Southern Sierra Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting Tuesday, October 23, 2018 – 1100-1600 Sequoia NF Supervisor’s Office, 1839 South Newcomb Street, Porterville, CA 93257

Time Topic Speaker 1100-1115 Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Review Pamela Flick (15 mins) Head Count for Group Dinner (Defenders of Wildlife)

1115-1300 Updates & Accomplished Rx Acres - CAL FIRE (Nielsen/McDougald) (~10 mins/ - Southern Edison each - 105 (Stewart/Byrd) min total) - Sierra NF (Hernandez/Goss) - Sequoia NF/NM (Skaggs) - Eldorado NF (Estes) - Yosemite NP (Martin) - Sequoia/Kings Canyon NP (Theune/Caprio) - Stanislaus NF (Johnson) - Inyo NF (Pusina) - Sequoia NP (Singer)

1300-1345 Lunch Break & Networking All (45 mins) Bring your own lunch!

1345-1415 Group Discussion: Future of the SSPFC John Mount (SSPFC Chair) & All (30 mins)

1415-1435 Group Discussion: SSPFC 2019 Objectives John Mount & All (20 mins)

1435-1520 Research Update: Smoke Impacts Don Schweizer (45 min) (USFS, UC Merced)

1520-1530 Supporting Good Fire Work with Craig Thomas (10 min) Good Media Responses (Sierra Forest Legacy)

1530-1550 Policy/Legislation Updates Len Nielson (CAL FIRE) & (20 min) Craig Thomas

1550-1600 Wrap-Up & Action Items Pamela Flick (10 mins)

*** Tuesday Evening, 1700-1900 – Group Dinner *** Randy’s Bistro, 1549 West Olive Avenue, Porterville Southern Sierra Prescribed Fire Council Field Trips Wednesday & Thursday, October 24-25 Bring: lunch, refillable water bottle, hard hat, sturdy shoes, jacket/layers, sunscreen

SSPFC Annual Meeting Field Trip – Mountain Home Demonstration State Forest/, Sequoia NF Wednesday, October 24 – 0800-1600 Meet at: Supervisor’s Office 1839 South Newcomb Street, Porterville, CA 93257

0800 - Gather at Sequoia SO, Porterville; brief introductions, itinerary review, safety briefing, load up 0815 - Depart Porterville SO for Mountain Home Demonstration State Forest 0930 - Arrive Mountain Home (bio-break); discuss collaborative burning across jurisdictions, view potential active fire 1100 - Depart Mountain Home for Pier Fire on Sequoia NF 1230 - Arrive Coy Flat Campground; lunch – bring your own! 1300 - Proceed to Black Mountain Giant Sequoia Grove burned by the Pier Fire; fuel treatments along road assisted firefighters to fire and hold the Pier Fire from going further east into a much larger area 1330 - Arrive at the (natural bio-break setting) 1430 - Depart Black Mountain Grove for Sequoia SO 1600ish - Return to Sequoia SO, Porterville

SSPFC Annual Meeting Bonus Field Trip – Big Stump & McKenzie Rx Burn Thursday, October 25 – 0800-1615 Meet at: Sequoia National Forest Supervisor’s Office 1839 South Newcomb Street, Porterville, CA 93257

0800 - Gather at Sequoia SO, Porterville; brief introductions, itinerary review, safety briefing, load up 0815 - Depart Porterville SO for the Hume Lake District Office 0945 - Arrive at the Hume Lake DO (bio-break) 1045 - Drive to the Big Stump Rx burn 1215 - Lunch – bring your own! 1245 - Leave Big Stump for McKenzie Rx burn 1345 - Arrive McKenzie Rx burn 1445 - Leave McKenzie Rx burn for Porterville 1615ish - Return to Sequoia SO, Porterville