Penology an Educational Problem1
Penology an Educational Problem1 HASTINGS H. HART, LL.D. FOR nearly forty years I have been a member of the Ameri can Prison Congress and a student of penology. For fifteen years I was an inspector of prisons, and for more than twenty years since that time I have given special study to the treatment of the delinquent child, the juvenile court, the proba tion system, and institutions for delinquent children. In this address I shall offer some suggestions with reference to the edu cational phases of penology. In so doing I am not embarrassed, as these superintendents and wardens would be, by experience or responsibility, but can speak with the assurance of the outside observer, who is always able to tell the other fellow how the job should be done. A great deal of what I know about this subject has been learned from personal contact with wardens and superintendents like Z. R. Brockway, J. W. McClaughry, Albert Garvin, Henry Wolfer, F. L. Christian, Thomas M. Osborne, Calvin Derrick, Mrs. Jessie Hodder, and Mrs. Martha P. Falconer, and with such prison chaplains as Albert G. Byers of Ohio, George Hickox of Michigan, and Rev. William J. Batt of Massachusetts. I have learned also from personal association with such students of penology as Ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes, Ex-Governor George Hoadley, Frederick Howard Wines, Charles R. Hender son, General Roeliff Brinkerhoff, Amos W. Butler, Burdette G. Lewis, and George W. Kirchwey; and from the study of their writings and the reports of commissions, surveys, and the heads of institutions.
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