Sir Oliver Mowat, a Biographical Sketch
HON. OLIVER MOWAT, Q.C., LL.D. Premier of Ontario, 1 872-1 89<> SIR OLIVER MOWAT Q.C., LL.D., G.C.M.G., P.C. A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BY C. R. W. BIGGAR, M.A., ONE OP HIS MAJESTY'S COUNSEL, ETC. 'A young country does well to take careful note of all that is best in its past. The figures in the history may or may not be of heroic stature the work done may or may not be on a grand scale. But it is foundational work, the significance of which grows with the lapse of time. Fortunate the State which, looking back upon its early builders, finds their characters stumped with the unquestioned hall-mark of truth and honour finds their actions controlled by clear purpose and high principle. As an example and an inspiration, the memory of such builders cannot be too carefully preserved or too closely studied.' Dr. George R. Parkin, Preface to tfie Life of Sir John Beverley Robinson. VOLUME II TORONTO WARWICK BRO'S & RUTTER, Limited 1905 to the Canada Entered according Act of Parliament of , in the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Five, by -Charles Robert Webster Biggar, M. A TORONTO : WARWICK BRO'S A RUTTER, Limited Printers and Bookbinders. Of CONTENTS OF VOL. II CHAPTER XVI AFTERMATH Page 459 'Not one stick of timber, one acre of land,' etc. The Queen v. Me St. Catharines Milling Company (The Indian Title Case) The Act respecting Assignments and Preferences (1885) The General Elections of 1886 The Mowat Government 'slaves of '' the hierarchy Protestant Boys to the Rescue' (of Martin J.
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