Edicai Uvuali
THE I + edicaI+. UVUaLI THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUTME I, 1931. JANUARY TO JUNE. XtmEan 0n PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. i -i r TEx BsxTzSu N.-JUNE, 19311 I MEDICAL JOUUNAI. rI KEY TO DATES AND PAGES. THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue andI the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the first volume for 1931, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue. Pages. Pages. 3652 Jan. 3rd 1- 42 1- 8 3653 10th 43- 80 9- 12 3654 it,, 17th 81- 124 13- 16 3655 24th 125- 164 17- 24 3656 31st 165- 206 25- 32 3657 Feb. 7th 207- 252 33- 44 3658 ,, 14th 253- 294 45- 52 3659 21st 295- 336 53- 60 3660 28th 337- 382 61- 68 3661 March 7th 383- 432 69- 76 3662 ,, 14th 433- 480 77- 84 3663 21st 481- 524 85- 96 3664 28th 525- 568 97 - 104 3665 April 4th 569- 610 .105- 108 3666 11th 611- 652 .109 - 116 3667 18th 653- G92 .117 - 128 3668 25th 693- 734 .129- 160 3669 May 2nd 735- 780 .161- 188 3670 9th 781- 832 3671 ,, 16th 833- 878 .189- 196 3672 ,, 23rd 879- 920 .197 - 208 3673 30th 921- 962 .209 - 216 3674 June 6th 963- 1008 .217 - 232 3675 , 13th 1009- 1056 .233- 244 3676 ,, 20th 1057 - 1100 .245 - 260 3677 ,, 27th 1101 - 1146 .261 - 276 INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1931 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate
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