road, which runs al~ng hy six: months time. When . "ia. Ihe right I annual fall migration, ara Construction Company the north shore of thc h~r· completed, the road wlll . The carihou are marked to have sOllie 12.000 tons of as· : brill the ,;1\11\, startcd pavemcnt of lhe four bor, outside of Watcr street. de t e r til i n e their migration Jnne harbor roall 'rucsr1ay. is cxpected to be comilleted phalt on its surface,­ ",.,f I' bad, A routes and 10 finll out whelhr.r (News ~taff photo). :'" ~Ml~r. n~"" there is any mixing 01 herds . . ',' "00Ie~!: nat i /lirel'MI spot tbe caribou Jnrl , '~·,f, !h;tt slnJlt I information is radiocrl to the I .. ," <: ""nh next hioloaists' camp on Ihe slh1re ! ·1'l~t~~t. of thc lake. The swimmmg : animals are interceptcr! and, : with the usc of a larl(e shep· : hcrd's hook, arc heir! ill ~hc I .,: natUl't ot : water while mctal ta~s 'mrll : : "C pettincsi nl ,colored strcamcrs arc fastcnr.d I ;. Ihro\l~h 1\ : to their cars. ':·.c' in lhe COl1\­ I Ahout 100 were tagged last : ~:1 atlcmpl tt ,year. nlld chicf biolo.~ist Tom ; :" I he ('onccPII 'ner~cl'ltd says a similar numher ! :Ll'ional destiny. : m?y get the tags 1m!! streamers II ,thIS year. ,." I"~ lhe \'all : Jt is not known whethcl' the: !.d,i. ~cring Ihe 'congl'cgation o( hcrds In Ihe Ihc populatio~ interior !luring the winter reo j.::" alol1;! lhe 'mains distinct or whclhcl' th~l'e "', ("on!~mplatinl is a gencral mixing of animals I, ,'f the cast.wc;t ; from scparate summer herds. I'",'CI,'rel . I'fI SI Ie II. Ohscrvation of tar,gell animals and information from huntcl'S '.' in;' her 10 he ALL OFFICERS-The installation of officcrs of Terra Nova Council 1452, Knights of Columbus, ; lI'ill alsl} indicate gcneral hom· \:':'.::1 her pre,cnt placc :\londa\' a\ thl' council chamber, Sl. Clare Avenue. The ceremon~' was presided O\'el' b)' ing instincts. ,. 1'1:1,\ 10 i .\ nd hoI\' rio's net deput:; KCI'in J. ]..I\\'\or and his warden Bernard Foley of Dalton Council, Harbor Grace. Left I i' l"l!!IH, frollt rilll·. Chancellor Charles J. Doyle; deputy grand knight, Finton J, Aylward, LLB.; ! , knight. \\" J Ashlc.\': financial secretary. P. J. Kavanagh, BA., CPA.; centre row, warden Frank Nine Are :!\t' ~t'rat . !Il."icil' .~lIard. Edward O'Neill; trustee, Bert William?; treasurer, Clement F. Shea; recorder, .:l~rl, nf S\. G('I'I~l': bdl'k row, lecturer. A. J. Hutchings; outside guard, Kevin O'Neill; aeil'ocate, ,John !\~·m·in('t't;, l'Ilahlll1<',I'. BI.: and outside guard, James J. Brcnnan.-I News staff photo) • Confirmed .. : ()nlario~ ----~------Nine persons were confirmed: I t hy lile Lord Bishop of Nc\\,·' i.: :'rr nn a flag or G' r 71ell Me S Yi.Ie ld fOllnlllanrl Rt. ReI', ,I. J\. Mead· , I. f " I en at Placentia Sunday, , :: IOn 0 a ~lroM The confiI'mation sen'ires I :,:rh r~f1ert~ mao B' C ' h . wcre held at SI. Luke's An·. I .. ,,~, lhe ('Otlll'n', AC glican Church. !: holl' 10 am~~d elitter a es Th I.ord Bishop was accom· ! \. ~li:1 Ic;, C1n : panied by his wife and hy ReI'. I

! "!:1'~ tho,c I'~ ,1IJll:-;·~. \,f1d.. (CP1- in!: it cheaper 10 opcrdte. Capt, year cod landings wcre 97,911: Beach this spring 1.100 fJl\int~1s . and :III'S. Bennctt. ! i tllC T\;\,A Act 11:1- hl','1\ H change JIl' Po\\'cr says his ]00 lines wouid ~5] pounds. In lhe same pm'iod 10f fish were lillllled with nyloll: Dinncr Was hcld at the home· ,,' "diffpr~nt a1! III llil lmplll·tanl \fCII" i cost $600, half the cost of 12 this year they were 140,i04,514 ncts. while the lop jlrcl'ifus' of )Ir. and :III'S. Oscar Kaus for; ". :,nd a lliffrmt '. 1\(\ 1I\,1,{lI' fishin~ inli'ls, gill nels after thc govcrnmcnt pounds. 1 spring production before the the Lord Bishop aml :III's., ! . ~~ a ~tanctard ·.hat has hllp,. pays the subsidy. I "We don·t attribute the cnlire I nels was 250 quintals ...\ '1uin'.al )'1cadcn, Chaplain Rnd ~Irs.! I ><'ld":11 1Il lhe 1:lst fo,lr FISH IIIGGER increases 10 thc nylon gill ncts. equals 112 pounds. I Emerson, Rev. and ~Irs. Bennett " : ('r, opposed 10 I lh., (ll\In.~es can hc. j[r. Windsor says thc gill net .•• but II'C are of thc sound Nylon nets are Ii~htcr mId, and :Ill'. Bartlett. '1 f 1 ' . "'," Iheir followm 01: 1111,' hand. , can operalc lor a longcr scason opllllUn. I tat somc 0 tIC l\1' easier to hamllc than Ihe con· I They lalcr motored to 5t. !:"'i:" for a n~I' . Ihe tnlrlld.lelilln Il( nl'lon i and in decper watcr. ,"A very crcase has rcsulled from the ~f· vcntional colton nets, 100. Th~y i Martin's chmch at Dum'ille for i ,"rhilc. tn'iM to nrl, f{l:' :Ildfishing. a type . hi~h pCl'ccntage of fish lakc.n br, fi;,icncy of thc nylon net," Mr, hang more looscly in the water I confirmation service!. I Ih~ central ~M' I lliol:, laking !he long 1!,e llt;ts arc 01 the larqe ktnd. \\m.dsor says. and cntan~le the fish more. i I \"0\'~hipPNI at the 0:11 {II li,hing and on Ihc ~nlt fish buycrs hove ~ee~ say· Flshcrmc~ who once shunn~d This makcs fnr fcwel' dl'0ll"tl2d: . proportions in ;':eldlll~ bettcr catches, mg lor years that thIS IS the 1IIarch, Apfll ~nd May because . .'. ' , n0:"s.. jlal'itimc Ail' Com·'I :lI\e~ 10 fumble . m::n ~c\\'(oundhl1ll I"is!l'! If they're sick, I'll tc?d :J" conccntrated on that clll~'l'e expceted the bathillg suit III mand 11\ Hahfax. I ·o.,r without a cl fleq'lopment .. \uthol'ity. I them hand, and foot. If toey re opcning senlence, and lon~ fly out of her Ilr,lIvcr iuto her A QUALITY \" drstinalion. The ';' III y~at·s a;!o ibc auth. I hun~?" 111 fee,d them. If moments passed a~ I mentally haud. "The middle drawer," J '1', C.1l i, nne in wh' III ("1I.operation wilh the the~ I e unhappy 1.11 do my bcst formulated and discarded open· told her, in II \'oicc that was I ,"!i0n ~re flsh~l'il!s dC)1llrtmc:lt, 10 be .1Inderstandl~g an~ hul? becoming dangerously lIllie!. Book Exhibit LOCK rX\ler;mcntin~ with nl'ion them Iron out thetr proolems. "Oh!" Shc disappcarcII quick· • I in the ten yean iii tilis PI'OI'ill~C. Kcy 'PCI" I m'. to be patient a.nd under· Iy. i At AND r 11)0,1 000 peonle lett \,'1'\'1' SI'IlI tn study meln. ~tand!ng, and at all limes keep Now thcn, hack to that open· H, MUN Library' I. r! Statr~ and nr·,rlv of Ily!on ~il1 nettin!: on the In mmd the fact that they arc ing sentcnce. Whal had it hccn? An exhibition entitled "The. PAIR BRASS HINGES !.' i"anadian·horn" It I.nk(". :hcn 1'c1urlled 10 people. It ha(l been so right, a real eyc· making of a hook" is now on ! I I ;\~l m~)' app~aT 1~ . llltn] 1:,1.~I·mcn. In fuct, I would do anythin~ catcher, and it was b(,ing so I view at the Lihrary of Me· I WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF. A I ' rrOl'ide ~altltion! IS (;0011 (within reason) Cor my child· elusive ... morial Univcrsity. I ~t ~takc in . liN' IIcrc givcn :0 ren, bccause they're mine, and A breath), voice whlsll(~rC(t ,,'0,'. Of interest to all persons who ,hi"h h'he'l in mothers are like that. In my ear, • ' ." and COMBINATION p~rty gO\'er~' ~1Pn select·~d "~Ifllllmy lise and admire books, the ex· 1 ~I:·. 11"11 d s 0 r say~. But there are times. • • nearly sent me out of my , m~\' ~~i~t ,. (wer •I 1I"0re Il.'hrj In Iry them I had an article' to write, ' skin. hibition was arranged by F. tn Eugene Gallingcr, universily \ .~"' " ional retire!l1 \"""0'I' r t I'C._II 1ts. The re· one that could not walt. It Sl Ie I00 ked properly eOlltrite. DOOR I Ol1blanrjin~." hall to be wrlUen Immediate. "I'm sorry, I tried not 10 dis· librarian. i.·---· n~\ Spread IInr!et'l\'at~r . Iy, (yoll know how It Is with tllrb YOIl too milch." With the aid of large pic· AT THESE LOW PRICES. the 111'1 used on a wrllers). 'rhe Inspiration had "What," I asked as calmlY as torial illustrations, it tells the I : Toe lish swim in~o come to me In a flash aud the possible, "do you want now':" entire story of the making of ~Odl"lIel"(;m,' '. ell tidnng e. TI Ie moment to get It on paller "I JUS. t wanted to Ict you a book from that momcnt when I B. C.' FIn COMB. DOOR with glazed sash and removable screen. I11nd~1p f Iln< like a lar2e was now-while It was fre~h know that I got a towel from it arrivcs in manUscript from '1\ 0 netling. The iisn In my mind. your bureau ..." and she Wil\ d thc author until it has the ONLY ." ...... $20.50 EACH I . Ihen eouldn·t ,get out... one of my best towels before my author's name tooled in gold I.en P

, \ . i , I . ,;! I tI-1'IIE DAILY NEWS, ST, ,JOliN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 2, 11163 "Do , nai! Lh!s child bccai, .: ....,...··.. '~:-"..:~·~7~.~.,. .. ·~ ...;---- ...~!~ r~~h 1 want somethmg lI'om him" <'5 "' ..• , ... '"'" w. \ :1, •• , .,,1""'1 111' I"t' I: III 1'11"11 "lllIIUIIIIP.~. plish her own-not hel' mot!I' hecallse [ dare not know 'lif; ·;;i ·! I want from somebody ~;~. . 111''''.':1' •..- ....- 1 - er's-alllhitions? If shc's H l i I)(}~scssi\'e molher, no young Ann Landel's The Mature! W e The .; man had bCttCI" cOllnt on the d i t ; ·1 f ;; ide~ that shc'll slop trying to Decorator Hil' run hcr daughter's lifc as SOOIl \Soci~, I :_ Women :• as she gets a husband. i ; Foul', Whnt . is the mothcr'~ S Your Problems ~ !S""K:,,~:.n:"J.I''';G 1 i l, WITII ~1.\ltltIAGt: attitUde toward ~uch things 11. t youn l.'._,-,_,~,,_, ..J>., •. ...:.~_.:...:h... -i- ...;, ..- . ..::,...".; ..1 ...._-._ ... .i •• :~1 BY ~!HS MURIEl, LAWREN('lo "',.i.~"~ _ LE ,.~ lI>EAS. STUDY IIER MOTlIlm money Rnd social positiou'! An ! " Shc must hal'c hat! som~ amhitious mothcr who has n Deal' Ann Landers: Plcase print this letter for the sci decp scnse of !:riel'ance, Any • BY RUTII MILI,ETT shallow of standards mav woman who signed herself "GYpsy," She is the rich ANN ! pass thcm on to hcr daugher way, she could nel'CI' COI,\,~C! ~.. widow who is trying to buy a husband. She says she is cither I)f her children without · , A wise young man who i'l' 'So if the molher great and Mrs, Heel . ~ets misel:able and lonely and her money is not bringing her reminding them o[ the bad tends to gct mal'\'icd will d,,· storc by money and social pos· happmess, She wants a husband and is willing to pay for .. things they had done yester· 5t. John's, are I ,l his besl 10 become well IIC' ilion, the young man shoul,l , '. ~. day. lasl month, Inst year inilounee the engagl quullltcd with his future moll1. make sure the daughel' doesn" one, · ! And as reciting the list 1,1 daughter Eliz cl', TI1C kind of person share those idcas-unless, 01 Well, Gyps)" you can have my lummox if you will their past offenses took timl!. son of Mr. and she is wm be a strong indica· coursc, he sharc thcm himself, pay for the dil'orce, He is cxactly what you are looking I shc simply couldn't stop tal~( J, Adey, SI. J \ ,tion o[ the kind o[ \vi[c hCt' In whIch casc, she 'would PI")' for .. Ed is in his middle fifties, nice looking, enjoys n ing when she corrected !lIPr.l , daughter will make (or him. bably be II !tood wife for him. good time and would just love to rclax and Ict somebody Fil'e, Is the mother a happy, :~: --'- I chccrlul person7 .If she is, support him, . I was around on s('veral w • . Hcre' arc a [elv things a these occa,ions. Once, told l, "ASTRO.G !, chances arc lhe daughtcr will ~[a)'he for you, Gypsy, he would bathe and shalT smarl young man should [illc! tal;e my coaL het' l~·)'eal'·,,;d out about a mother before . he be easier to lil'e with than 'f 3ml gel dressed up once in a while. For me hc figures F .~ shc hac! grown up in a family girl luid it Oil a ch;tir inste):1 ml;lrries her daughtcl': . it's good enough to 1001, like a hum, And you would nel'rI' ; I bosscd by an unh npp~', ncurotic of hanging it up in the hail .. :~. . he lonesome with Ed bccausc all he does is talk talk talk .. \\,(\nwn. c I (\ S c t. The mothet' gait!. .; Present-For 'One. What is the mothcr,>.' talk talk. Ilut don't try to say anything, hccause HIS These clues will go 11 lon~ ""'hen Irill yon [earn to pu: ',; Yours, .. The fa al\itudc 10lvard her own hus·· way iu telling a man the kind opinion, are the only oncs worth listening to. . things where the:: lielonlC" . look continues, 50 . b:md! If ~he regards hel' ·hus· Looking at hr.r. I eould uJmust of persOIY his wife will he (lml Let me knoll' if you want him.' ['II 'send the jerk d~ne a5 possible, ljnnd as (If iI!s, importunce thc 1:i1'rj of homc shc will lllak(l s~p her unhitch herself from than hcr children-she has ·prn• C,O.D. - :lIRS. HAD IT. i eraslilNtc! However for him, . 1hc clIrrcnt offense as memo ., anything you can't bnbly raised a spoilcd daught· ories o[ past 0[[1'1"1'5 seiz~cI DcaI' ~lrs .. Had It: Sorry, hnl when I checked tllC I!S Thursday's outlo cr, II'hosc interest in ~ettin~ hcr-when the girl failed to IHistal authorities rCl'cntly I learned it is against the d marrietl 1I'i11 all bc ~clf·intcrcst. come home from school 011 promising. Work law to send dead dogs in the mail. The same rules timc, hon)!ht on her chargc don't mix busine:ls " Two. II'h'1t is the m()thct'~ all ply to 51h ra(c hushands. account wi'.hout pcrmis;;ion Your judgment is re nltitudc toward thc job 01 spilled gluc nn thl' nell' hed· . brightens the pictur homemakinl!? II ,he helitti\!s sprcad. Thc recilal began it nnd has 110t taught h e. I' ''''''''''-;1 DcaI' Ann Landers: ~!y husband's oldcst sister was 7:Ht/~1. ,'f;,~ pas t .. •• D unng . daughlcr anything about home· -;--...;~\ widowed seven years ~;!O, Hcr children are grown and So her (tJughlcr Filed at her, (\(). -:':) (J;f, 1951 to 1962, em] makiug-then thc daughlel' is shc has a beautiful home, a nice income amI a complete "S hut liP: Shut lip! Shll~ HUCt OM-~-f.1 ." d I I likch' to (urn out to he another ~~lI\.o.~" fxt --:':" 5t~te an oea gove: t'l\ life. She has been the hcad of numerous important tip!" frll~trated wife, bOl'cd lI'ith Ihe .\dd Inxul'l' to he!1 or .. by 56 per cent. 1 charily tiril'CS in the community and she i~ considered 1'.'; responsibility fllr making a Ercn thcn thc molhel' t1irln'~ room _ mnkc quilted I'''' ~ '; ror slate and local .~~ & socially prominent, hotllc, v,' ..4' ~ li~tcn. [n,tcar! she tUI'n(d 1" of taiidu. satin, Yclrel, c: ~ • employcs increased People used to toke vocations, , T!1I'('e, \\'hal is thc mllthcr'~' We just lcamcd that she is scl'ious about marrying me ~nd said. "Did 1'011 Hcr Cal'l\ation quilted P:'>', 'c:nt ""ri:1g Ihe peri , ., , but at loday's prices vacations I' altitude towarrl' her dauahter'! a man who clerks in a department store. The\"\'ebe~n heal' o[ a child takiu!! to a llJlIlSualll' beautiful s:, ' i . take people, , Is she lI'iIlin~ to Ict her daugh(· keeping stcady company for sereral months but 'we nCl'er mother like that?·, - [rom bu'c1;, by hand, Jlldl:.: Th er think [or I'crself and aceo:n, drcamed it would' blossom into anything like marriage, Pattern 731~: transfcr: m':·' , e " .. To say wc are shocked is putting it mildly, Wcl\. nagging pcople 3r'~ for 1~·in. pilloWS; directlJ:" '. ARIES 180r. M... h 21 bound to ~et yelled at. YeI! THIRTY.FIYE CE:'>1S·: " p"l:nJ ~.u Oco', ...n • ,I' - ,..' ~ "',' ~ ':!.. • ',' . f h' ; enc ma!;ts L' unL:.lnd corn ,.... This man is vcry ordinary in looks and his pcrsonal· ing at lhem is thc way others coms 0 I' t .IS pntt~J n ,':;', TAURUS rAprii 20 t. · , - ' .., ity is nothing to write home ahout. If ml' sister·in·law are forceci to cxphasize thei!' stamps, please I to .\L.. , l:n~tf currtn' "~" ii', ., .". 7°U ",' .. , marl'ies him it will cerlainly damagc her' socially and wish to speak, BROOKS, care o[ ST . .1011\, I thOle "ill, · .' " . I she will be dropped by somc of her better fricnds. I DAILY :r\EWS, :'\e{'llIeu;:: GEMI~IDc t!L:.n,;ft.1 lJA·V Cor .,·b;.t 2t t.yen: , . ' . B\' inneasin~ the I'olume DCllarlment. (iO' F n 0 \ ,,,me Ihll y.u .rl~in·1I1 .. .. ~. don't think shc sces how this marriage will change her or .... 11<'''' mice, this woman'" STREET \\'EST, TO[\O\](.' CANCeR (Jun. 22 t. '," ~ life tolally, O:-;T TTP' ' bot:; t",I , dmt>!hter hoped to halt t h (! • Print plainl\'I ~ P •~ ., I ~f(.t,,,,, LI!,,:O:d,', "~: '.II .'on , tit 1 <'.,' Please print Ihis leller. She necds yonradl'ice badly. flood of reproachcs so t hat :'\U~IIlER. :-;A:'oIE •.\D!lRE~; ; lEO (July 22 t. Aug. -'", ' nne.'. roO ret.~fJn to "n. there would he room [01' what It & ,,' - LAKE FOREST. )'(,~'re in. bcr.:fie CYI • " ,I. she had to say. \ VIRGO IAu~. lb. 5 Dear I.ake: She didn't ask ror Ill\' 3lh'iceand I'll - "j'," • This topcoat and dress by Hardy .~mies from the new I! !la:Jl}'in;, ;"1"'''''·' l..) ;:0 «.f","'II)"... ". .", TO-DAY hct she didn't ask for YOUnS ei(he~. 1ITa ~ n' 11 e'·S ~01.!r ~n , t.· : London fall·winter collections carry the name I don't heliel'c Ihat alii' of JJ · ., You are right when you say this ma'rriaj(c lIIight u, ~ct consistcntl,' )'rHed ~t \ -j. I "Bortsch." The coat is in darkg\owing red pebble 11)' mLLF.TT ~ tllM,s wc h;n'o cllure)'cn the , ,', It ,'", ," . chan;:e her lUe. could chal1~e it for tllc better, S" tweed and the dress in malching British li,~htweight imprc"ion that II'C canuol 1:5' ',' I.'.:... \\'h~' don't ~'ou j(et busy with a charity drive yourself, .,. wool hopsack, The Ceemo·designed fabrics werc len. · ,) .. ' EUIABUH TAYlOR Toots? I lIon't think you hal'e enough 10 do. : woven on the Isle of Le\vis, If liT dn get (flnsi,lcnll), ~:e'" .4 _____ ------•• -.------._ .. _" .. -. '" led at hI' ~ ch ild. we nu~ht to tJr {#~'T~~:''':~: DcaI' Ann Lanoers: I'm 16 )'C3rS old. no ~reat beauly considcr' thc po"ihility t hat All hut not what YOll'd call ugly dlllCl', I\'c a ·nice figure, any offense the chi!d commits I /1' ;:3 .-' .~. ,Dress Up Old. Table, look well in my clothes and I'm neat. 'l'd give anything a;!ainsl us explodcs memo ric.' if I could he popular with' boys, but I gucss Inel'er will of his past o[fcnses of which wr ~ 1'~/·!0\>,! Maill be becausc I don't know how. must rcmind him in ordcr t~ II! .' - \ i(..; DANA ,un make ourseh'es appear to be )YJl. /..' :-:~: ~[~. \~. sw ABDING HURT: )Iy girl frtend has fellows running after her all the ,. TAYLOR, ANDREWS ·.FINCH ahused and martYI'ed. Unless a party iJ!!!llAN HELPS DR' , :~.;I~ ~IIII~'~ ':~(" O't:'tf tl i\ ~ll\l DnH~[· S!'ln'II tf TECHNICOLOR' lime, I can't figure out how she docs it. Shc isn't beauti· .'C'\ U£ "l,!" 'Iw~ t' 1'11.:,:1 t, ':~'I !".!.&\ •• rJOv:r.'.'I( 'htm ful _ in fact, she's far, from it, but she has a wav with We otlght to lI'ondcr II'heth~1' the veri::;f' #~ WAYNE G. BR; fellows that rN.Jly clicks, Sht! gets three or four' phone II'C suffer [rom a chronic scns~ the perennial freeb .': M,D. calls el'ery night. Boys ask her to help thelll' with school o[ grievance which has nothing er will find him~f .Q-For the last work, although she almost flunked math and scienCe. They to do with the child, , • " months my throa £lock around hcr after class and date her up for school ,most unwelcome. ..' dry. I have used Special Added Attraction Wc might weI! ask otll'sell·Qs. __ ~~~ .~ab my throat fo .pat'lies mO'nlhs in advance. ~phor injuriou Why does she succeed with what seeins like no c[fort? throat? ..' And why do I fail when I try so hard? -III[SS BLAH, :~.' .A-Dryness of Dear 1\1lss: The prettlest /llrl has no lock on may be due to chr · .. ' popularity andneithcr does the brainiest. . Your friend .ti~n from a postna~ · .", (, .~.' .. has learned how to makc boys comfortable, They en·. this Is prcsent it . . to~', ~. joy t1iemsclvcs'whcn they are with her. She Is both ~ated, Camphor '~ .. ~ " liirm the throat bl ",: ~:', . ~ interesting and I1\'TERESTED, LiSten 10 her and watch her when she is with bo)'s .. Yoit'l\ Icarn some· effect of pa · ,".• ,'J \ .. ,,' '. of cotton , . ;,~ - thing, serl'e tl '. ." ~,,' ," • * • • Whl' .... " · ... :7:.... ~nlphl),r (or eucaly , To lcarn the booby·traps of teenage drinking, write In n steam for ANN LA"mERS' hooklct "Tecnage Drinking," endos· inhale the stc Ptoduced by GEORGE PAL ' Dlntted by BYRON HASKIN '. I' ing with your request 30 cents in coin and a long, self· SattnpJay by PHILjP YORDAN and RANALD MACDOUGALL'" ~ addresscd en\'elope, , Smoking should B..J ~n I Jfcr)' by CIII SttphtnlOn • A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ~ I plenty of ! Table cover'UIlS attractively conceal n table that has seen AI.n Landers will be glad to hclp you with your pepllermi better days. .lIere a floor length l'ou11I1 cloth of textured problcms, Send thcm to her in care Canada Wide Fca· help but medi TIMES OF SHOWS , I pale green Avril rayon,coUon hleml is toppe(1 by a fresh tures, 231 St, James St. West, ;o.lontreal, Que" enclosin2 and candy t: white squarc of the samc material for SUPllcr service. a stamped, self·addressed envelope. 'IIIY'cerln should not EVENING: "ELEPHANT WALK" 6,30-9.45. I also import an "NAKED JUKGLE" 8.10, how and whcre the tablc will to f1allcn it out wilh a chap­ or excess BY KAY SHERWOOD eau, howel'er charming,' ~IATINEE 1 P,}'l bc used, ~~nslon, I Like most homemakers I The wil: makcl's, not the mil­ juggle the available cash I,) .' For a tahle COl'Ct' thai wi~l The Clothes .. fit demands l:ruded in order he' lI'ushablr, I like SlIllle of liners, prospercd, Some of 'IS NEXT . A,TIR'ACTI,ON 01 importance, Thus, when tlie ncw hlcnds o[ Arril ray~n had seriously damaged our hair . the orthoduntist told us firln' and clilton, hy excessive spraying and teas' ELlZABETII TAYLCill-HOCK HUDSON­ Iy that nol one but two of the pon inl: and a wig was the 0 n I y childrcn wel'C in need of his tal· . H \,on 1\':11 usc till! taille lor possible cover·up, JA~IES DEAN TN· "GIANT" - ACTlON- ' dinln'~, h;JI'c a cotlph~ o[ squal'c . ents; the rcaction ct:hoed c1ca:' So it's ehecring 10 n4Itc-be· THHILLS:""EXCITE~lENT -COLOR. down thc budget linc. Plans lor clolhs bJlidcd in 1l1atchin~ br\li<1. The well·lul'l1ed,out, modern 100'e we. all go 'bald'-that the ror l'cplacing two still strong hilt tailored elegance, of 'the new .. seedy' end tahles were scotch· . . woman is a far cry from Kip· Is I . . I fall fashions has broght about ed, 'To make a round clolh, ling's rag, bone and hank of mild distUI lil',t measurc the diamcter of hair, the return of soft, natural hair of internal styles, They are . easy to What Lo do? The vcneered the tahle ..Thcn .mcasure [rom thyroId Ictl Hcr dress is a costly rag, her manage and should result in normal, you , round tops can't be' rc!inis~· tubie edge to floor r,nd douhle healthier hair, fewer wig wear­ thyroid e i ed, "Cover. thcm a la Vic· this ·measurcment. Add the bones beautiflilly padded and . I two mcasurements and you she has tortured her hair to ers and a boost in the popu· then re-e torian decor," suggcsted n larity of hats. ! knowing friend, have the width needed. the point where she's lucky she If YOur has a hank left. rault, your doc i From jaunty jockey caps, floor l~ngth Mcnsnre the table from Its try one of the CAPITII. center to thc floor amI Cll! a Bcfore it becamc fashiOJl­ pert Bretons, draped turbans (ovarJ, NEWFOUNDLAND'S FRIENDLY THEATRI round table cloths were often and feathcred headdres5~~ dark, heavy affairs of velvet string the length of this mea· ablc to tease the tresses into a surcment (add two or t h r e c grotesque blob, glued together for evening, hals will play II have hel " ------~--- or paisley, But today we can inehcs fOl' the hem), Attach with lacquer, soft shining hair hig role in fall fa~hions. And a cravl~ select from a beautiful assort· what a wonderful change that ment o( colors and fabrics onc cnd of the strin~ to a pen· was a pretty sight, framed by aR plaster cil and hold the othcr cnd in a flattering hat, will be, a difreren HELD OVER more in kccping with modern not pregnan: ... intcriors, Such COI'Cl'llPS arc the ecntcr of the fabric' anll drRII' a circlc, Add. the trim, Bul hats ga\.'e way to th~ El'cn the men are pleased, at chewing B finc camoufla~e for any round least ac('ordina to nn all·maie Top cloth is 5 imp I y houffant. After paying II stiff the sugar table that has seen bctter day;. poll. conducted . amon>! pro· Ever young, evcr fashion right the ,'. II hrll1ll1cd SIjUal'e with hraid price for a ,pra)·p

, ' 'I

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 2, 1963-7 Socia 1-Personal Don't Miss Autumn's Fine Knits A Tip Of The Hat To Fresh Colors --Column- of you for promotion. I[ h~ BY HAROLD SHEEHAN I is seen wearing it around Ihe . 1'01' ANNOUNCh. November Wedding is planll~d. NEW YORK - (NEAl-This office your chances of au· • • • faU and wlnler it's the Iight­ vancement are strengthened. r~pt. and ~!r~. Hector J. Pnr· HAPPY BIRTHDAY headed look for men. w~ S\. John's, are plcas~(1 La Many happy returns o[ ti1~ speak of hats, not .a ;,Iate of . c the en~agcmenl of day 10 Beverly Ann Grant who mind. dlughter Elizabeth, to celebrates her birthday tllcin~.· It .. I ,on of ~!r. and Mrs. Her· Greellngs come from m.>mmy, should come as no surprise that the murky hats of yester­ . .J. Adey. St. John·~. A daddy and brother William. ~-...~--- year have been pushed to the .... back of the closet with the old --. __ -._. nal'y blue suit. Too bad. boys; it had a few months' mor~ II ASTRO.GUIDE" By '-HHilL more wear in it, too. For W.dnuday, Odober Z The middle tones are sP;'ou;­ ing like late blooming plants­ Present-For You Ind. with the light browns predom­ Yours ... 1 hc favorable out- inating. 1;)(1~ continue;, 50 ect a.~ much ., pOI,ible. Don't pro­ All of which is in Keeping c~.,tinate! Howel'cr, don't start with the trend toward m 0 r e ]·'or drcss.up, Ihls Bcat hat I~ 311) thing );)u can't finish today casuai, warmer-colored cloth­ featurcd 111 the popular mid· Thl11lday's O'Jtloo)': is not so ing. Not only' the hues. but th~ dIe color tones. aJld 15 deco­ I ",''''"ln~. Work diligentl), and texture of hats is marchmg of[ rated ~·lth alltlque gold orna· mix ~u,iness \»'ith pleilSurc. in all directions. The watch· ment III bow. Y~ur judgment is reliable, which word is, in two words, suit "'ri~hl=ns the ricture. yourself. SPECIAL EVENTS: Step on it a few times and wear it If You can wear a jaunly suede you are ever called into t h • Past ... During the period Future ... "Wire by The new fine klts lor fnll of(~r superb line, subtle fit and un­ tern. Two·plece· pure wool knit (rlghtl Is at bom. anywhere number, without even a hint Internal Revenue Service on I o)! t 10 I %~, tlIlplo)mcnt b)' may be the next step to mlln'S ,i'rlnkled comlort. Beautifully tollorcd afternoon dress (If from daytime tllrough evening due III Ihe haJIdsome lallor­ of apology on the commuter a tax audit. They will right· .1,,1': ar.d local llovernments rose communication system. The wool knit (lelll comes In oatmeal, black, red and other Illg of the ovtrblouse and slim skirt. It comes III eggshell, train. Or a mountaineer hat Iy assume that you haven't " ":' !~ per cenl. The pe}TOl1s e3nh'$ crust iI being closcly shades. Elegant but easy 111'0' piece ensemble (center) Is black, grecn, lavender and other popular fall colors. These with brush tucked in the band, fallcn into any money In recent 'I • I "rd ,11' r. ;~" years . . ,. 11 • 1 1) "i'"'~' . 10: '1,le ar.J local ~ovcrnmcnt studi~d as a means of cor",;". Ii hand loomed, one color or another. Inlpartlng a rIch pat- are Kimberly designs. leading itself to casual hom's , I., .. , ,l' I.,V., • out of doors . " ch l'tr('n, Crllc:")C,\ increa5(d by .159 por radio waves from onc point to BY llELEN IIENNESSY to sit by itself if a chair wel'e trim no matter how long a time For I crowded lehedule FORESIGIIT: Let It iii :: tvd pill",.I;" . 'r,o_ the period. another. NEW YORK _ (NEAl-Knits pushed undcr it. you spend en route. she needs clothes that aren't right there on the shelf. You I ",,"1,;: Sli'.t\ have come a long way over "clock watchers." Often sh., never can tell. Dark suits may 'I· ";11101. lllath;n~ The Day Under Your Sign the years. At one time a few Today, shape retention 3ml :-lew, handsome designs doe3n't have time to change be back someday. j t ",lI1:-kr; Iw!i:i hours of sitting in a knit dress SUbtle clinging fit make knits and lovely colors also make before each important event in \:. ciil'cctilll1:. ARIEl IS". Mmh 21 10 April ttl would mold n built· in bustle. ideal traveling costumes that knitwcor the answer to a busy a busy day. The same dress RAISE CARPET NAP q: (,I'::'I.'TS ,:. i':~:::'I.l ~,~ Lor.'t ",n notice if &eme' (,~f rr.,:.e:;~ 'In\.;ir:d commer.t about )'OlL. The skirt would look like ready look beautifully fresh and woman's fashion problem. must take her to the office nnd TAURUS IApril20 to MlY 201 through dinner, yet be appro­ When you find that your fur­ I':,~~r l~:~r'll~ fa)', it'll fA')' In r1cue priate for both. niture has made crushed spots ,,' t ".::1 ,. r,e", 1tlU In't 11111 ,,'or~. on you r carpets, use your . "NIlh'clraN~:!lIG'~I~1 II.lty 21 t. J ••• 2tl r~ ·,:.~:-.:"i\,1 i~: .. 1\ .. 1 )'0'.1 b,\'c .....·hl(" il Beautifully fitted, decep- steam iron or hot iron with a ':',~ II ~:I ~o'j Qri~1r..n1 anlltir;wt Plaid I(nits: Ca,mpus Hits tively simple knit sheallhs and damp cloth. Steam the spots :~I~cm IJun. 22 I. 2tl J. :rr I. '.~ a tl.:.e~~ '(;1,\ untit \~:r..s «():.1 th~ughtful\y chosen jewelry without pressing down on the 0'; t.:.!:~i:)'. it "'on'l bt tGn;: Fl'''. wiil carry her from morning iron. thcn brush pile gently to l,O (J'Jiy 22 t. Auq. 211 restore it. ll.~~·~ r,o r~:"Qn In ":lee .Jour mo:or" through evening in "uncrum· :. :' ,,:,'re il\ a ber.:fj,: ryc'e MW. pled" good taste. \'I~CO IAuq. II '. S'Ft. 22) DISCOVERED FLOWER ':'--:J i·"l.(lr\:.n tc·:,'trt:::!. it )'4~ ..... ru ; :,'.u \") (.~ jO~. \,~) i:l \:a fu:urr. The poinsettia f10lVer \I'a! 'fners The styles available in fine discovered by the first U.S. knitwear are as varied as !"III.ETT those in woven fabrics. You'lI minister to Mexico in that Something different, which country in 1828. The name of find easy gored 5kirts, slender may be worn In town and oul­ ribbed or flat knit !lecveless the discoverer, Dr. Joel Poin­ a suede leather IInmb.r. Jaunty sett, of South Carolina, was " II··' """,., ".", .,.",.,,,, ~,.",! A-It Is ponlble to have I "go. anywhere" sheaths, the but dressy. : I'cry high blood pressure snd E m p ire silhouette done ill given to the bloom. .: 110t be aware of any symptoms after-dark g Ii tt e r, hond­ The problem still remaiuJ. TlIe Doctors Guam is the largest island of I ; at all. Since persons with hlgb striking color on another, what to do with that' old, dar~: I ,; blood pressure are often overly boldly splashed p I a Ids an'l gray obsolete hal which has the Pacafic group known as th~ I :. tense they frequenlly havo :I striking color combinations in taken a back seat to the sporty Marianas, according to Britan· I Nlailbag • morning headache which is dresses, suits. two and three­ models? Some suggestions: nica Book of lhe Year. • I ! more Ilkely to be COUSe by piece ensembles. And they Ilt:RTS RATHER nervlou tension than by their al\ have a waY of remaining as FISHING: The wide brims Guam is an unincorporat~d: I HE1.I'S DIlY THROAT blood pressure. Such drugs 38 as fresh as the day YOIl bought and high crowns of older hats U.S. territory. administered by· i· a party b 01 reserpine (oblalnable only on them. can hold more fishing lur~s the Department of Interior, l~': 01. I,Juse yoriety, \\'A\'~a: e. DRr\~DSTADT, prescription) accomplish both and hooks than any tackle box cording to Britannica Book a lowering of the blood pres­ you can find. th'e Year. I ·,iol freebcd· )I.D. If you want a dress t II ~ t \1-For the la~1 SCI' era J sure and a lessening of nervous i .. d himself will keep its shape (and yours I my Ihrollt has be~n tension. beautifully, fine knitwear is PERSONAL GAIN: IInl'c it The U.S. steel industry ,1:;5 ! "c~come. J hUl"c used camphor to your answer. cleaned up nicely and send i~ a capacitr of more than 147,- I . ~ my throat lor relief. Is anonymously to the guy aheat! 660.000 ton~ a year. '~Jnnphl)l' illjurious to t h I!

.\-lJr)·D1·'~ of the throat , he due to chronic irrila. Irom a postnasal drip. 1: is presfnl it should be Camphor will not the throat but the mee­ I ellect of passing a mop .~' ,wall 01 cotton O\'er t h ~ • \l'iIl serve to aggravate . ion. Why not use th~ Plaid cotton knit takes top honors this faU for ~oU~ge wear. Belted cardigan jacket Int! IImlph{lr lor eucalyptus or ben- It used to be the clergymen who matching skirt (left) Is worn with solid turtl~n cck she\). Knickers, destined 10 be a major in a steam vaporlzel' pre pored people for outer spacl subject around the campus arc shown (right) with a matching weskit and long sleeve turtle. travel. inhale the steam'! .eek shirt. Aileen designs them In I plaid or blue and camel. Smoking should be avoided. phmty of water and peppermint lozengcs i help but m~dicaled lozen­ Heels are Grounded for Fall I and candy that contains Blvc:ol'in should not be used. It I"I 0\.10 important 10 avoid i 01' excessive nervous I ) Q-~l)' mr.n~trual perlod3 I, fi4 always come every 28 10 I i hut in the last three Ihe cycles' were 2(1 then 32 days, Ihen 22 . What would couse thIS trregularlly? I. Exciting A-lrr~gulatlty of the mens­ periods Is usually due to mild disturbance In the Flavour 01 ir:ternal secretion II tn)loid activity Is l~er Breakthrough! normal. you may need to th)'rOld extract. This then re.establlsh reg- 1/ You: thyroid Is not YOur doctor may waut one of Ihe estrogen pr~. (ol'arlan hormones. I IT~NEWI hate heard or petplo ':.'.Iavil'~ a craving for ! u e h al plasler or cl8Y but J a different problem. 1 not pregnant but I can" , , chewing gum alone. I , ...._~_,\jt-"Iel\· the sugar out of It then the resl by stretchlnll over diet-rite cola longUe and swallowing It threads. Will It do any to continue this habit? A-~!anr dllferent. lubslan •. mUE COlA PlEASURE­ not ore!lnarily considered looe!. ore eaten compu!' Some people who have appetltes are suffering anemia, glandular dis. • or Some dietary defle. Sport)' ,o-evel')'1l'here casual .hoe, ftatumg lIew hlgh·rlslng Instep. Casual eyelej; tie ill Irl·color. (lower left) I. !n brullbe4 D LV 1CALORIE PER b In albers the cause line. (top left) I. In bronle WIl[ . hide. Moccasin ·vamp Is su~e. The colors are beige, taupe and brown. T-drap with r::;thing· e sought In some dee­ oulllllK with .lItehl... 511p ..n. Oat (tap rl,htl comes In tear-drop cut-out (lower right) Is In a tlear bright red uH. emotional dlsturbanc~. lexhlred blaeJc leather wllh a. otter pltcb rlsln, high 'on lhe Flat heel Is Imarlly slacked. Instances. the digestive li~"roub tolerates these substances BY HELEN HENNESSY the daytime shoe scene. terestlng heel accents and de· are subdued or neutral. There· SIX OUNCE SERVING I (~~n . are not actually polson. The sportive look· Is the tailing and two·tone or trio are lightened, ashy· bel,es, /: ,,,,,,,pt,io

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A 2-Minute SHORTY Short 'Story


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c.ASY TO BUY' SIMPLE TO CASH GOOD TO KEEP You can buy Canada Savings Bond? You can cash Canada Savings You get interest on Canada Savings for 'cash or on instalments. Buy 'Bonds anytime at their full face Bonds on November 1st each year them on the Payroll Savings Plan value plus earned interest. -4%% for each of the first 2 years; Passenl at work-or at banks, authorized When ready money is required all 5% for each of the next 6 years and inv~stment dealers, stockbrokers, you have to do is complete the 5%% for each of the' remaining 4 trust 'or loan' companies.They redemption form on the Bond, years-giving an average return of :come in denominations of $50, and' present it to your Bank. 5.03% ayear when held to maturity. $100, $500; $1,000 and $5,000 up You w~1I receive your money In 12 years with accumulated toa limit of $10,000 per' person. immediately. Canada Savings interest every $100 Bond will be .' "~ They fit every pocket bookl . Bonds are better than cash I worth $161.00 .

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, passenge ta trave: afe left 'II .... that mel ." ' .. , -, , , SECTION II THE DAILY NEWS SECTION II II~(, rred I til and

II I Ilf T/zolns Calls For The Robert Stanfield, ~Sister M. Helen, R.S.M., Support of Churches ~Ex ~~\~,~!:.~/"",~:~~::,~""i Feted On Jubilee '\llrnl r',1ll Thom. of the I was lcleased to thc press in I community will conIC 10 thc I cui punchts engage 10 specull- gcstlOns thc plal1 smacles of 0 I "lllllllIlll Fcdcr:llion or i ad\'ance of delivcry, I aiel of labor in this struggle," tum ahout pi (]specll\'e futlll e ciahsm bnt the pienUet tn~lSts Newfoundland Sisler of '1vIClcv hanol'ed bv Pope IllO~cd in ~[cna for S€IWI I '.~Ilrd on the church 1 CAN'T EXPAND lie sniel. "On the contrnrr, leadclshiP o[ the fcd~ral 1'10' thelc IS no lI1COnslStcllcy, J~' PIUS XI. on Golden Jubilee CeleblatJOns at Little I years. where sl1e also was In tlllakr ,1 rklll1lle ",11,1 1 ~[r, Thoms saltl prc Walsh R S ~[ mal ked Ihe cd Ihe :llothcl PIOlinCla, and lealS 195054 1I1~ or tilt' ~t. .John·s ~lin· from Unton leadership, :md com. I a "dnre the mone)' changers I And IIltile the plcmlCr IUIll' I~cated, JIll' Stanfield attend"tli Goldc~ ,Julllle~ of hcr ReI, Iher Council al the Celebr'1lO,n,! Present for Ihc cclcblat,nn d ,\"odation, asked pel unions tn exhaust Ihelr mea I f10lll the temple" ,lltitudc "\ ;sclf m:Ul1t,lIns a dlplomatl: 'II· Coichestci Acadcmy thel' I glOlIS I'lofesslOn last \leek enjol('(1 a banquet s~ll'ru ,Ill III Liltle Rock "nd III for c1llulh. as onr of thl' fl'lI I gre funds III ,llhllrallOn :tllli belicl'e somc ~eadershlp in thIS ence III puhllc uttelancc~ "hll~11 eal11l'd IllS B~ at Dalhou,'e I With celehratlOns at lIIoU11t St the re,ldcnt studl'nts dll,'ng Smith II'ele SISter ill 1I"lon in Ihr Ilrtllince not in, I IItlllatlOn procccehng< 'regard should COme flom tlw such speculation, It Isn t. dl~d'l Lllll'el~IIY and Ius luw tleglrc Jlaly'; Convent, Llttlc Rock hal;" I brothel', 'lhomas S Walsh of S' II . III III ·'alltl.l~bor "It Is too mnch to rXJlrct ,PUIPII both b)' scrmon and lac cllit to fmd onc ,good ICd,on at !lallalCl and at St Anne s COlllent, rorl hecall'c of hcr many )eal: 01 I ,John's, Newfoundland, hcr nel til join thc tI... t other SCCtiollS o[ the, heal a I !tcat" p Ilh~ he IS mentlOncd \\hen, nt 8~ hc hecamc pro· S It associatIon at St Anne s m ~Olt I hew, Bill FI)nn, also of S • 11!/l!:! lip I I P Ion I 1he Sllet't smcll of pohltc.l1 I'lilewl PIO)(Ie>iSIIC COil-cr' a'i 1111 I Smllh, \\hcrc Sisler made !Inr J I' JI WI h "lIllCllljlJtly. ------ISlIceess h'I5 1I"lfted Ihl'lIl1"h ,CI' Ille lllesldenl III In47 and "Ie The cclcblallOn at "1011111 SI nOVitIate ami took her Fllsl ,OlDS, ,I as s SIS'er'l! II Ie, I tl a~alll't Ulj'lI,tier ~IICI I'xllioi. I' I' f I b fdill V ' , ~laI)'S be"an With S"lcl' Ie law. Calhcnne BYlne 01 S"lte II I I\ltlL!(' I G'an d Ban k N ,Cia gcncm lOllS (] liS next lem lIas dlll'cn Ic,lIlcr of ." VOIIS a celehrallOn lI'as hnld 11 1:-: Y k d I II anrl It has foll(lIIed I'lm a pa;tl that hml no sCdts 111 nellmg her ~ow, at a Low ill:1>s, lhere' on \u"usl ')') A. lI~~h sam. CWOI' -, nn ICI' ncr. ~ I ll .... -not ews \ I'll"'O' po IthICllIgllllllt IllS caleel' 111 plol'n. the Llber,ll. ,llIllIlilatt'd legtsl3. celchlated August 171n thn Ion Jlass Ila; St 11 c 11'. Kanuth ,of :-;CW \UI' I h,n e to ~1)\('llInwnt Ii, , c~leIHai~c1'1Il 'le~1 Ihc ,,,nlinlll' IIIl' 1,lhor 11101'1' (j1l\~:J)" R\:-;K Sept ~,i _I JAPANESE VISITORS ~Ial polillc, ;.io Sianfieid \',1S tmc he II"S follmllllg a fanlliv lenl Ihapel bj The ReI .\lnerIIAnne's Comont chapel h\ rhe ~Ihl '1~Olml Fa;~1 \\aI5h an,l:!hl d 11',11 \In , I 'I 'I tit I It ' I EL'II"I nep ew "I Inn rellli ne nl In \ pl\in,I 1IIIIIan , )lorlleR,lelll 1111111<, IIhlclt lllC " ' 'ell'l os an ('ec IOn 1,0(1 IOn .1 ReI' .J R, Salary. Ilho al,o de S d ' ,) f r 0111 \It Thoms ~n'd Imlcel for thc greater pnrt of \ Last 1\(1'1, i1l1cc ,Jall~nc'c I \ tnll, ltlllnll'shoilldel('el 111111 Ilts lalhel' thc latl' 1"1 ],,1, .~ IlIgh ,lass lIas relchrillcll illl'ered Ihe sermon Plc,('nl I I: ,atm aj, Sc~t ;1_ rom a Jl,"I~, I' nolh"l~ mOle {ertam 1,lst week. have blought t'old [;SI1 OffWI.I!, \lslled Ihe I,Ulln of 4'1 IIho keeps 10 shape I" Sianfleld, lIas IOill limes 1 bj lhe Hight Hel :\I'gl ,Joseph Ihe JIass 1',Cle sel'eralme,lllJcr, ~IIP, IOn"a" and h:1n Ileather and lS I el1lllSllla, nil' tllO ha'e h(,I'1I Ilnlkll1;! Ihc 11, miles be(II,'''I' membcl of the leglslallne ,mr] A. at 10 30, In the pies of the IOCdl c1crgy and mnn_ all the :\1'11 tI :1. llnnllstakabl~ ~1tIlI,I} ~leetJn~s f~om sUI"lnces that fall is )I'lth III ,\1. 1Il Ncwfoundland lor Ihe p.ts: : hO,lll' ,mil office, Robert LOI II' later Ilclltcn"nt.gol'crnor HIS cnce of illS Excellency Bdlop of SIster's former ,(u'dcnls ao.j foulllliand SI,tcrs of Jlcr(". 1,1 ,~ul "If Ihe III I'sent ~O\ nl rt'mains in office rca (1\' some of the lCnle, on sel'cr.t! days 100k1l1g 111'0 Ill' Stanflcld gllcs qUIt'1 hilt ~n",. I"tp ullcle lias Senatol .TohnlAlbl.'lt L Fletcher Chapl~lOs fnend< Ihe state of A1I,ansas, 10 tIJCI IreI.'; h,l\p lll'gUIl 10 c(: I po,'liJlllllcs oj est,lhhsIHI1g a gellc le3elrItel J[ Helen, Ilho ha m\' Ollll1ioll." lhe dlalr· l'nbltc Works WIll be stdrting I~g With fl~hel!~en and IOp"1l zee Igne Intl' ,JOI cc FI d7.CC o[ "anCOll- I cellenl'Y, the clcrg~ and rcl,,· been a~'lgncd to ~Iount St st,~tctl. "the lillie has I sholtl)' all all extensIOn ~o ('IC I Sible parllcs lhe~' then IHO I lei In In;; after IllS fIISI, lIvcs of SIsler ~I Hclen,lo\lol', :llaIY's, Llltlt' Roek dunng th~ \\llI'n thr frcil'ral ~ol'-I ftsllClJUen's \Ih"rf here on the I ceedcd to :llal'),stolln for a to\Ol I CJl\l'I!\\J, Onl ecpl Illfe's death.' h(' 1\:\5 qlllCti'l Illg lhe Mass, The S"telo past thlee jCalS, sCllcd !ur chal·ii!n\lllr·nt ,hontel SI,III' deilnllt· south slilc of thc halhor which 10[ lI1SpectlO1I ul th~1 gen~IJI Geol"e 1\ll'n 25.le'lI oltl cl'lll'c m,lIlIed to ,Ian :llmgalct .lInong whom wele Sister, of many jear, on the facultv J[ 'I l','rlcr Slcllarlol1. " s, ollce ,md ror all. if it Is should glle sCleral weeks em are:l, Ilho ~ dcfectcd t;1 SI\ltzctlm;d 1Iall, daughter of ihl' laic \lr I Chanty anel Sisters from nllihe St Anne'" I OIt Sml1h, and II'a' / n 'kKmllL'n, 1 alnle,\, " S. I It S,hr,1cucl. Hahlax, :-;. S. intcntlOn or thl' gOICII:' to a number of men, 1 :\elthcr 1V0uld make .Ill) com· \\hlle 011 a tOUI' I\ltll the Czccho. ,Justice \\' L Hall of the No\a hOllscs of the SlstCls of SIIPCrHlI there for tllO dlI!cr I pIO~'lllCnl ~[crr) D CUrric. \Va' eric). N' S to inlrndul'c Ihe ncees, Earlier III thc summer repaor, I mcnts on thell' lour to laII"'l> skmak1.111 natIOnal leam, "1111 Scnlla Slipleme COllrt III Arkansas and SIsler ~I Pc lent lcrms She also lias ;ta· 11 :'\Ickcrson. Moncton, "11, 1f~islation tleslgncd to I,,· /lI'ere m.Hlc to seellons of the 1sections o! the lol,lOet 01' ,IS to dav SIgned II Ith Ch ltham \1" ' ------I !i JefTerson, Samt John, " B, C IJ Higgs, Fosten Ilk. " B. the h ~1't\lfOUndll'I~~1 wharf on the north SIde of thc I flhcl po.slblltlle5 th,11 1·I"PJ"~, e IOOIIS ot the In tel n,ltlOlI,1I le n m agz·s 's CO u ,.. I' \C' toe t J, Slr,lUghan. Hahfax. !',S, t t,·a III e crans e I • harhor. I, llng llltCl'c~ls mal' IC gO'llg Illockcv Lengue I At Grand Be~ch a number Imto lIshmg opcratlOns III 1\1ls Chalham mnn,lgcI' GllS :\1011· R Slear,. Lancaster. N B, eh,nrll1an 'hen Inllteel I O! men \lere eUlplolcc! bst l'rol'lncc It 11'111 be lcmemll"l' son slrlnecl the fhe.foot - rl"hl I I R Clifford. W, St, John. N B. lllents from .) 'd tl' t ' ICIII JUllnne<' tl'll'l· 1 c , nt'llch lIall,mls for the al 1 Anolher SI Tohn's rrSld"lll l' C LacrOIX, 1I1)SliC, Quebcc nIlI 1 Conl 1 \leek at local rORe\ \lork I.' la se, '"c, Ina pound fOI'\I~rd after seeJlld walkeri alia) Illthollt lealmg hi' Ivas IhaIS'",1 l"Itll 1110 bICJ_'I"" I . ' . ' 'I I j ,t I I I v '" I ' , lest of tlllec detendants weI e ~, , '" !II Pothier, LlmOilou, Quehec I c,ohlng that a I \\hleh ~s cu,tomal'y cal'll I CIS a~1 d acftl;1 SillS IIU ~ ~' 'I\n I him al the TOlllnlo \Taple Lc"f, \ Issucd In l\la"lslrate s C~llil name or address '01 the traffiC actin courl Tu'" , J Iledard, TrOIS Ri\leres, p,Q. dill 1 \\ ,l'" !ll,n 1I\1IOn II .,"1 proposed I Aulumn In Ihe smallcr tO~u· I' fopcr~ltnd 0 WCllcoas ~I~ ~ :1 c tl'a~nlllg camp III Pc~elhOloll~h I Tue,dal' when "thcl faIled to On thiS charge he wa\ ftned dal \1. Caron, Hull, Oucbec , : (~II'llIllI 'e I taLC( , ,s 1 munltles from funds proll(\' ollne an as c as ,I ,I,,' hI e'l sklpprd the Czech te l1l1' $00 or 14 days, ' \1, F, Jam, Ouebec. I' 0, '10\1r,~ .na secondcd by I ell by thc I'rovlncial GOleln, Amcncan seabo,ud since ea,'!y Dec 11, 1'1fi2 ' .lppe,1I 10 an5IICr to co:trg£:5 The OthCI charge was IIlII'Ill!! Chalgcd Il1lh dl'lYlllg wllholl' I) )ok a~kr\\ 'II b I I lit f laId adalll't them " a licence the man lIas ftllcd S35 I \Veils, Rosemont, 1',0, p ':I,mng ., IU, mcm ers 0 I ment [or snch plojects Such t Us year or ,anom )'!les 0 I ' 0' wlthollt a !teencc Thc defend· 1\1 Leduc. NItro. PO. a' 01 ,linn \" k I 'c t "t I fish A IIOlllan dldrged wltn slle p I I 'II I or thlce lIeeks tn Jail r, Flhalrault, Samt Jerome. P Q, , or s 0 a emporary na ' . T d PI 1 f I d 'III' ant p cae ell gUl y ane was 0 till f t I ~t I, \etlel 1I01l1t1 be 3ent to lIrc and is usually shared out I I 1 lIng e I not appeal (fllled $35 or thrce \lcek, In 11 Ie 01 IeI' c I,lrgc 0 s ea M Chartrand, Dm ern a". P,Q. ra e ayerls ~o " I II r hr'l bool' ( \\ larlel, RIchard I amongst all \lbo request elll' ADULT CLASSES I crown asked that she lIe .r Jail 1IIg a car he had hlS ca00 C II dmals of Ihc :\ a t Ion 'II and anoller c al'ge III I )LC" h I Ih I I r '~ ea M, L. Ro), Granbi, P,O, , kl1~r I\lll lead ~s fOI'1 0 UllI SHal'aNIa ICN' 'he lesummg shortly at the John L~agU~ !tadI'd 1 c' f t ham(.. cl and enlry also did not appear I c a~g~e \\1 tS'l mg lom.a A joUlh charged IItth nb ~i. 111 I ndl E L HilaIre, Monlreal, P,Q. U T G I Blllke Regional High, Sci,ool Ipitchcr Ken ;\lac!\enzlc Mondny •• • I ;:~n~ to\o~nkl~ I'~I~~::I~~ S~~~~;8' lam1l1g money under false p,e D, COrrigan, Hull, P,Q. ~ I COllfrtlcI'alton whcn I TillS lcar quite a nllm~cr 01, DlIllJlg lasl wcek reglstl'atlocos 10 San FranCISco Giants If II I COl1\lcted on two "epa~atc I il tiel' t 'It - I Icnccs lIas gllen a t\Vo~e~1 . ! P '-,'" 'ollnd 01lt that membcrs of I BUlin I'cnlllsllla hdle wcrc recclled from PIOspcctlle I catchcl' .Jlm Coker of Toront'J chalges tit the trl,iIc h deh cal I' nOt gildI y ane Silspended scntence, 'oml'nent , , ~portsmcn,t i d ,. f th I I I 11IgIl\\a~sI a IS casc pas ponc ,0 ~r. Th! f d d d 1 I f t~ Ullit Ilrle not "lien illll bcen moose huntlll;: III I'anous IS u enh~ or c c asses, ~Iaplc I.eafs ,tet, .1 st Jo III s reSI( Cllt IVa, bl h t I I' (r en aut pal R c I r. .' as rcccIl'e/ by ;\Iam. seclIons of thc lllterior of the This year Mr Fr,IZCI Oal,it')' I :'IlacKe117.le. 29 hc~an the 1'1,1 !tned :1 tOlal of S85 or me n e 1Il1 o. en;ug.e a aw)',-,r S3h at a CIII slore wHh a cheqll~ Keep !ookln~ tinder Coke and .1'. fore,ters an,l foresters III plOl ince, As IIsual, on hunling Will agaIn be the I'rtnCII'JI ')f sea-on \\ ith ~el\ YOI k "Iets h,'· week, JlI j,1I1 T II h I I of S61) recell Illg S24 III chap2e Sprite caps for tokens l'Iorth j I I H II I I II ' tl rl I d I 110) au lS c al ~ee Wit 1 'Th I d from $1 to $5000, See details "/' Igure' lIar one, 0111' assocIallon fora)s somc bale bccn success· tIe c asses, c WI lavc on m; Ole comlllg 10 Ie Cm 11"1,- The delenl,lllt was C:JdlhC t I ~ I I e chcqlle )ouncc F ,InUrn many detallcd let. ful a~d othcrs have retul'lled Iteaching stalC, membcrs 01 the I l:scci most" III ICltef hiS con'- wlth f.llhng to lCmaJn at Inc ~ ca mg a PI'OJtC~or an, IIIll In court tlte delendant ex at Carton " on the malter, and while home cmpty handed 'Tlllcc teaching staH of the Heg.clIal II billed 1I'0n·losl record Ila< l-1 scene o[ an aCCident on LIllIe rom ~ car par ,c In a gdl a~'. plametl hc thoughl hiS aCCOllll: Displays. lEl( t\ Rl'Si\K hale met with some little local men, Richard' Taylor, lllgh School, the Ul1Itcd Chl1lo'h Illth an carnl'd rlln nlerage of ~Ilcct Clldcncc ShO\\ell lhat on /"~ lal~han\rOad I\Cle con conlallled ,uffl(lent funds to) / l l' ,-Tonr wc have not ~ct recel" James Anstey and Charles Os. Acadcmv and Sa\\atlon ",rnn 14 D4, lIP backcd Illto a car conung up I ~Ie e~ an ~cn enced III court COl er Ihe eheq11e '" ,oJ old Jazz the ful\ covcrage to which mond \Ierc vcry sllcccssful, encn School. 'Clas,es Will be It .1,! I LUllc s\leet, got out o[ hIS Cat, I uesl aj , lIe IVa, Oldelcd 10 Icpay ti' .. \ aTe entttled, getting their pmc on the firs: from Gradc 1 to JU11l01 :I1,I:l'1CU' I II \10 r. nm1.J:"Ir. DE:"\5 mspcetecl the tl,lmdgr then h ~ne of the dcfcn'dlanls w~o defrauded amount ' III ~Iarch 15, 1961, th~ hon. day m the Terra No\'a arca, latlon, W~SllINGTO:-i (\PI-Simn1. ,------_.'.- -- 1 at a plellous recor was sen ) " rI membcr for Burgeo and Edgar PI Ice also came homc ~Ir, Oakley aamed that the 1tan cons gamhlilH! rallis on hoerk 0 HI" A Art' I teneed 10 SIX month, Tnt, h" • l ',,,phy oO~[,,,~!\~I'Gil~ IHOtc me saying th,lt \lith an animal. Bllt for Brucc results of the reglstrallOn W~I'! Imakinc- and nUlllbel< lotte, n nntmg n Ie e tll~, maXllnum fOI a mlllo!' 1'110 men IIIIC ehar,.!ei.l 'lI'n ll'IHal " hiS Ilheral colleagucs Buffett, Lancc Ralph and Rcg- very encouragmg ane! It IS c~i, opemlions aCI'os< Ihe US IIC,' 1',Ige j) 1 lite second defcndalll 11"1 ,n~ sleahng four e,I'CS of beer Lom I 'r and h' their lll'lltI Pllor who spcnt a w~ek e1ent that thc classes Will be lnL'Ilehed Thmsd,ll' hy specill (L'olllllllll'd hom no recold lIas placed Oil J tllil Ihe home 01 a ehstriblltor, 13,', I g f ~". "1,,'11 bnln IdOl el'er~tb Inltglhllle (I' Ir in'the Badger an;1 Tena Ne;va larder tI~an they wcr~ last ~ear agents of the Internal RelClI1lC forlllul,lle Ith,lt OPfcfll n l ,(1", ) suspended senlCllee ~J(I l'~lIse one of the defc:Jd3nts "CC:,,·CoI.1' CC~f' ';,rid Srr I,lfa~, " . 1 o lTIng a 01 Co • 0 ~ I If' lcnl'C Bul 13\111" Il erct I,'C._ I I 1 -" C-OI) I I I I I I all rf'r; ~I"rt:di'"r." 111.1 • > I. he '1 d"r' '/ ., 't-.~ " "I'

\ fo-- DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWl!'OUNDLAND, OCTOllEIl 2, 10Ga ! THE .,, A... . 1, I ! ! OpeICl 1 TO THE VICTOR (AND THE LOSER) ••• ~) :{, ~ Ford Faces I(oufax In , , i .. ! Battle of Ace Lefties York Are Favorites i New i NEW YOnK AP-Sandy J\oufax and White) Jford open the World Serics today lit Yankcc Stadium in an cngcrly-nwaitcd duel of aec Icftlullldcrs thnt should sct the PllttCl'11 for the bcst-of-scvcn .set be­ tween Los Angelcs Dodgers and Ncw York Yankees, Despitc KoufllX, 25 victories for the Dodgers ·1 lind his National Lcngue strikeout record of :306, 1 I the Yanks arc favorcd 6 to 5 in thc opcncr and 7 /2 to 5 in the scries, I A wcathcr' fOI'ceasl [01' a col lI'inncl' ill ~crics hhlurv. !n \ sUllny, pleasant day with thc lhc rcgular scason Whilcy- had lempcrnllll'c in the mid·70s ,IS' II 24·; record, Koufax' 25 vic· \ SIII'es a capacily crowd of 70· lories included 11 shulnuls, OOu'plus for thc opencr of the Gilmc time is 1 p,m, EDT I Yanks' 2Dlh scries, The pCI'~n· (2 p.m. ADTI with radio and \ nial American Lcague eh,lIn- lelevision coveragc (eBC, pions have a 20·7 reeOl'rl in sc· I 01' Dick '1'1'<1' I will go to second, c Both will' be hI puscd togcther fur photograph. fnx said, "but not very mn~l1, Icell'ski 2b, John noscboro c,' Bultl M i e k c l' ~.!mllte and Prince of Wales ers, they shook IIDnds, th~y In fact, I don't believe I'll be Sandr l


- .elore you drive Outduels Thompson another mile- '.,' . I NVESTIGAT'E ,/ ',: ' .. , '" , . For 3-0 Feild Win THE NEW WORLD OF Move . Within One Of Title ,"Safety By DEE ~lURPllY Davc), Ball kicked his right Ic~ a littlc highcr than usual last ni~ht. Guards' hatlcrs stroll cd to thc City BaJ) Pur!.' s hOlllc platc :31 timcs; four trips resultcd in wall,s and anothcr stroll saw a player rcach base on an cr\'or hut 1 none of the 31 trips gained a hit olf the servings of the Icft handed Hall and when thc dust had settled the Feil dian ace had himsclf a 3-0, no-hit shut­ : out oycr Guards to mo\'c his team with in nnc ga1lle of thc City sc.lor haschall title Rnd the Jcnkins Mcmorial T\'(Iphy. With Guards and F cildians tied at two wins each in the hest of ~e'ell ,~amcs set, Hall chuckcd the first nO::littcr of finals' pIny and thc sccond of his fahulous cal'ccr to give Fcildians a thrce to two games cdgc in thc finals. His fast ball was hopping lind his sweeping· cU\'\'c was moving well and · with some good fielding bchind him,' Hall handled Guards casily. Facing : anothcr gl'eat southpaw, Aus Thompsoll of Guards who hurl cd a fine five-hitter t . _"""'"'''''''''''''' . himself, Hall was never in trouble and pickcd up his third victory in thc finals. : torture-tested at speed For Thompson it was his first loss in the playoffs after winninf!; fiye stnlif!;ht for you'll never need! Toe Bymc's Guardsmen. "No-hittcr" Five games hilVC bccn pla).~d ' Thai II'as all the run·~e!ting in the League finals ilnd Hall: '[or Feildians as Thomps:l:! The safest and strongest tire for sustained high speeds, so nearly . . didn't let a runner past ;cl'ond i has started [our o[ them .'.':' 1 indestructible its replaced FREE if it blows out! (Through high .: Tifle on Line Tonighl' 'l'eilrlians, He 1I'0n thrce ~ml . base for the remainder o[ the , has been the big man [01' the . ni~ht . , , but it was aho a~1 speed cord separation). Thr ~t. ,Iuhn's Senior liasI" got within one decision of · ddending champions, \"iti!: . the runs they nceded with Hall billl chaml1iollShlll and the the crown on a 3-0 I'letor),. · his mates held to fire hits b., : allowing tll'O Guardsmen to Jt'nklns ~Iemorlal Troph~' ~OC5 11111 Wheeler Is eXiledI'd ~ Thompson last night, Hall had· . rpach second base and one to IISAFETY 99" C.T.C. Price on th~ line at th~ City lIall 10 stal'l for Frank Knight's .10 be good and he IV,IS grc~1 ' gl'1 to third as he put his no· Park tonight. Guards and Fcildlans tonight wilh Guartls' With foul' o[ the 31 \]a~te'''s hit. shulout into the re~ord Mfrs. (Installed and I'rildlalls arc sct III dash In coach Toe Byrne will likely .. hc faccd drawing walks lw ' hooks, Size List Price Balanced) . · stmclwul six and had th~ vn~' ing; display was ol'crshadowpd . out I'hil Leonard \\'alked. 'Ihi, 20.65 ~_~ ani IO-~ I'lctorirs. son' to third bas~ ill pla('c of *560·59014 13.65 by Hall bnl the mainstay of tlw hrought powerful Ian Caml,udl Frihllaus crenrd it IIJ1 wilh Tin kiln. to the plate and hc sm;I,\J('d *750.'14 24,g5 14.95 close 3-2 lI'ill and last ni~hl Gallic tlme Is SI~I'en o'dock. Guards' pitchin:: staff turnr.J in to g 31.40 · a prell)' good game hilm,'II.

Martin, Voisey and Healey Outst~·ndl·ng ! ~\~::hO~W~l~utt~~~r~e t~~arl~:~: I \,~lt~li~P 2~ ~ ~ ~ : A revolutionary b rea .. I glcd Chapman home [01' a 2.0 . Guards: k

~I. Bon's WOn the OI'N'all •...... ;:'.... ,) .. " ",,"'::" .. "'." .;', . fin ('S"') 3 J \V k l scorc, I D. Yah,,\e)', 2b 3 0 0 n through in a Winter·Summer .rh,,,nn;·nn ,I. ! ... ip of the Christian I" _, ';.:," , a 'cham (SIl) Don Yetman was safe Iln an' :'I[,ljor. c ;1 0 0 II ---8-1o.!.--I .",mn"r Grammar SchOol track. . (lJ 2.j Rccord), . Cl'l'or to get the second in'lin~ r. Leonard, If ;\ 0 11 II Tire - It pulls effortlessly ! ,11 the City Ban Park Broad ,llImp: .Junior : st,trted fvl' the Feildians, DilUJ I I. Campbcll, rf 4 0 0 0 FREE •______.. :'~~Ierda)' afternoon as they : : 1..T, Powcr (S8), 2, BI'ClHk1n· Squires put down the sacl'jfi(~ ,.r, Wintcr, 1b 2 0 tl 0 throush high snow and J~STALLATIO~ .. I t ~oh ~ Icad of eight points o"cr . . I ~l~~,to~" ()HC)' 3, p, Collins (lIC) . and Yelman raced to second: A, Thompsun. p 3 Il II 0 shrugs its way through slick 828 872 BB6 "at'[" : .' I • , '. : base and was in ,coring posi-: r. Currie, d 3 tl J 1 and i','_I I (J it f) Tile Blucgolds saw the Irish: :. ,.. 1I0p,Step .Iump: SClilol' : tion to countcr on Davey Hali's D. Tinltlin, :lh :1 i mud, it zips along as quietly WHEEL : 2-13 228 19B liP a 22 poinls ad\'anta~e' .. 1. J, Griffill (SF), 2, W. nn~-' single tu open a 3·0 sprcad for iJ. (;1';U1I, ;.1 :l 0 0 0 BALANCING I'I 144 208 3311 senior division but cop. : 3!:lr~\1 (!,IC), 3. K Haire (SP) Fcillli;II1S, Totals ~7 0 0 •as a prowling panther, for~ ), 170 192 180 Ihe honors On a 30 points· •. ~ , i ------_. ------get the weather its all the _uler." 01'1'1' 51. PHI'S ill ,I'llnl'or' Hop,Stell,Jump: Junior I I11.011 231 174 28 II 1 T P SO) · .78.88.021006 Cross finished third with . " oll'el' ( " , 2, N, La·. same to Hiway • Byway. 1 F'roflCis of Harhol' Grace . ce)' (SP), 3, P. Collins mC) : F Ik S· I r 13 neW rccorrls I 32: c11,loJ . GI'I'C: 1.' ;~~~istr~~;n~:W:!l59 ;~~Il'~~e:i~~',\, S>I~f!lrti'~lI1i~~)S, 2 ~ au ner Ig n s 1,\. HO 177 186 .:i,:!~' II, ne~I" i ~~,;i)~IU~~\~~ss .... ~~ ::::::::~ ~::r~ni~,~";~~~:l\~I:~::-r e~~~I:IYtl~![II'~\ I "Tb~ tll'O to.dull leagl1l'~ wm *850'14 22.15 :16.:15 /',. 144 155 14i i"l. " 11.IC'ar.oltl, wus lil'st: • 1~ ~'I',-l. ~. Lat'I')' 11;1')' 2, . St. 1o'1':l1I('i, 12 p,lil1l~ Ilas"liali it'aglles puial,'" ttlwlIl'll: 11111 1'1':tc1icllt ill the milllll'~:' *90014 ·27.35 , . · len 178 239 185 . he l'I'oJi! jlllllll alltl hi~ll: 1\., A.shlf·'v (SII), :1, Eo ~lal'lin 'I'utlll I I~ ito:lIl1s ill the IJlI"l'lllilillll:tl l l"l'ici; said, "It is the thO!lgllt I.\ 'on 254 230205 1111111'"' " .. 11 as til" 75 I'anls I (SPI. 12.R (HI't'tIl'tll. St. 8on's !lH II0iul.,: [;eagllt' :11111 t'igilt ill thl' Pal'ifil'; lIf the C'lIl11l11ill,'e Ih:lt a 1~·te:lIn 20.60 I 756821,22 ".il 1011 )Jrds. ..: 1!l )'1',-1, ,I. FIlr\IIug (SS), lSI. P:lt·,. ..""" ... !lli I'lIinls: ellasl t:'·:lgill'. Each, tealll lI(lt'!" i 1['a~tI(' :tIIl! :lU l'igilt le:11lI lea~lIc I 560·590 '15 15.10 --2 I'hl' IIl1'l'l l\'a~ until'r th(, ['on. 1 2, P, Cullins (lie), a. (;el'l'Y; Holy Cross """""""" 4fi points Iat(',lI. \\'llh ~u clubs III I%:l... I wOldd he mol'l' ~IIIll(l3d lind i 670/15 23.55 17.55 l an 183 163 165 rh .,a~d ,upcrl'ision or the: connol,l), (SP), 'ri~e 12.2, ~ St. Francis .. ,,"" "".... 15 point~ ___ ~I'ICk Said nu [1I'1ll ill'CISICII:S i pl'lIl'lde better competition, . , 173 26,35 , :1 ~"II 207238 .. Ii\lIan Brothers from thr' ,14 H,-1.J, ~Iarhn (S8), 2, I 710/15 18.85 221 199 197 . schooL~ ~nd was l'~terl ", nO(~gcr;~, mc)' n, :llurphy I 760/15 28,7:1 20.25 IIt 200220 175 ..a hll~1I ~lItccsS with Cull par. (SH). tie. rllne lUi lneeonJ), ! 811 820 710 1t'ln'I' 15 1 (. \' '. (SP) 2 81.~ 22.45 '.-1 ' . '" Ion of Ihe foul' seilflnls '. yr,-, J, DISC" .' 800/15 ! I rd. I R. l'a~an (SP), 3, C, Hall ()JC), 600/16 2.1.83 17.85 lor lUB 172 163 ,HrslIll1 of the various cvents : Tin)e 11~, .I, "11'" 1115 241 212 rr: 220 flash-.lunlor • Available in TubeleSll Onl,. i ni.,ll'r 162 159 234 50 \,rl~, 1. ,T, Henle)' (SIl), 2, ,T, row. ~ !Ilhtt'r 201 220 126o' It. . "I', (SIl). , 3 . G , Conno II y (SP), , , '."0. 1'. 7;4 7112 7.,.. If .Ii:-"!. II, Ilcaroon tSr)., Time 2n, rneeord), ... ~ , lIrlo~~ (S8).. 3, David I 4~O Dash-ScHor Also see our reliable Winter Express which· has out performed· .' . ~ I - , ~ !, 166 189 256 T(,HC), ChrIS ~Iurphy 1. Gerald Voiscv (SP), 2, C. 'J, j'rr~ 148 188 198 12 v line 7,6,· Hall (He), !l, R. Williams (SP). and out classed all other tires in it's price range. .~ t 2113 260 169 R Ar,-l. N, Lacey (SP), Timl' 66, (Rceorrl), .~, , !I ~: ~i~ ~~; SPl ;~~~ ~S~) 3, E, ~rartin .Tunlor Relay (140 Yc1~,) 560·590/13 ONLY $9.44 installed. 1~ . , ' , 1, St. Ilon's. 2, HolY Cross, ( O .' 1 l'harmacy:- r )r,_1. ,T, Hcalr.~· (SIl), 2, Tim" 00.4 Ineeorr]),· ~ " IIl'C 163 176 1~ . onn~u.l' (SP). :l. D. Fallol) Senlo" Rel~v (880 ~'Il~,) FREE INSTALLATION AND GUARANTEED WHEEL· BALANCING. ",\\\'in 178 Hi8 172 14 'I' Inl~ 6,2 !Record), 1. st, Pat's, Time 1:58,4 (Re· I'ITC 216 171 17 1\ '}r-:-1• n, Mllrphy (SRl. rorcl). ON ALL FIRST LINE TIRES. 1,;11 216 236 205 , T~lre (SP). 3, Il, Gallant I 75 Yfl. Dnsh 773 741 751 "r 1m e 62. (Tip or Record), lS yr,-l. G, Voisrv (SP), 1:111 :-3 215 IB1 ~ Gail '(li1; G, Voiscy (SP)' 2, 2, Raohael Pagan ISP), 3, C, !;:'~~ 164 142 l~' 6 C). 3, n, Fagan (SP), lIall (He)' Tim!' B.Il, I ' S~nlor Shot·Put ; :'[h'· 1:17!16 249186 y'75 YII s. 1. ilL Parrell mc). 2. G, cGratb 1 C r,-1. G. FUrlon!( (SB) G, Lockfl (SP), 3, R, Williams 692 711B . ~!urphv (HC) , I (·S» " ' 3, H, n~ar· (SP), (32' 7"). ll'rs:-O 9' r) ,eTim 10 (TI e or Re· Junior Shot·Put :\';~!~t ~~~ i: ~~. 2 1. D, Fallon (HC). 2, D, Ped· JIM MARTIN of St. Bon's hits thc tape in the 100 yards dash for 14-year-olds I'llctt 204 148 1.' K Yt 1. N. Lacey. (SP), die, (SI~)'; 3, Ted WIlliams (SP) in the Christian Brothel'S Track ~Icet at the/' Ball Park yesterday afternoon. ELIZABETH AV~NUE PHONE 90141 \ ••t is!")s hle~ (SB). 3, E, ,~Iar- (31 1· ) 1 I 1 'lnnoIlY 178 2.0 ~ 11 . TI!'le 10, B~OBd Jnmn: Senlnr Martin tiee Will Ccralc Voisey of ?L Pat's for thc senior vktor ludorum and I ( 648 686 yr.-I. J. Healey (SB), 1.J, Martin (SB); 2, J. Gril- set a record for the 100 yards,-(Staff Photo).' j . I: " " , I ...


n nrl~~. 700 m', 17'h 1m - '\ D Coal pr 3:1.5 :jlJ 13 13 of l~ OUT OUR WAY By J. R, WILLIAMS D Fndry !S $54\4 61\, 64'1. + ", D or." ~20 m 18 I! - \\ Steamship n Stetl 500 $13:1.~ 13\-) 13~4 + La /HAT'S NO .;rOKE-­ i D Storel 11100 S15', rl~ 15"" " Dom Tar 1951 $\1', 1m 17'. , ~ 'THE'i'J<:E 6ETTI!J' Dom 10xl lOll S19", I~ll 19-1, MACHINE5 50 NEAR Dupull Fr A 350 SU 11 11 + '. L.lkE HU.<'IAN5 "THAT Movements Eleclrolua 50 $62 62 62 - 'Ii •, Falcon 350 $)11-1 5m 541'. ITIL.L 6E CO.5TII-l' : Fraser 4t~ 5301/4. 30 30~" + lft. IEM A'::I MUCH AS C,S.L.-CLARKE TERRA GU en In pr SO S.t8~1 481;4 48 1/4 IT DOES PEOPLE NOVA SERVICES GL Pnper 345 S2~ 22 2:! +;~ TO <::tEl IHE:~ ~I llRrdee 200 220 :no 220 HaWk Sid H07 sm $', m HEALTH BAf.K! S.S. Highliner, left M , Mldrlm 4500 21 20 20 In. Syn A ~!$ m 52l< 13 1l01lln~.. 22D $27\, 27\" 211-' real Sept. 26th, due St. Jo, )lin Corp 100 $19 19 19 P,mbln, UO 1m 7'1 7~ - iii Home A 2~11 S13'\ ]J • 13\\ + '. Mrn.Ore 500 6\, 6\, 61'.1 - III Slmp.on. 961 137 3&;'. 3810 - \h 110m. II 700 1131\ 11 13\. + 'I Oct. 2nd. Monel. 1211 82 82 82 + 1 Walke.a ~I S57 ~6;\ 57 + II Horne Pf ~OO 220 220 220 MI Wrl;hl 1737 40 40 40 + I Wealo. B 425 118 18.8 nud B.v 270 $;6 Il'h 56 + '. 5.5. Gulfport leaVing \1 TORONTO Multl.M 4500 24 23 24 + !it FOnEiON TnAII INO 011 500 Stil, 61, 6'\ trea! Oct. 1. Due St. Jo,: Murray M I~oo 116 116 m Bra,U 1000 280 2110 210 UBC 2J(J $14', 14', W. + I, Oct. 6th. -. TORONTO CLOSISG STOCKS NamR Cr 135100 19\. 17 I~~ +2\\ DA 011 100 sm~ 2m 281~ Imp 011 lOG! $13', 43 13', + " u,. The Cau_dlaa. Prell NCDlon 1320 12 12 12 BC Fore.1 250 m\', 22;' 22~ - V, Imv Tub ml 1\3;, 13', m. ~ " real Oct. 3. Due St. Jo\:, Toronto S10tk t:UbIDIe-OC'. 1 New Alger 4:00 8 7 7 - I> Cabol IUO 49 48 49 -4 Ind A( cop 460 $14\\ lI'. 24" + 'i Oct. 7. Compl,te tabulatlo. 01 TUtldoy Iran.· New Alh 13000 27 21 27 -II> C Chem wll 100 4:;0 450 450 -35 Inl N.ok,i 1500 'u8 107 61" + II Now Did 7000 m 5 5\\ + I~ C Paper 25 110 40 40 +~. Int 1"11 1GJ 137,. 31', 37', + Is S.S Sir John CrosbIe It) .,tlon. Quolatlon. In tentl uniCOI New Cal 2000 211> 241> 2m - I> FDleon 100 155\, 5111 51l1" UIII 700 Ill'. 21', 21', marked I .•-Odd 101. xd-Eaodl,ldcnd, I. h,' ing Montreal Oct. 5. Due ~ -.\ ::u-l::".rl,hls, ,;W - Ex,warranla, Ncl NCO... \VII 1100 69 69 69 LOnl Com 100 251 251 m 1'1. 125a $81', 84 B4 - I> .. .b.n~e to from prellou, board 101 .10.' N CJold\ue 500 4'h 4~ 4~1 Moore 5100 $~%1, 521~ ~.H_ - L.. Inlnd hat Gs :1.00 $u~. 6~. 6~iI John's Oct. 10. • ~ New 578;0 :16 205 21S H Tr Fin A 600 $11\, II'. 11\, -', ,1,,,,.lc I'S 40U III 11 11 Illg ••10. Nol Ne" JUOn 5000 7 6~ 7 + Ii Alamera 100 110 lIO 110 -40 1"".lt 410 $17'" 17'1 17~, _ '. S.S, Novaporl leaving ~IQt 5to,k hln RI~h to" Clo .. Cb',. N Kelor. 3000 7\i 7 7 -', C Deihl 414 500 500 10 -!O L.u Fin 1100 514', 14 '41. + " relll Oct. 8, due st. John's 01 ~I1NES Newlund 2000 15 14\. HI> - II C Oll!.dl 200 mill 155 + 5 I.ohl .., A 320 ~;1o 71, 7', -l' " Acad UraD 1000 ~ 5 I Newnor 4100 16 I~ 16 + I> C 111m 3000 16 16 16 Lubl." B 77S m, Bt;. 81, 13. Accr. 4110 47 4. 47 -I New Rouyn 1:000 15 14 14\1 + \'J Deer Horn UOO 68 63 63 ,2 MB PH m 5'!4', 2~1, 24', + 1\ 5 S. Highllner leaving 110: Ad'ocDle IIlO 700 690 690 -10 N Senator 16000 1m 18 181, +1 Dlckn.n 200 60j 6M 605 ~Iarlll",o T 319 $21l, 21', 2l'. I A,nlc. 4312 51) 50)0 1\1,1 ..1 ~IS 2681 n Z1 21 Grondroy 1000 15 15 IS Mass I' 4100 S15'1 m.. IS'" + 'I real Oct. 12. due SI. John's Or Akallcho 10700 77 74 7' + I Nick Rim 6300 16 16 16 Gunnar 100 85 850 S50 Ma" I' Slip 60 S101', 101', ID7'~ - " 17. All Pilch SIO 27 27 21 -I NI'lo 2000 4", 4'\ 41i Kirk ~nn 10 21 lJ 23 llltch 11 A 100 17 1 7 1 Am Larder 2SCO 17 16 16 Nor·Acme 2000 14 13~~ H La LUI 1200 500 50\) FlO ..l- 4. Million A 191 S?a~4.:!B 2:8 - 1.4 ~I.V. Dundee leaving line Anacotl 15200 27 25 2' +1 NOIGOld 100 I 5 5 N.t I'eto 300 30 30 30 ! 0 40nl Loco :121 m', I~ IN - " real Oct. 18, due Sl. John s Ut i An,lo Hur 300 960 160 t60 Norl.. 3000 38 :11 38 Prolo GI. 300 180 178 tno II ~Ioore Curp '00 $51', 5J1, 51',-1 An.ll :000 8 8 8 Normd.1 BOO 311 3'5 311 -, 51".,. 2100 m .75 III -5 MO"e Itob A 325 10 8 ~ 22. 1 Ar('l 100 114 114 lU +S N Bordu 21.iOO 30 28 29 U Can!!o :00 172 ]72 17~ :'\[orJie Itob n 115 SlP~ Ill, fiSt. - *... S S. Gulfport leaving lh ArJon 2000 1m n 12 N Cold.lrm 3500 60 59 ,0 Vn Keno 400 575 565 m + 10 Norand., gil :lJ!I, 3R 1ft -" THE ( ! .\ Arcadia moo 47 41 ~ij _1'\ N GOld,r! 4000 18 17 18 -iii :O;S LP 231 525', 25 2S - '. rl'al Oct 22, due St. John's Or 1 .Atl C Cop 300 $0 90 W ~ Uank 11900 :!5\2 2S :!~ - \'l Total ..Ir,,: !,8lfl,OOO O$:II,\jp' IJ:lj S14'h 1,PA 14.1k" I .. 27. ! Atbl \k 10(10 f.lhll 9h 91';1 N Rock lHO 2~ ~J 2~ _1':1 ---- lonl 5t tol .:t.M $:!1 • !!1 3 ft :!1~' -~a WATER STR I Aumaq )00500 Sh 5 North CID SU!) 150 un -Il 1 I'ar Pete 400 S1:.!h l! U .. S S No\ aport leaving \1,. ~I'.I l~O ~ --- ...... Aunor 100 360 3eo 380 Norlhgato 61700 38S 3ijO 385 + IS 11'1.I(Cr ji $27\~ :!jl J 27 ~ ------real Oct. 25, due St. John, u·, ~~~~~~~~~ Rnnkenn 190U 48~' 47 "e\~-'2 Norvalle 26000 9~1 8 !H~+1 Pow CUll> 935 ~;)'.1 9~.1 ~rl~_l. D.n~llcld 2100 14 13 13 -1 Ob ••kn ~!OO 5 4', 4~. Price Dr 1002 537 , 36 , 3; Dominion EqUity J! 4$ Ig87 ~1 .. Od 1700 55', III, Sl t', 30 '::, Bartt.1 lOOU 16 as 86 O'Brien 1100 471> 471; 4T\\ -2\, OS Ga. 2U60 18'. W. B'I + I, lTd' Dominion Compo J 76 4.'~ ~Ia"h Fld 1100 31', 33'. I", - " ra I n9 S S. Highliner leaving 11"",,:,_------n ..o Mell 4500 71, 7 7 - '" Opeml.k. li40 100 785 800 +Il OS Gas Pr 80$Jl4 IJI \ 4 -2 Ora)ius Inc Ii 71 19 li ~1ftrttn It>OOH lR, lUI .. t8~, t I~ 10 2 d '", nosh 3)110 7 1 7 Orch,n' 8400 3!5 310 321 +10 lIon.ud A 3fll 59 , 9 ~ R:l 7 16 McKee n.lluq 6!~0 ~9 ~8 29 O.m.Uy 1000 21 24 23 MONTnEAL CLORI!'IO STOCKS nolland pr 21 ~901. ~Ol. ~O" r~uropcan Gro .... th 2:rr;, ~~:: ;~;: I:~ rly ~~a cl. 9, ue St. John! .. - • ~ 9'; 'j t 1 \1:: _ Fa i Actl've 1 ~·ed('lated Growth Melck Belhlm 1J8~O S~l ~6~ .595 +3~ Os15ko :\00 40 40 40 lit Tbe CanJdian I'retl nmnl flank 1070 57J'. j3 '.t 73;;'. .. 7:1 i 17 I\tpls Hnn _>200 POl,l U!) 1" HOI co. 1000 3 R R P,mour 20u III lIS lIS + I Abitibi 46'1 l'rD5or 10\, Sal, Que MRn 3000 01> R 3 - III cpn :13'1 CANATIIAN A]." 3000 13 13 11 - r, 1300 .i1:t. 1II ')01 1 ,)(P, + !l1J riO 1 T d' ,., 1 n.~I ..on 465 511 PfJr;er 1 I dn :\\V ~O<:O 4'" I', ll, Q ~1.ttGml 1500 1~ 11 15 -I S.. ~ram' 51 COli' Pap Alph. 120 Ill) 150 IlO +2. neg.nt ! SO ! 12 Ph,lp. n aooo 61''1 60'h 61 _ I. I a glam 0 °t ~ y , r~ dlngt ':vas • Fergus leaving Charl\) • I" Slll<. ;00 100 IOU Ion Qun,'on 1000 13 13 n - I, D Brld~. 17\, AnG Am M Alpha A 600 400 350 3'10 -I PhlllO Mor f 1 nesearch InHIJUn« 10 S7 1151 1700 731" 73', ~:' , air y a C I v c as LD us nals town, P.E.I. Friday Oct. Il, h, eBC CamJore .!OO !!) 1 1 Uucmont 100 S\1'. 11 , 111. + ~\ Dom Tar 17'1, Alllnf 1.100 1a 18 lS Savln"l In\ t!sln1!nt 62B H1 Pit I1lale C"rlboo 6~O r,l hn ti;) -2 n:HlIore 6')10,1 sa 53 57 +5 I\mcllin 390M 7 filZ Ii~l"'" 1:-i 1]6 , 01 Pro Gam ;i~ ~~~~ ~~;: ~~l~:-'~ Iturned over 136,300 shares and I ing PIctou, N.S. Thursdav r Ca!i"ilr xd ";40 $1l lCr=l, 10'" naglan Jooo 30 50 50 An ,\m Mol iOO 2na 205 208 1~!2 Fund Cd. TV f\l!ctronlr.s j ~1 l'i 21 Pullman 2~f)(J 26 1, i~" ~R" + " I mmes and Oils 632.600. 110, arriVing St John'~ ..~;. WEDNESDAY, Oclob, C('nt Pore ~oo h 6 fj nt!~r.p.H 200n 17 17 17 ... 1 !\lllO jN) 5 l RCA Timed ]11\ utmpnt q; 186 1~9,~ ;~Ict 3;'. I I Papers WCI'e the strongest ~ec'l Monday, Oct. 14, leavI~g' \_~/.. ______Cheskirk 1000 ~1, ,j\l .51:1 ntn AlI:om 2il0 $15 14:'1" 1~ ... '4 At1a1 rcI ~!on zan 270 2m 13l !n4 Ralston ;!"" Cht\ter 109M tR 17 17 nl~ Athab :roo H 2~ 25 + 1~ AUGII'tus 77~4 29~ 28 2'1 United i\ceumulath. Wul (Jrowlh 466 ~ 00 RCPUb 5tl 9200 41 1, ~m. 40', '" "I lor. tip 1.7 at 112.2, Abitibi John's Nfld Mo da 0 t 1 .. Chlb-Kay lJr.OO ]It.:I 14 U Hock" In 15iOO 2~12:" 21 -'. Dllk('r 1(100 10 10 10 Re~ Tnh m~o 39'1 381, 33'. ,_ '. Named '. InlernallOnal and ' . n y, C I A.,n, (hlb M ~oo ~61~ :\6t; ~611-'-: Con 3000 6 ,; f) nornltft 4000 H'h U U\~ ----- fi1rh Mer 1 1 li~~ ~~',: ~~~~ ~;:! -~. ~!ad!iI1an', Bloedel were bolh 1 • Fergus leaVing Charlo'" 730-CBC. Nell s (hl:t'lo 7!)jOO f2 8S 92 n~"nnr 10(10 101~ 10 ::1 10 , Bru!1t'Olu l~ZOO 33 30 :10 -2 Ro)!al Out 1£2 _~ S :1000 4; ~EI\ lUll 30 ~; 2. f ('hrom 100 162 161 ,lorn 41 4; -3 YORK CLOSINIl sTUCKS nurn. 12000 I Seu~ R 7£00 ,g.'. 99;' 93', + " highcc' hy I, Consolidated rose 1 tow~, P.~.I. Saturday,. Ocl :: 7.S5-MUSlcal Clock (orh \\111 18011 110 420 420 Satellite 16'l()l1 1,j'~ lI'~ :~ - 12 U, The A!ll(odnttd Prrn Calumet ]Q('IO 1h ~I~ :lh + J~ Shell 0,1 ~;gg 4:;~ 4~1~ ~:II; _ '. '. and Frase~ and Great Lakes leaVing .p~ctou, N.S. Frt~ay, 01 7.55-Count. Your Sic fum L.h. ~QO 22 21 22 -2 Sheop Cr 700 ll! m m -5 'nclh S":1 3t', MOIII) II ;G·. C Dred~. 200 425 425 425 Sheraton Comb ~Iet 1000 19 1~ 19 Sherrill 35GO 282 ~!O 2[0 80r~ lIa 43'. )IV Cen. 21 Canoram, 3l0J 9 9 9-1 Socony "600 n', 70', 71 + '. added 1'.. 18, arrrvlng SI. John s,. :i1':8.00-CBC "';ell's Ctln'Kr~ j('to 10 10 10 Sl~ma 100 ~21 525 ~~j -5 C lind 0 e3 1" Radio Corp 7J14 Cdn Inurb:!n 300 ~OO 300 ~oo South rae 32~i~ :~\. iir: 3!'. - 1.1 Industrials lIere 03 be Iter st ~!onday, Oct. 21, leavlOg S'8.lo-Weather Con Shaw moo 46 41 4~ Sillma~ lOCO 21 20 ~O _2" Con. Edl.on 86')1 Soulb Pac Jl', C.rller 0 mo • 6 5 +1 Sperry (D.llek .0:),) ~ 81, 31; Sil ~llIlcr 5000 23 11 Z~ -I Gcn Elee CO Std 011 NJ 701, Cu.tanl 100 460 460 46 NEW 1'ORK CL081NG 6TOCKS n .tild Brand 700 71'. 72', ~;;: ~ ~~ 1263. Canada and Dominion SUo Jo~n's, Nfld. Mo~day, Oct. 21 8.13-CBC. Sporls SI , 1 C Call1nift ~O~" 7 7 j Sl~c(le !!6flO 175 Ii::! 175 Goocl) car Hlh Utd Aircraft 43 CC'liland DO 16~ 160 164 +1 Dy Tbe Prul Sid ~al (Dlscov 1:'.{) i9 i~ i9 I Stef'I,,) SOO 4'.. 41':1: 41. - 'l Gt !\jor R) 53~1j \'nnndium 1314 Cht'malloy 1120 fi1) 66 fiti New l:arK stack EIt'!hflnle-Oet. t ;~: !~\, ~;l: ~~'h +', gar rose ". Zeller's gained " t FerpguEs I leFavl~g Charlo\'18.lB-)!uslcal CpIOCk. C II 14 440 +5 T 17 Std Ind ren 1000 II -I S'eep n 910 443 441 Int T II W.. ln~.o 33 Com OU G.. 700 17 77 n ,-:tron 0200 37'. i~;: ;;:; ~ I:: I hlghcr I St. John's, NfJd. Monday, Ot Reports l' ::\otlhld InM ~1 21 !!~ -1 Trlba.: 2ti300 l~~ 117 11:'1 -6 0 Explnr 21.50() J] 2~h lO -1 A\lc.;~ny IROO lO'h 103. 10'./;! + I. t 2333 9 9 !) _ t., Trm Chlb lJOll 1:Z 12 12 D Lease 6000 21 Alits Ch j200 ThlOkol 4300 l' In', I~ + I, In semol' base metals Hud, 28. 9.40-Prevlew Cmum (' Pcrsh n 2~ -2 16~~ li)l.-~ 1(i~. Tidc\\t C nambler 3\10 115 11~ 1I~ -5 - I Tunllra lOOn 7i 7l j~ DUnlft.!il llWO lH til) 136 -:! Amcr.ula iJOI) 7,P~ 7JItl 74 -111. .. 00 2j~1I 2';' 4 21' • '.R f . t' F < 1 Tlml.en 100 til fil" fiI I son Ray "lining moved up 1" e ngcra Ion. 9.45-~!ax 'erguson. t' n(!;;:court 3(10 9 9 9 l U ~lIl1in:: :lIuo 19 19 19 - ~= I 'W::;Y ACTt\'I~ TOnOSTO STOCKS CAst Vent IGB50 179 \10 lin 1-23 Am Can 4400 4~111 4S /.l 4j~4 l Tw!nt C 11101) W. l!', • " 1 OR (' Slinnorm 300iJ ~I .. ,) S -1 III \SOC~tL!S 103j ~ij !?j5 ::!7i 81 Th~ '-=rulDrUan rrru T:qllll EXf\ lO5U11 s~~ 812 &1);, Am C~nn 4800 5Bl-l, 5jl-l, 5a ..... 11 ~~~. !\Iumimum was higher nnd 0.10-Im pO\\er 1 Un earb 2.100 1071.106'. 1m '. FU NESS (on\\('I-' ;.1nn 430 ,un l:iO -10 Un RuHad 490\1 ij H jJ -1 ~Iork ~Dlt~ III~h 1,11\\ Clo~t Ch',e l::ldt'r .jOO til At .1 -9 Am Mot .490n 20 .. 19h 20 - 1'If, 2B'i1 41', 1 l tel lure 12', 4~ ~'" Inlcrnatlonal ]I; i eke I mo':cd, R , WITHY A>;n 020-For Consumers (01' Corp 4no ISh 1511 l611'" 1':1: j Un }\ello 100 560 5bO ~tiU 1 ISVti~Tmi\Ls fnb 04UOll 1] 1.: ]:1 "t 1 J\m Smelt 950[1 80'1 i3 2 SO-."T" PI 1 1 lltd Corp 19110 1, I. 'I ahead Noranda eased '. I COMPANY, LIMITED' 0.25-1nterludc ('OP.~taD 50110 12 11 ~ 111~ _ L,I I Un ~tancfl" Glr.1l 27 Z:i .!j _"I~ Be Puw iiG33() c::!p_ 211'J !-l!~ I:anu 2.iml ~ 2 ~ h Am Std HOt) lA1" 18 , 18 A 8 R', R'. - 1~. U Fr\1lt xd MOO 21'. 21', 211," " • 30 "fll ~ I I Ct'l!lf'e :rO{}::7 261'J ~i .... 1 IUn }'ort Ill)O 1111 11\~ 1[1, ICPU 91~l S3:r!( :131 33'" + 1~ H nclilmce 401)0 lfi In 16 -1 \m ,s1lJ::ar :\00 26'" 261" 2r.~" + 1. U" (lVPII; 1111'1 61', fiGI, B7', _;, Steels \lere slronger. Domm, O. -l' C .,C 100 CO\\llh 4W 107 10) 105 -1 Ulll'l COIn 5MII 1.50 114 111 -1 Aiumlnl 820~ $=3~1I 1fl~ .!al, 3MI l"ox lake 2j()() 20 :W::o Am!lted 1000 :I[Pa :1:F, 39 - J~ 1 115 nubh !200 4;', '7', 47', ~ I, Ion Foundries and Algoma were "Herrlng Rose" Ju\"~0.45-~lu~OO 49 , ~81-:z ~914 +- -. us Stet'i 1)('rl non J~OO 61 tiO 60 -1 I \'.1U1e ROO ';2 ~.:! l2 II.obCo ~ ti9J(J ~jl. 7'~ 7;" l~ Grls::;ol :!COtl 1 i l~i 12-) -20 Armco III 1300 fi\\'2 fiO~fI fiO~I~I!. 2~~:g ;i:: ';," ;~I: ~ ;: " hettcr, Domenion gained l~ ~alifax Oct. 4, for LII er~ ,O.55-CBC ;-; C\\ s ]) l;ldonR 4000 g 9 ~ -'2 \'C!I['IlIf jllliO Il 1:'.1 1:) un s lnsllut,ln :'!t11J 2111 :nn .!Itl Arml'ltg C).; 1100 °5.i 9al~ 981,,- ~i \'amld CI" W I'n Tl'1 7'00 'I', JI', ]1',. I, and Steel Co. was up '.. direct, not calling St ,l"h~lll.OO-BBC V,lflcty llclhl Pac lOCO 21 21 21 -1 \\01.1111 3200 :!2n • j l,\n.t: nC'\ 3IWt)'1fI :11 IUI;l :!1:1.1 Jnt lIelltlm 17i l/ij 175 42 DniJcnck HOO 51' .. 52:1" +1 Z~O ~16 ~·O~ ~J \\c~th!li EI 1~~~0 3lP :li~t 1(1 .. fll I ])t'nbon Ut.I Stl:t~ 1J 113~ + :1 \\cst Mines 171)0 :18~ 38~ Jti ::'.1t Pcte ;I,2on :~11 2tj 27C -\0 Jntcrpr Dr I~no III HI I() -1 Deth Strd IS1~n 3Il. ~111 31:'1. + I,.; 72:10 71' 72', 74 " Bnnks added 52 10 1238. Pro, N c. U.30-Nfld. School t 4 1 1 \Vonl\'lh I DI('"nsn ~.5j 59. ~O ~9~ ,20 \\ll1ro~ 2";050 IGl 153 .5i _5 !\1cdnl 15308 ~Ij 44() 4~O -5 ,J.ublllc 10~ I 20., 20i 20' DDIt Ohio 6r.0 :16 '2 :'Hi 36 ... t 'II , r' 1 Xerox Cp 6100 ~w,lall, l83 +1'. I inciale climbed I" Imperial "Sycamore" Ie f t LJ\/11.45-Kllchcn CO.IW lluml" 1(10 $3014 :10' .. 30t.4 _ l'l \\lUst\ 11000 Ii t~l,; Hi -1 C Dra~fln 133!)!) 1~'. ttll 1:21:3 r I;: Kndlak Pete ~p.J3 105 100 103 no~lnk' "900 :1t • ~J''l :W'4. of- :0;1 l)('Inaldll ::7bOO 11 10 It ~ 11 I \\lndiClIl 10tJJOO 49 47 ~j South V tzoon 11'-:z 11 11 -1 LnuulJolo 1000 lZI 1.!0 122 +1 Borg War 4300 0411 14 4RI~ 4a,. + 1, I cd~ed ahead ;> and ~Iontreal pool Sept. 26, due SI Ion'" PM. , 1 3 }~ \mrht 20M 7 7 7 't '1 Wr Uarl' tlOO 78 ';8 iR' :.n~Jo:s I In.: Illt .,ZOO 41'.1 4 ~ 41'J -1 Dos Edison 400 042 l 42 " 4~J~ + I, 1 I\as '. higher. Ocl. 3. Leaving for Halth ••~ 12.00-BBC ~ews , E~Jt SUU 800 239 23~ "':l!l \cdc jO:J!) 9!l ... \ ~ol 236500 II f\ R .... 2 ~l.II,lltk n lO~O(l 41 40 40 Drun.!lwk 2S200 It''':. 11''111 11 ,,- 1, \ 1 Boslon Oct. 4, due Halifax O:,12,IO-Annoumcrs (' ", Eldrr 2iOO an 7a 78 Yk Bear loa 107 107 1!'1; 81bls 17:1300 24 21 ::!l or 1 ,\ta:o;;wal 1000 7 7 7 - I~ Buey l:rle .!OOO 16 .. 15;. 1:r. -i J,.~ F.ur~'k3' Ij~ 29 1:9!9 Zulepa s~no 20 19 20 + l2 NmnR Cr 13S'tJO 191~ 17 1~1"'J ~J'l ~lchlnnr" 3:'100 l:l lJI 1 13 .,-1 I Budd Co 2700 ll~,.; 13~1 13~ .. + " I l"tlhlles I!ained 05 at 1215 6 and Boslon Oct. 9. J,w:;12,SO-Farm Broadce }'araday lOt) 110 110 110 OIL~ ~frtrttlme 93G~0 4nl .. ~l 1i ,;1. M~r ChiP 10{\O 111'1 1]''.1 11 10: .. I~ BUrl lnd .5900 :mA J71 4 37!~ ! '4 1 1/ r'"r:~t T ItrlOO 11'''.1 lll~ U. ~ 1 \1\ nos: 30:>0:17 3:; :J5 -3 ~lerr1l1 91050 1~:: 110 1:0 ., 10 ~!cldrrtlclhrb Z93W 122 110 )20 .... 10 Durrghs 1;;~I'iO 27 , 26 • 26~, + 11. BeIJ. Te~phone Icd Ihe WW,' Boston Ocl. 11 for Halifax I' 12.45-Don ~Iesser S 1 Gait"ln 20QJ j 7 7.,-1 'Inlints 3~u ~';l 2jS ~Sj .It ~OOOO 36'1 31 36 2.+-4 Calumet 700 13'. 13::" 13~A'" '. ,qaJOm~ 8. Calgary POl' er was ISI. John's, Nfld. Leal'ln% HI l.,OO-Do~lc BUlletIn Circo ltUnu 4~9 S~9 :~'.:9 Am LClluc UOO j 41-;, ~12 ~lIdcpjja lOUO H6 14J '43 -17 Camp Soup lion 100 P!t 99\:-1 1 up I, and Power Corp.' added f 0 t 18 f SI J h \'11' 115 R . d Alb " Gen~:( :;oo!) 9 !J -1 1\11~ UDc\ 3,j.!10 33 31 :1311 .. ~Yl ~Ustanlo 42l:lQ 18ho l[) 28 -11 C~n Dry 3600 26 4 !Ui 26 A'IEntC.l.:'i' CLOSI~G STOCKS I " ax c. or. 0 n l., • - eeol' un Giant ,YK ~16U $121, In. 1111- 'Ii ASBlllt'':ll 17Uf) 1JO :i06 1116 -6 Muhb 500 43 43 43 -1 Cdn Drew 500 9~. :1140 !II .. , ' 3 ny Tb. A'.odated Press due St. John's Oct, 21st SIl\\bl IllJ(l-CBC News an( Goldalt 1000 26 2& ~6 DIU ~Il pr IlJ ~=5 .!~~" :!\~4 )'lnnpre 1000 6 Ii I; -!';I CPR 3300 3n. 3nl 3l ... + 1..4 I' e,l' :\11nln, 156D 17 17 17 nanll !!iOtl )J:j 131 131 -4 ~u Plen~ 29700 91 8l 9l +l CloSe JI -tOOO !]:\J ~\'4 9!. + ~~ American Stork E"h,,".-Oet. 1 . f L 1 d 115 T I" 1 ,-Odd lot, xd-Ex.dlvidelJd. ",-Ex In mmcs. :\!istango and North or Iverpoo same ay. ... - oml11Y .Iln.e .. Go1dra) lOOQ 22''J ~2 22 -1 DDta J:)(] ~ " 4 Niltl\.c:\1 ~o~O 11 10 11 Caler Tr 10100 44 , 4!T. 4::!'-I- " • H 1 x,,-Ex.warmn', Not chang. Is American rare met a I s fmlh "Beechmore" leaving Lirt 2.15-Muslcal Rende Grandro1 10M 1312 l~ ]3 -1 Cal Ed 110 $lIh }GIl Hh. l~ I ~c\lirlch 600U 201r'J 191t1 20 z ... t~ Ctlancsr. IJJOO 50 '4 49~, 50 + "'~ rJ~hls, Granduc ZOO) 440 410 440 Cahert leOti 17 l~ ,,17 +1 )lOSTR1:AL CI,O~lSG STOCKS 11'\\ nure ~6!O 3" 30 :\7 T7 ChC5 Ohio 2100 6:;~" 63~11 631~ + I" from prevlou. d.~·, close >:,t 'adde! sel'en cents and Bumt poo lOtc, 1ot, h d ue 5t JOIII . 22• 9-Dom, Obs. Tm Gunllar ~U 3~5 830 830 +~ Pete :lJ30 40() 39.) 95 111 The Callodlnn r'reu Sorth Expl :1£0 ... 0 267 234 260 -5 Chr)sler 147700 n5~" SJ~;I +11 rs snll ... Slock Sal .. Plgh L." CI ... Cb·,. one cent Norlhern Oct. 17th. Leaving for Rend lInJinor 401) U5 :20 2Z~ +~ C O!'lhi 2~:j In ,.tiS 4ju '!\tontreal Stork I::uhan!:e-Ort. 1 ~pcm Expl 50fK1 l"i !~ 14 Cltt~s Sv :1700 fiM. 66 fiM, + 1r1 ~hll ~ained Halh 2.30-~luslcal '.' BeU Phone Ion 501, SO', 101, - '. n, • , d B :I 2 liard lIoek MI~ 13 Il 13 C D,lhl w "cU les 101 101 Compl,tc tabulation of Tue,day h.n,. Cpcml,k. IOu Bon eOJ 800 CIOIlte 2,00 38 31'. 37'.- I, 1 ~' 1 Bm,l 2&00 2'h 2'. 2'~ Explorahon dropped five cents, an oston Oet. 18, due Hlluu .45-BBC Jazz Cit . H"r ~ln !!10fl 9 7 9 +-!. C E'( Gu r.OO !IJ~ 103 \09 +) act\llnll! QurttatiLJI1S In cent.. unlt"SIIOrchal' 13nO 32l ~25 32~ Coca Cota 291Yl 104'41('1~S~ 104 , +2h I s Bunk TIill 2100 20;, 19', 2~" ~ " I OCt. 20 and Boston Oct ~ 3.15-Duncan's Dial H of Lake. jjOG HI., 14 14 _ I ~ CCl'lt Dcl :llCO n~ 7\15 765 nHl1ked $, r.-Of1d loi, xd-t:x-dl ... ldt'nd, I PhLJcnix Ca. 1';1l in 'jd 10 cns :;400 j6 .. 753.. 7,jsij 1 C JaIClin 600n II 11'. II', ~ " L . 25 • S.3O-C • l{cld~'lv .:10J 19 19 19 I- J~ ! C tllZl~on 13JOO l.h 1112 lH,"'t ~21 xr-l.:':x,rlRhts, XW _ ox \\arrants. ~tl Que COb:lt ~~o :J3 23;) :J5 +S Com Soh·' :l30{) 2j3~ 271/1 27 ... Con ~l S Joa 27 27 27 ~ v,l B t eavlDg Boston Oct. for ol.~ BC NeIl'S lIlah,BeD 2000 l70 m m -Il D.. ·l'al lOOO ~O 6J LO chanGc I, from pmloUJ boa"f.Iol cIO"j Que Sm.1I 130 0 I~ W, Il ,)I. Con Edl, 000 86', 86'. 86',-", I 1 Crrol. 3:00 41\> 40~ 40\\ -I ers John, N.B. Halifax and S~ 3.S3-Trans,Callada Hollln£tr 1810 $273, 21\:l .. +~. Domc Pde ]20\) 5131. I'll" 1t'~ ill.!: litle. nub~ 100 w 500 22 21 22 -21~ Conlain~r :iSOO 33h :\3', 3llil- 1 I owa :;,'1 7 Hu,Pam 2r.Cf)!'I" 9 J)lt\an :)03 pl:: 91~ !P~ I ~rt sn Calum tt~U 29j 2!K1 29j +]j COli Can :'14,00 45 ,. 451~ ~5'~ +- 14 Cro"n CP .00 11\. 11', Ill, J h ' fld A . • 30 CBC 1 Dev Pal 500',;, I, LONDON ICP1-Bowatcr p~, 0 n s, N . t Samt JJtI't. - HeglOnal r, l(,drl ':1 leO 2\1. 21'2 .!11~ l'pr;:tl ~OOO :!ti~ ~\IJ :!lil _~ Stock S.11r!i nllhLoWCI0!.I'C:h'~r.lsaurlln Df'V G500 :l1J :\S :Ii _1"1 Con 011 3!tOO 64's 63.1, 6Jl4- .. , Ilomc Pot 1100 ]2'. 12', 12'. -', peT Corp. Ltd. closed at 41s 9d N.B. Oct. 26. Leaving Hal.f;14.3:l-Canadlan Rou Jrllh COf\' ~OUO:!1 :!.!I'l ~:Hz _ 1) I l'r P!'lc Pr 30u 300 30U ~OO I,\bltibl 26:; '16'. -Ili3, ~6'. "~!I Siher ncg :'100 3)1z:11 n -3 capw ~tI 100 401~ 40\1'1 ~a~iI + l\l . l 4 Ford enn RO 172\,171',1721, - " h L d • , . d d A4 " Iron Ba, 1100 90 !lO !'I) ttl nr J'I,l1n~ 3\1 Sill ~ I~I. 1,1, .\15::omR M[) Sl7 j5~4 \7 +:0;4 SIl\cr Sum l?OU 50 ~O!iO Corn Prod :1700 5i _ SGI4 56- .. ..,.. 3 Goldfteld 3100 2 Ii. 2 on t e on on SIock Exchange Nov. I for St. John s, NIl , tt ... Q.-MUSlC In ,[h( ho M3 \) lUI nfi 142 _~ Ilomr- \ ~3l11 $13'1I!:l II ! Alumlnl 3ti!! S2S:\" 2B 2al .... 3. Sll\rr Town l~OO ::!I 19 21 ... 1 Crane Co 1300 ~~I~ 53~. 53~,- ~ Imp Orl 40 W. 39\, -', Tuesday there Nov Sailing for Ll\!15,OO-Encores 11 WIU. UOO,) 15 It U .,.1 Iltomc K \M Sll:O;. 1:1 13'. - • 41. pcpr 4H $39'. :til :l9h + Sobry .. 00 4 Ill. t.:r ZeU JlOO 52.5& 52 + \, '.'00 4. ~ "IAlm ~ '/1 I S14~ H~. ~i1q4 7 1mp Tob C 7110 12 3 A 12"'~ 12~" _ I~ • 11leobu~ ~j(l(l ~R lill IR III n (hi G 'lpO Sll!, lj 4 IJ-' Alum 2pr fifl() S17 46'. 47 + I, ~ nufaul~ 280(.0 17 Hi 15~:3- ~1 <":UtU·! Wr 41GO 20 191~ 19 , + I~ Ins 101 Am HOO 95', 9~', 95', _ ", pool same day. 5.30-FIShcflCS Bro .Ta\le- F..xpl .'tlM 10'3 In In -1 1 Lil.nda 1.00 4111 400 41n -10 All;! Ctln p 2:'1 S:\.! il ~11 Sparlan I~(J ~n :l~ 4n Dr-fire ~1n0 6Z~~ fil~1!. 621~ r'1l .ltllll,;ot 10J3 Ii ti ti !\lcdal lij~1S 415 4~() ItO -5 I.'\I~ !jQpr 2i!. S.i2~, !.'l:I. :'~I. ~tntl5 E: 881. 081, -3\', Tot.1 .. I... Indu,trlll, 136':)00, Min •• Oen Fd. !200 8T1> 86 86\\ T '. wt 5: ! :: I cents, Oct. 15, record fax for St. John's, N!1d BUII'ett 1 1 ~~C~'::'tlr ~;:: ~;~~ ~~l. Oct:~. (k'7~4>-DOYle ' 1.& LUI 450 490 410 490 20 (}uonto 6067.!O 18' 1 Ph 6\.p $100 108 and Oils 63::!.600 Gtn 1iGO 40 " 40 , :I. ,.. + ~ 19~:z + Be so 10~ ~hll:'l 39~~ + S II', , . Latin Am MCOO::9 2.5I~J 27 1\.mccr ~rll ! 12 13~ 132 Drue1{ n 700 Sa~2 8 81-1 1. GMC 33400 77 IM 7S~~ 7i -+ p" utah Id 11400 16t, )61, +1 Turnbull Tlevator Ltd com, 15th. B.IS-Busincss Ban + 1 Ltneour1 SSCO 7 ti't:3 7 +1 SiHt:te l~OO 120 11S 115 -5 Cnl pow ::!!iO S:W., 2138 2B!1 + h Gen TIrl 138CO 2411 2"14 24. , .... :16 IVr TIIf, 200 1116 11,16 1'·16 mon 15 ccnls, pfd. 27lh' cents, I "Bedford" sailing from Hili 8.20-Mllsic and \\" Liberian 200 $14 14 1l South U 12(\00 11', 11 II -I Can Lem M $311,. 37'\ 37h + ¥. Oa Pac Cp 3600 5m sm 53 + '. Totol 101 .. , 1 S20,OOO Dcc. 2, record Nov. 1. fax for SI. John's, Nfld. MarlOcl's LL Lac 1100 IlJ 150 150 -II Spooner 7500 12 11\1 111. Can Centpr SO $!7~ 27\\ 27V. Glldden 100 43'. 4);. 43'. + 'Hi oct; Lorldo ~~O 145 III III _I Teck Corp 2n9B 46l 450 460 C D Su~ ~10 !2Glo 2G% 26'. + 'Ii Goodrich S200 511. 5m 5l". T I 23rd. 8.30-Intro to Wei LoUI'Ie! 2100 a 8 8.,. II Trans Cnn 7100 lOG 100 100 -5 CI Fndry ISO S2l', 2m 2W, Goodyear 7~00 4MO 3N 4011, +1'. "Bedford" sailing from Hal' Night Lyndb.1 ~O S B A + \, Triad Oli :~OO ll8 1~5 m -l Can Mall 200 sm. 22'. 22'\ _ \1 Grand Un 5200 19"1 19;1 1m + '. Answor to Previoul Puule 1 Lyndhl\ Ir~ 8 8 8 Unlotl Oil 2m SIP, 111, 121. + Ii CSL 3800 $17'. M 171-1 +l Gl A P ~800 44', 41v. 4\', + ~ fax for St. John's, Nfld. ;10 US-Music from t L)nK 2000 6 6 6 Unl.pher mo 34 33 3J -1 Cdn Brew 2105 SIO\, 10 10Yit + '. ~IUTtIAL FUNDS Gl !\Or ny 2600 541" 53% '31> - " Water Works Macusa M2S 3.1() 3('1{) 31)0 -5 U Can!!o \t ~9~J 174 S170 173 +4 C nr~w pr 60 S~01h 5(}1~ 5014 _ ¥. 11)' Tbe CaDI dian 11 rrSi Gulf Oll 2~500 49 4F, 43'3" +l1J" hI. lO.:JO-CBC Nation: Mledon 1000 18 16 16 Wc,",c G300 \lI'I 11 111> -" C Brew B p 12; S52'~ 52', 52r~ Bid Ask Homslk 2BOO 48% 48 481i - 'i ACROSS 41 Age Roundup anI ~1a'L ..d • tOO 82 82 62 Un OUI 6jEO 143 138 III +1 C Chom 10? SIOli 101. 10'. _ '. Amerle,n Growth 89l 9 n Hud D~! 600 52 51'. 52 , Personally , . Mad •• n mo 232 231 231 -t II 121~ 900 BOO 800 -65 C Imp nk C 183 S63 621. 63 +~. Dcaubran :13.76 36.66 Inlerllk. 600 25 24'. 24', - " 1 Body of water 42 Sepal (ah) MallrUe .100 72 12 72 W,burne 1503 87 Bl 87 + I Cl Pow 3l~ 1151> 15',,, IS'" Canada Growlh 125 5.74 Int nuo 0500 455\1 449'h 4~9', -2', 5 Jason's water 44 Bravery Market ll,OO-BBC Spoken ., ~Ianoka 115 500 13 II '5 W Dcelll& 1400 12B 127 128 -I Cl Pow pr 65 116), 46', 46l. _ \\ Cdn GR. and Enorey 733 B03 Inl I1nr. 14700 S6li 5m 56'/;\ + ' • .~ vehicle 46 More sullen By THE CANADIAN PREg /ll.3O-Time to Rer '. ' ~Iarboy IlnO m\ 13 U _... B"'NK~ C Marconi :00 400 400 400 Conadlnn Inlt.lment 1065 1'.68 Int Nick 3400 64 62\.1 62'. - % 0- Sea 49 Muse of poetry " ,II, Mareon HOOO 9 8'i 9 +1 Mont lllO $Gl\\ W, it +" cpn 5210 sm. 33\, 33\\ + V, Cdtl Trusleed 4.71 515 Inl Pap 14900 31'~ 31'" 3511 + % 'foronl~: Marke~ higher; t~r12.00-Weather, Nr l Mlrtlm, 91630 481, 47 fll' )IS 61Z lIP, 711. 711>- I, Cdn Pel pr 1116 1110/, 11', 4303 1518 In. Tel 8100 51 491'0 51 +11, 12 Soviet \\'3ter 53 Cloth measure ' ~I lll'.t-~. 54 erately h~ht trading. /,' . _ Sports . Martin 550<1 ~ 62 63 C 1m Bk C m5 $63 62', 621. T '. Car \I Ire 100 sm m 7'h Ch.mplon Mutual 6 01 6.60 John. M 2800 48% 471. 48 course Squeezing! , . 1S 56 Epoch New York: Market!t. 12.09-Mid· ~h 'I Malt~ml 2395 911 913 930 ~I$ 1I0yal 710 173\1 73'~ 131. + I, Cent De! 500 770 763 710 -10 Collective Mut. 4 BB ,30 Kellogg 2700 ~B JH. 37'4 Gaseous ~lclnlYrt B79 118\1 48 41 ,\~ Tor Dom 819 $62 Gl', 6H. + II Chr~.rer 1000 $9m 911. 9110 +10lt Commonw.allh Inler. i 17 10 ~S Konne«>l 4000 7m 71 711. + '. element 57 lIalion dly briSk recovery, 12.~Mu ~Ib t ~I McKe. :.00 31 30 31 +1 INDVSTnIAL~ Con ~l S 565 $28\, 2B', 281, Common, Inler. Lov. 770 ,II Korvelle 6100 33!\ 331. 331a + " H N.gerian town SB Oriental coins ~Ic:\llr ~.OO' 8 8 Alumlnl 8209 S~b;' 28 28\, + 'II Cun Text 2700 liD 10 10 Corporato Inv •• lors 1012 11,)0 KresKe 11900 27la 2611 21', +1" Montreal: Mar k e t hit.~ UO-M ~!c Progr 150lf,booters 59 Naval air strong trading. _ U.IC Progr ~lcWlt 1000 2l 23 23 Tl C Brew 4910 SIOI, 10 101,' Coronation 10l sm 6', 6;1 DlveraUlod Ine. "A" 23 I~ Lib M,N L 1700 1m 15% 1m - '. 17 W.tery lowland sl.tion (ab) Mentor 1000 22 n 22 225 S13'. m, 13', + I~ Cr Zell A ~on S261'.t 261> 2G', lllvcrsUlcd Inc. "B" 468 514 LllIon 36100 79\'> 78 7m +1 18Pul! up 60 Legal term 8 Begmnlng 31 W.fe of ~Ienlll 91U50 122 un 110 +10 Gen Bako 100 SllV, 15\, 1lI\ Denison III $11\1 11'. 111, +" Dividend Shoe. 350 181 Loew'l \400 11\. 17% 181, + ~I 19 Th.cknelill 61 AfrIcan stream 9 Allusion 1jnd.rcus lldl Uran 1500 8"'. 8 _ I, Inl.nd 750 $6 6 6 _ II DI.t Se.r 781 113 53 53 _ I, Dominion DOl. '13 336 Mad S Gar 1100 2Ii 2 2'. gauges DOWN 10 German water 31 Medtrated course ~; Mod.fles ICanadian Dollal\\, CJ 0 21 Water bIrd 1 Used by I How haunl. ~o Herons NEW YORK (CP)-Cana~'\ 'WEDNESDAY, 0 231fc travels on fIShermen on 16 Narrow tape ~3 WhIStled ~ater w.ler ~O AnCIent 4~ Kmd of fund dollar down H4 al 92~' in \!rtl~I_-::.i-_____ 2~ Moccasi1l 2 A.iatic Inland language 46 Intend of U S. funds. Week ago 92 ~ , AM. 27 Unu,u.l lV.ler 22 N.stftls 47 ~'em,",ne 29 River duck 3 Somt water ~Hather IFr.) .ppetla\ion Pound sterling down 1 ~ ~ 8.55-News 32 Eluder tourse 2, Asservate 4B(; ..hc $2.79. '. 8.30 to 9,00_The 3HIokc evIdent 41'Iower ~G ~;egligee 50 Range 36 Foreign 5 Blackblld jOckets 51 State lab.) : ' Show, New 37 Incised r, (Mf oyster 26 Lamprey 52 L.msan and Weathl 38 D.scord goddeu 7 Plcrce wilb fisherman mountaim U.S. Dollar 390rade Irorns 30 ~lapte genus 55 Observe MONTREAL (CP) _ Thr t' C .. :<11'- "'__ For j r::-~ __...,.p.;.;w Tunes FOR JUST 50 DOWN dollar in terms of $2 fundsPound \las sterling up 1,32 was at Sl~~:h;~~;~\~i:tff~t~e~,n~~H::I;t!u In Ii at $3.01'1.

YOU CAN BUY A DESTROY TOWEll BOSTON (APl-Two i"~:~:;:~~~::i~:~~~ do us blasts of explosive '~ at demolished Texas Tower constructed at a cost of 373,350 i the mid,1950s to -.",'~""" CAlIDA SAVINGS BOND as an air force radar in the Atlantic. A spo'kes!n" DOWN PAYMENT OF 5" • for the army corps or .$2.50 FOR A S50 BOND, S5 FOR A SlDD BOND, lie. neers, which contracted BAlANCE IN EASY INSTAlMENTS OVER AYEAR demolition of the now obsol!!1 tower 137 miles S outheast .~ Chatham, Mass., on Cape Cu. said the narefully planned Baker' ation "went off perfectly." '-N: I!W. Higl

WIND KILLS THREE DILLON, S.C. does skipped through Carolina and South r.arolr;Jll Sunday killing two women an eight,year old child. storm did extensive dama~t' DilJion County. C.C., S~· XE\\'SpAl'EIL ENT£I1PRISE ASSN, Lake, N ('., Fert 'Brillf, ~ . -.....-. -_ ... ~. .. - _.... - ,.. and Pamlico County, N.C, -'--'"- I j , i THE DAILY :-;EWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 2, 1963-13 I I hi PRISCILLA'S POP By AL VEHMEEH SWEETIE PIE B" NADINE SELTZER ins IP ,1'- _._. __.--".-' -. ;lDnts i ;:~E TERRA 1 .H\"ICES i ;':. Irft SJS1l7SL I rille st. I Iral'ing Canada's .Finest 1 )i1~ St. Joll ,j inll~ , " Cl'o;.bie I Cabinet Oil ;1,1 .\ Due Heater '...... -~- .. -.---...... ~.---.. -~.-...... ------.- ~- ;. ~cJI'ing ,'. ~t. ,John's ,j j' $ .95 i' THE GREAT EASTERN OIL co., LTD. \r.\TEH snmET ST, JOHN'S -'::.-

, :; Iral'inJ: ~Ionl'!.i._------"""':;;---­ "This must be called a 'hard driI1k'! It's mostly ice I" , i" ~I John's :iov, ,------~.~.~,--,--~------~--~.-.-----' I • CAPTAIN EASY h co, LTD, By LESLIE TURNER I Ull111g TtlI:; RO"EBUD; 5H!1 SML. 26 HOURS AGO! CR:UIS' ::;::;; l'Jii:C-s;; Ht'.~D 1)) oF~r AT :~: John's, Xfld FROM I':05/IRIO '1E5TERDAY IlJ& Ar TEN KU,)TS, SIIE!; 'liGHT, CA'7Ai,j ",'."'l'! CW" WI: I,h'. ' ,. ABOUT FIVE P.M'I 5EJoJOI!.\ t;OUI? ASc:~r 297 MILE&-, WAJf T!L~ C'!l'i~tc:::H ,'" ing Char]olle. I'/E 5HO~LD OVERT~.K;; i Ill\". Oct. 4,1!11'. llIle on HER Ito} TWO 1l0Ul<5,!olO MILSS UP THE COAST! : Thl:rsc!a.l', I)", I .Iohn·,. :ill! i ~. lea\'ing Sl I HO~'TII SAVEll \' ')l1ciay. Ort. 7. :L..------I TRAl'\SFEll bring Charloll~ 6.03-Nutional New. 1l.31-The Night Show, ny l.05-Sign Off. . II' .ia~· 0 cl. 11, eBC 6.lO-Sports . 6.2a-News I B)' OSWALD .rACOBY ( Tl\\l r5d, ay, ".'.lO-DI' ck. Earl Club 93 • ton1 h s TP~I:~Il.\ y, OrtohPl' 2nll. u ------,·, ., . 7,OU-News Highlights 1~, leaving St· I b 0 I."nday, Oct. H. 7.o1-Dick Earl C u 3 CJON·TV NORT!I ZG .987542 "lIng \"c\\; B,OO-Jamboree WEIlNESDA Y, October 2nli. ! 8.30":"'National News .., 53 :turday, Oct. 1~.:.·'V,)-.IIII'I·cai noc k .752 ,f :-;.S. Friday, YO\\\' Blc"i~s B.:l1-Jamborce ~82 .. ! .John's, D,CO-News Highlights 3,25-pastor's Study WEST EAST BEN CASEY I ~I, leaving 9.0l-Nfld, Soiree 3,30-Cartoon Carnival • AB 1,1103 llol.lday, Oct. 21, SI,ort' SCOl'l'l)"

i ;1 I .,• 11 !I ,r.. tt 1

., A Kit HEAP & PARTNERS Complete servicing - I.arge Acetylene and Contractors Supplies (NFLD.) Ltd. T.V. Service Attention Murphy's Electric Welding sto~ks of accessories always ---. __ ... _----- 8o, j Wiring Materials, Wire aDd available. Contractors Texaco Service ., I ~FRY'S ENGINEERING UNITED NAIL Cables, Motors, Starten, Open daily from 8 a.m. T. V. Scrviee " ,I Lamps, Switches. I,jgbtlng For your Building Re. HAMILTON STREET LTD. & FOUNDRY to midnight. SERVICE ·0 Gas. Oil . Newsp l Fixtures. ~Ir Phone 8·6865 quirements, Paint and' Sprlu~dale st. Dial 8·203~ CO., LTD, WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S I HAMILTON AVE. HARVEY'S TV Day or night. • Grcasing • "'ashil SE I DIAL 8·5088 Building Hardware see • Minor Repairs . I B 'Id' 11.{ t • I "'Vuco" IRVING SERVICE WEST END Ul mg n a ena s Steel Scaffolding (ornamental (Jim Ilarvey. Prop.) us. 4t Accessories. TELEVISION LTD. DIAL 8·2762. IIron Railings, Chain Link FeDc, R T k d Lelllarchant Road 705 WATER ST. WEST HUSSEY'S PAINT B I 'CHESTER DA WE LTD. lng, Re.lnforc1ng Steel, etc. . sepiO.ln James . uc er lt, DIAL 8·6056 AND HARDWARE For all )'our lIulldln& I . 177 NEW GOWER STREET I Requirements. 27 Sprmgdale St. TruckinO' M CENTRAL 7 25 1 . ·\LL SALES Rentals ---- TOPSAIL an. - SHAW ST. EQUIPMENT AND INVESTIGATION 11 30 Electrical Fixtures HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS FRED SHEPPARD'S 10 23 8·0161 9·1171 CONTRACTING LTD. SERVICE Hardware-Sporting Goods. TRUCKING 9 24 Bal'her Shop Gcneral Contractors, Engineers, and Supplies Bonaventure Ave" St. John' Handling all pha", 13 27 ______[ Equipment R.;ntall. HARRIS & HISCOCK I" . Locnl al'd lon~ distan~e. of investigating. 2 17 I TOPSAIL ROAI>. 'Iaximum protection II I Well Drilling I lTD. Vans. Stake, Dump, Plck.up anI 3 19 CENTRAL BARBER SHOP I PHONES: 9·:l000, 9·2009. 169 Water St. Phone 8·7352 Crane TrUCKS for bire. minimum cost. 111111111 _'___ ::-- ____ Phone 85171 Dial 8·2109. Res. 8·6021 5 21 i Dial 9-43524 15 CBS M CBS i Dry Cleaners iy3,tf Pianos and Organs Car Radios Tires I or 9·43522. 2! Glass A. L. COLLIS & SON ______1 P.O. Box 5672-~.: , . !' COMET LTD. I CAR RAD'IO SALES y OP£RATI~G 12 (HAilS PALMER'S SERVJCE ,oct2,dl ,l;T RepresenUnr; the world's fine~t' We can inGtalI a new radio INDUSTRIAL TIRE ~ CLEANERS A. G. BARNES LTD. Pianos and Organs. ! in IIny car from $55.00 up STATION : ---- ..... ---:-I 10 fJt' !Sf' ~ SERVICE Topsail Rd.-Dial 9·5099 . .. : For the Fastest most Plate, Safety, Sheet Glass, ST. JOliN'S Hr.. GRACE I > • ~I :->1:", (llllu:n ~T. CoM weather means For comfort and . COI"t'(lsUe .\dtlalde Moten' !llirror and Pledg1ass. Dial 9·2161 Dial 5075 r efficient Dry.Clean· 4r, 81ackmarsb Rd. Dial 9·3690 _____.!.I _____ Jack's "TUNE·UP TI~IE" relaxation dine ~: I~I Sec llS for Expert Ser\'ici~~ of ',. ing and Shirt Service. BAllBOO GARDE~! ... Bakery PROPANE GAS your car or truck. Radio Shop EITHER CIIINESE 20 CON~ -- Ph: 98017 • 98020 Insurance CANADIAS FOOD. '., ... 71 Long's Hill EXPERT SHOE REPAIR . , RETREADING We cater to weddin~ ,I' PHONE 8·7448 We Repair Shoes all ~Iakes and '1 OUR OWN Drug Stores JOB BROTHERS PROP1~E'AS. Parties, Banquets. . , VULCANIZING Size,. Reasonable Rat~s. , . & COMPANY, Ltd, B,mBOO GARDE~S, To claim Bin! Pick.up and DeliVery ServIce SKATE SHARPENIXG HARVEY RO,ID. BREAD M. CONNORS Ltd, Water Street on . PROPANE Radios Kenmount Road. Dial 93331 WILLIAMS Dial 85815. Best by ~IT aste Test" Presc:rlptions Piclmp ud DIAL 8·2658 - 84123 dellven' semee. .APP;LIANqES •. SHOE SERVICE Open until 1 a.m. >, ; Baked by PHONE 8·2208 GREAT EASTERN OIL Well Drilling 44 FLOWIm IIILL 7 days a v.. erk. i ' J Help Ki' , CI:IEIVERSJ,>RQPANE EAST E~D BAKERY, ' ______J. J. LACEY COMPANY, Ltd. -----~---I jne20,lyr I ~ I . ····<"~TD,· ..... REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV 1______, .. ~TD. Elect, Services INSURANCE ttd, ! -'~ AND ALL ELECTRICAL . g.:47M.. "',',~Ph6ile' .. ,. FO UN D i' .'. '. • Dependable Fire InsurauCf t APPLIA.NCES Prompt Claim Settlements. DIAL 8·3001 &0 11·3005 ".'" City Electrical WI ( Beauticians DIAL 8·7035 Service Station . · ': I Co., Ltd. 4 HOLDS~ I:, . - I BLACKMARSH ESSO J. , .,. GLADY'S BEAUTY SHOI'PE (Electrical Contractors) CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. ADVERTISE CLOTHI I Ii cor. Bond and Prescott Sts, SERVICE · , Electric Repairs, to · Pnone 1l-495H!·7898. Specl' Agents for Cor. B1ackmarsh Rd. and IF CHAFE , "I' Ranges, etc. 1 AT m_h_ -- - . ,'. ~. alizing III cold waving. hair UNDERWRITERS AT Albany Street. Phone 9·4880. IN .' !. styling, cutting and tinting, PHONE 8·3767 LLOYDS. Tires, Tubcs, ,\ccessories, I' .vetttJ7U7 j . ! manicuring, facials etc., 14 LOW RATES Lubrication. Washing. See Pete S. W. SHORT ! 86 Casey Street THE NEWS 'MERIT '\.r. operators, no IV.1It1ng, DIAL 8·5031 for a job compleot. ,\DELAIDE ST. I~" : PARt , " "~ - i '~, INSURANCE I, ; WANTED ANDERSON AVE i .. " Plans to Export You Can Learn Touch Typing SPACE in 1 hoUl's! Guaranteed. SPECIALS SCRAP COPPER 12c. lb. DIAL 9·001 ., j, j " ',' , Speak Practical Spanish in 10 hours . ~~,O!~~~~\'~TREET SCRAP BRASS .. 10c. lb. - For J. I , • Suspension Bridge Compact dwelling. contains.· RADIATORS. :"'LU~I!:-:U~[' Tenders For Pl'ompt Delivery On B\' appointment 8 a.m. to 8 p.1I1. dail\' TUE ; (/ 1i\:\COL'VE:a ICPI - ,.\ 5U;'1 suspcndcrs, hilt only onc·thu·d I L.R.D.R. K. 5 bedrooms and Illghest pmcs paid. / . , ,.-. · . pcnsion bridge may secm an' the amount rcquired in B steel I • STOVE OIL includinp; Saturdays and Sundays. bathroom, hardwood [Joors. TERRA NOVA SCRAP Sub-Trades I. '.' unlikely object lor expor!. I span. . : CALL .'FURNACE OIL radiation beal. Monthly pay· Tenders are in"ite',', h)·tiro·electric project. I mous weight of concrete tbgt. gratitude to the relatives and: , - . ~ ELECTRONICS I 51.5010 nOWN Electric Ra!16es. ! Toronto. and n,I:.'·',! New ' .." Because the bl'ioge is built of would ha\'e to be supported hy friends who so kindly express· I ~lontreal Cor. Freshwater Road and 112fl PENNYWELL ROAD Floor Polishers. · Tenders shall be in ml€d'l,\ ,. eon crete it can be iabricaled steel cablcs. ed theil' sentimcnts on the Gramophones CIt Long F Elizabeth Avenue I Modern four bedroom two . v~lopes clearly morked ;"0 'il " " ) '-, on the banks 01 any ril'er wh~rc The two.lane, GSHoat span i death of Ill)' dcar sister. :llary. i , , 'w .~. Puhlic Address Systems ., . there is plenty' of ,and ann go;ng liP at Hudson Hope II'j~II ....._..;:;: __ ..s.. ____ i I would like to thank par'l DAY or storey, driveway. Hol and I Tape Recorders ceil'ed at the office< ~r ~"l large livil • 1"<;" 93279 NIGHT I cold watcr. $8,000. I foundland Engineerin~ I.: en; ... 1 .< gravel. be 5uppol'ted b~' two 105.foot: IiDDr KIlOWATT. ! ticularly myoId friends andl ! . .'. ,~ .~,~: Thu~ it riillcl'~ Irom ste~I' concrele towcrs and 40 ('xpos~d, ..'classma Irs Monsi~nor ~Iurphy jlyl0,lmth : ~!XlO.OO nOWN I REPAIRS AND SERVICE Co, Ltd. in cvpbo, . .' I 5 LINES 1\'hich has to be mamlfactlll'l'd ;!all'aniw\ cables 2'.: i and Summers-also '----...... 175 GOWER STREET I oct2.3.4.5 :1 ::~>;'::;. ~ach Better LIVing lI!onsi~nor ~===-, DIAL ~·3UOl to So3005 closets, bl ~nd hauled In the constrllction inches in rlinn1cler. I I th(' \';Iriou, mcmbers of the Nine room dwellin::. dl'il'rll'~~' ',i ' '.~' ..~\ i ~itp. which nH')' pp in a r~111,,1~ The span will be huill oul. of. Costs Less ~ clergy. the Christian Ilrolhcrs, Hot and cold water. Rear , WATER STREET oleum fIe ~rea awa~' 11'001 ~ood road, and· ~~ precast conel'ell' sections,· h ! and the Si,ters of the l'al'iOl\51 i ):ardell. VACA;.lT. Jan28,ly M·3 i sian well r; Ieach wei;:hing n:; tons. I W en you go religiou;; ordm. . 2 nlO~CHY STREET · _. . NEWFOUNUfA .:. TIlcre \I'm stili he ~tecl in I.he Thc span will weigh ,1,230 I • I The warm fr.elin~s of the : . ' ~ ~ , Three apartment bungalow , eonel'etc brid;!e in the form of ,. tOilS, abOllt 111'0 • thirels more All ElectriC . x P . h . , . For furth y.. mcmbers of Sl. PlUX. ariS all self contained. )Ionthly I SERVICES reinlorcin!: hal'S. cables and! than a comparable steel bl'idg~. _ ._. so nicely expressed through its I For Your ..:.:...... income $180,00. LOW DOWN Holiday Enjoyment - Pastor Rev. Fr. Lynch, S.J., PAYMENT. I, , STAY AT CONNECTION B.\ Y I LIGNif.'Ht.;~ • 'P?VrI. are most· appreciated. ! INSURANCE \ Sl,8(M DOWN PLACENTIA ItH Tre Due to the fact that I reside , t , M • , I 46 FRANKLYN AVENUE Train "The Caribou" ;I~r:t~ __--­ I Ie'" " V ,.v. I 10. NCWOI' Y k J t'lme'IS 'AT TES am my I IIlodern three bedroom two ·St. John's 12:01 p.m. I~( I C.bcap Reliable Elrctrlclty vcry limited would each of you ! 'J storey. Hot and cold \·.'~te~ BIRCH HILLS 2nd will make conn1C'~ .. 1 ID ud Around St. John's who ~o tangibly expressed your I A,E.HICkMA~ BARGAIN PRICE. P[aeentia Junction arid)!,~ . . I '~=::==~======::::::::: I~ympathy through mass cards, ll ;---____.;..._..,. flowcrs and telegrams kindly LTD •. Sl.000 DOWN MOTEL with :lLV. Pelite Forte : COMPA~Y; Run. Plal'entia Bay. . .. 1 forgive illY not u~ing the im1i· 93 IJAlIfIl,TON AVENUE Compact fi\'e room dwelling , BAY ROBERTS CON NECTION mtl:E~ vidual approach ami plcase 3C' DIAL ·8~4131. SEItVIl'E ! cept this gencral thank·you in good condition. $6.000 OR 22 MotIfrn Units Train "The Carillu"" method as being a very sin· . I MAKR US AN OFFER ALSO p.lll. I " . ·1 • Dining Hoolll SI. John's 12:0t cere one and coming to you VA(~ANT. , .2nd 'will make con . with a most heartfelt fceling • Hestumunt '. AUTO an;cl MARINE, SI,OOO IIOWN ., Lewisporte with ,IS. of thanks. 1;" ,l,. - .. "',",, .. _.; ',' _, .. :.... ,', '_.'. • Lounge 85 KING'S ROAD I dale on Green Ba)' ,rr" , 5 Modern dwelling, contain~ WILLIAIII B. HKINNER. I •For Reservations i octl seven rooms and bathroom , VACANT. , Phone 2061 ;. I : 3ug29,1mth Freight for St: TO RENT- I51,OIll) DOWN i OFFICES I\IiscelIaneous For Sale GROVES ROAn I - porte Serl'ice .per )I.\' : )Iorlern bun;:alo\\', i!)'prnc In· ,I ville' or suhshtute Wll! WI and, ' , . , terior. Frechold. 57.500. repted at Dock Coa~t,1 WAREHOUSE SPACE I r,RADE Upl today •. Odober 2nrl. 9 . ~2,500 DOWN ' .~ Central Watcrfront' Location. 1 to 5 p.m. 213 flMIlLTbN AVEr>Ur. Freight is Detached twn apartment 8 MERC 611, 6 HP : acceptr~ .. Apply new IRailway Frei;;ht Sbed home. oil radi~tion. Good ... '. J /rIERC /111 • 9.8 HI' on Green Bay Service '.' condition. BARGAIN . /rIERe 20lt, 20 HI' order to guarantee F.M. O'LEARY ILTD. NEED ANEW S2,400 DOWN /rIERe 350 , 35 HP by . trip of 1I1.V. UnrlPal·' Teli 8·2119 15 RlCmlOND STREET MERe SOO , 50 HP substitute sch~dtlled wed,t! SEE STOVE O~ 'FRIDGE' Modern two "partmcnt hun· bel' 9th, freight must j(alow. al1 sclf contained. MERe 650 , 65 HP Railway Fre:;,\~ Shed Chris A.,drews JII1I' III wrra " Freehold. BARGAIN. MERe 850 , 85 HP, p,m .. October Alh •. leYoClOSf,tIFI'lK8ulD MERe /000 , loa HP For all your A Sl.~OO DOWN 47 WARRURY STREET Funliturc & Appliances WELCOME WAGON Trodo In your rig AlIX :liodern detached three bed· • on" 1903 r.: rl ~ylll r.!I HOSTESS MERCURY and • R: J.Grouchy room two storey. oil furnace \.::::::== new boat. • 8 IlIX xm B I' heat. Dril'eway anrl garage. LTD. Will Knock at your Door o nl)' MER CU RV elves you with Gifts and Greetings Near Churchcs and Schools. whlsper·quiet Jet·Prop exhaust. NIGHT' OR D~Y I::I! 1::11 gllll I $10,000. 'Store ·No. 8·5006·7 r §xxx ~ .i1 from Friendlv Business DOMINION BUILDING Hpme No. 93231 LOAN Civic and Social Groups John C. Hamlyn MATERIALS LTD., .lig~,lmtb On the occasion of: The Birth of a Babv. Chester Dawe Bldg., THE BANI( OF & Son Ltd~ Shaw Strect, Alaska's population of more New cOmer to the Cit" REAL ESTATE AGENTS than 226,000 includes about NOVA SCOTIA 238 lIamllton Avenue P.O. Box 414, St. John's, 40,000 Eskimos .and Indians. PHONE 8-4664, 9·6476 nUL 87351 or 82339 Phone .8"4152, - --._. _....,,.- THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OCTOBER 2, 100::1-1:1

.-- Io'OR SALE-Bungalow In St. r------~------PhIlUp'l, consisting of foilr rooms Apply Hubert Tuck· REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY er, Phone 8~7M~ KINSMEN lep28,81 2 Clerk Typists (Female) COmlCl, Apply by letter to CASH PAID FOR: IUNSIDNE-CLEAR SKIES-HOT, SUNNY DAYS phy's CLUB magazines, and pocket BOYS' novels. John D. Snow, 9 WI Convertible welther. Service New Gower Street. NFLD. LlGHl" &POWER CO. UrDU wanted a Convertible In 1963 sep17,lmth q'REET Newspaper BINGO (but did not buy) Oil . WATER STREU WEST FOR ALL YOUR Exterior and (AU. Mr. R. F. Colford) . If you Intend buying In 1964 SERIES NO. 79 Interior PalnUn" and Con· We hive S New 1963 Acadian Convertible, crete work. Our prices rea· ocl2 In stock nOlf. ll'S. sonable. Phone 8469 •• 0 leplB,lmth YOU can afford to buy them. S.'~i6:!. B I N G WANTED Contact TERRA NOVA MOTORS LTD. 25 37 58 72 LEARN TO DRIVE TRAL 7 11 30 38 60 69 Female driver with 15 IGATION 68 . yeu. driving experlencc, BAR-WAITER 10 23 43 now accepting female ICE y 24 35 55 64 pupils. wlshlnK to learn to Some Bar experience necessary. 27 31 67 drive. 13 Apply in person 2 17 41 61 PHONE 916214 :l 19 33 70 ocU,lmth ect2,4 cost. • 75 J 21 34 KENMOUNT MOl'EL 3524 45 74 oct2 15 66 3522. 29 Hamilton Hotel 5672-Eust 123 .. 125 Hamilton Ave. Wanted- TeA Has Vacancies Caterin~ to Permanent for female and Transients. For reo NEWS CARRIERS 'om fort and Reservation Agents servations Please dial . FOR PEPPERRELl AREA }() (;.\RDE:"IS. in St. John's If 20 CONSOLA PRIZES FOR 8·5636 rlllNESE nON with Grade 1J Matriculation Apply to llU:'i FOOD. LE'i.fER "L" lug13.1mtll 10 weddings, ·Ca,n· good telephone voice The Circulation Manager, I',. n~nq\1cts. ' To claim Bingo phone 8·7269 10 p.m, age 22 to 30 10 GARDE~S, by I:Y ROAD. on the day publilhed. A,ccomm,odate required to work shifts Exclusive Hats good pay and employee benefits. The Daily News Help Kin - Help Klddies 2 working girls in for all Occo.~jons \eplB,tf private home. Telephone 80038 made to order for alppointment by Yvonne RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1964 Wm. L. CHAFE Call 94412 oct2 Applications for the 1964 Rhodes Scholarship. oc12,3 Please Phone are invited. Applicants must forward all necessary TAO"OR papers before the first day of November next to 4 HOLDSWORTH ST. ST. JOHN'S 91635 the undersigned from whom all partiCUlars can b, WANTED obtained. As the papers may be returned for co ... CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN oct2,3,4 reetion, applicants are strongly advised to obtail IF CHAFE MAKES THE CLOTHES. To Rent We Buy And Sell these particulars without delay. Value of scholar· WANTED ships is £900 annually. By reliable couple Used Tires All Sizes Room and breakfast close Candidates are advised to contact the Se .. ~RIT (no children) to Mental Hospital. retary personally before making application. PARK LANES LTD. 2-1 Hom Towing Service Apply to JMIES J. GREENE, Two bedroom. A Specialty Secretary of the Rhode, RANCE apartment in DR. H. F. Giovannetti, Scholarship for Newfoundland. ,nso~ AVE. Bell Island. SP'ACE STILL AVAILABLE good locality. -0011-2-3-4 Kings Bridge Service Station Phone 2951 ADDRESS: For Afternoon· Bowling Reply Box No, 662,· Reid Building. co., LTD. or 2767 261 Duckworth Street, Tuesday To Friday Daily News. DIAL 8·2146 . st. John's, Nfld. ders For oct2,3i ' BELL ISLAND. oct2 oct2 Trades CALL • .,rr ill\'itcrh~rl~llcd for (reight must be . , INVENTORY Itatherln. Basll NlIda 258 Duckworth Street, St. John', Leonard HuttOD I':·e:::-,: Shed SIMPLY DIAL 8.. 0203 TO PLACE ,ORDERS Meehaa Huttoll Harrinlton !ht(l\)er·4th. sep18,W,.,tf .

y the famed- fo ice and comlo Newfoundland ,

} 8-THE DAILY N~WS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, OC'1'OBER 2, 1003 BANCROfT'S BANCO 'May Have Paramount -r- T THE LAC BY NElSON C. NYf New Labor "':L'~::NTP~!:~ ,I OF .'",N:le'''Db_.:~:n;;:~::~;';'·;i: Movement :~:,:::::t:::": ~ 001, FALLFESTlVAL.Q~'~~}:~~~k~ Shirl's slicker stiffly ratt!rd slicker down from the pel By AllTIlUll L. GAIVfSHIIO~ I" blnation of great films will be ' There's excitin~ reading in 810re, w~ek nfter tl,at lake money out of your pocket, andolhcr . • th ha' when I got h ., h '1 A d LONDON (AP) - aro U week for Star Weekly renders. Commg 600n: Igalns. e e Ir wchere 1 au ling I . n now b . 'n" offered fans at the Paramouut 'k rr dId big features you won't want to miss. up, the skirt or i slapi his gOOd. humor Theatre when THE LIVING REED ,lingl~hinglY about my legs wh en awayps~udo like old skin. "YOIl pecl~dheard ~vns~~ser] L:~~~e~o:e~~~elltw~~iI k phant Walk"t~day and "The N,lked"]o~I~·, I ,-:A;:n:n;:L:a:n;:;d:;er::s';:n::e;w~b-;o:o=on=l:e:n:n=o:v:e:,n:n======~~ :rossed the room to haul op~n! me, I rec~on. When I gi!, back h~~~e~rcn~fI I~r~d or seeing this J~tngle." both Paramount ~ccb. Pearl S, Buck ...... $7.50 I A searching look at :he door. . b ,you betlcl hev a answer. country pushed around' Wi!. mcolor releases ,begm their Ie,! JOY IN THE I There nothing to see .• • , son has roelaimed. "\Ve r,un. In addition to the unusual MORNING !hlck whIte~as fog, and. the on.y~t He was right about the fo~, to et B~itain firing againne~d IOn jungle background which bolh , 1 1 1 , C~I~l'J~ 1l01J~Y lound was the gu~ghng cra~h but proved ohservably IInr~h· all ~ix cylinders, instead of idl. films have in common, they Betty SmIth ...... 5.25 IIId boom of the ri~er. , able 'on several othe~ cOllnts. ing on two 01' three." share cream-o£'ulC·crop ~tar TIlE FAVOURITE 1 turned awa~, slamm,~g Short of noon, wIllie 1 W'IS Wilson 47. h n s shaped 11 power. • Ihul the door WIth a sodr\~? deep in the problem of what "shadow' cabinet" which wOll;cl "Elephant Walk" stars the GA~IE I With this issue lhe Star Weekly publishes the first in II. ,hump. 1 dug alit my to do about. him, the sun b~okc form the core of a Labor cd. beDutilul Elizabelh Taylor, who Leonard Cohen , 4.00, great new series on Canada Today-you'll want to read Icrapcd the stubble aU ml IaC~ through, hru:ht as a gold plCce ministration i[ Harold Macmil· recently scored so tremendously ITIlE CRUELEST I and keep aJ[ ten parts. Each week a complete section, 'lid threw together some foo,. fresh from 'Frisco. Some half lan's TOI'ies are beaten. Abollt 1 in "&Iddenly L~st Snmmer," : • with full color photographs, will be devoted to one of Not much sense. gomg ,'~11~ h~ur later, ~penlng tinned stuff 4j party topnotchers in all are I Dana Andrews and Pcter Fine~_ ~[~NTH I Into that~ though 1 did mOlo~~i~ Without haVing come to ~ny being groomed [or other posls IlIIiss Taylor portrays a young 1 Ernest Buckler, .. 6.50 Canada's provinces as Canada's finest writers and pho· wonder 1£ we had an~ usan C firm decision, I w~s felched to in a government thnt needs iO woman who marries a man ,he i THE HOUSE AT tographers ~ake a searching look, kind bUl candid. Starling borses left. Probably find. thC~'l the porch by a Iml . from out· Iministers and deputies, hardly knows (Finch) and th~n 'PI lTCK'S GUTTER with Newfoundland. all dro~ned or hung up In I C Side to stare, drop Jawed, at APPf;ARS MODERATE goes to live with him on illS ~ ~ . ,~ brush-It woul~ be about ,PhI I Ybarra's man Pablo. ' Collectively Lahor's tea m Ceylon tea plantatiun. Once ~[all1tlnt( Coles, , 3.Ga I tol' th_e way thmgs .were go, nil. Out here the ~il'er's racket I presents an imalle of., mi(Ic~!,!. there he becomes an arrogant, THE EXPENDABLE I listened a. whIle to ,the was almost deafemng. lor -the.road respectahillty With impossible person and tile T the ~rowl Of the mer. I was Just From that churning flood of I little of the fiery socialist rad:· young bride turns for comf:lrt ;"IAN sitting down to my tumbling waters I swept diS· cialism of their crusading YfS- to Dana Andrews, the handsome THE MOSl ~ccond cup Dorothy B. I .f coffee when ~h]rll more I believing eyes over mud plas· tel'days. . 'American foreman of (he plan- JluO'hes IN In 4.95 ; smelly than usual hIS damp· tered legs that had no ho~se Indh'idually. the lea~ers ~I'!C tation, The triangle is played '.'~' .,.. i III.. , III, eX' '64 tnEd clothes, came between th.em, and peer~d an impression of. tech~Ical com· out against an unusual and TI~E CO~llNG PONTILAl He peered at me, dIS,gUS,t.IS ' ; : 'I I :' " 1 realized now that if the I·h'· ern DiI'ision, is si~ned by II Brown is Wilson's deputy-" I I Sh , I', • If had moved he could haroly H. O. W, Rood, chairmn,n of as he was Hugh Gaitskell's rCP)-Boh Cler·: " :i'!' • b~.. I ~IO:;TREAL V r 'T'elev:sz·on O'U' I "\" have helped but notice, living the defence subcommIttee, fOI'e his old chief died last ,Jan· . ! OUX of J.lolltl'enl, 25'year • n:d' r 0 1 ~ (jI , ,(; here like he had so many yea;s. Capc Western area. luary. The hasty. emotion:111 Canadian heavy\\'ei~ht cham. I , ~;I':I But he was proving consi'l~r· The letter says: 'truck driver's son. one·time i;ll' I ; pion announced r-Ionday he is i ny DOUG MAIISHAU, ,the cnd of its 2:!-week run It face of a natunll hakhr! rr.;. \ ... ably sharper than 1 had given "A list of equipment fol· salesman, rose to the heiFhts I t retir'in!: to de\:ote full time to i LOl\'DO:ol ,eP)-There 11'3, was all institutiOIl. . :md cur I' y, metallic _II":': I '1,/,." , I him credit for. And a sight lows. RespIrator; axe to be as a labor union orgamzcl" I a bustness career. 'trembling in Whitehall whcn' 1'o( cverything worked. Bul: singer lIJillicent 1IIar(:n_ , . •j' more dangerous, carried in belt; stirrup pump Wide expel'ience in union ~f'l ' Cleroux, b~(IIY, beatcn. by they hcard the fearsome new,: many o[ the items were good: After a simmering sum,w 1 was going to have to be to be carried over right shonl· fairs, agriculture, minill~ ar.d ,Zo,rra Folley m hiS l~~t flg!'I., they say Ihat hal{ the cabin"l. and a few bri1linnt-particularJ~' i scandals, sensation~ rtf)1 cor:, · more careful what I said to thh der; extending ladder to he defence qualifies him to b.~· I ~======' ,Sal(~ he has accepted a 5011,1(\, are shaking in their shoes, 'a mock consumer's report "II i stant rumors o[ "ICC \\\ To'" roughneck. I even considered carried over left shoulder~ come a ~ort of overlord o[ the _ Ibusme~s offer." , . ; The BBC', sharp and saucy,: world religions that had church I places. the authors hale with some disquiet if I mignt long household shovel to be home front, ''It ]S, helter to make cel tmn bad and hawdy program I'h:lt' leadcrs first gasping and then, material than they know 1101 better start packing a pis carried under ri~ht arm, and Gordon Walker ~hadow fo;" Japan Wants of a husmess futllre WIth a g?,~d . Was the Week That Was-fa',t- reludant~y admitting the nE;I.• to do with. , .' . tal. With his unpredictable tem rake to he carried under left eign sceretar)'. c~mes from the I II salary tha~ 10. go along II I:h 'est draw in British te1evision,- ity of the nttnck. I From now on every . ", ~'.' , ..... , per and obsessions there was arm, Scoop to. he carded In upper middle class. He lectur~:1 boxing \\'hlc~ IS a~, un~',ert3111 •is coming back to to\\'n. • The pel'manent casl of ~ix! person will be publicly hu...t;I1ER!'-AI~:erian I , .:' .~. no temng to what lengths he I lett hnnd, whls!le .from lan' in history at Oxford and served ,way of makmg a 1ll'Il1g, I Tl'e 50-minute Saturdav ni"ht "OIIll" clwracter actors-all d ~ual-d. el'ery \'enerahle ,,,,,,1._ .. in file photo bef i ~: ;'~:~ misht go if Ire should fasten yal'd to be earned m mouth; in pJ'ime minister (noll' lorrl\ W,'nter Games II, At 0~1e time Cleroux ;",a~ pr(J~ram returns to the' ai/:il ihem' under :311 and all now tion ,uneasilY cauticllls,. A ", Col. lUohalllJ, '.' ... on the notion I'd no intention b~lt to be worn round Walst ' AltIce's post·war Labor eabind, tal~ked ~mon!l the top }O he",~) the end of September and 1'.'1.1 famous _ created IIPEG rcP) _ ta, pro fit s. me. "Fer a gent as ean't abide Healey, speciallst on defence Dawes said he will "naturallY Hamilton Avenue Extension rapidly became sure of itself., won'\, bowdlerize if the item IS icontrol and contr~ct (c~'Il1' and social.sec bein' cooped up with a female PLAN TOUR ' and foreign affairs, was one of support the Canadian bid" and The satirical aim grew truer.' really [unnv nnd not just ~hi\cl- be among the tOPICS hl~n r~ , ~ou' ain't doln' half bad." HIs STRATFORD, Ont. (CPl the first European socialists to be felt the response to any ove~- PHONE 9·5300 the targets more daring and Ihe: ish_ Thc Britisll me a pret:y agenda !llonday when more eyes continued to dig and pry. After 11 years' of fame at hdmt., urge a policy of dlsengagemeut ture by ,Tap an would not be format more mature. i broaclminciect hunch," 1.000 delegates gather tn fr:~IPapcellor "WhY don't yer fergit all this Canada's Shakespearean Fesl1. of East·West forces In middle slrong. GREETINGS By the sixth week the ShON: ORIGINALS ItETUR:>I the Canadian Go.od Road~ ,w>I"7~lJPP()SlUon f a·I d'e·ra h' WIth th e h osses an ' val Company takes it second E urop.' e H]'s prompt]'ngs led He said the summer ~"aml~S Ivas emptying the pnbs Satur-I -\II the ori:zinal performer" eiation's convention. llore I ...'0''",,', ' io ah ea d an ' marry her. ?" step abroad next year with tha fl r".st Ga]'lskell then 'VI'lson to next v, ear are to be hr.ld in G' t ddt day night and monopoliziM~ con· Iwill he hack-including anchor 50 5peakcrs are .sclredillr- "Now look-" I growled. presentation of three plays in conclude that BI'itain no laMer Tokyo and "they've got enough reetmgs are ex en e 0 versation Monday morning. By man David Frost, who has the the four·day meetmg. ___ "That way," he SBI'd , so rt as England. Plans for the ov"r. can alfor d a nuc Ien r ·power s t a· on theIr plate now." lIIrs. Leo Walsh, 242 Pennywelh '. h1 Iplder', feet, "should anything seas tour were announced ~by tus. Road,day today. who celebratesBest wishes er Dirt·come happen to that daddy of hers the hoard of governors Satur· Crossman's philosophic train· MAKE ROUGH I,ANDING from her husband, six sons and we'd be already In, Like Flynn, day nIght In this Wester\} 011 ing and Protestant temper~· NEW YORK (APl-A jet air. three daughters, also her 13 )'ou lIit the picture?" tarlo city, home of North ArneI'· ment have given him a rebel's liner with 76 persons aboard grandchildren and four daugh. ,lIe was perfectly serious. lea's first permanent Shake~· reputation. He was nn outstand. made an emergency landin,Cl "Waltin' an' worryin's no pearean theatre, at the conclu· ing teacher of political philo. Sunday and sheared off its nose ______A. H. MURRAY & (0. 1 LTD. ,ood, fer a man. You think Ision of the company's second sophy at Oxford. Wilson has wheel as the pilot swerved to 51. John's tbout it. aport." most successful season. made him shadow science min. try to overcome fDulty wheal • Ister with a mission to turn brakes. The Boeing 707 of the We carry a large stock of all Britain Into "the pilot plant of British Overseas Airways Corp, REPAIRS MACHINERY SUPPLIES. the world." His job would in. had tumed back half an hour NOW IN ST. JOHN'S clude expanding the national after take • off from London TV We specialize in SKF BEARINGS . High toc THE FAMOUS education system and increas· when an engine began running REASONABLE RATES lng the flow of technicians, roughly. for immediate delivery. Temneratu GUARANTEED WORK Also, V.EE BELTS AND 'PULLEYS 2.1 C.'RS DERAILED VESSEL DELAYED REDUCTION GEARS ~/t«/Id 'WINNIPEG (CP) - Twenty. LIVERPOOL. England (R~l1t· PHONE 9~' 123 three cars of ,an enst bound ersl-The 27,284·ton liner Em· CHAIN HOISTS freight train were derailed ne!!r CAN DIES press of Canada arrived here AIR COMPRESSORS AND TOOLS Available exclusively from the following Gilbert PlaIns, Man., early Sun. Friday 30 hours late from Can· Electronic day. causlnp: three of them to ada. This was partly due to NO·CO·RODE DRAIN PIPE Drug Stores: break out in flames. There slight engine trouble and to Centre Ltd. HOTEL DRUGS ELIZABETH DRUGS were no, InJurIes, a CNR spokes. gales of! the northwest coast of COPPER AND PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS. man said here. Gilbert Plall1s Britain. Seventeen·foot waves, 90 CAMPBELL AVE. TORBAY DRUGS KENMOUNT DRUGS Is about 235 miles northwest of the highest this year, were re· After hours 'Phone 9-6995 , .. '." " .-- ... ,~- '~'I" >.~',.:;.' '; - ., Winnipeg, corded. aug22 ltEMlNGTON CRAIN SAW SI ' SALES AND SERVICE NOW AT LOCAL PRICES " -One Hew~~:---- For Extra mRDI/OUtnt Special Cal'e fM_ /0 IftllA* ~ MOLSONS ...... On your Tunics, Blazers, and ,other school CANADIAN LAGER and EXPORT ALE 'COMFORTABLE BALANCE ROLLER BEARING NOSE apparel. Bring or send it to: !- NEWFOUNDLAND D1S1'IlIBUTORS FREE HOME DELIVERY. Hughes .. Maynard Cleansers Ltd. TELEPHONE 8·2011-5 LINES Cha~es R.· 8ell, Limited . NEWFOUNDLAND BREWERY LTD • BLACKMARSH RD. ',:' :ST, JOHN'S CORNER BROOK PHONE 9·21B6-7 (Not Inserted by Board of Liquor Control)

, .