IIInInnnspirispirispiringngngng TTTeTeeechnochnochnollllooooggggyyyy 13, 14, 1515,,,,“SUN ENCLAVE”, NEAR SUNCITY PARADISE, MANJALPUR, VADODARAVADODARA----390020390020390020,,,, GUJARAT –––INDIA
[email protected] www.laxmiassociates.in Mob. -00919374076950 Overview on Activities Testing & Commissioning Condition Assessment Residual Life Assessment Asset Management System Study & Consultancy Training Third Party Inspection NABL approved oil testing Lab (GEL) “LA is a leading and reputed service provider group of India” Different Level of Services RLA studies and condition assessment of power transformers, bushings, CTs, cables, generators, Lightning Arresters (LAs) and other HV equipment, Low Voltage (LV) and Medium Voltage (MV) switchgear panels. Specialised testing and commissioning services for power system equipment, complete Sub-station including GIS & Switchyards up to 765 kV. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) services for Sub-station, Switchgear and Transformer equipment for condition based maintenance (CBM) & on-site diagnostic test. Asset management, Health Indexing of Power transformer & HV Electrical equipment in system for Risk assessment, Reliability study, Cost effective Maintenance planning & Phase wise Planned replacement of aging Asset. Certified Auditors for Third party testing and inspection in the factory and at site by various utility. Customer specific Training, System study & Consultancy in High Voltage Engineering, Transmission and Distribution sector of Power. Specialized Fault Finding Services by our