Inside News 2 Features 3,5,7 Tuesday Commentary 4 February 13, 2007 Comics 6 Sports 8

VOL. 101 | ISSUE X Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922 WWW.KALEO.ORG

Heart-to-Heart Day 'Bows sweep volunteers to give weekend series back to community against Tigers

Features | Page 3 Sports | Page 8 Administrators reply to housing audit By Justin Hedani disagreed that the problems, such as Ka Leo News Editor the complaints raised over shoddy housing facilities and living condi- Prior to the State Auditor’s release tions, were directly connected to their Feb. 6 of a management audit on stu- multi-million dollar housing expan- dent housing services at the University sion project. The ceiling in Hale of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, the UH Board Konan explained in a letter to Wainani's laundry of Regents, President David McClain Higa that “students have demanded, room is slowly falling and interim Chancellor Denise Konan and the administration wishes to offer, apart. With missing were all given a chance to comment additional housing options for...stu- panels and water on the report before its public release. dents.” Konan furthered that, in addi- damage, little has The audit, which came after a tion to expanding housing facilities, been done to fix and year-long evaluation by State Auditor namely Frear Hall, there is a plan to improve the deteriat- Marion Higa, found numerous prob- invest $40 million into maintentance ing situation. The roof lems with both the maintenance and by the end of Fall 2009. of Wainani was one of management of student housing, The new Frear Hall will house the major problems including the unecessary expansion of close to 814 students and is expected the audit found with its capacity and said that the “neglect to reach completion by 2008. student housing. or lack of maintenance was a preoc- After reviewing the argument cupation with the desire to expand provided by Konan, the audit main- housing.” tained that its findings were valid. DAN RICHARDS But in a consolidated response In their findings, “revenue bonds Ka Leo O Hawai‘i to the audit, the UHM administrators amounting to $100 million were authorized in June 2005.” This was to be used for both maintenance and the construction of the new hall, but Players losing touch with no plans had been “moved ahead” to increase maintenance. In addition to the revenue bonds, the BOR has allowed Konan to raise reality in 'world' of online games housing rates by 5 percent for five years that will further supplement con- struction costs. By Tracy Chan to some, even dangerous in its potential for Ka Leo Staff Reporter addiction. Churches and parents have spo- Other disagreements ken out against MMO’s, warning against It is raining when Fait steps out of the the dangers of becoming caught up in a In her response, Konan expressed building. He pauses a moment to admire false reality. Everquest even gained the that she “firmly” disagrees with the the ripples of the raindrops on the surface nickname “Evercrack” in reference to its audit that the campus is “unsafe.” of the lake, then takes a few steps back as addictive tendencies.There have even been “We believe that the charicteriza- a giant seal-like creature leaps from the some people that blame MMORPG’s for tion of the campus as “Unsafe” is not water and lands on the dock beside him, the death of family members and friends. accurate and inflammatory,” she said. transforming into an elf. “How’s it going, Various organizations have been Konan said that because UH man,” he greets the elf. “Not too bad,” formed in reaction to Everquest; two such Mānoa is exposed to the public, unlike says the green-haired elf. “LF2M 4 BRD online groups are Everquest Widows and other urban campuses, campus resi- – have CC but not enough DPS. Can you Spouses Against Online Gaming, which tank?” are Yahoo groups. At the other extreme, dents “are faced with complex issues Sure, says Fait, glancing down. a 2001 article in describes related to ensuring the general safety “Lemme spec.” the phenomenon of online marriages in of our students.” Welcome to World of Warcraft, the Everquest. “Everquest characters fre- The audit did acknowledge that international Massively Multiplayer Online quently marry online, and sometimes the UHM has taken some steps to address Role-Playing Game (MMORPG for short) romance carries over into real life,” the campus safety, but the changes, it said, developed by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. article said. In May 2006, a German couple have come very late. Future projects In January, even before the release met in-game and married, according to include: of the game’s expansion, The Burning World of Warcraft’s European news site. - hiring additional staff Crusade, World of Warcraft had over 8 Not only did they have a real-life marriage - adding additional lighting for million subscribed players from America, ceremony, they arranged one in the game nighttime foot traffic Europe, Oceania and Asia, according to as well. - creating more opportunities Blizzard’s official Web site. World of Psychologists have speculated that, for students to attend nightime Warcraft is the largest subscription-based just as some people have more of an events MMORPG in PC-gaming history, said one affinity for becoming alcoholics or getting - allowing students to study in of Blizzard’s recent press releases. addicted to drugs, some people run more campus libraries The number of people who play has of a risk of becoming addicted to online The audit argues that the Mānoa grown with the release of The Burning gaming. Crusade, which sold a record-breaking Online Gamer’s Anonymous is an campus “is not safe from from crimi- 2.4 million copies on the first day it was unaffiliated, nonprofit community that nal acts, accidents and disasters,” and released in America and Europe. bears a striking resemblance to Alchoholics defines safety as “freedom from dan- Online games are a relatively small Anonymous. Its mission, as the Web site at ger risk or injury. According to sur- percentage of PC games, but most of describes it, veys, the audit said, students neither them charge monthly subscriptions that is to be “a fellowship of people sharing feel safe nor secure. generate billions of dollars in revenue. their experience, strengths and hope to The culture of online gaming has not help each other recover and heal from only affected our wallets, but our lives as the problems caused by compulsive game A Final Note well. playing.” In Konan’s final statement, she Since the beginning of the MMORPG Utilizing a 12-step program, which said “the University of Hawai‘i is craze, which a game called Everquest is committed to provding a safe and widely attributed with starting, online gam- See Warcraft, page 2 comfortable living environment for ing has been controversial, and according our students. We have already taken many aggressive actions to address COURTESY SCREENSHOT • Blizzard Entertainment this pressing need.” Page 2 | Ka Leo O Hawai‘i | Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | NEWS

Warning signs of online Housing in disrepair gaming addiction: NewsBriefs Warcraft · A preoccupation with gaming By Ka Leo News Desk From page 1 · Lying or hiding gaming use · Disobeying time limits Harvard professor to conduct lec- according to their Web site, has been adapted from the one that AA uses. This · Loss of interest in other activities ture at UHM organization says that, while it recog- · Social withdrawal from family and Paul Farmer, a Harvard Medical nizes some compulsive game playing as friends School professor and pioneer in provid- symptoms of an underlying mental con- ing health care to Third World nations, · Psychological withdrawal from the will be giving two lectures this month at dition for which the person should seek game professional help, other people just have UHM. personalities that make it easier for them · Using gaming as an escape In 1987, Farmer helped found to become “hooked” on online gaming. · Continuing to game despite its Partners in Health, an international health organization, starting with a char- The dangers of online gaming consequences ity clinic in Haiti. The organization now are not recognized in the United States does work in five other countries, focus- alone. - From Dr. Kimberly Young, Center for ing on helping people suffering from In 2005, the Chinese government Internet Addiction Recovery poverty, violence and epidemics of dis- took steps to limit the time its citizens ease obtain successful drugs in fighting spend playing online games to 3 con- the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis viruses. secutive hours. One BBC news article Marlo Ting is a 23-year-old politi- Farmer will speak on Sunday, Feb. published in August 2005 stated that cal science graduate of UHM, formerly 18 at 3 p.m. at the UH Medical School Chinese players numbered over 20 mil- a Ka Leo Managing Editor, who plays Auditorium in Kaka‘ako. The lecture is lion and spent almost $500 million on World of Warcraft regularly. “A lot of the titled, “Community-based treatment of online games. game’s rewards require you to cooperate HIV: The Partners in Health experience The Chinese government had previ- with other people,” he said. “There isn’t in Haiti, Rwanda, and Lesotho.” ously been encouraging the growth of much point in playing the game if you’re Farmer’s second lecture, “AIDS online games, but did not foresee the not doing it with someone else.” in 2007: Building a health care move- phenomenal popularity of the games and Marlo uses World of Warcraft to ment,” will take place on Tuesday, Feb. the problems that would arise as a result. maintain old friendships and make new 20 at 4:15 p.m. in the UHM Campus In one extreme case, a player killed ones. “When I play World of Warcraft, I Ballroom. another who had stolen his virtual sword. don’t find myself absorbed in a fantasy Both lectures are free and open to The 3-hour limit enforced by Beijing land where I forget all my troubles,” Ting the public. was, according to BBC, to prevent young said. “For me it’s mostly just a way to keep Farmer is an infectious disease spe- people from becoming addicted, and any in contact with my friends when we can’t cialist and professor of medical anthro- citizen who exceeded that limit would get together for whatever reason. It’s like a pology at Harvard Medical School. have their virtual character’s abilities chat room with simulated violence.” He is also the winner of a MacArthur reduced by game administration. Ting’s down-to-earth view of the Fellowship Award and the Margaret Since the online game operators need game, however, may not be shared by Mead Award for his contributions to the government’s approval to run their everyone. The debate of whether online public anthropology. servers, they had no choice but to comply. games are inherently addictive rages on, Farmer is a “Pfizer/American Perhaps the biggest attraction in forums and chat rooms, and in the Academy of Family Physicians of games like Everquest and World of games themselves. Foundation” visiting professor in Warcraft is that, due to the nature of the “I’m not addicted to the game,” the UHM John A. Burns School of MMORPG, you have the ability to social- Ting said. “There are some days I play Medicine Department of Family ize with other people all over the world ... for a long time, and other days where Medicine and Community Health. in a virtual environment. As people of all I don’t touch it. It hasn’t changed me ages are increasingly using the Internet as a all that much, either ... But I’m sure the place to communicate, online multiplayer game, like anything else people might Four vying for UHM Chancellor games have developed a new dimension invest their time into, can be something The four candidates vying for interim – that of an alternate reality to some. obsessed over to the detriment of every- Chancellor Denise Konan’s posi- tion will be visiting the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa campus from Feb. 20 Compadres to March 2. 2x4 Candidates for UHM Chancellor DAN RICHARDS • Ka Leo O Hawai‘i • Carol Tomlinson-Keasey Top: An emergency exit sign’s wiring is exposed in the supporting structure of what remains of the Hale Noelani walk way. Professor and former Chancellor, Above: A sun-faded and graffitied emergency call box is located in the Hale Wainani University of California, Merced. parking lot. The emergency box, like the dorms it is surrounded by, is poorly taken care Tomlinson-Keasey will be on campus of and in a state of despair. Feb. 20 to 21. • Yash P. Gupta Professor and former Dean and Robert R. Dockson Chair, Marshall School Island Manapua of Business, University of Southern 2x2 California. Gupta will visit Feb. 22 to 23. • Reed W. Dasenbrock Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of New Mexico. Dasenbrock will be on campus Feb. 26 to 27. • Virginia S. Hinshaw Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of California, Davis. Hinshaw will visit March 1 to 2. Sudoku House Information provided by University of Planners 2x8 Hawai‘i External Affairs and Public Relations 2x4

Students for a Free Tibet 1x3 Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Features Editor: David Pham Associate Editor: Mariam Beard | (808) 956-3221 | [email protected] Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | Page 3

Give back onBy Katherine Valentine’s Visaya the soul,” Morigawara said. “It is also doDay stenciling of storm drains Ka Leo Staff Reporter heartwarming to altruistically give around the upper Mānoa neighbor- UHM to help those in need one’s time and effort to help others hood. The event will begin with a The University of Hawai‘i and the environment.” kick-off rally at 8 a.m. on the lawn by picking up trash and at Mānoa is sponsoring its first Joining the Chancellor’s Litter in front of Hawai‘i Hall. Heart-to-Heart Day on Valentine’s Pick Up are some of the students The Chancellor’s Litter Pick collecting donations Day, tomorrow. Employees and and staff of the Honors Program. Up is just one of many projects students of UHM are volunteering Julianne Hiu, senior and scheduled for Heart-to Heart Day. in more than three dozen various Student Activities Coordinator of Other UH groups are staging simi- activities, from picking up trash to the Honors Program, is proud to be lar cleanups at the Honolulu Zoo helping senior citizens. part of Heart-to-Heart Day. and Magic Island, collecting dona- The Office of the Vice “UH is surrounded by a won- tions for a clothing drive and the Chancellor for Academic Affairs derful neighborhood,” Hiu said. Hawai‘i Food Bank, sponsoring is joining the Offices of the “It’s nice to take part in a service activities at the Palolo Chinese Vice Chancellor for Research project that directly benefits the Home and the Ronald McDonald and Graduate Education, Vice community around our campus.” House, participating in Homeless Chancellor for Students and the Heart-to-Heart Day gives stu- Outreach and Medical Education Chancellor’s Office in picking up dents and staff the opportunity to and helping at the Kaka‘ako litter around the neighborhoods of band together and give back to Transitional Shelter. the Mānoa campus. Many individ- the community that surrounds the “This is the first time we’re uals and groups have also joined campus. doing this Heart-to-Heart Day,” this effort. “We view Heart-to-Heart Day said Gregg Takayama, acting Avis Morigawara of Academic as an opportunity to meet people director of communications. “The Affairs office is excited to be tak- from other departments on cam- response has been positive and ing part in this event. pus,” Hiu said. “It’s a chance to enthusiastically received.” “We want to contribute to a build unity throughout our cam- All participants of Heart-to- cleaner, happier neighborhood,” pus and raise awareness about the Heart Day are being asked to Morigawara said. “It is a way to needs of the community.” take two to three pictures of do something for the community The Chancellor’s Litter Pick their projects and e-mail them to that has been a good neighbor to Up will cover the area around Takayama at the campus.” Varsity Gate, the neighborhood for publishing. As part of the Centennial from College Education up to “Get involved and be part Celebration at UH, Heart-to-Heart College Hill, University Avenue of history,” Morigawara said. RUSSELL SAITO • Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Day is an opportunity to show (from Varsity Place up to Faculty “Through everyone’s collective Paper hearts are draped throughout Hawai'i Hall for Heart-to-Heart Day tomorrow. Students gratitude to the community in Housing), Dole Street (from Wilder wisdom, cooperation and ‘can do’ and faculty will volunteer throughout campus and the community for this first annual event. which the campus has thrived for Avenue to Kanewai Park) and the spirit, we’ve been able to organize the past century. surrounding neighborhood. In col- our groups and are getting ready to “Volunteering is good for laboration with the city, they will roll. Let’s do it!”

Mobi PCS 5x8 Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Commentary Page 4 | Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Editor: Justin Hahn | (808) 956-3214 | [email protected]

Security proposals EditorialCartoon should be taken seriously By Kris DeRego up from nine in 2004. Additionally, Ka Leo Contributing Writer disciplinary referrals for weapons possession violations have risen, If you’ve never walked from five in 2004 to 22 in 2005. around this campus at night, let Has Campus Security become so me describe it for you. Darkness ineffective that students feel the settles over the campus. Each need to arm themselves? building seems more dimly lit Not all crimes have seen sig- than the one before, making it dif- nificant increases on campus in ficult to discern if the fluttering recent years, but that shouldn’t movement you saw in the shadows give students a false sense of was a stray cat or a stalker. The security. Several years ago, shrill sounds of amateur musicians Mānoa experienced a wave of sex- harmonize with the dulcet tones ual assaults that made headlines of nature, leaving your eardrums across the state. Media pressure straining to distinguish between prompted the university to install the two. Groups of drunken stu- late-night security assistants to dents appear unexpectedly, their escort young women on campus. gregariousness matched only by Notably, these assistants were stu- their vulgarity. In the distance, a dents, not official security guards. young man paces slowly next to a While on-campus sexual assault parked car. He darts away from the levels have remained low the last vehicle as you pass by. Perhaps two years, assaults on UH-affili- the most salient feature of campus ated public property have risen, nightlife is the lack of security. causing some students to worry Last week, about a pos- state auditor sible spillover Marion Higa onto cam- released a blis- Apathyis not the answer to pus grounds. tering audit of Mānoa'ssecurity problem Recent reports the University of attempted ILLUSTRATION PROVIDED BY MCT CAMPUS of Hawai‘i at ...UHM has a higher crime k idnappings Mānoa’s student have only housing condi- rate than any of its 12 exacerbated tions. Though the those fears. audit focused pri- peer institutions. Some wonder marily on dormi- what Campus Couples not the only people tory conditions, Security could some of its most controversial do if they have no arrest powers. proposals were aimed at improv- “I want to be sure that I can ing UH’s insufficient security walk from one class to another to enjoy Valentine's Day operation. Requested by students without being attacked or kid- day that your relationship status outcome, you can feel comfortable and legislators dismayed by the napped,” said UH sophomore Nona Singles can make their doesn’t allow you to participate if knowing you are true to yourself. sorry state of UH’s residential Bayani. “If security has to wait for you’re single. Also think “What if?” to facilities, the audit called for arm- the police to arrive, wouldn’t the day meaningful by Instead of that dreary idea, yourself. Considering the positive ing security officers and granting bad guys escape?” think of someone you care about. possibilities of doing something them arrest authority so they don’t They probably would escape showing they care Think of a friend, or maybe a special on Valentine’s Day can have to wait for police backup unless UH administrators give hopeful or potential partner. Spend motivate, thinking about the nega- before taking action. These sug- Campus Security police power to gestions were promptly dismissed effectively combat criminal activ- By Israel Chavez a little time thinking about how tive outcomes will do the opposite. by campus officials, who appar- ity. Among its peer institutions, Ka Leo Contributing Writer you can tell or show them just Don’t dwell on them; instead, use ently didn’t think them worthy of UHM is alone in not giving its how special they are to you. That them to prepare for the worst. It is serious consideration. security guards the authority to Earlier this semester, some- simple act is enough to celebrate important to see how life will go Apathy is not the answer detain criminals by force, if neces- one chalked the phrase, “What if?” this commercial, yet meaningful, on if the day doesn’t go according to Mānoa’s security problem. sary. Armed security guards could over various parts of campus. This holiday. What if you make their to plan. It will hurt, but when the According to Higa’s audit, UHM respond immediately to distress resembled the “Ask her” phrase that day better? What if you make hurting stops, life goes on. has a higher crime rate (5.45 calls and dissolve conflicts rapid- was written last year, and it made yours better? Besides, couples don’t have percent) than any of its 12 peer ly. The cost of training security to me start thinking about Valentine’s There are also those that have it so easy, either. They’ve been institutions. By far, the most properly use such authority pales Day. People put too much stress someone in mind. They’ve had a stressing out for weeks over what in comparison to the cost of leav- commonly reported offenses are into what should be a holiday about crush on this person for a while, to do for their partners. Picking liquor law violations, which rose ing students susceptible to being expressing feelings toward someone yet they’re afraid a lack of mutu- restaurants, flowers, cards and just to 666 in 2005. University offi- victimized. UH should also bolster that we consider special. Instead of cials attribute the increase to a the number of security guards on al adoration could lead to rejec- planning the day can be more stress ban on alcohol instituted in 2005, duty and eliminate the policy of stressing out to make a statement, tion, ruining their day. The fear is than needed. If the relationship has partially in response to a 2002 subcontracting security for spe- we should all concern ourselves understandable, especially because been a long-term one, there can fatality that occurred when a stu- cialized functions, such as patrol- with whose day we can make a little that rejection can also ruin friend- even be the anxiety of trying to dent mixed alcohol with metha- ling athletic events and parking better by letting them know, “I care ships, self-esteem or anything else top a particularly good Valentine’s done. The student’s death, along structures. UH has no authority to about you.” one puts on the line to confess of previous years. Just remember: with numerous incidents of alco- manage contracted officers, which For single people, Valentine’s their feelings to someone. to celebrate this holiday, it’s about hol poisoning in the dorms, gal- could create confusion over juris- Day is one of the least-liked holi- But this holiday isn’t about what you say, not how you say it. vanized support for the compre- diction in the event of a crisis. days of the year. Some of them giving in to fear or doubts. It’s Valentine’s Day is about con- hensive alcohol ban at the Hale Campus officials have an obli- do some strange things to get about breaking free of those sidering the options you have to Noelani dormitory complex. gation to provide a safe and secure away from the stigma of being restraints and telling it how it is. tell people you care about them learning environment for students. Violent crime is also on single, like making it a point to get There are a few things to keep and acting on them. Despite com- the rise. According to Campus If students don’t feel safe on cam- together with their single friends, in mind that can make it easier. mercial influence, anyone can par- Security statistics, 15 cases of pus, they suffer academically. If aggravated assault were reported UH wants to protect its image as a since the taken ones obviously The first is that you’re telling the ticipate regardless of relationship in 2005, compared with only four first-class institution, it must start have other plans. But this is the truth. There is a type of strength or romantic status. You just have in 2004. Arson is more common, by protecting the students that are wrong attitude to take. It’s like that comes from communicating to pick that special person and with 13 reported incidents in 2005, the lifeblood of its success. saying that Valentine’s Day is a honest feelings. Regardless of the think, “What if?”

Ka Leo O Hawai‘i EDITORIAL the voice of hawai‘i Editor in Chief Matthew K. Ing Sports Editor Rebecca Gallegos The Ka Leo Building Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa¯ . It Managing Editor Alyssa Navares Associate Sports Editor Glendalyn Junio University of Hawai‘i at Manoa¯ is published by the Board of Publications four times a week except on holidays and News Editor Justin Hedani Chief Copy Editor Claire Withycombe 1755 Pope Road 31-D during exam periods. Circulation is 14,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during Associate News Editor Tiffany Hill Associate Copy Editor Candice Novak Honolulu, HI 96822 summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and Features Editor David Pham Photo Editor Joey Trisolini advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its editors, writers, column- Associate Features Editor Mariam Beard Comics Editor Casey Ishitani Newsroom: (808) 956-7043 ists and contributors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that Commentary Editor Justin Hahn Design Director Alexia Hsin Chen Advertising: (808) 956-7043 appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. Facsimile: (808) 956-9962 The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please come to the Ka Leo ADVERTISING E-mail: [email protected] Building. Subscription rates are $36 for one semester and $54 for one year. Advertising Director Edgar Lobachevskiy Web site: © 2006 Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Features Editor: David Pham Associate Editor: Mariam Beard | (808) 956-3221 | [email protected] Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | Page 5

Events Calendar 100 Years Strong Please send any campus events to [email protected] at least one week before the event date. Gateway to Solidarity “Islam and Muslims in the 21st based on historical data and projections “Markers of susceptibility in fiber- century,” a Center for Southeast Asian of emissions, and implications associated induced thoracic carcinogenesis,” Studies and Council for Muslim Asia with the increased use of fossil fuels. a Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i lecture, today, 12 to 1:30 p.m., Center for Terry Surles, a researcher at HNEI, will seminar, tomorrow, 12 to 1 p.m., 1236 Korean Studies. Alam Payind, a politi- present. Info: HNEI, 956-8890, mka- Lauhala St., suite 401. Maria E. Ramos- cal science professor at The Ohio State [email protected], http://www.hnei. Nino, a research assistant professor in University, will present. Info: Barbara the Department of Pathology at the Andaya, 956-2676, [email protected]. University of Vermont, will present. Info: CRCH, Wendy Mitchell, 586-3010, “Lilies,” a film that won the Genie [email protected]. “Neurology in a combat theater,” a (the “Canadian Oscar”), will be Department of Medicine grand round, shown tonight, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Art today, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Kaka‘ako med- Auditorium. John Greyson, the film’s “Preparing for the job interview,” ical school campus, Queen’s Conference director, will be in residence at the a Career Development and Student Center, second floor lobby. J. Edward University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa from Employment workshop, tomorrow, Hartmann, an assistant clinical professor Feb. 20 to 23. Info: Department of Art 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Queen Lili‘uokalani of medicine at UH, will present. Info: and Art History, Wendy Kawabata, Center for Student Services, room 208. Sharon Chun, 586-7478, sharonch@ 956-5252, wendyak@hawaii. Participants will learn the purpose of edu, the interview, what to expect and what intersections/07s.html. to do to succeed in an interview. Info: CDSE, 956-7007, [email protected], “Global climate change – a primer,” a Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute The annual condom fair, tomor- seminar, today, 3:15 to 4:15 p.m., POST row, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., building, room 723. The seminar will Campus Center. The fair will feature “Free subgroups of uniform lattices,” showcase discussions on climate change games, prizes, free condoms and a mathematics colloquium, today, 3:30 mechanisms involved in global warming, candy. Information about commu- to 4:30 p.m., Keller Hall, room 401. Lewis including the history behind mankind’s nity organizations that work in the Bowen from Indiana University will growing awareness of the problem, sexuality field will be available. Info: present. Info: mathematics department, some of the empirical data that have University Health Services, Dana Robert Little, 956-4668, little@math. been collected to better define the McCurdy, 956-3574, danamccurdy@, http://www.math.hawaii. problem, consensus modeling results edu/.

Wanted: Photos documenting trips to foreign countries or to the U.S. mainland. Photos must be accompanied by a 100-to-200-word paragraph describing the overall trip (when, where, 1933 why you traveled there, what you did, who you met, foods you ate, etc.) Each photo must have The Founders’ Gate was completed. It was built to symbolize the union UH Globe at least a one-sentence caption with photo credit. If possible, please do not send posed photos of the Territorial Normal School (which eventually became the College but rather action or scenic ones. Also, please provide your full name and title (major and year, of Education) and the University. Trekker faculty, staff).E-mail the photos and paragraph to [email protected] or drop them off at the Ka Leo newsroom. For more information, send an email or call 956-3221. Photo Courtesy of “Building a Rainbow” by Victor Kobayashi

House UH Dental Hygiene House Read 1x2 Program Heads 1x2 3x7

House Ad Reps 2x5 Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Comics & Crossword Page 6 | Tuesday, Febuary 13, 2007 Comics Editor: Casey Ishitani | (808) 956-7043 | [email protected]



DO NOT ADJUST!! Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Features Editor: David Pham Associate Editor: Mariam Beard | (808) 956-3221 | [email protected] Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | Page 7 The Albums of Kalapana [Part 2 of 2] clothing company’s commercials. It Later songs found features new recordings of Bilyeu’s solo hit “Moloka‘i Sweet Home” modern sound, lack and Feary’s “I Remember You.” classic style The local legacy lives on Bilyeu’s songs, in particular, tend to be mid-tempo love songs that sound good but blend together. The best new song is Feary’s “Be there By Ryan McKinley Now,” the only up-tempo song on Ka Leo Staff Writer the album. The CD features liner notes by disc jockey Kamasami Although Kalapana may be an Kong. This album is soothing to old band, their legacy lives on. This the ear but forgettable once it’s is the second half of Kalapana’s over. This is Feary’s final Kalapana albums. (The first half ran last album. week.) After their first five albums, the band made what I like to call “song collections.” The releases 13. “The Blue Album,” 2002, from the 1980s and 1990s just Oceanbeat Records. seemed like 12 songs put togeth- The first Kalapana album since er on a CD, whereas Kalapana’s Feary’s death is easily their best since first releases were albums with a the 1970s. Bilyeu’s “Another Lonely unified sound and meaning to the Night,” “Lost Love,” “Ten Years music. The earlier releases con- After,” “Coming Home to You” and tained catchier music, while the “Keala” are the best songs on the later releases often lacked memo- album – and Bilyeu’s best in a long rable sounds. time. Pratt’s “Freedom to Live” is These reviews are geared the only guitar rocker on the album toward iPod users. The CDs often and seems out of place. (The lyrics have a few good songs, but for the aren’t so great, either.) Bega steps most part, the entire CD collection into Feary’s shoes, and his voice is not great. The iPod users can pick sounds uncannily like him. Bega a song from this list, and it will not also wrote “2 Hearts,” but sadly, seem out of place outside of the Bega’s songwriting is nowhere near other songs on the CD. The music in as good as Feary’s. Bilyeu’s songs this article is also closer in style to make up eight of the 11 tracks and current music, with drum machines feature Kalapana doing what they do and synthesizers as backup instru- best: performing catchy island rock. ments. If you are a fan of Japanese The CD cover features a beautiful pop, many of these songs are influ- Robert Lyn Nelson painting. enced by Japanese music, which is 13 probably why these albums sold 14. “The Best of Kalapana, Vol. better in Japan than Hawai‘i. If you 2,” 2004, OTB Records are a listener who just wants to hear the popular music, I reviewed both Most of the songs not on “Vol. of Kalapana’s greatest hits compila- 1” are here. This compilation is more tions. electric-based, with four songs from “Kalapana II,” and “Kona Daze” from “Kalapana I.” It is the only CD to feature 6. “Hurricane,” the original versions of “Many Classic 1986, Groove-it Records. Moments,” “Girl,” “Another Time,” This is the group’s first stu- “Mana,” “Water Song” and “Can You dio album since reuniting, but See Him.” It is the only CD to feature Kirk Thompson has left the band. “Spencer St.” and “True Love” from Kalapana emerged as a quartet with “Hurricane,” and “No Light of Day” and COURTESY PHOTO • 10 14 11 Mackey Feary, Malani Bilyeu, D.J. “Baby I Love You” from “Lava Rock.” Pratt and new member Kenji Sano It is a fine compilation and a great com- on bass guitar. Gaylord Holomalia 2001. Production of “Lava Rock” song on CD. “John’s Song” and the 12. “Captain Santa’s Island panion to “The Best of Kalapana, Vol. also made his first appearance on has since been discontinued. instrumental “Velzyland” are catchy. Music,” 1996, OTB Records. 1.” a Kalapana album and became the This album has heavy religious over- This is not a Christmas album band’s keyboardist. Holomalia was 8. “Back in Your Heart Again,” tones, similar to Bilyeu’s solo album, All albums listed here and in last the record producer, engineer and 1990, OTB records. “Saved.” The CD cover features a despite the title. This album collects weeksæs article are available at mixer. This album is very dated, beautiful painting by Robert Lyn 11 songs written for a Japanese Sinclair Library. as many of the songs feature elec- This album is the first to list Nelson. tronic music, synthesizers and drum Gaylord Holomalia as an official band member. Also starting with KTUH machines popular in 1980s music. 10. “The Best of Kalapana, Vol. The electronic sound is mixed with this album, Kalapana included a few 2x5 the songwriting style of their earlier songs from their first four albums, 1,” 1992, Aloha Records. sometimes in new recordings. This albums, creating a strange hybrid. This fine compilation features album also features Tris Imboden of Most of the album, with the excep- seven songs from Kalapana’s first the rock band “Chicago” on drums. tion of Bilyeu’s “Pain, Pain, Pain” album, four songs from their second The older songs included are “Black and Sano’s instrumental “Spencer and two songs from the third. This Sand,” “Juliette” and a new record- St.,” is rather bland and odd-sound- compilation is similar in style to the ing of “Many Classic Moments,” ing. Kalapana does deserve credit first album because it is comprised of which, until 2004, was the only for trying to stay in touch with acoustic songs. This is the only CD to version of that song on CD. With the ever-changing face of music. contain “Inajaran” and “Alisa Lovely” the exceptions of a studio version of Production of “Hurricane” has been from “Kalapana III.” This is a great “Here, There and Everywhere” and discontinued. starting CD for new Kalapana fans. Bilyeu’s “Fireside Blues,” the rest 7. “Lava Rock,” 1987, of the album is bland. It is instantly Groove-it Records forgettable with the exception of 11. “Full Moon Tonight,” 1995, OTB the five mentioned songs. Records. The sound style is identical to the “Hurricane” album. Bilyeu’s 9. “Walk Upon the Water,” 1991 This one seems to have been made “Baby I Love You” was a moder- - 1994, OTB Records for a Japanese audience, even if the songs ate hit. This album also features are sung in English. The music is influ- Bilyeu beautifully singing Michael This album has no copyright on enced by Japanese pop. A few songs even Fairchild’s song, “Friends” (not the the liner, so there is no exact year of feature J-pop stars Mari Iijima and KT Cecilio and Kapono or the Na Leo release. I think it is after 1990 because Sugiyama on backing vocals. “Dana’s songs of the same name). “No Light it is listed as OTB record No. 2 and Tune,” a popular solo song by Feary, is of Day” is also catchy; other than “Back in your Heart Again,” is listed included here, as well as the instrumental that, it’s a bland album. The album as OTB record No. 1. The album is “Paradise Romance,” which sounds iden- is noteworthy because it features not very good. There is a new ver- tical to “Velzyland.” The major problem Maurice Bega on backing vocals. sion of “Water Song,” which, until with this album is that the songs are main- Bega officially joined the band in 2004, was the only version of that ly slow ballads with no memorable hooks. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Sports Page 8 | Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Editor: Rebecca Gallegos Associate Editor: Glendalyn Junio | (808) 956-3215 | [email protected] Rainbows sweep Tigers

PHOTO BY JORDAN MURPH • Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai'i Rainbow Nathan Young steals second as Pacific Tigers second baseman Denis Hill tries to make the tag at Les Murakami Stadium on Sunday, Feb. 11, 2007 in Honolulu. The Rainbows defeated the Tigers 8-3.

fice fly by cleanup hitter Brandon BOTTOM: UH's Kris Sanchez looks in the Sanchez hits three Haislet. They increased their dugout after hitting a homerun against the lead to 3-0 when a single by Eli University of Hawai'i Pacific Tigers . home runs in Christensen got past Pacific left Rainbow pitcher Mark fielder Brett Manning and rolled Rodrigues looks on JORDAN MURPH nine-RBI weekend all the way to the wall, allowing during the National Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Justin Frash to score from first Athem. By Ryan Ellis base. Zimny followed with a dou- ble to center, scoring Christensen Ka Leo Staff Reporter JORDAN MURPH from third to make it 4-0, and Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Hawai‘i never looked back. The University of Hawai‘i Zimny, who transferred to Rainbow baseball team wrapped Hawai‘i this year after spend- up their first series sweep of the ing two years at Cosumnes River season with an 8-3 win over the College in Sacramento, is starting University of the Pacific Tigers to settle into his new role as a in front of 1,253 fans at Les Rainbow. Murakami Stadium Sunday after- “There is a bit of an adjust- noon. As a result, the Rainbows ment period to playing on this moved to 7-2 on the season, while level,” Zimny said. “It’s a lot the Tigers dropped to 2-5. The faster of a game and the pace is a ‘Bows played solid baseball all bit quicker.” weekend and showed significant With the score 4-1 in the fifth, two games of the series, mauling signs of improvement in their Rainbow reliever Jayson Kramer the Tigers 13-1 on Friday night and lineup and their pitching staff. came in to pitch after starter Josh surviving a late scare on Saturday “It was a good day today,” Schneider got into a bases-loaded to hold on for a 4-3 victory. said Rainbow head coach Mike jam with one out. Kramer got On Friday night, Hawai‘i Trapasso. “I liked our demeanor Pacific first baseman Mike Walker starting pitcher Ian Harrington today. We stayed on top of things to ground into a 3-6-1 double picked up his second win of the and compiling an earned run aver- le, Sanchez had a 1.032 slugging and we played a complete game play to end the inning and the season, pitching seven innings age of 1.72. percentage, meaning he recorded for the most part.” Tiger threat. Kramer picked up the of one-run ball. In addition, “I feel pretty good so far this The Rainbows jumped on top more total bases than at-bats. victory for Hawai‘i, moving his Harrington struck out a career- year,” Rodrigues said. “I’m just in the second due to a tough field- record to 1-0 on the year. “The biggest thing I have right high nine Pacific hitters while sticking with the plan, trying to ing inning for Pacific second base- The ‘Bows also scored two only walking one. Harrington was now is being healthy,” Sanchez force contact with the bats and man Adam Ching. Hawai‘i first runs in the fifth and sixth innings, named WAC Pitcher of the Week said. “Last year I got hurt right throwing all of the pitches for baseman Kris Sanchez reached and although Pacific scored two for Feb. 5 to 11 after his weekend away, and basically just staying strikes.” on an error by Ching to start the of their own in the sixth, the lead performance. healthy and staying consistent has However, Sanchez was the inning, and outfielder Evan Zimny was never threatened. Rainbow starter Mark been the main thing that I have followed with a single. UH catch- story at the plate this weekend. “In the fifth and sixth, when Rodrigues one-upped Harrington been working on.” er Landon Hernandez then hit a Pacific scored,” Trapasso said, on Saturday, picking up his third The senior had another stellar The Rainbows will travel to fly ball that Ching lost in the sun: “we were able to come back in win of the year. Although he is series: six RBIs and a grand slam it dropped for a hit and allowed the bottom half of each inning and flying below the radar this sea- home run on Friday, a two-run California this week to take on the the Rainbows to take a 1-0 lead. answer. That showed that we were son, the Kaua‘i native has mowed home run on Saturday and a solo University of California at Santa Hawai‘i took a 2-0 lead in locked in and not letting up.” down opponents in each of his shot off the scoreboard on Sunday. Barbara. This will be the first road the bottom of the third on a sacri- The ‘Bows also took the first three starts this season, going 3-0 Coming into Sunday’s series fina- series of the year for Hawai‘i. SportsBriefs

UH softball overcomes No. 15 Cornhuskers. With the win, the Slugger Desert Classic, scheduled for Conference Championship at the champions Bache’ Atkins (200 Free, Nebraska on last day of tournament Wahine secured a third-place finish Feb. 16 to 18. Palo Alto College Natatorium. They 500 Free), Mia Broden (100 Fly, 200 and improved their overall record Rainbow Wahine travel to Texas for are looking for their second con- Fly), Nicole Mackey (100 Back, 200 The University of Hawai‘i to 5-1. UH senior Tyleen Tausaga secutive title in conference play. Last WAC Championship Back) and Megan Farrow (3-meter Rainbow Wahine softball squad com- hit a two-run home run, her third season the ‘Bows came from behind diving) hope to give UH another pleted their Oceanic Time Warner of the season, in the bottom of the This week, the University of on the final day to earn their first Cable Hawai‘i Paradise Classic on fifth to give Hawai‘i the victory. Hawai‘i women’s swimming and div- title, edging Nevada, 775.5 to 727. WAC crown. The meet is scheduled Sunday with a 6-5 win over the The Rainbow Wahine will head to ing squad travels to San Antonio, After finishing 8-2 during the 2006- to begin on Wednesday, Feb. 14, and 15th-ranked University of Nebraska Las Vegas, Nev., for the Louisville Texas, for the Western Athletic 07 dual meet season, conference will end on Saturday, Feb. 17.