1 Three Lifetime Meditation ƒ Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Approach

Practice this meditation every day to broaden your thinking, and to move beyond your limited range of objectives and possibilities. As you move through the times of your life, you will increase your awareness and understanding, cultivating both your wisdom and spirituality. For the Feng Shui practitioner, practice will elevate your work and set you apart from others. Your inspirations will be powerful, and you will choose the best method, at the right time, for the right person. Your use of transcendental cures will be very effective—perhaps more so than for others who are not using this meditation. Your ego and subjective views will not distort your ability to see life as it unfolds. Any stubbornness will be diminished. Illusions will disappear. You may even begin to see both past and future lives. As you mature in the practice, you may change your destiny. You will clear negative karma from lifetimes, including this lifetime. Your words and actions will become “smooth,” more precise, effective, and compassionate. Your new demeanor may improve your social status. If someone is seriously ill and possibly facing death, this is a perfect meditation. Practice may keep one from dropping into a lower realm at the time of death. Procedure: 1. Sit in a if you are comfortable doing so. Otherwise, take any comfortable position. You will let go of any “resistance” to the practice. 2. Hold the Calming Heart . Left hand on top of right, palms up, thumbs together. (See in Deep Wisdom: Healing, Companion Volume.) 3. Recite the Calming Heart 9 times. Gatay Gatay, Para Gatay, Para Sam Gatay, Bodhi Swaha 4. Your heart may become as calm as still water. If you are not yet calm, perform the Water Stilling Method until you are calm. (See Cures and Methods in Deep Wisdom: Healing, Companion Volume.) ©RecallingKatherine Your Previous Lifetime: Metz 1. Visualize yourself becoming younger and younger. See yourself yesterday, last month, last year, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, and 20 years ago. See yourself before your marriage, before college, as a teenager, in elementary school, as a newborn baby, and as a baby in the womb. See yourself as a ling particle1, existing before you entered your mother’s womb.

1A ling particle has no beginning and no end. It drifts in the universe until it enters any one of the Six Realms of Cylic Existence—becoming a human, an animal, etc. It then becomes chi.

© Katherine Metz 2 2. Visualize a group of ling particles, each one carrying negative karma. Some are tigers. Some are human, having been bullies or liars. Some are fairies etc., etc. All are in a frenzy attempting to enter a womb to be reincarnated. It is at this split second that you may see your previous lifetime. Instantly, you may see your image as it existed in one of the Six Realms of Existence2. Allow yourself to see the events of your previous life. Let them unfold like a movie. You may have been a snake, or you may have been a God. 3. When you are ready, reverse the process—becoming a ling particle, and moving once again into the womb of your mother. See yourself growing from a baby, to a toddler, to a five-year-old. See yourself at 10, and 20, and follow your growth until you come back to your present age. Seeing Your Future Lifetime: 1. Now, visualize your image getting older and older. See yourself tomorrow, one week from now, one month from now, one year from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now. See yourself reaching 100—with gray hair and wrinkles. Visualize that you are healthy, performing good deeds, and practicing your meditations until the end of your life. 2. Visualize your chi leaving your body as you die. See that, at the moment of death, you are welcomed by Amitaba Buddha (or your meditational Buddha), and that tens of thousands of other Buddhas surround you. They all receive you. Important note: It is very important that you see these Buddhas at the moment of death. You may, otherwise, drop into a lower realm. 3. Visualize your body filled with Buddha’s light. See the light shine out to all the Buddhas, and the reflection coming back to shine on you. 4. The next image that appears to you may be an image from your next lifetime in any one of the Six Realms of Cyclic Existence. 5. Or, instantaneously, the image of a Buddha may appear indicating that you have become a new Buddha amongst all the Buddhas surrounding you. You may have moved into the realm of , and you may become a Buddha in your next lifetime. 6. Return to the here and now. Visualize that your hair turns from gray to its younger color. See the wrinkles disappearing. See yourself as you are today, sitting and meditating.

© Katherine 2 Metz Heavenly Beings, Jealous Gods, Humans, Hungry Ghosts, Animals, Hell Beings

© Katherine Metz 3 Completion: 1. Visualize that an eight-petal pink lotus flower appears on your heart. Your meditative Buddha sits upon the lotus, and Buddha’s light fills your body. Visualize an exceptionally bright light emanating from your body. 2. See this light shine out to the millions of Buddhas in the Universe. 3. See this light shine out to all beings in the Six Realms of Cyclic Existence, rapidly liberating them all from their suffering. 4. See the light shine out to your spiritual teachers, helping them move from suffering to happiness, to peacefulness. 5. See the light shine out to your friends and relatives, expelling all negative chi, and helping them become happier and happier. 6. Visualize that all the light comes back to shine on you. See yourself and others as one, and at one with nature. See yourself blessed until the day you die. 7. Visualize the Dharma Wheel turning in all parts of your home and office. See all 8 quas cleansed and purified. If desired, you can insert the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Phowa Practice here. 8. Make a wish for yourself, and hold it in your heart. 9. Recite the Six True Words (Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum) 9 times. 10. Practice this meditation for 9 or 27 consecutive days, then every 27th or 99th day, at least. Note: An image from a past lifetime in another realm might tell you how you came to elevate yourself to this human lifetime. It may encourage you to continue your effort. If your past lifetime was in heaven, you might receive an image that tells you how your path became the human path. It may help you to clearly see your path back to heaven.

A Special Note on the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Phowa Practice ƒ

Phowa is described by Professor Lin as “the transference of consciousness.” © WriterKatherine Christine Longaker uses the words, “the transference Metz or ejection of consciousness into the state of truth.” The traditional form is an elaborate inner yogic practice taught by a master to a student. It is meant to be practiced throughout a lifetime, becoming a valuable and effective practice at the moment of death. taught an Essential Phowa practice that is described in Christine Longaker’s book Facing Death and Finding Hope. Practice will liberate your heart and mind, purify your regrets, and assist in healing the mind and body. It will also prepare you to offer spiritual support to others at the time of death. “Its success relies on invoking the presence of a Buddha (a fully enlightened being), combined with your receptivity and devotion, and the familiarity which comes from having done the practice repeatedly throughout your life.”

© Katherine Metz 4 From the perspective of Black Sect Tantric , Professor Lin suggested the following Phowa practice for use during the Three Lifetime Meditation: Note: (Professor said in Berkeley in 2007 that he felt that this meditation is more powerful than the phowas.) “It enables one to practice being at one with the Buddha.” 1. Visualize your chi in your dantien. See it rise from your dantien to your heart, your throat, your third eye, your crown , and moving out the top of your head. Your being, in the form of light, has risen up and out of your body, dissolving into the divine presence of the Buddhas who have come to “fetch you.” 2. Spend a moment in this peaceful place. 3. Then, once again, center your awareness in your body, and continue the meditation. Notes: 1. You can add the colors of the rainbow to the ascending chi, beginning with the color red at the dantien. 2. The sound associated with the ascending chi is the sound of the heart— He3. It is a strong sound, unlike the teaching in some traditional schools. 3. You can place a Medicine Buddha, or an Amitaba Buddha, above your head as the chi ascends. In this way the chi from your heart enters the heart of the Buddha. You and the Buddha are one, and there is no danger. 4. Use the Six Stage Uplifting Chi exercise to help you return if you find yourself having difficulty centering your awareness back in your body. (See Meditations in Deep Wisdom: Healing, Companion Volume.) As you recognize your true divine nature in this lifetime, you are able to realize the abiding peace of your “deathless, true nature of mind,” becoming more present with yourself, and with others who may be suffering.

3A sound coming from the back of your throat with the back of your tongue against the roof of your mouth © Katherine Metz

This material reflects the teachings of H. H. Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun & Black Sect Tantric Buddhism in its Fourth Stage. Please honor the tradition of the red envelope if you benefit from, or share, this information. [email protected]

© Katherine Metz Deep Wisdom:

HealingCompanion Volume

© Copyright 2016 by Katherine Metz. The Art of Placement P.O. Box 135 Kenwood, CA 95452 707.282.9069 [email protected] www.katherinemetz.com

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