NUMBER ^^1^^^^^^_WHOLE 18,961._ RICHMOND, VA., SATLH^^^ 20, 1912. thk weatnek to-^v-fa,«. PRICE TWO CENTS. J. Bruce Ismay Tells in Whispers How lie Escaped Death By Leaving. SinKing in Lifebeat With Women QUIETLY MEN WAIT DRAGGED FROM HIS FOR CERTAIN DEATH LIPS THAT VESSEL AS SHIP GOES DOWN WAS BEING SPEEDED No Lamentations From Heroes of the Sea as White Star Liner Was Watch Last Making 26}4 Miles an They Leaving Vessel Hour When She Struck Which Bearing Those for Whom They Sent Her and Sacrificed Lives. More Than 1,500 Human Lives to Destruction.

* SECOND OFFICER OF TITANIC HE APPEARS AS A WITNESS TELLS STORY OF LAST MOMENTS BEFORE COMMITTEE OF SENATE His Dramatic Narrative Is Given and Quietly Calmly, Director of but to Hearers It Is Dramatic Tale of Heroism. Nervously, Managing Company Gives His Version of Marine Horror, That He Did Men "Stood as if They Were in Church" Saying Quietly Not Take to When They Knew That Few Moments Would Boat Until Told There Were Bring Death, and That They Had Parted Forever No More Women on Deck.Captain of Carpathia Is in as With Loved Ones Had in Lifeboats. Tears He Relates How His Vessel Rescued They Helped Part of Titanic's Passengers. New York, a man of the sea. Charles W. April 19..From New Lightoller, second officer of the Titanic and senior surviving officer York, April 19..The living cared for, the dead beyond recall, survivors of the Titanic disaster were able for the first time of the ship, there tame to-day a narrative of what preceded the to-day to sec in calmer of the , what happened while women were taken retrospect Monday's tragedy North Atlantic, and from their more normal utterances there is un¬ away in boats as brave men stood by. and what happened when slowly folding the full story of how the White Star her the Titanic took her last dip. It was a story of heroism, told quietly great liner, band to the last, sank off the Grand Banks more and So dramatic was the story which was told at. the in¬ playing with than 1,500 calmly. souls aboard. vestigation by the subcommittee of the United States Senate Com¬ From the Countess of Rothes, now a mittee on Commerce that word spread through the Waldorf-As¬ quartered luxuriously in New York hotel, to the six toria, and persons crowded the committee room, while those who Chinese coolies who escaped by hiding under the heard the of the and had business elsewhere waited lifeboat seats, all have been provided with food and beginning story and to hear the iast sentence from Lightoller. clothing, others, some immigrants and millionaires, are on their the continent or The second officer was on the Titanic, when she made her turn¬ way England, distant parts of the United States. however.and of these the ing tests and her trial trip. The turning tests, he said, lasted about Many, hospitals shelter scores .still remain in New where the liner five hours, and the trial trip about four hours. These tests were York, Cunard Carpathia them last made in smooth water, and in fact the Titanic had not experience", brought night. Little in Death List. any rough weather or seas in her brief career up to the time she hit Change the iceberg. Even after all that has been told of the disaster, the death list remains the same. Last s Stuck to Ship to the Last. approximately night total estimate was 1,595; to-day the issued a statement the Lightoller actually stuck to the ship after having sent oft boat¬ placing total at how died will never be loads of women until the water came up to his ankle-. There had 1.635. Exactly many known. It has been established officially, however, that the Titanic, was trav¬ been no lamentations, no demonstrations either from the men "pas¬ eling twenty-one knots an hour when she struck the Not¬ sengers as. they saw the last lifeboat leave the ship, and there was iceberg. withstanding this, however, none of the from to no waiting or crying, no outburst -from the men who lined the ship's survivors, steerage saloon, has yet condemned Smith, who went down with' sides as she disappeared from the view of As he ex¬ Captain Lightoller. his ship. pressed it, the men, as. they helped get women in the boats. "Stood The Titanic's rate of speed, which was quietly as if they were in church." Only one man outside of sea¬ approximately twenty-* six and a half land miles, was brought out from the o£ men, about two to each boat, of the seven sent off by Lightoller was to-day lips ISM Bruec of the International taken from the ship in his presence. That man, Colonel Peuchen, VBRUCH AY.. J. Ismay, president Mercantile Marine and managing director of the White Star who as a of Montreal, a brave man, Lightoller said, had been put in a' boat Line, appeared witness before the United States Senate committee which is in-, by him because there wasn't a seaman handy. the disaster. Nervous, but not in as was As the ship set tied,.swiftly, although after the collision Ligh¬ TAKE SURVIVORS VISIBLY NERVOUS vestigating tears, Cap¬ tain Rostron. of the Carpathia, who followed hint on the toller did not believe that me was any danger the second officer stand, Mr, THEM TO DEPART Ismav told in whispers of his escape form the sinking liner, from 1 FROM went the officers' quarters. LIFEBOATS ONWITNISSSTANO the time he pushed away in a boat with the women until he found "The ship took .1 dive,'' he said without emotion. "I looked for¬ Titanic Officers and Men Not Captain Rostron, of the Carpathia' J. Bruce Ismay Tells His Story himself, clad in his pajamas, aboard the Carpathia. Re was not ward. I took a dive." He was sucked to the side of the ship against Allowed Out of This Coun¬ Tells of Saving Titanic to Senate Investigating sure in just what boat he left the Titanic, nor was he sure how the grating over the blower for the exhaust. There was an explo¬ try's Jurisdiction. Passengers. Committee. long New York. he remained on the liner after she struck. He added, that sion ; at least he believes it was an explosion, though he is not cer¬ April 19..The serious- Xmv York, April however, mesa of the inquiry the 19..Captain Rost¬ New York, April ID..When asked he entered a lifeboat he by Senate in- ron, of the which before had been told that there were no more tain. He was llirown to the surface 01 the water again, to bei vcstlgating committee into the j Carpat'hla, rescued at the meeting of the committee of only Titanic the survivors of the on disaster was disclosed Titanic. In his Senators Investigating the Titanic dls- Women the deck; and he denied that there had been censor¬ sucked back the water into the This time he land¬ to-night, when testimony before the the circumstances un- any by rushing ship. Senator ot United States astor to-day, Smith, Michigan, the chair¬ r he left the hout. J. Bruce Is¬ of form the man, at llrst Senate investigating committee, to¬ d< which ing messages Carpathia. Other witnesses, ed at the grating over Hie pipes which furnish a draught for the' flatly relused to let any may, managing director of the White including of the officers or the liDO-odd day pave the following account of his bore out of the members Star Line, replied almost In a whisper: Captain Rostron, him in this, with the explanation that the funnels. crew of the sunken response to the S, Q. S. appeal for of the boats was tilled. get beyond the steamship "One belne jurisdiction ot" the help: Officers called out to Know If there lone wireless operator on the rescue ship, swamped with There was another and he came to the surface United .States government. The men more women to There personal explosion, again were "We left New York April said wore any go. nil to have sailed to-morrow on 11," Wi re none. No passengers were on messages, was unable to send matter for the not feet from the he and on the steamer Captain Rostron, "and up to press. Interest second many away ship, said, the other side Lapland, Later, u was Sunday i he dock. As the boat was being low¬ to the tales of the settled that, the greater part of tho midnight had tine, clear weather. At ered I -pot into It." only survivors centre.! upon Mr. recital. of it. the turned while he was under water. crew would be Isrnay's ship having permitted to sail on I 12:fl5 o'clock -Monday 1 was Adjusting his cuffs. Mr. Itmiay was In Senator of this steamer, but that the morning Washington Rayner, Maryland, twelve informed by our visibly nervous when he took the bitterly arraigned Only once did Lightoller raise his voice and that and four officers tho men] wireless operator of lie his htm liefere the Senate, and perceptibly, among survivors that had stand, gave age as llfty years. expressed the hope that this now under subpoena, together with Mr. mesvago come from the Ti¬ In response to a few formal ques¬ country was when he denied that there was favoritism for the crew that would not tanic. might rely upon British to any Ismay, be allowed to depart. The operator "told the tlrst tions, lie said he sailed as a voluntary justice "to bring bay the guilty direc¬ The first day's testimony brought to j junior olllccr, and he and the passenger on the Titanic. torate of this mitigated against the chances of the escape of the the front the apparent operator smith to ask company." passengers. conclusion that put their heads in my Senator began the if he had the biggest ship which was ever doorway and witness to detail Iiis experience on No Blame Attaches to Asked been ordered by Captain Smith to send the women, "a lifeboat in built, told me. I hnd Just Captain Smith. itself," according to tho j turned In. The the p'ilanlc. Mr Ismhy interrupted, and if he had done so, he'said: "It is a rule o fhtiman nature." views of modern shipbuilders, sank in massage that had come fro mthe Ti¬ hut Senator Smith continued. Then From Washington also came the opinion of expert naval mldoccan with more than 1,500 tanic, gave her position Mr. said lie desired to hydfo- Did Not Know human as latitude Ismay express graphrs that no blame should attach to Speed. beings because she was being rushed I .II degrees ifi minutes north, longi¬ his sincere grief at the catastrophe, Captain Smith, because, said that he did not know what the across the ocean almost at lop speed tude 50 degrees 14 minutes -west. I and to welcome tho fullest inquiry. as they contend, analysis of ocean charts Lightoller maximum speed and crashed into a Hold of cannot give at the moment '.Kindly tell the committee all the has shown that the after our exact warned of skip¬ of the Titanic was. He had heard with officers and others warnings had been given to look locution. Tho New York time of the circumstances surrounding your voy- per, the presence of icebergs had steered talking out. of usked Senator Smith. "Tell It the.Titanic fully that her was between receipt .fhi distress .signal was ex¬ agc," miles southward from the speed iwenty-onc and a half and twenty- Why Many Here Lost. actly lO.iS P. M. Sunday. us succinctly as possible, beginning sixty regular course. In spite of this That so few were with your the vessel at caution the mass three knots, but he did not know that the Titanic had been to saved from IThls accounts for t'.te apparent dis¬ boarding of ice was struck, and as a put watery graves was because there were, crepancy between tho , your place oh the ship, and preventive, of similar not times reported as disasters the her maximum speed. The builders, he enough lifeboats on board to ac¬ by wireless for the. as many circumstances possible, to hydrogr'aphic. office in New said, had expected to get commodate tho sinking of the Ti¬ help this committee." York issued to-night an knots out of (passengers. There tanic and that reported hy the pas order the lanes of twenty-one her. As to the life-saving apparatus on were only twenty lifeboats, because eengors.) Court's Full Inquiry. shifting transatlantic, liners 180 miles southward the Titanic was nollved to ha unslnk- "First. I wish to say that i court from the which board. Lightoller said that the. Titanic was uble. .T Immediately gave orders to turn tho fullest said Mr. path the Titanic followed. "perfectly complete." the I asked Inquiry," Ismay. She had fourteen lifeboats, two This state of affairs ship. our operator'twice "This awful catastrophe, I must say. After his emergency boats, which were appeared after if he was absoTutely certain as to the at the outset. I giving testimony before the Senate the committee hud examined .T. nrucu of greatly deplore.; We tain committee, Cap¬ lifeboats of and four origin the distress messnge, and have nothing to conceal, to Rostorn, of the took really a.lighter type, collapsible canvas boats. Ismay, managing director of tho upon nothing Carpathia, charge of his which White Star Lino, Arthur receiving assurance, picked up h'ide. laic tor ship, de- llonry Ros- a point on our course, and set n course. '.The boat left . I parted to-day the Mediterranean. .The (Continued on Sixth Pago.) ' think, on vcsesl had been hur-r (Contlnuctl on Tenth Page.) (Continued on Teuül Fog'&T (Continued on Second Page!) (Continned on Sixth Paa-o.)