On the Waterfront

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On the Waterfront On the Waterfront n e w s l e t t e r n o . 2 1 of the friends of the iish 2 0 1 0 on the waterfront 21 · 2010 Intro duction f r o n t p a g e : This 21th issue pays special attention to Willem Drees (1886-1988), the post-ww ii Dutch C o v e r o f prime minister, whose name has become synonymous with social security for the elderly in t h e p a m - the Netherlands. Piet Hagen, the author of a recently published biography of another great p h l e t ‘ d i e Labour leader, Pieter Jelles Troelstra (1860-1930), interviewed two of Drees’s biographers, s o g e n a n n t e n Hans Daalder and Jelle Gaemers. In addition, readers will find the usual presentation of “ s o z i a l - new accessions, made slightly less usual because of the Institute’s 75th anniversary at the m u s e e n ” ’ B y end of this year. t h e a u s t r i a n During the General Friends' Meeting on 24 June 2010 (of which a report will be published w r i t e r a n d in the next issue) it was announced that Ger Verrips has stepped down as member of the p e a C e a C t i v - Board of the Friends. He has served as member of the Board from its inception in 2001. i s t l e o p o l d The Friends thank him for his many efforts over the years on their behalf. Wim Berkelaar k a t s C h e r is welcomed as new member of the Board. ( 1 8 5 3 - 1 9 3 9 ) , s e e p . 1 0 Members of the Friends of the iish pay annual dues of one or five hundred euros or join with a ( i i s h l i B r a r y lifetime donation of one thousand five hundred euros or more. In return, members are invited B r o d to semi-annual sessions featuring presentations of iish acquisitions and by guest speakers. These 4 0 6 0 / 7 5 ) guest speakers deliver lectures on their field of research, which does not necessarily concern the Internat iish collection. The presentation and lecture are followed by a reception. In addition to these I semi-annual gatherings, all Friends receive a forty-percent discount on iish publications. Friends nternat I paying dues of five hundred euros or more are also entitled to choose Institute publications from onaal I onal a broad selection offered at no charge. The board consults the Friends about allocation of the I nst iish I revenues from the dues and delivers an annual financial report in conjunction with the I nst tuut voor soc administration. The iish was founded by master collector Nicolaas Posthumus (1880-1960) in I tute of soc the 1930s. For the past two decades, two of the institutes established by this ‘history entrepreneur’ have operated from the same premises: the neha (Netherlands Economic History Archive) since I ale gesch 1914 and the International Institute of Social History (iish), which is now 75 years old. Both I al h institutes continue to collect, although the ‘subsidiary’ iish has grown far larger than the ’parent’ I story neha. Detailed information about the iish appears in: Jaap Kloosterman, Jan Lucassen, Rebels I with a Cause. Five centuries of social history collected by the iish (Amsterdam 2010). For eden I all information concerning the Friends, see http://www.iisg.nl/friends/. s C o l o p h o n international institute of so C ial history C ruquiusweg 31 • p . o .Box 2169 • 1000 C d a msterdam • tel . +31206685866 • fax +31206654181 • www.iisg.nl • [email protected] • a B namro: 0555958892 • i B a n : n l 6 9 a B n a 0 5 5 5 9 5 8 8 9 2 • B i C : a B nanl2a • editors: jan lu C assen and jaap kloosterman • translations: l e e m i t z m a n • photography: hans luhrs • image referen C ing: margo B uurman and ditty mulder • p r o d u C t i o n C oordination: aad B lok • design and layout: ruparo, amsterdam (ivo sikkema) • printed, with generous support, B y: a-d druk B .v. zeist • we B site: monique van der pal • we wish to thank sa B ine aarts, aad B l o k , u l B e B o s m a , B ouwe hijma, hans luhrs, h u u B sanders, jo B s C h o u t e n , C o seegers, willeke tijssen, els wagenaar • finan C i a l administration: guusje varkevisser and tjer C k zittema • adminstrative support: yvonne B a x • C omposition of the B oard: jan lu C a s s e n ( C hair/treasurer), jaap kloosterman ( C o - C h a i r ) , B art hageraats (se C retary), wim B erkelaar, pieter ja C o B s , B auke marinus , jan van olden j a cc o pekelder • issn 1574-2156 { 2 } on the waterfront 21 · 2010 From all nooks and corners his photograph shows the 9 Tmm Browning M1910 (no p h o t o g r a p h 1, at the top) used by Gavrilo f r o m a n u n - Princip to assassinate the Aus- n u m B e r e d trian Archduke Franz Ferdinand s u p p l e m e n - and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo t a r y p a g e i n on June 28, 1914, thus triggering ‘ d e r p r o z e s s World War I and the fall of the gegen die at - German, Russian, Habsburg and t e n t ä t e r v o n Ottoman empires. The picture s a r a j e w o : was published in a book entitled a k t e n m ä s s i g Der Prozess gegen die Attentäter d a r g e s t e l l t von Sarajewo, edited by a certain v o n p r o f e s - Professor Pharos and published s o r p h a r o s ’ , in Berlin in 1918. It turned out to B e r l i n 1 9 1 8 be in the Institute’s library as Bro ( i i s g l i B r a r y 1295/2 fol. B r o 1 2 9 5 / 2 The trial of the gunmen started f o l ) in October 1914, when the war was in full swing. Since Princip s I was still a month away from his eden I 20th birthday, he could not be story I killed by an execution squad al h I ale gesch but instead died a slow death in I prison, where his life ended in April 1918. He had been a mem- which had of course already been Princip’s Browning disappeared tute of soc I ber of Young Bosnia, a secret soci- held responsible for the French – until one day in June 2004 the tuut voor soc nst I I ety that has often been confused, Revolution. It later became clear Societas Jesu in Austria offered it to nst I sometimes deliberately, with the that the editor of the book had the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum onal I (Serbian) association Unifica- slightly misrepresented the actual in Vienna. After the 1914 trial the onaal I tion or Death!, better known as course of the proceedings. The weapon turned out to have been nternat I the Black Hand. Yet many Aus- true identity of Professor Pharos given to Father Puntigam, who Internat trians were convinced that he was suspected to have been Anton wanted to establish a museum for was a pawn of the Serbian secret Puntigam (1859-1926), a promi- Franz Ferdinand. After his death, service. If our book is to be be- nent Jesuit from Sarajevo, who it passed to his Order. This finally lieved, however, behind all this had administered the last rites to proved that Puntigam was Pharos, was the Grand Orient de France, the Archduke; but there was no who had been unable to resist ex- the centre of French Freemasonry, real proof of his authorship. hibiting the evidence. Twenty-first Friends’ Day, 24 June 2010 p resentation of the a C q u i s i t i o n s 2 America’s Hardest Working the United States? And what about and Providence. In 1790 the first River hydro-powered mills that kept ma- hydro-powered textile factory of The Industrial Revolution almost chines running? The oldest such the United States was built there. automatically brings to mind factories were along the Blackstone More soon followed, and the textile factories in England, espe- River, a fast-running river only 80 Blackstone River became known as cially steam-powered ones. This km long and comprising several ‘America’s hardest working river’. impression, though correct, does waterfalls, extending through Mas- West of Boston at the upper not convey the full picture. What sachusetts and Rhode Island and reaches of this river is the town about the Industrial Revolution in entering the ocean at Pawtucket of Sutton, which had at least four { 3 } on the waterfront 21 · 2010 ‘ B r e s t gration to the United States but w h e a l ’ lacked information about two ( i e , B r e a s t equally large migration waves, w h e e l ) to Germany and the Dutch East d r a w n B y Indies, respectively.
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