. •

Favor.". d Iowa In S Iloul Tra:iiitional Noire Dame Battle : Iy JIM NEY I successfuL season if LlI{'y [OUld (Oall, Iowan Spo ... t:~It..) 'knock off their arch·rival an the IQWa. cost in the unfamiliar role team to represent the Big 10 in , of fatorite. takes on the Fighting the Rose Bowl. Thc tough confer· Irtsr of Notre Dame today at 1:30 ence contains two teams which in lowa Stadium before a sellout have beatcn Notre Dame this year cro d of 58.400. -Purdue. 28·14 , and Michigan 'J'ckets for the game lasted only Slate, 47·7. So to defeat the best 10 Uays after they were . first put in that league would be the prize oW'salc in August. It promises to be of prizes for the spirited Irish 01 owan a conte t In which incentive could this season. Serving The State University of Iowa and the "People of Iowa City Plfy a larg~ part. Iowa. with a But then Towa has a few scores SSlablished in 1868 - F'lve Cents a Copy I\lember or Associatl'd Press - AP Lea ed Wire and Photo Service Iowa CIty, la., ~aturd3Y. Novemoer ~4, I!I~ Ro8e Bowl trIP, a 7·] ~cason r~cord to settle today, also. They hav,e not IUId at least a share to the BIg 10 bealen Notre Dame since 1940 with chlampionship in its possession. eight losses and three ties res~Jtjng cOllld' take the game lightly and from spine.tingling battles along the re ••rd it as an anti-climax to an way. atrclldy successful season. Oddly • • e\lOIIgh the Big 10 champs have . Last year the Ha.wks lost, 17·]4, not been favored in any of their In the last two minutes by Paul last fOur games. Hornung's field goal. That same However if the Hawks do this Hornung will be around today. I I I~ could find themselves look: also. To say that he will probably ras s e, iziM at the short end of the score be no~iced as he duels with lowa's flit' only the second time this sea. fine field general Ken Ploen, would son. Their only loss so far was to be the understatement of the Michigan, 17·]4, one which almost year. wrecked their title hopes. Hornung has averaged five yards • ,But they came back from that per rushing try and leads the leam defeat str~nger than ever a~d in rushing yardage, passing, punt. wr6wed Mmnesota. y..o. and OhIO ing, kickoff returns. total offense SUltl 6..0, . on succes~1Ve Saturdays and passes broken up. He is almost Ie with sterhng defensive efforts and a team in himself. And he is at ersonne det~rmined clutch play. to bring the the moment held together by quite first .Rose Bowl frosllng 10 Iowa an amount of adhesive tape. City' In history. . . Him'e Dame's sophomore domino HIS left thumb has been diS' Iowa City Man altd SQuad has won only two games located and his right is also tap· Hungarian Rebel Nagy \IIi$ season and has been kicked ed, besides a number of other around by six roes with revenge minor injuries incurred, no doubt, Third motives, so they couId be ready because every rugged team has Victim ~ kick up their heels and pull hit him with everything they had. Deported to Romania aa upset at Iowa. The rivalry be· It's certain that Iowa will have to BUDAPEST 1.4'1 - The Russian·controlled government of Hungary Uveen the two teams reached a stop him if they are to feel at all Friday dcported ex·Premier Imre Nagy and a group of followers to Of Collision fever pitch in recent years, with comfortable about winning. neighboring Red Romania. the memorable 14.-14 tie in 1953 As Hawkeye coach Forest Eva. Premier Janos Kadar's government ignored a reported agreement Mrs. Charlotte Marks. 42, and being the hottest perhaps of all the .. , . " with Yugoslavia to let Nagy and 51 Harriet Marks. 12, wire and daugh. c:batests in the series which began shevsk~ said earher thiS week : A ter of SUI personnel dir etor Arlyn eler companions return safely to their Willi an Iowa victory. 10·7, in 1921. team like ours cannot playa half· Budapest homes. Marks, w re killed latc Friday in ''I'l1e Irish would consider it a way good game and expect to win. " a 2-car crash. Russ Sold They had spent 19 days in refuge ot the Yugosiav Embassy. Yugo· Also killed was Harold James Arnold, 35, Iowa City, who was eilled Chaselng slavla said it had obtained a writ· I Probable Lineups. ten guarantee from the Kadar gov· drlvln, the other car. K ernment thot they would not be The head-on collision occurred on ICDWA Position 'NOTRE DAME molested when they left the em· lfIghway 118, six mil s south of Jim Gibbon. (200) ...... LE ...... Dick Prendergast (200) Hunga relans bassy for their homes. C dar Rapids. .ex Karras (235) ...... LT ...... Frank Geremia (215) Nagy and the others left their Linn County Deputy Coron r Les Flu k 81 I t (205) LG G Heel . k (190) asylum Thursday but did not shQw Burlanek uJd Arnold. who WllS D n S :om( qUI (s203) ...... c ...... en: 5 II' rIc (90) AUSTRO·HUNGARlAN FRON. up at their homes. After hours of alon , was attempting to pass a 1m ' uc Y • c-c: ...... E U Ivan 1 TIER y in a house ty members going to the Rose man fired at him and he fell There was no explanation or why ended in tragedy Friday as two of at noon. The city 0 130,000 sought the first lasting snow of the sea· He is s..,vived by his mother, it struck when it fell in a nearby Bowl game to use their home - wounded. He died later in a hos· Nagy should prefer Romania to Yu· them drowned in West Okoboji to throw off the paralyzing burden son made city streets slick Fri· pital ot Oberwarth . goslavia, where his views are reo Lake while the brother of one stood of 2 feet of snow. Mrs. May Arnold, two sisters, Mrs. suburb. Two other persons in the for $100. day. Leonard Maske and Mrs. Robert Millie were injured gravely. The second Russian is being held garded more sympathetical!y. by helplessly on shore. Mayor Arthur"'Gllrdner declared The city receivcd about one Shonka. boIih of Iowa City; and five The airline in New York and 'The couple, Mr. apd Mrs. Mar· for questioning at an undisclosed The spokesman said those with They were Robert Wyatt, 17. son a stale of mergency. Gov. George half inch of snow as tempera· shall Crawshaw, 1308 Marengo broUlers. ~ Arnold. Iowa City; airport oHiciais at Rome said thal police post. Nagy in the Yugoslav Embassy of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wyatt of M. Leader ordered the National tures dropped to a low of 14 de­ Merle A.rM1d. In military service those The incident occurred as the also went to Romania with him. Spencer, and Wayne Swezey, 16, Guard's 1l2~ !nfantIl' Regiment at grees. Hiih today is expected among aboard was Guido Ave., South Pasadena, Cal., will iJl Ca1ilo~; Kenenth Arnold, Dell Cantelli, 36·year-old Italian or· Le away [rom home from Dec. stream of refugees reached a n~w They included 10 political leaders son of Mr. and Mrs. Wyne Swezey, Erie to give all possible assistance. in the 80s. Moines; aq4 Don and Gene Arnold, .tra conductor and favoJ:ite high-some 5,000 in 12 hours. AI· and Julia Rajk, whose husband also of Spencer. The lone survivor Highway crews began opening Skies cleared over lhe state 16 to Jan, 2 and are willing to both of Ctdar Rapids. Jlfl)tege of Arturo Toscaninl. together more than 60,000 have Laszlo, was executed as a Titoist was Robert's 12·year-old bro.ther. som'e roads in the Erie area. Busi. Friday foUowing the early snow. TIle big DC-6B carried a Cull rent it for that time. registered for asylum in Austria. in Hungary in October, 1949. There Rickey, who had accompanied ness and industry there were at a Mason City reported six inches It was the first fatal accident lpad of fuel. As it fell, it first The home is near the Rose Frontier police Friday saw the were 14 other women and 17 chilo them to the lake early Friday. virtual standstill. Some cars in on the ground; Spencer, five; on this new stretch of highway frazed a 2·story building near the Bowl and Rose Bowl parade and Council BMfs, four; Des Moines between Cedar Rapids and North Ru.ssians . chop down Freedom dren in the grou~. Young Wyatt's body was recover. that section were burled, roofs of a Liberty slnc:e It Was opened to traC­ airft~ld south of Paris, then "just a few blocks froQ'l the Los Bfldge, the small wooden The spokesman s statement came ed in the deep water of Crescent few homes collapsed. and Waterloo, three; and Daven· str~c. fie Nov. 3L pjuqed burning into a residence. Angeles Freeway," their letter ture over a border canal by whlch 25 hours after the Nagy group left IBeach Bay at midafternoon, but Erie airport reported 33 inches port and Ottumwa, two inches ~ther small building nearby was explained. thousands have escaped. the embassy. dragging operations continued ror of snow on the ground. each. deJlroyed by spewing names. young Swezey's body. The snow belt stretched across The ouUook for Sunday is for Nlghtshlrt·clad residents of the slightly warmer temperatures Ask for Injunction Suburban village sav.ed three in· · t Low flying planes piloted by Em· the northeastern comer of Ohio, with little or no precipitation. ljabitants of the second house Santa and Miss Mer Ch rIsm as met County Sheri£f Lynn Foderbcrg lhe no,rthwestern corn~r of Penn· -two adults and one teen·aged '~~':.fW~;:WM~~' of Esthervi1le, and Stanley Fuller, .sylvama and eastward mto upstate Ending Dock Strike boy. The boy died a short time owner of Fuller Flying Service at New York. . lalcr, One passenger-badly burn· Milford, were used in an effort to New York state c~unted. four Set Funeral Today ~ but alive-was pulled from the locale the bodies in the clear storm death~! three In aCCidents After Tllking Fails wreck. water. Bolh boys were wearing and one atlrtouted to a heart at· WASHlNGTON lit - A last·ditch For Mrs. Miller move to settle the Atlantic and The plane crashed at the village white parkas at the time of the ae· taTckh, d t be I ttin bf. 'aray Vieille Poste seconds aC· eident e snow seeme 0 e g up Funeral serVices for Mrs. Wilbur GulC Coast waterfront strike col· . . in western New York Friday aIter· R. MiUer, 49. wife of the former di· ter Jt left the runway In the first RIckey . Wyatt had stayed on noon. but it still was falling at that lapsed Friday and the Government lliat snowfall of winter. rector of University Psychopathic shore wh~e the two .older lads time in the Watertown area. planned to apply today for a strike· The ignited gasoline sent a pillar Hospital. will be at 10 a.m. today stoppi", court inju~ctton . of name into the air that could w~nt out 1Il the bo.at eIther ~o reo The heaviest faUs were on or in McGovern Funeral Home. The tneve a duck or pIck up thelT de· near the southern shores of Lakes Rev. Harold F. McGee. rector or The striking International Long· I lie seen in Paris. shoremen's Assn. (lLAl promised I 'l'wenty.fj ve bGdies were removed coys. Erie and Ontario. But the snow Trinity Episcopal Church, will of· in advance to obey such a court ~ the wreckage and taken to the When he saw they were in trouble spread eastward Friday. Syracuse, ficiate. l'iI\8ge city hall where residents he rushed to Crescent Beach Lodge in the central part of New York, County coroner George D. Calla· order. A return to work on the "-Dt vigil by candleUght because and told Mrs. John Langholz, the had two inches with more in sight. han said Mrs. Miller committed dock Monday was indicated. !lJt crash knocked out the electric caretaker'S wife. tp summon aid. Highways 5 and 20, main routes suicide by shooting hersel( Wednes· A. presidential inquiry board ~rent. She called the lake patrol and between Buffalo and Cleveland, day night. worked Friday night to finish are· 'Yll1agers reported the one pas· Spirit Lake and Arnolds Park were closed near the PennsylVania Miller resigned July 1 as director port on the strike issues and plan· Itllier still Iivin~ had been sent emergency squads. border. of Psychopathic Hospital and July ned to file it at the White House to the American hospital in Paris. The overturned boat was found , Some roads were shut in Ashta· 31 as professor of p$ychiatry in the this morning. , The plane was piloted by Capt. but there was no sign of the two bula County and the eastern section College of Medicine. The family This is required before President AlWlo Vazzoler, a veteran of many boys when help arrived. 01 Lake County in Ohio, was to . have moved t6 Arcadia. Eisenhower. acllni under the Tart· _gs at Orly International Air· Ashtabula had 20 to 24 inches of Cal.. in December where Miller Hartley law's naUonal emergency ~ and a vetcran transatlantic snow, but the fall ended there Fri· planned to enter pri vate practice. procedures. can order the Justice PUot. Jealous Husband Jailed day except for fluTl'ies . Besides her husband, Mrs. MUler Department to move into court for .j~!llIn air line offlcials said (he .. EI' Cold air brougil! freezing weather is survived by four sons, Curtis. 24, an IIO-day injunction against con· ~ carried 24 passeniers and a Aft er SWinging at VIS to northern Florida and the eastern of Madison, Wis.; Bruce. 20, Alan, tinuln, the walkout. CItY; of 10. TOLEDO Ohio IA'I _ Jealous of section of the Gulf Coast early Fri· 15. and Wilbur Jr., 12. all of Iowa The B-day strite has paraly%ed his wife' . dmiration for Elvis day. The te",'lperature dropped .to City. East and ·Gulf ports, tied up an Police Tell fraternitie., sa. . 24 at Cross City. Fla., to 48 at Mia· The former Eleanor Roper. she estlmated 200 ships and idJecl60,OOO P~esle'y, LoUIS John Bahpt.. 19, mi and to 18 at Evergreen, Ala. was born Nov. 12. 1907. in Hope. dockworkers. · ' ~oritie. To Lock Up trte~ to throw a punch a~ the smg' Readin~ below the zero mark dale, Mass. Director Joaeph F. Finne,an of clive Lt.'H.rland F. Sprinkle er 10 a. h,olel bar Friday. The were reported in eastern North Da. the Federal Mediation Service ar· 01~ Iowa City police Friday niiht punch ' d.d~ t I.and. but the efrort kota and parts of Minnesota and ANTS IN PANTS ranged durin, the day for repre· landed Ball~t 10 the county work· Wisconsin. International F a I I s, ROARING CREEK, TeM. lit - sentallves of the New York Ship· !~f.~d SU I fraternity and sorority house for disorderly conduct. Minn .. had .16. !'NIII!S to be on the lookout for A sign in this picturesque section Pinl Assn. aDd the union to meet ~ burglaries ~urlng loday's . Elvis. said Balint had lun~ed ~t A low pressure area . moved ra· of Great Smoky Mountain National with him In a final effort for a Dame football game. hIm while he sat at a table w~~ hIS pidly eastward from the Mississip. Park warns the carcless-or p0- strite settlement short of an in· l~a'Nolre manager and a group of musIcIans. pi Valley Friday and headed into tentially careless-tourist: "Who jUDCtion. . 6ithough only two brealdns have mally I..... n rhol. b, 8.b SIr•• a) "This guy walks up to me and the Mid·Atl8\ltic states. It left in picnics by these roar in, waves. But uu.. plan collapsed when ~ reported this football le81O", GITTING ON GOOD TERMS with Sintl CIIUS, Mlrllyn Pinney, 17, who WIS nlmed "Mill Merry says: 'You _...... my wife car· its wake 1 to 3 inches of snow in a And all the banks with litter paves, mllD8Je"*,t repreaeDlatives deeid· "III'~ile IUI,estcd hoUle. PO. II Christm ••" Frldly, ,'VI Sint. I Itl, hut to g.,.rlntM I full Christmas ltockl,.. MIlS PI ....y WII ries a picture of you in her wallet, belt that reached from Illinois east· May indigestion rack his chest, ed a,aInst- a'ueadinl: Finnegan said ~~ or look all dl/OrJ lor the fin,l ItItmll frIm I field., four I.w. City high school ,Irll, Ity tht ChimlNr of C""merce. IIntl'. ho .... but she .doesn 't carry one oC me, ward into West Vlr&1nia and Pena· And ants invade his pants aDd the employer IJ'OUp ..- "no UR­ Lerl step outside." 1)'lvanla.'. • • . velt," lui purpcIR" in the meetlJll. '. ~ lame 01 the lellOn, q.. rttl'l I. It tftt """r " C.II ....nd Cllmen .t,...... __ _~ __ . 'H - -- ... _-_ .. ------.. p ... 2-THE DAILY IOWAN-I_a Ctiy, la.-Saturday, Nov. 24 "56 General- ,• r ,• e d t o a I s AGUDA8 ACRIM CONGftEQATION FI.IT ralRBYTERIAN CBlJZoa Notices ttl r.. Mark.t /II. tet II. WI.bl.,le" 81. I Rabbi SIIIlI., Hermlll Dr. 1'. H.... I.. " I·ollock. all~I.lor General Notlc.s Oll:.t be rcccived at F,lday ••• nln, •• ,vl •• , I p.m. ColI.r' Arc SUDcI.y Cburch ~c_.... /) The Daily low"n oUlce, Room 201. S.bb.lh .... "bl'. B.lur'." ...... v:au a.m. • I Communications Center, by 8 a.m. rot M.. nln, W.rsblp, P:30 .nd 11 I,.. 01 Go Hawks! pwbllcnUon the 'ollow'ng- morning. o S.rmon: "The Molh ..., Go'," They mustobe Iyped or leglbly written ASSEMIILY 011' GOD • • • Coach Evashevski andnhis hard-fighting Hawks have given and signed: lney will not b~ aceopted .a! S. Cllnlon 81. fiRST UNITA1UAN 80ClITY by telephOo1e. The Dally Jowan re­ The a ••. O.n Miller. Pasl.r I... a A.e. and Gllb.rl HI. SUI a football year to rem mber. Starting off the season with serves the rlghL to edit ail General ~tornln, Worship, 11 •. ra. Notices. Th. an. Alrr.' J. N. H•• rlll, .. an eye to building the team for next year, the Hawks smprised Chrl.I·. Amb ....d .... 6:40'1 •••• r ..lor E.. o,eli.lle Service. 1 p ••• Mornlnr .r.lcol, 10.4. ' .m, their coach and the nation by out-fighting most of the toughest DelTA PHI ALPHA-Honorary FREE METHODI8T O~AFIL German Society will mcet at 7:30 BETHANY IIAPTIST CHURCR en Thlr. A ••. teams that the Big Ten, probably the roughest league in the p.m. Tucsday. Nov. 27 in Room B IIl,eol " FlUb Aven •• The ILOY. Jame. W. H.n.ea. P ••ln "'o"hlp, 11 >.m. 121A Schaeffer Hall Slides on Ger- Le ..ard D. Gor.nlt •. p•• I.. country, had to offer. . I U,4G Se,mon: "The Wonderful Word." h ' alor.lnl wo ..hlp. ' .m. many will be shown. .Evcryone I Sermo.: "Co.lI ...o •• Tbanklllvlll,." Evenln, Service, 7:110 p.m. Iowa no longer is "the breather" next week for any team 'el 01 CfF IIlbl. II'r.lnln(, 0:1\0 p,m. • • r \\ C ne. Eve.ln, Gospel ~ervlce. 7,39 p.m. FRIENDS MEETING that she faces; allY team that looks past her to the next game is YWOA Itoom , low. Memor!"1 V.I •• BETHIL AFRICAN METBODIIT Samu.1 P. Bay •• Clerk likely to be s~dder-but-wiser or wisely sadder. BABY SITTING - The Univer­ CUURCIl W.rsblp at 9:30 • . m. • s.••• ,. sity Cooperative Baby Sitting 411 S. Go.e~ ••' 81. · . . Iowa has become a football power to be respected through M... C. It. McDoDal., p ••ler GRACE MISSIONARY CRDRCB , , League Book will be in the charge 1Mhlp. 10 a.m. Th. It .... Vlr.1I Brenn.man. p ••I.r FOREIGN STUDIES PROGRAM Sermon: "lArd. Be Merciful," ~lo ... lnl WorshIp, J~:.3 • . m. 11I11l1! Carrying the worst record allY Notre Dame team has ever - Students enrolled in this pro· Evenln, Worship lServJec, 'hM •.•• Sermon by the Rev. Vernn a.lh, ),1 !', W.lhla,ton . I•. admitted to, this team is n netheless a fighting team. gram who wish to take the pro· CRUltell OF JESUS CRRIST Eve.'., 8er.'iee, ,1:140 , .... fessional Qualifications Test of the OF LATTER-DAr SAINTI • • Notre Dame rooters are still looking for a scalp to dangle National Security Agency should elo E. F.lrchlld II. JEHOVAU'S WITNI8SII P.lulhood M•• II." D •. ID. !120 II 51. by the teepee and they just don't care whether it's bird or beast. sec Professor E. Vunke (l06 sm Sund.y Scbool. 10 •. m. P.blle T.lk. 3 p.m. as soon as possible. 8aClramenl MeeUDr, 6:31 p .•• "Materlallsln Crowds Out the Iowa, badly battered by the rugged teams she has met and · . . Joy.:' OnURCH OF TDE NAZAltENIl W.lchlow" Slucly .• p.m. largely mastered, may have a tendency to sort of rUD this 'one Burlln.lon .nd Cllnlon 81 •. " Otter Yoar Sacrifice. of P,.I .. PRE·SCHooL VACANCIES-The The Rov . G. M. Flel., Mlnlsl .. A,I,bl." for "drill." S.n4ay School, 9:43 .. m. Parents' Cooperative Pre·School Mo.aln, W.r..,lp. In :4.5 ..... METHODIST CHURCR This would be just the sort of situation that Notre Dame has several openings in the junior Bresee Fellow!lbtp, G p.m. Hiler ....n' Dub.qu. 81 •. group for children 3 years old. l'oulb Dour, G:to p.m • Dr. I.. L. Du .. l\ln,108, MlnI.ler .. ~ would try to capitalize upon, snatching the laurels of victory Chur.b Sobool. 9:~ .ncl 11 a.m. -" Those interested contact Mrs. Char· TUE CONGaEGATIONAL eHURCB Mornln, Worsblp, P:3..... 11:" •.•• Il. from a napping Hawkeye team. les Parker. registrar. by phoning Cllnlo. ana Jetter.on Slreell RIIORGANIZED· CHuaeR. .or J£801 As dampening as the. Michigan defeat was, a defeat by 8·0037 or 8·0691. Tbe Rev. John G. Cral ,. MIDlsle.. OHltlST Oil' LATTER. I)AY SAINU M.rn'!'r Wonhlp, 18 :4;; a.m. C.nferenee Rot"' l Notre Dame would douse the newly-lit flame of Iowa football Ualted SI.clonl FeUowlblp. e D.m. 10",. Memo.I.1 Unloo WEI G H T TRAINING - The nan E. WaUe, Pu", fame and grind the hard-won victories of the season into a much Weigi1t Training Room will be EVANGELICAL FREE CRURCH G ... e,.1 Won .. lp, 0:30 ..... Clalllu, O:f3 ".1ft. opened for student use on Mon· Corol.lII. Sflrmon, 10:30 a.m. shrunken prospective. . Th. Ret. J. S. Pajmer. Fado, days. Wednesdays and Fridays be· Mornlne W."hlp, 11 '.m. With all the respect due the ailing giant of footl?all, Iowa tweon the hours of 3:30 p.m. and Sumon: "Cba.llen,e1t 1n tbe Cbrlll­ StlARON EVANGEIoICAL 'an Walk." UNITED BltETllltEN CHURCH has the team to continue Notre Dame's story of hard luck. 5 p.m. The NorU1 Gymnasium will F.C. Y.F. Sopper, " p ..... K.lona be opened for stud'~nt recreational F.e. Y.F. Blblo Slu.y. fi p.m. Th. R .... a. C. P,.... , ..". p ..l.r Any let-down tendency will have to be post-poned until after ["enln, Gospel Servlee. 7:110 p.... l'tornlo, Worship, 11 ' .m. purposes each Friday afternoon Serman: "Ohristlan Orowth," the Irish have come and gone. "It kind ,of grows Oil you, doesn't it?" from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. FIRST CHalSTIAN cuuac. £ye8In. Woru-'IJ. 1 : ~ p.m. 211 low& A. vet IFor transPOrlallon, CIU 8-0046, a-4Ub. GO HAWKEYES, BEAT THE FIGHTING IRISHI The atY. A. O. aofrlabler. P ••\or or 11-42-41. THANKSGIVING VACATION LI· T •• n Ace WOMhl,. U:IG a.m. Wor&hlp. 10 ::10 a.tn. ST.· MARY'S CRURCR BRARY HOURS- Women's 0&1 Mellare: Hlmmo,'" Jen.,.on .". La." 811. Prof Tells of Sat.. Nov. 24 - 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. TI4tn,. In Mori.1 H.nd a" by Mrs. RI. Rev. C. It. Melal.. r •. P ••I., Sunday. Nov. 25 - 1:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Albert. lIofrichler. Sund.y Ma fl, 6 ...... 7:3G •.•••••.••1 The Truth About Hungary Ex-SHAPEI : Chief. Disciples 81Ddonl "eUo ... blp, 5 ,.m. 10:1 ....m., 11:1\0 •. m. Mon., Nov. 26 - 7:30 a.m.-2 a.m. . . IT. •PATRICK'S • ClIURC. From the New York Time. Departmental libraries will post "ran· BAl'TIST CHURCH Sympathy lor "' •.1b CUn\o ...... PalrohUci 81a. 224 E. C ..rl III. The Comunist propaganua apparatus has embarked upon their hours on the doors. !Ley. ~t ,r. Pal.I.1o J. O'lhlUy, P ..I., Tbe G. Thom .. Fdlar .... MIDIII.r . 'OW ItlaSSel, 6:30, O:41i, 11 Mornln, Worsblp, 1O:.~ • . m. '.m. a vast exercise in mythology to justify thc brutal repression of Sermon: "Who Are You !" "I,h ~.ass. 8 : 1~ •. m. Plays 'Santa Claus Holy D ..yS: iI:4li, 7, A •• m. and 7:UO ,.m. the Hungarian revolution by the Soviet Union. The myth Hungarians STAFF AND FACULTY PHYSI· Youlb Followshlp, 6:80 p.m. · . By HARVEY HUDSON CAL EDUCATION PROGRAM­ IT. PAtll,,'S LUTHEIlAN .CHUac. being spread is the notioct that the Hungarian revolution was From 4 to 6 p.m. daily tbere arc FlUT CHURCR or CRRIST. MI .... rl Sy ..' PARIS (A'I - Gcri : Alfted M. The following I. part or rm address SCIENTIST lofr ...on .od Gllberl Slo. th primarily in thc control of "Fascists" who "murdered honest by Prof. Vincent J. Scully at Ihe Yale facilities available for volleyball. 7:rl E. C.llere 81. Tb. aeV. Joha Scbllcp.let ...... 07 th Gruenther is known to the world University rally fur Hungary. Nov. 12, badminton, and oUler games. Also. 8a..,day Service, 11 a.m. PI \or. Communists" and threatened to return the country "to thc dark as supreme allied commander in 1900. Sermon: fOAnelflnl and Modern Necr.­ Uonlft. W ...blp. 8 •. m ••n" 11 •••• J-t; there is equipment for individual ma.ney. AllIS M.elmerl.m an. Hyp .. Gamma Delta, sludrnt. croup lRf:ell .t Europe, a post he resigned Nov . H g~ days of Horthy dictatorshiP." Tho myth further adds that at When a professor in a university exercise and rehabilitation pro­ notl.8rn DeuouDced. il ,.m. fot' supper. 13 to enter private life after iJ8 · . . Vesper,. , ! ,m. the crucial moment, when the "weak" Nagy Government was speaks outside his ficld of scholar­ grams. Instruction and supervision FIRST ENGLlS~ LUTHEaAN years a soldier. is provided by members of the CHURCR 8T. tROMAS MORl': CIIAPIL But at Buckingham Palace in ship he speaks without undue au· Dal.. que and M.rkel Sla. falling prey to the "Fascists", a group of "revoluntionary Social­ physical education department. 10' McLe .. Si. London, Gruenther also is known thority and need be listened to only Rev. Roy \'Vtnla.t.e. preachJn,,_ ists forces" headed by Janos Kadar formed a government and as lIlornlo, Worship, B:lIO •• m. lD' lJ •. m. The Re". A.. ft. Bord~rkITcher, &I.btan" as the man who once brought pres­ a singlo man who expresses his I Sunday Sobool, 9:.5 •. m. 8 •• clay Millel, G:4G, ., 8. 1'1 a •• J1:M appealed to the Soviet Army to do its "l'evoluntionary duty." ents. not for the Queen. but for her views to other men. It is in thal U. S . C.. C CO NFERENCE -- On LlIlhe, Lea, ... 1 ".m. a.m. role that ] should like to express Dec. 27-Jan. l. U.S.C.C. will hold Th 10 a.m. m ... I, • Rl,b 111...... The facts are different. They are worth recapitulating be­ children. b, Ihe oou, ..,.lIon. Palace attendants, accustomed to first, my sympathy for the people one of its national conferences at D.lIy Ma •••. 8:3t •. ID •• 7 • •m •• ,:..... fore passage of time makes the memory dim and creates op­ seeing packages arrive by a serv­ and students of Hungary, and sec­ DeKalb, Ill. The theme is "Our ond , my approval of the aims of United Witness 'on Campus" and T&lNlTY EPISCOPAL CBUaC. portunities for tile Soviet myth makers. The facts are these: ice door, recall that the general ar­ 32. 1:. ColI.,o 8l. rived for a courtesy call on Queen the International Rescue Commit­ the study book is Dennis Baly's Tbe R.... Harold .... MeG ... &ed.r The Hungarian revolution was the work of the overwhelm­ Elizabcth lrailed by a Scots aide tee. With the causes of the present "Our Choscn People." A study Holy Communion, 8 a.m.. crisis as a whole, it is not my in­ group will discuss this book each Br ..U ..t. 8::10 • .m. ing majority of the people of Hungary, goaded beyond endur­ whose kilt flounced in the . breeze C~n"rmaUon t 9:13 a.m. tention to deal; and 1 do not pro­ Tuesday. 4-5 p.m . at Westminster Morain, Prayer, 11 a .... ance by more than l'l dcc:tde of Communist oppression. while he used both arms to clutch 1I0ly Comm.nlon. 'l'h.nl".lvlll' 0.,. a large box wrapped in ordinary pose to dwell upon the possibility Foundation, 26 East Market St. All 10 • . m. C... lerbury ClUb. G:3D p.lD. The first shooting in Budapest came from Commwlist guns, brown paper. that both the despairing resort to arc welcome. Information and ap- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1916 force in the Middle East by our plication blanks. due Dcc. 1, may which slaughtered a defenseless group of'students and workers When the Queen opened the I)ox ZION l"UTHERAN CHURC. she found a mechanical doll for her fl'iends, and the savage depression be obtained from any member UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ,.lIn.on .nd Blo.ml.,lo. Bb, demonstrating in the city's streets. Soviet troops wCl'e first d"aughter Princess Anne and a me­ of the Hungarian Frcedom Move­ group of S.C.C. Th. Ilev. A. C. P",obl, ...... r Salurday, November 24 ~I ..nlnc Worship. S.a.m . .... It::If ..... called in by Erno Gero, whoso crimes even the Communists chanical bear for her son. Prince ment by our enemies, may both de· rive to some extent from a recent­ ZOOLOGY SEMINAR _ Zoology 1:30 p.m.-Football, Notre Dame Ad.11 Blbl. CI .... ':3' .. .. 110wadmit. Charles. • The presents made a hit with the ly growing conviction in the world Seminar will meet Friday. Nov. \'S. Iowa - Stadium. ST. WENCESLAU8 CRURC. They were withdrawn from Budapest after their butcheries whole royal family and served to ncr and general trouble shooter for that the United States is not wUling 30. 4:20 p.m .• room 201 ZB. The ' Tuesday, November 27 830 E. D.. onp.r1 81. other cornmanoers. to use force itself in these areas. speakel' Dr Steven M ]:Iorvath Tb. Rev. Ed .... rd W. Neull, Fast •• and the accompanying slaughter of honest Hungarians by the illustrate the general's attention to P f P~ . 't A ' '4 p.m. - Nation and World Com· SIInda), 1IIau ... 6 :30 •. m., ••.m., the little, personal things that have Between the two Wortd Wars he either to right wrongs or to prevent ro . 1YSIO . & ctg. Dir., Inst.. mission of YWCA S Cr" 10 a.m .• 11:'5 a.m. Communist secret police plPvcd ineffective in putting down the kindled friendship and the spirit of spent 17 years as a li'eutenant but them . Gerontology, SUI. His topiC: "CaUl- - uez ISIS - o.u, I...... 7 •• m.. 7:31 .... revolt. '-1' alliance in the west. when he was promoted to full gen- Yet. concerning force and the eterization of the coronary vessels Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. ---~------Such personal attention and his eral in August 1951 he was the threat of force I do not feol com· in the intact animal and some of 7:30 p.m. - University Club Des· What They're It was only after this initial murder by Communists that amazing capacity for the detail youngest four·star general the petent to speak. nor. were I com­ its implications. sert Bridge - University Club f the Hungarian people vented their wratIl against the secret havo made Gruenther a living leg- Army over bad. petent. would I feel justified in so Rooms. Doing police criminals by lynching the murderers. end in Europe and he hCls come As a brigadie~ general he. had speaking here. Instead. I would MUSIC R~CITAL-Mu sie recital Wednesday, Nov.mber 28 close to hero status through peace- I helpcd plan the invasion of North rather say a word about human (s~.udent scnes No. 7) ~iIl bc he~d I 8 p.m. _ Sigma Xi Open lIouse LSA 1110 Nagy Governm 1t on Saturday, Nov. 3, reformcd it­ time duty as any soldicr could Africa in 1942 as Eisenhower's dep- sympaU1Y and the dignity of hu­ Fllday, N?v. 30 at 7.30. p.m. 10 1_ Basic Medical Sciences - Col. North MUSIC. Hall. Selections from lege of Medicine. The Lutheran Student Association - self into a union of all qcmocratic clements, including demo­ hope. uty chief of stafr. 'Later he moved man beings. These arc the issues will havc a cost supper at 5 p.m. Considered one of the Army's over to the job of chief of staff which concern us tonight. but they Mozart, Dutilleux, Hogg and Slo· . , cratic Socialists and peas31~t representatives. It was a govern­ jowski will be presented by Charles 8 p.m. - Umversltr L e c t u r.e Sunday in the Student 1Iouse. A best brains. Gruenthct' was ap- under Gen. Mark W. Clark and as. arc more than that. They arc the talk. "Minor Reformadon Lead­ ment which was pledged to create workers' control of industry, pointed supreme commander of sisted in planning the Italian divi- issues upon which we. as a culture Warren (trombone). and Shirley Course. MarqUIS Chl~ds -. MaIO Warren (pianol. They will be ac- Lounge. Iowa MemOrial Umon. ers." will be presented by the Rev. justice for farmcrs, restoration of national independence and North AUantic Treaty Organization sion. I will stand or fall. If we look cri­ Donald Hetzler, studcnt pastor. Dc· (NATO> d~Cense f.oGce~ in, Europe Gen. and Mrs. GruenUlCr have ti.eally at th~ history of the world companied by Paul Anderson 8 p.m. - Flute Recital - Betty free elections. Therc was nothing fascist about it or aboHt the vot~ns will Coli ow at 9:30 p,m. after PreSIdent Els~nhower pulled made their home in' Paris in a 14- smce the Clghteenth cC!ltury, we (horn), and J. Robert ]Janso n Bang - Macbride Hall Auditorium. (trumpc L mRSS movement behind itT The government was drowned in ~en. Matthew !l. RIdgeway off ~le room house at Marne.la.Coquette, be:om~ aware that on~ ~mgle revo· Thursday, November 29 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE! blood by Soviet troops who moved in under tIle COver of base Job to ~ake him l.!.S. Army C.hiOf Ionly a few miles from SHAPE lutl?n In tlle human splr~t h~ s bcen 4·5 p.m. - AWS Student-Faculty The Christian Science Student of staff 10 1953. RIdgeway retired headquarlers. The two.story house takmg ,Place .durmg tillS tlm~ : a PLAY-NITE - The facilities of treachery, after the Soviet Union representatives had Iicd as the Fieldhouse will be available for Coffee Hour - Library Lounge . Organization will meet at 4:30 p,m. last year and was succeeded by is owned by the Frcnch govcrn- :evolutlOn which began by affirm· Tuesday in Conference Room 1 of Gen. Maxwell Taylor. ment 109 the "RIghts of Man." No move- mixed recreational activities each 7:30 p.m. - Western Conference to their intentions. the Iowa Memorial Union. When he was boss of Supreme . - mcn~ si.nce the rise of Chris~ianity Tuesday and Friday night from Debate - Senate Chamber. This is the h'uth abgut the Hungarian rsvolution. We Headquarters, Allied Power in Eur- When his retirement was an- has mSlst~d ?o much as thIS one 7:30 to 9:30, provided no home var· 8 p.m. - Archeological Society­ should never forget its key facts, particularly the devotion of ope (SHAPE). Eisenhower called nounced iast April. Gruenther indi- upon the digmty ?f ~u~an fate and sity contest is scheduled. Mem· Speaker. Olga Tafrell, "Dress and WESTMINISTER Westminster Fellowship will meet lIungarians to ' liberty an ~ the treachery shown by the Soviet Gruenther his "right hand." eated one of the reasons thaL the worth of the andlvldual soul. bers of the faculty. staff. and stu· Ornament in Biblical Times" Gruenther has been at SHAPE prompted him to step down was a In the end, even the industrialism dent body and their spouses are in· Shambaugh Auditorium . Cor supper and worship at the home Union. ' sincc 1951. first as chief of staff feeling that he should "be moving and imperialism of the nineteenth vited to attend and take part iD of Rev. and Mrs. Jerome Lcksa at out of the picture" to makc room the activitios in which they are in· Friday, November 30 . 5 p.m. Sunday. 3 to Gen. Eisenhower. then as chief for younger men: century acted to spread this doc- 8 p.m. _ Arl Guild Film Series A study group in preparation for of staff to Gen . Ridgeway, and fi. trine of human worth throughout terested. Admission w!ll be oy fac· nally as supreme commander. He He will become nqtional · head the world. When the Indian dele· ulty, staff. or student 1.0. card. _ "Ditte Child of Man" "Great the OSCC conference, Dec. 'l1 One's Comment will be succeeded next week by of the American Red Crogs begin· gate speaks in the United Nations Activities for November: badmint· Ballerine:" and "Pacifi~ 231" _ through Jan. 17, will meet from From lb. Dr.k. Tlmel.D.lphlc Gen. Lauris Norstad who has serv- ning Jal.1. 1. 1957. T.here ~ad been of "inalienable human rights." it is on. handball. swimming. table Shambaugh Auditorium. 4·5 p.m. ~ue~days in Ihe student 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.-Intercollegiate lounge beglOnmg Nov. 27. Figures recently released show that $15 million have been cd as his ail' deputy. speculatIOn that WIth IllS back· the founders of this revolution tennis, tennis. smash, basketball and vollcyball. Conference on World Affairs­ spent by the. American public for carpeting during the first SHAPE now controls more than ?round he sti!1 coul~ achieve much whoso words he is using; and t\;le 48 active divisions along a 4.000 10 a carecr 10 busmess. concepts tnose words embody arc HOllse. Senate and Board rooms. nine months of this year. _ mile front Ulat extends from Nor- Whatever his futuer status. Eu· western and American concepts - LAMBDA CH I ALPHA-All mem­ Old Capitol. Correction bers intcrested in organization Looks like the public plans to have it soft under foot, even way to Turkey. A similar num- ropeans. not 'normally givcn to ad· not those of the Russians. with Saturday, Dec. ,. The Dally Iowan editorial column ber of reserve divisions reportedly uJalion of Americansl in uniform, whom, in a certain confusion of contact Rogel' Hughes. x4076. o( Nov. 21 stated that an editorial if the Administration can't guarantee a roof overhead. 9 to 12 a.m.-Intercollegiatl' Con· are ready for front line duty within will not soon forgel ~is brilliant principle, the Indian delegate ference on World Affairs-House. on Hungary had been writt.cn by 30 days of an outbreak of war. record at SHAPE. sometimes votes. COMMERCE WIVES - The so· Dr . Nichola Halmi Sr. and stated cial mecting of the Commerce Senate and Board rooms. Old Cap. NATO tactical air force includes ------itol. tr.at Dr. Hahnl was an associate some 6.000 aircraft based on almost Wives Club will be held at the Iowa professor of anatomy in the SUI Memorial Union. Wcdnesday, Nov. 12 :30 p.m.-A.A.U.W. luncheon­ 500 airfields in the Great Western University Club rooms IMU. College of Medicinc. ~e-1)aily Iowan Defense Arc. More than half of Try and Stop Me 28, Bowling aL 7 p.m. Card play­ 01'. Halmi Sr. is a patient lit the ing at 1\ p.m. in the North River 8 p.m.-Civic Music Assn.-Pilris these planes arc jcts. Ballet-Macbride Auditorium. Univcrsity Hospitals while Dr. 14al­ Gruenther is known as a man By BENNETT CERF Room of the Iowa Memorial Union. mi Jr. Is the professor of anatomy SATURDA,Y NOVEMBER 24"------1956 who focuses a photographic me- REMEMBER MINERVA PIOUS who played the role of Pansy Nuss· Wives of Commerce students arc Sunday, Dec.m...... 2 and translated the article which bIa , ,/lJ:" .., .....':r.m. invited . MEilIBEK mory, an insatiable curiosity and baulll on Fred Allen's_old - and wonderful - radio program? Her 4 p.m,-Faculty Chamber Music faUler wroto. AUDIT BuaEAU Dial.'91 if )'01& ..... el recelve an amazing ability for analysis on husband, Pierre. she used to mourn. was a luckless "schmo" who Concert - Macbride Auditorium •. ______9F y.ur D.lly 10.... by 7:1\0 a..... Th. PENQUIN CLUB - The first OlacULATIONIi D~n, I ...a. .lr•• laU.. "op.rbllollh any problem that comes up. No squandered his entiro income:l, 1/ . Betty Bang • .flute; Robert Hum­ I. III. C ...... I.dl... Conter 1. subject has been too unimportant at "Epstein Downs and Hia- , ;) I meeting of Ihe Pcnquin Club will iston, oboe; Thomas Ayres. claro .pe. 'ro.. • •. m. 10 ~ p.... M•••• ' be held Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 4: 15 Pub l.lshed dally except Sunday .nd 110 r.u,h Fri'.,. for him to consider; no detail too Levy ." .. ~ ! inot; Paul Anderson. horn; Ronald WSUI Monday and lellal hoUday. by Stu­ p.m. . at the swimming pool in the •dent Public. lions. Inc., Communlca­ small. "Pierre has such bjld luck," · /, ~ I Tyree, basoon; John Simms. piano Uons Cenler, Iowa Clly. Iowa. En­ DAILY IOWAN SUPEavISORS FaDM Per on I st ff be '1 d M N b ' Women's Gymnasium. All women -a program of selections by Bee­ tered .s IIeCOnd clus maller al Ihe SCHOOL or JOUaNALISM J'AC1JLTY S a a mom rs never W31 e I's . uss aum once, 1/1 ,Schedule Publl.her ...... Lester O. Benz cease to be amazed at Gruenther's "that if it was raining borscht students interested in synchronized thoven, Eller and Philip Bezanson . POOl office at. lowa City, under the swimming are invited to join . No Bel 01 Cone"''' of March 2, Irra. Editorial " .. .. Arthur M. 8.1ndenon memory and the high speed (unc- outside, he'd be standing with 8 p.m.-Iowa Mountaineers Film· TODAV'S IIC1IEDULII Advertlslnl ...... E. Johl1 KoUman tioning of his mind. A o!!tream of a fork. LIe would also Iniss the ~0. experience is neccssary and no try· 8:00 Mornln& Chopcl CIrculation .... ,... Wilbur Pelerson C Lecture-"Germany Today"-Rus· Dial 4191 from a ..n 10 mI.nl,bl I. outs will be held. 8:15 News "p.rI D.... 110m., wome.·, pa,. ------"----Imemos ny out of his office, all potatol" I sell Wright-Macbride Auditorium. 8:30 To Bc Announced MEMBER 01 tho ASSOClAn;D PRJ:8S \\oritten in longhand in the precise . ~ • • l Monday, Dec.mber 3 ':I~ The Book,hell I"'.... or .o ....camenla I. Tile The Auodated Pre .. I. entitled ex- '-. WRONG PAPER • :.n The Voice of Alrlcultur • Dall, 10.... 11 ....'1.1 .lfl""•• re I. elu.lvely 10 the use lor republlcaUon Gruenther script. ,The late Fred Allen himself / • 2 p.m.-University Faculty New- Ib :OO Family Album u.. C...... I ••" ••• Co.lor. 10:80 \ of .11 the local new. prlnled In tbls Gruenther's passion for knowing recalled that the networks were , , PUYALLUP, Wash. /-'1 - For a comers Club Tea-Home of Mrs. Challenl. newlJNlper a. wen a. A.P n.w. bo 11 :30 Reclt.1 Hall SubticrlptJon l'lltel - by carrier In dlsp.thcea. .n a ut every detai 1 has made so worried about his scripts. fleeting moment it looked as if Sidney G. Winter. 517 Templin \2,00 nhylhm R.mble. Iowa City. 2$ cents weekly or $10 1.,\10 New. per )'ur In advance: slx month •. ------Gruenther invaluable as a staff of· they assigned two lawyers to the Theta Rho Girls Club had hit Road. 12:40'1 One Mlln', Opinion S5.50. three moillh.. $3.00. By mall DAILr IOWAN IDITOalAL ITAP .. ficer and later as supreme com· supervise the show. "They the jackpot during a recent paper 2 to 5 p.m.-Governor's Confer­ I :/Xl PIII.kln Prevl"w In low •. t. per year: Ilx monlM, $5: EdIIDr ...... Dan Hinson d H h t t fl' bo h drlvc . One of the girls shuffled cnce on Education-Housc. Senate 1:15 Football thle. month •. $3: ..U other m."'ub­ Manalin. !dltor .. ... Km Koopman. man cr. e as spen · mos 0 liS t wcre so short," said Fred. . 3:30 Post-Gam" I'l'rt)' ICrlptions. $I() per yeor: .Ix month •• Clb EdIIDr ...... Kirk Boyd military career on ~tarr jobs and "Uley were only good to put things on top of. Their objections usually through some old newspapers and and 80ard Rooms. Old Capitol. . :00 Tea Tim S1't:t'tal 111.80: Lhre" month •. S3.~. 0,00 Slorl". 'n Slurr Aln. CII), UIIDu , .. ~JaI:7M~~~":: haa held only two commands - in ran to about 200 pages. They were 1I1i1bably the only 1I1en who wrote came lip clutching $2,500 in crisp Tue..." Doc""'r • 013() New~ DAILY IOWAN ADVZanllNO New. Editor ...... IUIft FwnanM' an artillery battalion and at more Ulah they could lift. .. bills. But the smiles turned to 10 to 12 a.m.-Oovernor·s Con- O: 4G M.nhIU.,,\ Mt!lodlu Dlnn .. r Hour • Advent"'n, Mar...... 11.1 (0 • howls of anguish. That good-look- ferencc on EducaUDn-Hou8e. St>n­ ':0. Spone J:dllor ...... JIm Hey SHAPE. The rest of his mUltary • :iWl N4'w ~ Aut. o\dvet1l1tn, Mlr ..~mle , kin jIodety J:dltor ."..... IIeIMi' Bene . • h bee d • ClaMltied Mar...... 11m 1Itabbard Chlef Photo,l'IIpIIe, ...~ NelJM service as n cvoted to Ilrmy 'Un,'e you bel!ll boycotling tile dCl)prtml'nt RtorC'R in town this ing gre('11 sturt hlld '*l!lI issued IIII' lind Board Roonls. Old Cllpitol. 100 1"1(111 Q\I~t1.er by-Tho Confederate States of 12:30 p.m. - Unlver/lity Club l1311 Ollt .. r.11'<'IIIa'101l "'111'. .GordOD Wadawotlll Wire Ullor...... ~ ~JleLorrl. schoolsi teacblng at West PoInt. month ?" an un£el>JiJlg husband a!ll<30 16 a rter 10 lines. SO Models tributions to medicine, a P ,/n, 12-8 6, The Mausoleum of HaUcar­ To Choose From, Cabling-Feeding-Bracing For a number of years, Ponseti nassus, built for King l\-lausalus by SOMETHI~G? Evergreen Service .. has directed a study into the causes his widow in 353 B. C. PHOTOF'IN[SHlNG-8 e"polure rolL i'l1n1IPIr\rma'r Prof Cedar R apid ", Iowa You'll find th e items YOU SPEctAL 39c, No ell",. ror develop· SUI of curvature of the spine and cer­ 7. The temple of Artemis (Di­ BIG NIGHT 0.' FUN In,, Young" 'tudlo, I 12- 1 Wollesen's, Inc. tain other bone diseases. Last year, ana) in th c ancient city of Ephesus 1' 0 .. 1.. Fall Festival" McCool's .Tree Surgery CONTE T S - PRIZE - FU nre looking for ill The }"'; ~IIUIP.§: in Vermont his work brought ljim ~he $1,000 in Asia minor. Saturday Wanled to Trade Quality Since 1936 Bonded and Insured Kappa Delta award from the na­ The Slnrl n ~ Sa OphOllU of D :1 j I Y Iowan lass ified Phone 1210 Former SUI civil engineering SQOTT LARK NEW HOUSE ON FARM or aereage tional sorority of the same name, WRONG DOUBLE DATE Marion Shopping Center Phorle 8-2170 , ~.~fessor Andrew, Holt, 66, died of &< HI OKCUESTItA Columns, near Iowa Clly. Larew Company , The recipient of the Kappa Delta DETROIT IA'l - A pretty wo­ 9681. 11-21 528 J({I no Street , attack Thursday in Vcr­ Marion, Io wa . prize is chosen ar,nually by thc Am­ man said a patrolman stopped her SATURDAY SPECIAL o 11-24R Iowa City, lowa while on a hunting trip. And if you have an item erican Academy of Orthopedic Sur. for speeding but arranged a date STUDENT RATES Old FdsMol1ed TTtut II -11K He received an M,S, from SUI in geons at the sorority's request, and told her to bring along a to sell, The Daily Iowan TYPEWRITERS and was an SUI professor from friend fOr his patrol car partner. ICE CREAM to 1937, He later headed the Only 50' till 10p.m. Clussificds pro v ide YOll RENT·A·CAR She brought two friends, One was Pt.25c Jtl Gal. 79c : Engineering Department at a policewoman and th e other was with I,D, Card with an e it s y, Jow - cost :::~~: OR .. ,,,," ,,.'.~~Wnre""lpr Polytechnic Institute, Harper Tells Use senior poliee inspector, S·P·E·C·I·A·L • SALES ll'inl,epo/'pr, Mass" where he taught salesman, V.nllla Ice C.... m. Authorized - Royal .. t 'J the last 19 years. Of College Union RENT ·A·, TRUCK L.te Whether it's buying or One gallon, $1.35 Dealer Holt, a retired Army officer, also The college union is an effective LICENSED . 11..... h"Nl a law degree from SUI in instrument in youth's search for Show selling, it's Th e Daily Select Lot of Chr-istmas Trees Portables Standards was a member of the , an abundant life, Earl E, Harper, Tonite Iowan Classifieds Columns 011 the tcoy, Wikel Hertz Dr;:~fUr System .. ' J.lJlassacl,us~)tts and Iowa bar asso- director of the Iowa 'Memorial Un· ion affirms in the new issue of for you. was author of "Manual oC College and University Business, Brenneman Grocery Typewriter Co. MAHER BROS. Astronomy," an engineering WOMAN LAID BAREl OPEN Monday till , :. p,m. He cites the college union as PHONE 4 ~ 91 Corner Iowa & Dubuque Dial 8-1 051 23 E, Washington Phon. 9696 .J""" ,.. 'II~Y l hMk and cO.o(1ulhor oC other of those institutions whicb "lIaye ______~EO~D~I~I-~~~ ______~TS~~I O~- 1~8~1 ______~l o~-~6n come to birth and grown inevit­ ably and irresistibly because men ILONDIE By CHI C YOUNG Grad Gets Award need them," In the article, "Temple of the Study Grade Schools Good Life : the College Union." David Bowers, who received his Harper stresses consideration of . degree {rom SUl and is now the union in its relation to, and in '1:""'101:11111; editor of the Idaho State its servIce of, human values, has been awarded $5,000 The scven basic values for a the Ogden Mills Reid Founda- good liCe, for which the union of the' New York Herald Trib· offcrs a "stimulating environment at an impressionable period I The award is a travel and study life," are economic,' physical, fdlowship, Bowers will leave in reaUonal, social, intellectual, January to spend a year in Europe tic and spiritual development, he . co-starring , ,,, . , _'nllll~ elementary schools, points out. THELMA RITTER' DEWEY MARTIN P .... 4-THE OAIl. Y lOWAN-I .. we City, '1.-s..twnIay, Ne¥. II, I," • Closequt. Tilts 3 Ol,ympi( Firsts. On Today's ·Big·10 "Rebellion' for u.s:; \ Grid Card '- Three conference races and al least one bowl position will be settled Saturday in traditional ,. ,.. closeout football gsmt's while na· tional paccsetters Oklahoma and Yea r Ends Today Ham 'mer~Thrower Out ' Tennessee reach semifinal tests in their bids ror pcrrect seasons. CHICAGO fA'! - A Big Ten foot· Clemson and Duke arc in two baU campaign that will be remem· Russia Leads ' Russell Leads spotlight grunes with the Atlantic bered as the "rebellion year oC the 3rd Year Together . ' Conference championship and IIJI have·nots" ends today with a possi· OrllJlge Bowl bid hanging in the bility Iowa and Minnesota will I fln· balance. , ish top two. , . first Day; U.S. over Japs Clemson (3~·1) in the ACC meets Iowa's Hawkeyes concluding with Virginia, and Duke (3·]) is at a non·conference date with Notre " MELBOURNE 1.4'1 - Fabulous North Carolina. Dame, can "back into" their first Bill Russell brought the United Though they arc not committed clear-cut championship in 35 years Yanks 4th States from a two-point deficit to to pick the titleholder, the Atlantic if Michigan defeats Ohio State at . MELBOURNE lA'I - Suspension a 44·point lead during a brilliant Coast representatives will name Columbus. be hammer thrower Cliff Blair in performance Friday night as the their "most representative team" Minnesota's almost equally sur· u case reminiscent of the Eleanor championship Cavorites defeated Saturday to play Colorado of the prising Gophers, also if Michigan Holm incident of 1936 threw a Japan 98-4{) in an Olympic games Big Seven 9n New Year's Day. trips Ohio State. can achieve sec· elimination basketball game. South Carolina, a third possibility, ond place and their best finish in cloud over the United States forces has finished its season with a 5·2 15 years with a triumph at Wiscon· in the Olympic games but the The ' 6-10 Ail·America center from San Francisco scored 20 ACC record. sin. Yanks hoped to down their troubles Yale needs to get by Hafvard Other c(mference finales include in a cascade of gold medals Sat· points and held the Japanese to a mere three during his crowd· in their 73rd classic to be assured lliinois (1·3-2) at Northwestern (2- urday. pleasing 13 minute appearance. of the Ivy League Crown. s·)} and Indiana (1-4) at Purdue Led by Charley Dumas, a lanky The Japanese, with only one Though Iowa BJready has at least (0-4·2), while Michigan State (4·2) 19-yeaHld Los Angeles collegian, player over six foct tall compar· a s~re of the coveted Big Ten is host to Kansas State in a non· who set a new Olympic high jump championship and a Rose Bowl Iloop windup. mar~ Uncle Sam's athletes already Cirl C.ln Of low.·. Ilg fen trip assured, Ohio State can sal. Iowa and Minnesota, especiall~· have captured three gold medals cINmplent, • momber .. the vaga a title deadlock by whipping the Gophers, have h~d past seasons and were given a good chance to U.S. Olympic bllkotb.1I tum, Michlgan. of glory, but it was 56 years ago Cllpture four more medals in track did not see action In tho ••m.. Ohio State which lost a chance when both last headed the confer· and Cield-the 400-meter hurdles. Ho WI. tlkon to I hospltll Sat· at a third successive ' champion· ence standings. That was in 1900 100C1-meter dash, broad jump and urday with • Nck lliment which ship ~o Iowa last Saturday, still when Minnesota led the infant (Dally rowan Pbol.j hammer throw-and could grab mlY .1c~lIno him for .... re­ can become only the sixth club in league with a S~-1 record and Iowa ENDING THEIR THIRD season of .nnouncing lowl football ••mol a third . welghtliCling crown where mllnder of fI!e Olympic tourn~ 61 years to gTlIb at least a piece was next with 2-0.1. with tod.y's low .. -Notre D.. me clash .. re Bucky O'Oonl1Or, Hawk IN .. Pete George or Okron. 0,. ranks mont. of the crown three years running. iowa's Hawkeyes closed with a ketINll cOlch, (left) .nd Bob Zonner, WSUI Sporls Director, Tho as world king. CIln, who.. MIne II In Froo­ Michigan has done it three times 5-1 league record with a 6~ upset broadclst will be on a, .t.te·wide Mfworlc, ro.ching nino It.tl..... Two Americans. Charles Vinci porl, III., luffered a .lIpped disc and Minnesota twice. of Ohio State last week. That It Is sponsored by tho Iowa Alumni A.. eeiltion. of York, Pa., • and Isaael Berger during WOficeutl with tho U.S. Oklahoma isft't worried about clinched a Rose Bowl trip and a or Brooklyn, won gold medals by (AP Wlrep ..lo) sqUid Hrllor thl •••11 and ~ltrl' extending Its winning streak to 39 title tie, besides snapping Ohio down to a final fourth·place tie with as is the Ohio State·Michigan game breaking world and olympiC rec· CZECHOSLOVAKIA'S Olg. Fikotova (abov.) F.~idlY broke the wo­ vlfocI tho condition. games against Nebraska. The na- State's record leallue victory string Michigan State at 4-2. - it wiJI be their best conference ords In the weighUifting competi· mon'. dl.cu. rocord with I toss of 176 felt, IV2 Inches In tho openlnl tion's foremost collegiate power has at 17. season 3-3·1 since their Rose Bowl ed with the Americans who have too much class for Big Seven opo Iowa shared the 1922 Big Ten A Michigan triumph would give tion. Vinci. a 23·year-old shipping dlY of tfIo 1956 Olympic Gam •• in Melbourne, Austrllil. Hor ".t year of 1948. I only one man under six feet, sur· ponents and only a catastrophe can crown with Michigan and Chicago, the Wolverines a closing 5·2 record, clerk, captured the bantlrnweight w.. I .urprl .... Ru ..il's Ninl PlnamarivI, now flmous for .hop­ if prised the United States with a prevent the Sooners from making although having one more victory, good for third - Minnesota beats Minnesota is favored by 7 point. title by lifting a total or 753 pounds. lifting I hit In Loncion, WIS expected to tako top hortors in the ovont. Wisconsin for a 5·1·] mark and sec· t fast break attack which kept them it 40 in a row in next week's wind- and won the 1921 title outright, also over Wisconsin; Purdue by 10 over Berger, who was born in Israel and spot. Indiana ; Michigan State by 27 and became a U.S, citizen less than in the lead for most of the first up with Oklahoma AltM. with a 5~ record. Minnesota actu. over sia's Nina Ponomareva-the girl first place, but" an objection was If Kansas State; and Iowa by 15 over a year ago, won the featherweight half. I Tennessee, No. 2 in the Jatest ally finished second in 1949 with 4·2, the Wildcats can deCeat Illi· shoplifter of London notoriety. lodged against his time . .The ob· nois - the game is rated a tossup Notre Dame. title with a lift of 776.6 pounds. EC\rlene Brown of Los Angeles was jection was upheld and Hall was With the clock showing 5:25 left Asstlciated Press poll. expects but behind deadlocked champions . Despite the three gold medals, a surprising fourth. placed fourth.. ... i~ the £irst half, Russell took. ~ much tougher sledding against the Ohio State and Michigan. The Go . the United States placed no higher hIgh pass from ' for~ard D!ck pesky Kentucky Wildcats, The vol- phers best previous finish was 1941 The United . States qualified all All was not perfect for U.S. Boushka, s~un from his left SIde I luntcers lead the Southeastern Con. with 5~ for the title. than fourth in the uno({icjal point of its entries in the l00·meter, athletes, however. Yale's strong standings, trailing Russia, Ger· and tossed In a two handed push terence (4~) but still have two The Hawkeyes will be officially many and Sweden. The point totals dash, 400·meter hurdles and 800· eight·oared crew, figured a good shot over. the heads of the Japa- league games remaining. designated the Big Ten's Rose Bowl included all events' completed meter run-with expected ease. chanoe to win its ' event, failed to nese to he the score 17-17, Right behind Tennessee are delegate in a poll of conference Bobby Morrow of Abilene Christian win its heat. The Elis finished through Friday together with the Georgia ·Tech and Florida to meet athletic directors tonight or Sun· (A..thOT .J "Bor.,oot BnN >VIlA Ch.let .Ie.) sl"i equestrian events deeided at College and Ira Murchison of third behind Australia and Cana· R • T k L d with identical 5·1 Southeastern day. Stockholm last July. Chicago (formcrly an Iowa track· da but can still adanve in a "sec· uss.a a es ea man ) equalled the Olympic rec· ond chance" heat. marks. The winner is almost. cer- Ohio State must defeat Michigan Russia, with one gold medal, led F G tain ·to get a bowl invitation an~ at Columbus or possibly drop clear with ' 43 points. Gcrmany was sec· ord of 10.3 seconds in the 100. The American's hopes for a good rom erma ny a qhance to pass Tennessee should ' and with 42 1h points. Then came A 1-2·3 swecp loomed in the 100 showing in the hammer throw still MELBOURNE .iA'I- Russia, scor~ th(! Vols falter. Doctors Say Patterson's A GUIDE FOR THE UNMONEYED dash finals with Thame Baker of were bright despite the suspension ing 37 points as fullscale compc· Sweden with 98 and the United The cross·town rivalry spiced by Hand Ready for Moore . States fourth with 35. Elkhart, Kans. , almost certain to oC Blair. His Boston te'ammate, tition began in the 16th Olympi

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