alachi Puts' Finger On Old Gangland Crony WAS~I1~GTON . (,\P)_ ,Toseph i s!aYi,ngs arc still markccl ".lc·1 world death sentence. against I Valach! said . the l1:ish 'nob! Valu(!hi said the gang, bosse:! Valaclu put the fmger 011 an old 1 hve.' Thc slayers arc labeled i mcn who traccd thcu' ba~k· was "domg a little stIckup job I by S a I valor e Maranzano, gangland crony Tucsday as the "persons unknown." I ground to a small village in Ihere and there, hut it was wanted new faces so the riv;ll triggcr man in a scrics of mob \ Chairman John L. l\ICCICllanll Sicily. dangerous ... and they weren't mob of G ius e p p e Mass~ria war slayings 33 years ago. (Dem. Ark. of tIl c Scn· He said at one point that a making any money." wouldn't recognize\ its person· E The man, Valachi told invl!s, ate investigations subcommittee I ganglal1l1 lender had condemned Then came a 44·montb break, ne\. And he said the !\IaranzallO ligating senators in. a ramblin.~ II said Valachi's testimony ~hollld \ to death everyone who came while Valachi served a sentence group had only about 15 memo disjoin\ed llccount of the gang give police new leads in their from the Sicilian village called for a factory burglary. bers, and needed more. hattIe he calls "the Castella., efforts to catch the killers. i Castel del ;\Iar-and lhat '.vas When he got ollt, Valaehi said. That's where the chart came marese WaL'," was Girolamo I Secking vengeance againstllhe ancestral home of most cof 1he formed his own gang to pull: in. Lavern ,I. Duffy, a subcom· Santuccio, alias Bobby Doyle. I the underworld syndicate that1the men in an opposition gang. burglaries-the field IIC knew I mittcc staff member, uscd it The victims, he said .. w'!rc I!"arked him for. death. as ~1111 As he testified, an ~nvesti~a·, best. Thc gang pulled a robbcry I and Valachi's intermittent. testi· gangland bosscs .Joseph Plhzolo,! mformer, Valaclu IS lelhng the lor traced gangland hlstor~' on I every three weeks 01' so, he said I mony to trace the ~ham of Mfred ;\1inco and Steve Fcr'I' story of Cosa Nostra before a big chart-a family tree of the ~ averaging $1,500 to $2,000 a iob,: slayim:s that shapcd mob lead· rigno. senators and the public. He is mobs. I and "I was taking it easy." : el·ship. Valachi said his gang t's'l under a life sentence for a Valachi also tcstified th,lt i In In29, Valaelii said, Domi. l The first l'ictim, Duffy said, signed him to keep an eYe on prison killing, and has he·~n Vito Genovese, whom re has I nick (The Gap I Petrelli ~p. :'was Gactano Reina, boss of one Ferrigno to set him up· ror I made available to thc snhcom' labelled the big hoss in the New Iproached him and aslled him to! gang, who was killed on Feb. slaying in the undeclared war mittce by the justice dep3rt· York mobs, still has a hand in sign up with "the mob." 26. 1930, by a Masseria ,nob between rival mobs. ment, which is seeking new Las Vegas gambling ~peraliolls I 11 was Ln Cosa Nostra, VJl· i slaycr. In l!l60, Valachi said, Doyle laws 10 com hat organizcd -even though he is behind hal'S, aehi said. but hc didn't know it: ~fusseria named Pinzolo to was living in Stamford, Conn., crime. serving a narcotics sentence at. at the time. I take over leadership of th~t nmning a restnurant and opel", STARTED FRIDAY Leavenworth, Kan. I Behind his enlistment. Val·. gang. Valachi said, and the mob ating jukc boxes .1n(\ a book.. He stnrted the galc Frida)'. Valachi bcgan his story in ~ achi said. was a smouldcrIng' mcmbcrs didn't like it. making setup. Tuc?day hc' was hack with 11924, when h~ joined a gang' mob disputc. that bcgan arler' Valachi said he c0l!lplained to TAI.Imn INTO JOINING I stoncs of "Bustcr." nn under·, called "lhc Insh mob." : Gaetano Ga~lmno, a m'lb 1IJ1[lc~· "The Gap" about Pmzolo. Vnlachi said it was Doylc who. world exccutioner he sa i d i LOClmD IN WAR . hoss, was killed. That sla)'in~ "Shut liP he says, this guy's tallwd him into juining la Cos:! lookcd like a collcge boy; <:f' SOOIl that outfit and "the' was "wilhout .iu~tice." cvcn in gonna die." Xostra. the I'ast crime syndi.' "thc Mtichol;~ Kin~," who CIIl'·, Italian moh" wcre lockcd in a' gangland tcrms. Valachi solid.. Ill' did. in .\u.~llst or 5cptrm· calc he scn'ed for :10 veal's. nrrcd tile :Jell' York mal'kel nn: gang war-but Valachi snid and the moh wanted rcvcnge con her of 1930. Valachi saId DoYle In :JCIl' York llolice files, the ~ the I'cgctahle; and of an under·: nobody )!ot hurt. ,a ril'al oulfit. told him he killed I'imolo. .. ----------- HOTOS .---" .... _-_._--- ._-_ All form. or Coming soon 'murance WIDE Can~da/s Sales Leader The Pontiac 1964 Edition TI-IE DAIIJY NE Water St. Elilabetb Ave, 9·4.171 Terra Nova Motors ltd. ----------._-_ .. _- 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS ST. JOHKS,-------------------------------- NE'."TOti~DLAND, \\,ED~ESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 ED \0. :!:!O ------~--------~------------------------------------------- , p .i 11~ •••• _ •• _ • ______________._ •• - 0-" ..... -----.------------.. --.... -.~-.-- Welconles Soviet nent ocreds Peace Efforts '" e~trl'l1 uuder etain I By C,\[{~IAN CUMMING rd Kingdom, , l!NITEO NATIONS CP-Britain's Foreign Secretary Lord IS manager a! I Home gave a cautio liS welcome Tuesday to a Soviet III'oposal for and Chenl ower I a summit conference on disarmamcnt nl'xt year, nut he stipulat. l1a~' Roberts. I I'd that scrious jlreparatory work would have to be done first. In n ]lolicy speech before the United Nations General As· :';(1 EltUI'TS B. c. I ~embly, Lorel Home said there hal'e been si;::ns of a new chapter .. \ 1:\)"-:\ , in co.operation between Russia and the West. I Iwar ,\l()tenan~o, ·Torn.1 't P ,-Th"'l'e w~rc! I "y. Satllrda~' nignl rrel'lm!.; in thr ('ards today ! He wlcomed what he cal1~d' agreement to pre \' e n t •he .• ll'IllJla Cit~' flriti;h ('c,lumilia settled ,the Soviet l'nion's uncompI'o,' spread of weapons of mass -.te· :ltc Sunday it llU Ii r!' ii, lifth Social mising stand against I,'ar, and! struct ion in outer ~pace. ! ~lackenin!: off .n,_.h' ,HIlllini>lratinn in the warn cd Communi~t China thnt He said hc regard cd the ex· ~ 1Ilthnritie~ - said the . 11 \'eil!';. I I all its millions of peoplc could, change of o!J5cn'crs-who would I ; not serious. 'Chi not save it from annillliation i[ be stationed at key points SUcll rd for apllJ'('x!, ~nrcrumcllt of PremIer nuclear war hroke out. as airficlds and ports to j.(uac·d i A. ('. Rennert \\'011 :I~ of the There werc i'~ Home said that ~ituations I agoinst surprise attack - as i .~ ;~ ;cnls in ~londay's where Communist and \\'cstem .. the most promising collatel'al i Ilotn~2-all inue3se of three philosophy confront each other' measlll'e" Ihat could be pur· BONN, West Germany-West ISIIER illES the nllmhcl' it held witen I ,should not bc glossed over. sued. German Chancellor Konrad ~,th Ic~i,lature was dis· i G R E E:-I, O~!t I The Bedin wall still re·· Home spoke just ~lCfore goi~~ ;\clenauer while attending a fare· ~1. lla5well, ';J, ;iI'\\' lJl'lllocratic Party 'mnined, for example, as a ".Ie· to a lunchcon I1lcetm~ WIth ',0' well party at the ChallCcllery t1,,~ daily Bowlin: thlw ,cnts. Inking 13. ! ninl o[ coexistcncc, both bc·; \'iet Forcign ~linister Andrroi: "Potlais Scllaulllhur~" here Sep· lei . T.ii,UllC, diei The Liherals retain')d i : twe~n EJst and Wcst Germ,IIlY: GI:omyko. II'ho. made the ~Ull1' ~ tember 25th, Adenaucr, 87, is \"I,itinl! hi~ lana (ire the)' had. I and hetween NATO and the mIt proposal III an ~ssellllJly' scheduled to retire ncxt montil. in \,'l'od C01IOI)', Itrihllterl to a heart Prllgl'e"i\'e Conserva. NEW YOUK-The Big Three ForeIgn Ministers met In New York to explore possibilities of further East.West agreemcnts Warsaw pact." I speech 12 ~~ys ago: Home ~lans -(UPI Photo). 1 '. c31l1Jlni~nin~ for the first I following the nuclear test ban. Seatell are (L R) BrItain's Lord JIume, U,S, state Secretary Dean Rusk and Soviet Russia's I Home end~rsed ,w hat h.e. t? meet ~ l'lday ":Ith Pre:;lc!ent nnder E. Davie Fulton, in, II Foreign i\llnlster Andrei Gromyko,-(U.l, Photo), ,called PremIer Khrushchev s m Washlllgton. where Ihe'.'j,ed .______ . ___ .. __ .. ----_... -' ~----- --.~-.-----: "step·by·step" approach to di3' ·l~ennedythe matter may come up. PCI' c~~t ;~ th~r 19~Oel1~!;;~~~ I. --Wi·~""---l"-' P -d~" .F gram en\'lsagmg... a vast lIlcreasc: I armament.Among thesc possible st~os ' theGromyko's 17 nations proposal of the wa, Gcnel'a that -'S Upp ort rlll'I",!II'''' ~hare 01 the popular ,"otc' l in .the .number of scientists a.nd·' were the prcvention of ~iJe ~ disarmament group. ineludin'! . son ro uces our. umversl y gra ua cs; massl,'e spread of nuclear weapons; ex" Canada, meet early nrxt yc~r B ro,'cr,,!dl the 1)3I'tl.· still hasn't elected I .
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