PROVINCIAL TIES November 2018 — LATEST NEWS & EVENTS — “Preaching Reconsidered” – Seminar for Pastors November 12-13, 2018 The Rev. Dr. David Lose The world we live in is changing, perhaps more quickly than anytime in the last half millennium, but so many of our practices - including preaching – remain relatively the same. Join us for presentations and conversation about some of the significant cultural changes of late, what challenges they present contemporary preachers, and how our preaching might respond in ways that are both fitting and faithful. continued on page 2 1 November 12, 7:00 pm – Worship Service; David Lose, preacher New Philadelphia Moravian Church sanctuary (service open to the public) November 13, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm – Seminar for Pastors; David Lose, leader New Philadelphia Moravian Church Fellowship Hall (registration required by Nov. 7; lunch provided) This seminar for pastors is sponsored by the Provincial Elders’ Conference through the generosity of Bro. Herbert Spaugh, Jr. and the Bishop W. Herbert Spaugh Fund for Pastors’ Continuing Education. To register for the seminar: Email Beverly Johnson by Nov. 7th: [email protected] David Lose was called as Senior Pastor of Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN in 2017. From 2014 to 2017 he served as president of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. Before that, he held the Marbury E. Anderson Chair of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, where he also served as the Director of the Center for Biblical Preaching. He is the author of Preaching at the Crossroads: How the World – and Our Preaching – Is Changing (2013), Making Sense of the Cross (2011), Making Sense of the Christian Faith (2010), Making Sense of Scripture (2009), and Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World (2003). He is a founding contributor to the Working Preacher website. Pastor Lose speaks widely in the United States and abroad on preaching, Christian faith in a postmodern world, and biblical interpretation. Submitted by Wayne Burkette Salem Congregation News St. Philips Moravian Graveyard, Section 2 The recent news stories about the investigation at St. Philips Moravian Graveyard, Section 2, may have caught your attention as we seek to identify the unmarked graves in the African American graveyard. While there are currently around 50 marked graves, based on an early map and other documents we were expecting 190 unmarked graves. We found a total of 331 unmarked graves! Salem Congregation plans to mark each grave with individual markers similar to the markers used at the first St. Philips Graveyard. Donations to help upgrade and mark graves may be made to Salem Congregation at 501 South Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. For more information, call 336-722-6504. Submitted by Bridget Smith 2 BCM News for November Get Started on Christmas Shopping with #MoravianSwag Did you know that "SWAG" means "stuff we all get?" Well, we all need some new Moravian stuff! Order now and orders will be ready for pick up soon! Or stop by the BCM office and check out the items in person. These items are perfect stocking stuffers and are great for people of all ages! If you have a relative that is hard to shop for, then #MoravianSwag is the perfect gift! The best part? Your purchase directly benefits the work of the Board of Cooperative Ministries, particularly leadership and youth development as well as the creation of new Moravian resources. Shop now at Moravian.Online/SWAG ________________ Sign up for Weekly Family Devotionals Earlier this year at the 2018 Southern Province Synod, it was decided that content from Loving Hearts United would be shared weekly with families through the Moravian BCM. The result: Weekly Family Devotionals delivered directly to your email inbox! We're excited to be bringing this resource to Moravian families in an easily accessible and bite-sized format. The first devotional went out the end of August! But you can sign up at any time and start benefiting from our Weekly Family Devotionals. With the season of Advent approaching, there are a few special edition devotions. Don't miss out! Sign up at Moravian.Online/FamilyNurture Submitted by Hanna Jackson 2018 New Year's Eve Watchnight Lovefeast The Salem Congregation Moravian Watchnight Service will be held on Sunday, December 31, 2018 at 11:00 PM at Calvary Moravian Church, 600 Holly Ave NW, Winston-Salem, NC. The Rev. John D. Rights, Pastor at Konnoak Hills Moravian Church, will bring the message. Greet the new year with hymn singing, sacred music and the sharing of a simple meal. Call (336) 722-6504 for more information. For Your November Calendar 1....................MMA Meeting 3.....................Comenius Learning Series, 9-3 4.....................Mission Lovefeast 8.....................PEC Meeting 12.....................Evening Worship service, public invited, 7pm 13.....................Provincial Continuing Ed, 9am – 3 pm 20.....................Mission Society Meeting 22-23...............Thanksgiving Holiday 27-28................Joint PEC Meeting, Bethlehem, PA 3 Concerns and Celebrations Death: The Rev. Mohamed Braima entered the more immediate presence of his Lord and Savior on Sunday night, November 4. Mohamed and his wife, Safie, returned to their native land, Sierra Leone, in 2007 to begin work serving the community of Ngehun. Mohamed was ordained as a Deacon in the Moravian Church, Southern Province, in 2012. The Braima's ministry in Sierra Leone has involved church planting, the establishment of a high school, a library, a mission house, and other forms of mission service in the surrounding communities. Plans for a memorial service for Brother Braima will be announced when they are finalized. Please remember Safie in prayer. Ordination Anniversaries for November 2018 ` Jeffrey Coppage................25 years Lisa Mullen.......................29 years Russell Williams.................7 years Stuart Zimmerman............39 years Rusty Rushing......................1 year Congratulations and God Bless You! PEC News for November, 2018 PEC News November Provincial Ties The Provincial Elders’ Conference met October 11 and 25 with all members participating. Oct. 11, Nola Knouse joined the meeting via conference call from Bethlehem, PA; Peggy Carter and Judy Knopf did so from home, due to hurricane Michael. SYNOD / STRATEGIC DIRECTION PEC continued to respond to a petition presented by the “Concerned Moravians” group in opposition to Synod Resolutions 13 and 14, and decided to organize a team to develop resources and materials to support pastors and congregations, as stated in Resolution 14. PEC continued the review of 2018 Synod Resolutions and the status of their fulfillment. CHURCHES AND LEADERS PEC made final arrangements for quadrennial reviews for the Friedland, Oak Grove and Peace congregations; took necessary steps in call processes for: Covenant/Water of Life ELCA, Fairview, Fries Memorial, Hope, New Beginnings, and New Philadelphia; discussed the appointment of intentional interim pastors at Fairview and New Philadelphia, received an update from the selection process for a Moravian chaplain to serve with Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministry; received and approved a 4 request to retire from active ministry (to be announced at a later date); determined PEC participation in a retirement lunch for Worth Green on Oct. 28; arranged for meetings with one church board regarding pastor-board relationships; provided advice to one congregation about adjusting the size of the church board(s); and noted the need to assign bishops to work with three of the current candidates for ordination. BOARDS, COMMITTEES, and COMMISSIONS PEC noted several recent or upcoming board, committee and commission meetings from which we will plan to receive reports: Board of World Mission, Moravian Ministry Foundation, Moravian College and Seminary Trustees, Interprovincial Board of Communication. UNITY and ECUMENICAL PEC affirmed bishop Graham Rights’ decision to accept an invitation from the British Province to participate in the consecration of Sarah Groves as a Bishop of the Unity, November 16; talked about possible agenda items for the joint meetings of the PECs to be held in late November, in PA; and confirmed Jeff Coppage’s participation as the Moravian liaison to the ELCA Church Council, which meets twice a year and will meet in November. OTHER MATTERS PEC discussed its staffing needs in light of current activity and assignments from Synod, and agreed to move forward with the call or appointment of a full-time Assistant to the President (this position was full-time until 2010). PEC approved the 2019 Provincial Budget, and discussed implementation of changes to the Provincial health insurance plan that are underway and some financial considerations for this transition. PEC continued review of a social media policy for pastors, church and Provincial staff; noted plans for an Oct. 27 church safety workshop co-sponsored with Home Church, and the work of Paula Midkiff, HR manager, on guidelines in this area; and discussed upgrades to the Provincial website. The PEC will meet November 8, and then travel to PA for a joint meeting of the PECs (North and South) November 27-28. Submitted by David Guthrie, PEC President The new Southern Province website is up and running. Please visit the website ( for updated information about news and events around the province. 5 Moravian Archives 1) On November 15 from 5:30-7:30pm at St. Philips’ 1861 building on Church Street, the Archives is co-promoting a film screening of the documentary “A Class Divided,” with a panel discussion thereafter about how to recognize and confront racism within ourselves. The film documents how, as an experiment in the wake of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., teacher Jane Elliott divided her students into two groups according to their eye color (brown eyes/blue eyes), and the resulting discrimination lesson they learned. This event is sponsored by Old Salem’s Hidden Town Project in collaboration with St. Philips Moravian Church, Home Moravian Church, Moravian Team for Racial Reconciliation, and Moravian Archives - with thanks to the Salem Academy and College Gramley Library for providing the film.
{Salem Academy} MAGAZINE 2009 SALEM ACADEMY Magazine Susan E. Pauly SALEM ACADEMY President Karl J. Sjolund Head of School Vicki Williams Sheppard C’82 ALUMNAE: Vice President of Institutional Advancement Alumnae Office ONLINE Megan Ratley C’06, Director of Academy Alumnae Relations COMMUNITY Published by the Office of Communications and Public Relations In the coming months we will be implementing Jacqueline McBride, Director Ellen Schuette, Associate Director an online community for all Academy Contributing Writers: Karl Sjolund, Lucia Uldrick, Wynne Overton, alumnae to use through the school website: Megan Ratley, Lorie Howard, . Rose Simon, Ellen Schuette and Mary Lorick Thompson After logging in with a unique username and Designer: Carrie Leigh Dickey C’00 Photography: Alan Calhoun, Allen password, alumnae will be able to submit and Aycock. Class reunion photos by read class notes, submit bio updates, register Snyder Photography. for reunion weekend and other events, as The Salem Academy Magazine is pub- well as many other exciting things. lished by Salem Academy, 500 East Salem Avenue, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101. Please check back often and contact the Alumnae This publication is mailed to alumnae, Office with any questions or comments! faculty, staff, parents and friends of Salem. Salem Academy welcomes qualified Megan Ratley C’06 students regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or dis- Salem Academy ability to all the rights, privileges, pro- Director of Alumnae Relations grams and activities of this institution. 336/721-2664 For additional information about any programs or events mentioned in this publications, please write, call, email or visit: Alumnae Office Salem Academy SAVE THE DATE: 500 East Salem Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336/721-2664 REUNION Email: [email protected] Website: WEEKEND On the cover: The Salem Academy graduating class of 2009.
Old Salem Historic District Design Review Guidelines
Old Salem Historic District Guide to the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Process and Design Review Guidelines PREFACE e are not going to discuss here the rules of the art of building “Was a whole but only those rules which relate to the order and way of building in our community. It often happens due to ill-considered planning that neighbors are molested and sometimes even the whole community suffers. For such reasons in well-ordered communities rules have been set up. Therefore our brotherly equality and the faithfulness which we have expressed for each other necessitates that we agree to some rules and regulation which shall be basic for all construction in our community so that no one suffers damage or loss because of careless construction by his neighbor and it is a special duty of the Town council to enforce such rules and regulations. -From Salem Building” Regulations Adopted June 1788 i n 1948, the Old Salem Historic District was subcommittee was formed I established as the first locally-zoned historic to review and update the Guidelines. district in the State of North Carolina. Creation The subcommittee’s membership of the Old Salem Historic District was achieved included present and former members in order to protect one of the most unique and of the Commission, residential property significant historical, architectural, archaeological, owners, representatives of the nonprofit and cultural resources in the United States. and institutional property owners Since that time, a monumental effort has been within the District, and preservation undertaken by public and private entities, and building professionals with an nonprofit organizations, religious and educational understanding of historic resources.
PROVINCIAL TIES March 2019 — LATEST NEWS & EVENTS — 2019 Watchword for the Southern Province Each year the European Continental Province makes arrangements to draw watchwords for the individual Provinces, Mission Provinces, and Mission Areas. The texts assigned to the Southern Province are those for Sunday, October 26: You are a people holy to the Lord your God; it is you the Lord has chosen out of all the peoples on earth to be his people, his treasured possession. Deuteronomy 14:2 God is one; and he will justify the circumcised on the ground of faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. Romans 3:30 cont. on page 2 1 | P a g e The prayer in the U.S. edition of the Daily Texts is: God, you are one; we are so many and so different. What a miracle! Amid and despite the divisions of the world, you have called us, your people, to show all humanity that we are one family – your daughters and sons. May it be so. Amen. Provincial Women's Board 2019 Days of Prayer Schedule Ash Wednesday, March 6, 2019-HOME MORAVIAN Speaker: Rev. Sandra Thigpen 9:45 - Coffee Hour 10:45 - Music 11:00 - Worship, Nursery Provided Sunday, March 10, 2019-CHRIST MORAVIAN Speaker: Rev. Adam Goodrich 2:00 - Lovefeast, Nursery Provided Wednesday, March 13, 2019-TRINITY MORAVIAN Speaker: Rev. Debbie Lanier 11:00 - Worship Luncheon Wednesday, March 20,2019-ARDMORE MORAVIAN Speaker: Rev. Dan Nelson 9:45 - Coffee Hour 10:45 - Music 11:00 - Worship, Nursery Provided Wednesday March 27, 2019-CALVARY MORAVIAN Speaker: Rev.
A Loving Home's a Happy Home 19Th-Century Moravian Parlor Music by Lisetta and Amelia Van Vleck, Carl Van Vleck & F. F. Ha
A Loving Home’s A Happy Home 19th-Century Moravian Parlor Music by Lisetta and Amelia Van Vleck, Carl Van Vleck & F. F. Hagen Rev. Dr. Nola Reed Knouse, Director, Moravian Music Foundation It is often stated that, for Moravians, music is an essential part of life, not something added later on when the essential things have been taken care of. We have long known of the great emphasis the Moravians placed on education of both boys and girls. Over the more than five hundred and fifty years since the founding of the Unitas Fratrum, these two emphases have been woven together into a rich and colorful history of music-teaching and music-making. The renewed Moravian Church in the eighteenth century, following Zinzendorf ’s recognition that men and women in various stages of life have different spiritual expressions, needs, and gifts, encouraged expressions of faith by women as well as by men. While we know of no Moravian women composers of sacred vocal music in the eighteenth century, there survive an immense number of hymn texts written by women—in fact, in an informal overview, the proportion of texts written by women seems to be greater in the 1778 Gesangbuch (German Moravian hymnal) than in the 1995 Moravian Book of Worship. Many of these are ones still known and loved today. Pauline Fox, notes that music manuscript books used from the mid-18th through mid-19th centuries among the Pennsylvania Moravians (like those originating among the Moravians in North Carolina) contain a wide variety of musical styles and genres—hymns, simple devotional songs, popular songs and piano works often appearing very soon after their publication.
3A BASKETBALL FEBRUARY 28 – MARCH 2, 2019 * MARSHFIELD HS / NORTH BEND HS 2018 - 2019 As the proud sponsor of the OSAA State Championships, OnPoint Community Credit Union does everything we can to help our team — and community — get ahead. We deliver the local banking and lending our members need to reach their goals and make more possible. Visit today! Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity. OSAA / ONPOINT COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Welcome to the OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union State On behalf of OnPoint Community Credit Union and our valued Championships! members, welcome to the OSAA/OnPoint Community Credit Union State Championships! In 1918, administrators at 36 high schools came together in recognition of the need for consistent and equitable rules for high At OnPoint, it’s the people and communities we serve that matter school activities in Oregon. As the OSAA celebrates its 100-year most. From our members and employees, to our neighbors and centennial, we remain steadfast in our efforts to support our community partners, we are committed to helping people prosper. member schools and their students. A trusted financial partner with deep roots in education, OnPoint’s community connection is strengthened by the passion and At the OSAA we believe high school activities provide opportunities commitment of our nearly 700 employees and 360,000 members. for students to receive a complete education that challenges both mind and body. These opportunities enrich and expand our Since our founding in 1932, OnPoint has made it a priority to students’ school experience and prepare them to be successful in deepen our presence in the community by supporting students, the future.
The Moravian Music Foundation preserves, celebrates, and cultivates VOL. XXVII the musical life of the Moravians. NO. 1 MMF Acquires Rare Haydn Score The 24 ththth Last fall MMF was able to acquire a rare copy fo the Moravian Music Festival first edition publication of Die Schopfung (The Creation) by F. J. Haydn. Printed in 1803, this bound book is in excellent condition, and is especially valuable to Moravian music research. One of the earliest American performances of The Creation was held in Bethlehem, PA, in 1811, under David Moritz Michael’s direction, using parts prepared by J. F. Peter. This newly-acquired score is signed by Brother Peter (1807), and has performance indications scattered throughout, along with some markings that would have made it easier to copy parts correctly. … will be held July 14-20, 2013, on the campus of Central (story continued on page 2) Moravian Church and Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Come be a part of something very, very special! It’s not at all too early to begin making your plans to attend! Calendars fill up quickly, and there are many other attractive opportunities every year. Plan ahead so you won’t miss it! Church Musicians and Pastors – consider this as e Johann Friedrich Peter’s signature on the title page a Continuing Education opportunity for 2013! of the 1803 printing of the score of Haydn’s Creation Church trustees and treasurers – put a line item e in your 2013 budget to help support your pastors and church musicians as they seek to In This Issue… find the funds to attend.
Frequently Asked Don’t Miss Out. Questions Register Now!! Q. What is the length of a session? 2020 SUMMER CAMP A. Sessions run for a week at a time. As we have a strict counselor/camper TWO WEEKS: ratio, we cannot accommodate a single June 22-26 day booking. Campers must be enrolled June 29 - July 2 for the week. Campers can enroll for as many weeks as possible, as a discount is (No camp on Friday, July 3) given for multiple-week enrollments. Activities include swimming, Q. What is counselor/camper ratio? tennis, basketball, soccer, A. 1:7 volleyball, lacrosse, Q. When do I register and pay? archery, golf, team building A. Registration and all camp forms with full and team initiatives. payment are due no later than two weeks CO-ED SPORTS CAMP prior to camp. Rising 6th Graders - Q. What do campers need to bring? A. Swim suit, towel and appropriate camp FOR MORE INFORMATION Rising 8th Graders attire, including athletic shoes. AND TO REGISTER ONLINE: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Q. What is provided? email: [email protected] A. Snacks, lunch and drink as well as Call: 336-721-2732 a T-shirt. Q. What is the cancellation policy? A. Request for cancellation and refund must be made no later than two weeks prior to registered camp date. No 500 East Salem Avenue refunds will be made after that date. Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 336-721-2732 Think Sports Camp for Kids Was Fun? WAIT TILL YOU SEE THE HALF DAY SPORTS CAMP CO-EDUCATIONAL FUN FOR GRADES 6-8 2020 CAMP FEES Remember all the fun your child had at Salem HALF DAY SPORTS CAMP Sports Camp for Kids — being introduced to a GRADES 6-8 SALEM PHILOSOPHY variety of sports and making lifelong memories and Arrive 8:30 am – Depart 1:00 pm friendships? The NEXT LEVEL is a chance to First week of enrollment ........................
Moravian Music Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2017 2017 MMF Board of Trustees Executive Committee Harold Garrison, President Winston-Salem, NC G. Randall Gibbs, Vice-President New Philadelphia, OH John T. Webb, Vice-President Cincinnati, OH Rev. Matthew Allen, Secretary Winston-Salem, NC Donna K. Ambler Bethlehem, PA Nancy Beitel-Vessels Bethlehem, PA Trustees David Bagby Charlotte, NC Teresa Cude Laurel Springs, NC Hon. Russell A. Eliason Winston-Salem, NC Hubert Fort Raleigh, NC Dr. Jeffrey Gemmell Landisville, PA Dr. Barbara Boyce Howard Advance, NC Dr. Jeff Jones Asheville, NC Introduction: A Festival Year … Dr. Ryan Malone Lewisburg, PA Frank Martin Winston-Salem, NC The 25th Moravian Music festival, held in Rev. Jennifer Moran Maple Grove, MN Evadne Morrison-Taylor Farmingdale, NY Winston-Salem in July of 2017, captured the Henry Naisby Coopersburg, PA principal focus of the Moravian Music Rev. Dennis Rohn New Philadelphia, OH Foundation’s attention, at least for the first seven Jonathan Sidden Winston-Salem, NC David Teague Winston-Salem, NC months of the year! But the year was filled with Rev. David Wickmann Nazareth, PA other activities as well – workshops, concerts, Ex Officio publications, the flowering of plans for the Unity Robyn Glance, Treasurer Winston-Salem, NC Brass Festival of 2018, cataloging, open houses … Robert G. Spaugh, Legal Counsel Lexington, NC all the activities that, together, comprise the Staff ongoing work of preserving, celebrating, and Rev. Dr. Nola Reed Knouse Director Gwyneth A. Michel Assistant Director cultivating the musical life of the Moravians. Read on Erik J. Salzwedel Business Manager for an overview of the Foundation’s active and joy- Margaret Brady – Sarah Durham Office Manager filled year! Barbara J.
NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK NOMINATION NPS Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NRHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB No. 1024-0018 OLD SALEM HISTORIC DISTRICT Page 1 United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form 1. NAME OF PROPERTY Historic Name: Old Salem Historic District (updated documentation and boundary change) Other Name/Site Number: 31FY395 2. LOCATION Street & Number: 600 South Main Street Not for publication: City/Town: Winston-Salem Vicinity: State: NC County: Forsyth Code: 067 Zip Code: 27101 3. CLASSIFICATION Ownership of Property Category of Property Private: X Building(s): __ Public-Local: X District: X Public-State: ___ Site: __ Public-Federal: ___ Structure: __ Object: _ Number of Resources within Property Contributing Noncontributing 147 66 buildings 10 0 sites 24 6 structures 3 0 objects 184 72 Total Number of Contributing Resources Previously Listed in the National Register: 34 Name of Related Multiple Property Listing: N/A NPS Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NRHP Registration Form (Rev. 8-86) OMB No. 1024-0018 OLD SALEM HISTORIC DISTRICT Page 2 United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form 4. STATE/FEDERAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, I hereby certify that this ____ nomination ____ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property ____ meets ____ does not meet the National Register Criteria.
President OVERVIEW Salem Academy and College seeks an innovative, strategic, bold, and transformative leader who, in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, will lead Salem in our third century of educating girls and women to be global leaders. Salem College’s liberal arts tradition and its newly formed focus on health leadership, and the Academy’s personal approach to high-school education, as well as the array of adult learning opportunities, make this a very attractive leadership opportunity. Salem’s size means that teaching, learning, and leadership development can be individualized, innovative, and nimble. We seek a President who shares these qualities and is passionate about positioning Salem for strength and impact as a global leader in education for girls and women. For more detailed information on Salem’s new health leadership focus, please click here. INSTITUTION History: Salem Academy and College (Salem) began as a school for young girls in 1772 in the Moravian town of Salem, which had been established just six years earlier by Moravian missionaries. It is the oldest school for both girls and women in the United States. Although no longer a part of the Moravian Church, the school has been an integral part of the town of Salem and its history. Remarkably, the school’s doors have always remained open, even during the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Today the Academy and College share a 64-acre campus at its original location in the heart of Old Salem, part of the city of Winston-Salem. During its long history, the institution has developed into Salem Academy, a college preparatory school for girls in grades 9 through 12; Salem College, a liberal arts school for women; and the Fleer Center for Adult Education, as well as a graduate program, open to men and women.