(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-11-09
i . .• ' \ " 2 Unsolved' 'Muraers iStilJ' 'Wide Open,' Officals Say I By TOM ASSENS stood in the night 10 feet away. A second shot was fired. '!ben a The only three threads to biDd a BUSpeCt to the crime were weapon has never been found. ole I Staff Wrtt., third. three .45 caliber bullet cugs, a button, and a shadow·like fig. Detectives are constantly searching for any bils of evi A young killer. wearing a macabre Halloween mask, lurked WHILE KRIZ' WIFE and his co-worker watched, the killer ure wearing a mask. dence or even traces of it, Evans said. So far, they haven't had ), in the alley behind Ramburg Inn No. 2 in the 200 block of North spun around and hastened down the alley into the night. 'lbree day. after the murder a suspect was found. Pollce ar· much IIICce , Linn Street. Kri2 lay dying. a hole in his che t. He was pronounced dead rested Robert J. Schneider, 18, 01. Oxford. The JoIInsln County Evans said that as far as he knows there Is only one other I• It was 2 a.m., Nov. 10, 1962. at Mercy Ho pillll a f w minutes lot r Grlllld Jury indicted him lor the murder, but the indictment was unsolved murder in Iowa City. A $75,000 fire at the Oathout Fun ;91 Inside the restaurant, ltoward J. Kriz, 43, was finishing a HIs killer has oot been found, but authoriU still are running dropped later because of iDJufficlent evidence. eral Home, 336 S. Clinton Street, took.
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