The meeting was held virtually via Zoom and was recorded. The recording will be destroyed by the Clerk once the minutes have been approved.

PRESENT Members: Mr H Gopsill (Chair), Mrs A Burrell, Mrs E Derrick, Mrs E Hale, Mr R Lamming, Mrs V Poole, Mrs M Wakley District/County Councillor Mr S Galton Clerk: Mrs S Bloy Members of the public: There were two members of the public present.

20/174 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mrs K Goodacre and Mr J King. Apologies were also received from District Councillor Mr P Elliott. 20/175 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION FROM MEMBERS ON MATTERS IN WHICH THEY HAVE A DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no requests for dispensation. 20/176 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2020 The minutes were approved and signed as a true record. The signed copy will be retained by the Chair for inclusion in the minute book once “actual” meetings have been resumed. It was noted that the recording of the meeting will now be destroyed by the Clerk. 20/177 MATTERS ARISING FOR INFORMATION There were no matters arising for information. 20/178 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC One member of the public stated that they were attending the meeting as an observer, with a view to potentially putting their name forward for co-option. Another member of the public expressed an interest in being co-opted at a future date, once pressures due to Covid-19 have eased, subject to there being a vacancy. 20/179 VIRTUAL MEETINGS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL It was noted that Regulations made under the Coronavirus Act 2020 permit local council meetings to be held virtually until 31 May 2021. The “rule of six” within Covid- 19 guidance reinforces this and it was agreed that Parish Council meetings will continue to be held virtually via Zoom, at least until Spring 2021. While acknowledging that virtual meetings present a new way of working, it was agreed that the Parish Council has adapted to this, thus permitting Council business to continue. Apologies for absence have been received and accepted from members who, for work, personal or other reasons have been unable to participate. It was agreed that Councillors be invited to confirm whether they wish to continue as members under the current regime. 20/180 CLERK’S REPORT The Parish Council was saddened to hear of the death of Peter Kenyon. The Parish Council has greatly valued the advice that Mr Kenyon has provided over the years in all matters relating to trees. It was agreed that the Clerk write to the family expressing the Council’s sincere condolences. Planning Decisions – the following were reported. 1


20/01120/TPO – works to trees (LCC TPO 6), (23 Hollies Way, Thurnby). Approved by LCC. 20/01152/TPO – works to trees (LCC TPO 13), (10 Bennion Road, Bushby). Approved by LCC. 20/01196/TPO – works to trees (fell) (LCC TPO 19), (3 Lakeside Court, Thurnby). Approved by LCC. 20/01365/NMA – alterations to roof tiles plots 46 – 275 (proposed NMA to 18/01968/FUL), (Charity Farm, Road, Bushby). Approved. 10/01526/DDD – dead, dying diseased tree (5 Grange Lane, Thurnby). Refused. TABS Newsletter - it was agreed to include investment in works to the tennis courts and MUGA; continuation of virtual meetings and public access to these; and vacancy on the Parish Council. Request from Citizens Advice for a donation - it was noted that the Parish Council has previously confirmed that it was inappropriate use of public funds to support charities. It was therefore agreed that the Parish Council would not make a donation as requested. Grant from HDC to organisations in receipt of small business rate relief – it was recalled that the Parish Council’s application for a grant of £10,000 had been turned down, due to the Council being in receipt of a precept. However, it transpires that the Council is eligible after all and noted that the funding will offset loss of income at the Hill Court Community Centre and enable other expenditure at the Centre. 20/181 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS There were no matters to report. 20/182 FINANCIAL MATTERS It was proposed by Mrs A Burrell and seconded by Mrs E Derrick that the following be approved. This was RESOLVED. Payments i) JCS (Hill Court - window cleaning inside and out) - £43.56 (36.30 + 7.26 VAT) ii) Astley Computers (Cloud backup annual fee) - £120.00 iii) LRALC (Councillor training - Mrs M Wakley) - £40.00 iv) Reids Playground Maintenance Ltd (repair works to MUGA) - £1764.00 (1470.00 + 294.00 VAT v) HMRC (PAYE & NI) – £875.51 vi) DCK Accounting Solutions (Payroll) - £30.00 (25.00 + 5.00 VAT) vii) S R Bloy (Salary) - £929.80 viii) SR Bloy (Reimbursement for purchase of boxes for emergency store) - £10.25 vix) 2 Commune (template upgrade to include personalized accessibility statement) - £900.00 (750.00 + 150.00 VAT) – confirmation of payment agreed by email correspondence. Direct Debits i) ICO (DPA registration) - £35.00 ii) HDC (monthly maintenance at Hill Court) - £61.33 iii) Total Gas and Power (electricity at Hill Court) - £26.80 iv) Service charge - £18.00 v) EMH Homes (service charge and insurance) - £146.67 vi) BT (Clerk and PCIC phone and internet) - £118.03 Purchases i) LRALC – additional place for S Swinden at Website accessibility briefing - £20.00 ii) HDC - Approval to add twice yearly weed spraying of MUGA and tennis courts - £85.00 iii) Costs relating to festive lights – to be confirmed With regard to the festive lights it was noted that the lights had failed in one tree. It appears that this was due to damp, but it had been impractical to remove and reinstate the lights due 2


to weather conditions. It was also agreed that consideration be given to installing festive lights in the “Christmas” tree in front of the Rose and Crown in the next season. In addition, the following income was noted: i) HDC – small business grant associated with Covid-19 - £10,000 ii) HDC – second tranche of precept - £34,750.00 iii) HDC – small grant to support opening Hill Court Community Centre - £460.67 20/183 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Mrs A Burrell did not take part in discussion other than to provide advice. a) 20/01398/FUL – erection of single storey rear extension and front entrance porch (9 Main Street, Thurnby). It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response with no comments. b) 20/01509/TCA – works to trees (fell), (52A Main Street, Bushby). It was noted that the application does not include details of professional arboricultural advice or details of who will complete the works. It was agreed to submit a NEUTRAL response and leave the decision to the case officer. It was proposed by Mr H Gopsill and seconded by Mrs M Wakley that the decisions be approved. This was RESOLVED. 20/184 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE MATTERS It was reported that new case relating to an unauthorised fence at a property on Uppingham Road had been raised. A separate case at a different property, which had been reported by the Parish Council is still to be registered. 20/185 NATIONAL PLANNING CONSULTATION “Planning for the Future” It was reported that a Working Group had met to give initial consideration to the above. Much of the meeting had been taken up with discussion regarding general principles of the proposals and in particular the impact at a local level. Responses prepared by the Local Planning Authority (HDC) and LCC were noted and it had been agreed that these be referenced in the Parish Council’s response where appropriate. Draft responses had been agreed to earlier questions in the consultation and the Group is to reconvene to complete responses to the remaining questions. The final document will be circulated to all Councillors for comment prior to submission. 20/186 RESPONSE TO THE HDC OPEN SPACES STRATEGY CONSULTATION It was agreed to submit the draft response as circulated to Councillors. 20/187 COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AT WADKINS The impact of the Covid-19 situation is impacting on this project. It was reported that the condition survey report is still awaited from Pick Everards and agreed that until this is received no further progress can be made. It was agreed that the Clerk alert HDC that the Parish Council will seek to identify funding needs, including s106 funding, in order to take the project forward. 20/188 JELSON DEVELOPMENT OFF PULFORD DRIVE It was reported that responses to questions raised by the Parish Council’s solicitor had been received from Jelsons. Dates for a potential site visit have been received and ir was agreed that these be checked with all parties, noting that this will be subject to Covid-19 developments. It was noted that HDC will not be able to complete any remedial work with regard to trees and other landscaping issues due to contractual commitments within he Covid-19 situation. These matters will therefore need to be part of the negotiations with Jelsons prior to the handover. It was further noted that Jelsons have agreed in principle to install seating in the green in the centre of the development.



20/189 COMMUNITY SAFETY a) Update on temporary 20 mph signs and mobile VAS – it was noted that the Parish Council had been allocated £5,000 from the County Council Highways Parish and Community Fund for measures to support social distancing and active travel during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was confirmed that, while the PC may need to supplement the cost of the mobile VAS to be shared with , there is no cost to the PC for the temporary 20 mph signs. These were to be installed by LCC Highways from the A47/Main Street junction through the village including Grange Lane and Court Road and along Station Road and Pulford Drive. The following concerns were expressed regarding the temporary 20 mph signs: ▪ installation has been limited to part of Main Street (Rose and Crown through to Court Road); ▪ the signs on Main Street/Court Road are bunched, inadequately attached to lamp posts and do not take account of drivers travelling from different directions; ▪ the signs are positioned at a height which causes obstruction to pedestrians and can too easily be vandalised or removed, as has happened in other parishes; ▪ the remainder of Main Street from the A47, through to Grange Lane and other roads in the village to the north of the A47 are still to be installed. The Clerk reported that the above matters have been raised with Highways and it appears that there is a supply issue. While it was noted that Highways are also under considerable pressure to address other matters across the County, it was agreed that the Clerk would again contact Highways, with a request that the above matters be addressed as a matter of urgency. b) CCTV at Wadkins – it was noted that the Clerk had been provided with contact details for a contractor who installs and manages other CCTV installations across . It was proposed by Mrs E Hale and seconded by Mr R Lamming that the Clerk make contact with a view to advice on an appropriate CCTV system and costs. This was RESOLVED. It was further reported that HDC have cut down the shrubs between Wadkins Way and the car park and there has been police presence. It has been pointed out by the police that night-time floodlighting at Wadkins is encouraging gatherings on the pitch and surrounding area. This has been passed onto TABSASA for consideration, noting that moving the floodlighting to the car park may cause light pollution for residents. c) Department for Transport consultation “Pavement Parking: Options for Change” available at parking/pavement-parking-options-for-change (deadline 22 November 2020). – it was agreed that the Chair would draft a response, referring to the Community Safety Committee as appropriate. d) HDC Community Safety Review – it was agreed that the Chair and Clerk would respond. e) Other matters: Grange Lane pedestrian safety scheme safety audit – While noting that this may have been put on hold due other Highways priorities associated with Covid-19, concern was expressed at the apparent increase in vehicular movements since lockdown. It was agreed that the Clerk contact Highways for an update. 20/190 LEICESTER CITY’S DRAFT LOCAL PLAN - Consultation available at: (deadline 7 December 2020) Concern was expressed at the implications of proposals within the Leicester City draft local plan for addressing unmet housing needs in Leicester City and the potential impact on Leicestershire and Harborough District in particular. Recent decisions regarding no further work by Midlands Connect on the A46/southern bypass were 4


also noted. It was agreed to defer this to the next PC meeting. 20/191 LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL’S UNITARY AUTHORITY PROPOSAL Mr S Galton reported that it had been expected that the Government would put forward a White Paper in the Autumn 2020 inviting areas of which do not currently have a single council, to put forward proposals to move to a unitary structure. This would have a particular impact in the Shires where, on the whole there is a two tier structure of County and District/Borough Councils. Leicestershire County Council was in favour of a single authority for the whole of the County, but the Borough and District Councils and some individual County Councillors were against this as it would have created one very large authority dominated by larger areas such as Loughborough. While Harborough is a growing area, it is predomantly rural comprising mostly smaller settlements. However, with a change in Local Government Minister, the timetable has changed and the planned White Paper has been put on hold. While a letter has been sent by the Leader of the County Council expressing an interest in moving to a unitary authority, but there is currently no formal proposal. 20/192 MEETING OF THE SCRAPTOFT NORTH SDA COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GROUP It was reported that there are still issues regarding the location of community facilities, location of the school and impact on traffic. 20:50 Mr S Galton left the meeting.

20/193 HDC COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW It was noted that the outcomes of the review are out for consultation, including the recommendation that Thurnby and Bushby retain a membership of 10 Councillors, but that the two wards be merged. The changes are out for consultation and if approved will come into effect from the next local council elections. It was agreed to support the recommendations. 20/194 MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADING OF THE TENNIS COURTS AT WADKINS It was noted that maintenance and upgrading of the tennis courts is scheduled. This will necessitate closure of the courts while works are completed. 20/195 WORKING GROUP TO CONSIDER ISSUES RELATING TO WEBSITE ACCESSIBLITY It was agreed that membership of the Working Group will be Mr H Gopsill, Mr R Lamming and the Clerk. 20/196 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS a) Trees – it was noted that agreement had been received from Mr J Kemp to locate the replacement memorial tree on the green opposite St Luke’s church, nearer to the boundary with Main Street. It was further noted that the Oak on Jubilee Walk is showing sign of life and will not be removed this season as planned. However, the dead Liquidamber tree in front of the Rose and Crown is to be removed and will be replaced in due course. b) Wildflower verge – it was reported that it is expected that a BLUE Campaign plaque will be allocated to the wild flower verge on Court Road. c) Other environmental matters – it was reported that garden debris had been left on the footpath adjacent to Randles Close. This has been reported to HDC for potential enforcement action. 20/197 AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING The following items were agreed: a) Membership 5


b) Response to Leicester City Council’s draft local plan 20/198 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Monday 9 November 2020, commencing at 19:00. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.

The meeting closed at 20:55

Signed by Chair

Date: 9 November 2020