Precede every message in this code by "PCI" This book has been issued


for official use under his direction only.


Official: ROBERT C. DAVIS, Adjutant General. A


To be used only with Field Code No. 1. To be issued down to companies. To be used only for communications with'n divisions. To be completely destroyed, by burning, when in danger of capture oi code has been issued. Precede Every Message in This Code by "C 1"

About to advance... BY A B... Left Ammunition exhausted. FB AF... Enemy machine gun fire s.

Arc advancing. . .PX AG... Gas is being released

At...S\ A P. . .Stretcher bearers needed Attack failed. ..BM AV... Recall work ng party

Attack successful . . . PF AW. . .Casualties heavy Barrage wanted... XF AX... Using gas shells*

Be ready to attack... ZF AZ. . .Relief completed Being relieved XA BD...How is everything

Captured. . .CB BF... Right

Casualties heavy... AW BJ. . .Situation serious

Casualties light... FZ RM. . .Attack failed

Center. . .PB BP... Enemy trenches Entmy...FC BS... Raiders have left

Enemy barrage commenced. . . PV BX... Falling back Enemy fire has destroyed. .. SP BY... About to advance Enemy machine gun fire serious ... A F CA... Everything O. K.

Enemy trenches . . . BP CB... Captured

Everything O. K...CA CM. . .Reinforcements needed

Everything quiet. . .XG CP. . .Need water B\" Falling . . back. CX. . .Machine gun ammunition need«»d

is . Gas be ng released. .AC CZ. . .Objective reached

Have broken through... S FA. . .Not ready

How is everything. . .BD FB. . . Ammuntion exhausted

Increase range. . .SB FC. . .Enemy Left...AB FM...Our art llery is shelling us Look out for signal... SZ FS.. .Using high explosive *.

Machine gun ammunition needed... CX FX. . .Stopped

Message not understood. .. PO FY. . .Situation improving

Message received. . .ZX FZ. . .Casualties light

Near. . .SM PB.. .Center

Need water. . .CP PF. ..Attack successful Not ready... FA PG... Strong attack

Objective* reached. . .CZ PM. . .Trenches Our. ..XP TO... Message not understood Our artillery is shel'inj KM PV. ..Enemy barrage common. -d Raiders have left...BS PX. ..Are advancing Recall working party.. .AV SA. ..Have broken through T Reinforcements needed. ..CM SB. . . ncrease range

Relief being sent...XY SC. . .Troops Re'ief completed. . .AZ SF. ..Tank stuck R : fle ammunition needed.. -\B SM...Ncar Right... BF SP... Enemy Are has destroyed Rush. ..ZP S\ ... At

Situation . improving. . FY SZ...Look out for signal Situation serious. . .BJ XA.'. .Being Relieved Stopped. . .FX XB... Rifle ammunition needed

Stretcher hearers needed.. . A P XF. . . Barrage wanted

Strong . . attack. PG ? G. . .Everything quiet Tank stuck.. .SF XP...Our "

Trenches. . . PM >*Y. . . Rel'ef being sent Trenches have been occupied. /..I ZB...Wire entanglements destroyed Troops. . .SC ZF. ..Be ready to attack Using gas shells... AX ZJ ... Trenches have been occupied Using high explosive shells... FS ZP. . .Bush Wire entanglements destroyed... ZB Z v ... Message received


1. This code book, to be known as "Field Code No, 1", is issued to division, brigade, regimental and battalion head- quarters of your division. Whether or not it is issued to neighboring divisions must be determined by you before you send them telegrams encoded by its use. (See G. O. No. 172, G. H. Q. American E. F., 1918.) 2. IN CASE OF LOSS OF THIS BOOK, NOTIFY SUPERIOR AUTHORITY AT ONCE. BURN IF IN DANGER OF CAPTURE.

3. Coded messages sent by telephone will be preceded by "FC1". If transmission is difficult, use the following telephone alphabet, authorized by G. O. No. 103, 1918: A—Able N—Nan B—Boy O—Opal C—Cast P—Pup D—Dock Q—Quack E—Easv R—Rush F—Fox S—Sail G—George T—Tare H—Have U—Unit I —Item V—Vice J—Jig \V—Watch K—King X—X-ray • L—Love Y—Yoke M—Mike Z—Zed Example: If the operator receives "buy" as "vie," and difficulty is experienced in distinguishing "B" from "V," "buy" "may be spelled "boy-u-3r ."

4. Coded messages sent by telegraph or radio will be pre- ceded by the group "FC1."

5. The use of this code for regular routine reports should be limited to actual necessities. Such reports should be trans- mitted by other means than radio or earth-telegraphy. 6. Avoid use of words not in code book when other word> with same significance are provided. Words spelled out, letter by letter, not only take time to code, transmit and decode, but they are one of the favorite points of attack by enemy code men.

7. Where two or more code groups are assigned the same letter, syllabic, word or phrase, first one and then another should be used so that in a series of messages each occurs about tne same number of times. In particular, no group should ever appear twice in the same message.

8. At least one group marketj "Null" should be used for every ten code groups in a message. These should be placed at irregular intervals. A "Null" should always occur between double letters; thus, the word "boot" would be encoded:

(bi (o) (Null) (o) (t) AWK CUF NAW PCU JAK

Note that different groups are used for letter "0." 9. In messages sent by radio or earth-telegraphy, addresses will be used only when context of message does not indicate for whom intended. When used, they must be in code.

10. Signatures must be in code if message is sent by radio or earth-telegraphy. Usually it will be sufficient to indicate origin by some word in code book previously agreed upon by each commander and his immediate subordinates.

11. The message handed Signal Corps operator should bi- in the following form on any suitable paper:

"No. 1. 15:40 FC1 AWK CUF NAW PCU JAK Send this message to First Division.

J. M. Capt., 1st Infantry."

12. Items should always appear in the following order:

(a) Number of message. (b) Hour of signature. (c) Group designating code used. (d) Body of message.

('e) Order directing transmission. Order directing transmission may also indicate means to be employed when deemed necessary by the commanding officer, but this will, in general, be left to the discretion of the Signal Corps. 13. Blank spaces at end of book are for use of divisions for designation of organizations and local geographical points, or for such other use as may be desired. Words assigned will be reported to Corps, Army and General Headquarters, and to neighboring divisions

14. Bead G. O. No. 103, G. H. Q. American E. F., 1918, before using this code.

15. For the convenience of officers having occasion to use it the "Emergency Code List," which has been issued to companies, is published in the front of this book. ENCODING SECTION

00. 4.2...MPJ air. . .BOG 4.7...DYB -al.. .GOM 5. 9... QMS alert. . .SBA

6-inch. . .JOR all. . .DWP..KSB 9.2. . .VSD all communications cut...YJX 9.45. . .MAW concerned. . .FAV 9.5. ..KBX all all objectives reached. . .LEW 155 .. . SKC . .ZBJ 240. ..XJM all points. all ready. . .NUK

-A- all returned. . .CAR

. A. . .WNA. .PJO. .FGL. .GSD all right. .QEF

. abandon . . . RPS all stations. .GWM able. ..XGA all well. . .RBO

. .OBR about. . .GMO all your messages received. about to advance. . .YXO alone. . .DCM above. . .VPX along. . .MGX. .NSA

-ac. ..KVO also. . .MXV accident. . .PUX alter. . .FWY accidently wounded ... SXP altogether. . .OPS according. . .LBW always. . .NEB accurate. . .RFA Nulls: am. . .OGS. .YBA. .OSJ acknowledge . . . SNO VXK am not . . . JPC act...BWY XPN ambulance. . .PET action... LOK NPO American. . .SXB. .JYG active. OSV. .CBP WJM ammunition. . .SNV. .RMX activity. . .FPX. .OBW PNR ammunition for . . .SWB. .VYF

-ad. . .JAB among . . . PYN adjoining. . .XWA an. . .WUX. .GOW. .WYO. .QSB adjust. . .FOK ance. . .WPR

. Adjutant. . . JGS and. .GKX. .MBJ. .APE advance. . .PBR. .DYL and the . . . LAN advancing. . .CUM. .RWK angle. . .AWC advantage. . .BOP answer. . .FWA. .BMJ advisable . . . CJY ant...CFV Nulls: advise. . .YSO. .AXB antenna. . .DGX FAT advise when completed. . .MUD anti-aircraft. . .XSU JWY aero . . QBP any...DSB PWX . aeroplane. .'.ANX. .NBS apparatus . . . JES NGB

. aeroplane reports. . .QXY apparent . . PJX WAS after. . .BKS appear. . .DYW afternoon. . . JSY approach. . .CSB again. . .MCA approve. . .FGO against. . .DPS approximate. . .SCF age. . .KBO approximately. . .FES. .MPW agree . . . GBF April. . .FOB aim. . .FGC -ar. . .YPV

-com.JYP. .QOY -en. . .FPC. .XFP. .MYL

-con. . .DGF. .JWX -er.. .AMY. .PAM. .DOT

-dis. . .KGX. .WUJ -es.. .DWX. .RPA. .FBJ

-ed. . .SKP. .QAJ. .JAV -ing.. .ABG. .KSM. .MPB are. . .XJG. .RAN. .WBM blue. . .AXV camouflage. . .WBX blue rocket. . .DCW can. ..PSB. .BKX board. . .GEF can be . . . VYL boat. . .BOX Canadian. . .RFO body. . .NCB canal. . .ASG

bomb. . .YFG. .DYM Nulls: cancel. . .GPC bombard. . .MOK PCA cannot. . .BLP. .MEN. .GNP bombardment . . . PAG JPM Captain. . .DUL bombing . . . FCV SWP captive balloon. . .GBU bombing plane. . .JWA SAR capture. . .KGW both...RYF OCA captured. . .FJO. .FPN. .LGF bottom. . .OBL car. . .NWA. .XUJ box. . .KGP carry. . .BWO branch. . .YWO cartridge. . .ORB break... OWL case . . . PJB bridge. . .VXO casualties. . .CFP. .SOL bridgehead. . .SXW. .QEV casualties heavy. . .RMJ

Brigade. . .WNO. .VPN. .QVC casualties light... SCU

Brigade Headquarters. . .VJM. .GKC Cavalry. . .JBP

. bring. .LYK. .XGV cease. . .SOV

. bringing. .GUF center. . .YMS. .SUY

British. . .XBA. .XPA centimeter (s)...GV0

. broken. .WSJ -ch. . .PUG

. brought. .KVY change . . . VJS brown . . . VEG charge... CUT Nnlls: Browning Machine Gun...P0W chasse...VNO YJM

. build. .VPF Chauchat. . .RAV BED

. bullet. .BUD chief . . .VCJ. .CMK GEX burn . . . SMY Chief of Staff... VAF DYN burst. . .YUS cipher... MAP ZAB but. . .SUK. .CBJ clear. . .VON buzzer phone . . . QMC clearing. . .NBJ by.. .OVK. .JAM. .OMA clip. . .WYV by our troops. . .QXG close. . .FRX by . platoon (s) . .JOB cloud. . .WPL by radio. . .NOT code. . .JUK by rocket. . .LUF code lost. . .DAM by runner . . . FMO Colonel. . .WYM by . surprise. .CSP Colonial. . .XSC by the. . .MOB column. . .XFJ

-C- -com. . .JYP. .QOY

C. . .DOB. .MUW. .FXJ. .ABE combat. . .AXM cable. . .NEV come. . .PCB. .WEF. .ABM caliber. . .YAP coming . .. . SAG . . BNY call. . .SNA. .JSM coming out. . .GSC call letter. . . coming up. . .BET

-com. . .QOY. .JYP -en.. .XFP. .FPC. .MYL

-con. . .JWX. .DGF -er. ..PAM. .AMY. .DOT -dis. ..WUJ. .KGX -es. ..RPA..FBJ. .DWX

-ed. . .QAJ. .JAV. .SKP -ing. ..KSM. .ABG. .MPB comma. . .FOG. .KMP desert. . .MEF enough. . .PUN from.. .NAG..FYS..JPU had not. . .OSY from the. . .ANF half...KVS front. . .JXB. .BFM halt . . . OMX front line. . .YSV hand. . .LAK front of. . .DSV hand grenade . . . SUC

-ful. . .ZVB. .FCP happen. . .BXL furnish. . .YMO hard... SOW Nulls: further. . .NUT. .XWS has. . .JBU. .PYW GYL

further details. . .OPJ has arrived. . .CUX SAR

fuse. . .WAP Jias been . . . QVK DYN

-G- has destroyed. . .MUK SPW

G. . .SUR. .WMA. .Q0J..PLB has had. . .MEW MPO gain . . . RGO has not. . .NES. .FRS gas. . .MJC. .SAN has not arrived. . .FXY gas alarm. . .FPS. .RMS has not 'been. . .JOM gas attack. . .BNM has stopped. . .AWO gas cloud. . .KPX have. . .YXV. .BGX. .YFA gas defense. . .FBL have arrived. . .DM0 gas grenade . . . LBC have been. . .XOF

gas shell. . .NXB have established. . .FOX

gassed. . .NFX. .BXY Nulls: have left. . .WJC general. . .OLY. .BPU DOW have lost. . .NPC

German. . .SGR. . JBC JGB have no . . . WNV get. . .VOD. .CPA WJM have not . . . ORK . . PEW get in touch... XAM NGB have not arrived. . .SKX get ready. . .WOX FLU have not been...GFS give . . . CUP have taken. . .VBY

go.. .XFV have you. . .VAS going. . .NBO have you received. . .RUM gone. . .WXB having . . . VNG . . SBO good. . .MOS he. ..PWA..QJX. .KVM gray . . QMJ head. ..QXA . great. . .JPY. .REF headquarters. . .LGN. .REW. .CAX great activity. . .QVX hear. . .MGO green. . .YPL heavily. . .LUB green rocket... MGJ heavy. . .GWP..GBL

grenade. . .ZAG. .LPW heavy artillery. . . JGO

ground. . .XYV heavy loss . . . FSA

group. . .FSO. .FXB height. . .DAP. guard. . .WBJ held. . .AGO gun. . .AMK. .PJV held up. ..CUG guns. . .BNW help. . .BEP -H- here.. .MSY. .

H.. .OXB. .DUN. .GLY..NYL high. . .NCF

-ha. . .RWS high explosive shells... FMB had. . .OCU. .SCO hill.. .JSP

-com. . .JYP. .QOY -en. . .MYL. .FPC. .XFP

-con. . .DGF. .JWX -er. ..DOT.. AMY. .PAM

-dis. ..KGX..WUJ -es. . .FBJ. .DWX. .RPA -ed. ..JAV..SKP..QAJ -ing.. .MPB. .ABG..KSM

10 him.. .VJX. .SPO is having . . . JSK machine gun nest...MCP mine. . .PYB

made . . . FMS mine crater. . .COG

main. . .OMJ minus . . . SMO

main trench... AMG minutes. . .DOC. .KPS. .FCK

major. . .YFW. .FRU miss. . .OGN

make. . .RFV. .ZBC missing. . .PJS. .ANK

. . making . QAF mission. . .WUC

man. . . JPA mist. . .VJP

many. . .COV. .JYS mistake . . QYW .

map . . . KMG -mm. ..GEM. .NOK Nulls,

March. . .MSO. .GWC mobilize. . .KBL GLV mark out line...LGV model...BLY YAV

marked. . .BXA moderate. . .PWB 0GB

mask. . .JBY moment . . . JBM WAS

mass. . .POG Monday . . . LYG NGB

material. . .XWU mop . . . SON

. material not arrived. .RMP morale. . .CJB

may. . .OXV. .OWB more. . .YJC. .SUW. .CPV

may be. . .SBY Nulls: morning. . .FOP. .MPL

may not. . .VOR FAT mortar . . . KSX . . ASV

me. . .DPM. .RYG GLV most. . .PFV

mean . . . NUG PCA most of. . .QJS

meaning . . . FWO YJM motor. . .OXP

medical... WCF BGF motor car. . .RAK

meet. . .BFP mount . . . XFB

men. . .PUM. .WOL. .LYS move. . .VPK. .JPO

. men gassed. .NCX. .YMA movement . . . OLC

men killed. . .SNG. .CBU moving. . .OBG

. men missing. .CJW. .FLC moving up . . . GYF

. .LEF men wounded. .GPA. much . . . NOP . . JOC . . BGA

-ment. . .AGF much movement. . .DMG

message. . .XMU. .PAT. .QYA mud. . .RPB

Message Center... PXF munition. . .MAC

message not understood. . .JWM must., .GBO. .SCP. .YXZ message received. . .VAM must be. . .VXY message understood. . .NYF must have . . . NBX

messenger. . .GWY must not. . .LAC

met. . .OSM my. . .WOF. .BUS. .PJA

meter (s) . . .BOK my headquarters. . .SPA

middle. . .RPN my telegram. . .GSU

midnight. . .WPO -N- might. . .LPA N. . .VNP. .SYG. .XSA: .NPJ

might be . . . SAT -nd. . .FGP. .BLM. .OCW

might not . . . NFA neat. . .APW. .LUM mile(s) . . .YOL necessary. . .XBU. .RAC

millimeter(s) . . .WNS necessity. . .YSC

-. . .GON. .FJM. .MAT -S. . .SMD. .FRA. .ANW. .WEP

-ly. . .MUS. .NYM -St. . .RUT. .KPL. .RPX. .CAM -nd. . .FGP. .BLM. .OCW -th. . .DOP. .KXF. .GAL

-re. . .RAM. .CSY -en. . .GBA. .BKP

18 need. . .RBV. . .VNX or.. .GUK. .PNU. .QVM parole. . .PFC

order,. .YAC.VSA part. . .WNX

ordnance . . . JOL part of. . .QOB

organization. . .CFK partially. . .PSA Nulls:

organize. . .NOV. .GXB parties. . .SWY. .NEF GEX

original. . .BNA party.. .VEF. .FAC PWX

other. . .MSX. .RWC party all in...BYA LGS

-ou. . .BFW pass . . . SYN ROV ought... SAY Nulls: passed... FGB NWX ought not . . . FWB FSJ passed quietly. . .NSY

ought. to. . .MAR VPB patrol. . .GES. .AWE. .BMS our. . .WCX. .DWU AUB patrol reports. . .YAL. .QPV our advance . . . SUL SWP patrol schedule. . .BGY our aeroplane. . .YPS NPO penetrated. . .GOF our artillery. . .OVY perfect. . .RGN our artillery is firing... FCW period. . .MEB. .BYN. . JYF. .LPO our aviator . . . CSV permission. . .MXP our center. . .WOV personal. . . JXO our communications. . .LAM phone . . . CUY our first line...0GW photo. . .PXB our front. . .AGU picket. . .GYM our infantry. . .PNY piece. . .KPW

our left.. .DOV pigeon. . .GBX

our line. . .QXP pistol. . ,LGP our machine gun...PAK place. . .PCF. . JGM our patrol. . .FPW placed. . .DUP our rear. . .RGX plane. . .VNK: .ROM our reserve. . .VNS platoon. . .OPN. .NGF. .WBC our right. . .QOL plus. . .OKG our wire. . . JWB point. . .NYK. .OBN

-ous. . .NBL poor. . .WJV out. . .BGU. .CFO. .BLO position. . .XGY. .BFY out of . . .GYV possession. . .SOB out of range. . .GNK possible(y) . . .OMY outpost. . .LYP post.. .FJC. .YPB outpost company .. .JFY post of command. . .DGW outskirts. . .XOP post of command established over. . .MJS postpone. . .AUP [...CUS overwhelm. . .YXA postponed. . .FSD owing to. . .RKM pound. . .KXM own. . .GNX practicable. . .RED

-P- premature. . .PLJ

P. . .YOW. .SBC. .BSY. .COX preparation. . .FSC pair. . .MPY prepare. . .VOG. .RFB panel. . .KSO. .WAV present. . .GBM parallel. . .LBM prevent. . .NOB

-ion. . .FJM. .MAT. .GON -S. . .FRA. .ANW. .WEP. .SMD

-ly.. .NYM. .MUS -St. . .KPL. .RPX. .CAM. .RUT

-nd. . .BLM. .OCW. .FGP -th. . .KXF. .GAL. .DOP

-re. . .CSY. .RAM -un. . .BKP. .GBA

15 prisoner. . .NWY repel. . .PNA sandbag . . . BUK replace. . . SGM sanitary. . .ABK replacement. . .OXM. .QAB satisfactory. . .PBC reply. . .SYK. .VMP Saturday . . . GFA reply at once...FBP saw. . .QXV report. . .NCJ. .SYV. .FOW Saxon. . .VAT report in person... VCA Schneider. . .RBP reported. . .BWC. .ABF scout. . .YBC repulsed. . .NPX. .BAF search . . . NFY request. . .GFM. .OBX second. . . JPX. .WSP request reinforcements. . . QSM Second Army. . .KBM. .BGN require. . .BFO Second Army Hdqrs. . .XFY. .GXF required. . .XPL. .RES Second Corps. . .OCX reserve. . .LUS. .GPJ Second Division. .MBU resist. . . JSO secret. . . JGF resistance. . .YMP section. . .YXP. .RKP restore. . .BWP sector. . .VNF. .DUY. .SBW rest. . .JYB. .COT see. . .NUV result... KGM. .MXA seen. . .VXF retake. . .KVD send . . . BMO . . GAS retaliate. . . JBA send at once. . .WBL retire. . .BXK. .PJC Nulls: send by . . . MEG retreat. . .JGV NAW send out patrols. . .QEG. .WNB return... VOP SNB send reinforcements. . .YSX returned . . . GLB . . SAV LUN send up. . .MYV. .DCJ

. revetting. .NOR OCA send up ammunition. . .SWA

Rhine. . .VXA. .XPY. .BES PNR sending. . .CJS. .CBM ridge. . .WMB sending out patrols. . .SXM rifle. . .BUW. .SMP sending station. . .KPO Nulls: rifle grenade. . .YJB sending up . . . GSY ZAB right. . . NBV. .FAW sent. . .LBA. .FCO WAS right 'bank. . .DEB. .QJP sentry. . .XYF. .PFA SYL river. . .ASM September .. .ANG GOS

road. . . . .CSG. .QYB Sergeant . BUN . . VJY 0GB

rocket. . .FRW serious. . .QYV. .MPA

round. . .VBA. .RFW seriously wounded. . .AXP. .NUR

runner. . .DIW. .NWB service. . .PWM /

rush. . .JSX. .OPX. .BKJ set. . .JOV

' -ry. . .JFC seventh. . .BEN. .FUK

-S- several. . .KBS. .YJP

S. . .LYM. .XBN. .JMX. .RYV -sh. . .DMB. .GWX

-s. . .FRA. .ANW. .WEP. .SMD shall. . .CMA. .OLP

's. . .LGJ shall be. . .JGX

safe. . .MUC shall not. . .DEL

salient. . .FLM shell. . .RMY. .WSA

same . . . KXA \ shell-fire. . .KMX

-ion. . .MAT. .GON. .FJM -s. . .ANW. .WEP. .SMD. .FRA

. -ly. .MUS. .NYM . . . . -St RPX . CAM . . RUT . . KPL

-nd. . .OCW. .FGP. .BLM -th. . .GAL. .DOP. .KXF

-re. . .RAM. .CSY -un. . .GBA. .BKP

17 shelling. . .LAG .

surface. . .PEF -ti. . .SCK

. surprise. .DSM. .VPW time. . .LPY. .VSO

surrounded. . . JVA -tion. . .GOT

. .FYM suspect. to. . .WBS. .YSP. .XWY. .SOF

sweep. . .NYS to be. . .YFX. .GNB

-T- to do . . . FLP

. .JAK. .PUW. .RWM T. .VJO. to join. . .CUW

table. . .NEP to the. . .BXM. .APB

take. . .SGV. .CFS today. . .DCV..MPX

take place. . .FAR. .BAV together. . .RFK

taken. . .GSA. .ABV tomorrow. . .LEG. .PWS

. tank. .BOL ton. . .JSA

. .CBO. tanks. .QXB tonight. . .KMS. .FXU

. target. .LPG too. . .JAW. .PJW t tear. . .RGF Nulls: too early... DSC Nulls: telegraph. . .MOF. .NCW MGD too far. . .SAP FXS telephone. . .JPB. .YPM QVP too late. . .PBY DXP temporary. . .KBG JPM too little. . .ORU FSJ tenth. . .PXO. .CJF XPN too much. . .RUC SWP territory. . .GYK BED too short. . .VNW NPO test. . .FYV. .DCA top . . . WBO

-th. . .GAL. .DOP. .KXF total. . .WYX

-tha. . .RUK. .PLX touch. . .NXF

than. . .XJC town. . .WMX that...SCB. .KXY T. P. S VAP

the. . .WPB. .VXM track. . .WXV

their. . .DGB train. . .AWG

them. . .WOG transfer. . .BEG

then. . .OGV transferred. . .OSP there. . .CMG. .SPX transmission. . .SUG these. . .DPO. .YXW transport. . .BNX

they. . .FLX transportation. . .FMA

thick. . .FXG traverse. . .DYK

thin. . .ASY tree. . .VES

thing. . .BOD trench. . .ASP

third. . .AWX. .QEX trench mortar. . .FSM Third Army. . .RAP. .VJC trenches. . .RBL. .MEV. .PYK Third Corps. . .MOP troop. . .JVN. .MUG this. . .QSA. .BMC troops. . .YMB. .GXY

this afternoon. . .BSU trouble. . .BUT this evening. . .JXS truck. .CJX

this morning. . .VEB true. . . JMS

thousand. . . JFM. .GMA try. . .GSM

through. . .BGK -tt. . .RYN

throw. . .ROG Tuesday. . .KVX

Thursday. . .XON turn. . .XJW

-ion. . .GON. .FJM. .MAT -s. . .WEP. .SMD. .FRA. .ANW -ly. . .NYM. .MUS -St. . .CAM. .RUT. .KPL. .RPX -nd. . .FGP. .BLM. .OCW -th. ..DOP. .KXF. .GAL -re. . .CSY. .RAM -un. . .BKP. .GBA

19 ward. . .XYW turned over. . .CPO -ty...XAJ warn . . . PAR -U- warning. . .JYK U...VMX..OKP..SNW. .DOK warning has been received. . .GUB -un.. .BKP. .GBA was...JAC. .BYV..VPY was not. . .RUN. .NCS unable to. . .FBC watch... ANY Nulls: unable to send. . .FRG

water. . .QAX. .NUM SNB unchanged. . .BAM

wave . . . AXW LUN undecipherable. . .PUS wave length. . .FXO OCA under. . .FOC. .LOW. .MPC way...WAC PNR understand. . .AGK. .CBG

we. . .DUM..VBX..WCO ZAB understood. . .VC0..G0P

we are . . . ONP undertake. . .RAB . we are held up. . .NGS unfavorable. . .XUO. .OCF we are in need of...WBY unit. . .YAS. .JVY unless.. .WSX/.BGW we are losing heavily. . .WOS we hold the line. . .SOP unquote. . . JYV we were. . .XGK unsuccessful. . .WXA until... XFA..AUM Nulls: weak . . . NPB unusual... MBP GYL wear . . . SXG up...0LX..JBK JGB weather . . . 0MB . . FBU urgent.. .DWB..AGN DYN weather conditions. . .DPA Wednesday. . .BNO urgently ... FUN . . YUX NGB us... ROW SPW week . . . AUF weight. . .GEB . . QMB use . well. . .FGA. .QPF useless. . .WAR

went . . . AND using. . .YPX were. ..YUJ. .NEW usual . . . NAV -V- were not. . .FEG

west. . .CFX. .PEK V. . .SGA. .ZBX. .CFB west of. . .GFU valley. . .AXF

wet. . .JUD V. B. ammunition. . .GUN what. ..CUK. .XJO. .GXP V. B. rocket. . .COP what code. . .GPV very . . . SPU what is. . .POY Very pistol. . .XPB what is the matter... JEP vicinity. . .DAL. .FBY what is the position. . .DWJ village. . .GMJ what is the situation. . .VJW violent. . .FOL when. . .FPE..SXV. .MYP visibility. . .BWM when shall we be relieved. . .BON visible. . .LOG visual. ..AMO. .NB* where. . .SUP. .BYK. .FBN volt... LAV ' where are your headquarters. .GFP -W- where is your front line...FMV

whether. . .XUY. .PEV W. . .PWY. .AFM. .KXS wait...QVS..GFX which. . .WPJ. .OGF while. . .DXS want . . . JOP

-com...Q0Y..JYP -en. . .XFP. .MYL. .FPC

-con. ..JWX..DGF -er. . .PAM..DOT..AMY

-dis. . .WUJ..KGX -es. . .RPA. .FBJ. .DWX -ed...QAJ..JAV..SKP -ing. ..KSM. .MPB. .ABG

20 white. . .SNF FAG ABE. BAK. . . incendiary BPN. CJF. DGF. DYW. FPC. GEP. . GVJ. JOF.. KGU. . LOK. MOG. NFC. OCJ. OWY. . PSB. QPM. RKC. scu.. SYM. VSF. WOM. XJM. YFO.

•'Field Code No. 1". No.

Turner! in by

, 1919.

"Field Code No. 1". No.

Received from

, 1919, for use of \ V

A. (i. I'KI.SlJ.v ., D.VKUirMKN!

A ifTill