The Roots Report: E-Nnoying!: Those Highway Signs Should Hit the Road
The Roots Report: E-nnoying!: Those highway signs should hit the road Okee dokee folks… Have you noticed the illuminated message signs along our major highways and the annoyingly punny sayings on them? Personally, I think that these signs should be used for one thing only: emergencies. Instead, they visually shout stupidity at you as you pass. They are such a turn-off because they never seem to be turned off so I TRY to ignore them, which is exactly the opposite of what they are there for. Last month, with St. Paddy’s approaching, they constantly flashed out messages like, “Make your own luck, drive sober” and “You’re someone’s pot of gold, drive sober.” Yes, I agree, drive sober, but a driver has to take their eyes off the road to read the message. If you don’t know enough to drive sober, I seriously doubt that this electronic conscience is going to influence your imbibing, especially with puerile quips such as these. Other examples read: “Use yah blinkah,” “That seat belt looks good on you” and “Santa sees you when you’re speeding.” Maybe the sign people just aren’t getting enough emergencies to light write about. Maybe they should become songwriters and hit the open mics; they might be less annoying this way. Am I alone? Read on… Ding, Da-Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding… Does that sound familiar? Ha! Well, it’s the plucking banjo intro of the instrumental “Dueling Banjos” from the motion picture, Deliverance. The film was about four friends taking an ill-fated canoe trip through northern Georgia and starred Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, Ned Beatty and Ronny Cox.
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